Biden-Harris DHS Loses Track Of 32,000 Illegal Alien Children

Now, imagine had this happened during the Trump years: would this be a huge story, or mostly ignored by the media?

DHS Watchdog: 30,000 Migrant Children Missing

illegal alien DemocratThe internal watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Tuesday that that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency lost track of tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children, ABC News reported.

The interim report sent to Congress and obtained by ABC News states that in the past five years, more than 32,000 unaccompanied migrant children failed to report for their immigration court hearing and that ICE was “not able to account” for their whereabouts.

Inspector General Joseph Cuffari wrote in his report: “Without an ability to monitor the location and status of [unaccompanied migrant children], ICE has no assurance [they] are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.”

Cuffari also urged ICE to “take immediate action to ensure the safety of [unaccompanied children] residing in the United States.”

During his investigation, Cuffari found that immigration officials had moved over 448,000 children from ICE custody to the Department of Health and Human Services, which is tasked with placing them with sponsors or in foster homes.

Those are two disturbing issues: first, that almost half a million children arrived in the United States without their parents, and that the Biden-Harris administration lost track of 32,000. Where are they? What is happening to them?

The issue of immigration figures to be one of the top concerns for voters in the upcoming U.S. elections. Since being chosen as the Democrat presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris has presented herself as tough on illegal immigration, according to her campaign staff.

Most of this occurred during the Biden-Harris years, especially since everyone involved at the federal level has been over-run by the staggering number of illegals pouring across the border.

(ABC News) In his interim report, Cuffari said that as of May 2024, more than 291,000 unaccompanied children had not been placed into removal proceedings because ICE had not served them notices to appear or scheduled a court date for them. Accordingly, the number of unaccompanied children who failed to appear for their court dates “may have been much larger” than 32,000 had ICE issued notices or scheduled court dates for those 291,000 children.

It’s hard to serve them notice when their are so many millions and millions who came since Biden-Harris opened the floodgates.

Read: Biden-Harris DHS Loses Track Of 32,000 Illegal Alien Children »

Weird: Climate Cult Group Fails To Mention “Climate” In Kamala Support Ad

Now, why wouldn’t they mention what they Believe? Also, I wonder if these ads violate their non-profit status by endorsing a candidate?

Why climate is missing from climate groups’ ad splurge

Kamala Climate ClownThe first three spots in climate groups’ new $55 million, swing-state ad buy supporting Kamala Harris don’t mention climate change or global warming.

Why it matters: It’s a striking example of a wider — and longstanding — strategy from Democrats and allies to make economics and jobs the tip of the spear.

And it’s one that emphasizes consumer costs right now as inflation is high on the political radar.

Driving the news: The political arms of the League of Conservation Voters, Climate Power and the Environmental Defense Fund unveiled the campaign on Monday.

You mean inflation fueled by Biden-Harris energy policies?

What’s inside: One spot backs into energy, opening by touting Harris going after banks that “unfairly foreclosed” on people when she was California’s AG.

It then cites her prosecution of oil companies’ environmental violations, while saying Donald Trump “has always stood with corporations that rip us off.”

Another starts with “prices are too high” and says Harris will attack oil industry “price gouging,” and that growing “clean” energy production will cut power bills.

Except, despite all the billions and billions dumped into “clean” energy, energy has gone up during the Biden-Harris administration, to the tune of about 30% higher.

third begins by saying the goal of Harris’ presidency would be strengthening the middle class. It lists “advanced manufacturing and clean energy” as ways to get there, alongside capping drug prices and strengthening social security.

Except, the Biden-Harris admin has decimated the middle class. Are they trying to force everyone into a manufacturing job?

The big picture: The ads are consistent with the pocketbook topics central to the race and voters’ longstanding concerns — and efforts to help Harris on the economy, where polls show her lagging Trump.

Danielle Deiseroth, executive director of the lefty polling outfit and think tank Data for Progress, notes “kitchen-table economic issues have been a major concern this cycle.”

“So communicating to voters how clean energy will help relieve the pain in their wallets is key to defining the vice president’s broader narrative around curbing high prices,” she said via email.

In other words, they are attempting to hide their actual agenda. Unsurprising, since poll after poll after poll shows that Americans may care about Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry in theory, but, in practice it mostly fails to move the voting needle.

Read: Weird: Climate Cult Group Fails To Mention “Climate” In Kamala Support Ad »

If All You See…

…is metal corroding from too much carbon pollution driven humidity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post Joy being redefined.

Read: If All You See… »

Last Denny’s In Kamala’s San Francisco Closes Due To Crime

It’s surprising that they lasted this long

Last remaining Denny’s in major US city forced to close after 25 years – and customers are getting the blame

Another iconic Denny’s restaurant has closed its doors for the last time, stripping a California city of the chain’s last location.

Denny’s has closed more than 70 of its restaurants in the last two years, including 15 this summer alone.

Among the recent closures is the last bastion of the fast-casual chain in San Francisco.

The 24-hour restaurant in the city’s Union Square district ran for 25 years before closing on August 1 as a result of rising crime.

The franchise’s operator Chris Haque told the San Francisco Gate the restaurant ‘operated until the last day that we could.’

And what did that crime look like?

The location in San Francisco’s crime-riddled downtown was reportedly effected by frequent ‘dining and dashing’, where customers order, eat and then leave without paying.

‘The cost of doing business is tremendous. There’s vandalism, and people come and eat and walk away, and there’s no one to stop them,’ Haque told the publication.

‘It’s a beautiful city – we love it, we have been there so many years,’ Haque said.

‘But I think [city officials] should make it more business-friendly.’

And it didn’t help that there’s been a big dip in tourism and convention attendance, because it’s become too dangerous in San Francisco, especially the downtown area. And, sure, many other Denny’s have closed this year and in previous years since the Wuhan Flu pandemic started, but, they each have their own reasons. This one was over crime. Oh, and

Robert Verostek, Denny’s executive vice president and chief financial officer, blamed inflation as a significant factor for closures when he spoke to investors earlier this year.

He pointed out that the breakeven point for a restaurant to remain open had jumped from $1 million to $1.2 million due to higher costs for food and wages.

And you can bet that the cost to run this one in San Fran had skyrocketed due to the recently passed $20 minimum wage law. This is Kamala’s America. This is the policies of Democrats that the Biden-Harris admin tried to implement across the country, and that Kamala would work to implement.

Read: Last Denny’s In Kamala’s San Francisco Closes Due To Crime »

Bummer: SCOTUS Decisions Are Already Slowing Climate Action

I wonder if Warmists ever considered that they can change their own behavior on their own? That there is no need for authoritarian government to force everyone to comply with the cult?

Recent Supreme Court decisions are already slowing climate progress

During its last session, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority dealt blow after blow to federal agencies’ authority to draft and enforce policies, including those aimed at mitigating climate change. Its decisions have already created upheaval for courts considering issues ranging from the approval of a solar project to vehicle emissions rules. This has upended the legal landscape for judges and for regulators, and could slow climate progress as a result.

The uncertainty has alarmed, but not surprised, legal experts who earlier this summer predicted that four rulings limiting federal authority could curtail the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies to limit pollution, govern toxic substances, and mitigate global warming.

“It’s going to throw climate policy into many years of litigating what these cases actually mean when applied to individual rulemakings,” said Deborah Sivas, an environmental law professor at Stanford University. “That’s not good for the energy transition that we actually need to go through.”

Yeah, it is a real shame that unelected bureaucrats can no longer bypass the express intentions of the US Constitution, where it is incumbent on the duly elected Legislative branch to pass laws which the Executive carries out

Sending cases back to lower courts for further review will almost certainly delay decisions, limiting the effectiveness of federal policies to address climate change and other issues. But an even greater impact may be felt by the agencies charged with taking those actions and already facing increasing scrutiny and lawsuits.

“Agencies will have to be even more careful than they already are to ground proposed regulations in the text of the statute and to explain why they believe that the regulation is consistent with Congressional intent,” Rylander said.

So they cannot just simply do whatever they want willy nilly, they actually have to follow the Constitution? Huh. Shame.

Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry and other polluters, emboldened by the Supreme Court’s recent decisions, have ramped up challenges to environmental regulations. In late July, Republican state attorneys general, rural electric cooperatives, and fossil fuel trade organizations asked the Supreme Court to pause an EPA rule to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of coal- and gas-fired power plants. As in Ohio v. EPA, the plaintiffs are once again asking the high court to block the rule even as it wends through the D.C. Circuit. (The Supreme Court previously paused another EPA power plant emissions rule in 2016, the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, which never went into effect.) Legal experts say the outcome of Ohio v. EPA proves the Supreme Court is willing to take such far-reaching actions — and that it has clearly encouraged this request for an emergency pause.

“Industry lawyers believe it is open season to go after regulations,” Michael Gerrard, an environmental law professor at Columbia University, said. Corporate clients, egged on by Ohio v. EPA and other Supreme Court wins, have concluded that “the expense of the lawsuit is small compared to the benefit if they win,” he said.

Get laws passed. That’s the way it works.

Read: Bummer: SCOTUS Decisions Are Already Slowing Climate Action »

Kamala Voters Tear Down Fencing, Fly Hamas Flag At DNC

Hey, moderate Democrats, Never Trumpers, and Jews who vote Democrat, is this what you support?

Hamas Flag Flown At Rally Near DNC

Protesters were seen holding a Hamas flag at an anti-Israel rally Monday near Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Fox News reported.

Just hours before the DNC started, hundreds of organizations staged a protest at which both Hamas and Palestinian flags were seen, according to Fox News. Chicago officials, along with the U.S. Secret Service and local police, expressed their commitment to maintaining peace and ensuring safety during these demonstrations.

“The U.S. Secret Service, along with its federal, state, and local partners, respects the right of the public to demonstrate. We make no distinction on the purpose, message or intent of any particular group,” Chicago police told Fox News Digital in a statement.

Now, imagine how the Credentialed Media would cover this if it was wacko Republican voters flying Russian flags or Nazi ones. Here you have people flying the flag of a US designated terrorist organization.

Anti-Israel protesters arrested after breaching barrier at DNC ahead of Biden speech

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters breached the first layer of fencing outside the Democratic National Convention, with some later apprehended by Chicago police and others pushed back by officers behind to restore the secure perimeter. (snip)

Several protesters had crept up to the fence and began shaking it before slipping through. An entourage of law enforcement officers then arrived to reinforce the lines.

Reportedly, only four were arrested. What’s the over/under that they’re out of jail before bedtime?

The Jew hating, Hamas supporting wackos are also trying to build an autonomous zone right outside that fence.

Read: Kamala Voters Tear Down Fencing, Fly Hamas Flag At DNC »

Good Grief: Climate Cult Tries To Link Italian Shipwreck To Climate Crisis (scam)

Their science is sure full of lots of “mights”

Global warming may be factor in deadly Italian shipwreck, climatologist says

Global warming may have contributed to the freak storm that sank a luxury British-flagged yacht off the coast of Sicily on Monday, Italian climatologist Luca Mercalli told Reuters.

One man died and six people were missing, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, after the “Bayesian”, a 56-metre-long (184-ft) sailboat, was suddenly hit by ferocious weather.

Mercalli, president of the Italian meteorological society, said the episode could have been a water spout, essentially a tornado over water, or else a downburst, a more frequent phenomenon that doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

“We don’t know which it was because it all happened in the dark in the early hours of the morning, so we have no photographs,” he said.

In Italy water spouts can involve winds of up to 200 kilometres (124 miles) per hour, while downbursts can produce gusts of around 150 km per hour.

So they do not know what actually happened, and water spouts are not abnormal in Italy

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), which is almost 3 degrees more than normal. This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms,” Mercalli said.

“So we can’t say that this is all due to climate change, but we can say that it has an amplifying effect.”

Right, right. What about all sorts of other shipwrecks going back 5 millennium in the Mediterranean? Were they from Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles? Seriously, no matter what happens this cult wants a piece of it

Read: Good Grief: Climate Cult Tries To Link Italian Shipwreck To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a valley flooded from Extreme Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Hamas rejecting Biden’s ceasefire and hostage deal.

Read: If All You See… »

Chicago Residents Feel Like They Are In A “Police State”

It really shouldn’t be a surprise to Chicagoans that the streets are shut down and law enforcement is everywhere, this is what happens during a political party convention. And certainly when tens of thousands of their wacko comrades will be showing up and creating problems

New DNC security measures in downtown Chicago have some feeling “like a police state”

With street closures and restrictions already in place at both the United Center and McCormick Place ahead of the Democratic National Convention, new security measures that went into effect this weekend have left parts of the downtown area in a state of lockdown.

Residents and businesses were still trying to navigate the new restrictions on Sunday, after large security fences went up along sidewalks in parts of the Loop, Gold Coast, and Magnificent Mile – with a handful of downtown streets also closed off.

Unlike those closures announced in advance around the United Center and McCormick Place, the new restrictions downtown were not formally announced until Saturday morning, after they were already in place, blindsiding many who live and work in the area.

Well, yeah, they either didn’t want to give the wackos advanced warning or didn’t realize how many would show up

The heightened security in and around the Magnificent Mile, Gold Coast, and other parts of downtown all went into effect this weekend due to what police call “DNC activity.”

The Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas as well as Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are staying in downtown hotels during the convention, prompting the security hot zones.

Street closures downtown include (they’re in the story)

People who live and work in the area also should be prepared to show identification to gain access to certain buildings.

Wait, what? Free citizens will have to show identification to go to their home and/or work? That’s weird. We’ve been told that identification is unnecessary in order to vote, but, it is to go home?

“Wow, this is like crazy. A lot of important people are gonna be here, and we are happy that they’re gonna be safe. But, yeah, it does feel like a police state with all the big walls going up and everything. It’s a little crazy,” Michael Tenniswood said.

Walls, eh? We’ve also been told they do not work.

Read: Chicago Residents Feel Like They Are In A “Police State” »

Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Means Your Windshield Wipers Are Moving Fast Enough

From the mind of hyper-Warmist Marshall Shepherd comes this delightful tale of climate doom, which is a new one

Are Your Wiper Blades Moving Fast Enough For Today’s Rainstorms?

Much of the content that I write about comes from the convergence of routine life and being an atmospheric scientist. Yesterday, my family and I were driving home from a college recruiting trip. We encountered very intense rainfall as we entered Gwinnett County, a suburb just northeast of Atlanta, Georgia. The wiper blades were at full speed and could not keep up with the intensity of the rainfall. I said to my wife, “The current generation of wiper blade settings are not ready for the climate change-juiced rainstorms of today.” She pulled out her phone and snapped the picture above because she probably knew a Forbes article was coming. Here’s the science behind my statement.

Got that? He was in one heavy rainstorm and because the wipers couldn’t keep up doom is coming

While my observations about wiper blade rates are somewhat anecdotal, here’s what I do know. I had a difficult time seeing the road in that rainstorm yesterday, and the wiper blades on that car were recently installed. My wife also happened to snap a picture of my phone showing the weather radar (picture above). Yes, it’s true. I am a “weather geek,” so it is not uncommon for my phone to be on the radar in these situations. The blue circle indicates the position of our car within that afternoon thunderstorm.

Here’s also what’s not anecdotal. Scientific studies consistently show that rainfall intensities are increasing in the U.S. Rainfall intensity or rate is essentially a measure of how hard it rains. The 2023 U.S. National Climate Assessment report notes, “Since the 1950s, there has been an upward trend in heavy precipitation across the contiguous US…. increase is driven largely by more frequent precipitation extremes, with relatively smaller changes in their intensity.” The Northeast and Midwest have seen the largest increases. Here in the Southeast, total precipitation in the heaviest 1% of days has increased by 37% from 1958 to 2021.

And? That fails to prove anthropogenic causation, just that the Earth is in a typical warm period. Heavy rains happen. They always have. They always will. Sometimes even on high they cannot keep up, so, you slow down or even pull over. You don’t go all cult over it.

BTW, was Marshall traveling in a fossil fueled vehicle?

Read: Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Means Your Windshield Wipers Are Moving Fast Enough »

Pirate's Cove