Debating The Origins Of Wuhan Flu Is Harmful Or Something

I’ve never really understood why the Democrats and the media were so against discussing the origins of COVID, and still are. Regardless of the origin it wouldn’t affect their need to institute authoritarian government, right? Are they that much in the pocket of China, meaning, the Elites are, and they give marching orders to the peasants? Shouldn’t journalists, reporters, be interested in getting to the truth?

The endless — and potentially harmful — debate over COVID’s origins

The U.S. Department of Energy has determined that the most likely source of the coronavirus pandemic was an accidental leak from a Chinese virology lab, according to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal.

Debate over the origins of COVID-19 has raged since the earliest days of the pandemic. Two competing theories — one suggesting that it was a “lab leak” and the other that the virus was passed to humans from animals — have been the source of intense scientific scrutiny, media sniping and political posturing. But after three years of inquiry, there is still no clear answer. (snip)

Far more attention should be paid to the dangers that are coming

“Tracing the roots of Covid-19 is still an important scientific and political task, but it’s far more urgent to halt the next pandemic before it ignites.” — Umair Irfan, Vox

Um, that next pandemic could come from China, just like COVID and a few others which escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Conspiracists made it tough to have a real discussion about the possibility of a lab leak

“The simple reason why so many people weren’t keen to discuss the ‘lab leak’ *theory* is because it was originally conflated by the right with ‘Chinese bio weapon’ conspiracies and continues to be conflated by the right with anti-Fauci conspiracies. Blame the conspiracy theorists. … It’s hard to have a good faith disagreement about a major issue if the issue itself has been hijacked by bad faith folks.” — Medhi Hasan, MSNBC host

Bad faith, like shutting down people’s Free Speech? And, as Rebekah Knoffler notes

Orchestrated by Big Government –  in collusion with Big Tech and the Big Media – the goal was to distort and shut down any candid public discourse about this critical national security issue.

US spy agencies concealed from Congress, and therefore the American people, that COVID-19 demonstrated clear consistencies with China’s biological warfare doctrine and Beijing’s long-term programs to weaponize viruses.

There’s a reason man considered the bio-warfare angle.

Politicians and pundits should never have been involved in the debate in the first place

“The not-quite-solved mystery of exactly where this virus came from and how it found its way into humans … is a scientific question best left to scientists.” — David Quammen, Washington Post

Screw you, especially since the media itself was involved, and, I do reckon that people who are getting sick, having their lives affected have a say.

Focus on COVID’s origins blocks hard conversations about far more important issues

“Whatever the conscious intentions of the proponents of a lab leak as the source of COVID-19, their arguments and their insistence on playing and replaying the debate have become dangerous. They shift responsibility for [the United States’] disastrous handling of the pandemic away from the failures of our political system, our politicians, and our health and public health systems and to a geopolitical rival. They are a partisan political cudgel, diverting attention from the real sources of danger of future pandemics and delaying action on what could be an existential threat to humans.” — John Ehrenreich, Slate

The answer is simple: answer whether lab leak or natural. But, those in China’s pocket apparently do now want that. Meanwhile

(Fox News) GOP leadership on a House committee said Sunday it uncovered new email evidence suggesting Dr. Anthony Fauci “prompted” the drafting of “proximal origin” publication meant to “disprove” the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

In a new memo released Sunday, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Majority Staff alerted the rest of the committee members to “New Evidence Resulting from the Select Subcommittee’s Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 – ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2’”

“New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci ‘prompted’ the drafting of a publication that would ‘disprove’ the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement,” the memo says.

That looks like political interference. One wonders why Fauci would do this, and how much fun he’s going to have in House hearings?

Read: Debating The Origins Of Wuhan Flu Is Harmful Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, world killing do causing flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a huge protest from farmers in Brussels against green tyranny.

It’s puppies week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup David Uhl

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we aren’t in nuclear war yet. This pinup is by David Uhl, something a bit more modern, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Geller Report notes Russian billionaires doing business with Hunter Biden
  2. Irons In The Fire covers Warmists wanting to ban anesthetics
  3. Jihad Watch catches the NY Times finding horse riding to be raaaaacist
  4. Legal Insurrection discusses social media causing mental illness in young girls
  5. Moonbattery notes what happens when a Christian school goes Woke
  6. Outside The Beltway highlights the Experts being wrong about COVID
  7. The First Street Journal covers people making irresponsible promises
  8. The Gateway Pundit discusses the left trying to shut down Fox News
  9. The Lid notes AOC trying to blame her staff for ethics violations
  10. The OK Corral covers BLM rioters getting $6 million
  11. The Right Scoop discusses how bad Biden’s FAA nominee was
  12. This ain’t Hell… notes the Navy’s 21 day abortion leave plan
  13. Weasel Zippers covers AOC raging at Biden over DC crime bill
  14. Watts Up With That? discusses child climate labor
  15. And last, but, not least, Real Climate Science highlights imaginary technologies to solve imaginary problems

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

WWIII Watch: Biden Admin Members Attended Protest Featuring Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

Shockingly, this did not make the major news. Now, imagine that it was Trump or some other Republican attending

Top Biden officials address pro-war rally led by Ukrainian Nazi supporters

High-ranking Biden foreign policy officials including USAID Administrator, Samantha Power, and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Karen Donfried, observed the first anniversary of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. There, on February 25, 2023, they rallied alongside a band of Beltway-based Ukrainian activists dedicated to honoring and fundraising for ultra-nationalists and war criminals. The demonstrators demanded that the US send F-16 fighter jets to Kiev and “punish Russia” by any means necessary.

Power’s USAID promoted the event with a media advisory that redirected visitors to the rally’s principal organizer, an NGO called US Ukrainian Activists. This was one of two Ukrainian diaspora groups that organized the rally, and both have openly supported far-right elements in Ukraine since the US-backed Maidan coup in 2014.

US Ukrainian Activists was founded by Nadiya Shaporynska, an avowed supporter of neo-Nazi and ultra-nationalist militias like the Azov Battalion, whom she has described “heroic defenders of Ukraine.” Shaporynska’s fundraising efforts for extremists groups that were at one point blacklisted by the US Department of Defense have been prolific and very public.

Meh, no big deal, right?

Also appearing on stage was Paul Grod, president of the Ukrainian World Congress. Grod has made a career out of defending the legacy of Nazi collaborators, and even once petitioned the Canadian government to officially recognize the genocidal Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, or OUN, as ‘designated resistance fighters.” This designation would have funneled Canadian tax dollars directly into the pension accounts of Nazi collaborators.  (snip)

Grod’s Ukrainian World Congress hosted the February 25 pro-proxy war rally through its affiliate, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. His group has declared Stepan Bandera, the Nazi collaborator whose forces slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war, as “the undisputed symbol of Ukraine’s lengthy and tragic struggle for independence.”

There’s plenty more in the article. Helping out Ukraine isn’t exactly helping out really good people, considering how many are involved with these groups. Think about that next time you see some Democrat flying a Ukrainian flag.

Read: WWIII Watch: Biden Admin Members Attended Protest Featuring Ukrainian Neo-Nazis »

Biden Admin Admit Fossil Fuels Have Better Energy Security

Obviously, they aren’t going to let facts get in the way of pushing their cult beliefs

Biden admin makes stunning admission on climate agenda in leaked internal memo

The Biden administration acknowledged in a memo, accidentally leaked on Friday, that charging fossil fuel companies less to drill would provide “greater energy security” despite its plans to hike royalty fees.

Former Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Amanda Lefton recommended late last year that, as part of its climate agenda, the Department of the Interior (DOI) move forward with higher royalty fees for an oil and gas lease sale spanning 958,202 acres in the Cook Inlet off the coast of Alaska, according to the memo obtained by Fox News Digital. DOI Assistant Secretary Laura Daniel-Davis ultimately signed off on the recommendation.

“If a Cook Inlet prospect would be developed, there would be additional government revenues and greater energy security for the State of Alaska, especially if development of natural gas resources in the Cook Inlet ameliorated the long-term supply challenges facing the Anchorage area,” Lefton wrote in the memo.

“Nevertheless, because of the serious challenges facing the Nation from climate change and the impact of [greenhouse gasses] from fossil fuels, BOEM is not recommending this option since it would not include an appropriate surcharge to account for those impacts,” she continued.

Got that? Developing fossil fuel sources would provide greater energy security and be better for the citizens of Alaska (someone should lie to Biden and tell him it’s part of Ukraine, then he might help the state), but, we can’t have that in the face of climate apocalypse.

“The Department of the Interior mistakenly posted an internal memo making recommendations to Acting Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, Laura Daniel Davis, on the Cook Inlet Oil and Gas Lease Sale 258 mandated by the Inflation Reduction Act,” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who helped author the IRA, said in a statement Friday.

“I am appalled by its contents, which make crystal clear that this administration is literally putting their radical climate agenda ahead of the needs of the people of Alaska and the United States,” he continued.

Yet, you sold your soul, Joe, to pass the IRA for a promise that still hasn’t happened. Not that he’s wrong on this.

Read: Biden Admin Admit Fossil Fuels Have Better Energy Security »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert that’s also getting too much rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on ESG=CCP.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Doesn’t Want To Talk About Holding China Accountable For COVID

He’s not even willing to give a mealy-mouthed politician style answer

Biden dodges reporters after question on COVID-19 origin: ‘Will you hold China accountable?’

As President Biden left the White House Friday, he approached then swiftly turned his back on reporters after one asked him to comment on COVID-19’s origins.

On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Fox News the COVID-19 pandemic was likely caused by a lab leak in Wuhan, China, a theory that was initially dubbed as a conspiracy. This followed a similar analysis from the Department of Energy.

NTD News White House Correspondent Iris Tao shared her footage of the encounter with Biden on Twitter. In it, Biden can be seen leaving the White House and approaching the reporters waiting outside until Tao can be heard asking about COVID-19’s origin, “Will you hold China accountable?” Biden put his hands up then turned away to board the presidential helicopter, Marine One.

Why would he? He’s spent time helping out Ukraine, but, not East Palestine. He’s not particularly interested in helping Americans, and most likely in the pocket of China

It’s not like it was some offbeat, out of bound, absurd question. It’s one that the American public, which lost 1.13 million citizens, lost their jobs, their businesses, dealt with sickness and authoritarian government, and are dealing with the economic fallout (among others), deserve an answer to

“The question of how this pandemic began is the most important question in the world, and we should not continue to waste precious time waiting for the Chinese Communist Party to suddenly cooperate with U.S. officials and open up access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Gallagher added. “It’s time for Congress to act and force the administration to declassify the relevant intelligence surrounding the pandemic.”

Will the Democrats in Congress work to protect that classified information? Will the Biden admin work to block its release?


(UK Guardian) The World Health Organization has urged all countries to reveal what they know about the origins of Covid-19, after claims from several US government agencies that a Chinese lab leak was behind the disease were furiously denied by Beijing.

“If any country has information about the origins of the pandemic, it’s essential for that information to be shared with WHO and the international scientific community,” the WHO director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Friday.

Perhaps they should be demanding China release all their information, rather than calling on “all countries”.

(NBC News) The White House on Thursday laid out its plan to target pandemic fraudsters and recapture stolen relief funds distributed under both the Trump and Biden administrations.

A top White House official said the goal was to provide $600 million to investigate and prosecute systemic pandemic fraud, a similar amount to bolster fraud prevention and $400 million to help victims of identity theft.

Don’t we already pay people who work for the federal government to investigate fraud? Don’t they already have budgets for that?

Read: Biden Doesn’t Want To Talk About Holding China Accountable For COVID »

Yellen Wants World Bank To Take Action On Climate Crisis (scam)

Very easy for her to say, as it’s easy for her to takes lots of fossil fueled flights, like the one she just took to Ukraine

Center for Strategic and International Studies

On February 9, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, urging the World Bank to “evolve” and be “bolder and more imaginative” in its operational approach to tackling global challenges such as climate change. She proposed that the World Bank “expand its vision” to include addressing these global challenges. According to Secretary Yellen, the problem lies in multilateral development banks’ (MDBs’) “core model,” which involves countries borrowing to make specific investments aimed at addressing development constraints in their own countries. That model is insufficient to meet the moment. Such a model will always underinvest in addressing global challenges – since the benefits of investments in global challenges stretch far beyond the borders of the country where a given project takes place.” As a result, the Secretary contended that the World Bank and other MDBs urgently needed to change, given declining progress in their “core mission of poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth.”

Yellen referenced a 2022 G20 report on development banks’ capital adequacy frameworks, explaining that it provided a “solid blueprint” for the World Bank to “boost its financial capacity by responsibly stretching its existing financial resources.” She highlighted several “promising ideas for exploration,” which included the increased securitization of private sector portfolios and piloting the issuance of subordinated debt instruments. She also requested that the World bank identify “concessional resources available to countries to tackle global challenges,” explaining that these resources could “incentivize the decommissioning of coal plants and protect displaced workers during a clean energy transition.”

A spokesperson for the World Bank responded to Yellen’s remarks, stating that the lender appreciates support from the U.S. and other shareholders “for finding ways to ramp up development finance to meet global challenges such as climate change, fragility, and pandemics. We see this support as a recognition by the global community of the World Bank’s longstanding responsiveness and effectiveness, and we always welcome new ideas.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah, a bunch of climahypocritical Elites trying to force their cultish beliefs on everyone else. Which will end up messing around with your live and money and freedom.

Read: Yellen Wants World Bank To Take Action On Climate Crisis (scam) »

WWIII Watch: For Some Reason The U.S. Attorney General Showed Up In Ukraine

Who’s next, Mayor Pete? Susan Rice (director of domestic policy council)? John Kerry? Deb Haaland (Sec Of Interior)? Tom Vilisak (Sec Of Agriculture)? Doesn’t the AG have better things to do, what with all the fentanyl streaming across the border, people attacking Jewish and Christian centers, and more?

Attorney General Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine

Attorney General Merrick Garland made an unannounced trip to Ukraine on Friday, according to a Justice Department official, his second trip to the country after Russia invaded a little more than a year ago.

The trip was not announced for security reasons, the official said.

Garland was invited to Lviv by the Ukrainian prosecutor general, the official said, and joined President Volodymyr Zelensky at the “United for Justice Conference.”

The official added that Garland “held several meetings and reaffirmed our determination to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed in its unjust and unprovoked invasion against its sovereign neighbor.” (snip)

On Wednesday, Garland testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he believed the Russian government was committing crimes against humanity and said the Justice Department supports efforts by The Hague to investigate and prosecute those crimes.

“The United States supports what is now being developed in The Hague, sponsored by Eurojust, looking into the possibility of creating that court [to charge crimes of aggression,]” Garland testified.

That may be so, but, good luck with that.

Biden, Scholz vow to punish Russia for war in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed on Friday (Mar 3) to keep imposing costs on Russia for its war in Ukraine, now in its second year, as an EU official said any arms provided by China to Russia would trigger sanctions.

Biden and Scholz met in private in the Oval Office for over an hour, a senior administration official said. Their discussion focused on the importance of continued “global solidarity” with the people of Ukraine, and ongoing efforts to provide security, humanitarian, economic, and political assistance to Ukraine.

Sitting next to Scholz in the Oval Office, Biden thanked the German leader for his “strong and steady leadership” and support for Ukraine. Scholz said it was important to demonstrate that the allies would back Kyiv “as long as it takes and as long as is necessary.”

The meeting took place at 2pm. By 345 Biden was boarding Marine 1 to make the trip to Delaware for the weekend.

Read: WWIII Watch: For Some Reason The U.S. Attorney General Showed Up In Ukraine »

Miami Youts Ready To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam)

So, are they forgoing all use of fossil fueled travel? No more car rides, bus rides? Ride bikes or walk to school? And to places to take their selfies? Significantly reduce their use of energy on their smartphones? Not get a new phone ever 2 years or less? No new clothes?

Miami kids eager to tackle climate change

At the forefront of the climate crisis, Miami is hosting three conferences in the coming days to discuss possible solutions, and two of them will focus on how young people are being affected and what they might be able to do.

What they’re saying: “As young people, it feels as though we are being handed this problem, one that has been piling up for longer than we can imagine, and asked to reverse it in 20-30 years,” Ransom Everglades School tenth-grader Mia Bouyoucef tells Axios.

How many will be travel in fossil fueled vehicles to attend?

What’s happening: Bouyoucef is co-president of Miami Youth Climate Summit, which is holding a conference this Sunday at the Ransom Everglades Middle School campus to push for climate action.

And tomorrow through Monday, the Future Leaders Climate Summit will bring together 250 researchers, activists and civil servants between ages 18 and 30.

Next week, Monday through Thursday, it will be the turn of the Aspen Ideas: Climate conference, featuring speakers like Vice President Kamala Harris, pop star Gloria Estefan and scientist Bill Nye.

How many of those speakers will be taking long fossil fueled trips? Harris and Nye (who is not a scientist, but, an engineer). Estefan’s concert tours use quite a bit of energy and fossil fuels.

Charouhis has outlined solutions to climate change: no new fossil fuel projects anywhere, no continued deforestation anywhere and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Other than forcing people to “switch to a healthier diet”, none of the solutions require the kiddies to make changes in their own lives voluntarily.

What’s next: Isabella Perez-Compres, a tenth-grader at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart and co-president of the Miami Youth Climate Summit, tells Axios, “I believe that if current politicians are replaced with people from my generation that more change would occur.”

Sure, that’s the solution.

As climate changes, climate anxiety rises in youth

Kids often worry about much different things than their parents do. One of the big ones is climate change. Research shows most youth are “extremely worried” about it, leading to a phenomenon called climate anxiety. Kids and young adults who struggle with this can perceive they have no future or that humanity is doomed.

“We see that a lot of young people are saying, I think my life will be worse than my parents’ lives,” said Dr. Sarah Schwartz, a professor of psychology at Suffolk University in Boston.

Perhaps the youts should not have been taught that they are doomed in a constant manner. They wouldn’t have mental health issues.

Read: Miami Youts Ready To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove