It’s really a hallmark of cult’s that they just don’t consider how insane their ramblings sound like, and they’ll try and convince people that what they’re pushing is totally real
How climate change is making California’s weather more extreme
In the midst of a two-decades-long megadrought that climate scientists say has been made worse because of rising global temperatures, California has been hit with an especially cold and wet winter, in which low temperature records have been set and the Sierra snowpack is poised to eclipse its all-time high.
But the whiplash from one extreme to another is consistent with climate change, experts say. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, California’s average temperatures have risen between 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit, and the dramatic variability seen in recent years is a consequence of that fact.
“A lot of folks are saying, ‘Everything is getting more extreme, it’s wetter and drier and hotter and colder.’ One of those isn’t true,” UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain told Yahoo News. “Three out of the four are in California. The one thing that isn’t happening is it’s not getting colder.”
No matter what happens, the answer is always ‘climate change’. Is it any wonder I started referring to it as Hotcoldwetdry for well over a decade? Somehow, greenhouse gases are making it so hot that it snows in Los Angeles. Which, by the way, happened as far back as 1879 (in recorded history). And two inches during the CO2 safe period of 1932.
So, while some parts of Southern California saw rare blizzard conditions last week, and snow fell at unusually low elevations in places like the Bay Area, those events in no way disprove climate change, which is measured over a longer time horizon than a single week, month or season. Nor do the brutal cold snaps show that climate change is simultaneously causing the world to undergo cooling.
Despite saying this is the long term, they blamed a short term on You. This is all just the ramblings of a doomsday cult. If we had an impartial, skeptical, and honest media they would be pointing this out. They apparently do not realize that with the implementation of authoritarian government these same journalists will be under the complete thumb of government, and will be told how to do their jobs, what they can investigate, and what they can write.
Read: Climate Cult: California’s Snowy Weather Is Your Fault »