That’s What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

Hilariously, Youtube took down the version I uploaded in 2006, with 4.8 million views. I’m surprised the above has lasted 7 years

Read: That’s What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown »

If All You See…

…is a waterfall drying up from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the eco-dictatorship coming your way.

Another babe below the fold, so, check out Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on parents traumatizing their own kids with a Grinch style Christmas prank

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Read: If All You See… »

Excitable AOC Only Democrat To Vote Against Massive Omnibus

See, she has Reasons

Ocasio-Cortez only Democrat to vote ‘no’ on spending package

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) was the only House Democrat to vote against a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package on Friday, voting “no” on the measure because of increased funding for defense and federal agencies that oversee immigration.

In a statement Friday afternoon, Ocasio-Cortez said she was concerned about funding in the bill for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in addition to the $858 billion in defense spending.

“I campaigned on a promise to my constituents: to oppose additional expansion and funding for ICE and DHS — particularly in the absence of long-overdue immigration reform. For that reason, as well as the dramatic increase in defense spending which exceeds even President Biden’s request, I voted no on today’s omnibus bill,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

The appropriations bill passed by Congress includes $8.42 billion for ICE, which is $161.1 million more than what was enacted in 2022 and $319.4 million more than what the president requested.

DHS received $86.5 billion in discretionary resources.

Ocasio-Cortez said the “dramatic increase” in spending for those two agencies “cut[s] against the promises our party has made to immigrant communities across the country,” adding that it is the case “especially in light of the lack of progress on DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals], TPS [Temporary Protected Status], and expanding paths to citizenship.”

She’s complaining about what’s considered chump change in terms of Washington spending for ICE, which is something, ie, dealing with invasion, that’s actually mentioned in the Constitution. So is Defense, though, I’ll agree, that funding is bloated.

It’s also easy to Take A Stand when your no vote means absolutely nothing, because the bill was (sadly) going to pass no matter what. If she had any influence and wanted to do the actual job, she would have attempted to rally other House members to vote no. I mean, she couldn’t even work on the other Squad members?

The congresswoman touted provisions included in the omnibus that she helped craft — including an increase in the National Labor Relations Board and funding for community projects in her district — but said she could not vote for them because of her overarching concerns with the bill.

“These victories and many more – such as the inclusion of PUMP [Providing Urgent Maternal Protections] and PWFA [Pregnant Workers Fairness] Acts – are hard-fought wins that we proudly support and would proudly vote for. But tying these provisions to dramatic increases in  surveillance, border patrol forces, and militarized spending after years of deeply disturbing misconduct and lack of any meaningful accountability is decision we find deeply objectionable,” she said.

In other words, she was present for the crafting of that stuff, but, come on, you know she was the person in the meeting adding nothing and asking if there are any more pastries. But, she did help stuff other things into the bill she voted against

(Fox News) The Democratic congresswoman then touted the spending provisions she added to the bill via earmarks that she ultimately voted against.

In the bill for the departments of labor, health and human services, education and related agencies, Ocasio-Cortez set aside $500,000 for “new immigrant community empowerment” in Jackson Heights, New York; $3 million for “clean energy workforce development and supportive services;” and $400,000 to progressive immigration nonprofit Make the Road New York, among other spending.

In the Department of Transportation bill, Ocasio-Cortez backed even more spending, including $1 million to Westchester Square Plaza for highway infrastructure, $1 million to the New York City Department of Transportation for “Astoria Boulevard safety improvements,” and $1 million to the New York Botanical Garden for a “worker’s operation center.”

Ocasio-Cortez also earmarked $2.4 million to the nonprofit Neighborhood Housing Services of Queens for “Casa Neighborhood Housing Services of Queens.”

There is no website for Casa (which means house) Neighborhood Housing…, but, there is one without the Casa that is run by the state of NY and one without Casa that is privately run. Where’s that money going? $900k for illegal aliens. Really, though, she sure didn’t get a lot of pork like so many other Representatives, eh? And not much for her own constituents. Anyhow, it’s a nice bit of performance, so she can later say “I voted against ICE and the military” while also knowing her vote had zero meaning.

Read: Excitable AOC Only Democrat To Vote Against Massive Omnibus »

Bummer: Florida Iguanas Are Adapting To Cold Weather

Apparently, cold weather is happening so often in Florida due to ‘climate change’ from you refusing to keep your heat at 62, that they are adapting

Look out for falling iguanas as temperatures drop

Watch out for falling iguanas in South Florida this Christmas. Seriously.

This week, a massive storm system is forecast to bring blizzard conditions, wind chills and Arctic cold to the Lower 48. Nearly 70 million people are under winter storm watches or warnings in the Midwest, Great Lakes and Appalachians, while 90 million are under wind chill alerts.

The frigid air is also expected to immobilize coldblooded animals. Iguanas sleeping in trees may lose their grip and drop to the ground. Sea turtles may stun and blow ashore from Texas to New England.

“You change the environment, and the organisms that are going to feel it first and hardest are the ectotherms [coldblooded animals] because their entire fitness is thermally dependent,” said Martha Muñoz, an evolutionary biologist at Yale University.

What Martha means is that you should have moved into a tiny apartment in a Democratic Party run city, only taking the train, bus, and bikes.

But researchers and animal experts say the cold spells don’t seem to incapacitate the iguanas like they used to, suggesting that animals are adapting to the chilly weather. People may still see iguanas dropping during the upcoming cold blast, but not as many as two to three decades ago, said Zoo Miami’s Ron Magill.

“With each year when we get a cold streak, I see less and less of those iguanas falling out of trees and being cold-stunned … and it’s not because there are less and less iguanas,” Magill said. “It’s just indicative that these animals are, in fact, adapting. Less and less of them are succumbing to this type of temperature differential.”

So, the ones that survive the cold snaps are passing those genes on because it’s happening so often. Shouldn’t heat trapping gases make it warmer? Oh, right, heat trapping gases cause massive cold snaps.

Speaking of iguanas in Florida

(Daily Beast) After a brutal hurricane season, people across Florida have grown freshly accustomed to power outages. But at least four times in the last two months, Lake Worth Beach residents have been plunged into darkness thanks to a very different kind of culprit: iguanas.

“Some answer has to be devised to thwart these scaly chompers!” Susannah Amygdalitsis, one of the approximately 1,400 residents affected by an iguana-tripped power outage earlier this month, told The Daily Beast.

She noted it was the second time she dealt with a reptile-related blackout.

They’re getting into structures, including power boxes and substations.

This year alone, residents have been subjected to at least 16 outages triggered by the reptile—which is considered an invasive species in the state of Florida—according to city spokesperson Ben Kerr. That number actually represents a downtick from the recent past: in 2020, the city saw 28 outages caused by lizards. In 2021, Lake Worth saw 20 iguana-triggered blackouts.

Still, interviews with residents suggest the city is littered with the massive green reptiles, which grow up to six feet long with a row of spikes on their neck, back, and tail. And experts say climate change could help explain the surge–with disturbing implications for the fate of infrastructure in Florida and beyond.

Seriously, a piece on iguanas messing with the power supply, and by the 6th paragraph they have to jump to ‘climate change’.

Read: Bummer: Florida Iguanas Are Adapting To Cold Weather »

Dems Say Releasing Trump Taxes Wasn’t About Trump Or Something

This isn’t just about an unhinged response from Democrats: it’s about The Hill and reporter Tobias Burns failing to do proper journalism 101 and challenging this narrative, failing to ask hard questions

Why Democrats released Trump’s tax returns

After years of fighting for Donald Trump’s tax returns, Democrats finally got a hold of them and released them to the public through two congressional reports published this week. But Democrats stress their decision was not about Trump himself but rather about oversight of the IRS and about the U.S. tax system more broadly — even though Trump was the first president since Watergate not to release his returns before assuming the presidency.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

The report from the Democratic-led Ways and Means Committee found Trump wasn’t audited during his first two years in office. His first audit as president came only right when the IRS was asked directly by Congress to produce Trump’s tax returns.

That could be a violation of IRS policy, which states that “individual income tax returns for the President and Vice President will be subject to mandatory audit examination” and that they’ll receive “normal pipeline processing” and be subject to “regular filing and retention procedures.”

“The IRS has failed to administer its own mandatory audit program policies,” Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) said Thursday in the House, introducing legislation that bumps the presidential audit program up from the level of IRS policy to the level of federal law.

So, because the IRS failed, they’re going to release the private, personal tax records of a person who is, at this time, a private citizen? Who just happens to be a thorn in their sides? I can think of many questions, starting with “are you Democrats putting us on? Are we supposed to believe this rationale?”

While Democrats have couched the release of the returns in a broader policy discussion, it’s just as much about politics and defeating a political rival.

Trump incensed Democrats during his presidency for the ways he broke presidential norms that extended beyond his refusal to release his tax returns. His prolific use of social media and his public castigation of judges and other public officials whom presidents usually don’t criticize changed the tone of political discourse in the country, much to the anger of the opposition party.

Good on Burns to write this, because, come on, that’s the entire reason. There is no other. But, he fails to ask Democrats questions, such as “well, will you release your tax records?” How about “how did Pelosi made over $100 million while serving in Congress?”


