Trump Goes On Rant About Doing Away With Constitution For 2020 Twitter Scandal

I linked to a few bloggers on Sunday in the Patriotic Pinup post, but, it deserves to be reiterated, and a lot of the comments at Breitbart were very upset that they would dare run a story on it, saying Breitbart has gone to the dark side, that it is no longer Conservative

Trump Suggests ‘Termination’ of U.S. Constitution Allowable over 2020 Twitter Scandal

Former President Donald Trump suggested the “termination” of the United States Constitution could be allowable in response to the bombshell report that the Democrat Party colluded with Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election.

The former president made his observation via his Truth Social account on Saturday following journalist Matt Taibbi’s thorough report on Twitter’s internal communications during the 2020 elections at the behest of newly-minted CEO Elon Musk.

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?” Trump said.

Putting the Founding Fathers in quotes — “Our great ‘Founders’” — the president then essentially seemed to suggest the “termination” of the U.S. Constitution could be allowable.

Look, the Democrats, the Biden campaign, and Trump hating federal agencies were in bed with Twitter and other social media companies. The 2020 elections were quite a bit bullshit. But, this is just nutty, beyond the normal nutty of Trump, and it goes right to electability. No matter what you think of what Trump wants to do, He. Can’t. Win. This isn’t like in 2016, when so many said he wouldn’t win, and a lot of us were wondering if he was trying to lose. This is more like a “there’s no way Michael Dukakis can win” situation. He’s not going to get Independents or flipper type soft Democrats. They’ll be a lot of Republicans who may not vote Democrat, but, won’t vote Trump.

Electability matters. The DNC wouldn’t put up nuts like AOC and Ilhan Omar if they weren’t electable in their districts. They wouldn’t have any backing in more purple districts. Trump will not win. As Nina Bookout at Victory Girls Blog wrote

Quite honestly, this is the absolute worst thing he could’ve posted about. During his 2016 campaign and beyond, Trump was one to talk about and work to keep our Constitution intact. But NOW, with this latest about Twitter actively throttling information at the behest of the Biden campaign and DNC operatives, he lashes out and wants the Constitution dumped so he can dictatorially be President again?

This is NOT how this works. Period. Full. Stop. Is there NO ONE in his inner circle who has the brass balls enough to tell him to put a freaking sock in it?

Trump was already facing an uphill battle. We’re just beyond the 22 midterms and he’s already committed multiple Gaffes, which you can bet will be brought up during the 2024 system. This country cannot afford a Democrat win in 2024. We do not need a repeat of putting someone up who can’t win, like Romney in 2021.

Read: Trump Goes On Rant About Doing Away With Constitution For 2020 Twitter Scandal »

If All You See…

…is a horrible bench made from killing a carbon pollution sucking tree, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Canadian officials granting bail to 22 out of 23 involved in a child porn ring.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the NJ Devils are serious road warriors. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, a real old one, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Chicks On The Right discusses whether it was right to suspend Kanye from Twitter
  2. Climate Depot covers Bill Maher telling climate kids to shut up
  3. Cold Fury notes the pedo-chic from the Left
  4. Geller Report wonders where all the votes are in Maricopa County
  5. Irons In The Fire covers the Twitter info dump
  6. Jihad Watch notes the Netherlands banning thousands of farms for the green agenda
  7. Legal Insurrection covers a potential walkout at the NY Times
  8. Moonbattery says you should only riot on behalf of your rulers
  9. neo-neocon covers the left circling the wagons on the Twitter censorship story
  10. Newsbusters highlight Univision’s pimping of the Chevy Volt going wrong
  11. Outside The Beltway covers Democrats radically overhauling their primaries
  12. Pacific Pundit discusses James Woods suing Democrats over censorship
  13. Powerline says that Trump is finished
  14. The American Conservative covers Putin’s winter war on Ukraine
  15. And last, but, not least, White House Dossier discusses Biden walking into a lobster trap

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Congress Seems Surprised By All The Wuhan Flu Fraud They Enabled

Can you take a guess at how much fraud they think occurred from all the PPP loans? And, by loan, it was really money that would never be paid back

Congress is shocked, shocked by the COVID fraud it created

Like Captain Renault in the gambling casino in “Casablanca,” congressmen are “shocked, shocked” by all the fraud spawned by the trillions of dollars in COVID handouts they approved.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis issued a report Thursday blaming fintech firms for the pilfering of Paycheck Protection Program loans that began in 2020. But the real fraud is the illusion that members of Congress give a damn about plundering American taxpayers.

PPP was enacted in March 2020 and eventually provided $800 billion in loans to more than 11 million businesses. Congress designed the program to carpet-bomb the nation with federal tax dollars.

The Small Business Administration, which administered the plan, effectively told people, “Apply and sign and tell us that you’re really entitled to the money,” said Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. He testified PPP was an invitation to fraudsters because there weren’t “even minimal checks to make sure that the money was getting to the right people at the right time.”

Is this going to look like the United Nation’s Oil For Food program, where they said “oh, just 10% was a problem”?

Government investigators estimate up to $100 billion in PPP loans was fraudulent. The feds gave 342 people who said their name was “N/A” PPP loans. Dozens of New York City and New York state employees were arrested this week for their role in a multimillion-dollar PPP fraud scheme.

$100 billion out of $800 billion. So, worse than OFF. It’s fantastic that people are being arrested (anyone shocked by government employees being involved?), but, will the government claw back The People’s money? Probably not.

Happily, a scapegoat has been found. According to the new congressional report, the problem was that the financial-technology companies (fintechs) that handled PPP-claims applications failed to show due diligence. Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the select subcommittee’s chairman, declared that “many fintechs … refused to take adequate steps to detect and prevent fraud despite their clear responsibility to safeguard taxpayer funds.”

Who authorized this? Who in government was tasked with, as we say in the private sector, “inspect what you expect”? Let me tell you a little story about what happened at a little wireless company I worked for in the 90’s. The 2 owners hired a guy to manage their Greenville store. After around 6 months, I started noting the huge number of missing payments on pagers from that area. And problems with ordering of phones and accessories. After about 9 months they closed that store, because it was just losing money. A lot. The manager then started working in the Cary store as assistant manager. One day a Pitt County Sheriff deputy and Wake County Sheriff deputy walked in with arrest warrants.

They had authorization to open the guy’s car trunk. Because his mom authorized it, since the guy fraudulently purchased it in his mom’s name. There were warrants from Pitt and Wake, along with areas in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. He was a massive con artist. The deputies explained a bunch to us. He ripped off his mom, his mom! for about $120K. Guess who the owners blamed? Their accountant. Fired him. He was a good guy. The thing is, the owners failed to do any background check, and barely paid attention to what was going on at the Greenville store. His trunk was full of cash and check pager payments, along with lots of inventory, probably around $30k worth.

It was their fault for failing to inspect. Just like Congress, which failed to set any measures to safeguard the “loans”.

The select subcommittee sifted through 83,000 pages of internal documents from private companies to compile its 120-page report. But it would be far more interesting to see a report excerpted from tens of thousands of PPP-related emails, texts and letters from members of Congress, their staff and their campaign operations.

When did our “best and brightest” recognize PPP would be the biggest boondoggle of the century? Did they take any steps to fix the problem or curb the looting? (Did hell freeze over?) How many members of Congress sought campaign contributions as a result of the geyser of COVID spending they unleashed?

That would be a good investigation for the GOP led House. Of course, how many of them took advantage, because, politicians will be politicians.

Read: Congress Seems Surprised By All The Wuhan Flu Fraud They Enabled »

Surprise: Brandon Admin To Kill Off Mine Necessary For Green Agenda

We told you this would happen, namely that, after passing the IRA which requires all sorts of green production from American sources, that Democrats would never allow mining of the necessary minerals and metals on American soil

Biden Admin Prepares To Kill Alaska Mine, Hobbling Green Agenda And Costing State Billions In Potential Revenues

surprise surprise surpriseThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended prohibiting the operators of Southwestern Alaska’s Pebble Mine from disposing of waste material in the nearby Bristol Bay, a regulation that would prevent the mine from opening. However, the mine could generate billions in revenue by producing minerals that are crucial in supporting the Biden administration’s “clean energy transition.”

The EPA said Pebble Mine’s potential waste discharges would threaten nearby sockeye salmon fisheries by polluting the water and preventing the fish from spawning and reproducing, according to an agency proposal released Thursday. Despite this, the mine would extract about 1.5 billion tons of copper, molybdenum as well as other critical minerals and could deliver more than $8 billion to Southwestern Alaska, according to a report published by Northern Dynasty Minerals, the mine’s owner.

“This isn’t just about Pebble … the precedent this is setting is frightening and will be used going forward by those wanting to stop projects and will send an absolutely chilling message to the investment world about opportunities in the U.S.,” Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Jason Brune told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

As a true environmentalist, it does seem disturbing that the mine could dispose of its waste right into the water, causing problems for salmon, right?

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers found that Pebble Mine “would not be expected to have a measurable effect on fish numbers and result in long-term changes to the health of the commercial fisheries in Bristol Bay,” in its final environmental impact statement published in July 2020. However, the EPA stated that mining waste would result in the total loss of aquatic habitats important to the sockeye salmon’s survival.

I’m not even finding an actual study from the EPA which provides the reason for their opinion. The extreme-enviros and climate cultists in agencies like the EPA, and groups that will sue to stop mining, will do everything they can to stop mining. How will the economy and energy sector move to being “green” without? Are we just supposed to get it from 3rd world nations, letting children dig it out?

I, and so many other Skeptics, have been saying this for a long time. Heck, even before the big push for EVs. The Elite Warmists have long wanted to force the peasants out of having their own cars, forcing them to take the bus, trains, riding bikes, or walking.

Read: Surprise: Brandon Admin To Kill Off Mine Necessary For Green Agenda »

Surprise: Climahypocrite Meghan Markle Caught Boarding Private Jet

Yes, yes stuff like this matters. The Elites think it is just A-OK for them to have massive carbon footprints. It’s you that must be forced to have your life and lifestyle changed

Environmental activist Meghan Markle seen boarding private jet following female empowerment event

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, was photographed Tuesday boarding a private jet in Indianapolis after headlining a female empowerment conference.

Markle was seen exiting an SUV before boarding the plane located at an area hangar also used by the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts, according to video footage obtained by Fox News Digital. Markle had arrived just three hours earlier to speak at an event hosted by the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana.

Markle and her husband Prince Harry, meanwhile, have been vocal environmental activists. The pair committed through their private organization in November 2021 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030.

For them, net zero means purchasing offsets, rather than changing their lives. They are just Too Important to reign in their excesses.

It’s pretty easy to spread awareness, call for action, demonize other people, but, then be complete hypocrites

Read: Surprise: Climahypocrite Meghan Markle Caught Boarding Private Jet »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful plant taking carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post Twitter revelations.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Bustednuckles, with a post on the Biden admin constantly asking Twitter to remove Tweets.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Los Angeles County Close To Reimposing (Worthless) Mask Mandates

Isn’t L.A. full of liberals who Obey the rules, get all their shots, and be Good Little Citizens? Why is COVID raging?

Los Angeles Again Nearing Covid Thresholds For Universal Indoor Mask Mandate In Public Spaces

Another 4,744 Covid infections were reported today by Los Angeles County. That’s up from 4,353 yesterday, continuing a surge in daily cases that could soon lead to a renewed requirement for people to wear masks in all indoor public spaces.

The county has been logging steady increases in daily infections and hospitalizations since the beginning of November. As of Friday, the county’s average daily number of new infections over the past seven days was 3,053, up a little under 50% from the 2,121 average a week ago. (snip)

L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Thursday that the rising case and hospitalization numbers have moved Los Angeles County from the “low” Covid community activity level to the “medium” category, as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She said the county is on pace to reach the “high” level in a matter of days, when the rate of new cases reaches 200 per 100,000 residents. The rate is currently 185 per 100,000 residents.

The move to medium does not prompt any immediate changes to public health mandates, such as indoor masking — which is already “strongly recommended” by the county.

But masking could again become mandatory indoors in a matter of weeks, Ferrer said.

And masking will do what? It did just about nothing when it was first imposed in 2020, and did nothing through 2021. There were potentially more deaths and infections during masking. I would posit because the talking points made it seem as if masks would keep people safe, so, they got too close to other people too often, were shaking hands, hugging, and more.

“In some ways this surge is likely to be different — we know more about Covid, have tools to help mitigate severe outcomes, and we are more aware of symptoms and when to take action. On the flip side, this will be the first winter where we are facing rising levels of Covid, with emerging new strains we know less about, along with unusually high flu and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) activity.”

Yes, we do know more. We know what should work and not work. Masks do not work. Especially when the majority who get COVID in any form will feel sick for a few days then be fine. Keep your distance, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, cover your coughs and sneezes, if you feel sick, stay home, get tested. To hell with the masks.

You know all the good little liberals will Comply if masking is reimposed, though, right?

Read: Los Angeles County Close To Reimposing (Worthless) Mask Mandates »

Climate Cult Is Rather Upset Over So Many Using #ClimateScam

I’m not sure if I was one of the first to start referring to it as the climate scam, along with a few others such as Tom Nelson, but, it’s darned close, and I’ve been calling it a scam in one form or another for well over a decade. And the climate cult is Very Upset over referring to it as a scam

#ClimateScam: denialism claims flooding Twitter have scientists worried

Green Climate Thought PoliceTwitter has proved a cherished forum for climate scientists to share research, as well as for activists seeking to rally action to halt oil pipelines or decry politicians’ failure to cut pollution. But many are now fleeing Twitter due to a surge in climate misinformation, spam and even threats that have upended their relationship with the platform.

Scientists and advocates have told the Guardian they have become unnerved by a recent resurgence of debunked climate change denialist talking points and memes on Twitter, with the term #ClimateScam now regularly the first result that appears when “climate” is searched on the site.

Yeah, they’re pretty upset that they no longer can censor those who disagree with the scam, but, you know, we wouldn’t be calling it a scam if they didn’t constantly prove it was a scam

Under the often chaotic leadership of Elon Musk, Twitter has fired content management teams, dismantled the platform’s sustainability arm and lifted bans on several prominent users with millions of followers, such as Donald Trump and the rightwing commentator Jordan Peterson, who has espoused falsities about the climate crisis. The changes have been too much to bear for some climate experts.

Science requires debate. That is not what the Cult of Climastrology wants. They want anyone who disagrees to be shut down.

“Folks noticing a rise in climate denialism and disinformation is particularly worrying and I am concerned that it could slow climate action in ways that are devastating to economies, communities and health,” she said.

So, then prove what you’re saying is on the level, that it is true, that it is fact, that it will stand up the rigors of the Scientific Method. Prove it by practicing what you preach.

There has been an uptick in Twitter content referencing #ClimateScam, “climate scam” or “climate is a scam” since July, three months before Musk’s $44bn takeover of the site, with more than 500,000 mentions of these terms since then, according to an analysis by the Climate Action Against Disinformation coalition. The opaque nature of Twitter’s algorithm makes it unclear why this has happened, the coalition said.

That group doesn’t attempt to sway not prove, it attempts to censor and shut down, like the good little Comrade group it is.

While false claims about the climate crisis have been deployed for decades by the fossil fuel industry and various conservative figures, there is some evidence there has been a rise in polarization over climate on social media over the past two years. A recent study by researchers in the UK and Italy found there was a fourfold increase in “contrarian” rightwing climate conversations on Twitter during the UN Cop26 climate talks last year, compared with the same summit held in 2015.

Perhaps if they weren’t utter climahypocrites it wouldn’t be necessary. At the end of the day, they’ve basically admitted that the alternative opinions were censored before Musk bought Twitter.

Read: Climate Cult Is Rather Upset Over So Many Using #ClimateScam »

Biden’s America: Succession Movements Grow Stronger

Obviously, this is not anything new. There was talk among the moonbats of having Blue states succeed when Bush was president. Then, talk of Texas leaving when Obama was pres. Then more serious Democrats yammering about it during the Trump years. And parts of states wanting to leave to be their own state or join a different state. And now

Secession movements gain traction in US amid deepening political rifts: ‘A long-standing problem’

Grassroots movements of Americans seeking a political divorce from their fellow citizens have recently gained traction amid deepening cultural rifts, according to multiple figures involved with secessionist organizations who spoke to Fox News Digital.

Such movements have emerged in every region of the U.S. and vary in their goals. Some aim for entire states to leave the union to form a new country, while others endeavor more simply that rural red counties secede from the domination of blue urban centers to form new states. All agree that the disagreements with their political opponents have grown intractable.

“We’re at a point, I think, where America is not necessarily in the balance, but the institution known as the United States is in the balance,” Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), told Fox News Digital.

Miller’s organization endeavors to see Texas leave the union and revert to the sovereign republic it was from 1836, when it broke from Mexico, until it was annexed by the U.S. in 1845.

“People are beginning to ask themselves this question: ‘If their state was already a self-governing, independent nation, knowing everything they know about the federal government, would they vote to join the union today?’ And I think many people are coming to the conclusion that the federal government is not really fit for purpose; there is a better way,” Miller said.

The thing is, we are not a confederation, which is a voluntary union, we are a republic, meaning they can’t leave. There is not method for that. But, what happens when the federal government is out of control and consistently violating the Constitution? When the federal government is constantly taking power that does not belong to it, but, belongs to the States and The People? When the differences between the parties is so great that there is virtually no agreement on anything?

G.H. Merritt, who serves as chairwoman of the grassroots organization New Illinois, told Fox News Digital that far from impeding them, modern technology has widened the efforts of her movement, which aims to form a new state and emancipate Illinois’ conservative rural counties from the political dominance of Chicago and Cook County in the state’s General Assembly. New Illinois so far has committees in 30 of Illinois’ 102 counties, Merritt said.

“We do not call this ‘secession,'” Merritt said of New Illinois’ goals. “We never use that word, because secession is more like saying, ‘Hey, I’m taking my marbles and going home.’ And what we’re doing is following the process laid out in Article 4, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, so it’s a different thing.”

You have something similar with California, NY, and Oregon. It all makes you wonder, is there a time coming when there will be a split between Blue and Red America?

Read: Biden’s America: Succession Movements Grow Stronger »

Pirate's Cove