If All You See…

…is an area that would be perfect for a solar farm, so, take that land from the owner, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on green Fascism behind a veil of benevolence.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, there’s a nice chill in the air, and the NJ Devils just keep on winning. This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain has thoughts on the brain damaged election
  2. The Right Scoop features lefty rage over an ACB joke
  3. Weasel Zippers notes how many private jets flew in Egypt for COP27
  4. Independent Sentinel covers how Pennsylvania’s new Dem gov will shut down energy
  5. Sultan Knish discusses politics killing the culture
  6. Powerline covers Dementia Don
  7. Pacific Pundit notes Woke Disney looking to lay off lots of employees
  8. Never Yet Melted calls Pennsylvania the national capital of stupid
  9. Moonbattery covers yet another fake race hoax
  10. Jihad Watch notes the Elites eating well at COP27 while telling the peasants to eat bugs
  11. IOTW Report wonders how someone could get 1100 votes in a town with 700 people
  12. Flag And Cross discusses the fuel emergency in many states
  13. Dissecting Leftism features that latest bit of mask insanity
  14. Cold Fury tries to make sense of the scam
  15. And last, but, not least, Don Surber discusses a life after Trump

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NY Times Is Here To Tell You How To Save Money On Your Biden Inflated Power Bills

This is what it’s come down to: the Times and so many other Credentialed Media outlets telling you how to maybe save money, rather than castigating the Government to stop being part of the problem, namely, policies that cause energy prices to go higher (paywalled Times article here)

How to Save on High Heating Bills This Winter

The cost of heating a home is expected to spike this winter as higher prices for natural gas and heating oil combine with a forecast for slightly colder weather than last winter.

But financial help is often available for paying bills as well for updating heating systems to more efficient models. There are also steps to take to conserve energy.

The average cost of heating a home is estimated to rise almost 18% from last winter, to $1,208, according to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association. The group coordinates state policy for federal grants that help low-income families pay heating and cooling bills.

The estimated seasonal bill for natural gas, which about half of Americans use to heat their homes, is $900, up 25% from last winter, according to the most recent data from the federal Energy Information Administration. Natural gas has become pricier because of factors such as greater demand for cooling during this year’s scorching summer (natural gas powers plants that produce electricity to run air conditioners) and surging exports, the administration said.

The seasonal bill for heating oil, which is common in New England, is estimated to be $2,694, up about 45% from last winter.

It’s due to Wuhan Flu and to the policies of Joe Biden and his Democratic Party comrades, who keep doing things that create problems, both before and after COVID. The U.S. really doesn’t get much from Russia, we have our own supplies.

Help with heating bills is available for low-income families. The Biden administration is distributing $4.5 billion for the federal Low Income Home-Energy Assistance Program, which provides grants to states to help residents pay their energy bills. But, Wolfe said, overall funding is lower than last year, under a pandemic relief program, and more federal money may be needed.

Well, that only helps folks making around $20K or less. What about the rest of us?

Consumers can take steps now to prepare for the winter and conserve energy. “It’s November; there’s still time to get ready,” Wolfe said. Heating contractors are typically less busy right now, he said, before temperatures plummet.

The most widely recommended step: Schedule a professional checkup of your heating system. A tuneup is advisable because dirty components reduce airflow, blunting performance and possibly damaging the system, according to ASHRAE, a professional association of heating and cooling professionals. A tuneup typically costs $200 or more, but some utilities cover the cost.

So, spend money to save a little

If your home has a lot of windows, particularly older ones, you may be losing energy through the glass. One easy fix, he said, is to stick clear plastic Bubble Wrap — the kind used to ship packages — over the windowpanes. (Spray the glass with water first so the wrap sticks.) It won’t look great, he conceded, but it will save you money.

Really? This is their idea? Bubble wrap? I feel like it’s the 1930s or something

You could consider replacing an old heating system with a more efficient model. The costs range from $4,000 to $7,000 for a gas furnace and from $5,500 to $40,000 or more for some heat pump systems, according to estimates provided by contractors in western and central New York state.

They seriously wrote $40,000. Is this with your $20K solar panels and $56K EV?

Meanwhile, here’s CNET on the perfect setting for your winter thermostat

According to the US Department of Energy, it’s best to keep your thermostat at 68 F for most of the day during the winter season. For maximum efficiency, you should also designate eight hours per day during which you turn the temperature down by between 7 and 10 degrees. By following this routine, you may again be able to reduce your yearly energy costs by up to 10%.

Who’s up for keeping your casa at 58-61?

Read: NY Times Is Here To Tell You How To Save Money On Your Biden Inflated Power Bills »

Climate Today: Brandon, Lightning, Beavers

Remember this from Brandon on Friday?

“We can no longer plead ignorance to the consequences of our actions, or continue to repeat our mistakes,” Biden said.

Also Brandon

And this is all your fault

Climate change will alter lightning patterns

A new study led by the Newcastle University has found that climate change could alter lightning patterns across Europe. By using state-of-the-art Met Office climate simulations with the highest local details in meteorological and topographic features down to two kilometers, the experts estimated that global warming could lead to more lightning over mountains and in Northern Europe and less lightning over Central Europe.

Everybody panic! Things have never ever changed on Earth before.

How beavers could help protect water quality from climate change

Beavers could help protect water quality and ecosystem health from the effects of climate change, new research suggests.

The conclusion comes from a new study in the journal Nature Communications focused on a beaver dam outside Crested Butte. In 2017, Christian Dewey, then a doctoral student focused on water and soil science at Stanford University, set out to research shifting steam flows along the East River, a winding tributary of the Colorado River.

As climate change drives more frequent droughts and drier weather long-term, scientists fear excess nutrients, like nitrogen, could build up in waterways, contaminating the water and the surrounding river ecosystems. Major downpours and seasonal snowmelts flush away the harmful chemicals in normal years.

Low nitrogen levels benefit many organisms, but Dewey said too much can trigger harmful algal blooms that deprive fish and other creatures of essential oxygen. Accumulated nitrogen also puts human infants at a higher risk of “blue baby syndrome,” a potentially deadly condition defined by low blood-oxygen levels.

Taking an ecological issue and putting it under the banner of climate doom.

Read: Climate Today: Brandon, Lightning, Beavers »

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds dropping evil heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on a biological male winning the New Hampshire Miss America contest.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out The Lid, with a post on Brandon’s new methane rules messing with our lives.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: World Has Just 9 Years Till Climate Doom

Huh. Al Gore said we only had 10 years left back in 2006. Another prognostication says sometime from 2027-2045 (because Science). UN General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés said we only have 11 years left in 2019, so, we got an extra year! And AOC said, using her extensive science degree, that the world would end in 12 years, back in 2019. Among lots of prognostications. The doomers need to get it together

The world has nine years to prevent climate catastrophe

major paper released on the sidelines of the COP27 climate summit in Egypt has started a countdown. At the current rate of global emissions, the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels will likely be permanently out of reach in nine years, the study found.

The paper, published on Nov. 11 and written by dozens of leading climatologists, the paper assesses what scientists call the “carbon budget,” which is a way of predicting the amount of warming that will likely be produced by a given volume of emissions. Run in reverse, the calculation tells us how much more we can afford to emit before a certain warming target becomes impossible—just as a personal budget tells you how much more you can spend before you go broke.

The new study concludes that, starting in 2023, if the world produces more than 380 billion more tons of CO2, the odds of limiting warming to 1.5C will fall below 50%. At current rates, that carbon budget would be exhausted by 2032. The findings buttress a similar UN report last month, which found that annual emissions need to fall 45% by 2030 in order to keep the 1.5C goal viable. The world is currently at about 1.2C, and already experiencing severe global climate impacts. Every additional fraction of degree of warming will exponentially exacerbate the crisis. A separate report published this week by the research group Climate Action Tracker found that liquified natural gas projects currently under development could consume up to 10% of the remaining carbon budget on their own.

Yeah yeah yeah. What if the world continues on this same path and Doom doesn’t happen? Who will be held responsible for all these prognostications of catastrophe? No one has taken the Goracle to task for the BS he’s thrown around, nor any others for their eco-pocalypse prognostications. Remember when they said snowfall would be a thing of the past? Or that the huge 2005 hurricane season would be the new normal? Manhattan underwater by 2018? When they said the glaciers in Montana’s glacier national park would be gone by 2020, and they weren’t? Arctic ice free by 2020? They’re never right, but, they keep using their flawed computer models, and just straight up lies, to push their cult.

But, prognostications like this do entice cultists to do things like this from Friday

Read: Good News: World Has Just 9 Years Till Climate Doom »

Brandon Flies In To COP27, Yammers About Forcing Other People To Make Progress

How’s this work again? A fossil fueled helicopter flight to the airport, then a FFd jumbo jet, followed by a backup jumbo jet, along with FFd fighter jets, then a large number of low MPG fossil fueled vehicles. Then back to the airport, and he headed of to Cambodia

Biden touts U.S. climate progress at COP27, unveils new methane plan

President Biden announced a set of small new actions by his administration to address climate change in a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference on Friday. The new measures include pledging more than $200 million in funding for climate change resilience and adaptation in developing countries, and a new plan to reduce emissions of methane — an especially potent greenhouse gas — from oil and gas infrastructure.

“The climate crisis is about human security, economic security, environmental security, national security and the very life of the planet,” Biden said in a speech at the conference, known as COP27 and held this year in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. “So today, I’d like to share with you how the United States is meeting the climate crisis with urgency and with determination to ensure a cleaner, safer, healthier planet for all of us.”

Most of what Biden went on to share was a recapitulation of actions the administration has already taken, including significant investments in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions through subsidies for clean energy sources, such as wind and solar power and electric vehicles, included in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act. These programs are projected to help cut U.S. emissions by 40% from 2005 levels by the end of this decade.

Of course, the elites like Biden aren’t doing their “fair share”. It’s just the peasants who are being forced.

As has often been the case at recent climate change conferences, the actions of Biden’s climate-science-denying predecessor, former President Donald Trump, cast a shadow on the proceedings. Biden was interrupted by applause when he noted that his administration had “immediately rejoined the Paris [climate] agreement” upon taking office. Referring in an apparent ad lib to his predecessor’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the climate pact, Biden said, “I apologize we ever pulled out of the agreement.”

Oh, look, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Remember, the media doesn’t take sides.

The hell?

Oh, look, Pelosi took a separate fossil fueled flight.

Read: Brandon Flies In To COP27, Yammers About Forcing Other People To Make Progress »

Sigh: Now Trump Is Going After Virginia Gov Youngkin

If you’re not helping the mission, you’re hurting the mission. And the mission is to win the White House, Senate, and House in 2024, as well as state general assemblies and governors. This is not helping

Youngkin, like DeSantis, faces Trump’s fury

Fresh off a diatribe against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whom he derisively described as an “average” Republican in a Thursday social media post, former President Donald Trump on Friday morning went after another popular Republican governor — Glenn Youngkin of Virginia — in what seemed like a warning meant to dissuade him from seeking the presidency in 2024.

“Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?) in Virginia couldn’t have won without me,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social, his proprietary social media network. It is not clear why he falsely insinuated that Youngkin was of Chinese ancestry (the origins of the governor’s name are Germanic), but Trump has a record of rhetoric against China and Chinese people, which during the coronavirus pandemic contributed to anti-Asian rhetoric and violence.

First, Trump did not denigrate Chinese people, he blocked them from coming over near the beginning of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. And, if memory serves, the Democrats and their pet media called Trump a raaaaacist for that. Second, here’s what it looks like in full

A less combative and polarizing figure than DeSantis, Youngkin could hold more appeal to suburban voters, who helped him win in the northern Virginia suburbs, which have sometimes been seen as a presidential bellwether. Throughout the fall, he and DeSantis both campaigned for Republican candidates, albeit in different states.

Will he run? Will DeSantis run? How about Greg Abbott, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, or Doug Ducey? Regardless, we saw this show in 2016, and we do not need a reboot. It would go over as well as the reboot of Charmed. Not good. His time is past. Much of his schtick has gotten stale and old. Sure, he can fill a concert venue for a speech. But, it should not be about him anymore. It needs to be about taking back the country from the Modern Socialists. He wants to be a celebrity.

I’m moving on. I gave up on Palin back in 2011 (can’t find that post, I think I might have only written it at Right Wing News. Probably have to dig further back in the archives). In a later post here and at RWN on Palin endorsing Trump

Many of you know my feelings on the subject of Sarah Palin. She lost my support politically when she played the will she/won’t she game in regards to running for president last time around. She resigned as Governor of Alaska, supposedly to deal with all the legal issues for all the suits and things aimed her way from Liberals. Many Conservatives thought this would give her the chance to get ready to run for President, especially as she put together a PAC. Then she had her little bus tour, for which she also quit halfway through. She said she was going to do it her way, and did not compete in any debates. Then, after being asked again and again, and missing a self imposed deadline, all while raising lots of money for her PAC off the possibility, she said “no.” Interestingly, many others are coming to the same conclusion, such as Powerline’s John Hinderaker

Maybe not. Today Sarah Palin endorsed Trump, to the delight of theNew York Times. Now they get to call Trump a conservative. I was a fan of Palin, until she succumbed to the siren song of celebrity, abandoned her post as Governor of Alaska and went Hollywood. One thing Palin and Trump have in common is that they are both stars of reality TV shows. Maybe someone needs to explain to both of them that reality television is not great preparation for dealing with reality.

Trump is going too much back to celebrity, he has way too many legal issues (real or not, it matters not). He won’t change, and it’s hurting.

Read: Sigh: Now Trump Is Going After Virginia Gov Youngkin »

Bummer: PRC’s Tax The Rich For EVs Proposition Fails

But, not because it simply would have driven more rich people who create jobs and businesses out of the state. Nope. Californians were initially enthused to slap another tax on the rich

Californians Don’t Want to Tax Rich People to Help Make EVs Affordable

It looks as if the state of California is going to have to find another route to making EVs more affordable. Residents across the state voted down Proposition 30, which would’ve increased income taxes on anyone making over $2 million so EVs could be more affordable for lower-income residents.

Here’s how it would have worked. Residents making over $2 million would have seen their income tax increase by 1.75 percent. That tax revenue in turn would have gone to EV subsidy programs that would have made EVs more affordable for buyers, namely low-income residents. Estimates said that it would have raised some $100 billion over a 20-year period with $3 billion to $5 billion raised annually.

How has that worked out for other tax the rich schemes, such as the carbon taxes?

Initially, the proposition was popular. Summer polls showed two-thirds of state residents in support of it. But this whole election cycle has shown that you shouldn’t always trust polls. Things shifted when critics came out against the proposition, the biggest of which was Governor Gavin Newsom. In a surprising move, he aligned with state Republicans, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Teacher Association in coming out against prop 30. The reason? Ride-share companies.

Newsom called prop 30 a handout funded by the public for Uber and Lyft. The ride-sharing companies are under a state regulated deadline requiring that 90 percent of their drivers miles be zero emission by the end of the decade. Because of this Lyft dumped $48 million into pushing the proposition. Ultimately though the prop failed. As of November 9, 59 percent of California had voted against it.

So, Lyft wanted this because of Government mandating something, then Government decides they don’t want to do anything that would have (potentially) helped. What’s mostly going to happen by 2030 is that Lyft and Uber will stop operating in the People’s Republik Of California.

Some experts are concerned about what this means for similar initiatives across the country. The main concern is EV affordability for low-income residents. As EV prices continue to increase it looks as if more and more low-income people will be left behind in the EV transition simply because they can’t afford the purchase.

The more subsidies, the higher the costs. Welcome to reality. Low income folks will only be able to afford used, high mile, older EVs, which will come with big problems from use and batteries that do not hold as much charge.

And even with subsidies, as Vox pointed out, “EVs may not be affordable enough for most until manufacturers drop prices much further.” Some may argue that manufacturers should just make EVs cheaper, but that’s hard for them to do as their manufacturing costs rise. Some have already admitted that cheap EVs are a long way off. Others may think that the government shouldn’t be subsiding people’s car purchases. As we get closer to gas vehicle bans, one thing is clear: this whole EV transition is turning out to be a lot harder than many thought it would be.

Easy for Vox to say. There are associated costs. Period. Manufacturers aren’t going to sell them for a loss.

Read: Bummer: PRC’s Tax The Rich For EVs Proposition Fails »

If All You See…

…is horrible spandex from fossil fuels causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Asian babes.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove