NPR Has A Kids’ Guide To Climate Crisis (scam)

No, no, this is definitely all about the science, not indoctrination via comics

A kid’s guide to climate change (plus a printable comic)

Are you a kid — or do you know a kid — who is learning about climate change?

It can be hard to know where to start. So we made a guide about how it’s changing the planet and how to deal with the big feelings you might have when you hear about it. Click here to print a paper version of this comic at home or in your classroom, and here’s more information about how we made this.

Insanity like

Weirdly, there is nothing in this about giving up your own use of fossil fuels, despite a previous page Blaming the minor increase in global temperatures in 170 years on fossil fuels

Why we made this
Over the years we’ve created resources for how parents can talk to their kids about climate change. This time we wanted to make something specifically for kids as they’re processing their feelings. We also wanted to create a free resource for parents or teachers to use who are looking for ways to help their kids understand how the planet is changing.

Who this is for
This comic is intended for kids ages 6-12, who are starting to hear about climate change or are starting to

Nice to know that government funded “news” is working hard to indoctrinate children.

Read: NPR Has A Kids’ Guide To Climate Crisis (scam) »

Surprise: A Bunch Of Celebs Came Down With COVID After Golden Globes

These are the people who constantly say to get vaxxed and boosted, and, as Good Little Liberals, do it themselves, right?

It Might Be Time to Mask Up at Award Shows

Here’s hoping your favorite celebs attending the Critics Choice Awards tonight wear masks. Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic and it seems Hollywood is still figuring out how to give each other golden statues without also creating a potential superspreader event. The proof: Colin Farrell, Jamie Lee Curtis, and others have backed out of the event after testing positive for COVID just days after attending the Golden Globes.

On Friday, three days after the Golden Globes, Curtis, who has been making the rounds this awards season with Everything Everywhere All at Once, announced that she tested positive for COVID-19. She even posted an Instagram photo of three different at-home tests to prove it, writing that she would be skipping the American Film Institute Lunch, BAFTA tea, and the Critics Choice Awards. Then on Sunday, The Banshees of Inisherin stars Farrell and Brendan Gleeson both confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that they would not attend the Critics Choice Awards after testing positive for COVID-19. And Hacks co-creator Jen Statsky also appears to have come down with COVID. This weekend, she shared in an Instagram Story that she was “riddled with the novel coronavirus.” And that’s just the ones we know about.

Of course, there’s no telling when, where, or how these celebs caught COVID. It is an extremely contagious virus, and I assume that they all had things going on outside of attending the Golden Globes, so it’s not fair to assume that they got it at the ceremony. However, the Globes were a crowded indoor event, just as the Critics Choice Awards and other award-season events are expected to be, and there’s a lot of overlap on the guest lists. Not to mention, Hollywood saw a similar phenomenon last year with a small outbreak after the BAFTAs. Assuming we all want to make it to the Oscars, I would humbly suggest that celebs mask up to attend any future award shows. If Zendaya can wear a mask to the Oscars, you can too!

Yeah yeah yeah. How many of the celebs like Zendaya and Jessica Chastain who crowed about wearing masks outside on the red carpet took them off inside or at the after-parties? Isn’t that what the vaccines and boosters are supposed to do, keep you from getting COVID? That’s what we’ve been told about the vaccines and boosters. So, why are so many people getting COVID who were vaxxed? Considering that vast swaths of people who were forced to wear masks were getting COVID and dying in 2020 and 2021, what are masks supposed to do?

Anyhow, on to the creepy

Colorado health department to begin texting parents whose children need COVID vaccine

Effective now, parents of elementary school-aged children can expect a text message from the Colorado health department if their kids are due for COVID vaccine.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced Friday it would be texting and emailing parents of kids 5-11 years old.

“While children are at a lower risk of severe COVID-19, they can still get sick and have serious and long-lasting symptoms,” CDPHE said in news release. “The COVID-19 vaccine is the protection against severe infection and can help children stay healthy while protecting their loved ones and communities. COVID-19 vaccines are free. Parents and guardians are entitled to paid time off from work while they take their children to get vaccinated.

Texts and emails will go out to those families whose records indicate their children are behind on the vaccine. Additionally, the health department has compiled a list of more than 2,000 vaccine providers across the state, as well as a “Class-to-Clinic” locator showing the closest vaccine providers to the state’s roughly 2,300 K-12 schools. Those resources can be found by clicking here and here.

That’s not creepy or invasive at all, right? Don’t these same leftists tell us that healthcare is between a person and their doctor?

New York State eyes nixed COVID-19 vaccine rule for health workers

The New York State Department of Health is “exploring its options” after a state Supreme Court judge struck down a statewide mandate requiring health care workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the agency said Saturday.

Judge Gerard Neri wrote in a ruling released Friday that Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul and the health department overstepped their authority by mandating a vaccine that’s not included in state public health law, the Syracuse Post-Standard reported.

The mandate is “null, void, and of no effect,” the judge said. He sided with Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, a group of medical workers impacted by the vaccination mandate.

Of course, the Progressives (nice Fascists) are looking for ways around the judge’s order.

Read: Surprise: A Bunch Of Celebs Came Down With COVID After Golden Globes »

Maybe Not Your Fault: Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Not Inevitable

This is good news from the Cult of Climastrology, I guess

Runaway W. Antarctic ice sheet collapse not ‘inevitable’: study

The runaway collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet — which would trigger catastrophic sea level rise — is not “inevitable”, scientists said Monday following research that tracked the region’s recent response to climate change.

As global temperatures rise, there is mounting concern that warming could trigger so-called tipping points that set off irreversible melting of the world’s massive ice sheets and ultimately lift oceans enough to drastically redraw the world map.

New research published Monday suggests a complex interaction of factors affecting the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which is home to the enormous and unstable Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers — nicknamed the “Doomsday glacier” — that together could raise global sea levels by more than three metres (10 feet).

Using satellite imagery as well as ocean and climate records between 2003 and 2015, an international team of researchers found that while the West Antarctic Ice Sheet continued to retreat, the pace of ice loss slowed across a vulnerable region of the coastline.

Their study, published in the journal Nature Communications, concluded that this slowdown was caused by changes in ocean temperatures that were caused by offshore winds, with pronounced differences in the impact depending on the region.

OK, let’s put this in real talk: the apocalypse of the collapse of the ice sheet is simply not cooperating with the cult’s prognostications of doom, so, they’re trying to spin it

Researchers said that this raises questions about how rising temperatures will affect the Antarctic, with ocean and atmospheric conditions playing a key role.

“That means that ice-sheet collapse is not inevitable,” said co-author Professor Eric Steig from the University of Washington in Seattle.

“It depends on how climate changes over the next few decades, which we could influence in a positive way by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

Yup, cult spin. They’re trying to get ahead of yet another failed prognostication.

Read: Maybe Not Your Fault: Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Not Inevitable »

Super Racist San Francisco To Give Blacks Up To $5 Million Each In “Reparations”

Have fun with those tax increases, residents of Democratic Party run San Francisco. But, you don’t mind paying, because you’re all super racist, right?

San Fran’s reparations committee proposes $5 million to each Black longtime resident, total debt forgiveness

San Francisco’s reparations committee has proposed paying each Black longtime resident $5 million and granting total debt forgiveness due to the decades of “systematic repression” faced by the local Black community.

The San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee, which advises the city on developing a plan for reparations for Black residents, released its draft report last month to address reparations – not for slavery, since California was not technically a slave state, but “to address the public policies explicitly created to subjugate Black people in San Francisco by upholding and expanding the intent and legacy of chattel slavery.”

“While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy and systematic repression and exclusion of Black people were codified through legal and extralegal actions, social codes, and judicial enforcement,” the draft states.

The draft plan includes a long list of financial recommendations for Black San Francisco residents, including a one-time, lump sum payment of $5 million to each eligible individual.

To be eligible for the program, the applicant must be 18 years old and have identified as Black or African American on public documents for at least 10 years. They must also prove at least two of eight additional criteria, choosing from a list that includes, “Born in San Francisco between 1940 and 1996 and has proof of residency in San Francisco for at least 13 years,” and/or, “Personally, or the direct descendant of someone, incarcerated by the failed War on Drugs.”

The plan also calls on the city to supplement lower-income recipients’ income to reflect the Area Median Income (AMI), about $97,000, annually for at least 250 years.

So, someone who was jailed for, say, dealing dangerous drugs like meth, or a relative was, they can possibly get $5 million? Really? Per the 2020 census, there are almost 45,000 blacks living in San Fran. Let’s cut that in half for payment purposes. That is $112,500,000,000. SF’s last yearly budget was $13.1 billion. Where’s the rest coming from? Even if we cut that in half, that’s still $56 billion. And what of the supplement payments? Where is all this money coming from?

The plan also seeks to establish “a comprehensive debt forgiveness program” that clears each eligible person’s student and housing loans, credit card debt, etc.

Where’s it coming from? That seems to be missing from the plan. But, hey, I’m all for this reparations give away. Yep, make the tax payers in San Fran pay all the repressed, just because they voted for those politicians who want to give away taxpayer dollars.

Read: Super Racist San Francisco To Give Blacks Up To $5 Million Each In “Reparations” »

Warmism Is Really About Bored Bourgeoisie

This is really where it all starts: the Elites, who then convince the peasants that this stuff is uber-important, so they should think that Something Must Be Done. I’m actually rather shocked that Newsweek allowed this piece to be published

Climate Activism Isn’t About the Planet. It’s About the Boredom of the Bourgeoisie | Opinion

The downfall of capitalism will not come from the uprising of an impoverished working class but from the sabotage of a bored upper class. This was the view of the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942. Schumpeter believed that at some point in the future, an educated elite would have nothing left to struggle for and will instead start to struggle against the very system that they themselves live in.

Nothing makes me think Schumpeter was right like the contemporary climate movement and its acolytes. The Green movement is not a reflection of planetary crisis as so many in media and culture like to depict it, but rather, a crisis of meaning for the affluent.

The writer, Ralph Schoellhammer, spends a few paragraphs on the utter and complete failure of Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich, who has since doubled down and not been called out by the media for his failed prognostications, to

The best answer to this question comes courtesy of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who in 2019 famously said that, “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.” In other words, no matter what nonsense one spews, as long as it is “morally right,” it does not matter what the facts show.

Like the prophet of any religion, Ehrlich is not there to explain the world but to reinforce the upper class’s favorite worldview of the imminent end of the world, something that can only be prevented if we fundamentally change the way we live. Of course, by “we,” they actually mean “you.” It’s not the Tesla driving AOC or the jet-setting Stanford professor Ehrlich who will adapt their lifestyles, but the rubes of the working- and middle-class who supposedly eat too much meat, drive too many miles on gas-guzzling cars, or even book the occasional flight to go on vacation.

How long have I been saying this? 15+ years?

Even supposed grass-roots movements like “Just Stop Oil” or “Last Generation” (of “tomato soup on paintings” fame) are in fact funded by millionaires, like Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of legendary oil-tycoon Jean Paul Getty, and the Climate Emergency Fund.

Just like Kerry, Ehrlich, and these other groups are not really interested in solving the problem of climate change—for example, promoting research in technologies like nuclear energy, carbon capture technologies, and means of adaptation. Instead, they wish to elevate their struggle to an ersatz-religion that allows them to simultaneously enjoy their wealth and lecture the rest of the world from a position of moral superiority.

And do virtually nothing in their own lives, right? Just force you to change yours via government law. At the end of the day, an argument I have made many, many times is “let’s hypothesize that the current warm period is being driven mostly by the activities of Mankind, such as fossil fuels: why is almost every single policy to fix this revolve around more taxes and fees, and way, way more government control of our lives?”

Read: Warmism Is Really About Bored Bourgeoisie »

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on UK EV sales falling, as people can’t afford to charge them.

Read: If All You See… »

NYC Mayor Visits Border, Says Federal Government Needs To Do More

See, Eric Adams, mayor of sanctuary city New York, is upset that illegal aliens are being sent to his city, whining at Texas gov Greg Abbott (R) and Colorado gov Jared Polis (D) for that

Democrat NYC Mayor Adams calls on federal government to play more proactive role to secure border

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Sunday called on the federal government to play a bigger role in addressing the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that is overwhelming city officials.

The Democratic mayor was in El Paso this weekend to survey the border and meet with his counterparts to discuss how the crisis is impacting the community.

The trip comes after the mayor said on Friday that the Big Apple is at its “breaking point” as record numbers of migrants continue to arrive. Adams submitted an emergency mutual aid request to New York state for immediate help this weekend to shelter the asylum seekers.

Speaking at a Sunday afternoon press conference alongside El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, Adams said New York City wasn’t pointing at any border city in particular for exacerbating the problem.

“We’re pointing the finger … at our national government,” Adams said. “This is a national problem. We must have real immigration reform, and we must immediately have a short-term fix of making sure that the cost of this does not fall on our local cities.”

He is sort of correct. We do need reform, changing the laws so that any illegal caught is immediately deported, rather than being allowed to hang out in the U.S. while going through the process of seeing if they qualify for asylum, which most do not. And requiring that all applying for asylum do so outside of the U.S. Implementing changes that end all the incentives for people to come to the U.S. illegally.

As far as cost falling on local cities, well, NYC is a sanctuary city. I thought they welcomed illegals and loved them? No?

Migrants exploiting border wall gaps contaminate crops, threaten nation’s food security, Arizona farmers say

The border crisis is jeopardizing the nation’s food security as migrants trespass through farmland, contaminating crops, two Arizona farmers with fields near the southern border told Fox News.

“There’s obviously a food safety concern because our fields are monitored and audited and tested for different pathogens,” Pasquinelli Produce Company President Alex Muller told Fox News. “If there’s somebody that walks into our field and then we don’t know about why we put up flags and kind of mark it out and we don’t harvest that.”

“That hits the bottom line,” Muller said. “It’s not sustainable. It’s not good for the country.”

Yuma — the country’s agricultural leader in leafy green production during the winter months — provides about 90% of the nation’s supply of romaine and iceberg lettuce, according to the Department of Agriculture. It supplies around 9 billion servings of leafy greens per year, but farmers fear they will lose crops as more migrants pass through the border wall’s gaps and into their fields.

The Constitution tasks the Congress with protecting the border, and the Executive Branch is tasked with enforcing the laws passed. They are failing.

Read: NYC Mayor Visits Border, Says Federal Government Needs To Do More »

Climate Cult Wants Carbon Limits Placed On Every Person

Of course, the Elites would be exempt

Great Reset: Individual CO2 Limits Needed to Fight Climate Change, Says German Scientist

An individual carbon dioxide limit should be applied to every person in order to establish a “planetary guardrail” in the effort to combat allegedly man-made climate change, a leading German scientist has argued.

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) said this week that every person should have a limit of three tonnes of C02 emissions per year and those who exceed their limit should be forced to pay for the pleasure.

In comments reported by Taagesschau, Schellnhuber said that there were are two competing property rights issues at hand, namely the right to spend one’s money on high emissions activities and the rights of the rest of the population to “have an environment worth living [in]”.

In a carbon credit style scheme, those who emit over the three-tonne limit by the middle of the century would need to privately purchase credits from those who are under the limit, he suggested: “Every person gets three tons of CO2 per year, but if you need more, you just have to buy it.”

The average American is around 18-19 metric tons. The Elites would be able to afford to pay for their Bad Behavior. The average American would be forced to reduce their quality of life. And Government will be right there to make sure you comply.

Why combatting climate change means embracing degrowth

We are all aware of the ambitious changes we need to make if we are to avert catastrophic and irreversible climate change. However, exactly what we need to do remains a confusing minefield which few of us have the time or energy to navigate.

Every day we hear of a new technology that promises to suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or a space-based solar technology that will power millions of homes, or, conversely, we find out that what was touted as a solution yesterday is no longer one today.

But all this “complexity” is just a distraction from the simple reality that to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown we need to make fundamental changes to the way we live.

This reality could in fact not be any simpler. We need to radically reduce our consumption of resources.

The weird thing is that most Warmists do not actually do this. And the climate cult understands that it would take government to force degrowth. And the biggest thing they want is reducing the energy use of you peasants

Other than leave our car in the garage and switch lights off when we are not using them, what can you and I do? Urge our government to implement policies that put human and ecological wellbeing at their centre, not growth. Putting strong incentives in place to drive energy conservation would be a good start.

Yup, government force.

Read: Climate Cult Wants Carbon Limits Placed On Every Person »

NY Times Wonders How Biden Got All Those Classified Documents

Of course, the NY Times is showing their extreme neutral journalism by…not having any article about Biden’s documents issue on their web front page as of Sunday evening, and only one article way, way down the page for Sunday morning. Not unsurprising, a lot of other Credentialed Media outlets are minimizing their coverage. Now, just imagine this was Trump. Oh, wait, we saw how they all covered that. I found this article via Yahoo News

Documents Inquiry Puts Spotlight on Biden’s Frenetic Last Days as Vice President

Those last days were a blur of phone calls, meetings, farewell events, and visits to Ukraine and Switzerland. As he wrapped up his tenure as vice president in January 2017, Joe Biden was packing in as much as he could.

The question now is: What else was being packed? And by whom? And why? And where was it going?

The appointment of a special counsel has focused new attention on Biden’s frenetic final stretch in the White House after eight years as the No. 2 to President Barack Obama. Somehow, a small number of classified documents would go not to the archives, where they belonged, but to Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, and, later, a private office in Washington, where they did not.

Ah, so, this is about Blaming other people for packing up all those classified documents, and, I guess, putting them in Joe’s garage with his Corvette. At his house. And his center. Obviously, Joe has zero responsibility for the contents of those places. In Times World, Joe has zero responsibility.

But, yeah, it does beg the question, how did they get there? And, why did the Vice President have them in the first place? Have you ever heard of a VP having this issue? What was he doing with all those documents for 6 years?

Read: NY Times Wonders How Biden Got All Those Classified Documents »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Liberty Daily, with a post on the creepy tranny owner of Miss Universe.

It’s cleaning out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove