Your Fault: A Climate Crisis Weather Nightmare Before Christmas

You were warned not too buy all those presents and to go vegan

The weather nightmare before Christmas

Tens of millions of Americans will find themselves recalibrating – and in some cases canceling – holiday plans over the next week, as an exceptionally intense Arctic front plows across most of the eastern two-thirds of the United States during the run-up to Christmas Day.

Below-freezing air will push to the Gulf Coast by Christmas weekend, with readings likely to dip below zero Fahrenheit from Oklahoma to Ohio late this week. On top of this, a “bomb” cyclone (one that deepens by at least 24 millibars in 24 hours) will race from the Central Plains to the Great Lakes on Friday and Saturday, December 23-24. Fierce winds and heavy snow are expected to produce widespread blizzard conditions and shut down transportation over portions of the Great Lakes and Midwest on one of the year’s busiest travel weekends.

Heavy rains and high winds will buffet the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast before the front arrives, most likely bringing a burst of cold and a quick shot of snow around Saturday (Christmas Eve).

Sounds like a good time to travel, eh?

Every weather event now plays out in an atmosphere affected by the addition of greenhouse gases from human activity (mainly the burning of fossil fuels). This doesn’t necessarily mean that every type of weather event will become more extreme or more frequent as a result of human-caused climate change. Like weather itself, the effects of climate change can be variegated, affecting some regions and some types of dangerous weather more than others. (snip)

One intriguing line of research emerged from a series of surprisingly intense winter storms in the U.S. and Europe, as well as a surprising drop in average winter temperatures over Siberia. A scientific debate has now raged for more than a decade on whether the amplified atmospheric warming and increased sea ice loss found over the Arctic might be leading to more-extreme winter weather events in midlatitudes, even if winters as a whole are trending less fearsome over the long term.

As laid out in a series of papers, the core thesis is that the warming Arctic could be making the polar jet stream — and the stratospheric polar vortex it encircles — more unstable and variable. In turn, this could foster vortex displacement events where the polar vortex splits in two, or stretches, thus pushing frigid surface air unusually far south into the midlatitudes. The splitting and stretching could also be influenced by reverberations as the jet stream interacts with enhanced snowfall and high pressure over Siberia during the autumn months.


Read: Your Fault: A Climate Crisis Weather Nightmare Before Christmas »

NJ Passes Major Gun Legislation

Of course, this only effects the law abiding, rather than the criminal element who doesn’t care about the vast amount of laws on guns

New Jersey lawmakers pass gun carry legislation after ruling

New Jersey lawmakers gave final approval Monday to legislation overhauling rules to get a firearm carry permit after this summer’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling expanded gun rights.

The Democrat-led Senate passed the measure in what is scheduled to be the last voting session of the year, sending the legislation to Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. In an emailed statement, Murphy spokesperon Tyler Jones said the governor would “swiftly” sign the bill.

“Since day one of his administration, Governor Murphy has been vocal about his support for stronger gun safety laws in the state of New Jersey,” Jones said.

Is it good legislation if it was passed on strictly party lines, with one Democrat in the Senate voting against it?

The legislation scraps New Jersey’s current requirement that those seeking a permit to carry a firearm show “justifiable need” and be of “good character” to reflect the Supreme Court’s June ruling.

That’s the only part that is good

Other changes in the legislation include disqualifications for those who have been confined over their mental health, people who have had restraining orders as any “fugitive from justice.”

Didn’t they already have that?

The measure calls for the end of a paper permitting system that used quadruplicate documents to register applicants. It also would establish a yet-to-be created online gun sales portal.

So everything would be in the system down to the tiniest detail

It increases from three to four the number of endorsements from non-family members in order to get a permit. They would also have to be interviewed by law enforcement officials as well.

Huh what? Pretty sure that isn’t in the Constitution, or the NJ Constitution.

The measure also boosts training requirements, calling for online, in-person classroom and target-shooting instruction. And it would require permit carriers to carry liability insurance.

I’m not necessarily against training requirements, especially for those who are going to have open and/or concealed carry. Or, hell, for just keeping it at home. Liability insurance, though, is going to be a big, big problem, as you know it is going to be really expensive. For one thing, there really aren’t many who offer it. Having the insurance doesn’t really save lives. And it is an unconstitutional tax on an enumerated Right.

And none of this will reduce shootings and murders by criminals, who pretty much do not get any sort of permit. This will be going back to court the minute Murphy signs the legislation. It might fly if there were serious penalties applied to the actual criminals who illegally own guns and use them, but, NJ is soft on those people.

Read: NJ Passes Major Gun Legislation »

Warmist Moonbats To Sing Climate Crisis (scam) Christmas Carols

They really just can’t help themselves, can they? No matter what’s happening, they have to bring their cult into it. But, hey, that’s rather an extension of what the far left does overall: everything must be considered in terms of their politics. They can never give it a break

Campaigners to sing climate change Christmas carols outside MP’s office

Environmental campaigners will be in Witney tomorrow (December 20) to sing Christmas carols with a bit of a twist.

The famous festive songs have been adapted to have climate change-related lyrics.

It is the latest attempt by a group called Robert Courts Watch to press the MP to do more on climate issues.

Robert Courts Watch was launched in July to ‘inform constituents’ about the MP’s record on environmental matters ‘and any discrepancies between what he says and he votes in the House of Commons’.

The group have been holding an Advent vigil, between 12.30 and 1pm, every Tuesday in Advent, opposite the Conservative constituency office in Witney High Street.

Good grief, what a bunch of wankers. It’s going to be 49F in Witney Tuesday.

At the vigil on December 20 it is hoped there will be a large enough group to sing some adapted hymns and carols.

Mr Kerr said: “This is a part of our efforts to move Mr Courts towards better climate understanding and action.

“Climate change is an existential issue, which our Government is not addressing with sufficient urgency.

“Mr Courts is party to this inadequate approach.”

It would be a nice start for journalists to ask Warmists like Mr. Kerr what they are doing in their own lives.

Read: Warmist Moonbats To Sing Climate Crisis (scam) Christmas Carols »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow which will get worse as the world warms, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a guy who really, really likes soccer.

Read: If All You See… »

Note On Down Times

I’m sure you have noticed this site going up and down at times. Months and months ago I implemented several measures to attempt to alleviate the huge number of spam bots, hackers, and other bad actors. Not sure why they think getting into my little blog is necessary. And there were a lot. Sometimes 20K an hour from all over the world. Installed Wordfence, Badbot, and an SEO plugin (it has a measure to deal with bad actors). Initiated Cloudfar. Have a plugin that moves the admin login page. Removed the ability to login from the main site. Took out a bunch of sidebar widgets (unfortunately, I wacked one with my favorite posts). Deleted a bunch of unused plugins.

That helped, but only so much. Sometimes the server gets overloaded. Sometimes it’s only about 1/3rd, and still goes offline, have to restart it, but, I don’t know every time it happens. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out.

I wacked a couple more plugins last night that were active. One was really old, hadn’t been updated in quite some time. They might have been a problem, because, at least for the moment, things seem to be working better. Time will tell.

I appreciate your patience, folks, I really do.

Read: Note On Down Times »

Excitable PRC Senator Padilla: Republicans Have No Plan For The End Of Title 42

We’ve always had a plan: implement every measure possible to stop illegal immigration. Stop incentivizing people to come to the nation illegally/showing up at the border demanding asylum (which most do not qualify for, but, it can take upwards of 5 years to run it through the courts, and many just do not show up). Deport those who are caught immediately.

Republicans talk of ‘chaos’ at the border without Title 42 but don’t have better plan: Padilla

California Sen. Alex Padilla on Sunday pushed back against what he called “Republican rhetoric” around the expected expiration of Title 42, a pandemic-era policy which allows the expulsion of migrants on public health grounds.

“Here’s the biggest frustration for all the Republicans rhetoric about chaos at the border: No. 1, they have yet to come forward with a plan of how to better handle this scenario,” Padilla, a Democrat who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration, citizenship and border safety subcommittee and the first Latino to represent California in the chamber, told ABC “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz.

“No. 2, they have not been willing to commit the additional resources that the departments and agencies say that they need to handle this big influx,” Padilla said.

Huh what? The GOP is the party that has been trying to put more resources on the border, to hire more Customs and Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Democrats are the ones wanting to cut their funding. Protesting them. Stopping construction of the border wall.

On “This Week,” Padilla admitted that the rollback will be a challenge and hinges in part on the funding and operations of the departments that oversee immigration at the southern border. He also directed some blame at former President Donald Trump, claiming Trump’s administration underfunded immigration agencies.

Trump derangement syndrome. Trump doesn’t fund anything. Congress does. Anyhow, Padilla sort of has a plan

Padilla told Raddatz on Sunday that “we do need to invest more in border safety and security.” But, he said, “we’ve got to do it in a smart way” in contrast with Republican calls to focus on erecting massive, continuous physical barriers. “The years we lost to the ‘build the wall’ debate was foolish,” he said.

What is a smart way? Raddatz didn’t press for answers. It really is simple: border barriers in high entry areas, lots of agents monitoring the border, and, it should be that if you’re caught you’re put back across the border immediately. If you are caught in the U.S. anywhere, no matter how long you’ve been here, you are deported immediately. This includes all the ones who overstay their visas.

“We know that whether it’s migrants — whether it’s you know, whatever the Republicans are afraid of, contraband, etc. — comes primarily through ports of entry. And so that’s got to be the first and foremost focus on border safety dollars,” Padilla said.

Funding was increased. And, hence the need for Title 42.

He has authored a number of immigration reform measures and has led efforts to try to get an immigration fix into an omnibus spending bill that Congress is currently considering.

On “This Week,” Padilla said that immigration policy should continue to be discussed by lawmakers.

“An individual, a family, coming to the border seeking asylum today is very different than the millions of immigrants who are in the United States already and have been here for years. Yes, in many cases undocumented, but working, paying taxes, raising families, contributing to the success of our economy, working in essential jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Padilla said. “They deserve better than to live in fear of deportation.”

Yeah, his idea is that if they’re here, let them stay. Which incentivizes more to come illegally. They’re supporting bad behavior.


Read More »

Read: Excitable PRC Senator Padilla: Republicans Have No Plan For The End Of Title 42 »

Surprise: Climate Cult Says You Are Making Winter Storms Worse

Remember when the Warmists said that cold weather and snow did not invalidate the screed of anthropogenic climate change? And that it was simply weather? Of course, since it is a cult and it causes everything in their dogma they have blame big winter storms on heat trapping gases

Winter storms are back — and scientists say climate change is making them a lot worse

As winter storms continue to pummel much of the United States, is climate change partially — or majorly — to blame?

As with any natural disaster that relates to the weather, it is natural to wonder whether climate change plays a role. Certainly the weather this winter has been extreme, with Texans and Oklahomans being warned of potential tornadoes and Americans everywhere bracing for possible power outages (which on their own can be devastating). Winter storms mean blocked roads, damaged property, crumbling infrastructure and possibly even injuries and deaths.

The big question for both policymakers and the public, therefore, is how much of the horrid weather can be definitively attributed to global warming.

Climate change experts say that it’s not merely a coincidence — climate change really is worsening our winter storms this year, as multiples experts told Salon.

So, does this mean there is less winter weather during cool periods? That the summers will be hotter with bigger storms?

“Winter storms develop in a climate change environment: it is warmer and moister,” Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) told Salon by email. “But it is plenty cold in winter over the continent. It means snow amounts can be much greater: e.g. see Buffalo recently. They may be more intense: not guaranteed, but more developments ensue. Watch for a bad nor-easter.”

While it may seem counterintuitive to attribute more snow to the planet warming, Trenberth observed that this only seems to be the case because the general public is insufficiently informed about how climate change works.

“[People need] education that winter warming may mean more snow, not less,” Trenberth added.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Read: Surprise: Climate Cult Says You Are Making Winter Storms Worse »

Democrat Denver Mayor Upset Over Illegals In His Town

Just another case of a Democrat who supports illegal Over In That Town getting upset when it’s his town

Democrat Mayor Declares ‘Emergency’ Over 0.01% of Biden’s Record-Breaking Illegal Immigration Arriving in Denver

Denver, Colorado Mayor Michael Hancock (D) has declared a state of emergency over 0.01 percent of President Joe Biden’s record-breaking number of illegal immigrants arriving in the city.

Days ago, Hancock issued an emergency as fewer than 650 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in Denver in recent weeks after being released into the United States interior by the Biden administration.

The influx of illegal immigration to Denver, Hancock said in a statement, has “put an immense strain on city recourses to the level where they’re on the verge of reaching a breaking point at this time.”

“It is at a crisis point right now and cities all over this country are being forced to deal with something we’re not equipped to deal with,” Hancock said.

Well, hey, don’t complain, you supported illegal immigration when it was just a few showing up in Denver. You were all in because Trump was trying to dramatically reduce illegals. Denver is an unofficial sanctuary city, but, they did pass an ordinance in 2017

In 2017, Denver City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting city and county employees from assisting in the enforcement of federal immigration laws or requesting a person’s immigration status. The ordinance also bars ICE agents from using any city or county property to enforce immigration laws.

The same year, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock signed an executive order creating a legal defense fund for people threatened with deportation, who aren’t automatically provided with free legal representation like criminal defendants.

And Hancock was all pissy in 2020 when there was a report that ICE would start operating heavily in sanctuary cities like Denver. Greg Abbott should send a whole bunch to Denver.

Read: Democrat Denver Mayor Upset Over Illegals In His Town »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fireplace that could burn evil natural gas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on crime not being just another statistic.

It’s Santa week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Christmas is just a week away! This pinup is by Karen Arnold, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. No Tricks Zone discusses an eco-wacko group calling for a moratorium on new buildings
  2. Jo Nova notes Germany is close to a national blackout
  3. Green Jihad highlights Biden’s DOE embracing critical race theory
  4. Climatism notes climate loonies failed to glue themselves to street because it was too cold
  5. 357 Magnum laughs at leftists finding out the rules apply to them
  6. American Greatness covers being forced to say trans…or else
  7. Blogs For Victory discusses turning citizens into serfs
  8. Chicks On the Right covers the NY Times unintentionally acknowledging the border crisis
  9. Cold Fury discusses being in a low trust society
  10. Da Techguy’s Blog notes Virginia banning TikTok from state communication devices
  11. Flag And Cross covers the Army opening an investigation into the animal themed bondage gear lunatics
  12. Gates Of Vienna notes Germany using snitches for anything the government doesn’t like
  13. GeeeZ has your Sunday faith post
  14. Geller Report notes the FDA saying Pfizer’s Wuhan Flu vaccine causes blood clotting
  15. And last, but, not least, LMAO discusses the $170K a year rat czar for NYC

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove