If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on the Australian Bureau Of Meteorology cutting back on weather balloons.

Missed the scheduled posting on Tuesday, so, doing it today. Doubleshot below the fold, check out Ace Of Spades, with a post on white suburban women shifting back to the GOP.

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Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Floridians Care About Inflation. Abortion? Not So Much

The news media keeps acting surprised that citizens care about their own economic health more than the ability to kill the unborn after having irresponsible, unprotected sex

Survey: Florida voters prioritize inflation over abortion at the polls

Floridians are voting with their pocketbooks this time around, citing inflation, jobs and the economy as far more important issues than immigration, abortion, or gun violence.

Why it matters: According to a USF survey of 600 likely voters released yesterday, inflation has negatively affected the lives of most Floridians and they’re carrying financial anxieties to the polls.

State of play: 80% of likely voters here who make an income say their wages have not kept up with the rising costs of goods and services in the past year.

And 67% of all likely voters say they have less money available for a personal emergency than a year ago.

Just 7% report having more emergency money than they did a year ago.

Here’s what they care about, from survey, where they were asked “Thinking about the upcoming elections in November, which three of the following issues will have the most significant impact on how you decide to vote?”

1. Inflation 52%
2. Economy/Jobs 48%
3. Immigration 32%
4. Abortion 28%
5. Gun Violence/Crime 27%
6. Healthcare 22%
7. Education 17%
8. Climate Change 15%

Now, that’s a shame, climate doom came in last once again. Inflation and the economy came in at the top, once again.

The intrigue: When asked who was most responsible for inflation, more than a third said they blame the Biden administration.

Nearly a fifth blame COVID-19.

11% say the war in Ukraine.

More than 8% blamed “something else.”

But, only 3.7% say they were satisfied with Biden’s response. 15.2% somewhat satisfied, 28.8% somewhat dissatisfied, and 48% very dissatisfied. I’ll say it again, China releasing COVID19, on purpose or by accident, is the primary cause. After that, it’s how government responded. Lots of fail which everyone knew would mess up the economy.

A good question here is “how would this look in all the other states if the poll was taken? Would it be similar? How would it look in swing states? Will it swing very moderate Democrats and Independents to vote GOP?”

Read: Surprise: Floridians Care About Inflation. Abortion? Not So Much »

German Chancellor Asks Climate Nuts To Stop Endangering Others

If he was smart, he would have told them that the government would start prosecuting the climamoonbats to the full extent of the law, because this will simply entice the wankers to ramp up their climate crazy

German leader urges climate activists not to endanger others

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged climate activists Monday to show “creativity” and avoid endangering others after attacking art works and setting up road blockades that allegedly delayed the arrival of a specialist rescue crew at an accident scene.

Germany, like several other countries, has seen a string of high-profile protests in recent months against what activists say is a government failure to properly address the threat of climate change.

Actions by the group Last Generation have included blocking streets, throwing mashed potatoes at a Claude Monet painting at a museum in Potsdam, and an incident Sunday in which two activists glued themselves to a dinosaur display at Berlin’s Natural History Museum.

On Monday, the group blocked several roads in Berlin, including a major highway. Fire service spokesman Rolf Erbe said the blockades resulted in officers with special rescue equipment to get stuck in traffic as they rushed to help a seriously injured cyclist who got stuck under a cement mixer. The crew informed first responders and “there was no alternative but to use other methods” to help the woman, he said, without elaborating.

They should have been dragged away in handcuffs, thrown in jail, and charged

“We must accept critical positions and critical protests,” Scholz added, though he noted that the blockades and art stunts “obviously aren’t meeting with very widespread applause — they’re not getting mine either.”

“I think there are other ways in which people can expression their opinion, and perhaps a bit of creativity would be useful,” the chancellor added.

That really will entice the nuts to increase their stupid, causing more traffic issues, attempting to ruin more art and such.

Read: German Chancellor Asks Climate Nuts To Stop Endangering Others »

Pa. Supreme Court Says No To Counting Undated/Misdated Mail-in Votes

This is a big win for Republicans, and a crying moment for Democrats, making it harder for them to cheat

Pennsylvania court says undated ballots won’t be counted as RNC claims ‘massive’ legal victory

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court banned the counting of undated or misdated absentee ballots in the upcoming midterm election.

In an order issued Tuesday, the court told the Pennsylvania county boards of elections “to refrain from counting any absentee and mail-in ballots received for the November 8, 2022 general election that are contained in undated or incorrectly dated outer envelopes.”

The court said it was “evenly divided” on the issue of whether failing to count the undated ballots is a constitutional violation, and so ordered that all the misdated or undated ballots be segregated and preserved by the county boards of elections.

Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman for the RNC, reacted to the court order in a Tuesday evening tweet, claiming a “massive” legal victory. “The PA Supreme Court agrees with us that incorrectly or undated mail ballots can not be counted in next week’s elections,” McDaniel tweeted. “Republicans went to court. Now Democrats have to follow the law.”

Well, we can still guarantee that Democrats will still try and count them, and pull other shenanigans, starting with the Pa. Democratic acting secretary of state, Leigh Chapman, who ignored the Supreme Court and the duly elected Pa. General Assembly in telling counties to count the improper mail-in ballots.

Read: Pa. Supreme Court Says No To Counting Undated/Misdated Mail-in Votes »

Bummer: Middle Schools Aren’t Teaching Much On Climate Crisis (scam)

This is giving the NY Times and lots of climate cult teachers a sad (paywalled Times piece here)

What Do American’s Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much.

In mid-October, just two weeks after Hurricane Ian struck her state, Bertha Vazquez asked her class of seventh graders to go online and search for information about climate change. Specifically, she tasked them to find sites that cast doubt on its human causes and who paid for them.

It was a sophisticated exercise for the 12-year olds, Vazquez said, teaching them to discern climate facts from a mass of online disinformation. But she also thought it an important capstone to the end of two weeks she dedicates to teaching her Miami students about climate change, possible solutions and the barriers to progress.

“I’m really passionate about this issue,” she said. “I have to find a way to sneak it in.”

Sneak it in? Do the parents know you’re attempting to indoctrinate their kids? Who’s paying for the pro-cult material?

That’s because in Florida, where Vazquez has taught for more than 30 years, and where her students are already seeing the dramatic effects of a warming planet, the words “climate change” do not appear in the state’s middle or elementary school education standards.

Climate change is set to transform where students can live and what jobs they’ll do as adults. And yet, despite being one of the most important issues for young people, it appears only minimally in many state middle school science standards nationwide. Florida does not include the topic and Texas dedicates three bullet points to climate change in its 27 pages of standards. More than 40 states have adopted standards that include just one explicit reference to climate change.

“Middle school is where these kids are starting to get their moral compass and to back that compass up with logic,” said Michael Padilla, a professor emeritus at Clemson University and a former president of the National Science Teachers Association. “So middle school is a classic opportunity to have more focus on climate change.”

Moral compass? Doesn’t sound like science to me. But, again, it’s not about science.

Which is why climate education is now expanding into areas like the arts and humanities, and social studies. Beginning this year, New Jersey is incorporating some aspect of climate change’s effects, as well as solutions, into its standards for every grade band and in every subject area. National organizations representing English and social studies teachers have called for greater engagement with climate change in their classes.

Sounds like BS to me.

Read: Bummer: Middle Schools Aren’t Teaching Much On Climate Crisis (scam) »

Biden Yammers About Taxing Gas Companies Or Something

Tell me you don’t understand the difference between “gross profit” and “net profit” without telling me

Biden floats tax on oil companies that don’t lower pump prices, increase production

President Joe Biden on Monday accused oil companies of “war profiteering,” threatening to go after their “outrageous” profits if pump prices don’t fall.

Unless the industry passes some of those profits onto consumers and increases domestic production, Biden said he will work with Congress to impose a tax on “excess profits,” along with other restrictions.

“It’s time for these companies to stop war profiteering,” Biden said in brief remarks at the White House. “The American people will judge who is standing with them and who is only looking out for their own bottom line.”

When Democrats lose the House and Senate in a week, will Democrats attempt to pass a tax bill? Who knows what those nutballs will do. If they do, it would simply mean those taxes passed on to consumers, and a big lawsuit for targeting a specific industry, which violates numerous Constitutional provisions. I’m sure Joe, and the people who tell him everything to think, understand the difference between net and gross. They do not care, they’re simply attempting to whip up their unhinged moonbat base, who always whine about Big Oil, but, mostly won’t give up their own use of fossil fuels.

Look at Biden: he’s taking a fossil fueled helicopter to Andrews, then flying on a jumbo jet with a backup jet and fighter jet protection, to Ft. Lauderdale, then a big fossil fueled vehicle convoy. There’s an official speech, then he will campaign for Charlie Crist. Then drive to Miami to campaign for Crist and Val Demings. Then back to D.C. All on the taxpayer dime.

There are plenty of companies making more gross profit right now because of inflation, but, it doesn’t mean their net profit is higher.

The head of the American Petroleum Institute, the top lobbying group for the oil and gas industry, said Biden’s proposal would backfire.

“Increasing taxes on American energy discourages investment in new production, which is the exact opposite of what is needed,” Mike Sommers, API’s president and CEO, said in a statement.

Biden’s move comes days before the Nov. 8 midterm elections. Polls show inflation is a top concern of voters and gas prices are one of the most visible signs of pocketbook pain.

It’s an attempt to get Democrats out to vote.

The national average price at the pump is down since the summer peaks but is still 36 cents higher than a year ago, according to AAA.

It was $2.65 on Jan 20, 2020. $3.48 Nov 1, 2021. And $3.85 now. Everything Biden has done has been to increase the price of gasoline, hurting working and middle class Americans. But, hey, maybe Joe and his people do not actually understand how the economy works. You never know with these wackadoodles.

Read: Biden Yammers About Taxing Gas Companies Or Something »

St. Greta Declines To Attend COP27, Which Is “being held in a tourist paradise”

Well, of course it’s being held in a great vacation spot: all the big wigs and attendees wouldn’t bother going if it was held in a boring spot

Greta Thunberg: COP27 an opportunity for “greenwashing, lying and cheating”

St. GretaClimate activist Greta Thunberg on Sunday called out next month’s United Nations climate summit in Egypt for being “held in a tourist paradise in a country that violates many basic human rights.”

Speaking at the London Literature Festival at the Southbank Centre where she was promoting her new book, “The Climate Book”, 19-year-old Thunberg dismissed the looming climate summit, known as COP27, as an opportunity for “people in power… to [use] greenwashing, lying and cheating.”

While Thunberg did attend protests in Glasgow last year for COP26, she said she won’t attend COP27, scheduled to be held from Nov. 6 to Nov. 18 in Sharm El Sheikh.

“The space for civil society is going to be extremely limited,” she said. “It’s important to leave space for those who need to be there. It will be difficult for activists to make their voices heard.”

Public demonstration is effectively banned in Egypt and limits on accreditation and attendance badges for activists have been a point of contention at previous U.N. climate summits.

Well, that’s one reason for not going. I would have been more impressed if she had mentioned the 10K+ who will take long, fossil fueled trips to Egypt, quite a few of them on private jets. Or that the climate cult elites simply want to impose their views on the plebes in what we could call Elitist Authoritarianism.

Read: St. Greta Declines To Attend COP27, Which Is “being held in a tourist paradise” »

Brandon Admin Says Arizona Is Trespassing With Border Barrier

It’s rather a problem when the U.S. government owns 42% of the land in the state of Arizona. Also, when the U.S. government, which is required to secure the U.S. borders per the Constitution and duly passed law, won’t

Biden admin accuses Arizona of trespassing by building barrier on US-Mexico border

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey was accused this week by the Biden administration of trespassing as the Republican governor makes efforts to fill gaps along the U.S.-Mexico border with shipping containers.

Ducey announced last week that he would have crews install shipping containers along a section of the border to fill gaps not covered by a wall. The announcement came two weeks after federal officials ordered him to take down containers he had placed in the southwestern part of the state.

The Republican governor then sued and requested the courts allow Arizona to keep 100 shipping containers, double stacked with barbed wire on top, in place near Yuma.

The containers were put in place in August to fill gaps in the border, which Ducey said was pushing back against “the inaction of the Biden administration in stopping migrants from entering the state from Mexico,” according to the Associated Press.

All Ducey wants, and the citizens of Arizona, especially in the border towns want, is blocking a 10 mile section of the border. Brandon, though

But the Biden administration continues to demand Ducey remove the barriers, with claims that the state is trespassing on federal lands.

“The unauthorized placement of those containers constitutes a violation of federal law and is a trespass against the United States,” Jacklynn Gould, regional director for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Basin said in a letter to Arizona. “That trespass is harming federal lands and resources and impeding Reclamation’s ability to perform its mission.”

Arizona should simply negate the ownership of land granted to the federal government under the Enclave Clause, as the Constitution states that the land belongs to the state. Period. That’s it. They can cede it, but, the states have the power to take it back. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to take state property.

Also, Reclamation is not actually, you know, performing it’s mission

Gould’s department falls under the Department of Interior, and in her letter, she stated a contract was awarded by the Department of Homeland Security to close gaps near Morelos Dam.

But, they aren’t.

“They say this is federal land, and it is, but it would be trespassing supposedly to put these containers on there,” Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls, also a Republican, said in an interview with Fox News. “Well, my contention is that 300,000 people that have come through this year alone, they’ve been trespassing, and I don’t remember seeing a letter going out to anybody to try to stop any of that.”

And, despite all those illegals trespassing, and violating U.S. sovereignty, the Brandon admin will allow them to stay.

Read: Brandon Admin Says Arizona Is Trespassing With Border Barrier »

Gen Z Voters Have Climate Crisis (scam) At The Top Of Their Minds

Aren’t these the same people who were eating Tide Pods? And cannot get a coffee without taking a selfie?

For Gen Z voters, combating climate change is top of mind

Shaped by frequent flooding, extreme heat waves and increasingly destructive hurricanes, Generation Z is serious about taking bold action to tackle climate change. And, they are aiming to fight for it when they make their way to the polls next week.

So, they’ve been brainwashed into thinking things like this have never happened before. Can they explain how the prediction was for 14-20 storms, 6-10 being hurricanes, and 3-5 being major, when, in reality, there were just 12 storms, 5 hurricanes, and only 2 major?

“As time moves on every single moment becomes more and more of a critical point for climate action,” said Iris Zhan, an 18-year-old from Maryland who is voting for the first time this November and considers climate a top priority. “That’s where the politics and the legislation need to be to make a difference.”

In 2020, the most recent presidential election-year, 53 percent of 18-to-29-year-olds cast a ballot, a nine percentage point jump from 2016.

At that time, youth-led environmental organizations such as the Sunrise Movement mobilized millions of people to vote in record numbers, with organizers as young as 12 and 13 making countless phone calls to talk to community members about what’s at stake and registering eligible peers to vote.

The midterm elections on Nov. 8 are set to determine if young climate activists will be able to continue to throw their political weight around at a time when control of Congress is up for grabs and a majority of the top youth issues are on the ballot, including climate change, abortion, gun control and LGBTQ rights.

“If we think about what’s coming with the climate movement, when we see, you know, the young people who are protesting, who are getting trained in civil disobedience … that’s happening as the planet warms up and we experience substantial climate shocks,” said Dana Fisher, a professor of sociology at the University of Maryland who studies protest movements. “So I think what we’re going to see is that come together to push for social change.”

Social change, eh? Why does it always come down to politics? It’s almost like this isn’t a science? When do these Gen Zers give up their own big carbon footprints and practice what they preach in their own lives?

“Gen Z overall really pushes for gun safety, climate change, the right to choose. And, that’s all kind of backfired,” said Kate Fraser, a 17-year-old from Florida who is not old enough to vote during this election cycle but has been working to register hundreds of her peers to vote on a climate platform.

“I think it could absolutely be big if we actually get people registered, and we actually get people to the polls,” she said.

Just science, right?

Read: Gen Z Voters Have Climate Crisis (scam) At The Top Of Their Minds »

If All You See…

…is a wall that looks like it was flooded from carbon fueled Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a report stating that COVID most likely came from a lab.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove