Democrats Pining For Trump As Republican Nominee

What will Democrats do if the GOP picks someone else? Could you see them still running against Trump with a Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Doug Doocey (don’t sleep on him, he appeals to a wide range), or someone else?

The Memo: Democrats pine for Trump as GOP nominee

Former President Trump met a muted response from many Republicans when he launched his 2024 White House bid at Mar-A-Lago this month.

But his campaign is stirring excitement, and even some glee, from Democrats.

Members of President Biden’s party are openly pining for Trump to become the 2024 Republican nominee, believing he is just too flawed to win a general election.

They argue that the situation today is markedly different from 2016, not least because voters now know what they get with Trump in office. And Democrats are eager to have such a beatable opponent in an election that is likely to be challenging for their party.

“I am hoping for Trump’s nomination, ‘cause I think he’s the easiest candidate to beat,” former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean (D) told “The Briefing with Steve Scully” on SiriusXM this week.

Here’s the thing: Dean, and so many other Democrats, could be correct. The Trump Show is not new, It’s not the Walking Dead in season 1, with no one really knowing what to expect, and just being fun and exciting. It’s Walking Dead season 9: tired, lazing writing, nothing really worth watching. People were just invested after all that time, and waiting for it to just end.

An editorial from The Wall Street Journal the day before Trump’s campaign launch savaged his chances in 2024, lamenting that after the 2020 election, “the country showed it wants to move on but Mr. Trump refuses — perhaps because he can’t admit to himself that he was a loser.”

The Journal’s editorial asserted that if Trump did press ahead with his campaign, “Republican voters will have to decide if they want to nominate the man most likely to produce a GOP loss and total power for the progressive left.”

Look, I don’t want these posts to sound like I’m #NeverTrump. I’m not. What I am is pragmatic. I’m about trying to win an election, not have Biden serve another term (or replaced with some other Democrat). I damned sure didn’t want Romney in 2012. He just didn’t have what it took to win, and the GOP needed that win to kill off Obamacare. You’ll never get rid of it now. Unless it gets replaced with Single Payer, er, Medicare For All. Which is what Dems want. Do you want even more climate scam stuff? More Big Government? More AOC type legislation? Because if Trump is the GOP nominee, he loses, and Dems could retake the House and potentially get 60 votes in the Senate as the ticked bogs down.

An Economist-YouGov poll conducted from Nov. 13-15 found that Trump was viewed favorably by 77 percent of Republican voters but by only 41 percent of the overall population. Fifty-two percent of all adults had an unfavorable view of him — notably higher than the other potential GOP contenders the poll tested.

It doesn’t matter how much you support Trump. There’s a lot to love about his policies and what he tried to do. The idea is to win elections, and you want a candidate that has a good shot at winning. Trump doesn’t. He’s not going to shock people like in 2016.

Read: Democrats Pining For Trump As Republican Nominee »

French Warmists Say Only Way To Protest ‘Climate Change’ Is Civil Disobedience

What if, instead, they all gave up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral? If they stopped buying clothes shipped from far away? Heck, many of those clothes require petroleum. How about if they stop trying to force their own beliefs on Other People?

Civil disobedience only way to protest climate change, say French activists

While some climate activists have been throwing food at famous paintings, a French group has been shutting down roads. Their acts of civil disobedience have drawn anger and criticism, but they say it is the only way to get people to pay attention to what they see as an existential threat.

Every few days, a handful of activists walk onto a highway or busy street somewhere in France and sit down, blocking traffic, facing insults from the angry drivers being held up.

Videos show drivers yelling and gesturing aggressively, sometimes physically picking up some of the activists and dragging them, while police try to clear the roads.

“The only way that we everyday people have left to put pressure on the government is to literally go and sit on the road,” says Victor, 25, who participated in his first act of civil disobedience at the end of June, when he and six other people, wearing orange reflector vests, blocked traffic on the A13 highway outside of Paris for about an hour.

Blocking roads is the most effective way to put pressure on the government and also have a platform.”

Do they actually think this will gain the support of all the drivers affected? And all the people on buses just trying to get somewhere? How about those attempting to get to the hospital? Human nature shows that those who have been annoyed by the protests will take an opposing view.

Victor is part of Dernière Rénovation (Last renovation), an environmental group that formed in early 2022 as part of an international network of movements calling themselves the “last generation” that will do “whatever it takes to protect our generation and all future generations”.

So, pretty much an astroturfed, far left, uber-Socialist group.

“I know I’m angering the wrong people but I’m so deeply convinced that the government isn’t taking enough actions and that’s that what I’m doing is the right way – or at least the least bad way – to put pressure on the government,” says Victor.

All the people they pissed off will reject what these climate nuts want. And, it’s not like the French government hasn’t gone full bore on Doing Something. What more do these nuts want?

Read: French Warmists Say Only Way To Protest ‘Climate Change’ Is Civil Disobedience »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Twitter only really censoring Conservatives.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out This ain’t Hell…, with a post on people who like socialized medicine.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Europe Accuses Biden Of Profiting From Ukraine War

This would be the war that Biden pushed Putin to start. Weakness due to Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Speeches almost double-dog daring Putin to invade. And now

Europe accuses US of profiting from war

Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West.

Top European officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration and now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer.

“The fact is, if you look at it soberly, the country that is most profiting from this war is the U.S. because they are selling more gas and at higher prices, and because they are selling more weapons,” one senior official told POLITICO.

The explosive comments — backed in public and private by officials, diplomats and ministers elsewhere — follow mounting anger in Europe over American subsidies that threaten to wreck European industry. The Kremlin is likely to welcome the poisoning of the atmosphere among Western allies.

“We are really at a historic juncture,” the senior EU official said, arguing that the double hit of trade disruption from U.S. subsidies and high energy prices risks turning public opinion against both the war effort and the transatlantic alliance. “America needs to realize that public opinion is shifting in many EU countries.”

Well, look, it’s not America’s fault that EU countries were, for one, way, way too dependent on Russia for energy. Remember when they laughed at Trump when he said so?

The U.S. rejected Europe’s complaints. “The rise in gas prices in Europe is caused by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and Putin’s energy war against Europe, period,” a spokesperson for Biden’s National Security Council said. Exports of liquefied natural gas from the U.S. to Europe “increased dramatically and enabled Europe to diversify away from Russia,” the NSC spokesperson said.

Perhaps EU nations should have been working to develop their own natural gas supplies, since wind and solar are unreliable. More nuclear if they do not want coal.

As they attempt to reduce their reliance on Russian energy, EU countries are turning to gas from the U.S. instead — but the price Europeans pay is almost four times as high as the same fuel costs in America. Then there’s the likely surge in orders for American-made military kit as European armies run short after sending weapons to Ukraine.


When EU leaders tackled Biden over high U.S. gas prices at the G20 meeting in Bali last week, the American president simply seemed unaware of the issue, according to the senior official quoted above. Other EU officials and diplomats agreed that American ignorance about the consequences for Europe was a major problem.

Wait, they expected Joe to have a clue as to what’s going on in Europe when he’s meeting with them all for the G20? Really?

The growing dispute over Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) — a huge tax, climate and health care package — has put fears over a transatlantic trade war high on the political agenda again. EU trade ministers are due to discuss their response on Friday as officials in Brussels draw up plans for an emergency war chest of subsidies to save European industries from collapse.

“The Inflation Reduction Act is very worrying,” said Dutch Trade Minister Liesje Schreinemacher. “The potential impact on the European economy is very big.”

So, not only does the IRA not do anything for inflation, it could cause a lot of issues on trade between the US and our allies in Europe. Great job.

Despite the energy disagreements, it wasn’t until Washington announced a $369 billion industrial subsidy scheme to support green industries under the Inflation Reduction Act that Brussels went into full-blown panic mode.

“The Inflation Reduction Act has changed everything,” one EU diplomat said. “Is Washington still our ally or not?”

Yeah, that does not sound good. Of course, there are pretty much almost no named sources in this whole piece.

But the EU sees that differently. An official from France’s foreign affairs ministry said the diagnosis is clear: These are “discriminatory subsidies that will distort competition.” French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire this week even accused the U.S. of going down China’s path of economic isolationism, urging Brussels to replicate such an approach. “Europe must not be the last of the Mohicans,” he said.

Ouch. That’s why you read massive bills and study them to see what the results can look like, instead of passing them to see what’s in them.

Read: Bummer: Europe Accuses Biden Of Profiting From Ukraine War »

St. Greta Joins Youth Lawsuit Against Sweden For Failing To Do Something On Climate Apocalypse

Perhaps the government could restrict the youths from using fossil fuels? Take away their Internet and smartphones? No more streaming their movies and shows? No more taking videos of themselves Doing Things and uploading them? No more ordering food for delivery? Turn the heat way down at school?

Greta Thunberg joins climate lawsuit against Sweden

st greta carClimate activist Greta Thunberg joined hundreds of other youth activists in Stockholm on Friday to file a lawsuit against the Swedish government over its alleged inaction on climate change.

“Today on Black Friday is the perfect day to sue the state over its insufficient climate policies,” Thunberg said on Twitter. “So that’s what we did. See you in court!”

The 19-year-old was one of more than 600 young people who signed on to the lawsuit, which was organized and filed by the Swedish youth-led organization Aurora. The group marched to Stockholm District Court on Friday to file the suit.

“Sweden has never treated the climate crisis like a crisis,” Aurora spokesperson Anton Foley said in a statement, per The Associated Press. “Sweden is failing in its responsibility and breaking the law.”

Aurora is another astroturfed far left group which is using lawfare to attack the governments and force them to implement all sorts of court rulings because they can’t get legislation passed. And make a lot of money off fundraising and such, of course, all while attempting to force Everyone Else to have their lives changed and pay lots of fees and taxes. How many of these Aurora members, and the 600 kiddies, are practicing what they preach now?

Obviously, the adult citizens of Sweden do not want far left nuts in charge of the government, not after the previous ones, so, it’s a slightly right leaning government. Since the climate cultists cannot get their way via voting, they will use the legal system.

Read: St. Greta Joins Youth Lawsuit Against Sweden For Failing To Do Something On Climate Apocalypse »

Bad Move: Trump Dined With Horrible White Supremacist Nick Fuentes

Fuentes is a horrible, horrible person, no doubt. He’s not someone you really want to associate with. He’s certainly as bad as Democrats like Robert “KKK” Byrd, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. Or people like Richard Spencer, a neo-Nazi that Fuentes has associated with. So, why in the hell is Trump having dinner with this guy?

Donald Trump dined with white nationalist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes

Former President Donald Trump hosted white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach on Tuesday night, according to multiple people familiar with the event.

Fuentes, who frequently posts racist content in addition to Holocaust revisionism, was brought as a guest of rapper Kanye West, who now goes by Ye.

In a post to his social media site, Trump confirmed the gathering.

“This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago,” he wrote. “Shortly thereafter, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about. We had dinner on Tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. The dinner was quick and uneventful. They then left for the airport.”

Really shouldn’t be having dinner with anti-Semite Kanye West, but, when it comes to Fuentes, did any of Trump’s people not look this guy up and say “this is a really bad idea, Donald”? Because it was a horrible idea. And, considering the false allegations made around Charlottesville and other times, really, really, really puts Trump in a bad light. It was a self inflicted wound, which you can bet will be brought up again and again if he wins the GOP primary. It will turn the Independents and moderate Republicans off even more

Fuentes, who was present at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017, has made a series of offensive and racist statements on his shows including that Trump was wrong to disavow white supremacy. He has been removed from YouTube and other social media sites. Trump’s dinner with Fuentes comes just one week after the former president announced he is seeking reelection, and soon after West publicly made a series of antisemitic comments that cost him millions in endorsement deals.

In a separate statement, Trump denied knowing who Fuentes was, stating that the “dinner meeting was intended to be Kanye and me only, but he arrived with a guest whom I had never met and knew nothing about.” Both that statement and the Truth Social post did not include a denunciation of West’s or Fuentes’ recent comments.

If he doesn’t know who he’s dining with, that’s a huge problem.

Don’t forget that Fuentes hates Jews as much as Ilhan Omar, so, yeah, a lot. Trump really needs to just stop and fade away.

Read: Bad Move: Trump Dined With Horrible White Supremacist Nick Fuentes »

Good News: 70% Of Young Kids Are Afraid Of Climate Crisis (scam)

Is it any wonder that so many youngsters are emotional messes, when their teachers, their parents, Lefty politicians, and lefty news are constantly beating the drum of doom?

Over 70 Per Cent of Children Aged 7-12 Now Afraid of Climate Change – Survey

More than seven in ten children aged 7-12 are now worried about climate change, research conducted by a UK-based start-up has reportedly found.

It comes amid reports from various experts that children and teenagers of various demographics are experiencing high rates of mental health difficulties, with one school councillor earlier this year saying that anxiety rates have hit an all-time high post-lockdown.

According to a report by Euronews, the survey — which polled 1,000 children born between 2010 and 2015 on their views regarding the environment — found that a total of 71 per cent of respondents were now worried about environmental changes, including the changing climate.

The survey is one of the latest examples of so-called eco-anxiety — extreme worry in relation to the changing climate or dangers to the environment — affecting children at a time when educational systems are focusing more and more on ongoing issues to do with emissions and potential catastrophic rise of sea levels.

For those on the political left, in particular, eco-anxiety appears to be a growing variable, with the European Union even running courses for its workers in the hopes of helping them to deal with the stress brought about by their climate beliefs.

Gotta love it: the climate cult preaches gloom and doom, then, when people, especially kids, become mental basketcases, they then offer all sorts of help which reinforces the doom and gloom and advises them to take action by getting government to …. take more of their money and freedom. Heck of a circular scam, eh? All while committing what is child abuse. Seriously, when we were growing up we had the threat of nuclear war, which was real and tangible. We had movies on it, such as The Day After. But, we were able to just be kids. Not these days, where the kids have to be indoctrinated.

I say leave them there. Turn out the lights. Turn the heat off. Spray some of that horrific fake fart spray.

Read: Good News: 70% Of Young Kids Are Afraid Of Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on a horrible company laying off 2,700 with a text message.

Read: If All You See… »

Conundrum: Should Republicans Vote In Favor Of Respect For Marriage Act?

Right off the bat, voting for it is politically smart. Sure, you might annoy Conservatives and Conservative groups, but, come on, they’ll still vote GOP. But, as a sense of the nation, you’ll be showing those squishy Republicans, Democrats, and those in the Independent group that the GOP is not stuck in the 1940’s. However, should there even be a vote? This is not a power assigned to the federal government by the Constitution. It is up to the States. And any legislation passed by the federal Congress has the potential to force states, via the 14th Amendment

Same-sex marriage legislation divides conservatives ahead of vote next week

The Senate has advanced the Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA) past a key obstacle, overcoming the filibuster with 62 votes last week, including from 12 Republicans. The legislation is expected to receive a final vote next week.

There is some complaining on the left about the bill from voices with large audiences on social media. But by and large, the major LGBTQ advocacy groups back the bill.

And even among those who have criticized the RFMA, there is general agreement that they want the legislation to become law.

A big problem with the legislation is that it would allow the federal government to discriminate against those groups, such as churches and religious schools, who are against same sex marriage.

But on the right, opinions of the legislation are split. There is a coalition of religious groups that back the bill, or that back the religious liberty provisions and want the bill to pass despite their belief that their faith teachings do not allow them to support gay marriage.

This group includes the National Association of Evangelicals, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, the And Campaign and the 1st Amendment Partnership.

Really, this is America, and if 2 adults want to get married, I do not care what their sexual orientation. Why do I care? Doesn’t harm my life

And in fact there is vociferous resistance to the marriage legislation from a number of prominent social conservatives, and the opposition of many is absolute. This group includes the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Franklin Graham of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ryan T. Anderson at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Missouri Baptist Convention and other figures who work for institutions like the Heritage Foundation, Alliance Defending Freedom and World magazine, an evangelical publication.

Anderson outlined the absolutist case against the Senate bill last week.

“Marriage is a natural and supernatural institution before it is a political institution. Human law should reflect the natural law and eternal law. No Senator should vote to allow the government to redefine what marriage is,” Anderson tweeted.

Good point. Marriage is a religious institution. Now, there is civil unions, which is a government institution, and government should allow it.

When Anderson was asked on Twitter if he would support a bill with even more expansive protections for religious freedom along the lines of an amendment proposed by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, he said he would not, even though he favored the Lee amendment and said it offered “meaningful religious liberty protections.”

The Lee amendment, actually called the First Amendment Defense Act, which notes

What is FADA?
The First Amendment Defense Act would prevent the federal government from discriminating against individuals and institutions based on their definition of marriage or beliefs about premarital sex.

Why is FADA needed?
Without FADA, federal bureaucrats are free to punish individuals or institutions that have a different definition of marriage than they do. For example, during oral argument in Obergefell v. Hodges, President Obama’s Solicitor General admitted that, if the Court found a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, the IRS might subsequently deny tax-exempt status to any religious school that wanted to continue operating in accordance with their belief in the traditional definition of marriage. Just as Congress protected people from being punished for declining to participate in abortions after Roe v Wade, the First Amendment Defense Act prevents people from being punished for their beliefs about marriage.

In other words, it supports the federal government recognizing same sex marriage, but, will not allow the federal government to punish those who do not agree. Also, the text seems to focus on this all only applying to the federal government operations, not those of the States. Of course Democrats do not like this.

Anyhow, it is a very long piece, worth the read. It should be noted that

Polls show more than 70% of Americans now support marriage equality — an inverse from the 70% who opposed when the Defense of Marriage Act first passed.

So, should Republicans vote for this? Interestingly, Democrats were freaked out and started pushing this legislation again over what Justice Thomas wrote about revisiting the previous Court ruling on gay marriage, unwinding previous over-reaches of the 14th Amendment, and, come on, the chances of seeing it argued and overturning that ruling are slim. But, by passing the RFMA, it could lead to lawsuits that actually make it to the Court since it would violate the 1st Amendment religious beliefs of many Americans and groups.

Read: Conundrum: Should Republicans Vote In Favor Of Respect For Marriage Act? »

Climate Cultists Attacking Paintings Surprised People Oppose Them

It’s rather hard to attract supporters when you’re acting like an unhinged wackadoodle nutjob

Activist attacks on famous paintings decrease support for addressing climate change, study finds

The recent spate of high-profile protests by young climate change activists, such as throwing soup at famous paintings in museums or stopping traffic on busy roadways, makes the public less likely to support action to address climate change, according to a new survey conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.

“Republicans, Democrats, independents: In every case, people reported that these actions made them less likely to support climate action,” Michael Mann, a professor of earth and environmental science at Penn and a co-author of the study, told Yahoo News. “People are turned off by it, and as a result they’re less likely to support the cause of the people doing the protests.”

The researchers asked more than 1,000 Americans whether they approve of using tactics like shutting down traffic or gluing oneself to a painting. “A plurality of respondents (46%) report that these tactics decrease their support for efforts to address climate change,” the researchers wrote. “Only 13% report increasing support.” Forty percent said such protests had no effect on their views.

They think they’re helping, but, nope.

Although there is no direct connection between these works of art and climate change, activists have used the paintings in an apparent bid to raise awareness about rising global temperatures. But protests have drawn criticism from many in the art world, and even some in the climate community.

Last week, the directors of 92 prominent art museums, including New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Madrid’s Museo Nacional del Prado and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, signed a joint statement condemning the attacks on artwork and asking activists to stop. Although none of the works have been harmed as of yet, the directors warned that they could be. “The activists responsible underestimate the fragility of this irreplaceable work, which should be preserved as a world cultural heritage,” they wrote. “As museum directors who are entrusted with the works, we were deeply shocked by their risky endangerment.”

Sooner or later they will damage a painting. Because they are batshit crazy. Amazingly, this is what makes people be less likely to support climate scam action, not the huge number of Elite Warmists being complete hypocrites. Meanwhile

Read: Climate Cultists Attacking Paintings Surprised People Oppose Them »

Pirate's Cove