Other Climate Nutter Groups Plan To Continue Being Disruptive

How to win friends and influence people by being a-holes

Climate change group disavows disruptive protests, but other activists vow to soldier on

Extinction Rebellion, the U.K.-based organization that pioneered disruptive climate change protests such as sit-ins at major London traffic circles, has made a New Year’s resolution to give up such tactics and focus instead on increasing support for the climate movement.

In a Dec. 31, 2022, statement on its website, the group acknowledged that despite garnering media attention for high-profile protests — including blockading five bridges on the River Thames in central London in November 2018 — its efforts have not led to a significant change in the trajectory of planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.

Yeah yeah yeah, they’re going to supposedly stop doing wankers stuff. We’ll see. Others, though

In the last year, several new youth-led groups around the world have employed tactics pioneered by XR, especially in Britain and Europe. For example, the group Just Stop Oil, which was founded in February 2022, blocked traffic on highways in London and garnered international coverage and criticism for throwing tomato soup at a painting by Vincent Van Gogh in London’s National Gallery. In late October, activists from a group called Last Generation threw mashed potatoes at a painting by Claude Monet and glued themselves to the adjacent wall at the Museum Barberini in Potsdam, Germany, and carried out similar actions in other European museums.

Just Stop Oil responded to XR’s announcement on Monday with a pledge to continue engaging in what it called “civil resistance.”

“It’s 2023 and XR has quit,” Just Stop Oil wrote in a statement. “But it’s 2023, and we are barrelling down the highway to the loss of ordered civil society, as extreme weather impacts tens of millions, as our country becomes unrecognisable. … We must move from disobedience into civil resistance.”

You also have Insulate Britain, which is going to continue doing wackadoodle things. They’re working hard to piss people off to get them to rally to their cause, because that works, right?

Read: Other Climate Nutter Groups Plan To Continue Being Disruptive »

Sanctuary State Of Colorado Plans To Send Illegal Aliens To NYC

And Eric Adams, mayor of the sanctuary city of New York, doesn’t like it one bit.

Colorado plans to send more migrants to New York

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis plans to send migrants to major cities including New York, Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday, warning that the nation’s largest city is already struggling to deal an influx of people sent from Texas and other Republican-led states.

However, the Democratic governor told POLITICO shortly afterward that the state has been helping asylum seekers reach their final destinations — including New York City — for weeks. The only change has been a recent winter storm and ensuing travel catastrophe that created a backlog of migrants wanting to leave Denver, which is now being cleared.

Adams made his comments during a radio appearance Tuesday morning.

“We were notified yesterday that the governor of Colorado is now stating that they are going to be sending migrants to places like New York and Chicago,” Adams said during a radio appearance. “This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation.”

Oh, that’s convenient. “Helping them reach their final destinations”. Will any in the media ask the illegals if they voluntarily got on the buses? Or were tricked?


Oh, no, this is selfless when Democrats do it

“Too many people, in our opinion, view this through a political lens or as playing politics — and it’s terrible that in some places, people have been used as political props,” he said. “But what we are doing here is just honoring our values by treating people with dignity and respect.”

Except, Polis is shipping lots of them off to Other Places. It’s almost like he doesn’t want to deal with them.

Adams said Tuesday around 30,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York City since the spring in need of food, shelter and education — a surge that has has stretched the city’s social service infrastructure to the breaking point and opened up huge risks for the municipal budget. Adams, along with the two Colorado leaders, have called on the federal government to provide assistance to localities dealing with the influx.

“No city should have to make a decisions if they’re going to provide for their citizens — particularly coming out of Covid — or if they’re going to deal with an onslaught of migrants and asylum seekers,” he said.

No, they shouldn’t, and the way to do that is to shut down the border as much as possibly and ship all the illegals out.

Read: Sanctuary State Of Colorado Plans To Send Illegal Aliens To NYC »

John Kerry Says People In Rich Countries Need TO Give Their Money To Appease 3rd World Anger

How much of his own money will Kerry be giving? How many private fossil fueled flights will he not take?

John Kerry: rich countries must respond to developing world anger over climate

John Kerry climatePeople in developing countries are feeling increasingly angry and “victimised” by the climate crisis, the US climate envoy John Kerry has warned, and rich countries must respond urgently.

“I’ve been chronicling the increased frustration and anger of island states and vulnerable countries and small African nations and others around the world that feel victimised by the fact that they are a minuscule component of emissions,” he said. “And yet [they are] paying a very high price. Seventeen of the 20 most affected countries in the world, by the climate crisis, are in Africa, and yet 48 sub-Saharan countries total 0.55% of all emissions.”

Would these be the small countries building airports to attract tourism? Or the ones taking the foreign aid and using it for the elites and political bigwigs in those nations?

Kerry said the US was committed to helping the developing world with loss and damage, but that the details of the fund would need more work in 2023.

“How can you look somebody in the eye, with a straight face, and not accept the notion that there are damages, there are losses?” he asked. “We see them all around the world. You see them in heightened sea levels, we see them in fires, we see them in floods, in Pakistan and elsewhere. We see them in the higher intensity of storms.”

But he added: “How you manage [loss and damage] is still at issue: how do you approach this challenge of the financial arrangements. But it was important to acknowledge that they’re there and we have to work at this in good faith.”

It’s just another redistribution scam, one which takes money from the middle and working classes in 1st world nations and transfers it to elites in 3rd world nations, but, this time, with no strings, because we “owe” it to those nations.

Read: John Kerry Says People In Rich Countries Need TO Give Their Money To Appease 3rd World Anger »

If All You See…

…are lots of Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Liz Cheney making out like a bandit in Congress.

Read: If All You See… »

TSA Spending Millions For Screening Gender-Neutral Passengers

It’s wonderful that the government has to spend money because many people are gender confused

TSA spends $18.6 million on security screening for gender-neutral passengers

The Transportation Security Administration is spending $18.6 million to deploy “non-binary screening systems” for gender-neutral passengers traveling through U.S. airports.

The federal spending watchdog group OpenTheBooks.com reported on the new security screening that will be rolled out starting this month.

TSA is spending tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer funds to “advance civil rights” of these passengers, indicating it will improve the customer experience of nonbinary passengers by implementing the new technology.

The funding for the non-gender imaging technology will be appropriated from funds inside the omnibus spending legislation that President Joe Biden just signed.

“This technology should really be gender neutral, you know, it really should be and we’re there,” TSA Executive Director for Travel Engagement Jose Bonilla told WCAX.com in Vermont.

“The way that we’ve operated the system is specifically based on [the] blue button if the individual is perceived by the officer to be male, pink button if the individual is perceived by our officer to be female,” Bonilla said, adding that transgender or nonbinary passengers are more likely to get flagged.

Well, in the grand scheme of Science, an individual is either biologically male or biologically female. That’s the way it works.

The TSA has implemented several policies to assist transgender and binary passengers. The agency previously updated its operating procedures to reduce the number of pat-downs by allowing security to permit less invasive screening procedures for passengers who triggered the Advanced Imaging Technology scanner in “sensitive” areas.

Are other nations dealing with this kind of stupidity, or is it mostly the U.S.? Meanwhile, how safe is it to be flying with all these people who have a higher of mental illness and suicidal thoughts?

Read: TSA Spending Millions For Screening Gender-Neutral Passengers »

Climate Apocalypse Migrants Need Legal Rights Or Something

They do. They have the legal right to apply for citizenship and go through the process just like everyone else if approved. The U.S. has plenty of homeless on our streets. Why not spend the money on them, instead of on people demanding entrance into the U.S. who refuse to assimilate

Climate Migrants Need Legal Rights

Over the past year, we’ve all seen the devastating images across America—and around the world—of people who have lost their homes, their livelihoods, to wildfires, hurricanes, or monsoon floods.

While many of them can rebuild, others aren’t, and are forced to pick-up, and leave.

They are the faces and stories of climate migration. An estimated 1.2 billion people will be displaced by climate-related events by 2050. That means that in less than 30 years, more than 1 out of every 8 people will have lost their homes.

Take a minute, and let that sink in.

You mean like always? That the ever changing climate of the Earth has caused movement.

The world is moving quickly, and with it, people are moving too. While mobility may be increasing worldwide, the sad truth is that the majority of migrants today find themselves fleeing because they have to, whether it’s due to violence, persecution, famine, poverty, or increasingly, climate catastrophes. When we say climate catastrophes, we don’t just mean sporadic natural disasters. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of storms, flooding, and droughts, as well as causing slower onset disasters like desertification and rising sea levels.

Blah blah blah.

In part, this is because climate change often exacerbates other push factors like poverty and might not be identified as the sole reason for displacement. There are also almost no multilateral treaties or domestic laws addressing climate displacement, meaning that people forced to leave their homes for climate-related reasons have limited legal options to obtain safe refuge elsewhere.

There are, however, concrete steps we can take to address this issue—advocates have called for a new policy architecture for climate migration that would provide those displaced by climate events with legal pathways to resettle somewhere safe.

Um, no. Just no. They’re just using ‘climate change’ as an excuse for more illegal immigration.

The Joseph Family Foundation has, since its inception, been rooted in authenticity, compassion, optimism, and morality; part and parcel of the hands-on aid that we bring to vulnerable communities across the country, and the world. As part of our mission to bring about positive change, we are seeking to raise awareness about forced migration due to climate change. By supporting the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP)’s Climate Displacement Program, we hope to lend momentum to IRAP’s efforts to create a legal framework for climate-displaced families around the world.

I wonder if the Joseph Family, and the two writers who are the president and director of the foundation, are willing to take the “refugees” into their own homes and land?

Read: Climate Apocalypse Migrants Need Legal Rights Or Something »

Good News: Half Of States Have Permitless Carry

I’m assuming these gun grabbers are referring to concealed carry permits, since “permitless carry” sounds oh so much worse for gun haters

The start of 2023 means carrying a gun without a license is now legal in half of US states: ‘Lipstick, an iPhone, maybe a little Smith & Wesson .38’

With the start of the new year, it became significantly easier for Alabamians to legally carry guns.

The state passed a law last year allowing people to carry concealed handguns without state permits, a change that went into effect on January 1.

The law signaled a gun rights landmark for the US: Now, half of the 50 states allow people to carry handguns without permits.

It’s a mark of how gun control rights have expanded within the US over the past two decades. In 2010, for instance, only two states allowed people to carry guns without permits. In the 13 years since, however, almost 24 states have passed similar laws, 11 of which were greenlit in the last three years, The Huffington Post’s Roque Planas reported Sunday.

Hooray! Though, I’ll be honest, I do approve of requiring that anyone carrying concealed should need to pass a course to understand the laws, proper use of a firearm, etc. Not a really hard one, just one designed to express confidence.

State governments have loosened gun control over the past 20 years, even as activism in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, and others ramped up. More than 600 mass shootings transpired in the US in 2022, making it the second-highest annual total for mass shootings on record, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive, a non-profit tracking gun violence.

How many of those were committed by people with a concealed carry permit, or even just a legal license to carry? How many of them were legal purchases by people who should have been denied their background check?

Read: Good News: Half Of States Have Permitless Carry »

Climate Cult Now Linking “Gun Violence” To Climate Crisis (scam)

Have I seen this one before? I’m not sure, at least in this specific manner. But, this is a cult, so, no matter the issue, they’ll link it

Is climate change linked to gun violence? A new study shows how KC area is impacted

On the hottest day of 2022 in Kansas City, three people were shot and killed. Three more were shot and survived, the Kansas City Police Department said.

The temperature clocked in at 101 degrees on July 23, according to Jared Leighton, a lead forecaster with the National Weather Service in Kansas City.

With 171 homicides, this year became the second deadliest on record in Kansas City — and some of those fatal shootings may be linked to an unexpected cause: climate change.

Researchers analyzed more than 116,000 shootings in 100 cities and found that nearly 7% could be attributed to days with above-average temperatures, not only in the summer, but also at other times of the year when it was unseasonably warm.

In Kansas City, Missouri, the percentage of shootings tied to days with above-average temperatures was 6.13%, while in Kansas City, Kansas, it was 7.86%, according to the study published last month in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“An increase in warmer temperatures and more frequent extreme heat events due to climate change may create environments with higher risk of firearm violence in the future,” the study said.

So, people are more likely to be out and about committing crime when it’s warmer? Huh. What does this have to do with a slight rise in temperatures over the past 170 years, which the climate cultists blame on Mankind?

Anecdotally, more violence occurs in the hotter months, said Janell Friesen, spokeswoman for the Unified Government’s Public Health Department. She noted that the study also touches on environmental justice.

“Structural racism and discriminatory policies and practices have led to inequities in the impact of climate change and environmental hazards, including a greater impact on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color),” Friesen said. “The Health Department is working to better understand how it can tackle environmental justice issues, and how this connects to addressing other public health issues like violence.”

Good grief. Oh, wait, is Friesen and the health department saying that BIPOC folks are more likely to get violent and shoot things up when it gets warmer? Isn’t that racist?

Read: Climate Cult Now Linking “Gun Violence” To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a palm tree growing in far north latitudes due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on environmentalism having a difficult relationship with democracy.

Read: If All You See… »

Marxist Health Group Demands Indefinite Masking Because Raaaaacism

What’s the end goal here? Why are they pushing this? Is there some sort of deep motive, or simply a kneejerk reaction with little thought behind it?

Far-Left Health Advocacy Group ‘People’s CDC’ Calls for Continued Mask Mandates

A far-left (borderline Marxist) group calling itself the “People’s CDC” has called for more radical coronavirus policies like indefinite mask mandates and social distancing, charging that America’s relaxed pandemic policies stem from a racist eugenics impulse beholden to corporate interests.

Profiled at length in the New Yorker, the People’s CDC can best be described as a “ragtag coalition of academics, doctors, activists, and artists who believe that the government has left them to fend for themselves.” Founded by Mindy Thompson Fullilove, a professor of urban policy and health at the New School, the group has thousands of supporters who receive weekly newsletters and emails highlighting the latest pandemic trends while advocating stricter policies.

How much do you want to bet that these are the same people who voluntarily wear a mask but leave their noses uncovered and it’s so loose that it would be less than worthless?

While the group puts up a science-oriented front on its website, the rhetoric from some of its top members suggests Marxist leanings. For instance, not only does the group claim that the CDC relaxed pandemic policies to appease corporate interests under President Joe Biden’s leadership, but it also suggests that those relaxed policies had racist intent. Per the New Yorker:

The People’s C.D.C. strongly supports mask mandates, and they have called on federal, state, and local governments to put them back in place, arguing that “the vaccine-only strategy promoted by the CDC is insufficient.” The group has noted that resistance to masks is most common among white people: Lucky Tran, who organizes the coalition’s media team, recently tweeted a YouGov survey supporting this, and wrote that “a lot of anti-mask sentiment is deeply embedded in white supremacy.”

This kind of accusation is common for the People’s C.D.C. Their messaging has the unmistakable inflection of activist-speak, marked by a willingness to make eye-popping claims about the motivations of politicians, corporations, or anyone in power. “To name it clearly, the CDC’s policies are eugenic,” the Weather Report team wrote, in August. “They rely on and promote the indefensible stance that disabled and elderly, poor and working class people are disposable, unworthy of care, and unworthy of participation in society.” Eugenic policies have a long and ugly history, commonly associated with the Nazis, white supremacists, and others who advocate the racial purification of humanity. I asked Thill whether she truly believes that the C.D.C. is eugenicist, along these lines. “Just because a charge is difficult or impactful doesn’t make it a wrong charge,” she said.

They’re welcome to wear masks. As usual, these far left folks want to get government to force everyone to comply. Anyhow, it’s cute that mask resistance jumps right to white supremacy. What about vaccine resistance? Blacks were one of the groups with the lowest rate of getting vaccinated. Does that mean vaccine resistance is black supremacy?

Read: Marxist Health Group Demands Indefinite Masking Because Raaaaacism »

Pirate's Cove