Hot Take: NYC Mayor Adams Plays Raaaaacism Card On Texas Shipping Illegals To Cities Run By Blacks

It’s just the latest in a long line of deflections from a mayor of a declared sanctuary city which doesn’t actually want to take the illegals

Adams accuses Abbott of undermining Black mayor-led cities by busing migrants to NYC, DC and Chicago

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, when pressed on plans to build an emergency shelter for asylum seekers in the sanctuary city, suggested in an on-air interview Wednesday that Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is trying to undermine cities with Black mayors by busing migrants to the Big Apple, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.

In an interview with “Inside City Hall” With Errol Louis, Adams said he refused to “pit everyday New Yorkers against migrants, and I’m not going to take away resources that we have to really allocate for everyday New Yorkers.”

“This is a national problem, it needs a national response. And that is why we call on Washington to respond to this on a national level,” Adams said. “This differs from the everyday shelter system. This is a migrant crisis, and we must focus on that. Everyone that comes to this city — we are going to ensure that we fulfill our obligation of getting them housing. But this is a migrant humanitarian crisis that we are facing.”

It’s suddenly a crisis when sanctuary cities far from the Southern border who advocate for open borders have to deal with this slightly

“Yes. So true,” Adams responded. “And that was the fear that we had in the beginning when it first started with Governor Abbott that we knew that, unfortunately, that some people were going to use it as a playbook to send buses to both New York, Washington and to Chicago. Keep in mind, these are three cities where we have Black mayors.”

“This is undermining our economy and is undermining our attempt to recover in our cities — that we’re already dealing with crises from COVID to monkeypox to crime to housing,” he continued. “And I think it’s something that we need to be very clear on. These three cities were targeted, and I have a conversation this afternoon with the mayors of the other two cities.”

How about the small towns in Texas and Arizona that have to deal with way more, ones who have been let through being COVID positive, with other diseases, who are breaking into homes and businesses, overrunning those towns, creating a much bigger crisis?

The host asked directly, “You think these cities are being targeted, including New York, because they have Black mayors?”

“Well, I don’t know if it’s Black mayors or if it’s just going to northern cities, but something is wrong,” Adams said. “I mean, we have thousands of cities in this country. Why are we specifically targeting Washington, Chicago, and New York? There’s something wrong with that and I believe there needs to be a national response to give the assistance to these three important cities in our country.”

He’s not really saying it, but, he’s saying it after the question. Is Martha’s Vineyard run by a black mayor?

Read: Hot Take: NYC Mayor Adams Plays Raaaaacism Card On Texas Shipping Illegals To Cities Run By Blacks »

U.S. Air Force Releases Plan To Tackle ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Does this help the mission in protecting the United States? No

The Air Force has released its first plan to reduce its carbon footprint and adapt to climate change

U.S. Air Force and Space Force officials released a climate action plan Wednesday that includes a goal of operating bases at net-zero emissions by 2046, an ambitious effort to rein in the sizable carbon footprint of the U.S. military’s air wing.

The plan, the first from the branches, also takes into account how the Air Force will need to adapt its operations to changing climate conditions, most notably within the infrastructure of its bases and where its energy comes from.

“Extreme weather and environmental conditions are already imposing high costs on Department of the Air Force installations and operational missions, while simultaneously posing new risks to our ability to train and operate effectively,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said in the plan.

He recognized the Air Force as the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the Defense Department. The overall carbon footprint of the U.S. military rivals that of some countries such as Denmark and Portugal, according to research from Boston University. Those gases are what drive global warming and contribute to the worsening effects of climate change, such as extreme weather events.

They actually think they’ll be able to operate their airplanes and such with zero emissions? Maybe if they stop flying them.

Some of that work has already begun. The Air Force has already broken ground on a rebuild of Tyndall Air Force Base on the coast of Florida that will be resilient to future storms and is set to cost around $5 billion when completed. By the end of 2024, leaders at every Air Force base must have the framework in place to assess each base’s climate challenges. The goal is to have resilience and renewable energy projects at the ready as more funding becomes available year over year.

Pouring money into this, while forgetting things like training and materials.

The plan also aims to include, within the next two years, climate considerations into the way it educates and trains Air Force and Space Force personnel.

Indoctrination. Which will supersede teaching them to do their job, ie, protecting the U.S.

The Air Force will also complete a pilot by the end of 2027 using microreactors, or small nuclear devices, that can provide energy for an entire base.

Now that would make sense, but, you know the climate cultists will stop this from ever happening. Regardless, this is just another way the Left is destroying the American military, making America more vulnerable, because they hate America.

In fairness, replacing all those fossil fuels would be great, as I’ve stated numerous times. Not from a CO2 point of view, but, all the other pollution that comes from fossil fuels. The smog. The smell. Leaking on the ground. But, whatever replaces it needs to actually be much better for the environment.

Read: U.S. Air Force Releases Plan To Tackle ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…are wondrous old school clothing we should all go to, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Biden rappin’.

Read: If All You See… »

Too Bad: Washington Is Freaking Over Musk Buying Twitter

By “Washington”, Politico means “Democrats”

Three reasons Washington is freaking out about Elon Musk right now

Elon Musk’s expected takeover of Twitter has Washington holding its breath.

If the world’s richest man reinstates Donald Trump — along with other controversial politicians banned for rules violations — Republican campaign managers could again find their days wrecked by Tweet-driven headaches.

Not really, but, Politico wanted to make it seem as if Conservatives are Concerned

Meanwhile, Democrats worry a revived Trump Twitter feed could be a huge boon for his future presidential ambitions.

So, Trump Derangement Syndrome

Or Musk, who says he’s a “free speech absolutist,” could end up scaring off users — and invite a wave of litigation — if he does away with the platform’s efforts to weed out disinformation, racism and other vitriol.

“If they say something that is illegal or otherwise just destructive to the world — then there should be perhaps a timeout, a temporary suspension. … But I think permabans just fundamentally undermine trust in Twitter,” Musk has said in the past.

Yes, Democrats are worried that people with Wrongthink might be allowed to speak their say. You know, like all the people who were, in fact, correct on COVID19, masks, and vaccination and were banned

What exactly this means for Washington’s political elite and journalists who rely on the platform for breaking news and political discourse remains up in the air, but here are some potential pitfalls of a Musk-run Twitter:

A Trump return: Good for Dems?

With less than five weeks until the 2022 midterms, a Trump return could serve as a distraction for the GOP and a key messaging narrative for Democrats.

Not really, but, Dems have Trump on the brain

Misinformation and hate speech could poison the platform

Despite its ups and downs, Twitter has had one of the more responsible content moderation policies of the large social media platforms, said Mark Jablonowski, president of DSPolitical, an advertising technology firm supporting Democratic candidates.

You might criticize and expose Liberal Insanity, like how they want pre-teens giving puberty blockers, transition medicines and surgeries, and mental health conditions. Libs Of TikTok keeps getting suspended for daring to do this. Anything Democrats do not like they consider hate speech and misinformation

Also, less moderation could lead to a dramatic rise in hate speech and extremism on the platform, watchdog groups say.

“I think there’s a serious threat to democracy,” Jessica González, co-CEO of Free Press, a nonpartisan media advocacy organization, said in an interview. “I think we’ll see prolific conspiracy theories, and white supremacists return to the platform and a lot more people who hold power and who are willing to use platforms to spread hate and harassment campaigns.”

Free speech is a serious threat to democracy? No, it’s a serious threat to Democrats.

An exodus of politicians? TBD

In a world where Twitter has zero or very little content moderation — will all of its politicians jump ship? That’s a possibility.

Nah. They’ll still do their thing, because almost none of them actually do anything but throw a tweet up and then walk away. They do not read the responses, including from their constituents.

One key point, however, is often overlooked: Twitter has never been very popular with the average voter. And while a Musk takeover may push some politicians off the platform, it’s still not where the majority of voters spend their time.

There is that. But, you know, Trump might be allowed back, so, doom.

Read: Too Bad: Washington Is Freaking Over Musk Buying Twitter »

Climate Cult Seems Upset That People May Rebuild In Hurricane Zone

I agree, it does sometimes seem crazy to keep building in places that can get destroyed by hurricanes, but, really, there are so many places on Earth that are dangerous. Areas that get nailed with tornadoes. How about earthquakes? They rebuilt San Francisco, right? Alaska and LA? Japan? China? How about areas with volcanoes? How many have homes in danger zones in Hawaii? How about those live near Mt. Etna, Mt. Pompeii, and Mt. Ranier? Places in danger of tsunamis? Avalanches? Deserts, for goodness sakes. But, the climate cult is nuts, and can’t mind their own business

Is it a mistake to rebuild in climate danger zones?

In the wake of major disasters like Hurricane Ian, which devastated large swaths of the Florida coast and caused at least 84 deaths last week, the goal of rebuilding what was lost often becomes a unifying mission for local residents and the country as a whole.

Both President Biden and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who are on opposite sides of most issues, spoke recently of the enormous task that lies ahead if communities that experienced the worst wind damage and flooding are going to be revived. Their statements echo sentiments from political leaders after other disasters, including previous hurricanes, major storms elsewhere in the country and wildfires in Western states.

With climate change increasing the severity of hurricanes and wildfires, among other natural disasters, the sheer scale of rebuilding efforts has become enormous. Hurricane Ian alone is believed to have caused as much as $57 billion in damages, according to an estimate from the risk management firm Verisk. Since 1980 there have been more than 330 weather and climate disasters that each have caused more than $1 billion in damages, according to a database maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The costs are only getting bigger. In the 1980s, weather-related damages averaged about $20 billion per year. Over the past five years, that figure has reached almost $158 billion a year.

Yes, more expensive, because there are more people and more buildings, more infrastructure, and so forth. The Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 destroyed just about everything,  It killed 6,000-8,000 people. No one really knows. The pricetag in today’s dollars? Almost $1.1 billion. Now imagine the cost with today’s infrastructure and buildings. And, that hit just a small area.

The escalating costs — let alone the extraordinary logistical and human challenges — of reviving communities after these increasingly common events has led many experts to raise an uncomfortable question: Should we rebuild in places that face a high risk of being destroyed again by a climate-fueled disaster in the near future?

Why there’s debate

Though they universally express sympathy for people who would be asked to abandon their homes for good, a number of experts say that it’s simply not feasible to keep pouring resources into communities that are directly in the likely path of future hurricanes and wildfires. They argue that people in these areas must stop treating major disasters as random events and instead accept the reality that climate change has made more catastrophic weather all but inevitable.

You know what? It’s none of their business. If they don’t like being in a danger area, don’t move there. Some people are willing to take the chance. Here’s my favorite

It’s wasteful and dangerous to keep rebuilding communities that will likely be destroyed again

“The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over — building and rebuilding in areas we know are deadly — with the same result: destruction.” — Anita Chabria and Erika D. Smith, Los Angeles Times

They’ve rebuilt LA, right? There are over 100 active fault lines in the LA area. Five of which are considered extremely dangerous. Why are people not moving away due to this? Heck, leaving large parts of California due to all the fault lines. How about Washington, with the Cascadia fault zone? Why are they all building everything up?

Read: Climate Cult Seems Upset That People May Rebuild In Hurricane Zone »

Good News? Appeals Court Rules DACA Unconstitutional

And they sent it back to a lower court. But, there’s an issue

Federal appeals court rules Obama-era DACA program illegal, buts says 600,000 already in US can stay

A federal appeals court determined that the Obama administration didn’t have the authority to institute the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program but declined to dismantle it, allowing more than 600,000 immigrants to continue to enjoy its protections.

The 5th U.S. Circuit ordered a review of new changes by the Biden administration to DACA, telling a Texas federal judge to review the program.

A three judge panel from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also ruled that while the Obama administration lacked the authority to create the immigration policy which affects over 600,000 people, it didn’t dismantle the program, and people can continue benefiting from the policy.

The panel ruled that the U.S. government cannot process new applicants for individuals seeking DACA benefits.

Um, OK? This is insane. And does show that the whole system is broken. They’re here illegally. The people who brought them are here illegally and benefiting from the kids being here illegally. Obama’s DACA was illegal and unconstitutional, as everyone said from the get go, including Obama. Yet, they’re allowing the illegals to stay, and sending it back to a lower court. This is very, very silly.

The Biden administration presented changes to DACA in August which were open to public comments, but don’t contain substantial modifications to the Obama-era policy and are pointed at legal challenges in relation to the program.

The rule would begin on Oct. 31.

This shouldn’t matter. The whole thing is illegal and unconstitutional.

Read: Good News? Appeals Court Rules DACA Unconstitutional »

Vatican Says The Debate Is Over On “Denying” Climate Crisis (scam)

Because, see, every weather event is proof that this is your fault. I think the Vatican should demand that no one take fossil fueled trips to come to Rome or the Vatican

Extreme hurricanes show time of climate change denial is over, Vatican says

Recent extreme weather events, such as the hurricane that devastated parts of Florida, show that the time for climate change denial and scepticism is over, a senior Vatican official said on Tuesday.

Cardinal Michael Czerny, a Canadian who heads the Vatican’s development office, made his comments at a news conference presenting “The Letter,” a new film on the climate crisis by two-time Emmy award winner Nicolas Brown.

The film takes its title from Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si (Praised Be) on the defence of the environment. It premiered at the Vatican on Tuesday and will be available free on YouTube Originals. Tuesday is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron of the environment.

“The time is over for speculation, for skepticism and denial, for irresponsible populism,” Czerny said.

“Apocalyptic floods, mega droughts, disastrous heatwaves, and catastrophic cyclones and hurricanes have become the new normal in recent years; they continue today; tomorrow, they will get worse,” he said.

Nice to see that the Vatican has bought into being a part of the climate cult hook, line, and sinker, sublimating the teachings of the Bible and Jesus, bowing to the cult.

Francis, 85, strongly supports the goals of the 2015 U.N. Paris accord to reduce global warming and the use of fossil fuels. Former President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the accord but his successor, Joe Biden, has rejoined it.

Who wants to bet that Francis and the Vatican have not given up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Vatican Says The Debate Is Over On “Denying” Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is Evil beer full of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on California criminalizing MDs for COVID “misinformation.”

Read: If All You See… »

NY Mayor Says Bused Migrants Needs Federal Solution Or Something

Unhinged NY governor Kathy Hochul is rather upset over all the migrants/illegals being shipped to her state, mostly NYC, and wants a federal solution. No, not that federal solution, the other one

NYC’s Migrant Crisis Needs ‘Federal Solution,’ Hochul Says

New York Governor Kathy Hochul called on the Biden administration to present a “federal solution” to the influx of thousands of migrants that are being bused from border states, saying the state can only do so much.

“I’ve raised this with the White House,” she said during an interview Tuesday with Bloomberg Television’s David Westin. “Let’s look at federal facilities, federal staff to help supplement the city.”

Hochul said she has been working “almost hourly” with New York City since the migrants began arriving to make sure the issue doesn’t “get out of control.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Monday night said the city had to abruptly halt the building of an emergency tent in the Bronx aimed to house recently arrived migrants before it even opened. Citing the risk of flooding, Adams said the city would open a tent on Randall’s Island after a weekend of storms that led advocates to raise fresh concerns about the original location.

In other words, she wants them all shipped to federal facilities, rather than the city, a self described sanctuary city, housing and feeding them, having to spend their own city funds on them, having to see them around the city. Funny how so many of those far from the border who support open borders do not want to have to deal with the migrants/illegals themselves, eh?

Meanwhile, in D.C.

Washington, DC, Democrats Approve Plan Allowing Illegal Aliens to Vote

Democrats on the Washington, DC, City Council have approved a plan that would allow foreign nationals, including illegal aliens, to vote in local elections.

On Tuesday, the D.C. City Council voted 12-1 to advance a bill that will allow foreign nationals, regardless of if they have visas or are illegally in the United States, to vote in local elections such as school board races and mayoral elections.

“Our immigrant neighbors of all statuses participate, contribute and care about our community in our city,” D.C. Councilmember Charles Allen (D) said, according to the Hill. “They, like all DC residents, deserve a right to have a say in their government.”

It’s not like the city needs them, since it already votes heavily Democrat. Will the plan be struck down in court, much like when NYC attempted this? The Constitution does not allow non-citizens to vote, and D.C. operates under the federal constitution

Read: NY Mayor Says Bused Migrants Needs Federal Solution Or Something »

Climate Cult’s Looking To Indoctrinate Pre-Schoolers

The climate cult is starting the indoctrination early, and, if they get your kids in forced universal pre-k, parents won’t even know it’s happening

Meet the Band of TV Animals That’s Talking to Preschoolers About Climate

Four-year-old Francis Gaskin, who lives with his family in Houston, has a favorite episode of his favorite new Netflix cartoon: When the Amazon rainforest canopy dries up from too much heat, the manic howler monkeys must move into the lower realms of the forest, creating havoc among the other rainforest residents. “They had to find a new home,” Francis explained during a video interview.

“I noticed something else,” the preschooler added. “The frogs were going to lay their eggs in the water, but there was no water in the stream because there was zero rain.”

“Sometimes the Earth warms up,” he said.

Francis’ favorite show is “Octonauts: Above and Beyond,” the recent spinoff of a long-running BBC program, and one of the first television shows directed at very young children to explicitly address climate change. The program attempts to strike a delicate balance: gently showing 3- and 4-year-olds that their world is already changing, without frightening them with the consequences.

Climate scientists say its depictions are largely accurate, with one striking omission. The program says nothing about why the Earth is heating up: the burning of oil, gas and coal.

If that’s the case, then why are Warmists using so much of it themselves?

“Nobody really knows yet at what age kids can understand climate change,” said Gary Evans, an environmental and developmental psychologist at Cornell University who is conducting a study of children in kindergarten through third grade to find out what they know about climate change and how it makes them feel. “Anyone who tells you that they know the best way to talk to young kids about climate change is doing so without the guidance of data.”

Why worry about that, since the whole thing is missing data?

Climate scientists say that needs to change. Children born within the last decade, sometimes known as “Generation Alpha,” will be the first to live their entire lives on a planet that has been irrevocably altered by human-caused global warming.

They want control of your children. Not concerning or Fascist at all, right?

The program also shows preschoolers how climate change could affect their own lives. In one episode, the Octonauts experience a shortage of their essential beverage, hot cocoa, because heat is making the cocoa plants wither. The team sings, “Changing climate makes the temperature high, and in the heat the trees are thirsty and dry.”

So, they’ll be soft-peddling climate doom, and it make them emotional messes at a younger age. This is child abuse. Climate cultists do not care.

Read: Climate Cult’s Looking To Indoctrinate Pre-Schoolers »

Pirate's Cove