Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Tells Brandon He’s Invoking The “Invasion Clause”

You just know that the Brandon administration will not take this well, and will threaten Texas and sue to stop Texas from *checks notes* stopping people from illegally crossing the border

Texas Gov. Abbott tells Biden he is invoking ‘invasion’ clause of Constitution because of border ‘failures’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent a letter to the White House to explain the need for more aggressive efforts to curb illegal immigration into the state.

The letter, addressed to President Joe Biden, accuses the administration of willfully ignoring the ongoing mass influx of illegal immigrants into the U.S. southern states.

“Your inaction has led to catastrophic consequences. Under your watch, America is suffering the highest volume of illegal immigration in the history of our country. This past year, more than 2 million immigrants tried to enter the country illegally, coming from more than 100 countries across the globe,” Abbott wrote in the Wednesday letter. “Worse yet, your failed border policies recently prompted a United Nations agency to declare that the border between the United States and Mexico is the deadliest land crossing in the world.”

Abbott announced Tuesday that he will be invoking an “invasion” clause of both the U.S. Constitution and Texas Constitution to combat ongoing, overwhelming illegal immigration in the state.

The governor noted in his Tuesday announcement a list of intended actions that he claims are covered by the clause, including the activation of National Guard and Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) personnel to safeguard the border and turn back would-be migrants from illegally crossing the border.

Sending illegals to Democrat run cities hasn’t worked, because the Elites in those cities make sure the illegals are housed Over There away from the rich and elites. And often ship them off to the suburbs with zero notice. Abbott has stated that Texas DPS will arrest any illegal they find and return them to the border, along with using gunboats to guard the Rio Grande, as well as declaring Mexican cartels terrorist organizations.

Is this possibly an overreach of power by a state? Potentially, since the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government the authority and duty to secure the border from invasion. But, the federal government has been derelict in it’s duty, really, they’ve enable the invasion, doing everything they can to keep the invasion going. Does a border state have authority to protect itself from invasion from across the international border?

The Texas Constitution’s Article 4, Section 7 also states that the governor, as commander in chief of military forces, “shall have power to call forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions.”

Now we await Brandon’s response.

Read: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Tells Brandon He’s Invoking The “Invasion Clause” »

A Few Republicans Might Go For Manchin’s Permitting Deal

In other news, Joe Manchin’s side-deal which talked him into voting for the terrible Inflation Reduction Act, which doesn’t reduce inflation, hasn’t gone through after all these months. Chump

Some Republicans show appetite for a Manchin deal on permitting reform

A handful of Republican lawmakers appear open to working with Sen. Joe Manchin on his push for permitting reform despite tensions between the West Virginia Democrat and the GOP caucus. Manchin has been pushing for policies that speed up the approval process for energy projects in order to build out more energy infrastructure. His last attempt ran into opposition from both Republicans — who said it didn’t go far enough — and progressives, who said it could harm communities who live near the projects.

Republicans were also not inclined to help Manchin after many saw him as double-crossing them with his agreement on a deal that led to passage of the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act. The deal was announced after Republicans backed a separate infrastructure bill.

In recent weeks, Manchin has engaged in talks with Republicans in the hopes of finding a lame-duck agreement on permitting reform.

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) told The Hill that getting permitting reform done was “really, really, really important” and that he believed there is an appetite for it.

“Our country needs energy, all kinds of energy: oil, gas, renewables — we need critical minerals,” he said. “All of those things get boxed out by a broken, dysfunctional permitting system that pretty much everybody knows is broken.”

He said there was “slow but steady progress being made” and that he hoped to close what he described as “loopholes” on time limits in the energy project approval process that he said were a part of Manchin’s initial proposal.

They’re talking about putting this into some other legislative package. Why not just put up stand-alone legislation? Why is it necessary to always do these big bills with all sorts of stuff in them, often unrelated to the purpose of the bill? Is it to hide the pork? To hide the crazy? For Republicans, it would make sense to pass this as a stand-alone once they take the House. Would there be enough Democrats to vote for it if Dems control the Senate 51-49? It would put Democrats on notice if they vote against it, which is a vote against America having our own energy and trying to bring down prices for Americans. And it would be funny seeing Democrats try and filibuster it.

If Republicans did pass a stand-alone, what would Chuck Schumer do? He promised Joe this side deal: would he bring it up for a vote on the Senate florr?

Read: A Few Republicans Might Go For Manchin’s Permitting Deal »

If All You See…

…is a Fringe bit of nice weather in a doomed world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on a green new deal in Ukraine.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory “Trump Announces 3rd Run For President” Post

And the 2024 presidential election season is off and running

Trump Announces 2024 Presidential Run

Former President Donald Trump officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, making a run for the White House for the third consecutive time.

Trump announced his run after highlighting what he did in his first term, as well as inflation, the open border and record-breaking gas prices under the Biden administration.

“I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again,” Trump said.

“Our country needs a truly great leader, and we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ We need a leader that can bring back our jobs, can bring back our manufacturing, can bring back our military, take care of our Vets. Our Vets have been abandoned!” Trump said, after noting that “America’s comeback starts right now.”

He officially filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission as a Republican for 2024.

He said the right things in the speech (Breitbart has the video of the announcement), and, quite frankly, his policies while in office were mostly pretty good. It’s all the intangibles that are the problem. A lot of squishy Republicans, along with Independents and those squishy Dems who can flip, just do not like him. Loathe him. It’s all personal. They won’t even consider his policies, except in terms of reading far left material that does not tell the truth about Trump’s policies and accomplishments.

If Trump manages to win the GOP primary, he will lose the general election, even against a doddering old fool like Biden, who’s bad for the economy and the lives of working and middle class Americans. If he doesn’t win the primaries, he will do his thing where he harms the other Republicans with his slurs and attacks, just like in 2016, making it harder for them to get elected.

Ann Coulter (who, in fairness, started catching a low grade bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome) wrote “What America wants is Trumpism without Trump.” She’s kinda right. We see how well Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott have done. Trump is doing this for his own ego, if you ask my opinion. And he might burn the GOP down for 2024 if he doesn’t win the primaries. And will lose if he does make it to the general election, cheating or no cheating. He’s just too toxic for those who aren’t the narrow base.

Read: Obligatory “Trump Announces 3rd Run For President” Post »

Good News: China Suckers Biden Admin Into Restarting Climate Talks

China has to love this: it sidetracks the Biden admin, along with other Warmists leaders, from noticing China’s human rights abuses, the cause of COVID19, China wanting Taiwan, and many other serious, real world issues. But, lots of Warmist news outlets are squeeing in cult, such as the NY Times (paywalled), Washington Post, NBC News, and

The US and China will restart climate talks – why that’s a huge deal

US president Joe Biden and China’s president Xi Jinping today agreed to renew climate talks, ending months of silence due to geopolitical tensions. Here’s why that’s a major breakthrough.

The US and China stopped talking about climate change in August after US representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited Taiwan. There has also been a lot of strain between the two countries over trade and security issues.

Biden and Xi met for more than three hours today ahead of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. At the conclusion of their meeting, they announced that the two countries would, as Biden said, make an effort to “manage our differences.”

After the meeting, the White House released a statement:

President Biden underscored that the United States and China must work together to address transnational challenges – such as climate change, global macroeconomic stability including debt relief, health security, and global food security – because that is what the international community expects. The two leaders agreed to empower key senior officials to maintain communication and deepen constructive efforts on these and other issues.

How cute. Meanwhile, China is building new coal fired power plants willy nilly, and dumping crummy solar panels and wind turbines at below market prices around the world. Just playing Joe and the other Warmists as suckers. While Biden is downgrading our military, trying to force them to use EVs as fighting vehicles, China is heavily upgrading their military.

Read: Good News: China Suckers Biden Admin Into Restarting Climate Talks »

What Are The Democrats Three Main Economy/Inflation Plans Now That They Kept The Senate?

At the time of writing this, the GOP has 217 wins for the House, and just need one more for control, and they’re leading in 4, with a few others being close. Be thankful, because the Democrats plans are as bad now as they were prior to the election

Now that Americans elected Democrats to keep the Senate, here are their 3 major plans to fix the economy and fight inflation

The House is still too close to call, and in the event of a Republican takeover, a blue Senate will have limited power. They would be able to confirm Biden’s judicial and executive branch nominees but not pass significant new legislation on partisan lines. Still, Democrats have heralded the victory as voters’ rejection of far-right extremism, and their desire to see abortion rights and fair elections safeguarded.

Those may be the big takeaways, but Democrats locking down the Senate — and likely only conceding a slim majority to Republicans in the House — also indicate that voters favor Democrats’ plan to rein in a tumultuous economy.

I seriously doubt that. Every poll stated that Americans trusted Republicans more than Democrats. The results were surely about many other things. When Independents and squishy Democrats say Democrats are doing a poor job, well, sure, let’s do the same

Supporting Biden’s spending, such as the IRA and a restored Child Tax Credit

Republicans on the campaign trail blamed Biden’s spending for the country’s inflation problems, arguing that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan has been one of the major instigators. Experts say that if it was, the impact wasn’t significant. Still, the GOP similarly united against Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

But public favor for the legislation was solid out of the gate, with a Reuters/Ipsos poll from August showing broad support for individual measures of the Inflation Reduction Act, even if Americans were divided on the package as a whole.

Yeah, the ones that give them money directly. Mostly, voters say it won’t make a difference on inflation or reducing the cost of energy, clothes, food.

Tackling corporate profits as an inflation-fighting measure

Several of the Democrats who achieved close wins slammed corporations for enjoying record profits over the last few years without easing the burden for consumers amid record inflation.

So, class warfare. It won’t make a damned bit of difference, and could drive up prices and reduce jobs, but, it’ll whip the moonbats up for 2024.

Making healthcare more affordable by expanding Medicare and lowering drug costs

Democrats spent the back half of their midterms pitching themselves as strongholds for entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security, and framing Republicans as a threat.

So, more government. Which won’t actually reduce costs. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to do that? And hasn’t? This is a plan to continue driving prices up, or, at least, keeping them high. Notice there is nothing in their plan about increasing affordable energy. Of course, they’ll get nothing done, because the House controls the purse strings. If the GOP is wise (always an iffy proposition) they’ll focus on the economy, energy, crime, and the border. Don’t try and pass abortion stuff. No impeachment stuff. Minimize investigations into Biden. That plays to the base, and ends up being a lot of inside baseball.

Read: What Are The Democrats Three Main Economy/Inflation Plans Now That They Kept The Senate? »

Climate Cult Elites Trot Out New Scam, “Global Shield”

What could possibly go wrong a scheme to move vast amounts of Other People’s money around?

Wealthy Countries Propose ‘Global Shield,’ a Climate Change Insurance Plan

Tensions at the United Nations climate change conference known as COP27 have been running high, largely over the issue of what’s called “loss and damage” — shorthand for the disproportionate suffering that the developing world is already experiencing at the hands of climate change. In the most concrete response yet to the issue, on Monday a group of countries led by Germany announced their commitment to developing “a Global Shield against Climate Risks” to help people in the least developed countries better prepare for climate-fueled disasters.

The Global Shield is a joint initiative by the G7, a political forum consisting of the world’s most industrialized countries, and the V20, which is represented by the finance ministers of 58 of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. The German government has committed roughly $175 million to the effort, which intends to address loss and damage through insurance programs and social security schemes. Denmark, Ireland, Canada, and France have also contributed about $42 million to the initiative. (snip)

While there are few details yet on exactly how the Global Shield will work, German federal development minister Svenja Schulze said the program will include insurance programs, social security schemes, early warning systems, and other financial assistance arranged in advance before disaster strikes. Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Fiji, Ghana, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Senegal will be the first recipients of “Global Shield packages,” according to a press release.

How much will be siphoned off the top for all the special interests, climate cult leaders, and government big wigs in these V20 nations, never making it to the people it’s supposed to help? How many of the rich 1st worlders advocating for this will pony up their own money?

Funny how money is involved so often, eh?

Read: Climate Cult Elites Trot Out New Scam, “Global Shield” »

If All You See…

…is an area perfect for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on COP27 gabfest not going too well.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Court Blocks Brandon’s Student Debt Relief Giveaway

This is the third court that has put the kibosh on his un-Constitutional plan

Biden’s student debt plan was just blocked again, this time by a federal appeals court. Here’s what happens next

spite housePresident Joe Biden’s widespread student loan forgiveness plan was blocked for the second time in less than a week, this time by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis.

The federal appeals court ruling comes after six conservative states—Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Carolina—filed a lawsuit arguing that Biden’s loan cancellation plan hurts state revenues. The three-judge panel of the appeals court issued a nationwide injunction on the plan, meaning the Biden administration cannot forgive any debt under the program.

“The injunction will remain in effect until further order of this court or the Supreme Court of the United States,” the panel of appeals court judges wrote in the ruling.

The judges, all appointed by Republican presidents, say that the state of Missouri has standing to challenge Biden’s debt relief program because of the revenue that could be lost by MOHELA, a federal student loan servicer.

His plan was blocked by the same court temporarily while considering the request from those six states, and now in full, to go with a federal judge blocking the plan last week. The Brandon admin did file an appeal on that latter. But, do Democrats really want to win the court battle before the 2024 elections?

Student loan ‘buyout,’ abortion won midterms for Democrats, Biden, critics say

Two key factors, according to Judge Jeanine Pirro, helped Democrats avoid a Republican “red wave”: President Biden’s student loan handout and abortion.

“I’ll tell you what won this election for the Democrats: Sure, the young people came out vote; they got paid — I mean, they got their student loans paid back. It was a buyout,” Pirro said Monday on “The Five.” “But the other thing is: abortion. It was all about abortion.”

President Biden offered up something many legal observers believed would eventually be struck down by the courts, but the student loan handout seemed enough to bring out the 18-24 vote to put Democrats over the top, the panel on “The Five” debated.

Ignoring the abortion on demand part, how many of the youts got out to vote, and not just the 18-24, but, many older folks with debt, looking to have their debt reduced, thinking that there will be more free money coming soon after? How many who are racking up that debt now figure it will get cancelled later? Add a bunch of things up, the abortion debate, student loan forgiveness, “democracy is on the ballot”, and more, none needed to be The One, just pull some voters here and there, stop some flips, get a few who were going to sit out to go vote Democrat, and you get the results of a red puddle for the House and loss in the Senate. Why not use the same things in 2024?

Read: Federal Court Blocks Brandon’s Student Debt Relief Giveaway »

Lots Of Young People Took Long Fossil Fueled Flights To COP27 Or Something

They just want to save the world, you know

COP27: Without Greta, activists make waves at climate summit

Young people are a more powerful force than ever in the UN climate summit, the UN’s youngest climate advisor tells BBC News in Egypt.

“Young people are definitely shaping outcomes here at COP27,” Sophia Kianni says.

Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg has skipped the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting, calling it a forum for “greenwashing”.

But young people from countries at high risk from climate change say they are “calling it out” from inside.

In an address on Tuesday, climate activist Vanessa Nakate from Uganda will tell governments to wash their “oil-stained” hands.

Speaking to G20 nations, she will tell ministers that they must end the “moral and economic madness” of funding fossil fuels and prioritising short-term politics.

Does no one in the media see the irony of Ms. Nakate, along with all the others, taking fossil fueled trips to complain about the use of fossil fuels? Did it even cross the minds of the reporters? Or, are they just altogether bought in on the climate cult?

Ayisha Siddiqa, 23, travelled from Pakistan to speak at the Youth Pavilion. It’s the first time young people have had a dedicated space like this, where last week activists held a formal meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

It’s one of the most buzzing areas of COP27, with activists jostling to find space to sit and chat on the floor, and Ayisha tells me she’s proud of the space.

“This is for the youth, organized by us. Unlike government and business areas, there’s no corporate branding everywhere,” she says.

So what are their degrees in? Anything? How about their business experience? Do they have a clue as to the way the world works?

Imran and his colleague Sohanur Rahmen explain they got grants for travel and hotels, but they cannot afford to eat at the conference.

Delegates faced costs of about $4,000 a week for accommodation, as well as the costs of travel and visas.

Activists say future climate summits must include special funds and accommodation for young people from civil society.

LOL, how cute. Someone else needs to pay for their climate cult activism.

The media is making a big deal of her. She took a fossil fueled trip all the way from Stanford. Who payed? It’s more fun scrolling through her twitter feed, seeing just how many clothes she brought, and how many times she changed them in just a few days. Like so many other of the youths, they’re turning it into an Instagram/TikTok event. Gotta get those selfies and videos, eh?

Read: Lots Of Young People Took Long Fossil Fueled Flights To COP27 Or Something »

Pirate's Cove