If All You See…

…are pumpkins growing later and later because of climate doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on WHO renaming monkeypox because of raaaaacism.

Read: If All You See… »

Supreme Court Takes Up Case On Biden’s “Sanctuary Country”

This seems to be one of those cases which seems to have a serious Constitutional component, where it’s being taken up because the majority on the Court want to make something happen, and it will be up to the lawyers for the states to make a good argument to Court to kill off Biden’s pro-illegal rules

SCOTUS to Hear Case Challenging Joe Biden’s ‘Sanctuary Country’ Orders

Americans before illegalsThe Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear oral arguments in a case where states are seeking to block President Joe Biden’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders from being implemented.

In February 2021, Biden implemented a series of enforcement orders that protect most of the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Specifically, the orders prevent ICE agents from arresting and deporting most illegal aliens in the U.S. unless they are considered a threat to public safety, a threat to national security, or arrived sometime after November 2020.

In August 2021, Judge Drew Tipton of the Southern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction, halting the implementation of the orders, after Texas and Louisiana sued the Biden administration. That injunction was put on hold by a three-judge panel in September 2021 but the full 17-judge Fifth Circuit vacated that decision.

The Brandon admin is going to argue today that the orders only have “incidental effect”, hence, states are not allowed to sue the federal government. And the States are arguing

First, it is contrary to law because sections 1226(c) and 1231(a)(2) mandate detention, as this Court has repeatedly stated. DHS identifies no INA provision that prevents this Court from reaching that conclusion. Second, the Final Memorandum is arbitrary and capricious because it failed to consider important aspects of the problems criminal aliens create, including recidivism and States’ reliance interests. Third, the Final Memorandum is procedurally invalid because it was not adopted through notice-and-comment procedures, which are required where agency action substantively changes a regulatory regime. [Emphasis added]

Interesting arguments. I’m no lawyer, but, perhaps they should be straight up arguing that federal law requires illegal aliens to be deported, and that the Constitution requires the federal government to protect the borders? Sometimes, lawyers can get a bit too cute.

Someone in the Breitbart comments makes a good point

Trump showed exactly how to easily fix the illegal immigration problem. Just reinstate his policies (plus add a few others he wasn’t able to at the time, and it’d be even better).

? Actually enforce existing laws
? Remain in Mexico to await legal hearings for asylum
? Loudly publicize that they will NOT be released in to the nation
? Loudly publicize that they will be returned to their starting country
? Loudly publicize that if caught a second time, they will be criminally prosecuted
? Finish the wall
? Deport all illegals caught, especially those with any criminal offenses
? Detain all caught until they can be deported – no more catch and release
? E-verify or clear proof of citizenship for hiring (Trump didn’t manage to implement that one, unfortunately)
? Make it clear that they will NOT get amnesty, and will NOT get citizenship
? Make it clear that they are welcome to come here legally – but if they do so illegally, they will be treated as criminals
? Deport back to their home nations, not just across the border into Mexico where they can turn right around and easily try again
? Go after visa overstays rather than ignoring them (Trump didn’t implement this one either)
? Stop giving them welfare, food stamps, etc.

Well, yes.

Read: Supreme Court Takes Up Case On Biden’s “Sanctuary Country” »

Your Fault: Autumn Is Doing Different Things

If only you had given up your own use of fossil fueled vehicles decades ago this wouldn’t be happening

What happened to autumn? Scientists point to climate change

stop global warmingRegarded by millions of Americans as their favorite season, autumn for many regions of the United States has traditionally been marked by the gradual transition from hot summer weather to frigid winter temperatures. But in recent years, fall seems to have all but disappeared — especially in the Northeast — and experts say climate change is partly to blame.

Throughout October of this year, a time normally associated with crisp weather and changing leaves, many parts of the Northeast saw temperatures upwards of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. And then, seemingly overnight, the weather turned much colder.

In Spokane, Wash., the warmest October on record was quickly followed in early November by the season’s first freeze and snowfall. By the end of the third week in November, snow had fallen all over upstate New York, and Buffalo, N.Y., received a record-breaking 6 feet of snow.

Got that? Record breaking snow is due to heat trapping gases.

“We’re seeing this weather whiplash here in the fall, where it can be so warm, it can have record warm temperatures, and then very quickly we can transition into a very cold period,” Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, told Yahoo News.

Experts such as Cohen say climate change is a factor. Weather is fluky, and it’s impossible to ascribe most individual events to climate change, but climate change is creating the conditions, starting with a longer, hotter summer, that make fall-less years more likely.

The Cult of Climastrology seemingly does this every year these days. But, is it completely unusual? No. There are plenty of reports of non-seasonal weather back in the 30’s, when there was a big temperature spike, well before CO2 broke it’s “safe” level of 350ppm. And during the cooling period of the late 40’s through the late 70’s. The phrase “Indian summer” isn’t something new. Temperatures increasing during a Holocene warm period shouldn’t be surprising.

One might expect, then, that typical fall weather would just be shifted until later in the year, as it would take longer for temperatures to drop to those historically associated with winter. But there’s another wrinkle attributed to climate change that explains why winter temperatures suddenly crash onto the country, plunging millions into winterlike conditions: warmer Arctic temperatures in places like Alaska that send polar vortices southward.

“I would summarize the whipsawing from weather extremes this fall as the summation of two competing factors: ambient warming due to increasing greenhouse gases and an increase in polar vortex stretching,” Cohen said.

Cults always come up with some sort of Reason that supports their cult beliefs.

Read: Your Fault: Autumn Is Doing Different Things »

Biden Wants Congress To Ratify Choo Choo Train Deal To Avoid Strike

I’m all for doing what’s necessary to avoid a strike, as my business is 100% dependent on moving product via train

Biden calls on Congress to intervene to avert rail shutdown

President Biden on Monday called on Congress to pass legislation to avert a rail shutdown before Dec. 9, warning of major disruptions to the U.S. economy if lawmakers don’t act.

He said Congress should pass a bill “immediately to adopt the Tentative Agreement between railroad workers and operators — without any modifications or delay — to avert a potentially crippling national rail shutdown.”

Biden’s plea to Congress comes amid an ongoing labor standoff that could shut down crucial shipments of food and fuel.

In response to Biden’s call, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement, “This week, the House will take up a bill adopting the Tentative Agreement — with no poison pills or changes to the negotiated terms — and send it to the Senate.”

I have a question: why would it be necessary for Congress to pass a bill? Isn’t this an agreement between private entities? How is it possible for the Congress to pass a bill and have it binding for private enterprises and the unions involved? Especially since it seems that several of the unions have said “no”?

“On the day that it was announced, labor leaders, business leaders, and elected officials all hailed it as a fair resolution of the dispute between the hard-working men and women of the rail freight unions and the companies in that industry,” he said.

While I agree with wanting to avoid a crippling strike, under what authority can the Congress force this upon the parties involved?

Biden, in his statement, warned about the outcome if there is a shutdown.

“Let me be clear: a rail shutdown would devastate our economy. Without freight rail, many U.S. industries would shut down,” he said, adding that union workers would be out of work, communities would struggle to get chemicals that ensure clean drinking water and farmers and ranchers would be unable to feed their livestock.

He’s not wrong. Not wrong in the least. He also wants, again, zero changes. No adding this or that or the other from Democrats or Republicans. Who’s your bet on the first to attempt to attach ryders to the bill? I’m going with Squad members.

Read: Biden Wants Congress To Ratify Choo Choo Train Deal To Avoid Strike »

If All You See…

…is a dog causing the world temperatures to skyrocket, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climatism, with a post on the NY Times profiling a “compassionate” climate activist who wants humanity to die off.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Insane Parents Moving Their Trans Kids From Red To Blue States

In a goodly chunk of states it is illegal for a minor to get a tattoo, but, in Democratic Party run states, it’s perfectly fine to let children go through body altering for life changes. This isn’t like getting breast implants, which can be removed

Conservative states are blocking trans medical care. Families are fleeing.

Carrie Jackson and her family of three fondly remember their home in Denton, Texas.

They had moved to the Dallas suburb from the tiny town of Malakoff, Texas, back in 2016. Jackson landed a job she liked as a lead counselor for the Aubrey Independent School District. Carrie said her 17-year-old high school junior, Cass, who is transgender, was thriving.

Coming out and socially transitioning at 14 had been rough, but by 17, Cass was a well-adjusted teen who identified as nonbinary and used they/them pronouns. Cass was making great grades, working a job, driving a car and starting to think about college, Carrie said.

That’s well-adjusted? Looks like mental illness, most likely as pushed at a young age by the parents and teachers, along with peer pressure by other kids.

On the night of Feb. 22. Carrie was sitting in bed, scrolling through her Facebook feed, and spotted a news article posted by another mother. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had issued a directive requiring the state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate all parents with medically transitioning kids, enclosing an opinion from fellow Republican, Attorney General Ken Paxton, to back it up. These parents could be brought up on charges of child abuse — and people who worked with trans kids could be, too, if they didn’t report such families to state authorities.

Just weeks later, the Jacksons were en route to Cumberland, a small city near the Allegheny mountains in western Maryland, where Cass’ older sibling lived. Cass’ sibling, Bug, is also transgender and would provide a new home for Cass, their mother and their other sister. Unemployed and without a plan, the family felt their only option was to flee a state they had never intended to leave. They were leaving their home.

The Jacksons are not the only family that left Texas since Abbott’s directive — they’re part of a larger exodus of families with trans children from states that have implemented laws and policies clamping down on their access to health care, according to POLITICO interviews with more than a dozen transgender teens and adults and their family members.

Good. Take your leftist insanity with you. You should all move from Red to Blue states.

The fight over access to gender-affirming medical care for trans youths — like the fight over abortion rights and other issues at the intersection of health, politics, gender, culture and race — is impacting where Americans want to live, work and raise families. And it’s grown particularly acute over the past year, as conservative governors and legislators have restricted access to medical care for gender dysphoria, a condition that stems from one’s lived experience of gender being different from the sex assigned at birth.

It really is amazing that Democrat states have no interest in protecting children from medical procedures that can scar them for life, physically and psychologically. Study after study after study show that trans folks have much worse mental health than the rest of the population, and subjecting children who do not really know any better to this is a travesty. And should be a crime. And there do not seem to be any Democrats or Blue states which say “you know, is this really a good idea? Perhaps they should receive counseling, and be forced to wait till they’re adults.”

Read: Bummer: Insane Parents Moving Their Trans Kids From Red To Blue States »

Tony Robinson Wants Less Focus On ‘Climate Change’ Gloom And Doom

Should we be listening to Robinson? After all, he holds no degrees in climate or any type of science. He’s an actor. But, then, most of the people yammering at conferences like the latest UN COP in Egypt do not hold any degrees in anything science. Of course, Robinson isn’t the only Warmist who has said they need to preach less gloom and doom. Anyhow, good luck, Tony

Climate change message should not be doom and gloom, says Tony Robinson

Sir Tony Robinson, star of Blackadder and veteran presenter of Time Team, has told Sky News he wants the message of climate change to be less about doom and gloom and more hopeful.

“I’ve been frustrated for quite some time about the way we talk about climate change,” he said.

“It’s like there’s nothing but doom and gloom.

“We might as well just suck our thumbs, sit in the corner and wait to die.”

Sir Tony, who has made several documentaries about climate change, was speaking to mark the launch of video game Floodland, a survival title set after a climate-induced apocalypse.

Too late, Tony, it morphed into a doomsday cult when the Soviet Union fell and all the hardcores decided to join the environmental movement, using ‘climate change’ to push their Communist beliefs.

“I think it’s very important that we don’t just teach children that climate change is so awful that they should be paralysed into inactivity.

“There is some evidence that some children are starting to think that, but we mustn’t teach them that.

Also way too late, as witnessed in poll after poll, study after study showing that the children are mental messes.

Climate hell is on the way

It is increasingly obvious to even the most skeptical of the anti-global warming critics that our planet is undergoing a significant climate change caused by the increase in atmospheric temperature.

The current deniers are right up there with the Flat Earth Society. If the recent past is any indication, an atmospheric temperature increase of another two degrees will be catastrophic. “We’re on a highway to climate hell,” said U.N. Secretary- General Antonio Guterres at the recent COP27 climate change summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Too late, Tony. Writing doom is just so much easier when you want to get the government to force people to do things like ride e-bikes instead of driving, ban straws and plastic bags, end private ownership of cars, and give up your freedom.

Read: Tony Robinson Wants Less Focus On ‘Climate Change’ Gloom And Doom »

Herr Fauci Totally Has An Open Mind On COVID Lab Leak

Mr. I Am The Science would have been blocked on Twitter, Facebook and other not that long ago

Fauci on Covid lab leak theory: ‘I have a completely open mind’

Anthony Fauci, the retiring top official in the United States response to the Covid-19 pandemic, said Sunday he has “a completely open mind” about the origins of the respiratory virus.

“I have a completely open mind about that, despite people saying that I don’t,” Fauci said, when asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about the theory that the virus may have leaked from a lab in China in 2019.

Fauci acknowledged that a group of international, respected virologists has written that strong evidence shows the virus jumped from animals to humans, but said it “hasn’t been definitively proven.”

“Even when there’s nothing to hide, they act in a suspicious, non-transparent way,” Fauci said of the Chinese government.

Weirdly, neither Politico nor any of the other Credentialed Media outlets discussing this mention that Fauci was essentially funding gain of function research at a facility in Wuhan, China, that was already shown to have shoddy security and protection methods. Oh, and

Fauci shut down lab leak theory despite scientists lending it credence, emails show

Scientists consulting with the U.S. government early in the pandemic believed COVID-19 originating from a lab in Wuhan, China, was possible or even likely, but Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins worked to shut the hypothesis down, according to several emails.

The emails were revealed Tuesday in a letter from Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member on House Judiciary Committee, and GOP Rep. James Comer, the ranking member on House Oversight Committee. Some of the emails included notes from a Feb. 1, 2020, conference call in which at least 11 scientists theorized about the virus’s origin, with many leaning toward the lab leak theory.

“[The emails] reveal that Dr. Fauci was warned of two things: (1) the potential that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute Virology (WIV) and (2) the possibility that the virus was intentionally genetically manipulated,” the lawmakers said.

And in May of 2020

“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what’s out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci says. Based on the scientific evidence, he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped.

There are many, many, many more instances of Fauci saying that it didn’t come from a lab. But, now that he’s leaving, and we’re almost 3 years from when it started, that he has an open mind?

Read: Herr Fauci Totally Has An Open Mind On COVID Lab Leak »

If All You See…

…is wasting valuable cloth for a selfie instead of fighting inequality which is caused by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post telling us more about FTX, and wondering why no charges have been filed.

It’s redheads week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Elgren

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Some rain is falling, the geese are honking, and my Devils are continuing to win. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers covers San Fran allowing its robots to kill
  2. The Right Scoop has another creepy photo of Biden
  3. The OK Corral discusses Biden wanting to ban gun sales
  4. The Gateway Pundit covers a Chicago Abe Lincoln statue being vandalized
  5. Pacific Pundit notes the groomers at NBC
  6. Outside The Beltway digs deep into 2022 ticket splitting
  7. Moonbattery covers the teacher’s unions now being against lockdowns
  8. Legal Insurrection shows a court killing San Diego’s vax mandate
  9. Jihad Watch discusses Trudeau thinking about crushing protesters with tanks
  10. Geller Report notes 150+ suspicious activity reports against Biden crime family
  11. Common Cents Blog has your Georgia election guide
  12. Chicks On The Right discusses Gen Z idiots on Thanksgiving
  13. American Greatness covers the Left’s COVID social credit system
  14. Real Climate Science notes green Germany
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone discusses China doubling it’s use of coal

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove