Climate Cultist Has Charges Dropped Due To Her “Climate Anxiety”

I’ll agree that the penalties would be a bit over the top, but, having the charges dropped is just absurd. Might this be the beginning of even more stupid Progressive legal results?

Environmental Activist Freed From Charges Due To Climate Change ‘Trauma’

An Australian woman who blocked a central Sydney route to protest against climate change had all charges dismissed after the court was told about her climate anxiety.

Mali Cooper, 22, was charged with disrupting traffic and obstructing drivers or pedestrians for locking her neck to her car on the Sydney Harbour Tunnel during peak hour traffic in June.

She faced up to two years in prison and $22,00 in fines under the New South Wales’ new laws designed in to punish protesters who disrupt roads, public transport and infrastructure facilities.

But Magistrate Jeff Linden in Lismore Local Court on Tuesday dropped all the charges against Cooper under the Mental Health Act, section 14. The law allows a defendant with mental health or cognitive impairment to avoid a criminal record.

The climate activist’s lawyer, Mark Davis, told The Daily Telegraph that he had provided medical evidence to the court to prove that Cooper suffered from the psychological impact of climate change.

The concerns developed into PTSD after Cooper’s hometown Lismore was ravaged by flooding earlier this year.

Well, believing that the planet is Doomed from a slight increase in global temperatures since 1850, and that every weather event is a result of that Doom, is a bit wackadoodle. Are climate cultists claiming they all have a screw loose? Sure seems like it.

“So what is the message Blockade Australia is trying to churn out? A sample of their messaging to date provides a good feel for their grab-bag of woke causes and a mix of cut-and-paste jargon drawn from Marxism; Greenie eco-warrior-talk; globalist anti-nationalism; plus support for Indigenous anti-colonial struggles,” Eric Louw argued on an op-ed on The Epoch Times on March. 29

“It is clear that both activists view the world from what has become a commonly held position that hybridises Marxism with Green eco-warrior activism.”

It’s what I’ve been saying for close to two decades.

Read: Climate Cultist Has Charges Dropped Due To Her “Climate Anxiety” »

Manchin Gives Up On His Permitting Scheme, At Least For Moment

There were two outcomes: either Joe would give up on getting his permitting through, at least for now, or, Democrats would refuse to allow it in the budget bill. And Republicans were also refusing to play ball

Government shutdown likely avoided after Sen. Manchin reverses course on energy permitting

An about-face from Sen. Joe Manchin on Tuesday evening helped to set the Senate on an unexpected glide path to averting a Friday night shutdown.

The funding bill, which will keep the government running through Dec. 16, easily earned the 60 votes necessary to clear a procedural hurdle during a Tuesday vote. Seventy-two Senators supported moving forward with the proposal.

It was not expected to be so easy.

For several weeks, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York has been carefully balancing his promise to Manchin to include Manchin’s permitting change proposal on a must-pass bill before the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30 — despite a growing coalition of members on both sides of the aisle vowing to block any short-term funding bill that included Manchin’s changes.

Schumer gave assurances to Manchin in order to secure the West Virginia Democrat’s essential support for the party’s major social spending and tax bill this summer, the Inflation Reduction Act.

So, what happened?

As recently as Monday, Manchin was holding firm to that promise. He spent the weekend working the phones, rallying support and publishing op-eds extolling the benefits — according to him — that his legislation would heap upon both renewable and non-renewable energy sources, over cries from critics that it would support further fossil fuel development. He believed there was a path to 60 votes.

But then he relented.

In a statement on Tuesday just half an hour before the Senate was set to vote down a short-term funding bill that included permitting changes, Manchin announced that he had requested Schumer remove his language from the bill.

Does he ever get the permitting scheme in a bill? Or, did he just throw West Virginia under the bus for the Dems bullshit “Inflation Reduction Act” that has nothing to do with inflation, and will raise the cost of living for West Virginians, and get absolutely nothing? Good job, Joe. Everyone but you could see this coming.

Read: Manchin Gives Up On His Permitting Scheme, At Least For Moment »

Brandon Recommends You Get Vaccinated To Prepare For Hurricane Ian

I thought “this can’t be real, can it?” It can

There are a bunch of webcams you can watch here. Been watching one from Key West, where they are getting sustained 38mph with gusts to 60. Another one in Marathon Key. The other relevent ones are Siesta Key, Ft. Meyers, (I’ll finish this in a bit). More: St. Petersburg, University of Tampa, another Marathon.

Read: Brandon Recommends You Get Vaccinated To Prepare For Hurricane Ian »

HHS Now Has An Office Of “Climate Change And Health Equity”

Like most things revolving around government and ‘climate change’, it won’t help either health or climate doom, just spread more money and give government more power over your life

HHS embraces new mission: ‘Climate Change and Health Equity’

One of the largest departments in the federal government says it has role to play in safeguarding Americans’ health from the effects of climate change, and argues this role is “firmly rooted in public health history.”

The Department of Health and Human Services is a $2 trillion entity that houses agencies like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration.

Last week, the department’s new Office of Climate Change and Health Equity said it was ready to tackle the challenges of climate-related health impacts, just as the government took on sanitation standards and air pollution decades ago.

Those things are real. Anthropogenic climate change is barely real, mostly being natural and things like land use and the Urban Heat Island effect

“The incredibly broad effects of climate change and the many ways it worsens existing inequities in the United States must be met with a swift and sustained public health response,” wrote John Balbus, the interim director of the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. “Our country helped eradicate polio and sanitized our cities. Now we must rise to meet another challenge.”

Balbus said part of that work is ensuring the health of “disadvantaged” groups that would be most affected by climate change.

“Climate change does not affect all of us the same way. Just as unsanitary urban settings at the turn of the 20th century primarily affected low-income and immigrant communities, climate change likewise often hurts disadvantaged groups most,” he wrote. As one example, he said if global temperatures rise by 2 degrees Celsius, “Black and African American individuals are 34% more likely to live in areas with the highest projected increases in childhood asthma.”

Isn’t it kind of racist to think that blacks aren’t able to take care of themselves without the Helpful Hand Of Government?

The Office of Climate Change and Health Equity says it exercises the “power of convening, coordination and collaboration” to advance “climate change and health policy” as it pursues “environmental justice and equitable health outcomes.” Among its priorities are identifying communities with “disproportionate exposures to climate hazards and vulnerable populations,” and addressing “health disparities exacerbated by climate impacts to enhance community health resilience.”

HHS has also established an Office of Environmental Justice within the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, which focuses on the “people of color, disadvantaged, vulnerable, low-income, marginalized, and indigenous peoples” who are “disproportionately burdened by environmental hazards.”

Word salad and Woke. And thinking people of color and indigenous peoples are too dumb to run their own lives.

Meanwhile, I’m not going to bother with this (yet), because it is expected from the climate cult

Read: HHS Now Has An Office Of “Climate Change And Health Equity” »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike that Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post wondering what happened to the ice free Arctic.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: 51% Approve Sending Illegals To Democrat Run Cities

I’m sure the majority who are against this live in Democrat run cities and do not want to have to deal with the fallout of their open borders beliefs

Majority of Americans support sending illegal immigrants to Democrat-led cities: poll

As the volume of migrants illegally crossing the southern border into the U.S. exceeded 2 million this fiscal year, a new poll finds that most registered voters approve of the decision by some Republican governors to send illegal immigrants to Democrat-run cities, and many see it as an effective way to draw attention to the immigration issue.

The CBS/YouGov survey found that 51% of registered voters approve of sending illegal immigrants to Democratic cities, compared to 49% who disapprove. Additionally, 88% of those who approve say it is an effective way of bringing attention to the issue of illegal immigration. (snip)

Support for migrant busses and planes falls along partisan lines, according to the poll. Just 20% of Democrats approved of the practice, compared to 87% of Republicans who said they back the move by red state governors. Independent voters disapprove by a 4-point margin, 48% to 52%.

CBS News is probably kicking themselves for taking the poll, as it really shows the hypocrisy of the open borders liberals. DeSantis, Abbott, and Ducey should keep sending those bus loads.

Read: Bummer: 51% Approve Sending Illegals To Democrat Run Cities »

Climate Cult Seems Confused That People Keep Moving To The Doomed Coasts

Perhaps they could ask Obama and Biden why they bought fancy houses at the beach?

Climate change makes living at the coast riskier. But more people keep coming.

Among the counties that trace the coastline of the contiguous United States, two very different pictures emerged from the latest census.

One shows how residents fled after devastating hurricanes, fueled by warmer-than-normal water in the Gulf of Mexico, slammed into their communities.

The other shows how coastal counties attracted millions of people to shiny new subdivisions, drawn by idyllic dreams of life near the beach.

The contrasting scenarios illustrate a growing disconnect, experts say. Even as insurance rates and flood claims escalate and federal scientists warn of the dangers of rising seas, extreme rainfall and rapidly intensifying storms, Americans still flock to the coast.

It’s a collision course, and people overlook the risks at their own peril, said Michael Mann, director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media at the University of Pennsylvania.

It just goes to show that the climate crisis (scam) is popular in theory, not practice. Most people really do not care. And would prefer all these nags to just leave them alone. If the climate cultists do not want to live at the coast, that’s their choice. Leave the rest of us alone. Mind your own business.

Maybe they should ask Al Gore with his beach front property. And all the other Elites.

Read: Climate Cult Seems Confused That People Keep Moving To The Doomed Coasts »

Democrats Dive Back Into Gun Control Well, Push Ammo And Firearm Taxes For Midterms

Let’s be honest, this is a bit of red meat for the unhinged Progressive base, trying to get them fired up to get out and vote. It could fire up even more Conservatives to get out and vote. And some independents. And be yet another reason that the moderate Democrats just stay home

Democrats propose tax hike on guns, ammo weeks before midterm elections

Nearly two dozen House Democrats are proposing higher taxes on firearms and ammunition and want to link some firearm-related taxes to inflation, just weeks before the midterm elections.

The “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” from Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill., and 21 House Democrats, would increase federal excise taxes on all firearms and ammunition. It would also raise taxes on importers, manufacturers and dealers of firearms, as well as any person or entity that transfers ownership of most firearms.

Democrats said the bill is modeled after federal tobacco taxes that generated revenue to fund programs aimed at reducing tobacco use. The gun tax bill would raise as much as $38 million per year and direct that money toward a new Gun Violence Prevention Trust Fund.

That fund would direct the revenue toward “community-based violence prevention grants; gun violence research; hate crimes prevention and enforcement; and forensic examiner training.”

So, they’ll hit up the law abiding citizens engaged in exercising their Second Amendment Right to pay to deal with the criminals using guns illegally, mostly in Democratic Party run cities which have enabled the crime waves through soft on crime policies? Huh.

The legislation is the latest sign that Democrats believe gun control is a winning issue for them as the midterm elections approach. In late August, President Joe Biden said he is “determined to ban assault weapons in this country,” and several Democrats have campaigned on the idea that access to guns is behind increasing gun violence.

“It’s time to ban these,” Biden said. “It’s time to ban these weapons. We did it before and we can do it again.”

Yeah, you just run with that. Will any elected Republican have the cajones to say “we’ll go with a 10 year ban that sunsets if the Secret Service and other agencies which protect the White House, Congress, and Executive Branch agencies have real assault rifles taken away”?

There are already small federal taxes on firearms purchases: raise these up and you might see a nice lawsuit ending up at the Supreme Court, as this is close to a poll tax on federal Rights.

Read: Democrats Dive Back Into Gun Control Well, Push Ammo And Firearm Taxes For Midterms »

Bidenflation Changing The Way Americans Eat

When I say Americans, I mean the middle and working classes. Bidenflation isn’t bothering big wigs like Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, and all the ritchies in Congress, along with their deep pocket donors

Inflated Food Prices Forcing American Families to Change Eating Habits

Surging food prices due to historic inflation are forcing American families to adjust their eating habits by choosing cheaper options.

Cutting back on buying meats, shopping at high-end grocery stores, and dining out are among the many ways consumers are trying to save extra cash to avoid financial instability.

One Massachusetts father, Rick Whitman, told CNN that his family was enjoying eating at home more frequently because of how expensive eating out can be but is now grappling with the reality that eating at home is also becoming pricey.

Whitman noted he was spending 25 percent more for family groceries, forcing him to shop at cheaper grocery stores, such as Costco and local chain Market Basket, instead of Whole Foods or Stop & Shop.

Food prices have not only increased for the Whitman family but for the nation, as the consumer price index shows grocery store prices have increased by 13.5 percent since last year under the Biden administration, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Overall, food prices have increased by 11.4 percent.

Polling has shown that 63 percent of American families with children are changing their eating habits, compared to 31 percent that are not, Breitbart News recently reported.

And it’s not just that food prices have gone up, but, lots of the off-brand alternatives have disappeared. Lots of the Lidl brands are gone, replaced with the more expensive versions. I see this to a degree at Walmart. And, many products are also missing. More often, Tilapia is not at either store. Plenty of salmon, but, I don’t like salmon. Cod is even more rare.

If you don’t want to believe Breitbart, how about CNN?

Food prices are soaring, and that’s changed how we eat

We asked CNN readers how inflation has impacted their eating habits, and many mentioned dining out less often, buying less meat and giving up splurges. Some said they are very worried about the future.

Food prices have spiked 11.4% over the past year, the largest annual increase since May 1979, according to data released in mid-September by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Grocery prices jumped 13.5% and restaurant menu prices increased 8% in that period.

And portions have gotten smaller. Meat is often reduced and replaced with more cheap veggies.

Consumers are responding by looking for deals and switching to generic brands, according to July data from the market research firm IRI. Companies like Tyson (TSN) have noticed customers are switching from beef to chicken, and Applebee’s and IHOP have reported an uptick in higher-income customers who are likely trading down from pricier restaurants. Some people may be dining out less often, or avoiding restaurants altogether.

For those who struggled to buy food even before prices shot up, rising costs could mean falling into food insecurity, a state of unreliable access to affordable food.

“If food prices continue to increase at a rate that outpaces increases in wages, that is the inevitable consequence,” said Jayson Lusk, head of the agricultural economics department at Purdue University. “The last time we had a big run up in food insecurity rates was in the wake of the Great Recession.” Last year, about 10.2% of US households were food insecure, according to the USDA, slightly below the 10.5% rate in 2020 and 2019.

There’s a lot more in both articles. The CNN article, which is from their business side, provides lots and lots of details, but, fails to ask a simple question: what is Biden doing to help? His big Inflation Reduction Act provides zero help, and doesn’t actually reduce inflation

Read: Bidenflation Changing The Way Americans Eat »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on European fertilizer production down 70%.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove