If All You See…

…is an evil air conditioning unit causing climate apocalypse, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on NYC fighting crime with signs.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: DOJ Serves 40 Subpoenas For J6 Committee

What, exactly, does any of this have to do with the January 6 idiocy? It’s just more proof that this is a fishing expedition, designed to go after Trump supporters and chill people’s Constitutional rights

Justice Department subpoenas dozens of Trump aides in apparent escalation of investigation, according to reports

The Justice Department issued dozens of subpoenas to Donald Trump’s aides and associates for information about the 2020 election and the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021, according to The New York Times and CNN.

The flurry of subpoenas suggested the investigation, which is separate from the seizure of Trump administration documents from Mar-a-Lago, is picking up pace.

At least two Trump aides, Boris Epshteyn and Mark Roman, had their phones seized as evidence, according to the Times. Epshteyn declined comment.

The subpoenas seek information about the Trump campaign’s plan to organize alternate slates of electors in states President Joe Biden won. Epshteyn had copied on emails in late 2020 from Trump lawyer John Eastman, who developed the plan.

Eastman has already been subpoenaed and had his phone seized. Eastman earlier refused to answer questions from the House panel investigating the Capitol attack or a grand jury in Georgia based on his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Another subpoena recipient was Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner, who coordinated the investigation of claims of voter fraud with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

None of that has anything to directly with any of the violence, which there wasn’t much, and the people wandering through the Capitol Building on January 6th. Sure, they’ll say “if they weren’t doing this stuff, people wouldn’t have been mad.” If they want to do that, well, which Democrats do we hold responsible for violence on January 20th, 2016, when Trump was inaugurated? How about for all the violence in the wake of George Floyd?

(Kerik’s attorney) Parlatore said the department’s latest subpoena read as if the current investigation had no focus and asked Kerik about names he didn’t recognize.

“The normal DOJ subpoena looks like rifle shots,” Parlatore said. “This looks like a whole bunch of scatter-shot shotgun blasts, almost like a spray-and-pray mindset.”

You don’t say

(The Hill) Attorney Timothy Parlatore said the subpoena was served early last week when a team of FBI agents arrived at Kerik’s home. Parlatore would not share the subpoena, but described it as broad.

“Basically, give us anything and everything related to anybody that is tangentially related to the Trump campaign including a long, long laundry list,” he said.

So, basically a fishing expedition and intimidation tactics. And why is the DOJ doing the work of the Congressional J6 committee? Separation of Branches. This is a political witchhunt. They aren’t attempting to find out what happened over a year and a half ago.

Read: Surprise: DOJ Serves 40 Subpoenas For J6 Committee »

White House Looks To Shut Down Bitcoin Mining Because Of ‘Climate Change’

It’s always something with these watermelon nutjobs

White House: Bitcoin Mining Must Be Greener—Or US Should Ban It

The White House today suggested that U.S. lawmakers and regulators could soon crack down on cryptocurrency mining because of its large carbon footprint.

In a Thursday report, mandated by President Biden in an executive order in March, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy said crypto miners should reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with help from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Energy (DOE), and other federal agencies.

It proposed that the government collect more data on power usage from the industry, advance energy efficiency standards—and it promoted the “use of environmentally responsible crypto-asset technologies.”

But the White House also went as far to say that if measures to make mining greener don’t work, energy-intensive crypto mining, namely Bitcoin, could be banned altogether.

“Should these measures prove ineffective at reducing impacts, the Administration should explore executive actions, and Congress might consider legislation, to limit or eliminate the use of high energy intensity consensus mechanisms for crypto-asset mining,” the report said.

Well of course they’ll jump to banning it, which would then see the mining simply move to other countries. If they can’t handle the energy for this, how can they handle it for EVs?

(Barrons) The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy recommended in a report Friday that greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts stemming from crypto “mining” should be limited. The team called for standards for low energy intensities, low water usage, low noise generation, clear energy usage by operators, and standards over carbon-free generation to match or exceed electricity load that tighten over time.

Mostly, it seems that these people who say Republicans are the Fascists want to control everything Bitcoin.

Read: White House Looks To Shut Down Bitcoin Mining Because Of ‘Climate Change’ »

Biden Goes On Angry Rant About Airport Service While Afghanistan Continues To Melt Down

Perhaps his handlers need to increase his medications? This is rather funny for a guy who takes a private jet and helicopter and never has to wait, and screws up all the other flights coming in and out of airports he;s at

Joe Biden Scolds at Boston Airport: ‘What the Hell Is the Matter with Us?’

President Joe Biden expressed frustration about the state of American airports on Monday, even though he made funding for trains a greater priority in his infrastructure bill.

“America invented modern aviation, but we’ve allowed our airports to lag behind our competitors’,” Biden said.

The president spoke about airports during a visit to Logan International Airport in Boston to promote more government infrastructure spending.

He griped that the United States did not have any airports listed as the best in the world.

“Today, not a single solitary American airport, not one, ranks in the top 25 of the world,” he said, before growing angry.

“What in the hell’s the matter with us?!” he shouted.

And he went on and on and on, shouting at clouds. Of course, his infrastructure bill only allocated $25 billion for airports, while tasking $66 billion for railroads, most Amtrak, which not that many take.


Afghanistan tipping ‘towards authoritarianism’, says U.N. rights expert

A U.N. expert said on Monday that human rights had deteriorated under the Taliban, describing a “staggering repression” of women and girls and a “descent towards authoritarianism”, while Afghan women urged the global body to act.

Richard Bennett, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, called for radical changes in the country.

“The severe rollback of the rights of women and girls, reprisals targeting opponents and critics, and a clampdown on freedom of expression by the Taliban amount to a descent towards authoritarianism,” he told a Human Rights Council meeting.

Afghanistan Ambassador Nasir Ahmad Andisha who represents the toppled government went further, describing a “gender apartheid” in the country.

Well, gee wiz, who could have foreseen this after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan plan? We had to get out at some point, and, really, as long as they aren’t training Islamic jihadis and attacking the United States, there’s a point where we have to say “it’s not our concern.” But, you had to know this would happen with the Taliban back in charge. Now, imagine that Donald Trump was still president: how would the U.S. media be covering this?

Read: Biden Goes On Angry Rant About Airport Service While Afghanistan Continues To Melt Down »

We Need A New Paradigm For Check Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

I would think that no exaggerating, not yammering about doom and gloom, not relying on computer models, being honest, and not changing data might be helpful. Oh, and not preaching Modern Socialist Big Government authoritarian policies

Why We Need an Alternative Paradigm for Checking Climate Change

While scientists and activists have done well to establish the urgency of checking climate change before it is too late, it is increasingly clear that the current paradigm of checking climate change is not working. Briefly, it has to be changed in ways which will link it very closely to checking militarism and inequalities while promoting peace and justice, preventing all wars, eliminating all WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) as well as eliminating all HBP (hypocrisy of big polluters).

A basic reason of the urgency of checking climate change is that it will change climate and daily weather conditions in ways that will make our once bountiful and beautiful planet increasingly inhospitable and then inhabitable for humanity and most other forms of life. However what climate change can cause in a few years or decades can be caused by WMDs within a few days if there is actual use, intended or accidental, of less than one per cent of the current stock of nuclear weapons (not to mention the destructive potential of several other WMDs). This one well-established factor should be adequate ( there are several others) to convince all sincere climate activists that both tasks—checking GHG emissions as well as eliminating WMDs—should be pursued together as the biggest challenge facing humanity.

These people

Military activities and equipment constitute the biggest single source of GHG emissions which is almost entirely avoidable in a peaceful world, and eliminating which will cause no decline in human welfare; it will only increase human welfare. Hence a future without wars and with the minimum military activity should be an integral part of climate activism. This should come with a guarantee that no military personnel will lose jobs or income; they will merely shift, with retraining, to such tasks as disaster prevention and rescue, ecological rehabilitation etc. It is only in conditions of peace and stability, and much increased international cooperation and understanding based on this, that the world will be able to resolve the most critical environmental problems including climate change.

Read: We Need A New Paradigm For Check Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a bright blue sky causing carbon pollution heat waves, you might just just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Animal Rebellion sabotaging milk in the U.K.

Read: If All You See… »

Woke Pope Says Taxes Are A “Misunderstood Form Of Sharing”

The taxation situation of Vatican City is rather complicated. On one hand, there are no taxes for employees who work in Vatican City. On the other, they’ve owed a lot of money to Italy for tax agreements, and keep stiffing Israel over their taxes on religious properties. Regardless, it’s rather weird for the Pope to get involved in the government taxation debate like this

Taxes can be key to social justice, pope tells business leaders

Taxes are “an often misunderstood” tool of social justice and should not be seen as an example of a government overstepping its powers, Pope Francis told an audience of Italian business leaders on Monday.

The Argentine-born pope spoke ahead of a general election on Sept. 25 in Italy, a country noted for endemic tax evasion, where a right-wing coalition promising major tax cuts is on course for a clear victory.

“What taxes and duties are in the modern world and democracies is very important, [they are] an often misunderstood form of sharing,” Francis told members of Confindustria, Italy’s main business lobby.

If it’s being taken involuntarily, it’s not sharing.

In his speech, the pope also urged business leaders to share their wealth in other ways, including through charity, sticking to fair wage policies and creating new jobs, particularly for young people.

Easy for him to say. Does the Pope actually have to make a payroll himself? How much of the Vatican’s money is not spent yearly? Fair wage policies often make hiring extra people difficult. It’s kinda like all those people who demand a “living minimum wage” but do not actually run a business. Regardless, why is the Pope getting involved? He’s a man of God, not a politician. Maybe he could share by opening up the Vatican archives.

“The tax system and administration must be efficient and not corrupt. But taxes should not be considered as usurpation,” he added.

Except, it is an usurpation. It is taking the fruits of someone’s labor by force. To be clear, the Bible is not against taxation, because, ultimately, everything is God’s. And Jesus preached about giving and giving back. There’s nothing wrong with either. But, most tax systems are corrupt, or, at least, corrupted by those who run them.

Read: Woke Pope Says Taxes Are A “Misunderstood Form Of Sharing” »

Mayor Pete Says EV Forced Adoption Needs To Happen Quicker

The reporter who interviewed Mayor Pete missed a big opportunity to ask why Pete, Kamala, and Joe, and so many other Biden appointees aren’t using them right now themselves

California gas car ban ‘interesting,’ EV adoption must happen ‘quickly’ to beat climate change says Buttigieg

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg on Thursday appeared to heap praise on states’ efforts to fight climate change – particularly California’s gas car ban – which go well beyond policies set at the federal level.

In an interview with FOX 11’s “The Issue Is” that aired Friday, Buttigieg was asked to comment on California’s plan to ban new gas cars by the year 2035 in favor of electric vehicles and whether that could be a national model. The ban was passed just days before the state began struggling with keeping the lights on during a late summer heatwave.

Buttigieg evaded answering directly whether the Biden administration would implement a similar policy, but said it was “interesting” that some states “were trying to go above and beyond what we’re doing at the federal level.”

“I’m really interested (in following) these developments, while we continue to set a national policy that’s the baseline for all of this. We need to move in the direction of electric vehicles,” Buttigieg said before acknowledging that some major industries are already moving in this direction independently.

“But we’ve got to make sure that this happens quickly enough to help us beat climate change. We’ve got to make sure it happens affordably enough that’s it not just wealthy people, but (also) low-income people who most need those gas savings if they can afford the EV’s in the first place,” Buttigieg said.

He was a little short on details on how low income folks are going to be able to afford the EVs, as well as have chargers at their government housing (so many of which are cesspools of crime). Plus, the higher cost of insurance and repairs. And where all the power is going to come from. And what happens when the cost of electricity skyrockets.

Also, why is this his business? If people want them, they’ll advocate for them. Not have government force them.

Read: Mayor Pete Says EV Forced Adoption Needs To Happen Quicker »

Philadelphia Could Be Next Recipients Of Busloads Of Illegals

While amusing, sending illegals to Philly will probably lower the crime rate. I still think Greg Abbott is missing a huge opportunity in not sending at least a busload or two to Wilmington or Rebohoth Beach, Delaware

Philadelphia braces for possibility migrant buses from Texas will be sent to city

Philadelphia officials are preparing the city to receive busses of migrants from Texas in the event Gov. Greg Abbott targets Philadelphia as the next destination for migrants being bussed to Democrat-led cities.

“The city is inventorying existing resources should those seeking safe refuge find their way to Philadelphia,” Kevin Lessard, a spokesperson for Democratics Mayor Jim Kenney, told Axios.

There has been no confirmation that busses of migrants from Texas will be directed to Philadelphia. Kenney’s office says it does not anticipate any notice if busses are directed to the City of Brotherly Love, Axios reported. Kenney’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment on Sunday.

Could this possibly be a fakeout? It’s only about 32 miles between Wilmington and Philly. And just another 93 miles to Rehoboth Beach. A mostly likely route would the buses coming up I-95 at some point, which means they would travel through Wilmington. And, if traveling through D.C., could cut over through Annapolis and take 50 across Chesapeake Bay, then back roads to Rehoboth easy peasy.


‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago Takes Illegals Bused in by Texas, Settles Them in Suburbs

Despite Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) claim that Chicago is a “welcoming sanctuary city,” she is now sending illegals sent by Texas out to the suburbs.

The Windy City began moving towards declaring itself a “sanctuary city” for illegals at least as far back as 2015, and since her election to the mayor’s office in 2019, Lightfoot has reiterated that policy and said that Chicago is a “welcoming” place for illegals.

Regardless, she has blasted Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a “racist” and a “xenophobe” for loading buses with illegals and driving them to self-appointed sanctuary cities including New York City and Chicago.

“This is about a cheap political point. It’s not about sharing the load. To Greg Abbott and his enablers in Texas: with these continued political stunts, (he) has confirmed what many of us had already known: he’s a man without any morals, humanity, or shame,” Lightfoot said early this month.

But now, despite her repeated claims to love illegals, Lightfoot has been found shipping the Texas deliveries to the nearby suburb of Burr Ridge, according to WGN 9 News. And town leaders there are both shocked and angered by the move.


Indeed, Burr Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso said that Chicago did not coordinate with them before dropping off dozens of illegals at a Burr Ridge hotel.

“I am concerned neither the village administrator nor I were told about this,” Grasso said. “We want to know: Why Burr Ridge?”

Illegals for thee, not mea.

Read: Philadelphia Could Be Next Recipients Of Busloads Of Illegals »

If All You See…

…is a rising ocean swamping the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flag And Cross, with a post on the difference between the statements made by Biden and Trump on Queen Elizabeth’s passing.

It’s tan lines week!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove