WWIII Watch: NATO Training For Potential Baltic Sea Showdown

If Kamala wins, will she be the first woman to get the US into a world war?

US, NATO allies train with naval missiles for potential Baltic Sea showdown with Russia

NATO troops, vessels and aircraft took to the frigid North Atlantic Ocean last month to sharpen their skills for a potential future war at sea, whether in the tumultuous Atlantic or in waters closer to their hypothetical Russian adversaries.

The drills — led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe and the U.S. Navy’s 6th Fleet — “focused on the strategic waterways and airspace surrounding Iceland,” a NATO press release said, an area it described as “a vital hub in the North Atlantic.” NATO forces practiced tracking enemy naval forces — including submarines — and responding to mass casualty events.

But one part of the exercise was designed with a different region, though the same hypothetical enemy, in mind. (snip)

The North Atlantic, though, is not the expected hunting ground.

“We almost always perform our exercises in the Baltic region,” Gryglewski said, “protecting the Baltic Sea region from the enemy” as part of Poland’s coastal defense system.

In fairness, NATO militaries are always having exercises, but, it is rather concerning that the media is concerned about these current ones. There was less concern over them during the Cold War. When you have a wackjob like Putin in power, and absent, ineffective, and doddering POTUS like Biden, leaders in other NATO nations cheerleading for Zelensky to continue hitting Russian territory, well, things can go downhill very quick. Because we’re still getting headlines like

Fun times, eh?

Read: WWIII Watch: NATO Training For Potential Baltic Sea Showdown »

Who’s Up For Climate (scam) Week NY?

Nothing says “we’re totally doomed” like thousands and thousands of Warmists taking fossil fueled trips to NYC to discuss how YOU can be forced to pay through the nose for their doomsday cult, eh? And the media who write and publish these articles never seem to notice the hypocrisy on display

For a week, New York will be center of money-focused fight to slow climate change

The effort to save the pale blue dot called Earth is all about the green — that is, the money to finance a transition to renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

The annual Climate Week NYC and United Nations General Assembly combination is putting special emphasis on how to generate trillions of dollars to help poorer countries move away from gas, oil and coal that emit greenhouse gases and heat the planet. They also need financial aid to deal with the damage the warming is already causing.

There’s also a special U.N. summit of the future, which connects climate change and biodiversity to other pressing issues like war, and another U.N. special session on the threat of rising seas. And the presidents of climate negotiations in 2023, 2024 and 2025 are seeking to push nations into a new round of dramatic pollution cuts with their own efforts.

Would these be the same types of “pollution cuts” they refuse to make themselves? Or how about wanting you to pay, not themselves?

This week starts a two-month sprint in which three different cities on three different continents host high-level meetings that may be humanity’s “last chance” to avoid exceeding globally agreed upon warming limits, according to one expert. After Climate Week in New York, Azerbaijan’s capital of Baku hosts the U.N.’s 29th climate negotiation conference. Then, leaders of the 20 biggest countries head to Rio de Janeiro. And early next year, all the world’s countries must submit new national targets to cut emissions of heat-trapping gases.

Sounds great, lots of Warmists taking lots of massive numbers of fossil fueled trips to talk about how to take your money and restrict your lives.

Underscoring everything is the money to fix the problems.

“It’s definitely about the greens,” said World Resources Institute President Ani Dasgupta. “”It is about greening the world and not getting the green to green the world.”

Why do they need Other People’s money when they could all make their own lives carbon neutral?

Read: Who’s Up For Climate (scam) Week NY? »

If All You See…

…is a big, fossil fueled vehicle needed to fight big, ‘climate change’ caused wildfires, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on preferring the Heinlein universe over the Asimov universe.

Me too. I’ve read pretty much every Heinlein book and short story, some many times. I have a shelf full of them. He would be my favorite scifi writer. I never read that much Asimov.

Read: If All You See… »

Pakistani Pleads Not-Guilty In Plot To Kill Donald Trump, Other American Officials

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on here. Why is this the first time I’ve heard about this? Did you hear about it? There’s obviously lots and lots of news stories out there, it’s easy to miss stuff, but, one would think that the arrest of this foreigner would have been front page, top shelf news across outlets, guaranteed to catch your attention. This is a big deal

Suspect pleads not guilty in alleged murder-for-hire plot against Donald Trump

A Pakistani national with ties to Iran pleaded not guilty Monday to federal charges alleging he attempted to commit an act of terrorism and murder-for-hire as part of a scheme to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

The suspect, Asif Merchant, was ordered detained pending trial during the hearing in Brooklyn federal court.

Coincidentally, Merchant’s arraignment came the same day a different man — 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh — appeared in a Florida court to answer firearm charges connected to an unrelated apparent alleged attempt on Trump’s life.

Merchant was indicted on federal charges in August, after being previously arrested and charged by complaint the month prior. If convicted of the charges contained in the indictment, he faces up to life in prison

Did you hear about this in July?

“The Justice Department will not tolerate Iran’s efforts to target our country’s public officials and endanger our national security,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement following the indictment. “As these terrorism and murder for hire charges against Asif Merchant demonstrate, we will continue to hold accountable those who would seek to carry out Iran’s lethal plotting against Americans.”

So, Iran was involved in trying to assassinate a past U.S. president? What is the Biden-Harris admin doing about this diplomatically?

After spending time in Iran, Merchant arrived in the United States from Pakistan in April and contacted a person he believed could assist him with the scheme to kill Trump, the complaint alleged. That person reported Merchant’s conduct to law enforcement and became a confidential source, according to the indictment.

Merchant sought to hire hitmen who could carry out the assassination of Trump and others, the indictment alleged. Merchant allegedly explained his plot involved multiple criminal schemes: stealing documents or USB drives from a target’s home; planning a protest; and killing a politician or government official, the indictment alleged.

He was arrested as he was attempting to leave the country. Apparently, this was big enough to catch the eye of Congressman Jim Jordan, who wants information out of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, wondering how in the f*** this guy was let into the country

(National Review) A resident of Pakistan, Merchant spent time in Iran before he traveled to the U.S. in April 2024 to begin recruiting people to help him assassinate U.S. government officials, the court papers indicate. Merchant was let into the country through Houston, Texas, and received parole, federal law enforcement sources told Fox News. The FBI was tracking Merchant before he entered the U.S., and his presence on American soil was needed to build a case against him before the arrest.

So, he did not come in on a visitors visa, he simply flew in and claimed asylum? Really? And stuck around for a few months trying to put together a murder plot? How serious was the FBI in tracking this guy after he was let in? Enough that Merchant was speaking to FBI agents playing a role, making Merchant think he was dealing with other Bad People.

Read: Pakistani Pleads Not-Guilty In Plot To Kill Donald Trump, Other American Officials »

Climate “Scientists” Publish Earth’s Climate For The Last 485 Million Years

It’s not quite the dunk these climate cultists think it is

Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years. Here’s the surprising place we stand now.
An effort to understand Earth’s past climates uncovered a history of wild temperature shifts and offered a warning on the consequences of human-caused warming.

An ambitious effort to understand the Earth’s climate over the past 485 million years has revealed a history of wild shifts and far hotter temperatures than scientists previously realized — offering a reminder of how much change the planet has already endured and a warning about the unprecedented rate of warming caused by humans.

The timeline, published Thursday in the journal Science, is the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced, the authors say. Created by combining more than 150,000 pieces of fossil evidence with state-of-the-art climate models, it shows the intimate link between carbon dioxide and global temperatures and reveals that the world was in a much warmer state for most of the history of complex animal life.

The revelations about Earth’s scorching past are further reason for concern about modern climate change, said Emily Judd, a researcher at University of Arizona and the Smithsonian specializing in ancient climates and the lead author of the study. The timeline illustrates how swift and dramatic temperature shifts were associated with many of the world’s worst moments — including a mass extinction that wiped out roughly 90 percent of all species and the asteroid strike that killed the dinosaurs.

You know how I feel about “climate models”. There is very little actual data from direct observation involved in this, but, anyhow, what does it look like?

So, pretty much the entirety of that 485 million years it has been much hotter than now? Weird. What made it so warm, and why should we have concern and this be a “warning about the consequences of human-caused warming?” A much warmer/hotter climate seems the norm.

But, I’m not sure I buy it. Most reconstructions look like this

But, hey, if Warmists want to run with the new one, it rather blows up their cult beliefs.

Read: Climate “Scientists” Publish Earth’s Climate For The Last 485 Million Years »

AOC’s House Office Tagged With Fake Blood, She Seems Upset

It’s just property, right?

She’s seriously citing DOD documents, and continued citing more. But, that’s the US military, not the Israeli military, which is fighting terrorist groups designated as such by the US State Department

(The Hill) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said her House office was “tagged with blood-splattered signs accusing [her] of supporting terrorism” after she condemned Israel for a series of explosions across Lebanon involving pagers that targeted members of militant group Hezbollah. (snip through her yammering about the pager attack)

Ocasio-Cortez, an outspoken critic of Israel’s government amid increased tensions in the Middle East, included an excerpt from the Department of Defense Law of War Manual that prohibits using apparently harmless devices as objects that are designed and constructed with explosives.

It’s interesting that she says she “doesn’t take well to bullies”, yet, really said next to nothing when Jews were being bullied, harassed, and assaulted on college campuses and on the streets. She’s pretty much fully taken the side of enemies of the United States Of America, the nation she swore an oath to.

Meanwhile, AOC, all her Comrades in the Squad, and so many other Democrats are freaking out over this

That cartoon could have been made with hundreds (thousands?) of elected Democrats. I’m seeing federal reps, Senators, state elected officials, state governors and Lt. Governors.

Read: AOC’s House Office Tagged With Fake Blood, She Seems Upset »

Strange: EVs Are Twice As Expensive As Gas Cars To Run

Of course, since the majority who buy EVs make $150k to $300K a year, it doesn’t really bother them. The real rich folks buy super expensive EVs for street cred. The working and middle classes? Yeah, it’ll

Running an electric car is twice as expensive as a petrol one

st greta carElectric cars are up to twice as expensive as petrol or diesel vehicles to run, new figures have suggested.

Running an electric vehicle (EV) can cost more than 24p per mile, while a diesel vehicle is 12.5p.

It costs as much as 80p per kilowatt hour to charge an EV using a rapid or ultra-rapid device on the roadside, according to data from the app ZapMap.

A typical electric car will travel 3.3 miles for every kWh of electricity used, meaning rapid and ultra-rapid chargers currently cost the equivalent of 24.1p per mile, calculations by The Times suggest.

Slower chargers cost 16.4p per mile.

This is around double the average diesel car, which will do 43 miles per gallon, resulting in a cost of 12.5p per mile at current prices. A typical petrol car costs 14.5p per mile, according to the analysis.

Huh. Yet, the Elites in the UK are working to force all the peasants into EVs, while, can you find the aristocracy traveling in EVs in photos or video, other than for photo-ops? Anyhow, the article does point out that charging at home is less expensive than gas, which is true. But, a generous study says 43% of Brits would not be able to charge at home, and, that percent could be much higher. And many of those would could charge at home do not have the ability to do more than Level 1, which can take days to charge

ZapMap found that prices at rapid chargers have increased 5 per cent over the past year, despite a 30 per cent decrease in the wholesale cost of electricity.

Huh. That’s weird.

Thom Groot, founder of the Electric Car Scheme, said: “We need to keep stimulating demand with incentives and supporting consumers in making the switch. The fact that people who charge at home pay less VAT than those who use public chargers is unfair.”

In other words, they really cannot survive without massive government help. So, scheme is a good word.

Read: Strange: EVs Are Twice As Expensive As Gas Cars To Run »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing the world to end, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on some things never changing.

Read: If All You See… »

Hilariously, Israeli Shell Company Supplied The Pagers To Hezbollah

I wonder if we’ll get a similar story about the walkie talkies?

Israeli shell company behind explosive pagers used by Hezbollah – NYT

Hungary-based pagers manufacturing company BAC Consulting, which manufactured the pagers that exploded across Lebanon on Tuesday, was an Israeli shell company, the New York Times reported on Thursday, citing three intelligence officers.

The three officers further said that an additional two shell companies were created, which, the NYT noted, assisted in hiding the identities of those involved in manufacturing the pagers.

The report explained that while the company did produce regular pagers for other clients, those manufactured for Hezbollah were “produced separately, they contained batteries laced with explosive.”

According to the report, the pagers were first sent to Lebanon in 2022 in a small batch.

Following a speech made by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, where he denounced the use of cellphones – calling them Israel’s “agent” – and promoted more comprehensive use of pagers, more orders for BAC manufactured pagers were reportedly placed by operatives of the Lebanese terrorist organization.

This is great. Israel creates the fear among Hezbollah over use of cell phones, then produces the pagers for the terrorists to use. And, get this: Israel got paid for selling the pagers to Hezbollah. Even if Israel didn’t make a profit, Hezbollah would have spent their money buying the pagers which had batteries laced with explosives. Israel had this operation ready to go even before Hamas attacked Israel last October.


Over 1000 ready-to-launch rockets in South Lebanon destroyed in IDF strike

IDF fighter jets struck hundreds of rockets that were ready for immediate launch into Israeli territory, the IDF announced on Thursday night.

Starting on Thursday afternoon, a total of about 100 rocket launchers and other military infrastructure were attacked, including about 1,000 rockets that were ready for immediate launch, the IDF said.

Three Lebanese security officials told Reuters that these were “the heaviest aerial strikes since the conflict began in October.”

Of course, for Democrats, any action by Israel is bad. They should never attack, they are meant to sit their and take it as terrorists attack the nation. You even have AOC supporting Hezbollah, complaining about the report that one child was killed in the pager attack, but, she’s said nothing about all the Jewish children murdered by Hezbollah and Hamas.

Read: Hilariously, Israeli Shell Company Supplied The Pagers To Hezbollah »

Say, What Does The Fed’s Rate Cut Mean For “Green” Energy?

The Huffington Post makes an interesting admission

What The Fed’s Interest Rate Cut Means For Green Energy

The Federal Reserve’s decision Wednesday to start cutting interest rates could bolster green energy investments, which took a hit as the U.S. central bank drastically increased the cost of borrowing money over the past two years in a scramble to tamp down post-pandemic inflation.

At its 2 p.m. meeting, the Fed slashed interest rates by 50 basis points ? one-half a percentage point ? delivering an even larger cut than the quarter of a percentage point Wall Street forecasters initially expected.

But analysts said the market needs rates to come down further to reverse the project delays and cancellations slowing the global transition away from fossil fuels, as well as warned that many emerging clean energy sectors ? from next-generation nuclear power to hydrogen fuel ? require additional support through government policy changes.

“It’s not going to do a huge amount to help the projects that have struggled with the cost of debt,” Peter Martin, the chief economist at the British-based energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie, told HuffPost. “It’s a bit of a psychological boost in terms of showing we are about to close the chapter on those really aggressive rate hikes.”

First, like the cultists will allow next gen nuclear power. Hydrogen is silly, because it put the number one greenhouse gas, water vapor, at ground level, leading to much higher artificial heating at ground level.

Second, it’s interesting that investment in “clean” energy is stifled because of the higher rates. If it was so darned necessary to Save The Planet From Boiling, you’d think investors would stream towards it. Who would be dropping tons of money into it, especially since the federal government and certain states are giving out tons of taxpayer money for these projects.

By October, the International Energy Agency warned that higher rates were spiking the cost of building all kinds of clean energy projects. Before the end of that month, the world’s largest offshore turbine developer, the Danish giant Ørsted, canceled its high-profile wind farm off the coast of New Jersey. A month later, the reactor startup NuScale abandoned its landmark project to build the United States’ first small modular atomic power units.

But, there are no reports of big fossil fuels projects having been cancelled due to the rates, because those companies involved know that there will be a return on investment. Weird, eh?

Read: Say, What Does The Fed’s Rate Cut Mean For “Green” Energy? »

Pirate's Cove