Washington Post: Say, Democrats Suddenly Notice That Voters Care About The Economy

I guess they’re figuring out that things like climate crisis (scam), abortion on demand, Trump Trump Trump, and gaslighting people really doesn’t matter much to most voters (non-paywalled Yahoo version here)

High prices, economic volatility resurface as threat to Democrats

Biden Brain SuckerWith a month to go before critical midterm elections, inflation continues to be a top issue for voters and a potential liability for the White House, denting the confidence many Democrats felt just days ago that abortion rights and other issues would power them to a strong electoral showing.

With Republicans re-energized in their efforts to link President Biden to rising prices, falling markets and growing recession fears, Biden has begun using presidential events to aggressively confront his Republican detractors over their own economic policies, in addition to touting the positive parts of his record and highlighting new manufacturing jobs around the country. (snip)

But even as the labor market continues to power along, other parts of the economy have been an intractable concern for much of Biden’s presidency, with chronically high inflation, supply chain problems, rising interest rates and a slowing housing market. As Biden spoke Friday, the stock market dropped precipitously on fears that the tight labor market would do little to bring down inflation.

The volatility has revived Democratic fears that November’s elections could be an expression of economic angst, even after a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and a summer of headlines dominated by investigations of former president Donald Trump.

As those issues have faded somewhat from the headlines, Republicans have sought to highlight the economic head winds, arguing that Biden’s policies are to blame for the rising prices and slowing growth. “Don’t be fooled by Biden’s words today,” tweeted Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) “The reality of Biden’s economy is that inflation is crushing Americans, real wages are plummeting, and gas prices are going up again.”

The article attempts to somewhat protect Biden and Democrats, but, at the end of the day, it is the economy. It is inflation. It is average citizens dealing with higher prices of everything, on paying so much more for food and energy, and seeing the government not only not helping, but, doing things that make it worse. They see the White House say “Oh, go ahead and pay tens of thousands for an EV and solar panel to save a bit.” These inside the bubble folks just really do not know what’s going on with Americans. They’re divorced from reality.

Read: Washington Post: Say, Democrats Suddenly Notice That Voters Care About The Economy »

Who’s Up For The Coming Climate Crash?

I’m still waiting for the LA Times to declare they will no longer use fossil fuels to gather and distribute (their dead tree edition) the news

Newsletter: I’m an alarmist on climate change, and you should be too

Good morning. I’m Paul Thornton, and it is Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022. Allow me to be the first half-Norwegian to wish you a happy Leif Erikson Day tomorrow. Let’s look back at the week in Opinion.

Interestingly, Paul fails to mention how he’s given up his own use of fossil fuels and made his life carbon neutral. Even though he’s an alarmist

This week we published an op-ed piece that I wish could run every day — though maybe with a few updates to more fully explore its theme. That piece was Eugene Linden’s ” Hurricane Ian and the coming climate crash,” which focused on the economic disaster looming over South Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian, as the insurance industry realizes it cannot cover all the claimed losses in an area hit repeatedly by intense storms and pulls out entirely from the market. So the crash, for Linden’s purposes, is economic.

But the term “climate crash” evokes so much more, and appropriately so. The unsustainability of offering home insurance policies in flood and fire zones gets at a particular pocketbook issue — a very important one, sure — but “climate crash” could also apply to long-term climactic instability upon us. For example, consider a new study by climate researchers at the World Weather Attribution Group, which showed that the once-every-400-years drought underway in the Northern Hemisphere can now be expected to occur every 20 years. This is the drought that dried up rivers in Europe and China (which, by the way, is experiencing another heat emergency) and continues to desiccate California and the rest of the western U.S. Once every 20 years isn’t a drought; it’s an aridification that renders our entire water delivery system obsolete and will soon force our retreat from exurban communities and mountain villages that will burn every 10 years instead of once every few generations.

I’d call that a “climate crash.”

There’s no proof, just supposition, that any of that is caused by Mankind outputting greenhouse gases. But, since it’s a cult, they just Believe.

The fires too. Even the spread of diseases similar to COVID-19 and MPX. All are symptoms of a looming ecological and climactic collapse that can only be mitigated by ending our reliance on fossil fuels.

And there you go again, blaming COVID and monkeypox on ‘climate change’. Sigh

It might even turn you into a climate voter, because this country needs a lot more of them. Global warming and democracy’s decline merit top consideration by voters, but the crises are far from the top tier of concerns heading into the 2022 midterms, which are dominated by so-called pocketbook matters like inflation and gas prices. “I get it,” writes Nicholas Goldberg. “People have bills to pay and lives to live. But don’t be fooled. The big threats — especially to American democracy and to the fate of the planet — may seem abstract, but they matter more than ever.” L.A. Times

Doubtful. Poll after poll after poll show that ‘climate change’ is at the bottom of the list when put up against real issues, like the crap economy. Once again, it may be popular in theory, but, not in practice.

Read: Who’s Up For The Coming Climate Crash? »

If All You See…

…is terrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on EV fires post-Ian.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Real Climate Science, with a post on hurricane misinformation at the NY Times.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Las Vegas Stabber Illegally Present In United States, Has Criminal Record

Of course, this means that the mass stabbing has mostly disappeared from the news or not mentioned

Las Vegas stabbing suspect is in US illegally, has criminal record in California: source

The suspect accused of killing two people and injuring six others during a stabbing rampage on the Las Vegas Strip is in the U.S. illegally, sources told Fox News.

Yoni Barrios, 32, is a Guatemalan national in the U.S. illegally with a criminal record in California, a source with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said.

Barrios allegedly stabbed eight people — a mix of tourists and residents — just after 11:40 a.m. local time on the sidewalk near the Wynn Las Vegas hotel, police said. Two people — Las Vegas residents Brent Allan Hallett, 47, and Maris Mareen DiGiovanni, 30 — died, officials said.

Here illegally, and has committed crimes in California, yet, was not deported? If you were a foreign national who applied for citizenship, was accepted, came over, were living your life, and committed a crime, your attempt at citizenship would be ended and you would be told to leave the U.S. If you’re here illegally, well, no problem at all! Especially if you’re in a deep Democratic Party run state.

So, of course, the Associated Press article fails to mention that Barrios is here illegally. The Washington Post article, found using his name now that we know it, is simply the AP article. The New York Times has zero articles on him. ABC News fails to mention he’s here illegally. Nor does the CBS News article. ABC News uses the AP article. LA Times fails to mention his illegal alien status. Even a bunch of Las Vegas news outlets fail to mention his immigration status.


‘State of emergency’: Adams says NYC migrant influx to cost city $1B

Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency Friday over the ongoing flood of migrants into the Big Apple — warning that they’re pushing the city’s shelter population to an all-time high and will cost taxpayers $1 billion for housing and social services.

“This is unsustainable,” Adams said.

“New York City is doing all we can but we are reaching the outer limit of our ability to help.”

But in a live speech and a Q&A session with reporters at City Hall, Adams continued putting the blame on everyone but himself and Gotham’s well-deserved reputation as a generous “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.

Instead, he took shots at Republican governors for relocating migrants from the southern border region to Democratic enclaves in the northern US.

Man, it’s a real shame when you get what you wish for, eh?

And here’s local Raleigh outlet WRAL gaslighting

Documented Dreamers: Apex student dreams of serving in US Army, but faces deportation

Imagine spending your childhood and most of your life growing up in North Carolina – only to suddenly find out that at age 21 you could be deported to a country you don’t even remember. This is the reality for over 200,000 Documented Dreamers, including some students at North Carolina State University.

Dreamers are children who are legally brought in the United States on their parents Visas, but eventually age out at age 21. Now, local immigrant students are scrambling to find a way to stay in the United States by calling on lawmakers to expand protections.

Some of these local students grew up in Raleigh and have spent their entire lives in North Carolina. For them, this country is all they know. They are now navigating an unclear path to full citizenship so they can stay in the place they call home.

Yeah, not really. Some few may have come with their parents on visas, and then the parents blew off the visas and stayed in violation of U.S. immigration law. Most were brought illegally over the border by their parents or someone else. If they want to blame someone for being deported when they become an adult, blame their parents. Nor are they all from Mexico and Central America. Some are from India, as mentioned. The whole idea is to create sympathy. I’ll tell you what: we’ll give some of you permanent resident status, with no right to vote and you cannot use government services like food stamps, welfare, or similar, and your parents have to go immediately and not return.

Read: Las Vegas Stabber Illegally Present In United States, Has Criminal Record »

How Far Can A Ford EV Pickup Truck Tow?

What do you get for starting $47,000?

A YouTuber’s ‘disaster’ towing with the F-150 Lightning highlights one of the drawbacks of electric trucks today

electric vehicleOne YouTuber learned the hard way that towing a heavy load is more complicated with an electric truck than a gasoline-powered one.

In a recent video on his Hoovie’s Garage channel, Tyler Hoover put the towing capability of his Ford F-150 Lightning to the test — and he called the experience a “complete and total disaster.” The saga illustrates one of the challenges to owning a battery-powered truck: towing range.

Hoover charged up his Lightning to 200 miles (almost all of its 230-mile range) and set out for a trip to his mechanic 32 miles away to pick up a 1930 Ford Model A and tow it home. As soon as Hoover set out pulling an empty trailer, the Lightning’s range started “dropping like a stone.”

In the end, the 64-mile journey sucked up 150 miles of range from the Lightning’s battery.

“The truck towing 3,500 pounds can’t even go 100 miles,” he said. “That is ridiculously stupid. This truck can’t do normal truck things.”

Yes, it is very stupid

To be sure, Hoover’s test wasn’t exactly scientific. In a follow-up video, he conceded that his trailer and boxy 1930 Ford weren’t especially aerodynamic.

Still, the clip highlights an important point: Extra weight and drag can deal a significant blow to an electric vehicle’s range, which can make towing with them tricky. Gas trucks lose efficiency when towing too, but with them it’s easy to pull over and fuel up. Running low on energy in an EV means stopping for 45 minutes at a fast-charging station.

Car buyers aren’t looking for scientific: they want their vehicles to do what they’re supposed to do in real life, not in perfect scenarios of testing.

Also very stupid?

Proposition 30 has voters deciding on a tax for zero-emission vehicles. What you need to know

On its face, Proposition 30 is simple enough: Raise taxes on the richest Californians. Pull in $30 billion to $90 billion over the next 20 years. Use 80% of the money to subsidize electric vehicles and charging stations, and 20% for wildfire suppression and prevention.

The fight for votes has prompted plenty of sloganeering and a gusher of spending.

Supporters say Proposition 30 is essential to address climate change. Opponents say it’s not.

Opponents say higher taxes will chase wealthy, job-producing people from the state. Supporters say the rich can afford it, and there’s no proof high-income earners are fleeing the state.

You know it won’t work, because these schemes never work. Whatever happened to all the money from cap and trade? “Erratic and unpredictable.” How about from marijuana? It created a huge black market, and the inflowing tax is about half of expected. Businesses have, in fact, left. But, you do you, California. Every experiment needs an experimental group.

Read: How Far Can A Ford EV Pickup Truck Tow? »

Democrats Seem Upset That GOP Is Hitting Them With Being Soft On Crime

Fortunately, the NY Times is there to try and protect the defund the police nuts (for which many have their own private security)

Some Democrats Embrace the Police as the GOP’s Crime Attacks Bite

In one of the more unusual television advertisements of this year’s midterm election campaigns, Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., accuses Democrats of wanting to defund police departments.

“Violent crime is surging in Louisiana,” he says in the ad. “Woke leaders blame the police.” (note: it’s a completely uncompetitive race, he’ll win easily) (snip)

Given Kennedy’s comfortable lead over Chambers in the polls, the “crackhead” line appears meant to drive headlines about Democrats in general, rather than slam his specific opponent. And the ad is just a cruder version of attacks Republicans have leveled against Democrats across the country, regardless of their actual positions. Often — but not always — the candidates being targeted are Black, as Chambers is. But either way, the racial subtext of the criticism is impossible to ignore.

Oh, good, the raaaaace card has been played

Robbing ads of context

In Florida, for instance, Sen. Marco Rubio has portrayed his Democratic opponent, Rep. Val Demings, a 65-year-old former police chief of Orlando, as a dangerous “radical” who is soft on crime.

Like Chambers, Demings is Black — but, unlike him, she hails from the moderate wing of the Democratic Party. She was one of 207 House Democrats who recently voted for the Invest to Protect Act, a bipartisan bill to increase funding for local police departments.

One Rubio ad, titled “Blame America,” takes remarks by Demings out of context to claim that she “praised defunding the police.”

It’s not out of context, she praised defunding the police in Minneapolis, and was for defunding before she was against. And the piece tries to add more racial components, as ads are going against black candidates, who, get this, are anti-cop. And then there’s John Fetterman, who is white and is as extremist as the lunatic DAs in places like LA and San Francisco. Of course, the article fails to dig in and publish the information, which isn’t hard to find, and just publishes Fetterman saying it’s a lie.

The “defund the police” movement started with Democrats and remains their platform. It’s one of the fundamental reasons that crime is rampant in many parts of the country. They’ve gone soft on crime. No cash bail, catch and release and catch and release, sometimes dozens of times. And these cop hatred and soft on criminals policies have caused quite a few police to leave those forces, and cannot be replaced. At the end of the day, Republicans aren’t painting anything: these are facts.

Read: Democrats Seem Upset That GOP Is Hitting Them With Being Soft On Crime »

Good News: Brandon To Take Massive Fossil Fueled Trip To Next Climate Scam Conference

What’s the carbon footprint of a helicopter flight to the airport, a jumbo jet to Egypt, along with the backup jumbo jet and fighter jet protection? Then a roughly 18 car motorcade in big limos and SUVs?

Biden will attend COP27 — the U.N’s climate change summit — in Egypt

President Biden will travel to Egypt to attend this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP27, according to two people familiar with his plans who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a trip that is not yet public.

Biden’s planned attendance at the climate conference will give a boost to the gathering, which had been at risk of delivering little concrete action amid disputes over ambition and funding.

The developing world has been asking for sharply more assistance from the rich nations that are responsible for the bulk of global warming over history. But those industrialized nations have been reluctant to make any promises.

Now Biden, who also attended last year’s conference in Scotland, will have a chance to showcase the progress his administration has made in the past year – and to cajole other countries to make similar efforts. Climate advocates say the Inflation Reduction Act will help deliver a boost to green industries that can outlast the Biden administration, helping to bypass some of the climate whiplash that comes from sharply different visions toward global warming from Democrats and Republicans.

It won’t do jack or shit for inflation. At least in terms of reducing it. If Biden really cared, he’d zoom call in

The trip to Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, will be the first leg of a multination trip for Biden that is expected to include stops in Cambodia and Indonesia for major global summits, including the G20.

That’s a hell of a carbon footprint, eh? Of course, Biden’s working hard to start a nuclear war


Of course, Joe’s people have walked it back. The norm. Just like Joe going missing almost every weekend.

Read: Good News: Brandon To Take Massive Fossil Fueled Trip To Next Climate Scam Conference »

If All You See…

…is a sky full of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is neo-neocon, with a post on Biden looking to make friends with Venezuela.

Read: If All You See… »

Friendly Fire: Texas College Cancels Play After Bias Reports

Cancel culture hasn’t disappeared: it’s just not making the news as much with all the other bad news. This one is rather ironic

Texas Wesleyan Cancels Play After Students Say Use of Slur Is Harmful

Cancel Culture Friendly FireTexas Wesleyan University halted its production of “Down in Mississippi,” a play about registering voters in the 1960s, after criticism from students who said racist epithets in the script could contribute to a hostile, unwelcoming environment. Its author said he was using that language to represent the reality of the period.

The play by Carlyle Brown, a Black playwright based in Minneapolis, focuses on the efforts of a movement that led to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which outlawed racial discrimination and protected Black voters. The plot, which is set during the Freedom Summer campaign, centers on three student activists as they travel from New York City to the South to register Black voters.

In telling that story, the playwright included a scene in which a white character used a racial slur, repeatedly, to refer to Black people, opening up a controversy on campus that also spotlighted a larger rift in American society over discussions of race and the portrayal of the struggles of people of color in media and the arts.

That’s right, this was written by a Black playwright, who was trying to capture the spirit of the time, the language of the time, the interactions of the time, to give it authenticity. Leftists will often say that art should be provocative, like when they’re burning the American flag or putting Jesus in a urine jar. Leftists will often use negative epithets towards whites. Blacks will use those same epithets constantly in their music, videos, and interactions. Here’s the kicker

Two students who were not part of the production, and were described as a Latinx woman and a Black woman, heard about the scene through word-of-mouth and submitted bias reports to the university’s administration Sept. 23, said Chatashia Brown, the university’s assistant director for student diversity and inclusion programs.

So, they weren’t even part of it and hadn’t heard it? Huh. BTW, most Latinos find Latinx to be offensive. Cancel the NY Times for using the word.

Their complaints prompted administrators of the university, in Fort Worth, Texas, to host a “listening session” Sept. 29, which had been previously scheduled as the opening night of the play. Students, actors and members of the university’s faculty and staff joined the open forum, as did Carlyle Brown.

Black students said that the explicit language in the play would further aggravate problems on a campus that they said did not cater to the needs of its significant population of students of color. As of fall 2021, 58% of students at Texas Wesleyan identified as Asian, Black, Latino or biracial.

“They wanted to kind of come in and be able to see the story and understand its impact without being triggered by it,” Chatashia Brown said.

They hear and use the words themselves. It’s just a play. A representation of the time. SJWs can’t abide by people Offending them.

The students who expressed their concerns said that the repetition of the racial slur, spoken about a dozen times in the play, would have caught them off guard and negatively affected their mental health. They worried that the play could lead other students who are not Black to feel more comfortable repeating the slur.

So, don’t go see it. If a few words offend them like that, they are too soft to be in adult society. Further, as many have noted, this kind of idiocy reduces the notion of real mental health issues.

The playwright said that his intentions were for the performance to be historically accurate. To him, the past shouldn’t be sanitized — and he said that the racial slur was used provocatively, for audience members to feel the impact it has had in real life. The scene portrays one of the play’s three students, who is white, showing the Black student how he would be treated on their journey. Training sessions like the one portrayed were common at the time and were intended to help people understand the severity of the behavior they could face.

So you have an activist being cancelled by other SJWs. And, the school simply cancelled the play. Period.

Read: Friendly Fire: Texas College Cancels Play After Bias Reports »

The Climate (scam) Economy Is About To Explode Or Something

We’ve heard this for well over a decade, if not two. And all it takes is a massive amount of government funding, because the private sector won’t really commit their own money to that extent

The Climate Economy Is About to Explode

Late last month, analysts at the investment bank Credit Suisse published a research note about America’s new climate law that went nearly unnoticed. The Inflation Reduction Act, the bank argued, is even more important than has been recognized so far: The IRA will “will have a profound effect across industries in the next decade and beyond” and could ultimately shape the direction of the American economy, the bank said. The report shows how even after the bonanza of climate-bill coverage earlier this year, we’re still only beginning to understand how the law works and what it might mean for the economy.

Wait, so, they passed this massive bill, which has nothing to do with reducing inflation, and they really didn’t know what it would do? That’s…..disturbing. And a dereliction of duty by the Congress

The report made a few broad points in particular that are worth attending to: First, the IRA might spend twice as much as Congress thinks. Many of the IRA’s most important provisions, such as its incentives for electric vehicles and zero-carbon electricity, are “uncapped” tax credits. That means that as long as you meet their terms, the government will award them: There’s no budget or limit written into the law that restricts how much the government can spend. The widely cited figure for how much the IRA will spend to fight climate change—$374 billion—is in large part determined by the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of how much those tax credits will get used.

But that estimate is wrong, the bank claims. In fact, so many people and businesses will use those tax credits that the IRA’s total spending is likely to be more than $800 billion, double what the CBO projects. And because federal spending tends to catalyze private investment, that could send total climate spending across the economy to roughly $1.7 trillion over the next 10 years. That’s significantly more money flowing into green-energy industries than the CBO projected, though it’s unclear if that additional money will lead to more carbon reductions than earlier analyses have projected.

Second, the U.S. is “poised to become the world’s leading energy provider,” according to the bank. America is already the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas. The IRA could further enhance its advantage in all forms of energy production, giving it a “competitive advantage in low-cost clean electricity and hydrogen production, infrastructure, geologic storage, and human capital,” the report states. By 2029, U.S. solar and wind could be the cheapest in the world at less than $5 per megawatt-hour, the bank projects; it will also become competitive in hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, and wind turbines. (The law will help America’s battery industry, but the bank doesn’t see the U.S. becoming the world’s biggest battery producer, given that China already has such a dominant advantage.)

Do you think China will allow the U.S. to overtake them? Or, will they simply start dumping even more onto the market and well below cost rates, like they’ve been doing? If any of that federal money dries up, U.S. companies will significantly reduce their investments. If they thought they’d make a lot of money they’d be investing it now, without all the federal kickbacks.

Finally, those of us who have long worked in climate change—and here I include myself, who started covering this topic in 2015—should have some excitement and even humility about this deluge of new talent. Even setting its arduous politics aside, managing climate change is a legitimately difficult technical and cultural problem—it’s going to require as many attentive and enthusiastic brains as possible, and the path to decarbonizing always required an infusion of new workers, investment, and good will. If you don’t yet work in the industry, but have always cared about climate change as an issue, well, this is your moment to get involved. These companies are going to need engineers, yes, but also programmers, accountants, marketers, HR staff, general counsels—there is space for everyone now.

The fight against climate change is going to change more in the next four years than it has in the past 40. The great story of our lives is just beginning. Welcome aboard.

What’s weird is they do not want to invest their own money, nor change their own lives to match their beliefs.

Read: The Climate (scam) Economy Is About To Explode Or Something »

Pirate's Cove