If All You See…

…is an evil pool off of an evil golf course, causing temperatures to spike, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Merrick Garland approving Biden’s lawyers sanitizing his homes

Read: If All You See… »

Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern To Resign

While many are spinning this as having been from a nasty slip of the tongue, “calling opposition leader David Seymour an “arrogant p—-“” on hotmike, really, it’s that the citizens of New Zealand lost all faith and trust in her

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigns a month after hot mic insult

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Thursday that she would not seek re-election and will be stepping down next month.

Ahearn made the shocking announcement at her Labor party’s annual caucus meeting, saying she “no longer had enough in the tank” to do the job.

“I’m leaving, because with such a privileged role comes responsibility,” she said. “The responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead and also when you are not. I know what this job takes. And I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It’s that simple.”

Her resignation takes effect Feb. 7.

Ardern became prime minister in 2017 and led New Zealand through a period of major incidents, including the COVID-19 pandemic and an attack on two mosques in Christchurch in which 51 people were killed. During the pandemic, she imposed some of the strictest lockdown rules in the world.

In August 2021, the country was put on lockdown for at least three days after a single case of the coronavirus was found in one community.

New Zealand was one of the worst in the world for their Wuhan Flu lockdown measures, and her party is paying the price for it, trailing badly in the polls, especially with their economy in the dumps.

(UK Daily Mail) New Zealand’s borders closed on March 20, 2020, and returning citizens had to endure two weeks of hotel quarantine.

A nationwide lockdown began on March 26 and lasted until May 27, so strict that Kiwis couldn’t even buy takeaway food like they could in Australia and other countries in lockdown.

More lockdowns followed in specific regions over the next year including two lasting several weeks across Auckland, NZ’s biggest city.

She and her party won in 2020 and 2021, but, the citizens became tired of this, along with the mask and vaccine mandates. Even The NY Times has noticed

The pandemic in particular seemed to play to her strengths as a clear and unifying communicator — until extended lockdowns and vaccine mandates hurt the economy, fueled conspiracy theories and spurred a backlash. In a part of the world where Covid restrictions lingered, Ms. Ardern has struggled to get beyond her association with pandemic policy.

“People personally invested in her, that has alway been a part of her appeal,” said Richard Shaw, a politics professor at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

“She became a totem,” he added. “She became the personification of a particular response to the pandemic, which people in the far-flung margins of the internet and the not so far-flung margins used against her.”

When new, more transmissible variants made that impossible, Ms. Ardern’s team pivoted but struggled to get vaccines quickly. Strict vaccination mandates then kept people from activities like work, eating out and getting haircuts.

The question now is, do other leaders and parties pay the price? Australia and Canada would be two to consider. None here in the states seem to be paying the price, because there is just too much partisanship. Hey, the wackos re-elected Gretchen Whitmer, who was one of the worst in the U.S.

Read: Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern To Resign »

Warmists Looking To Replace Agricultural Fields With Solar Panels

They’re not really considering that while some farms might be having issues now, the climate of California flips back and forth

Want to solve climate change? This California farm kingdom holds a key

climate cowThe barren dirt is littered with petrified carrots, blackened and barely recognizable after four years baking in the Imperial Valley’s legendary heat. The August sun is starting to set, but it’s still 113 degrees in California’s hottest, driest county.

Ralph Strahm tried his best to make money off this ground. In addition to carrots, the soft-spoken 66-year-old grew alfalfa and Sudan grass, using Colorado River water that originated as Rocky Mountain snowpack hundreds of miles away.

But the sandy, gravelly soil refused to cooperate. The economics were no good.

So the third-generation Imperial Valley farmer decided to sell — to a solar energy developer.

By year’s end, a field of solar panels should cover this land, sending clean electricity to San Diego. A giant battery will help the coastal city keep the lights on after dark. None of the infrastructure will destroy pristine wildlife habitat.

Of course, if you’re trying to grow food in an area that tends to be hot and dry, that could be a problem

Clean energy advocates see Imperial as an ideal place for solar farms and battery projects that can help solve the American West’s energy and water crises. The land is flat; the sunlight, abundant. The Colorado River desperately needs relief. And Imperial is one of California’s poorest counties, its agriculture-heavy economy practically crying out for diversification and higher-paying jobs.

This area is still extremely productive for foods like lettuce. How soon till the solar companies, and government, are trying to force the farmers out?

Speaking of farming

French Dairy Giant Considers Cow Masking to Tackle Methane Emissions

French dairy giant Danone said Tuesday it wants to slash methane emissions by 30 percent within seven years, pointing to the way the cows it uses are raised, handled, and milked as ripe for change.

AFP reports Danone said it would seek the cuts by 2030 using cow breeds that emit less methane, improving cow diets, prolonging their milking periods and capturing emissions from manure to be used for biogas, for example.

The company is also looking at innovative solutions to help reduce emissions including a cow mask that can trap burp gases, the report continues.

Sigh. Crazy people.

Read: Warmists Looking To Replace Agricultural Fields With Solar Panels »

Brandon Admin Argues For Forced Masking On Airplanes

I’m confused: mask mandates on airplanes in the U.S. are long gone, and even longer in other countries. So, what the heck is Biden trying to do?

DOJ defending mask mandate on planes months after Biden said pandemic is ‘over’

The Biden administration is fighting to maintain a federal mask mandate for air travel and other methods of transportation even after President Biden said months ago the pandemic is “over,” and despite calls from travel associations to end mask mandates.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments on Tuesday from the Biden Justice Department on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to reinstate a mask mandate for air travel, after a federal judge in Florida struck down the mandate last April.

“The Department continues to believe that the order requiring masking in the transportation corridor is a valid exercise of the authority Congress has given CDC to protect the public health. That is an important authority the Department will continue to work to preserve,” DOJ said in a statement at the time of the ruling.

The legal fight comes almost six months after the president declared that the pandemic was “over” in a television interview. (snip)

“The Biden administration is trying to paper over an illegal, sweeping mandate on Americans that is full of massive legal and scientific holes,” HFDF founder and President Leslie Manookian said in a press statement. “That a federal agency should be able to just usurp the power of Congress, and violate fundamental individual rights is not only at odds with the law – it defies basic common sense.”

Is the Brandon admin trying to have the power to reinstate mask mandates on airplanes (and trains and buses) right now, or simply trying to keep the power for the future?

Meanwhile, the Credentialed Media is Very Upset over Ron DeSantis trying to kill mandates

DeSantis calls for permanent ban on COVID mask and vaccine mandates. Here’s what that means

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he wants to permanently ban all mandates related to COVID-19.

In a press release, DeSantis, a Republican, said he is proposing legislation that will prevent employment decisions based on COVID-19 vaccination status and prevent schools or businesses from requiring face coverings.

The legislation would specifically prohibit COVID-19 vaccine passports in Florida; prohibit vaccine and mask requirements in Florida schools; prohibit masking requirements by businesses; and prohibit employees from being hired or fired based on whether or not they have received a COVID-19 vaccine.

This makes the Covid Cult really upset.

Read: Brandon Admin Argues For Forced Masking On Airplanes »

Wackadoodle Extinction Rebellion Nuts Dance And Wacko, After Saying They’d Take A Break

This was just at the beginning of January

UK climate group calls temporary halt to disruptive protests

The U.K. division of climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion says its activists would temporarily stop blocking busy roads, gluing themselves to buildings and engaging in other acts of civil disobedience because such methods have not achieved their desired effects.

And now

(UK Daily Mail) Extinction Rebellion activists let off smoke flares and poured black paint outside the Home Office today in the eco-mob’s latest stunt.

The group of around 10 eco-zealots was surrounded by police as they held placards and lay on the ground next to the building in London. Two men were arrested.

Protesters poured the black paint out of plastic buckets which had ‘end coal’ written on the side, while two of the activists appeared to have attached themselves together with a large tube.

Met Police were called to the Home Office at around 11am to disperse the group, arresting two men on suspicion of causing criminal damage.

The two demonstrators on the ground set off flares and shouted as they sat next to the Home Office entrance.

Other protestors at the demonstration were dressed as yellow birds, while one man was dressed as a skeleton.

Who’s surprised that the pledge to not be nuts didn’t last?

Read: Wackadoodle Extinction Rebellion Nuts Dance And Wacko, After Saying They’d Take A Break »

If All You See…

…is a bird whose descendants will be either bigger or smaller due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on the Scottish government looking to cut down the vehicle travel by the peasants.

BTW, are things a bit more stable? I deactivated a plugin that tracks how much ram is used by plugins, because I see its name come up sometimes as an error instead of the Cloudfare notice.

Read: If All You See… »

Hot Takes: Biden Could Declassify, His House Wasn’t An Official Residence

The Credentialed News is working overtime to protect Brandon…well, when they actually have an article about what’s going on with the document issue. There are zero web front page pieces, even in opinion, on the documents issue. Nor at the Washington Post, for which the current POTUS’ name is mentioned zero times. Nor at the LA Times

Fact check: Biden did have the authority to declassify documents as vice president

The claim: Biden did not have the authority to declassify documents as vice president

A Jan. 12 Instagram reel (direct linkarchived link) shows a clip of President Joe Biden answering a question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy about a batch of classified documents that were found at Biden’s home.

“This Clown show is going to need a bigger tent,” reads the post’s caption. “Biden did NOT have the authority to declassify documents that were classified in his position of Vice President during the Obama administration. Only the President can declassify, classified documents, not the Vice President. So why were these documents in his possession?”

The USA Today rates this as false, because

Legal experts told USA TODAY that Biden had the authority to declassify documents as vice president as the result of a 2009 executive order signed by President Barack Obama. (snip)

McClanahan, who also teaches at the George Washington University Law School, said that under a 2009 executive order signed by Obama, the vice president is included in a list of “original classification authorities,” meaning Biden had the power declassify anything he classified.

The Washington Post also reported vice presidents have the authority to declassify anything they classified. The New York Times similarly reported that the vice president has the power to declassify, while noting the scope of that authority “has never been definitively tested.”

Both the Times and Washington Post (which is a “fact check” by so often wrong and utterly biased Glenn Kessler) are using the same rational. But, consider, it was an executive order, not by law. So there’s challenge there. Further, the VP can only declassify what he classified in the first place. We know nothing of these documents found in all sorts of places. Were they ones Biden classified first? Were the appropriate federal agencies, including the National Archives, informed? Where is the paper trail of this being done? None of these pieces ask that relevant question.

There’s a simple reason Biden didn’t keep visitor logs at the Delaware home where he held classified documents — it’s not an official residence

The White House has said there are no visitor logs at Joe Biden’s Delaware home, after Republicans demanded to see them.

It came after Republicans pressed for more information after learning that classified files dating from Biden’s time as vice president were being wrongly kept there.

However — per the White House, no president in recent history has logged who comes and goes from their private home. Those records are only kept for official locations like the White House.

This, though, is true. There are most likely Secret Service logs, but, they are private. Except, the uber-leftist group CREW sued to get the visitor logs from Mar-A-Lago, and a judge required that they be released for a time period.

The Secret Service also says that it doesn’t keep visitor logs at Biden’s personal residences, and that it does not keep permanent records of visitors to his properties it screens, NBC News said. 

So, it probably notes who’s coming and going, then purges that data when they deem it no longer necessary at private residences. That said, since Biden is probably doing absolutely nothing but resting and taking his medications when he travels to one of his Delaware houses, there are probably no visitors.

Read: Hot Takes: Biden Could Declassify, His House Wasn’t An Official Residence »

Climate Peasants Suddenly Notice That Elites Are Rather Climahypocritical

Only well over a decade too late. Heck, this was truly noticed by Skeptics all the way back in 2007, when so many flew to the exotic vacation spot of Bali for the UN IPCC on private jets that they had to be deadheaded (flown with no passengers) to other islands

The rich and powerful flocked to Davos via private jet to discuss climate change, study finds

At the World Economic Forum, which started Monday in Davos, Switzerland, the global business and political elite will discuss how to combat climate change, but their own private jet travel to attend the conference will cause a spike in planet-warming carbon emissions, according to a new study from Greenpeace International.

The research, released last Thursday, which was compiled by the Dutch environmental consultancy CE Delft, found twice as many private jets flew to and from airports serving Davos during the 2022 WEF meeting compared with an average week. The carbon dioxide emissions from these extra flights were equal to putting roughly 350,000 gasoline-powered cars on the road for the same weeklong period. (snip)

The study found that of the 1,040 private jet flights in or out of airports near Davos, 53% were shorter than 466 miles and 38% were under 310 miles. The shortest flight recorded was only 13 miles. Short-haul flights are especially polluting because airplanes are less efficient during landing and takeoff.

Don’t expect the Elites to stop their Bad Behavior, though.

Former Vice President Al Gore spoke in Davos on Monday about climate change, arguing that multilateral lending institutions like the World Bank need to make more funding for a clean energy transition available to developing countries. Gore has said that sometimes he has flown by chartering a private jet but that he usually flies commercial. Kerry struck similar notes in his Tuesday speech in Davos.

Sure Gore flies commercial.

Even if he did fly commercial (good luck with that), he still took a long, fossil fueled flight.

“I’m convinced we will get to a low-carbon, no-carbon economy — we’re going to get there because we have to,” Kerry said. “I am not convinced we’re going to get there in time to do what the scientists said, which is avoid the worst consequences of the crisis. So how do we get there? … Money, money, money, money, money, money, money.”

Well, why don’t all those rich folks pony up? Oh, right, it will be your money.

Read: Climate Peasants Suddenly Notice That Elites Are Rather Climahypocritical »

Excitable Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Bill Making Criticizing People Of Color Illegal

Even with all the extreme wackos in the Democratic Party, this isn’t going anywhere. It wouldn’t go anywhere if Democrats still were in charge of the House, but, it does show that these extreme race baiters are not looking for racial healing, but, racial strife

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Bill Criminalizing ‘Conspiracy to Commit White Supremacy,’ Criticism of Non-White People

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a House Bill criminalizing “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes criticism of non-white people which influences an individual to commit a hate crime.

The legislation, H.R.61 “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023,” introduced last Monday by Democratic congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, seeks to “prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime.”

The congressional bill, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, states that someone engages in a white supremacy inspired hate crime “when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constituted a crime or were undertaken in furtherance of activity that, if effectuated, would have constituted a crime.”

Accordingly, “conspiracy” to engage in white supremacy inspired hate crime entails the publishing of material “advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on ‘replacement theory’, or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group.”

It also calls for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to gain “authority to conduct operations and activities pursuant” to what it deems “necessary and appropriate to interdict, mitigate, or prevent such action from culminating in violent activity.”

Has she heard of the 1st Amendment? Does she care about it?

“Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee just introduced a bill that would make it a federal crime for White people, and White people only, to criticize mass immigration or to say anything that she claims would vilify ‘a non-White person or group,’” wrote one Twitter user.

Democrats are nuts.

Read: Excitable Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Bill Making Criticizing People Of Color Illegal »

If All You See…

…is a sea that is rising up and requires homes built on stilts, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on Brandon pledging to go after guns during MLK, Jr day event.

Totally forgot to his schedule this morning

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove