BOA Experts Say Bidenflation Could Last For Years

I’m sure Joe will be laser focused on fixing it, right?

Bank of America says the ‘inflation genie is out of the bottle’ and it could take years for it to go down again

In case anyone thought that sky-high inflation would be easy to control this year, Bank of America has some bad news for you.

“The inflation genie is out of the bottle,” researchers at the bank wrote in a Wednesday research note, adding that it could be a long time before it goes back to normal.

The team of analysts, led by Athanasios Vamvakidis, studied cases of inflation in advanced economies above 5% from the 1980s to 2000s. They found that on average it took 10 years to bring inflation down to 2%.

“The consensus still expects G10 inflation to drop to 2% by 2024, but we are concerned it could take longer,” analysts wrote.

They added that with formidable rates around the world—the U.S. year-over-year inflation rate is at 8.3%, while the UK’s is at 9.9%— central banks around the world are “not in full control” of inflation, and wrote that policy tightening has its limits.

I’m sure Joe and the Democrats will pass legislation that will totally help the situation, right? Or, they could let in more migrants who deflate earnings while the cost of living goes up

The analysts did not give an exact timeline for when they believed U.S. inflation could be brought under control. But out of the two possible scenarios—either positive a “soft landing” for the economy if interest rates go down, or a negative “hard landing” if they continue to increase and the Fed is forced to continue to raise rates—the researchers offered an ominous prediction.

“Our baseline is the positive scenario, but risks for the negative scenario are increasing, in our view,” the team wrote, adding that the rest of the year’s inflation data would help them decide which scenario would unfold.

I don’t want to hear any Biden voters, nor the “Republicans” who were Never Trumpers, complain. This is on you.

Oh, and the Democrats, along with some idiot Republicans, are not helping

(AP) In a major action to address climate change, the Senate on Wednesday ratified an international agreement that compels the United States and other countries to limit use of hydrofluorocarbons, highly potent greenhouse gases commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning that are far more powerful than carbon dioxide.

The so-called Kigali Amendment to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on ozone pollution requires participating nations to phase down production and use of hydrofluorocarbons, also known as HFCs, by 85% over the next 14 years, as part of a global phaseout intended to slow climate change.

The Senate approved the treaty, 69-27, above the two-thirds margin required for ratification.

In normal times, this wouldn’t be a problem, but, now, this will significantly raise the cost of air conditioning and anything remotely involved.

Read: BOA Experts Say Bidenflation Could Last For Years »

Hurricane Fiona Is Harbinger Of Climate Doom Or Something

You just knew this was coming, right? It’s traditional. Expected. Invariable. Unfailing. The climate cult’s orthodoxy

Hurricane Fiona is a harbinger of climate future

For the second time in five years, Puerto Rico has been blasted with a massive hurricane, causing widespread flooding and power outages, and the increasing severity of these storms is caused by climate change, according to studies.

The island, a U.S. territory that has still not fully recovered from Hurricane Maria in 2017, was hit by Hurricane Fiona on Monday. Parts of Puerto Rico received 30 inches of rain, causing landslides and overflowing rivers. Some rural roads have become impassable and have stranded residents. As of Tuesday morning, 1.17 million of Puerto Rico’s 1.47 million utility customers were without electricity, according to estimates from

Hundreds of Puerto Ricans have been forced from their homes, and the storm is gaining strength as it moves eastward to the Dominican Republic and north to the Turks and Caicos Islands. The U.S. National Hurricane Center warned of “life-threatening” flooding in those nations on Tuesday. Now a Category 3 storm, with winds reaching 115 miles per hour, it has caused deaths in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Guadeloupe. (snip)

The Caribbean has always experienced hurricanes in late summer, but the storms have become more intense, on average, as a result of global warming. For each additional degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) of temperature, the air holds 7% more moisture. More water in the air leads to stronger storms. According to NASA, the average global temperature has risen by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the Industrial Revolution, as humans have emitted heat-trapping gases by burning fossil fuels.

Storms are also made stronger by warmer ocean temperatures, which provide the energy that powers hurricanes.

Just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s true. Yes, temperatures have risen, but, there’s no hard proof obtained using the scientific method that it was mostly/solely caused by the actions of mankind, especially fossil fuels. If fossil fuels are so bad then why haven’t all the Warmists stopped using them themselves? The first recorded was Hurricane San Roque in August of 1508. And many since, because of where Puerto Rico is. Though, it doesn’t get as many as you would think because of different factors. The strongest was Hurricane San Felipe II in 1928, the only category 5, which killed 312 (Maria in 2017 was a category 4 at landfall).

Last year, a study of satellite images going back to 1979, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that climate change had increased the chance that a hurricane would reach Category 3 or higher by roughly 8% each decade. A Category 3 hurricane is defined as one with sustained winds of at least 110 mph.

What about all the other storms since the beginning of the Modern Warm Period in 1850? Can we compare this to tropical systems in the Little Ice Age? How about the Medievel Warm Period and Roman Warm Period? Rather important to have those baselines and comparisons, to see if this is different. Of course, the climate cultists need neither science nor proof, because it’s all about scaremongering.

Read: Hurricane Fiona Is Harbinger Of Climate Doom Or Something »

If All You See…

…is what appears to be a dry fountain because ‘climate change’ is getting rid of water, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Homeland Security confirming that Venezuela is sending violent criminals to cross the US border.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Teachers Struggling With Biden Inflation

This is actually a CNN article, which is being shared with lots and lots of local news outlets. I’ve seen it through at least 10 so far, and, it’s a real shame that people who voted for Biden and Democrats en masse are having to deal with the results of their poor election choices

Across the country, teachers and school staff struggle with inflation

Teachers and school employees nationwide are struggling to keep up with the cost of living.

Inflation and surging rent prices are pushing out teachers who can’t afford to live in where they work.

Shanika Whiten’s struggle starts before the sun is even up. She’s a single mom living in Los Angeles and battling debilitating multiple sclerosis, yet she’s still determined to get to work on time.

“There have been months where I would worry about, ‘Oh, am I going to be able to afford to pay rent this month,’” she said.

Whiten has worked for more than 20 years in special education for the L.A. school system.

But rising rents and a surge in the cost of living have nearly forced her out, along with other school employees.

“It’s sad to live the way we are because of inflation, and everything is going up except your paycheck,” Whiten said. “Your paycheck is not going up, so it’s like, ‘How am I going to continue to survive?’” Whiten said.

The core inflation can be blamed on China for releasing COVID-19. The Biden admin has done little to alleviate it. Their focus is on so many other things that really do not help citizens, does not look to reduce inflation. Many things have actually made it worse. But, teachers shouldn’t complain, because they voted for incompetence and a disinterested government.

What this most likely means is that teacher’s unions across the country are going to demand a big pay raise, even going so far as to strike for it. It’s easy to soak the private sector, right?

Inflation could cost your family an extra $11,500 this year

New estimates from NerdWallet project that, due to inflation, the average household would have to spend an extra $11,500 this year in order to maintain the same standard of living as previous years.

Elizabeth Renter from NerdWallet explained that groceries would cost around $100 more per month and utilities an extra $70 monthly.

In fairness, inflation is hitting around the world. Some are just doing better than others, and the U.S. under Brandon has not been doign well.

Read: Surprise: Teachers Struggling With Biden Inflation »

LA Times Editorial Board Comes Out Against Prop 30, Taxing The Rich To Subsidize EVs

A slight bit of sanity. Also, nowhere in this piece do the members of the LA Times editorial board mention if they’ve bought EVs themselves

Endorsement: No on Proposition 30

There is probably no climate program in California that is more urgent than the transition to zero-emission vehicles. Transportation is the state’s largest source of planet-warming and health-damaging emissions by far. We will not meet our obligations to reduce pollution unless we move quickly to build the charging infrastructure and replace the tens of millions of gas- and diesel-fueled vehicles on our roads with electric cars, trucks, buses and other zero-emission models. But they remain too expensive and out of reach for many residents and businesses.

Of course, the big problem here is that it’s not voluntary, the Elites are forcing the citizens to engage in this scheme. But, don’t cry for them, they vote Democrat, so, they get the authoritarianism they asked for

The question, then, is how to pay for this estimated $150-billion clean-vehicle transformation?

Proposition 30 on the November ballot would do it by raising taxes on the rich to pay for electric vehicles and charging stations. While it may be tempting to put the burden on the rich — again — for one of California’s top priorities, voters should say no. Proposition 30 has too many flaws. It’s bankrolled by one special interest and it doubles down on an unsustainable funding model.

Yeah, another tax the rich scheme, which would add another 1.75% on top for those making $2 million or more. It doesn’t seem to go after businesses, though, not that I can see.

California already has the highest state income tax rate, at 13.3%, and voters have already raised taxes on the wealthiest residents to pay for education and mental health services. Proposition 30 would push the top-earner rate to 15.05%, which is much higher than other states, most of which have income tax rates in the single digits. The state’s dependence on wealthy residents’ income, which is often tied to investments and the stock market, creates tremendous instability in the budget. Revenues sharply rise and fall with Wall Street, leading to feast-or-famine cycles. It doesn’t make sense to pin another priority on such a volatile funding stream. Proposition 30 could also drive investors who fund high-risk technologies out of the state.

Wait, it would drive investors out even more? Huh. It would also drive out business owners and lots of rich folks. More of them.

There’s some concern that Proposition 30, which would generate between $3 billion and $5 billion a year, could send EV prices higher. Because of the supply shortages affecting the car market recently, some economists warn that an influx of additional vehicle incentive money could be pocketed by car dealers and manufacturers through higher prices. Proponents argue those concerns should fade as automakers ramp up production to comply with requirements that manufacturers sell increasing percentages of zero-emission vehicles, starting with 35% in 2026 of new car sales until they reach 100% by 2035.

For one thing, if there are subsidies the price of goods will go up, along with discounts disappearing. For another, there may just be a new paradigm in vehicle sales post-COVID, where there are not as many cars on lots. We’re hearing it may end up being that dealers have a 10 day supply, instead of months and months worth of cars. Don’t have what you want? Wait for something in shipping or build status. If they think they’re going to get those billions, well, look at how well the cap and trade scheme is working. And the marijuana scheme. Both are seeing way, way less than anticipated in tax revenue. But, hey, this is the state which started a bullet train scheme, which not many would ride. The initial cost was $33 billion. It’s now over $105 billion. And still not operational.

Read: LA Times Editorial Board Comes Out Against Prop 30, Taxing The Rich To Subsidize EVs »

Could DeSantis Or Abbott Be About To Send Migrants To Delaware?

If so, he can choose from Wilmington or Rehoboth Beach, places Biden has houses

Delaware, White House preparing for potential migrant flight to arrive near Biden home

Biden Brain SlugDelaware officials and the White House said they are monitoring for the potential arrival of planes of migrants and illegal immigrants expected from Florida and/or Texas on Tuesday.

“We’re aware of the reports and continue to prepare for the possibility of migrants arriving in Delaware unannounced,” Democratic Gov. John Carney’s director of communications, Emily Hershman, told Fox News Digital. “Our teams at [Delaware Emergency Management Agency] and [Delaware Department of Health and Social Services] are working with community organizations and other partners to make sure that migrants who arrive here have the support that they need.”

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also acknowledged the reports.

“Yes, we’ve … we have received word of the flights. And, yes, we are coordinating closely with state officials and local service providers who are prepared to welcome these families in an orderly manner as they pursue their asylum claims,” Jean-Pierre told reporters.

The News Journal, based in Wilmington, Delaware, reported that the governor’s office and community groups were mobilizing to Georgetown, Delaware, for the possible arrival of migrants at Delaware Coastal Airport. According to the newspaper, at least one plane was expected to take off from Texas and stop over at Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview, Florida, before heading to Delaware on Tuesday afternoon.

Neither DeSantis nor Abbott would confirm anything. There are all sorts of reports and hypothesis and crystal balls, looking at charter flights. I see some saying it’s happening, others saying it’s going to NJ, others saying it’s cancelled. I guess we’ll see.

(The Hill) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said Republican governors’ efforts to transport migrants from the southern border to northern Democrat-led cities is showing “well-to-do blue enclaves” the reality of the U.S.-Mexico border crisis.

“Out of desperation, a few governors along our southern border are now giving some Democrat-run states and cities just a tiny, tiny taste of what border communities have been enduring, literally, for years,” McConnell said on the Senate floor.

“These well-to-do blue enclaves are finally witnessing the smallest fraction of the challenges that open borders have forced on working-class communities all across our country.”

Liberals are very unhappy when they’re forced to practice what they preach.

Read: Could DeSantis Or Abbott Be About To Send Migrants To Delaware? »

Climate Today: Manchin’s Side Deal, Biden Hosing Native Americans, Silly Celebs

It’s not just hardcore leftist Democrats looking to spike Manchin’s deal

Republicans are threatening to tank Manchin’s pro-oil bill over ‘bad blood’ from climate deal

The federal government is nearing the end of its fiscal year, which means Congress is scrambling to put together a stop-gap spending bill designed to last until they can pass a budget (or longer-term funding extension). The Senate appears likely to add $12 billion in funding for Ukraine’s war effort and about $6 billion more in disaster relief funds, while Republicans have essentially rejected President Biden’s requests for $22 billion for COVID-19 needs and $4.5 billion to fight monkeypox.

As a sidebar, how about we use that $12 billion for Puerto Rico?

But “the Hill’s central drama as Congress sprints to finish its work before the midterms” involves Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) as-yet-unreleased legislation to speed up permitting on energy projects, including West Virginia’s Mountain Valley natural gas line, Politico reports.

Progressives are “already balking” at the measure, “a key cog” in the deal Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) hatched to pass this summer’s Democratic climate, health care, and tax package, Politico reports. And now, even though “construction of energy projects is a longstanding core GOP goal,” Republican senators are threatening to sink the legislation, arguing “they were under no obligation to cough up perhaps a dozen or more votes that Democrats need to get Manchin’s vision done.”

Democrats say Republicans are exacting revenge on Manchin for his deal with Schumer — and Republicans don’t really disagree with that assessment.

“Given what Senator Manchin did on the reconciliation bill, [it’s] engendered a lot of bad blood,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told Politico. “There’s not a lot of sympathy on our side to provide Sen. Manchin a reward.” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) criticized the Democrats’ “corrupt deal.”

How are you feeling about that deal for your vote now, Joe? We’ll see how the people of West Virginia vote the next time you’re up for election.

Biden admin sides against Native Americans in crackdown on oil leasing near Indigenous site

The Biden administration is expected to soon finalize a rule banning oil and gas leasing near a Native American historical site despite heavy opposition from local Indigenous leaders, who say the administration’s rule would prevent them from collecting royalties on their land.

The rule, which the Department of Interior (DOI) announced in November 2021, would implement a 20-year moratorium on federal oil and gas leasing within a 10-mile radius of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park located in northwest New Mexico. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said the rule, which would amount to a withdrawal of 336,000 acres of public lands from mineral leasing, would protect the environment and “rich cultural legacy” of the region.

“We’re not destroying anything — we are Native Americans ourselves. Nobody is destroying the park,” Delora Hesuse, a Navajo Nation citizen who owns allotted land in the Greater Chaco region, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “The oil companies sure aren’t destroying the park. And they have new technology.”

“It just seems like they are listening more to the environmentalist people,” she continued.

It would put a lot of money in the pockets of the Native Americans, but, climate cult doctrine is more important to Biden

Priyanka Chopra Jonas Says the World Is at ‘Critical Point’ During UN Speech About Climate Change

Priyanka Chopra Jonas is addressing the climate crisis.

In a speech shared by the United Nations via YouTube on Monday, the Quantico star discussed some of the world’s most significant issues, including climate change, during her appearance at the 2022 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) opening remarks.

“We meet today at a critical point in our world, at a time when global solidarity is more important than ever,” the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador shared. (snip)

“We have that plan, the UN sustainable development goals — a to-do list for the world,” she explained. “These goals were created hand in hand with people around the world in 2015; together we have an extraordinary opportunity to change the world that we live in.”

“We owe it to our people, we owe it to our planet,” she said.

Gotta love massive climahypocrites telling us we’re doomed as they run around the world on private fossil fueled jets and in big limos, consuming way more than the average world citizens, and creating plans for Other People.

Read: Climate Today: Manchin’s Side Deal, Biden Hosing Native Americans, Silly Celebs »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fuels machine, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on why those who question the 2020 results are being attacked.

Read: If All You See… »

“Funny” Guy Stephen Colbert Freaks Over DeSantist Sending Illegals To Uber Rich Martha’s Vineyard

DeSantis and Abbott should pick another high-toned and fancy to-do liberal enclave. Hey, maybe to Stephen Colbert’s city

Stephen Colbert Wrecks ‘Gaping’ A**hole Ron DeSantis With A Brutal Fact-Check

Stephen Colbert tore into Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for “kidnapping” migrants and flying them to Massachusetts for a political stunt.

And that’s not all.

“It turns out it was way worse than we imagined because he actually abducted them from Texas,” Colbert said. “For a guy who acts so concerned about borders he doesn’t seem to know where his state ends.”

DeSantis claimed the migrants were“intending to come to Florida.”

Colbert didn’t buy it.

“C’mon,” he said. “No one intends to go to Florida.”


Plenty of Democrats escaped to Florida all throughout the strict COVID mandate period. Anyhow, Colbert, because he’s a comedian on a late night show, called DeSantis an asshole. I don’t see him offering to room some illegal aliens himself

(Fox News) The number of migrant encounters at the southern border rose to over 200,000 in August, as the border faced an increase in migrants coming from Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, which officials said was driving a “new wave of migration” across the Hemisphere.

There were 203,598 encounters on the border, a slight increase from the 199,976 encountered in July and lower than the 209,840 encountered in August last year.

Of the 203,598, officials said 157, 921 were unique migrant encounters, with the rest attributed to those who had multiple encounters with officials and had been expelled or deported.

Colbert is freaking over 50 Venezuelan illegal aliens being sent to Martha’s Vineyard? Of course, he’s playing to his base, because Republicans, excluding those with Trump Derangement Syndrome, do not watch at all. In the real world, Independents and ultra-moderate Democrats are seeing the hypocrisy of Democrats in sanctuary areas not wanting the icky working class illegals around.

When does Colbert call Biden an asshole for shipping migrants all around the country in the dead of night?

Read: “Funny” Guy Stephen Colbert Freaks Over DeSantist Sending Illegals To Uber Rich Martha’s Vineyard »

Bummer: Climate Cult Kids’ Lawsuit Thrown Out Of Court

We all know that this suit, like almost all the others, are really being done by the adults, using kids as human shields

Kids’ climate change lawsuit tossed by Virginia judge

st greta carA Virginia state judge has tossed a lawsuit filed on behalf of 13 young people who claim a state law that promotes fossil fuel development violates their constitutional rights, finding the government is immune to the kinds of arguments made by the kids.

Judge Clarence Jenkins Jr on Friday rejected the lawsuit, which was filed earlier this year by Our Children’s Trust (OCT), a nonprofit law firm that advocates on environmental issues.

The kids, ranging in age from 10 to 19, claimed a law that directs the state to maximize exploration and development of coal, oil and gas resources violates their constitutional right to life and liberty. The youth argued the policies result in increasing greenhouse gases, which hasten climate change and put their future and wellbeing at risk.

Jenkins said the state can’t face those claims in its own court system since state law shields the government from lawsuits alleging harms.

Too bad the judge couldn’t just say “this is very silly, it doesn’t violate your right to life and liberty.”

The plaintiffs said they will appeal. Nate Bellinger, an attorney at OCT representing the young people, said the judge’s decision could have serious consequences for any plaintiff challenging government policy.

The state policies are “doubling down, maximizing fossil fuels in the midst of this climate crisis,” he said.

The judge should have asked the kids if they’ve given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral

The suit is one of five pending cases filed by OCT for youth plaintiffs against state governments across the country, arguing policies promoting fossil fuel development violate their constitutional rights. A case filed in Montana is set to become the first to go to trial next summer.

So, basically astroturfed, finding a bunch of young dupes.

Read: Bummer: Climate Cult Kids’ Lawsuit Thrown Out Of Court »

Pirate's Cove