NYC Mayor Visits Border, Says Federal Government Needs To Do More

See, Eric Adams, mayor of sanctuary city New York, is upset that illegal aliens are being sent to his city, whining at Texas gov Greg Abbott (R) and Colorado gov Jared Polis (D) for that

Democrat NYC Mayor Adams calls on federal government to play more proactive role to secure border

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Sunday called on the federal government to play a bigger role in addressing the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that is overwhelming city officials.

The Democratic mayor was in El Paso this weekend to survey the border and meet with his counterparts to discuss how the crisis is impacting the community.

The trip comes after the mayor said on Friday that the Big Apple is at its “breaking point” as record numbers of migrants continue to arrive. Adams submitted an emergency mutual aid request to New York state for immediate help this weekend to shelter the asylum seekers.

Speaking at a Sunday afternoon press conference alongside El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, Adams said New York City wasn’t pointing at any border city in particular for exacerbating the problem.

“We’re pointing the finger … at our national government,” Adams said. “This is a national problem. We must have real immigration reform, and we must immediately have a short-term fix of making sure that the cost of this does not fall on our local cities.”

He is sort of correct. We do need reform, changing the laws so that any illegal caught is immediately deported, rather than being allowed to hang out in the U.S. while going through the process of seeing if they qualify for asylum, which most do not. And requiring that all applying for asylum do so outside of the U.S. Implementing changes that end all the incentives for people to come to the U.S. illegally.

As far as cost falling on local cities, well, NYC is a sanctuary city. I thought they welcomed illegals and loved them? No?

Migrants exploiting border wall gaps contaminate crops, threaten nation’s food security, Arizona farmers say

The border crisis is jeopardizing the nation’s food security as migrants trespass through farmland, contaminating crops, two Arizona farmers with fields near the southern border told Fox News.

“There’s obviously a food safety concern because our fields are monitored and audited and tested for different pathogens,” Pasquinelli Produce Company President Alex Muller told Fox News. “If there’s somebody that walks into our field and then we don’t know about why we put up flags and kind of mark it out and we don’t harvest that.”

“That hits the bottom line,” Muller said. “It’s not sustainable. It’s not good for the country.”

Yuma — the country’s agricultural leader in leafy green production during the winter months — provides about 90% of the nation’s supply of romaine and iceberg lettuce, according to the Department of Agriculture. It supplies around 9 billion servings of leafy greens per year, but farmers fear they will lose crops as more migrants pass through the border wall’s gaps and into their fields.

The Constitution tasks the Congress with protecting the border, and the Executive Branch is tasked with enforcing the laws passed. They are failing.

Read: NYC Mayor Visits Border, Says Federal Government Needs To Do More »

Climate Cult Wants Carbon Limits Placed On Every Person

Of course, the Elites would be exempt

Great Reset: Individual CO2 Limits Needed to Fight Climate Change, Says German Scientist

An individual carbon dioxide limit should be applied to every person in order to establish a “planetary guardrail” in the effort to combat allegedly man-made climate change, a leading German scientist has argued.

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) said this week that every person should have a limit of three tonnes of C02 emissions per year and those who exceed their limit should be forced to pay for the pleasure.

In comments reported by Taagesschau, Schellnhuber said that there were are two competing property rights issues at hand, namely the right to spend one’s money on high emissions activities and the rights of the rest of the population to “have an environment worth living [in]”.

In a carbon credit style scheme, those who emit over the three-tonne limit by the middle of the century would need to privately purchase credits from those who are under the limit, he suggested: “Every person gets three tons of CO2 per year, but if you need more, you just have to buy it.”

The average American is around 18-19 metric tons. The Elites would be able to afford to pay for their Bad Behavior. The average American would be forced to reduce their quality of life. And Government will be right there to make sure you comply.

Why combatting climate change means embracing degrowth

We are all aware of the ambitious changes we need to make if we are to avert catastrophic and irreversible climate change. However, exactly what we need to do remains a confusing minefield which few of us have the time or energy to navigate.

Every day we hear of a new technology that promises to suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or a space-based solar technology that will power millions of homes, or, conversely, we find out that what was touted as a solution yesterday is no longer one today.

But all this “complexity” is just a distraction from the simple reality that to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown we need to make fundamental changes to the way we live.

This reality could in fact not be any simpler. We need to radically reduce our consumption of resources.

The weird thing is that most Warmists do not actually do this. And the climate cult understands that it would take government to force degrowth. And the biggest thing they want is reducing the energy use of you peasants

Other than leave our car in the garage and switch lights off when we are not using them, what can you and I do? Urge our government to implement policies that put human and ecological wellbeing at their centre, not growth. Putting strong incentives in place to drive energy conservation would be a good start.

Yup, government force.

Read: Climate Cult Wants Carbon Limits Placed On Every Person »

NY Times Wonders How Biden Got All Those Classified Documents

Of course, the NY Times is showing their extreme neutral journalism by…not having any article about Biden’s documents issue on their web front page as of Sunday evening, and only one article way, way down the page for Sunday morning. Not unsurprising, a lot of other Credentialed Media outlets are minimizing their coverage. Now, just imagine this was Trump. Oh, wait, we saw how they all covered that. I found this article via Yahoo News

Documents Inquiry Puts Spotlight on Biden’s Frenetic Last Days as Vice President

Those last days were a blur of phone calls, meetings, farewell events, and visits to Ukraine and Switzerland. As he wrapped up his tenure as vice president in January 2017, Joe Biden was packing in as much as he could.

The question now is: What else was being packed? And by whom? And why? And where was it going?

The appointment of a special counsel has focused new attention on Biden’s frenetic final stretch in the White House after eight years as the No. 2 to President Barack Obama. Somehow, a small number of classified documents would go not to the archives, where they belonged, but to Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, and, later, a private office in Washington, where they did not.

Ah, so, this is about Blaming other people for packing up all those classified documents, and, I guess, putting them in Joe’s garage with his Corvette. At his house. And his center. Obviously, Joe has zero responsibility for the contents of those places. In Times World, Joe has zero responsibility.

But, yeah, it does beg the question, how did they get there? And, why did the Vice President have them in the first place? Have you ever heard of a VP having this issue? What was he doing with all those documents for 6 years?

Read: NY Times Wonders How Biden Got All Those Classified Documents »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Liberty Daily, with a post on the creepy tranny owner of Miss Universe.

It’s cleaning out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Peter Driben

Happy Sunday! Another beautiful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Devils are back to their winning ways. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain discusses Goldilocks and the 4 interceptions
  2. The O.K. Corral is not impressed by denizens of NYC
  3. The Last Refuge covers the COVID19 debate we were denied
  4. The Gateway Pundit notes NYC’s mayor saying the city was at a breaking point from illegals
  5. The First Street Journal points out grooming
  6. Never Yet Melted discusses things worse than Santos
  7. Legal Insurrection covers what Mayor Pete was doing during crises’
  8. Jihad Watch notes what Biden is telling Israel to do with their money
  9. Geller Report covers what all the illegals are doing in taxpayer funded hotels
  10. Flag And Cross discusses Kari Lake running for Senate
  11. Common Cents Blog notes all the military reports on UFOs
  12. Cold Fury discusses the gas stove banning issue
  13. Chicks On The Right notes Canada’s Girl Scouts changing the name of the Brownies
  14. Blazing Cat Fur covers an armed robber picking the wrong group to rob
  15. And last, but, not least, Real Climate Science discusses saving the planet with green energy

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

More Surprise: Search Finds More Documents Joe Should Not Have Had In His House

How many more will they find?

More classified documents found at Biden’s home by lawyers

Biden Brain SlugLawyers for President Joe Biden found more classified documents at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, than previously known, the White House acknowledged Saturday.

White House lawyer Richard Sauber said in a statement that a total of six pages of classified documents were found during a search of Biden’s private library. The White House had said previously that only a single page was found there.

The latest disclosure is in addition to the discovery of documents found in December in Biden’s garage and in November at his former offices at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, from his time as vice president. The apparent mishandling of classified documents and official records from the Obama administration is under investigation by a former U.S. attorney, Robert Hur, who was appointed as a special counsel on Thursday by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Sauber said in a statement Saturday that Biden’s personal lawyers, who did not have security clearances, stopped their search after finding the first page on Wednesday evening. Sauber found the remaining material Thursday, as he was facilitating their retrieval by the Department of Justice. (snip)

Sauber’s statement did not explain why the White House waited two days to provide an updated accounting of the number of classified records. The White House is already facing scrutiny for waiting more than two months to acknowledge the discovery of the initial group of documents at the Biden office.

Um, why are Biden’s lawyers searching for documents when they do not have security clearances? Why are there not people with the proper clearances searching? The DOJ had zero problem with a highly visible dawn raid of Donald Trump’s property, tearing stuff up, searching through his wife’s clothes, right? That Biden didn’t know he had them should be concerning, as, how secure could they be?

Also, why is Biden at home in Wilmington this weekend, when his home is pretty much a national security crime scene?

Read: More Surprise: Search Finds More Documents Joe Should Not Have Had In His House »

Good News: We Can Teach About Climate Doom All The Time In Every Subject

What was that part about this being about science and definitely not a cult?

You Can Teach About Climate Change in Every Subject and Grade Level. Here’s How

As a topic, climate change is often confined to science class, but it should be considered an interdisciplinary issue that spans subjects and grade levels, educators and experts say.

That line of thinking hasn’t caught on with all teachers, though: When a nationally representative EdWeek Research Center survey asked why they haven’t addressed climate change or issues related to it with students, 26 percent of teachers said they can’t think of any way it is related to the subject they teach. Nine percent said they think their students are too young to learn about it.

New Jersey made headlines last year for becoming the first state to require that climate change be taught in all grade levels and subjects. But for the most part, it’s up to individual teachers to decide whether they want to broach the subject in class—a tall order, considering the complexity of the science, the strong emotions it raises, and the lack of training in how to teach it.

This might be a great idea, because kids can learn about things such as the Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Dark Ages, Roman Warm Period, etc, and can ask questions like “how did that happen when there were no fossil fueled vehicles?” They can learn about it in math, and ask questions like “why is the government trying to take even more of my money while the people pushing it refuse to modify their own lives to accord with their beliefs?” In Home Economics (do they still do that?) they can learn that Government is trying to restrict the foods they can eat and the consumer goods they can buy. In Sociology they can learn that Government is looking to restrict where they can travel to take their selfies and videos. In tech classes they’ll find out that the Climate Cult wants to restrict their ability to stream videos, movies, and TV shows.

Enter SubjectToClimate, a nonprofit with the goal of encouraging more teachers to teach about climate change. The organization, which launched in August 2021, has compiled hundreds of resources on climate change for every grade and nearly every school subject. It also pays teachers to create lesson plans on how climate change can be taught in every classroom. So far, there are more than 100, in subjects ranging from art and physical education to math and social studies.

In a conversation with Education Week, co-founder and chief operating officer Margaret Wang shared some examples of lessons and spoke about why it’s so important for climate change to be an interdisciplinary issue. This conversation has been edited for length and clarity. (snip)

I’ll give you an example: This is a geometry lesson plan that we worked with a math teacher to create. At its root, it’s about what you would teach in a geometry class, but it’s answering the question, “How much would sea level rise if Antarctica melted?” which is really related to sustainability.

I think there’s a lot of talk that yes, it can be taught as early as kindergarten, but it needs to be taught a little bit more carefully. So we’ve worked with teachers in the K-2 [grades] to create lesson plans.

Essentially, indoctrination from a cult group starting at an early age.

Read: Good News: We Can Teach About Climate Doom All The Time In Every Subject »

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds ruining a bright blue day, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on unhinged Democrats wanting J6 enshrined forever.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out The Right Scoop, with a post on the DNC harassing Twitter to take down jokes.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Please Take It Down A Notch

Let’s minimize the personal attacks, shall we. No reason to get nasty, folks.

Read: Please Take It Down A Notch »

Missouri Democrats Livid Over Female Lawmakers Required To Follow “Sexist” Adult, Business Attire Dress Code

I’m not sure what they’re mad about, since Democrats cannot even tell what is and isn’t a woman anymore. I wonder if they will protest by having the men wear skirts one day?

Missouri House tightens women’s dress code, requiring covering of arms

The Missouri’s House of Representatives kicked off its new session by tightening its dress code and requiring female lawmakers to cover their arms and wear blazers while in the state’s capitol-much to the dismay and outrage of House Democrats.

Lawmakers met on Wednesday to debate changes to the House rules, as is customary at the start of a new General Assembly every two years. The existing dress code, which was last updated in 2021, states that women are required to wear a “dress or skirts or slacks worn with a blazer or sweater and appropriate dress shoes or boots.”

That is horrendous! It’s so sexist to require women to dress appropriately for the job! How dare those male Republicans trot this out!

Republican state Rep. Ann Kelley proposed an amendment that would require women to wear jackets, defined as both blazers and knit blazers, with dresses, skirts, or slacks, and dress shoes or boots. Kelley stated that the update is necessary because “it is essential to always maintain a formal and professional atmosphere.”

Oh, wait, it was a woman who proposed this. How dare she want a formal and professional atmosphere. Of course, Democrats freaked out in the House, and on Twitter, and probably on other social media I did not see.

The move was decried as sexist as the men’s dress code was left unchanged. Men also must adhere to a dress code in the Chambers with male lawmakers required to wear “business attire, including coat, tie, dress trousers, and dress shoes or boots.”

So, the men already had a dress code. Kelley should have changed her amendment so that women would be required wear the same as men, not just add that women can also wear cardigans.

“How is encouraging professionalism wrong?” Kelley added. “If there is ever a time to honor traditions and be professional it is on the House Chamber Floor in the Missouri House of Representatives; I will not apologize for standing up for these things.”

Well, Ann, this is Liberal World, and they will go full barking moonbat over everything.

Read: Missouri Democrats Livid Over Female Lawmakers Required To Follow “Sexist” Adult, Business Attire Dress Code »

Pirate's Cove