I’m interested to see what the responses are, especially since we know that the bureaucrats will just do whatever they want if you darned peasants do not agree
NCDOT has a plan to cut pollution, promote electric vehicles. It wants your feedback.
The N.C. Department of Transportation should form a dedicated team to help the state create a transportation system that relies less on fossil fuels, according to the draft of a plan released Wednesday.
The Clean Transportation Plan outlines a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in North Carolina, by promoting use of electric vehicles and encouraging transit and non-motorized ways of getting around.
Remember, that plan is not something passed by the duly elected legislative branch, hence, not something that the Executive Branch should be allowed to implement willy nilly. Surprisingly, there are no lawsuits as of yet, but, it really hasn’t gone into effect yet
Cooper’s order set a goal of putting at least 1.25 million zero emission vehicles or ZEVs on the road in the state by 2030. ZEVs currently account for about 54,000 of the state’s 8.6 million registered vehicles, according to Jennifer Weiss, NCDOT’s senior adviser for climate change who led the effort to create the plan.
As the John Locke Foundation puts in, Cooper is trying to order North Carolinians to change how they go places, and would require about half of all new sales to be EVs.
“Clean transportation isn’t limited to just acquiring electric vehicles,” said Maya Hoon, part of the team that drafted the plan. “So reducing vehicle miles traveled by supporting infrastructure for bikers and pedestrians, rail and other public transit options will be helpful to advancing clean transportation goals in addition to bringing social, economic and health benefits that come from reducing vehicle miles traveled.”
Yeah, they want to force you peasants to walk, ride bikes, and take public transportation rather than privately owned vehicles. Which, if you live in the South, is not that easy in bigger cities. Not with the way the roads are laid out. We have a saying here “everything’s in a circle.” It just grows outward from the center. There’s so much mixed use that “small” travel can be difficult and dangerous. You can’t just walk on down to the bodega to get your groceries. Even riding a scooter can be difficult, with the way things are spread out. I wouldn’t want to ride my bike to the grocery store, which is about 2 miles away, driving distance.
Oh, and it’s not the government’s job to force compliance.
For more information about the Clean Transportation Plan, including a link to the draft, go to bit.ly/3ZAs3s9. Another option, including the feedback form, is at publicinput.com/NC-Clean-Transportation.
Again, I’m not against EVs. I would have one if it wasn’t much more than a regular car. My big issue is on charging it. If I could have a Civic EV which could be charged quickly, I’d be OK in most cases. My only annoyance would be on range on the few times I go down to the beach or mountains. But, it’s not government’s job to force this on me. Especially when the people trying to force this aren’t using “zero emission vehicles” themselves right now. And that’s the feedback I’m giving. As one of my coworkers is fond of saying “mind your business!”