Washington Post Is Rather Upset That Republicans Can Have Their Say On Social Media

The Washington Post considers almost everything a Republican writes to be “misinformation”. Weirdly, they do not touch on any of the crazy spewed by Democrats (non-paywalled Yahoo version here)

This year, GOP election deniers got a free pass from Twitter and Facebook

Mark Finchem, the Republican candidate seeking to oversee Arizona’s election system as that state’s secretary of state, made a last-minute fundraising pitch on Wednesday using one of his favorite talking points: the looming threat of voter fraud.

Finchem falsely argued on Facebook and Twitter that his Democratic opponent, Adrian Fontes, is a member of the Chinese Communist Party and a “Cartel criminal” who has “rigged elections before.”

It wasn’t the first time Finchem spread unfounded election-rigging conspiracy theories on social media. In September, Finchem misleadingly posted that Fontes was being “bankrolled” by billionaire George Soros and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg and they want to “RIG our elections & our voter rolls.”

Nowhere in the article does the WP show that Finchem is wrong. I also cannot find that specific accusation, though, Finchem does show that Fontes took trips sponsored by a Chinese Communist influence group. And Fontes does support open borders.

For years, Facebook and Twitter have pledged to fight falsehoods that could confuse users about America’s electoral system by tagging questionable posts with accurate information about voting and removing rule-breaking misinformation. But this electoral cycle, at least 26 candidates have posted inaccurate election claims since April, but the platforms have done virtually nothing to refute them, according to a Washington Post review of the companies’ misinformation labeling practices.

In August, Facebook said it had received feedback from users that its labels promoting reliable information were so overused that the company had decided if they did use labels it would be in a more “targeted and strategic way.” Late last year, Twitter started experimenting with newly designed misinformation labels that the company says led to decreases in replies, retweets and likes of falsehoods and an increase in people clicking through to the debunking content.

In Liberal World, everything that doesn’t help them is considered misinformation.

The Post reviewed thousands of social media posts on Twitter, Facebook and other, smaller platforms from nearly 300 GOP elected officials and candidates to evaluate how they have been portraying the upcoming vote over the past six months and the platforms’ reaction to that.The Post’s review relied on a previous Post analysis from October that examined every Republican running for House, Senate or key statewide offices to see whether they had challenged or refused to accept the results of the 2020 election.

Yet, they didn’t do this for the Democrats. No, no, don’t call the WP biased. It’s really not the job of Facebook or Twitter to moderate what is “misinformation”: people can look it up themselves. A Biden tweet, probably written by an intern, was flagged and had context added. That’s not a bad method, but, that could end up being overused, too. Regardless, the WP offers zero proof that any of the tweets and posts by Republicans are factually incorrect. We’re just supposed to take their word for it. The Washington Post is, itself, a leader in misinformation, spinning things to make them great for Democrats and bad for Republicans.

Politics has always included massive amounts of spin. Welcome to Politics 101. What the Credentialed Media doesn’t like is the ability of Republican candidates to get their message out, bypassing the CM. You can bet that the CM will use this as a reason for Democratic Party losses, especially for close races.

Read: Washington Post Is Rather Upset That Republicans Can Have Their Say On Social Media »

Brandon Promises Climate Cult To End Drilling

Here’s Joe today

Here’s also Joe

Joe Biden Promises Climate Activist at Rally in New York: ‘No More Drilling’

President Joe Biden told a climate activist on Sunday he would not allow any new drilling in the United States, just days after he complained that oil companies are not drilling enough.

“No more drilling. There is no more drilling,” Biden said, speaking to a climate activist as he finished up a rally in New York for Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY). “I haven’t formed any new drilling.”

A young woman standing front and center held up a sign protesting Biden for allowing drilling on federal lands.

There’s video at the link. Friday Joe flew from California to Chicago. Saturday from Chicago to Philly, then to Delaware. Sunday from Delaware to NY, then to DC.  These all required fossil fueled flights on a jumbo jet, followed by a backup jumbo jet and fighter jets, then large convoys to get where he’s going, then reverse back to the airport. Then a big convoy to a rally in Maryland Monday Biden has also said he would talk directly to oil companies. They do not care

Big Oil Is Not Dancing To Government Tunes. Period.

Several days ago, President Biden made a media splash when he threatened oil companies with windfall taxes and “other restrictions” if they don’t stop returning cash to shareholders and start investing this cash in more oil production.

The industry, via the American Petroleum Institute, responded with yet another reiteration of the fact that the oil market is a global one, and producers don’t have complete control over prices because it is also a free market.

Oil producers, big and small, did not react to the U.S. President’s latest attack on it. The industry simply continued what it has been doing since oil prices rebounded: returning cash to shareholders and planning its spending carefully.

Bloomberg’s Javier Blas summed the situation up in a pithy commentary that basically reminded everyone that this same administration that is now calling for more oil, just two years ago pledged to reduce oil drilling in the U.S. as much as possible. And that this administration, along with other powerful institutions was the same one that convinced the oil industry there was really no point in including strong production growth in their long-term plans.

Joe’s a fool. And a hypocrite. He doesn’t care if your gas and oil costs are high.

Read: Brandon Promises Climate Cult To End Drilling »

Democrats Have A Sad That Voters Blame Them For The Economy And Inflation

The headline of this Politico piece is amusing: “appear ready to blame…” Republicans, Independents, and the regular old moderate Democrats have been blaming Brandon and his Comrades for quite some time. They had a chance, but, neither was focused on the economy, just on things like forcing citizens to take the vaccine (which they mostly knew didn’t work as advertised), wear masks, keep their businesses closed, and jam through a whole host of Modern Socialist legislation. All while letting in huge numbers of illegals and the horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal.

And, Democrats did not get better. The economy hasn’t really gotten better. Products are still often in short supply (in fairness, I won’t blame them for everything. Blame China), but, the media avoids mentioning things, like, say, baby formula still in short supply, despite that big push by Biden. Crime is more than noticeable, especially in Dem run cities where thieves casually stroll into businesses, loot, then causally walk out. And Democrats couldn’t care less about the issues that Americans care about

Voters appear ready to blame Democrats for economy, inflation

Voters’ approval of President Joe Biden remains deep in negative territory and 70 percent of voters say the country is on the wrong track — both results that bode ill for Democrats as Election Day approaches.

Fifty-five percent of registered voters said they disapprove of the job Biden is doing as president, and just 42 percent said they approve in the last POLITICO-Morning Consult poll conducted in advance of Tuesday’s election.

The poll continued to show economic issues at top of mind for voters, with 78 percent saying both the economy and inflation will play a “major role” in how they cast their ballots. By contrast, 61 percent of voters said crime would play a major role in their voting decisions this year and 57 percent said the same about abortion access.

When Democrats best economic ideas are telling working and middle class Americans they can save on energy by purchasing expensive EVs and solar panels for their homes (what do those in apartments do?) or buying a bike, that doesn’t look good. Or BS

That doesn’t actually kick in till 2025

A full 80 percent of Americans said they were concerned about political violence in the U.S., a fear that is shared across gender, age, race and political ideologies. Eighty-seven percent of Democrats reported concerns about political violence, which is defined as an act of violence to achieve a political end, followed by 76 percent of Republicans and independents, respectively.

Violence, eh? Imagine if a Republican tweeted this

Sure looks like a call to violence. The left leaning Daily Beast writes

According to Third Way’s findings, “Despite a roster of GOP candidates who are extreme by any standard, voters see Democrats as just as extreme…”

Progressive readers may have difficulty understanding this, but for much of the country (and I’m not just talking about Trump fans), far-left ideas and activists are more troubling than the crazy candidates and conspiracies on the right.

Hot-button topics like critical race theory, transgender issues in schools, “social justice” riots, and “defund the police,” are simply more bothersome to a lot of the electorate than Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

Will Democrat politicians and Elites listen? Of course not

This sense seems to be confirmed by the Third Way memo, which continues: “Less than half [of likely voters surveyed] (46 percent) describe Democrats as patriotic… A paltry 43 percent say Democrats share their values overall and a similar proportion (44 percent) think the party looks out for the middle class—a core element of a winning Democratic brand. Compounding these problems, a majority of voters (55 percent) describe Democrats as preachy and 53 percent say the party is “too woke.” And while 54 percent call Republicans ‘too extreme,’ a strikingly similar 55 percent of voters say the same about Democrats—with 59 percent saying the party has gotten more extreme in recent years.”

It wasn’t Republicans out in the streets looting, pillaging, committing arson, etc.

Read: Democrats Have A Sad That Voters Blame Them For The Economy And Inflation »

After Long Fossil Fueled Private Jet Flight, UN Climate Cult Chief Says “Cooperate Or Perish”

This is definitely all about the science, right?

COP27: UN chief tells climate summit, Cooperate or perish

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (AP) — “Cooperate or perish,” the United Nations chief told dozens of leaders gathered Monday for international climate talks, warning them that the world is “on a highway to climate hell” and urging the two biggest polluting countries, China and the United States, to work together to avert it.

This year’s annual U.N. climate conference, known as COP27, comes as leaders and experts have raised increasing alarm that time is running out to avert catastrophic rises in temperature. But the fire and brimstone warnings may not quite have the effect as they have had in past meetings because of multiple other challenges of the moment pulling leaders’ attention — from midterm elections in the U.S. to the Russia-Ukraine war. (snip)

“Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish,” Guterres said. “It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact.”

Guterres insisted, “Today’s urgent crises cannot be an excuse for backsliding or greenwashing.”

These doomsday climate cultists just can’t help with the scaremongering. Just like they can’t help being massive climahypocrites.

And, of course, more doom

Climate report depicts dire situation with global warming and rising seas

Global warming and rising seas are growing worse and more quickly than ever, according to an expert report released Sunday that the chief of the United Nations described as “a chronicle of climate chaos.”

Sea level rise in the past decade was double the rate of the 1990s and since January 2020, has speeded up even more, the World Meteorological Organization said in its annual state of the climate report released at the start of international climate talks in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

“The latest State of the Global Climate report is a chronicle of climate chaos,” U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said. “We must answer the planet’s distress signal with action — ambitious, credible climate action.”

It’s always Doom. Credible action would be all the global leaders, celebs, and high ranking climate cult members making their own lives net zero.

Read: After Long Fossil Fueled Private Jet Flight, UN Climate Cult Chief Says “Cooperate Or Perish” »

If All You See…

…is a massive amount of carbon pollution caused Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on smug NY Democrat Sean Maloney saying to eat Chef Boyardee if you can’t afford food.

Read: If All You See… »

CNN Thinks It’s Funny That Americans Might Have To Eat Smaller Portions At Thanksgiving

Of course, if you head over to CNN, you won’t find much, if anything, on their front page about inflation and the economy. Nor at the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, or most left run outlets. The two issues are the most important to voters, but, hey, if the media talks about them, they’d be hurting the Democrats, right?

CNN host jokes Americans will have to eat smaller portions this Thanksgiving due to inflation

CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield quipped on Sunday that Americans will have to reduce their portion sizes on Thanksgiving because of high inflation.

“It seems like we’re all gonna be eating smaller portions if anything,” Whitfield said in response to reports of higher prices for Thanksgiving meals.

Prior to her joke, CNN Business consumer reporter Nathaniel Meyersohn detailed the extent to which inflation will impact consumers this holiday season.

“All signs are pointing to a more expensive Thanksgiving meal this year,” Meyersohn said. “One estimate this week predicted that Thanksgiving meal prices will rise 13.5% from a year ago. Some of our favorite sides will be more expensive, potatoes, fruit and vegetables will be up 10%. Baking ingredients up double digits. And then when it comes to desert, pies are gonna be up 20%.”

Funny stuff, eh? The media, like the rest of the Democrats, are tone deaf. The Washington Post is attempting to tell us that abortion is the most important issue for Latinos. The Brookings Institute wonders if focusing on abortion will reverse Democratic losses among Latinos.

Inflation rates predicted to play a big role in midterm elections

With the 2022 midterm elections coming up on Tuesday, Nov. 8, the economy and healthcare are two of the driving factors affecting voters’ decisions at the polls this year. In a recent national poll conducted by the University of Massachusetts political science department, approximately 59 percent of Americans reported they are highly worried about inflation.

“The midterm elections are going to be much more affected by the fundamentals,” said Jesse Rhodes, a political science professor at UMass. Some voters are likely to make voting decisions based on the, “state of [the] economy, state of inflation … [and] really high issues like abortion and the Dobbs ruling.”

The U.S. annual inflation rate is currently eight percent. “Food prices, health care costs, those are rising at a faster rate than eight percent so that is what people look at,” said Deepankar Basu, economics professor at UMass.

With gas prices being at a higher cost compared to previous years, voters in the U.S. are starting to notice a significant problem with inflation.

Starting to notice? Middle and working class voters noticed long ago, and we can see which party is unserious about it, and using it to push their hardcore leftist agenda.

Women’s top financial concern is inflation, Fidelity study finds

Rising prices are taking a toll on everyone right now, but a new study shows women are feeling the pain more than men – and it is the primary money woe keeping ladies up at night.

Research from Fidelity Investments found that inflation is currently the top financial concern for U.S. women, with upwards of 70% citing it as their main worry. Respondents listed the costs of essentials as the second-biggest stressor (65%), and another 58% expressed worries about not having enough saved for emergencies.

Women 18-25 are more concerned about the cost of education (say, who controls that? It’s not Republicans), managing debt and credit (stop taking out loans you can’t afford for degrees with low earnings potential. Stop ordering delivery. Stop spending all that money on stuff and travel to take selfies), and not knowing how to invest (take a class. Read books). For 26 and up, it’s the economy. Democrats do not care.

Read: CNN Thinks It’s Funny That Americans Might Have To Eat Smaller Portions At Thanksgiving »

Climate Lunatics Glue Themselves To Goya Painting In Spain

The batguano insanity is spreading

Climate Activists Glue Their Hands to Francisco de Goya’s Paintings at Prado Museum in Spain

Two artworks by the famous Spanish painter Francisco de Goya were the latest target in a series of demonstrations by activists around the world to raise awareness of climate change.

On Saturday, two activists from the campaign group Futuro Vegetal glued their hands to Goya’s paintings at Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain in a clip shared by Europa Press news agency on Twitter.

The man and woman involved in the protest can be seen attaching themselves to Goya’s “La Maja Vestida” (The Clothed Maja) and “La Maja Desnuda” (The Naked Maja) with a sign that read “+1.5 C” painted on the wall between the artworks.

“Last week, the UN recognized the impossibility of keeping us below the limit of 1.5 Celsius (set in the 2016 Paris climate agreement). We need change now,” the activist group wrote in Spanish on their Twitter account alongside a clip from the protest, according to a translation provided by Reuters.

OK, then give up your modern trappings. Where did those clothes come from? And the smartphones? Stop trying to force everyone to follow your Beliefs when you won’t act on them in your own lives.

I’d love to see these wankers, these murciélagos luna, glue themselves to the things like the cars of the Elites, doors in news outlets, stuff like that. Let’s see how quick they decry climate cultists gluing themselves to things when it’s inconveniencing the Elites, rather than just the commoners.

Read: Climate Lunatics Glue Themselves To Goya Painting In Spain »

White House Advisor: Message Is Getting Lost Because Of Chinese Coronavirus

Well, now, this is a pretty big hot take, considering how bad the Biden administrations response was Wuhan Flu, along with Democrat politicians during both the Trump and Biden administrations. No need to explain, you know what they did

Biden adviser blames COVID-19 for Democrats’ difficulty in drawing enthusiasm for their messages

crying democratFormer Atlanta mayor and current White House adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms gave reasons for why Democrats have had a hard time presenting ideas to the public and her first one was the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” host Margaret Brennan cited President Biden’s recent comment that when it comes to his administration’s accomplishments, “people haven’t realized how good they are yet.” Brennan also mentioned the claim from Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., that Democrats have failed to adequately convey their message on the economy and similar claims from Hillary Clinton and Democratic National Committee adviser Cedric Richmond.

“If the policies are so good, why is communicating them such a problem?” Brennan asked.

“Well it’s been a very difficult couple of years,” Bottoms replied. “We’ve been in the midst of a pandemic, there’s been a lot of misinformation flooding the airwaves.”

You mean like being told that if we get the vaccine we won’t get COVID? That we should keep the economy closed and all stay home? That we should all be masked, especially young children?

Bottoms said that misinformation has not just been making things difficult on television but on the internet as well. She then pointed to this very interview as an example of Democrats making an effort.

“So it is more difficult to get the message out, but I’m sitting here today getting the message out,” she said.

Of course, she didn’t actually get the message out in the full, short interview. She yammered about abortion and student loan forgiveness, let’s look at the full interplay

MARGARET BRENNAN: In our polling, we see consistently that it is the economy and inflation that are top of mind for voters. The president said just a few days ago that he has passed so many good things, but people haven’t realized how good they are yet. Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin said, the truth is Democrats have done a poor job of communicating our approach on the economy. DNC advisor Cedric Richmond, you know him well, he told CBS, the president’s message of what he’s been able to accomplish has not gotten out there. Hillary Clinton just said, the work done by Democrats is impressive, but we got to get that message across more effectively. If the policies are so good, why is communicating them such a problem?

BOTTOMS: Well, it’s been a very difficult couple of years. We have been in the midst of a pandemic. There’s been a lot of misinformation flooding the airwaves. We see it in- in ways not just on television, but we’re seeing it through YouTube, we’re seeing it on other social media platforms. So, it is more difficult to get the message out, but I’m sitting here today getting the message out. This administration, Democrats in Congress have delivered for the American people, and to turn back the clock and not allow us to keep pushing through will be devastating for people across America. If we want prescription drug costs to remain low, then we need Democrats in Congress. If we want voting rights finally passed in Congress, we need Democrats in Congress. If we don’t want a national ban on abortion and for doctors and health care providers to be sent to prison for offering an abortion to a woman whose life may be in danger, then we need Democrats in Congress. And that’s the message that we will continue to push out, not just through Election Day, but beyond, because we know that elections happen quite frequently, and we can’t have people so discouraged that they think their votes don’t matter.

So, nothing on the economy or inflation. She did go on to yammer about J6. From a good piece by Jon Gabriel

Despite the midterm challenge of retaining majorities, Democrats’ task was no different from any other year. Find out the issues voters are talking about, then provide solutions.

They don’t even have to be real solutions; this is politics, after all. But you need to prove you actually listened to their concerns. Pretend to look interested, if possible. (snip)

Throughout 2022, Democrats pursued a different path. They gathered in D.C. backrooms, decided what voters should care about, and ran on that.

It’s worth reading the whole thing.

Read: White House Advisor: Message Is Getting Lost Because Of Chinese Coronavirus »

If All You See…

…is horrible early heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on another false flag from the FBI.

It’s a good week for some snow.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Peter Driben Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, birds are singing, and the NJ Devils are kicking ass, something our fans have been waiting for for a long time. This pinup is by Peter Driven, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Datechguy’s Blog notes the Navy choosing death over life
  2. Gates Of Vienna covers how our military crumbles
  3. Geller Report discusses conspiracy theory or conspiracy fact
  4. IOTW Report shows Dems dropping millions into what should be a safe seat
  5. Legal Insurrection highlights the Biden admin admitting there’s still a baby formula shortage
  6. Moonbattery notes Obama bringing the cringe
  7. Pacific Pundit covers Biden throwing a hissy fit over protesters
  8. Powerline discusses NBC deep sixing a Paul Pelosi story
  9. The American Conservative says no to amnesty for pandemic tyranny
  10. The First Street Journal discusses the plague of public sector unions
  11. The Last Refuge notes the Southeast starting to run out of diesel
  12. The OK Corral has a feel good story
  13. Climate Etc covers the climate crisis not being what it used to be
  14. Jo Nova discusses a new scary climate omen
  15. And last, but, not least, Real Climate Science notes the UN giving Kilimanjaro a 30 year reprieve

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove