NPR Say Jimmy Carter Is To Blame For Today’s Climate Cult

Well, it’s one way to read this

Jimmy Carter’s environmental legacy set the foundation for today’s climate action

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, died at his home in Plains, Ga., on Sunday. He was 100.

Carter’s interest in promoting renewable energy was on display at his January 20, 1977 presidential inauguration. Solar panels were installed to warm the reviewing stand near the White House, where Carter watched the inaugural parade.

“It happened to be one of the coldest days of the year that morning and very little sun,” says Paul Muldawer, the Atlanta architect Carter tapped to design his inauguration facilities.

“We made a statement, although it honestly didn’t work as well as I would have liked it to work,” Muldawer says. Wind chill that day was in the teens, according to the National Weather Service.

So, his gesture was a failure. Surprise? His term of office started out as failure. The podium was torn down and recycled, the solar panels gone

The inauguration set the stage for Carter’s four years as President. His environmental legacy has shaped how the country is responding to climate change today.

“At the time that Jimmy Carter was president, his biggest concern was energy security,” says Amy Myers Jaffe, director of the Energy, Climate Justice and Sustainability Lab at New York University.

Yeah, and he did it exactly wrong. He made energy security worse.

The summer after Carter took office, he received a memo with the subject “Release of Fossil CO2 and the Possibility of a Catastrophic Climate Change.” It warned that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has a “greenhouse effect” that “will induce a global climatic warming.”

The memo was from Frank Press, Carter’s chief advisor on scientific matters and the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Press wrote, “The present state of knowledge does not justify emergency action to limit the consumption of fossil fuels in the near term.” But he did write that considering the “potential CO2 hazard” should become part of the country’s long-term energy strategy.

The top of the memo is marked “THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN.” Climate change, though, was not an issue Carter highlighted during his time in office. He actually boosted domestic coal production. Coal is the most carbon-intense fuel for generating electricity.

Well, at least he wasn’t dumb enough to try and ditch coal.

Preserving land also was a priority for Carter. Near the end of his presidency, he signed into law the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. It provided protections for 157 million acres of land through the creation of national parks, refuges and conservation areas.

Carter was good at being an environmentalist, which used to be separate from ‘climate change’ till the cult subsumed it.

Read: NPR Say Jimmy Carter Is To Blame For Today’s Climate Cult »

Fake Asylum Seeker Assaults Female Cop In SCNY

Remember, all asylum seekers are just good, upstanding people escaping from climate change or something

Homeless migrant ranting about ‘disdain for female police officers’ assaults cop at Port Authority Bus Terminal

A homeless migrant allegedly attacked a rookie female cop at Midtown’s Port Authority Bus Terminal Monday morning while seething he hates women who work in law enforcement, according to officials and sources.

The vicious beat down unfolded after Juan Jose Valencia, 30, mimicked firing a gun with hand gestures at a Port Authority police officer at the entrance of the terminal around 6:45 a.m., the law enforcement sources said.

When the cop approached Valencia, he allegedly exploded — arguing and telling the rookie he had a knife.

Valencia then allegedly tripped the cop when she tried to cuff him and pounced on her when she hit the ground.

The migrant — who emigrated from Colombia during the pandemic, according to sources — allegedly socked her multiple times while ranting about his “disdain for female police officers.”

The cop called for back up before trying to arrest the attacker, and when more police arrived, the deranged creep was still punching her while officers tried to yank him away, sources said.

Good thing this is his first time running into the cops

It’s not Valencia’s first run-in with crime.

A warrant was issued after he didn’t show up to court on stalking and intimidation charges in 2022, according to records.

And, yet, he was released initially by Sanctuary City New York. And his criminal actions would have voided any attempt at asylum. But, ICE was not called so Valencia could be scooped up and deported.


Two Young Girls Carrying a Note Found at Texas Border After Being Abandoned By Migrant Smugglers

Texas authorities rescued two young migrant girls who were abandoned by smugglers at the southern border, carrying only a note with an address and phone number.

The five and nine-year-old girls from El Salvador were discovered by the Texas Department of Public Safety and transferred to the U.S. Border Patrol, Lt. Chris Olivarez said in a statement to X.

This is what the pro-illegal immigration forces have created: parents just sending their young children to the US alone, while hoping that if they make it the parents can then come.

Read: Fake Asylum Seeker Assaults Female Cop In SCNY »

Coca Cola Accused Of Greenwashing As They Back Down On Climate (scam) Pledge

You know, it’s actually a shame, because reducing the use of new plastic is actually a good thing. The problem here is they were doing it to placate the climate cult, and their goals were pretty much unrealistic

Coca-Cola Is Rolling Out a Major Change, and Shoppers Are Not Happy

If you tend to reach for bottles of Coca-Cola, you’ll want to pay attention. Your favorite brand is currently in trouble for making promises about packaging sustainability and falling short.

According to a study published by Science Advance this year, 56 brands led by the Coca-Cola Company are responsible for more than 50% of plastic pollution worldwide. After committing to using 50% recycled material in its packaging by 2030, the business changed its voluntary environmental goal to strive for 35% to 40% recycled material by 2035.

In a recent press release, Coca-Cola announced that “this evolution is informed by learnings gathered through decades of work in sustainability, periodic assessment of progress, and identified challenges. Achieving these ambitions will require continued investments in innovation and infrastructure solutions, enabling legislation and further collaboration with bottling partners, industry peers, local governments, and civil society.”

In other words, they shot for Neptune with their goal in order to get the Cult of Climastrology off their asses, and now reality is coming into play. You know, the NY Giants can talk about winning the Super Bowl before the season starts, the Chicago Blackhawks can talk about making the Playoffs, the New Orleans Pelicans can talk about making it to 20 wins, but, then the season starts and doing those things runs into the cold, dead mackerel of reality.

But this reasoning isn’t enough for people who shared their major disappointment in the news in the comment section of Coca-Cola’s most recent Instagram posts. “What about your recycling goal? Why silently quit?” one Instagram user wrote. “Stop producing so much plastic!” said another commenter. One person mentioned that they plan to “boycott” the company.

People are accusing Coca-Cola of greenwashing, a tactic coined by environmentalists in the 1980s that, according to the United Nations, manifests when companies mislead the public into thinking that their business is doing more to tackle the climate change crisis than it is.

Well, Coke decided they were going to patronize the doomsday cult, so, anything that happens now is a result of them listening to a cult. Have fun.

But, yeah, the sad part is that they, and other companies, made pledges to the climate cult, rather than looking to reduce their use of plastic for true environmental reasons.

Read: Coca Cola Accused Of Greenwashing As They Back Down On Climate (scam) Pledge »

If All You See…

…is a blurry world due to carbon pollution driven humidity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on America’s third worst president passing away.

Read: If All You See… »

UK Sun: Fake Asylum Seeker Deaths Shows A Solution Is Needed

In case you hadn’t noticed, what with all the fake asylum seeker issues her in the U.S., Europe is having a massive problem with them as well. They keep coming and coming from Africa, the Middle East, and Western Asia, especially Islamic nations. Wave after wave. And lots are dying as the cross the Mediterranean and the English Channel. The UK Sun is super concerned. Will they come to the right conclusion?

Migrant deaths show we desperately need a solution to deadly small boats crisis

THE deaths yesterday of another three migrants in the Channel shames Britain and France.

More than 1,300 have illegally crossed since Christmas.

Yet a solution to the deadly trade is as far away as ever.

More than 150,000 have arrived here illegally since records began in 2018 — a town the size of Blackpool.

At least 287 are believed to have died in the attempt.

Doesn’t seem like a lot of people to die in comparison to the 150K that the British government knows about. It’s not like the fake asylum seekers didn’t do this to themselves, right?

“It’s crossing after crossing, without any let-up.”

His despair summed up the folly of tackling the evil supply of small boats without addressing the massive demand among migrants to reach Britain.

This is all about the smugglers bringing the fake asylum seekers across the channel. And, that is pretty much it. No solution is offered. Or even hinted at. Seriously, it is easy: end asylum. As we see from video after video these people have zero interest in assimilating, expect the British (and other EU governments) to pay for everything, and they want to force the UK to change to the fake asylum seeker way of life. Especially to an extremist Islamic way. They say it. They tell you what they want to do.

The British people are tired of it, but, the Elitist politicians do not care. They keep accepting the FAS. At this point, Britain is pretty much lost.

Read: UK Sun: Fake Asylum Seeker Deaths Shows A Solution Is Needed »

Who’s Up For An “Obamacare” For Homeowners Insurance Due To Global Boiling?

If you like your plumber you can keep your plumber

Opinion – An ‘Obamacare’ for homeowners insurance could protect against climate change

In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricanes Milton and Helene, it has become painfully clear that the financial security of millions of Americans is under threat, not just from extreme weather, but from the crumbling homeowners insurance system.

These storms are the latest in a series of climate-driven disasters that have stretched insurance markets to the breaking point. As wildfires sweep through the West, hurricanes batter the Gulf and floods inundate inland areas, homeowners insurance markets are facing unprecedented disruption — and it’s only getting worse.

None of these are due to anthropogenic climate change. Weather happens, things change over time

This isn’t a crisis that will fix itself. If the U.S. doesn’t take bold steps to overhaul homeowners insurance markets, we risk a catastrophic fallout — one that could crash real estate markets, destabilize local economies and derail efforts to build resilience to climate change.

What’s happening in homeowners insurance markets today echoes the dysfunction we saw in health insurance markets before the passage of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Before Obamacare, millions of Americans faced rising costs, coverage denials for preexisting conditions and confusing, inadequate health plans. The law tackled these issues head-on with a cooperative federalism approach, leveraging both state and federal expertise to create affordable, accessible health coverage.

What could possibly go wrong with the federal government essentially taking over the home insurance market

Of course, just like with Obamacare, the idea IS to put the government in charge.

Read: Who’s Up For An “Obamacare” For Homeowners Insurance Due To Global Boiling? »

Israel Turned To AI To Help Target Islamic Terrorists

This is from an exclusive at the Washington Post, which seems upset that Israel is killing terrorists

Israel built an ‘AI factory’ for war. It unleashed it in Gaza.

After the brutal Oct. 7, 2023, attack by Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces deluged Gaza with bombs, drawing on a database painstakingly compiled through the years that detailed home addresses, tunnels and other infrastructure critical to the militant group.

But then the target bank ran low. To maintain the war’s breakneck pace, the IDF turned to an elaborate artificial intelligence tool called Habsora — or “the Gospel” — which could quickly generate hundreds of additional targets.

The use of AI to rapidly refill IDF’s target bank allowed the military to continue its campaign uninterrupted, according to two people familiar with the operation. It is an example of how the decade-long program to place advanced AI tools at the center of IDF’s intelligence operations has contributed to the violence of Israel’s 14-month war in Gaza.

The IDF has broadcast the existence of these programs, which constitute what some experts consider the most advanced military AI initiative ever to be deployed. But a Washington Post investigation reveals previously unreported details of the inner workings of the machine-learning program, along with the secretive, decade-long history of its development.

Personally, I see no issue with the IDF using all the tools they can to kill members of Hamas, Hezbollah, and any associated with them.

The investigation also reveals a fierce debate within the highest echelons of the military, starting years before Oct. 7, about the quality of intelligence gathered by AI, whether the technologies’ recommendations garnered sufficient scrutiny, and if the focus on AI weakened the IDF’s intelligence capabilities. Some internal critics argue the AI program has been a behind-the-scenes force accelerating the death toll in Gaza, which has now claimed 45,000 lives, more than half of whom were women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

First, no one wants to see their jobs being replaced. Second, they’ve been using the same 45K number for at least 6 months, haven’t they? Seriously, the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry is trotting out the same number month after month, and news outlets like the Washington Post keep running with the Hamas propaganda. And then wonder why they are not trusted.

People familiar with the IDF’s practices, including soldiers who have served in the war, say Israel’s military has significantly expanded the number of acceptable civilian casualties from historic norms. Some argue this shift is enabled by automation, which has made it easier to speedily generate large quantities of targets, including of low-level militants who participated in the Oct. 7 attacks.

Those civilians are hanging with terrorists. Anyhow, once you get by the whining and support for terrorists by the WP, they do get into the meat and tell us some interesting things like

Using the software’s image recognition, soldiers could unearth subtle patterns, including minuscule changes in years of satellite footage of Gaza suggesting that Hamas had buried a rocket launcher or dug a new tunnel on agricultural land, compressing a week’s worth of work into 30 minutes, a former military leader who worked on the systems said.


Two former senior commanders said they believe the intense focus on AI was a significant reason Israel was caught off-guard that day. The department overemphasized technological findings and made it difficult for analysts to raise warnings to senior commanders.

It is a long, interesting piece, worth the read.

Read: Israel Turned To AI To Help Target Islamic Terrorists »

If All You See…

…is a super humid day from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on what the Experts say we’re allowed to eat.

It’s a good week to do some running to lose some weight with the New Year coming.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and just a few days from the new year. This pinup is by Henning Ludvigsen, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogpshere? The Fine 15

  1. IOTW Report: France’s ‘Christian Terrorist’ Turns Out to Have Been a Muslim All Along
  2. Jihad Watch: Only Man Ever to Head Both FBI and CIA is Against Trump’s Appointees, and That’s Good
  3. Legal Insurrection: Will NPR and PBS Survive the Trump-Musk Era? Maybe Not
  4. Moonbattery: Happy Festivus, Tax Slaves
  5. neo-neocon: When is an insurrection not an insurrection? When the left does it
  6. Pacific Pundit: Left wing filth rag The Hill calls for an insurrection to stop Trump from becoming president again
  7. Sultan Knish: The End of Never Trump
  8. The First Street Journal: Today’s left are crying about increasing homelessness while supporting the policies which increased homelessness
  9. The Gateway Pundit: Disney Producers ‘Devastated’ at Decision to Axe Trans Character From Animated Series – Claim Trans Character Would Have ‘Saved Lives’
  10. The Lid: Microsoft Billionaire Bill Gates Wants to Destroy Vax Skepticism with Artificial Intelligence Censorship
  11. This ain’t Hell…: Getting Mexico’s attention with “military strikes” mention
  12. Victory Girls Blog: Joe Biden: China Lies Unmasked
  13. Independent Sentinel: What European Woke Looks Like
  14. Gates Of Vienna: A Slap on the Wrist for the Jew-Hunters
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone has New Study Finds 1970s-Present Antarctic Ice Loss Is ‘Unexceptional’ And Not Due To ‘Climate Change’

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Trump Advisor Warns PRC Not To Interfere With Deportation Orders

Everything will be fun and games for Democrats as they try and stop illegal alien criminals from being deported right up till they are arrested for violating federal law. Those in the People’s Republik Of California should be careful, because the Trump admin is not messing around

Top Trump advisor warns California cities not to block immigration enforcement

California officials, along with dozens of others across the country, received letters this week from Stephen Miller’s nonprofit, America First Legal, warning them of the consequences for interfering with or impeding illegal immigration enforcement.

Miller has been named President-elect Donald Trump’s deputy chief of staff for policy. In a written statement, the nonprofit said it had sent 249 letters to elected officials in states and cities with sanctuary policies.

The officials who received the letters include Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, Los Angeles Police Department Chief Jim McDonnell, San Diego County Supervisor Nora Vargas and California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta, among others.

The letters, all dated Dec. 23, state that people living in the country illegally are subject to removal and that it is a crime to conceal, harbor or shield them.

“As Attorney General, on December 4, 2024, you stated that the State of California will not enforce federal immigration laws, encouraging defiance by all California jurisdictions,” the letter to Bonta reads in part. “… This rhetoric illustrates the State’s intent to blatantly violate federal law. Such lawlessness subjects you and your subordinates to significant risk of criminal and civil liability. Accordingly, we are sending this letter to put you on notice of this risk and insist that you comply with our nation’s laws.”

I am so looking forward to what comes next, when they FAFO, not think that the Trump administration will actually enforce federal laws against Them! How dare they!

“The fact of the matter is that you and the other officials who support or enforce sanctuary laws, policies, and regulations have a very personal stake in the matter — you each could face criminal prosecution and civil liability for your illegal acts,” the letter concludes.

The look of shock on the face of the first charged/arrested will be priceless, as well as the looks on the faces of other Democrats who’ve been attempting to jam up deporting illegal aliens. But, really, the mass deportation, especially of the criminals, should start in the states that voted for Trump. Get them out of the Blue states and let the Red states deal with the illegal aliens, especially the criminals, they are trying to protect till the end.

Read: Trump Advisor Warns PRC Not To Interfere With Deportation Orders »

Pirate's Cove