Kamala Voters Tear Down Fencing, Fly Hamas Flag At DNC

Hey, moderate Democrats, Never Trumpers, and Jews who vote Democrat, is this what you support?

Hamas Flag Flown At Rally Near DNC

Protesters were seen holding a Hamas flag at an anti-Israel rally Monday near Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Fox News reported.

Just hours before the DNC started, hundreds of organizations staged a protest at which both Hamas and Palestinian flags were seen, according to Fox News. Chicago officials, along with the U.S. Secret Service and local police, expressed their commitment to maintaining peace and ensuring safety during these demonstrations.

“The U.S. Secret Service, along with its federal, state, and local partners, respects the right of the public to demonstrate. We make no distinction on the purpose, message or intent of any particular group,” Chicago police told Fox News Digital in a statement.

Now, imagine how the Credentialed Media would cover this if it was wacko Republican voters flying Russian flags or Nazi ones. Here you have people flying the flag of a US designated terrorist organization.

Anti-Israel protesters arrested after breaching barrier at DNC ahead of Biden speech

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters breached the first layer of fencing outside the Democratic National Convention, with some later apprehended by Chicago police and others pushed back by officers behind to restore the secure perimeter. (snip)

Several protesters had crept up to the fence and began shaking it before slipping through. An entourage of law enforcement officers then arrived to reinforce the lines.

Reportedly, only four were arrested. What’s the over/under that they’re out of jail before bedtime?

The Jew hating, Hamas supporting wackos are also trying to build an autonomous zone right outside that fence.

Read: Kamala Voters Tear Down Fencing, Fly Hamas Flag At DNC »

Good Grief: Climate Cult Tries To Link Italian Shipwreck To Climate Crisis (scam)

Their science is sure full of lots of “mights”

Global warming may be factor in deadly Italian shipwreck, climatologist says

Global warming may have contributed to the freak storm that sank a luxury British-flagged yacht off the coast of Sicily on Monday, Italian climatologist Luca Mercalli told Reuters.

One man died and six people were missing, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, after the “Bayesian”, a 56-metre-long (184-ft) sailboat, was suddenly hit by ferocious weather.

Mercalli, president of the Italian meteorological society, said the episode could have been a water spout, essentially a tornado over water, or else a downburst, a more frequent phenomenon that doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

“We don’t know which it was because it all happened in the dark in the early hours of the morning, so we have no photographs,” he said.

In Italy water spouts can involve winds of up to 200 kilometres (124 miles) per hour, while downbursts can produce gusts of around 150 km per hour.

So they do not know what actually happened, and water spouts are not abnormal in Italy

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), which is almost 3 degrees more than normal. This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms,” Mercalli said.

“So we can’t say that this is all due to climate change, but we can say that it has an amplifying effect.”

Right, right. What about all sorts of other shipwrecks going back 5 millennium in the Mediterranean? Were they from Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles? Seriously, no matter what happens this cult wants a piece of it

Read: Good Grief: Climate Cult Tries To Link Italian Shipwreck To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a valley flooded from Extreme Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Hamas rejecting Biden’s ceasefire and hostage deal.

Read: If All You See… »

Chicago Residents Feel Like They Are In A “Police State”

It really shouldn’t be a surprise to Chicagoans that the streets are shut down and law enforcement is everywhere, this is what happens during a political party convention. And certainly when tens of thousands of their wacko comrades will be showing up and creating problems

New DNC security measures in downtown Chicago have some feeling “like a police state”

With street closures and restrictions already in place at both the United Center and McCormick Place ahead of the Democratic National Convention, new security measures that went into effect this weekend have left parts of the downtown area in a state of lockdown.

Residents and businesses were still trying to navigate the new restrictions on Sunday, after large security fences went up along sidewalks in parts of the Loop, Gold Coast, and Magnificent Mile – with a handful of downtown streets also closed off.

Unlike those closures announced in advance around the United Center and McCormick Place, the new restrictions downtown were not formally announced until Saturday morning, after they were already in place, blindsiding many who live and work in the area.

Well, yeah, they either didn’t want to give the wackos advanced warning or didn’t realize how many would show up

The heightened security in and around the Magnificent Mile, Gold Coast, and other parts of downtown all went into effect this weekend due to what police call “DNC activity.”

The Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas as well as Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are staying in downtown hotels during the convention, prompting the security hot zones.

Street closures downtown include (they’re in the story)

People who live and work in the area also should be prepared to show identification to gain access to certain buildings.

Wait, what? Free citizens will have to show identification to go to their home and/or work? That’s weird. We’ve been told that identification is unnecessary in order to vote, but, it is to go home?

“Wow, this is like crazy. A lot of important people are gonna be here, and we are happy that they’re gonna be safe. But, yeah, it does feel like a police state with all the big walls going up and everything. It’s a little crazy,” Michael Tenniswood said.

Walls, eh? We’ve also been told they do not work.

Read: Chicago Residents Feel Like They Are In A “Police State” »

Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Means Your Windshield Wipers Are Moving Fast Enough

From the mind of hyper-Warmist Marshall Shepherd comes this delightful tale of climate doom, which is a new one

Are Your Wiper Blades Moving Fast Enough For Today’s Rainstorms?

Much of the content that I write about comes from the convergence of routine life and being an atmospheric scientist. Yesterday, my family and I were driving home from a college recruiting trip. We encountered very intense rainfall as we entered Gwinnett County, a suburb just northeast of Atlanta, Georgia. The wiper blades were at full speed and could not keep up with the intensity of the rainfall. I said to my wife, “The current generation of wiper blade settings are not ready for the climate change-juiced rainstorms of today.” She pulled out her phone and snapped the picture above because she probably knew a Forbes article was coming. Here’s the science behind my statement.

Got that? He was in one heavy rainstorm and because the wipers couldn’t keep up doom is coming

While my observations about wiper blade rates are somewhat anecdotal, here’s what I do know. I had a difficult time seeing the road in that rainstorm yesterday, and the wiper blades on that car were recently installed. My wife also happened to snap a picture of my phone showing the weather radar (picture above). Yes, it’s true. I am a “weather geek,” so it is not uncommon for my phone to be on the radar in these situations. The blue circle indicates the position of our car within that afternoon thunderstorm.

Here’s also what’s not anecdotal. Scientific studies consistently show that rainfall intensities are increasing in the U.S. Rainfall intensity or rate is essentially a measure of how hard it rains. The 2023 U.S. National Climate Assessment report notes, “Since the 1950s, there has been an upward trend in heavy precipitation across the contiguous US…. increase is driven largely by more frequent precipitation extremes, with relatively smaller changes in their intensity.” The Northeast and Midwest have seen the largest increases. Here in the Southeast, total precipitation in the heaviest 1% of days has increased by 37% from 1958 to 2021.

And? That fails to prove anthropogenic causation, just that the Earth is in a typical warm period. Heavy rains happen. They always have. They always will. Sometimes even on high they cannot keep up, so, you slow down or even pull over. You don’t go all cult over it.

BTW, was Marshall traveling in a fossil fueled vehicle?

Read: Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Means Your Windshield Wipers Are Moving Fast Enough »

Biden-Harris Admin Re-Opening Border Crossing Points

Why? Biden-Harris finally did something somewhat right for the border, after saying they couldn’t do anything, but, hey, there’s an election coming up. It’s working, so, why open them up?

U.S. reopening 4 entry points at southern border after migrant crossings drop

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will resume commercial and legal travel at four official crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday that were partially or fully closed recently due to record levels of migrant crossings, senior U.S. officials told reporters Tuesday.

The impacted ports of entry are in Eagle Pass, Texas, Lukeville and Nogales, Arizona and San Ysidro, California.

The U.S. officials also said the Mexican government has stepped up efforts to slow U.S.-bound migration, adding that those operations have been partially responsible for a recent marked drop in illegal border crossings.

The U.S. Border Patrol processed roughly 2,500 migrants Monday, a sharp decrease from the record arrivals reported in December, one of the U.S. officials said.

Heck, if we can cut it down to 2,500 a day, we can cut it to zero a day, which would just leave all those who do not get caught. Of course, opening up the ports during the DNC so that all the illegal alien supporters will hopefully quiet down a bit makes sense

A story everyone should know: Harris, Biden, and Gianfranco Torres-Navarro

A STORY EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW: HARRIS, BIDEN, AND GIANFRANCO TORRES-NAVARRO. If the Trump campaign has any say in it, voters should learn the name of Gianfranco Torres-Navarro. According to U.S. authorities, Torres-Navarro is the leader of a Peruvian crime gang and is thought to be personally responsible for 23 murders. He is a notorious figure in Peru, where he is known as “Gianfranco 23,” clearly “a reference to the number of people he is alleged to have killed,” according to the Associated Press. He has a girlfriend who, also according to the Associated Press, “has a sizable following on the social media platform TikTok where she showed off their lavish lifestyle, including designer clothes, resort vacations and shooting targets at a gun range.” Not to put too fine a point on it, but Torres-Navarro’s gang is known as “Los Killers.”

Here’s why Americans should know who he is. On Wednesday, Torres-Navarro was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Endicott, New York, a village with a population of 13,667 about 190 miles north of New York City. Given that he is a wanted man, wanted for very serious crimes in Peru, one might ask how he made it to the United States.

The answer is: He just walked in. In May, Torres-Navarro crossed illegally into the U.S. near Roma, Texas, in the Rio Grande border sector. He was arrested by U.S. authorities who then…let him go. Like millions of other illegal crossers, he was given a “notice to appear” before an immigration judge at some point far in the future and then sent on his way.

This is the kind of thing the Trump campaign should be talking about, not little nicknames and such.

Read: Biden-Harris Admin Re-Opening Border Crossing Points »

DNC Erecting Walls For Convention, Though Democrats Have Said Walls Do Not Work


I remember the 2020 Biden-Harris platform:

Democrats will rescind President Trump’s fabricated “National Emergency,” which siphons funding away from our men and women in uniform to construct an unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on the southern border.

Huh. And, looky here

That’s about a tenth of the CPD workforce getting blue flu. I wonder how many of the police that are supposed to come from other cities and the county will say “nope, I want nothing to do with this?” And the funniest part is that most of the demonstrators are leftists.

Read: DNC Erecting Walls For Convention, Though Democrats Have Said Walls Do Not Work »

If All You See…

…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on Germany cancelling Ukraine, possibly over dependence on Russian gas.

It’s tight dresses week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are quacking, and I’m really looking forward to some terrible NY Giants football. This pinup is an oldy by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad: Major California Solar Energy Company Files Bankruptcy
  2. Jo Nova: Paper finds the world was cooling for most of the last 2,000 years and started warming long before Big Coal arrived
  3. No Tricks Zone: Less Extreme Pacific Weather … Number Of Typhoons Trending Downward Over 70 Years!
  4. 357 Magnum: Chicago/Cook County Courts Prepare for a Bad Week
  5. American Greatness: Harris’s Kamunist Agenda Faces Harsh Reality
  6. Chicks On The Right: Facebook Is Now Censoring “Reagan” Movie Advertising
  7. Climate Depot: ‘Science Alert’: Ancient Pyramid in Mexico Collapses Into Pile of Rubble — Destruction ‘driven by human-caused climate change’ or because the gods were ‘displeased’
  8. Cold Fury: Another American icon bites the big Woke one
  9. Common Cents Blog: Violence coming? Downtown Chicago businesses board up ahead of DNC
  10. Da Techguy’s Blog: Why the Left Needs to Import Voters and Steal National Elections in a Single Tweet
  11. Diogenes’ Middle Finger: The Party of Gender Confused, Illegal Coddling, Gun Grabber and Authoritarian Far Left Identity Politics to Gather in the Windy City Monday.
  12. Dissecting Leftism: UK: Sir Keir Starmer’s Liberal Authoritarianism The United Kingdom’s new Prime …
  13. Gates Of Vienna: Boys Will Be Boys
  14. Geller Report: ‘EXPLODE EVERYTHING”: Muslim Terrorist Arrested for Explosives Threats and Attack on Energy Facility in Florida
  15. And last, but, not least, Jihad Watch: Walz’s Minnesota administration gave $2,000,000 to Muslim group fundraising for al Qaeda-linked charity

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

DNC Looking Forward To A Butt Ton Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

Chicago looks like it’s going to be fun

Anyway, also at the NY Post

Roughly 100K anti-Israel protesters expected to descend on Chicago to steal spotlight from DNC, Harris-Walz ticket

Roughly 100,000 far-left, Israel-hating protesters will be descending on Chicago this week, sowing chaos as Democratic leaders rally around their new presidential ticket.

At least seven large rallies and marches are set to take place in the Windy City while the McCormick Place Convention Center hosts Democratic National Convention, organizers said.

And other rallies are also expected even though their organizers have not scored necessary city permits.

The causes run the gamut of radical leftist causes, including backing Hamas terrorists and ending US aid to Israel.

Well, you know what?

Dems deserve the anti-Israel rioters they’ve created

The Hamas-loving chickens are coming home to roost for the Democratic Party.

gang of anti-Israel thugs crashed Big Apple leaders’ impromptu Wednesday rally for Kamala Harris in Harlem, screaming because Harris won’t denounce Jerusalem’s war of self-defense against the terrorists behind the Oct. 7 atrocities. (snip)

These leftist goons could not be telling Democrats any louder: We expect you to kneel to our demands.

And kneel is all Democrats have been doing.

Instead of telling these radicals to kick rocks, they’ve coddled, placated and encouraged them.

The far left Democrats have been coddling and supporting and placating these anti-Israel nuts for 30 years, culminating in it slowly morphing into straight up Jew hatred in the early 2000s, where Intifada keffiyehs were common on college campuses in Berkeley and San Francisco. This spread out across the country as those nuts graduated and spread their Jew hatred across the nation. As the US (and other 1st World nations) let in waves of Islamists post 9/11 for some insane reason, the base of the Democrats also started to identify with the actual Islamic terrorists who not only hate Jews, but, hate Western culture, nations, people, Americans.

Democrats don’t seem to realize that the Islamists are in direct competition for control of the soul and government of America (and every other Western nation. England is losing hard).

Read: DNC Looking Forward To A Butt Ton Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators »

Pirate's Cove