…is a carbon pollution fueled growing desert about to destroy homes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on censoring inconvenient truths.
Read: If All You See… »
…is a carbon pollution fueled growing desert about to destroy homes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on censoring inconvenient truths.
Read: If All You See… »
I don’t think I’ve ever done an If All You See… post featuring a washer (or dryer), but, I’ve done plenty with refrigerators in them, because the Cult of Climastrology feels that they are Bad for climate apocalypse. And have stated that they will come after them. Cue the Let’s Go Brandon admin
Biden admin cracks down on washers, fridges in latest climate action: ‘Overregulation on steroids’
The Biden administration proposed sweeping rules Friday to boost energy efficiency standards for clothes washers and refrigerators in an action it claimed would save consumers money and “significantly reduce pollution.”
The Department of Energy (DOE) said the two regulations, which would be implemented in 2027 if approved, are projected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 233 million metric tons over the next 30 years. The agency also estimated that the energy-efficiency standards taking certain appliance models off the market would save $3.5 billion on an annual basis.
“With today’s proposals, we’re building on a decades-long effort with our industry partners to ensure tomorrow’s appliances work more efficiently and save Americans money,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.
It’s not the first time, as the Obama admin tried this schtick several times, once even trying to push to use refrigerants that were not commercially available or feasible.
Experts, though, have argued the appliance regulations are unnecessary and that consumers are already able to freely purchase more efficient appliances.
“This is overregulation on steroids,” Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “These are appliances that have already been subjected to multiple rounds of successively tighter standards.”
“There is just not much there there anymore,” he said. “There’s a great risk of doing more harm than good in the form of appliances — refrigerators or washers that cost more upfront than you’re ever likely to save in the form of less energy and water use.”
Seriously, they already have seen many regulations to be more energy efficient and use less water. This will make them more expensive, much like the new SEER regulations have made air conditioning units several thousand more than they were last year. Washers and fridges probably won’t jump that much, but, consumers are already suffering under Bidenflation, so, why do something that will make them more expensive? And, it will most likely jump up the price of the lower price units, hurting the working and lower middle class folks the most. All for a scam.
Read: Brandon Admin Cracks Down On Evil Washers And Fridges »
Is it any wonder that the youts are having lots of mental issues when they are treated to a constant litany of doom and gloom?
Greta Thunberg: ‘The World Is Getting More Grim by the Day’
There is genuinely no precedent in the modern history of geopolitics for the climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Four and a half years ago, she began “striking” outside of Swedish parliament — a single teenager with a single sign. She was 15. In just a few months, she had made her mark at the United Nations climate conference in Poland: “You are not mature enough to tell it like it is,” she told the assembled diplomats and negotiators, “even that burden you leave to us children.” (snip)
In early February I spoke with Thunberg, who was in Sweden, over Zoom, about why she believes it is now a trickier time to be a climate activist than when she began, why it’s no longer sufficient to listen to the scientists, the necessity of systems change and whether she still believes in the basic goodness of people. The conversation has been edited lightly for clarity and length. (snip)
What’s changed, if anything, since then?
(St. Greta) It seems like the world is getting more and more grim every day. The concentration of CO? is now higher in the atmosphere and causing more and more extreme weather.
But there are also positive things that have changed. We have more people now who are mobilized and who are in the climate movement, in the fight for the climate and social justice.
So I guess that’s a good thing. But we have to be able to zoom out and see that we are still moving in the wrong direction. The things that people said back then that they were going to do, they still haven’t done, which proves, or which shows us, that it was just empty promises and really not taking it seriously, unfortunately.
Oh, good, the kids are mobilized. What are they doing in their own lives? What are they giving up in their 1st World lives to help out the folks in the 3rd world shitholes developing nations, since the mostly 1st World white kids think that blacks and browns cannot get ahead on their own (their beliefs do seem rather racist, eh?)?
Four or five years ago, you were really emphasizing that we need to listen to the scientists. Is that still sufficient?
No, of course not. In the beginning — well, “in the beginning” — people have been campaigning about this for decades. But when I began, I said we need to listen to the scientists because people were still treating the climate crisis as something debatable. And now — at least in the discourse — we’ve kind of settled that. It is a crisis. Even scientists and even heads of state are saying that this is an emergency.
See, we do not need to listen to the scientists because it is not a science.
In the book, you wrote: “We still need to answer some fundamental questions. What is it exactly we want to solve in the first place? What is our goal?” How would you answer those questions now?
Right now it seems like the people in power just don’t want to solve the climate crisis. They want to find “solutions,” whether they’re good or not, that enable us to continue now as we have been, that allow them to continue staying in power and to satisfy their greed. That’s not what I think that we should be striving for. I think that we need to make sure that no one’s well-being is at the expense of someone else. But that’s not what our current people in power seem to want.
Hmm, Modern Socialism. Go figure.
Read: St. Greta Says The World Is Getting Grimmer By The Day »
They’re still trying to make this happen, even though the “vaccines” do not really stop people from getting Wuhan flu, and may not even keep the symptoms from getting bad and death
CDC adds COVID vaccine to routine immunization schedule for kids, adults
COVID-19 vaccines are now included among the routine shots recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for children, adolescents and adults.
The 2023 list includes shots for the flu, measles mumps and rubella, polio, and other inoculations.
The vaccine schedule represents the current recommendations for people as a regular part of their vaccinations against common infectious diseases. It does not mean the CDC is requiring a COVID-19 shot for children or that schools will have to require that students receive the shot before enrolling.
The vaccine schedule is an important resource for physicians, especially pediatricians, that can help guide them on when it’s best to administer certain vaccines.
Other than flu, all those shots are required pretty much everywhere in the U.S., and most if not all 1st World countries, in order to attend school. Be in the military. Certain companies, especially in the medical field. And, they actually work. They’re innoculations. Get the polio one, and you will NOT get polio. I haven’t heard about schools requiring flu shots, but, you can bet with this Blue states and cities will require children to have the Chinese coronavirus shots before being allowed to come to school.
I wonder if all these CDC folks making these recommendations are making money off the COVID vaccines?
The CDC does not have the authority to mandate vaccines; that decision is left up to states and local jurisdictions.
For example, the flu vaccine has long been on the schedule of recommended childhood immunizations, but hardly any state actually mandates it for public schools.
Governments do pretty much follow the CDC guidance on all the other vaccines. You can expect them to add Wuhan flu shots to all the others. They won’t let it go. Kids will have to get them, and our Woke military will probably require them again.
Read: CDC Adds (mostly worthless) COVID Shots To Recommended Schedule For Kids And Adults »
Would you like a burger with a side of climate cult?
Wendy’s commits to ‘ambitious’ climate change goals
The Wendy’s Co. has announced targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 47% across its system, including company operations, franchisees and top suppliers, by 2030 through new science-based targets.
The Dublin, Ohio-based burger brand announced near-term targets to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and said the goals were recently approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Wendy’s estimated that achieving the goal would avoid about 7.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent compared to business as usual, which is equal to removing more than 1.5 million gas-powered vehicles from the road in a single year.
“We recognize our role in using resources and energy, and we continue to prioritize delivering more to our customers with a smaller environmental footprint,” said Liliana Esposito, chief corporate affairs and sustainability office, in a statement.
“With our newly validated science-based targets,” Esposito said, “we have completed our climate roadmap nearly a year ahead of schedule, accelerating our journey to mitigate our climate impact.”
It’s going to cost more to eat at Wendy’s, because they will pass on the increased costs to consumers. Or, perhaps, reduce the number of employees will implementing more robots and ordering screens
In setting its Scope 3 science-based targets, Wendy’s identified two areas of focus for emissions reductions: purchased goods and franchised restaurants.
Purchased goods, such as food and packaging, represent nearly 85% of the system’s Scope 3 emissions, while Wendy’s more than 6,500 franchised restaurants contribute approximately 10% of Scope 3 emissions.
They seem to have extremely vague goals (see the article), but, really, they’ll most likely just be greenwashing, especially the franchised stores, who won’t want to spend all sorts of extra money to comply with this idiocy, nor rely on expensive, unreliable solar and wind. And, come on, have you seen their menu? It’s heavy on meat, frostys, and fries. Good grief, there is a burger with a bug hunk of fried cheese and pasta sauce on it. Lots of bacon, beef, chicken. How long will this cult madness go on?
Read: Wendy’s Goes Climahysteric, Commits To Reducing Their Carbon Footprint »
…are pine trees that will be wiped out from climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Woke Disney losing 2.4 million subscribers.
Since I totally forgot to do one yesterday, doubleshot below the fold, check out Moonbattery, with a post on a Catholic school kid banned from his Catholic school for saying God made two sexes.
Read: If All You See… »
Well, of course Brandon had to say it was no big deal, because he let it fly across the entire United States without doing a damned thing
Biden says Chinese spy balloon not a major security breach
President Joe Biden, under fire from some lawmakers, said on Thursday he did not view a Chinese spy balloon that transited the United States before it was shot down in the Atlantic Ocean to have been a major security breach.
Biden, who has sought to maintain communications with China and not allow tensions with Beijing to get out of control, said in a Noticias Telemundo interview that he did not regret shooting down the balloon sooner.
“It’s not a major breach,” Biden said. “I mean, look, it’s totally … it’s a violation of international law. It’s our airspace. And once it comes into our space, we can do what we want with it.”
Perhaps he should have asked the State Department
(Breitbart) The Biden administration determined that the suspected Chinese spy balloon shot down on Saturday by the United States military was operating with electronic surveillance technology capable of monitoring communications signals, according to a senior State Department official on Thursday, multiple news outlets reported.
“High-resolution imagery from U-2 flybys revealed that the high-altitude balloon was capable of conducting signals intelligence collection operations,” the official said in reference to the Air Force’s high-altitude reconnaissance plane, Politico reported.
The official noted that the equipment on the Chinese spy balloon was “inconsistent” with what would be aboard a weather balloon since it had “multiple antennas to include an array likely capable of collecting and geo-locating communications.”
According to CNN, the official said that the balloon was “part of a PRC (People’s Republic of China) fleet of balloons developed to conduct surveillance operations,” which are “often undertaken at the direction of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).”
And it flew within range of many, many military institutions, including nuclear weapons facilities. So, no big deal, right, Joe? China has supposedly overflown 40 countries with the balloons, a very low cost way of surveilling nations, especially with no one seeming to want to do anything about. If it’s no big deal, why is the Biden admin looking at ways to punish China? And
The solar panels were large enough to power that kind of intelligence activity, noted the official, who provided the information on the condition of anonymity to reveal sensitive intelligence and internal considerations.
But in a briefing hours later, the FBI said it couldn’t confirm the intent of the balloon based on what it has so far recovered.
“I don’t think we’re in a position based on what we’ve seen, based on the facts that we have at the FBI … to give you a determination. It’s just too early for us. Again, we’re only seeing a very small portion of the balloon’s payload at this point,” a senior FBI official said. “We have literally not seen the payload, which is where we would expect to see the lion’s share of the electronics.”
If we do not have enough information, how does Biden dismiss the balloon as no big deal? We might know more if he didn’t wait till it crossed the entire country then have it shot down over the Atlantic Ocean.
Read: Chinese Spy Balloon Was Monitoring Communication Channels, Biden Says It Was No Big Deal »
Nothing like having a bunch of neurotic, doom-focused kiddies working for companies, needing lots of time off and lots of kid gloves, eh?
Young people who are considering careers in climate change work have a significant advantage over older generations because they will not have to invest the same amount of effort convincing people that human-caused climate change is a problem, Vice President Kamala Harris told an audience at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
“Students who are here and those who are thinking about their role in this: You are going to come out and just leapfrog over all of us,” Harris said on Wednesday.
“Because, you know, especially for our younger leaders, the benefit that you have is you’re not burdened by any question about, ‘Is this real?’” she said.
That’s not currently the case, Harris said. “That is great because we’ve been having to deal with some folks who just literally … we’re kind of like, ‘Have you looked out the window?’”
I can’t wait till the youts modify their own lives to be carbon neutral, instead of taking lots of fossil fueled trips to places to take selfies and videos, etc and so forth, all the things I’ve written hundreds of times.
“Let’s all stay active in this and understand … this is the planet we’ve got. It is a precious place. It is — it is a place that we have a responsibility for taking care of, and that there is a whole lot of work that can be done,” Harris said. “But the clock is not just ticking, it’s, like, banging. It is requiring us to move quickly. But there is so much to be excited about in terms of what we can do.”
Banging! It’s banging! And then Kamala took a fossil fueled flight back to D.C.
Read: Kamala Takes Fossil Fueled Trip To Pump Up Youts To Get Jobs In ‘Climate Change’ »
She’s 7 beers shorts of a 6 pack
AOC says GOP reviving ‘legacy of slavery’ by ending non-citizen voting rights in DC
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., implied Wednesday that racism lies behind this week’s push by Republicans to end voting rights for non-citizens in the capital of Washington, D.C.
House lawmakers debated a resolution that would disapprove of a D.C. Council law allowing non-citizens and illegal immigrants to vote in the city. Several Democrats took to the floor to argue that Republicans were looking to micromanage the city, and Ocasio-Cortez went further by saying the GOP seems to be targeting minorities.
She said Republicans “claim they believe in the sacred right to vote while denying that right to vote to an overwhelmingly Black city,” and accused Republicans of trying to “meddle into the business of D.C. residents.”
Ocasio-Cortez added that while other cities around the country have allowed non-citizens to vote, Republicans are only calling up legislation dealing with Washington, D.C.
“They’re singling out the residents of the District of Columbia and expanding in the history of disenfranchisement that goes all the way back to the legacy of slavery,” she argued.
There’s no legal right for non-citizens, especially illegal aliens, to vote in the U.S., and, as the District of Columbia is ultimately responsive to Congress. It was never meant to be a town with residents and private businesses and such, and, even the D.C. government’s webpage, in whining for statehood, states that “The Constitution dictates that the federal district be under the jurisdiction of the US Congress.” At the end of the day, the D.C. government is under the control of Congress, and every time they let a non-citizen vote they’re reducing the power of legal U.S. citizen votes.
AOC’s idiotic, race baiting argument further reduces the history of actual disenfranchisement of those who had previously been slaves. But, hey, she doesn’t seem to know much about the subject she earned an economics degree in, so, why would she know anything about history?
Read: AOC Says It’s Like Slavery To Restrict Non-US Citizens From Voting In D.C. »
I guess the editors at news outlets were giving a couple days respect for anywhere from 11,000-15,000 killed in the Turkey earthquakes
Climate change is triggering more earthquakes. Big Oil’s interests are a factor
On Monday, earthquakes in my country Turkey and neighbouring Syria left a trail of unprecedented devastation and a death toll surpassing 16,000 people at the last count.
We do not know for sure what triggered this horrific natural disaster, but we do know there is growing scientific evidence that climate change increases the risk of such tremors, together with tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.
“If a fault is primed or ready to rupture, all that is needed is the pressure of a handshake to set if off […] Environmental changes associated with rapid and accelerating climate breakdown could easily do the job,” professor of geophysics and climate hazards at University College London Bill McGuire pointed out back in 2012.
Again, Turkey is at the intersection of 3 major plates, the Asian, European, and African, along with many minor plates, creating a vast network of major and minor fault lines
Furthermore, NASA scientists acknowledged that glaciers retreating due to global warming have been triggering earthquakes in Alaska in the last decades.
It’s Turkey. There are only a handful of places with glaciers, and none would have that type of effect
The impact is not limited to the Arctic. As melting glaciers change the distribution of weight across the Earth’s crust, the resulting “glacial isostatic adjustment” drives changes in plate tectonics that could lead to more earthquakes, awaken volcanoes and even affect the movement of the Earth’s axis.
And, according to the Cult of Climastrology, this is all your fault. Doesn’t matter that glaciers have been melting since the end of the last glacial age 20,000 years ago, or that there have been periods warmer than the current one, you need to be forced to change your life in a way that Warmists won’t in their own lives.
This particular consequence of global warming “warns us of a seismically turbulent future,” one recent study concluded.
F*ck right off, you insane loony tune doomsday cultists. How about being helpful, and do something for the people of Turkey, rather than being wackjobs?
Read: Sigh: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Causing More Earthquakes »