Read: Dems Say Releasing Trump Taxes Wasn’t About Trump Or Something »

Still Your Fault, But In Peppermint: This Christmas Weather Isn’t Typical

There’s a post way, way back in the archives, and, the gist of the Washington Post piece was about moonbat Bush haters waking up and trying to decide what type of hit piece they’d write about

In the angry life of Maryscott O’Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O’Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.

“WAKE THE [expletive] UP,” she writes next, and this time, instead of pausing, she keeps going, typing harder and harder on a keyboard that is surrounded by a pack of cigarettes, a dirty ashtray, a can of nonalcoholic beer, an album with photos of her dead father and a taped-up note — staring at her — on which she has scrawled “Why am I/you here?”

Can’t you see the climate cultists at this point?

Climate change and the polar vortex: Winter storms are normal, but this string of severe Christmas weather isn’t typical

The calendar flipped to winter this week and promptly ushered in what the National Weather Service is calling a “once-in-a-generation type event” that will hobble holiday travel by air and road on some of the busiest days of the year.

While it may seem contradictory, climate change may be contributing to more extreme winter weather. Snow, wind and bitter wind chills for the states that are used to them are not news. But the fact that these events persist even while Earth is warming is a baffling phenomenon that some scientists are linking mostly to increased precipitation in a warmer atmosphere.

I’m not going to bother with their Typical Cultist Reasons why a warming world due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle is causing big cold snaps and snowstorms. Cults always have Reason why everything supports their cult beliefs. Polar vortex breaking down, blah blah blah, and so many other sites are aping this same line, that this is not normal, and it’s all the fault of tens of thousands taking fossil fueled trips to climate change conference your fault.

Read: Still Your Fault, But In Peppermint: This Christmas Weather Isn’t Typical »

If All You See…

…is an Evil wood burning fireplace, which kills trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the word “America” being struck from the Newspeak dictionary.

Read: If All You See… »

Senate Passes Insane $1.7 Trillion Short Term Bill

It’s so wonderful

See, Tillis doesn’t have to worry about re-election till 2026, and he’s expecting North Carolinian’s to have forgotten stuff like this. I mean, where to even start? There’s so much insane in there, and so many perks for Democrats, almost nothing for Republicans. Let’s look at just one insane thing

Senate passes $1.7 trillion government funding bill that would overhaul U.S. election law

The Senate voted Thursday to pass a $1.7 trillion government funding bill, sending it to the House to avoid a holiday shutdown. (snip)

The bill also includes nearly $45 billion in aid to Ukraine after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at a joint meeting of Congress that U.S. support is “crucial” in helping it fend off Russian aggression. The package includes $9 billion for weapons and more than $15 billion in economic and humanitarian aid.

The war folks loved this. No Title 42 protection, a section that limits the operations of Custom And Border Patrol in regards to illegal aliens, $20 million for an abolish ICE group, and more dumb

The legislation also includes a rewrite of an 1887 federal election law to close loopholes that then-President Donald Trump and his team sought to exploit on Jan. 6, 2021, to make it harder for presidential candidates to steal elections. It would also grant extra funds to the Justice Department for Jan. 6 prosecutions. (a couple paragraphs of Trump being Trump)

Proponents of the changes say that the 1887 law is poorly written and that it was never intended to give the vice president such power — and that the new legislation would make that abundantly clear.

“It’s going to stop the kind of stuff we saw on Jan. 6, where a sitting president tried to take the election and become dictator of this country,” Sen. Jon Tester of Montana, a moderate Democrat, said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “It’s an important piece of legislation that was worked on in a bipartisan way.”

It’s just unhinged stuff that is unrelated to funding the government, because Democrats are deranged over J6. Right now it requires one each in the House and Senate to object. The update would require one-fifth of lawmakers from both chambers of Congress to disrupt the certification process. There’s just so much insane in this “funding” bill, little of which will actually help Americans. Except those private businesses given earmarks because they have a hookup in Congress.

Read: Senate Passes Insane $1.7 Trillion Short Term Bill »

A Climate Crisis (scam) Christmas Lyric And Other Unhinged Warmist Ravings

The amazing this is that these are adults losing their minds (I’m reading it via Pocket. Not sure if it will work for others)

Music Historicity | “A Climate Change Christmas”

For your holiday reading amusement, please enjoy the third annual Music Historicity Christmas song lyric rewrite, to the tune of “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.” Feel free to look up the original, a 1979 novelty song by the husband and wife duo Elmo & Patsy.

The Earth’s gettin’ run over by the Climate,

Santa isn’t sure what he can do.

He says there’s too much carbon dioxide,

And in the end it’s up to me and you.

Driving his team of eight reindeer,

He’s bringing presents, house to house.

But Rudolph’s also got a problem,

Emitting lots of methane, same as cows.

It’s very long, very silly, and very culty. If you can’t read the rest in Pocket, let me know, I’ll see about posting the rest, I usually do not like to post full articles.

Elsewhere, we have a

A Christmas Climate Reading Booklist

With Christmas just around the corner, I would like to take the opportunity to recommend some climate books to read over the holidays. Finally, when we entered a state of normalcy post Covid-19, although although we are now experiencing a new surge, the discussion on climate change could finally reenter into the spotlight.

The theme of this year’s Open Access Week was for instance Open for Climate Justice. Since then we have had a UN Climate Change Conference summit (COP27) in Egypt acknowledging loss and damage and a UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Canada ending in an agreement to guide global action on nature through to 2030.

The books look rather dull, and include St. Greta’s new book.

Eco-conscious mum of two buys all of her kids’ Christmas presents second hand after climate change epiphany

A mum-of-two has said she buys her kids second-hand presents and wraps them in sustainable wrapping paper after climate reports left her with an overwhelming sense of doom.

Naomi Spirit-Hawthorne, 43, who lives in Skelmorlie, Scotland, with her husband, Derek, 45, and children, Nina, 12, and Leon, 10, was horrified when she read a UN report in 2017 that described climate change as “a threat to human wellbeing and health of the planet”.

She overturned her life to be more sustainable from that moment, transforming her family’s everyday routine to be as environmentally friendly as possible and setting up a blog to share tips with others trying to be eco-friendly.

Naomi has ditched Christmas cards for good, makes wrapping paper and gift tags, and will even use vinegar to clean her house over the festive period. However, the mum-of-two refuses to ditch her fake tree for a new one as she does not want to create any more waste.

This is what members of cults do. I just wonder, though, is she buying stuff for herself firsthand?

Read: A Climate Crisis (scam) Christmas Lyric And Other Unhinged Warmist Ravings »

Brandon Has A Different Vision For U.S. Economy Or Something

The guy is clueless, and I seriously doubt that he actually wrote this piece for Yahoo News himself

Biden: Looking back at 2022, I feel more confident about America than ever

Americans have been through a tough few years, but I am optimistic about our country’s economic prospects. Americans’ resilience has helped us recover from the economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic, families are finally getting more breathing room, and my economic plan is making the United States a powerhouse for innovation and manufacturing once again.

Well, he’s one

It’s not all bad, but, that’s what happens when the economic issues of start fading due to getting beyond COVID

We entered this year with inflation still too high and families concerned about prices. Tackling inflation and giving families more breathing room was and is my top economic priority. We are making important progress transitioning from historic recovery to stable, steady growth. For the last several months wages have been increasing faster than prices, gas prices are at their lowest levels since last summer, and year-over-year inflation has been slowing.

Gas is still higher than when he took office. Almost every metric shows that costs are higher than wages. And, sure inflation has slowed, but, it’s still high

I ran for office not just to address the economic crisis we faced in January 2021, but to rebuild the middle class and grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. The heart of my economic strategy to strengthen the middle class is to rebuild the backbone of our economy — our nation’s industrial strength. To be a country where we make things, where we continually innovate at the cutting edge, and help create new products at lower costs for our economy and the world. To bring back the forgotten places in this country with jobs that pay a good salary and don’t all require a four-year college degree. To make everyday life more affordable, because if Americans have just a little bit of breathing room, the middle class can grow and build the strongest economy in the world.

And most know he’s failing miserable. Oh, and we really didn’t have an economic crisis in 2020.

I have a different vision for our economy. A vision based on the simple idea that, when we grow our economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not only do the poor and the middle class have a ladder up, the wealthy do too.

So, the people at the bottom grow the economy how, exactly? They don’t have the money.

Thanks to the economic agenda I have signed into law, Americans are getting to work rebuilding our roads and bridges, connecting every household to high-speed affordable internet and removing lead pipes across the country. American workers are manufacturing fiber-optic cable and steel for infrastructure projects coast to coast. We are fighting the climate crisis and creating good-paying manufacturing jobs for the clean energy future. We are investing in semiconductor manufacturing, bringing back critical supply chains from overseas, and lowering the prices of everything from cars to dishwashers. Businesses are investing billions of dollars across the country in new manufacturing lines, creating thousands of good-paying jobs.

In other words, he loves those blue collar, education not needed jobs. Elites always need their peasants.

There’s no denying that it’s been a rough few years, with a global pandemic and global inflation that have lasted longer than almost anyone expected. But as we look back on 2022 — and look forward to what lies ahead — I have never been more confident about what the American people and the American economy can achieve.

Well, that makes one who’s confident.

Read: Brandon Has A Different Vision For U.S. Economy Or Something »

Pirate's Cove