Bidenconomy: Americans Having Trouble Making Car Payments

Remember, according to Biden, the economy is now doing great!

As Biden touts US economy, Americans struggling to make car payments

As President Biden touts the state of the U.S. economy under his stewardship, a striking number of Americans with auto loans are struggling to make their monthly payments.

The juxtaposition between Biden’s rhetoric and the harsh economic realities for many people highlights what’s become a constant thorn in the president’s side: high inflation, which continues to eat away at household income, and public opinion disapproving of his handling of the economy.

Car loans are the latest sign of such economic problems. Indeed, loans delinquent by more than two months increased by 5.3% in December compared to the prior month and skyrocketed by 26.7% from a year ago, according to recently released data from Cox Automotive.

Of all December loans, 1.84% were severely delinquent (generally defined as more than 90 days behind on payments), marking an increase from 1.74% in November and the highest rate since February 2009, when the financial crisis crippled the the U.S. economy.

Part of the problem is that people’s car payments are higher than they usually would have been. For new cars, most dealers have been charging a “market adjustment”, anywhere from $1,000-$3,000 above MSRP (I had one guy from Virginia call to place an order because the dealer wanted to charge $6K above sticker). For used, people have been paying way, way above what should have been normal, sometimes more than a new car (in Jan of 2021, one used dealer had a 2022 with 1K miles that was $6,073 above MSRP).

Then you start adding in the higher interest rates over the last 9 months. Which is causing people to say “no” on those too high used cars.

New figures showing people not making their car payments come as Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to afford basic necessities.

About 72% of middle-income families say their earnings are falling behind the cost of living, according to a quarterly survey from Primeric report. A similar number, 74%, said they’re unable to save for their future. Both figures are up from a year ago. (snip)

“As inflation is coming down, take-home pay for workers is going up,” Biden said in remarks on the economy earlier this month. “Workers’ wages are higher now than they were seven months ago, adjusted for inflation. Wages for lower-income and middle-income workers have gone up even more. It all adds up to a real break for consumers, real breathing room for families, and more proof that my economic plan is working.”

The thing is, inflation is slowly slowing, not coming down. Prices are still up, and still going up. Pay is not going up to account for this. Biden is just gaslighting. As usual.

For several months, polling has consistently shown a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation and the overall economy more broadly.

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll, for example, shows just 31% of the country approves of his handling of inflation and only 38% likes how he’s tackled the economy.

Fortunately, when prices go down, that’s due to Biden, when they go up, it’s Other Things

I filled up at a gas station on way back from gym a month ago and it was under $3. It was up to $3.29 on Sunday. LGB!

Read: Bidenconomy: Americans Having Trouble Making Car Payments »

Good News: The Fed Plans An Experiment On ‘Climate Change’

What could possibly go wrong with the Federal Reserve mucking around like this

The Federal Reserve is starting a climate experiment

The US Federal Reserve is running its very first climate change experiment.

The central bank this month announced details about how it will conduct a “pilot climate scenario analysis exercise” involving the six largest US banks: Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo.

The Fed basically wants major banks to game out how they’ll handle climate change-related shocks. For example, what would happen to their real estate holdings in the northeastern United States under a future hurricane when sea levels are higher? These scenarios are grouped together in the exercise as “physical risks.”

Then there are “transition risks”: How will financial institutions cope with a wholesale shift away from fossil fuels toward cleaner energy? What will happen to their investments in coal mines or gas plants? How will loans fare when customers turn away from businesses with a large impact on the climate?

These are immensely consequential questions, not just for the banks, but for everyone. How banks manage, or fail to manage, climate risks will affect things like home loans, business lending, retirement accounts, and insurance — things that will touch every sector of the economy. The Fed has set a deadline to receive these reports from banks by the beginning of August.

Oh, good, banks have to waste a lot of time with silly reports as the Fed involves climate cult business.

“The Fed has narrow, but important, responsibilities regarding climate-related financial risks — to ensure that banks understand and manage their material risks, including the financial risks from climate change,” the Fed’s vice chair for supervision, Michael Barr, said in a statement last week.

The only risk is banks being forced to change their business practices for the whims of climate cultists in government positions of power.

Read: Good News: The Fed Plans An Experiment On ‘Climate Change’ »

FDA Proposes Yearly Wuhan Flu Shots

My first thought on this includes the phrase “f*** off.” My second is “f*** right off.”

US proposes once-a-year COVID shots for most Americans

U.S. health officials want to make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the annual flu shot.

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday proposed a simplified approach for future vaccination efforts, allowing most adults and children to get a once-a-year shot to protect against the mutating virus.

This means Americans would no longer have to keep track of how many shots they’ve received or how many months it’s been since their last booster.

The proposal comes as boosters have become a hard sell. While more than 80% of the U.S. population has had at least one vaccine dose, only 16% of those eligible have received the latest boosters authorized in August.

The FDA will ask its panel of outside vaccine experts to weigh in at a meeting Thursday. The agency is expected to take their advice into consideration while deciding future vaccine requirements for manufacturers.

In documents posted online, FDA scientists say many Americans now have “sufficient preexisting immunity” against the coronavirus because of vaccination, infection or a combination of the two. That baseline of protection should be enough to move to an annual booster against the latest strains in circulation and make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the yearly flu shot, according to the agency.

If the vaccines were working as stated, it might make sense. They aren’t. Yes, yes, there are the side effects, but, realistically, how many meds/treatments do you see on TV with all sorts of side effects, up to and including death? I had to stay away from a certain allergy medicine because it was giving me bloody noses. But, the COVID vaccines are really not stopping people from getting COVID, now, are they. Are they really reducing the symptoms of COVID? I know a bunch of folks who have gotten COVID over the last 6-9 months, who haven’t had their booster, if they got one, since September 2021. They were fine. Now, maybe if they have serious pre-existing conditions, it might be worth it. But, with COVID changing so much, would they even target the strains? Every year the flu shot targets a bunch of different flu strains, and, hopefully you do not get a different one.

If they can develop a vaccine that actually works to stop people from getting COVID, I’ll take another.

Meanwhile, for a laugh

Read: FDA Proposes Yearly Wuhan Flu Shots »

Good News: Only 1.2 Million Illegals Evade Border Patrol, “Got Away”

In other words, the number is probably at least double

Border agents confirm 1.2 million ‘gotaway’ migrants under Biden administration

U.S. border agents have confirmed that 1.2 million illegal migrants “got away” from authorities while crossing the border under President Biden’s administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources told Fox News on Sunday.

CBP tracks hundreds of thousands of migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico Border every month, but that stat does not include the number of known “gotaways,” or migrants who were detected by authorities but not apprehended. Since Biden entered office in January 2021, border crossings have exploded, and at least 1.2 million migrants successfully evaded authorities.

The first half of Biden’s four-year term saw monthly border encounters rise from 101,000 in February 2021 to 251,000 in December 2022, according to CBP stats.

This doesn’t even account for all the ones who were caught/voluntarily allowed themselves to be caught, then were released while waiting for their hearing, most of whom will simply not bother showing up for the hearing. Those who do and are denied asylum will simply disappear afterwards, rather than being immediately deported.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) saw an estimated 718,000 border encounters in the first 100 days of fiscal year 2023, which began October 1.

How many did they not see, and who are here illegally? The majority of the costs hit the taxpayers at the state, county, and local levels. Their services suffer. Their crime spikes. It’s their homes and cars getting broken into, their hospitals and clinics over-run, their streets being filthy, their grocery stores being looted, their schools suffering because Los Federales are slamming kids who cannot speak the language and do not have the same mores.

Read: Good News: Only 1.2 Million Illegals Evade Border Patrol, “Got Away” »

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather induced heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the Biden crime family.

Read: If All You See… »

Under Biden, MS13 Gang Member Released, Then Murders Kayla Hamilton

I asked the questions the other day in mentioning the murder “When did he come into the country? Did he completely sneak in, or, was he caught and released?” Now we know

Report: Illegal MS-13 Gang Member, Accused of Murdering Kayla Hamilton, Was Freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanAn illegal alien MS-13 gang member accused of murdering 20-year-old Kayla Marie Hamilton last summer in Aberdeen, Maryland, had been reportedly freed into the United States by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after arriving at the southern border.

As Breitbart News reported last week, the Aberdeen Police Department arrested a 17-year-old illegal alien MS-13 Gang member from El Salvador in connection with Hamilton’s murder. He is expected to be charged with first-degree murder. Police have not released the suspect’s full identity to the public.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed to police that the suspect is an illegal alien from El Salvador and is listed in the nation’s database of MS-13 gang members.

Former ICE official Jon Feere, with the Center for Immigration Studies, reports that the illegal alien suspect had been released from the border into the U.S. interior by Biden’s DHS as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC).

So, he came in under Biden, and was released under Biden’s policies. No one bothered to verify who this kid was. Or, did they, and still release him? MS-13 gang members would certainly have at least one identifying tattoo. I wonder if it’s possible to sue Biden and the people who run ICE for failing to do the job in deporting dangerous illegals?


A major border city is on the brink of collapse because of Biden’s immigration policies, local official says

A major border city is on the brink of collapse as the migrant surge under President Biden’s leadership overloads food banks and hospitals and threatens food security, a Yuma official told Fox News.

“Policies need to be changed when you see an unprecedented amount of people coming across the border that even supersedes what we saw under any of the other presidents for the past 30 years,” Yuma County Supervisor Jonathan Lines told Fox News. “And they’re coming because they said that Biden told them to come, that we have an open border.” (snip)

El Paso, Texas, another border town, declared a state of emergency as thousands of migrants camped in the streets during below-freezing temperatures in December. Many migrant shelters were over capacity, leading the city to use the local airport for temporary refuge.

It’s not going to get better with Biden in charge. Texas needs to ship a ton more illegals to Washington and the two towns Biden has homes in. Since they aren’t allowed to ship them back across the border.

Read: Under Biden, MS13 Gang Member Released, Then Murders Kayla Hamilton »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Could Make It Harder To See The Cosmos

Stop resisting. Give your money and freedom up to Government already. Otherwise, deep space shots like this may possibly not be possible In The Future

How Our View of the Universe Could Slowly Fade Away

Toni Santana-Ros is an asteroid hunter.

At nightfall, after the final scenes of fiery clouds and flamingo sunbeams fade to black, he peers up at the sky to watch space rocks swimming along our solar system’s gravitational tides. Sometimes, he sees shards casually cruising next to Earth, greeting telescopes with a gentle “hey,” never to be observed again.

Occasionally, he catches one on a crash course with our delicate blue orb.

Last year, Santana-Ros, a planetary scientist at the University of Alicante in Spain, sprung into action when astronomers realized an asteroid named 2022 WJ1 was headed straight for the border of Canada and the United States. With barely four hours on the clock, he mustered his team to help pinpoint how menacing this asteroid would be.

What towns would it threaten? Would it be like the dinosaur-killing Chicxulub or merely make a “plop” sound before sinking into a sturdy body of water? “Luckily,” he concluded, “the object was small and just produced a spectacular fireball.”

But what if such a time-sensitive asteroid warning had been sent out in November of 2020, when Santana-Ros’ telescopes were shut down because of bushfires ravaging the region and covering lenses with inky layers of ash? Or in February of 2021, when bushfire debris made its way into some telescopes, forcing astronomers to dismount instruments and pull blobs of soot from them after the wind settled?

“Climate change is already affecting astronomy and my work,” Santana-Ros said.

No matter the question, the climate cult always has the answer. Heck, if there’s no question, they’ll make one up. Because wildfires never happened before fossil fueled vehicles.

Time and again, studies have shown that climate change is leading to an increase in wildfire occurrence and severity as the years go by. With our present greenhouse gas emission trajectory, some models even predict that the risk of very large wildfires in the US will increase sixfold by the middle of the century.

Who pays the price when this fails to happen?

Cyclonesfloods, fires and droughts are becoming the norm in astronomy hubs like Hawaii and New Mexico. Sites like the Les Makes Observatory in Paris were hit by severe storms at the same time Santana-Ros had to contend with wildfires near his tools in Australia.

And it’s not just full-on disasters that we have to worry about. It’s also the smaller things: changes in temperature, humidity, steady weather – elements telescopes usually rely on to operate in tip-top shape.

Yes, storms never happened before. The climate never changed. The weather was always steady before 1850. This is a cult.

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Could Make It Harder To See The Cosmos »

DOJ Considering Search Of Biden’s Beach House

Of course, unlike with Trump, they’ll ask “pretty please with sugar on top?” while Biden’s lawyers, who do not have security clearances, scrub the house

Biden Docs: DOJ prosecutors weighing search of Biden’s Rehoboth home

Justice Department prosecutors are reportedly considering requesting a search of President Biden’s home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, after several sets of classified documents were found at his Wilmington, Delaware, home in recent weeks.

News of the consideration comes days after FBI officials searched Biden’s Wilmington home at the invitation of the White House. There, officials uncovered a fourth batch of misplaced classified documents, leading DOJ officials to consider searches at other locations connected to Biden, according to CBS News.

The DOJ has not pursued a search warrant for any of Biden’s properties, however. The Friday search in Wilmington was consensual, and prosecutors would plan to request access to Biden’s other properties.

So, classified documents that Biden should not have had have been found in four places, unsecured, and the DOJ isn’t interested in getting a warrant? They’re just, for the moment, letting Biden’s lawyers search his homes? Seriously, how does he not know about all these documents in his home?

Read: DOJ Considering Search Of Biden’s Beach House »

If All You See…

…is a world turning to sand from Bad Weather drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on a Connecticut law doing away with fitness requirements for female firefighters.

Still just cleaning out the IAYS folder. Anyhow, I’m reading book 5 in a scifi series, Genocide Of Mankind (The Last Marines) by William S. Frisbee, Jr. Next up is Tango Down by Rick Partlow

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. A nice, rainy Sunday so I don’t feel bad staying inside doing nothing, the Devils are still doing well, and the squirrels are all over the new bird feeder. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Newsbusters notes that the creepy TV show Velma is sexualizing minors
  2. Outside The Beltway covers Gen Z not wanting crappy jobs
  3. Pacific Pundit highlights left wing terrorists rioting in Atlanta
  4. Powerline discusses the Davos elite wanting you to eat bugs
  5. Sultan Knish says a nation of Victims will fail
  6. White House Dossier tells Biden to put on a uniform and see how shooting a 200 pound rager in the leg works
  7. The First Street Journal covers the Goracle’s unhinged rant at Davos
  8. The Gateway Pundit features the news calling Atlanta “mostly peaceful”
  9. The Right Scoop covers Biden saying domestic disputes need psychologists, not cops
  10. American Greatness wonders what qualifies a celeb to advertise a medical treatment
  11. Chicks On The Right covers what qualifies as entertainment at the WEF
  12. Geller Report notes Mark Zuckerberg telling staff to not get vaccine
  13. Legal Insurrection discusses eggs being smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico
  14. Green Jihad notes the Davos elites wanted international restrictions on free speech
  15. And last, but, not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That features firefighters worried about EV fires

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove