World Leaders Pushing For Chinese Coronavirus Passports

COVID is mostly over. It’s been shown, scientifically and medically, that the COVID vaccines mostly do not prevent people from getting COVID. At best, they simply keep any contagion from getting really bad. At worse, well

  • Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis
  • Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (blood clots)
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  • Myocarditis and pericarditis

The CDC says these are rare. But, they keep happening. They can also cause long COVID-like symptoms. The problem here is that the vaccines were emergency use and did not go through extensive testing. I’m still not against them, if a version was raging that they could help stop me from getting bad COVID, I’d get another booster. But, the current variants are evading the vaccines and boosters. So, of course

World Leaders Sign Declaration to Introduce COVID Vaccine Passports

At this year’s G20 Summit in Indonesia, the twenty participating world leaders signed a declaration to introduce vaccine passports for their respective jurisdictions, with the stated intention of creating a global verification system to facilitate safe international travel. (snip)

In a statement, the leaders affirmed their respective countries’ support of the World Health Organization mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub, which aims to build capacity in low- and middle-income countries to produce mRNA vaccines.

The leaders said they welcome joint production and research of vaccines and acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods.

They also agreed to a globalised ‘vaccination passport’.

This shouldn’t cause any problems for the working/poor and middle classes, right?

While the details are scant at this stage, the statement says this will be done under the framework of the International Health Regulations to “facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”

Indonesia’s Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that a Digital Health Certificate using World Health Organization standards would be introduced during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva, in May next year.

“If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of people 100%, you can still provide some movement of the people,” Mr Sadikin said.

Is this for the current Wuhan Flu pandemic, or control of the next pandemic (probably caused by the Chinese screwing around with viruses with lax security measures)?

So, it’s somewhat alarming that governments – and of those belonging to the G20, the majority represent democracies – would consider introducing a passport that, since it was first mooted by individual countries, been widely condemned as medical discrimination as well as a violation of privacy with serious ethical implications.

Of more concern are reports that the vaccine won’t just apply to Covid vaccinations, but also to any vaccination that WHO recommends is required for international travel.

Some it makes sense, mostly done on a country by country basis. There’s a long list of vaccinations required to enter the U.S., including polio, hepatitis A and B, mumps, and so much more. And they still require a COVID vaccination. A world-wide vax passport for COVID sounds like a massive overreach.

Read: World Leaders Pushing For Chinese Coronavirus Passports »

NY Times And Climate Nuts Upset That UK Government Will Hold The Crazies Accountable

In a modern, polite society we have rules. People are responsible for following those rules. Sure, some rules are dumb, some make no sense, some are idiotic, some are really unenforceable. Others, like, say, not defacing other people’s property and not blocking the streets, causing emergency vehicles like ambulances and firetrucks to not be able to get through, are rules that make sense. The climate nuts are upset they will be held accountable

As Climate Protests Get Bolder, British Police Strike Back With New Powers

When environmental protesters recently stopped traffic on the M25 freeway that circles London, one journalist, Charlotte Lynch, was standing on a bridge above reporting on the latest of the group’s disruptive demonstrations for her radio station, LBC.

But not for long. Ms. Lynch was swiftly handcuffed, searched and arrested after being questioned by two police officers about how she knew that the demonstration was taking place.

Ms. Lynch said that she had shown a press card carried by journalists in Britain to identify themselves to the police, and explained that she had learned about where the protest would be held from social media. Nonetheless, she was held for five hours at a police station, where her DNA was collected and fingerprints were taken.

Just because the British police went a bit far (they sure went way too far during COVID) …. of course, their freedom of press laws are not the same as in the U.S., and she was arrested for conspiracy to create a public nuisance….means little in terms of cracking down on the lunatics

As environmentalists and climate change activists ratchet up their protests in Britain — employing tactics that disrupt everyday life — the authorities are responding in kind with robust actions that have raised concerns that long-enshrined freedoms are being eroded.

Determined to crack down on the demonstrators, the government is giving the police new powers to tackle groups that have brought busy highways to a standstill, delayed infrastructure projects by tunneling beneath them, thrown soup at artwork and deflated the tires of SUVs.

“What I’m seeing now is, I think, a sort of spiral — I’d almost say a radicalization,” said Adam Wagner, a civil liberties lawyer and author. “I think there’s a hardening on both sides — the police and the protesters — both of the actions and the reactions. I can see that dynamic and I’m pretty worried about it.”

“The police are being asked to get involved far too much in things that should be between citizens trying to convince other citizens about their point of view in public, which is what protest is about,” he said.

So, it’s cool if other citizens beat the crap out of the protesters blocking the streets, trains, throwing blood and paint on their property, and so forth?

The government wants to go even further, citing the financial effect of the demonstrations. Protests against Britain’s HS2 high-speed railway line, for example, have cost it an added 122 million pounds, or about $145 million, a figure that is expected to rise to £200 million, according to the project’s management.

Legislation making its way through Parliament would set jail sentences of up to six months or unlimited fines for protesters accused of “locking on” to people, objects or buildings. Tunneling under infrastructure — another favored tactic of demonstrators — would carry a maximum penalty of up to three years in prison under the bill. And the police would gain news powers to stop and search people for materials that could be used for a “protest related” offense.

Just make it legal to beat the snot out of the protesters. Throw blood and paint on them. You can bet the NY Times, and the other news outlets sympathizing with the climate crazies, would feel different if it was their people and property being attacked.

The harder police line comes as activists in Britain have become increasingly willing to disrupt daily life, inspired by arguments like those made in “How to Blow Up a Pipeline,” an influential book by Andreas Malm. They say the climate movement needs to escalate its tactics to call attention to the dangers of a warming planet.

If that’s your inspiration, well, yeah, you’re no longer part of polite society, and deserve to be arrested. It’s no longer free speech or peaceable protest.

Read: NY Times And Climate Nuts Upset That UK Government Will Hold The Crazies Accountable »

Wait, What: Senator Marshall Introduces Resolution To Block Illegals With Taxpayer Benefits From Getting Citizenship

So, all the other illegals can get citizenship?

From the link

Republican Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall recently introduced a resolution that would block citizenship for illegal immigrants dependent on taxpayer-funded benefits.

The resolution was first obtained by the Daily Caller and focuses on a new DHS rule that would cut the number of benefits immigrants can use that would be held against them when applying for permanent residency in the United States.

In 2019, the Trump administration defined any immigrant who had received one or more designated public benefits for more than 12 months within a 36-month period as a “public charge.” Section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) renders a noncitizen inadmissible if they are “likely at any time to become a public charge,” DHS’s website states.

The Trump administration included food stamps, housing vouchers and Medicaid as benefits that would disqualify an immigrant from receiving a green card. Under DHS’s new rule, only the receipt of cash benefits or long-term institutional care could lead to a public charge finding.

Not sure what a Resolution will do. First, Democrats will spike it, so, it will never pass. Second, Why not submit actual legislation that blocks illegals from getting citizenship if they use public benefits? Beyond that, why are we giving illegal aliens/those showing up at the border demanding asylum (which most do not qualify for) any benefits? If a person is going through the legal, authorized naturalization process, they cannot be on any benefits system. They have to provide for themselves. If someone is here illegally and can’t take care of themselves, deport them. Hell, deport them if they can take care of themselves.

A resolution is just not serious. It is an expression of the collective sentiment. Republicans need to get serious.

Read: Wait, What: Senator Marshall Introduces Resolution To Block Illegals With Taxpayer Benefits From Getting Citizenship »

Washington Post ClimaHappily Tells You The Carbon Footprint Of Your Thanksgiving

Climate cultists just can’t help themselves

WaPo Accused of Trying to ‘Destroy Thanksgiving Dinner’ After Listing Holiday Foods Alongside Their ‘Climate Impact’

A recent Washington Post essay faced backlash online after listing common Thanksgiving foods and their “climate impact” in order to inform readers which of the festivity’s staples can be consumed “with a clear conscience.”

The Thursday article by food columnist Tamar Haspel, titled “The climate impact of the Thanksgiving meal might surprise you,” begins with the author admitting that “tallying the environmental impact of a holiday feast” does not seem to be in the holiday spirit.

“I know, I know, nobody wants to put ‘climate’ and ‘Thanksgiving’ in the same sentence,” she continues.

Reassuring readers of the “good news” that the mainstays of the meal — poultry and plants — make Thanksgiving “a much more climate-friendly holiday than, say, the burgerfest that is the Fourth of July,” the author then lists typical Thanksgiving dishes alongside “how they stack up, climate-wise.”

They can never just mind their own business

The WP says that most of our Thanksgiving foods are sorta OK for their carbon footprint. Which is interesting, because I could easily go back and look at my posts from previous years and see the unhinged Warmist nutjobs whining about the carbon footprint of Thanksgiving. They are all just such miserable, nagging people.

In response, many slammed the essay’s attempt to push climate “guilt” onto the family-oriented festivity.

“[H]ave you considered the fact that sharing a festive meal with your loved ones might be destroying the world, actually?” wrote Founders Fund Vice President Mike Solana.

No, they really do not care.

Read: Washington Post ClimaHappily Tells You The Carbon Footprint Of Your Thanksgiving »

If All You See…

…is what looks like a smokey sunset from carbon pollution wildfires, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Republicans hinting at running for 2024.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Whine About McCarthy Planning To Boot Several Wackos From Committees

What is it that Democrats keep saying? Oh, right, “elections have consequences”

McCarthy’s planned expulsions of Intel Democrats prompts howls

A GOP promise to expel two Democrats from the House Intelligence Committee would dramatically escalate partisan warfare over panel assignments, potentially ending the intelligence career of Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.) while increasing fears that the new majority intends to trample on minority rights.

The vow by Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who is busily seeking support for the Speakership in the new House, would diminish the power of two of the most vocal critics of former President Trump in Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) just as the former president has launched a reelection bid.

It is drawing howls of protest from Democrats and also comes as McCarthy promises to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Why would he want them gone?

McCarthy has accused Schiff of lying to the public, both about President Trump’s ties to Moscow and Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine. And he’s gone after Swalwell for his ties to a Chinese spy who had targeted California politicians.

“Eric Swalwell cannot get a security clearance in the public sector. Why would we ever give him a security clearance in the secrets to America? So I will not allow him to be on Intel,” McCarthy told Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo.

“You have Adam Schiff, who had lied to the American public time and again,” McCarthy continued. “We will not allow him to be on the Intel Committee either.“

Has Schiff ever released the information he promised multiple times to release that would show Trump colluded with Russia in 2016? No. Swalwell also stated he had evidence. And, yeah, the whole Fang Fang stuff.

Omar, a former Somali refugee who is one of three Muslims in Congress, is frequently critical of the Israeli government on issues of human rights. Omar’s detractors, including McCarthy, say her comments have at times crossed a line into antisemitism.

Her comments are pure Jew and Israel hatred. There’s no doubt about that. She fully embraces the extremist Muslim viewpoint about Israel and Jews.

The removals, which still require approval of the full House, would mark a sharp escalation in the impassioned partisan debate over who controls the levers of power when it comes to committee assignments — and what sorts of behaviors merit expulsion. Typically, party leaders assign committee seats to their respective members independent of the opposing party.

The GOP has control. They get a say. Pelosi and her Comrades out their pet Republicans, like Cheney and Kinzinger, on the J6 partisan inquiry committee, and removed Republicans from others. Welcome to Politics 101. McCarthy should go scorched earth on Democrats and their committee assignments.

Read: Democrats Whine About McCarthy Planning To Boot Several Wackos From Committees »

Say, What Will The GOP House Do To Stop Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Agenda?

Well, really, knowing the GOPe, they’ll probably cave

Will the GOP House halt action on climate change?

Climate change activists and experts fear that the United States may lose its momentum on cutting climate-change-causing greenhouse gases after the new Republican-majority House of Representatives takes control in January.

But, they say, if the Biden administration can protect its signature achievement — the Inflation Reduction Act, which will spend $369 billion over 10 years on deploying electric vehicles and clean energy — and swiftly enact new regulations on pollution from fossil fuels, the United States can meet its pledge to reduce carbon emissions by at least 50% from a 2005 baseline by the end of the decade.

Republican control “very likely means we’re at the end of climate legislating for the first term of the Biden administration,” Jamal Raad, executive director of Evergreen Action, a climate policy advocacy group, told Yahoo News. “Luckily, we’ve already passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which is the most bold and vast climate investment in American history.”

I have some recommendations. The House should pass legislation requiring Biden to only travel in EVs, to limit his flights to government business only, eliminating Biden’s trips to Delaware. Unless he wants to take the train. End the use of big gas guzzling SUVs for all Executive Office agency heads and advisors. EVs, the bus, trains, bikes. They aren’t smart enough to really put out that kind of bill, which will never pass the Senate, but, would highlight what climahypocrites Democrats are.

In an early sign of how the incoming Republican House majority will approach climate change, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday that the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis will be eliminated. Rep. Garret Graves, the Louisiana Republican who was his party’s highest-ranking member on the committee, said Republicans will focus their energy agenda on increasing U.S. fossil fuel production and exportation.

They really should pass legislation authorizing fast tracking construction of next gen refineries. But, dumping the climate scam committee is a good start.

This would seem to confirm the pre-election prediction of environmental activists that a Republican Congress would be uninterested in passing legislation to address the climate crisis. “I think the fact that every single Republican voted against the Inflation Reduction Act … tells you everything you need to know about where Republicans stand when it comes to climate change,” Tiernan Sittenfeld, senior vice president of government affairs at the League of Conservation Voters, told Yahoo News last month.

Well, yeah, it had nothing to do with inflation and everything to do with the climate scam and other far left priorities.

“House Republicans will fight to unleash American energy production, protect our energy security so that we are not reliant on hostile foreign nations, and ensure that our energy sources are clean, affordable and reliable for American families,” Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., who serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Republican caucus’s Energy, Climate, and Conservation Task Force, said in a statement. “A Republican-controlled House will advance policies that invest in clean energy and utilize all energy sources including natural gas, nuclear energy, hydrogen, solar, wind and clean coal.”

It’s a very, very long piece, and, really, there is very little the GOP can do unless the Democrat controlled Senate is willing to play ball on increasing energy. Which they won’t. But, they can stymie Biden and his Democrat Comrades. If they have any fortitude.

Read: Say, What Will The GOP House Do To Stop Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Agenda? »

Surprise: Biden Admin Blames High Price Of Thanksgiving On Russia

In fairness, not everything is really Biden’s fault, or, heck, even China’s for releasing Wuhan Flu. Avian flu has caused a pretty big problem with turkeys. However, for so many other things, starting with eggs, butter, and so much more, Biden has done absolutely nothing to help, and even much to hurt

USDA blames Russia for rising price of Thanksgiving dinner

The Department of Agriculture says Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine is one reason why your Thanksgiving dinner costs more than it did last year.

A USDA memo this month said turkey prices will be higher because of this year’s outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which led to the death of 8 million turkeys in 2022. But USDA also said “Russia’s war on Ukraine and drought across the United States” are other factors that are “pushing up the price of Thanksgiving staples.”

USDA did not respond to questions from Fox News Digital about how Russia’s war against Ukraine is affecting turkey prices. President Biden and his administration have often blamed Russia for the broad increase in inflation and has referred to higher food and energy prices as “Putin’s price hike.”

We get pretty much zero turkeys from Russia. The war in Ukraine has zero effect on turkeys produced in the U.S. We do not get grain from there: the U.S. produces more than enough. Same with potatoes, corn, cranberries (yuck), pumpkins, apples, and everything else on your table.

The Biden administration’s own data, however, shows that inflation began ratcheting up almost immediately after Biden took office in February 2021.

Just before Russia invaded Ukraine in late February 2022, the Biden administration reported that consumer prices were up 7.5% in the year ending in January 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Inflation would rise as high as 9.1% in the year ending June 2022, but sharp increases were seen well before Russia invaded Ukraine.


That memo also downplayed the impact that inflation is having on the cost of Thanksgiving dinner compared to non-government estimates. It said the average cost of Thanksgiving retail staples like a fresh turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries and green beans will only cost about 1% more this year compared to last year, and that substituting in a frozen turkey means a 6% increase.

But the American Farm Bureau Federation says the average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner is up 20% compared to last year. The cost of stuffing mix, frozen pie crusts, whipping cream, frozen peas and dinner rolls have all increased by more than 20%, the Farm Bureau said.

I got all my stuff last Tuesday, when I was off (and hobbling around on what might be a broken pinky toe. Nailed on track of sliding shower door, which is getting yanked out and replaced with shower curtain, something I’ve been meaning to do for years). Everything was a bit more expensive. The big jumps really were last year, but, still up more this year. Consider Biden’s war on energy: if it costs more for fuel, those increased shipping costs will be passed on. And that’s just one issue.

Read: Surprise: Biden Admin Blames High Price Of Thanksgiving On Russia »

Is Patagonia’s “Effective Altruism” For Climate Crisis The End Game Of Business Models?

Well, hey, if a company wants to give away all it’s profits, feel free. What could possibly go wrong?

Is Patagonia the end game for profits in a world of climate change?

Many brands are aligning profits with purpose, but Patagonia’s decision in September to convert its for-profit business to one under which all the profits flow through to fighting climate change is the most complex move yet by a U.S.-based company in the realm of sustainable capitalism. Is it a model for other companies to pursue in the future?

For the family founded firm, it’s in some ways a natural evolution. Patagonia has long been on the vanguard of responsible business practices. As far back as 1985, Patagonia deployed portions of its profits to the environment, via an “Earth tax.”

It’s far from the only well-known U.S. brand to be structured in a way that allows profits to be donated to charitable causes. Newman’s Own, the food brand founded by Hollywood icon Paul Newman, is perhaps the most familiar. Since 1982, Newman’s Own has given 100% of profits to charity, now totaling half a billion dollars in contributions. But that business, with a pure non-profit structure, was more of a “first generation” model for sustainable business, says Tensie Whelan, founding director of the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business. “The Patagonia model is a little more sophisticated.”

Yet while Patagonia made headlines in the U.S. for being a novel marriage of capitalism and charity, similar corporate structures are already in use with several large family-controlled European companies, from Carlsberg to Ikea and Novo Nordisk. “Nothing new in this model,” said Morten Bennedsen, professor of family enterprise at INSEAD and the academic director of the Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise.

It’s all well and good until the sh*t hits the fan and they have no backend money to cover it. And lots of these “effective altruism” companies have a lot of issues with controlling where that money goes. Consider crypotcurrency company FTX, though, admittedly, that is an extreme case.

There are less extreme options for values-driven founders than the paths chosen by Yvon Chouinard and Paul Newman. “Most founders like to maintain control and have for-profit (less altruistic) sensibilities,” Whelan said.

B-Corp status, employee-ownership, and mutual organizations and cooperatives are all models that allow more focus on creating stakeholder value, in addition to shareholder value.

“We are seeing significant growth in these alternative models,” Whelan said.

We’ll see how long it lasts. And, how much of this altruistic money gets pissed away. Who’s going to audit them?

“The tension between growth and environmental impact is one we know well,” Curtis said. “We would be ignoring our commitment to responsible growth if we just maxed out sales for the purpose of giving away more money.  Further, it is important to resist the assumption that our value comes from the money we give away. We don’t think about it like that,” he said. “Our value comes from being a for-profit business and a Benefit Corporation.”

Yet, interestingly, they still have a lot of operations that use a lot of oil. Weird, right?

Yes, that’s North Face, but, Patagonia is the same.

Read: Is Patagonia’s “Effective Altruism” For Climate Crisis The End Game Of Business Models? »

If All You See…

…is a desert flooded by carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the UN chief calling for more online censorship.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove