Evangelicals Make Biblical Case To Do Something About Climate Crisis Scam

Interestingly, not one reporter bothered to ask if these evangelicals are practicing what they preach. But, then, this report from the Albany Herald (Ga) includes

Sep. 10—Editor’s Note: This coverage is made possible through a partnership with WABE and Grist, a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.

Yeah, Grist may be a non-profit and independent, but, they are a massively biased climate cult orgnaization

Report makes Biblical case for addressing climate change

A new report on climate change by the National Association of Evangelicals could help galvanize Georgia evangelicals doing environmental work, local advocates said.

The report, called “Loving the Least of These,” makes a Biblical case for addressing climate change, citing scripture that calls for stewardship of God’s creation and care for the poor and oppressed.

Codi Norred of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, which works with faith communities on climate action, said Evangelicals make up a large proportion of religious Georgians.

“So I think for them to take, you know, climate action seriously is one of the best ways that we can make significant progress on those issues in faith communities, especially in the South,” he said.

And what are you doing in your own life, Codi? How about the Interfaith climate cult group? Nowhere on their website does it say anything about the members doing anything in their own lives, just trying to force Everyone Else to be forced by government to do stuff like buy an EV.

The report doesn’t have the kind of authority that a statement by the Pope would for Catholics, since the National Association of Evangelicals is not a central body making decisions that churches follow.

But it could still have an impact, said Marqus Cole with the Evangelical Environmental Network and Grace Snellville church, east of Atlanta.

“It gives local pastors and lay people, just regular Evangelicals, a permission structure to work within and say, ‘I might not have considered that before. But now people I trust are talking about this, maybe there’s something for me to consider,'” he said.

Oh, good, pastors can preach at you on Sunday. Will they discuss the measures they’ve taken in their own lives? Doesn’t joining a cult rather interfere with teaching the Word of God and Jesus? They’ve convinced themselves that it doesn’t. I bet they barely spend much time on things like denouncing abortion.

Some Evangelicals in Georgia are already taking climate action, like installing solar panels and increasing energy efficiency at their church.

Weirdly, there is no mention of any specific churches, and, even if this happened, it has no bearing on ‘climate change’. There’s also no link to this report. The report is here. And doesn’t make much of a case.

Read: Evangelicals Make Biblical Case To Do Something About Climate Crisis Scam »

We Will Never Forget: September 11th, 2022 (sticky for the day)

As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.

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Read: We Will Never Forget: September 11th, 2022 (sticky for the day) »

Bummer: Climahypocrite King Charles III Appears To Be Giving Up His Climate Activism

Yes, the guy who travels in fossil fueled private jets all over the world and fossil fueled SUVs and fossil fueled yachts may have to stop yammering to get governments to force you peons to Do Something

King Charles III appears to signal an end to climate change activism

Outspoken about the “existential” threat posed by climate change when he was Prince of Wales, King Charles III on Friday seemed to signal an effective end to his decades-long public advocacy for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, which are warming global temperatures.

In his first speech as king, Charles pledged to uphold the constitutional principles that kept the sovereign, including his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, from weighing in on what could be seen as political matters.

“My life will of course change as I take up my new responsibilities,” Charles said in his videotaped speech. “It will no longer be possible to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I cared so deeply, but I know this important work will go on in the trusted hands of others.”

For more than 40 years, Charles had championed environmental causes, including the need to transition the global economy off of fossil fuels so as to avert a climate catastrophe. In November, at the start of COP 26, the United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, Charles said climate change was an “existential threat to the extent that we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing” and called on world governments to begin “radically transforming our current fossil fuel based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable.”

Hmm, so, he’s been saying doom is coming for 40 years and there’s no doom? Bummer.

Over the years, Charles has been a champion of solar power, winning approval in 2021 to install panels atop London’s Clarence House, his former residence, and praising India’s expansion of solar capacity.

Will he put solar panels on Windsor Palace? It took him till 2021 to put them on the place he’d been living for a long time. Like most climahypocrites, he’s short of doing stuff in his own life.

Read: Bummer: Climahypocrite King Charles III Appears To Be Giving Up His Climate Activism »

If All You See…

…is a pool needed to cool down from climate apocalypse, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Illinois being crazy.

Doubleshot below the fold to clear the folder, so, check out The Gateway Pundit, with a post on the DOJ raiding the homes of Trump supporters on Thursday.

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Read: If All You See… »

Montana Blocks The Gender Confused From Changing Their Birth Certificates

Science says what biological sex you were born, no matter what pills you take and what body mutilations your perform

Montana adopts permanent block on birth certificate changes

Montana health officials on Friday made permanent a rule that blocks transgender people from changing their birth certificates even if they undergo gender-confirmation surgery.

The move by Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte’s administration comes just days before a court will hear arguments over the legality of a similar rule that’s been in effect on an emergency basis since May. The ACLU of Montana has asked state Judge Michael Moses to strike down the emergency rule.

Moses in April had temporarily blocked a 2021 Montana law that made it difficult for transgender people to change their birth certificate.

The law said people had to have a “surgical procedure” before they could change the sex listed on their birth certificate. Gianforte’s administration then went further and blocked changes to birth certificates even after surgery.

Over the last several years, conservative legislators in numerous states have sought to limit the rights of transgender people.

What rights are they blocking? Is there an actual right to having your birth certificate lie? Lop off your breasts or tallywacker and your are still biologically a female or male. How often is a birth certificate needed that this makes a difference? Is there a right to knock a biological female out of contention in a sport or for a job or for a college position? Here’s the cool thing: if you don’t like it move to another state. That’s the system. If you do not like California’s EV rule move to another state (unless you voted for this Leftist stuff, then stay there). It’s why most stuff is meant to be decided by the states, not the federal government.

It shouldn’t be too hard to move, as there are only around 2,700 gender confused people in Montana, most of whom are doing this because they are confused, and, possibly because it was fashionable to proclaim themselves as transgender. A birth certificate represents the condition at birth.

Michigan voters to decide abortion policy this fall after state Supreme Court ruling

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled Thursday that an initiative potentially enshrining abortion protections in the state constitution will appear on the ballot this fall, overcoming opposition from Republican election officials.

The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative, which is being pushed by an alliance of groups that includes the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, would make abortion a constitutional right in Michigan if it’s approved by voters. Abortion law in the state has caused confusion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, as a 1931 law banning abortion would have gone into effect but was deemed unconstitutional by a state court.

This is also the way it’s done: at the state level, not the federal level. That’s what the Dobbs decision is about. Unfortunately, it will probably pass, as polling has a lot more support than against. Also, sadly, it seems to support abortion right up to birth, though, it also seemingly allows the general assembly to put in restrictions on late term abortion. It’s somewhat vague.

Read: Montana Blocks The Gender Confused From Changing Their Birth Certificates »

Surprise: Lots Of Democrats Are Against Manchin’s Deal

Pretty much everyone, including myself, said that Joe’s little deal would not happen, and we keep getting the evidence

Bernie Sanders says he’ll vote against keeping the government open if Manchin’s ‘disastrous side-deal’ on energy is included

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said on Thursday that he’d oppose a short-term government funding bill if Democratic leaders attached legislation meant to ease construction of crude oil pipelines and other energy infrastructure.

“I will not vote for any bill that makes it easier for Big Oil to destroy the planet and that includes approving the Mountain Valley Pipeline,” the Vermont independent wrote on Twitter. “The Continuing Resolution must not be held hostage by Big Oil.”

The continuing resolution is a bill designed to keep the government funded for several weeks while Democrats and Republicans craft a year-long spending bill. The measure includes permitting reforms meant to speed up the approval of energy infrastructure projects including the Mountain Valley Pipeline in Sen. Joe Manchin’s home state of West Virginia.

Sanders took to the Senate floor and pummeled the legislation, which Democratic leaders and President Joe Biden agreed to pass in an effort to secure Manchin’s vote for the Inflation Reduction Act last month. Winning Manchin’s support was crucial for the party to advance the slimmed-down version of Biden’s economic agenda.

Well, that’s a bummer, Joe. Did you think this would happen? You should have. Perhaps you were just fine selling out West Virginia for a lie?

More than 70 House Democrats join push against Manchin’s permitting reform

More than 70 House Democrats are signing on to a letter pressing Democratic leaders to not include a side deal with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on reforming the permit process for energy projects in a bill funding the government.

The permitting reform language was offered to Manchin to win his vote on the massive climate, tax and health care bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act that was signed into law by President Biden last month.

Manchin provided the critical support to get that bill through the evenly divided Senate after winning concessions from Democratic leaders.

But in the new letter, the Democratic lawmakers are asking Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) not to include the permitting reforms championed by Manchin into a stopgap funding measure that Congress is expected to take up this month.

Without a stopgap funding measure, the government will shut down on Oct. 1.

Great job, Joe.

Read: Surprise: Lots Of Democrats Are Against Manchin’s Deal »

White House Says It’s Perfectly Fine For Brandon To Take Almost Every Weekend Off Despite Inflation

Meanwhile, lots of Americans are back to staycations, weekends vs taking full week, or just not taking anything

Reporter Presses Jean-Pierre On Biden Taking Vacations As Americans Struggle With Inflation

A reporter pressed White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Thursday on the president taking vacations while ordinary Americans struggle with inflation.

The reporter cited a Gallup poll finding that 24% of Americans have changed their spending habits and 17% travel less or have canceled their vacations due to inflation. The poll surveyed 1,570 adults between Aug. 1-22 with a 3% margin of error.

The poll prompted the reporter to ask if President Joe Biden is considering any spending cuts for the administration or himself. “17% of Americans have, according to this Gallup poll, have canceled vacations or traveled less,” the reporter said. “The president’s been to his beach house six times this year. He’s been to North and South Carolina on vacation. Has the president himself considered personally reducing his spending because of inflation or have the administration reduced spending?”

I haven’t differentiated his trips to Delaware between his regular house and beach house, but, he’s been to Delaware 21 times, including this weekend, and 7 to Camp David, this year alone. Eight times elsewhere.

Jean-Pierre argued that the president’s vacation in South Carolina is “not unusual” since he has a right to spend time with his family.

“The times that the president has gone to Delaware, not including and we were very clear when he went to South Carolina in August and Rehoboth he was going to go spend time with his family which every president does. That is not unusual, that is not uncommon to do and the president has a right to spend time with his family just like every other American across the country,” the press secretary said. “So that was that piece of what occurred in August.”

In other words, a bullshit answer. I love going to the mountains and Outer Banks, but, right now the hotel costs are double what they usually are (the Wilmington area is always freaking expensive). How many others are holding off right now because of Bidenflation? Does everyone else take a fossil fueled trip away from home almost every single weekend? Is his family there every weekend, or just him and Jill? It is actually uncommon for a president to be away from the White House almost every weekend. Especially when there are things going on like big inflation causing lots of problems for middle and working class Americans.

Read: White House Says It’s Perfectly Fine For Brandon To Take Almost Every Weekend Off Despite Inflation »

Doom: Rising Seas To Cause $34 Billion In Damage Within 30 Years

I blame you for refusing to become a cult member

Rising seas fueled by climate change to swamp $34B in US real estate in just 30 years, analysis finds

Higher high tides, supercharged by rising sea levels, could flood all or parts of an estimated $34 billion worth of real estate along the nation’s coasts within just 30 years, a new report concludes.

Within the span of a 30-year mortgage, as many as 64,000 buildings and roughly 637,000 properties along the ocean and its connecting waterways could be at least partially below the tidal boundary level, the nonprofit Climate Central stated in a report released Thursday morning.

Seas are forecast to rise from 8 inches to 23 inches along the nation’s coasts by 2050, with the higher increases along the northern Gulf Coast and mid-Atlantic. As the oceans rise, every inch of additional water is expected to move farther inland making flood events worse and putting more properties at risk.

That’s a hell of a spread of inches, eh? Seas rose just 8 inches in the 20th Century, which is exactly average for a Holocene century. They are not accelerating. When you do not get 8-23 by 2050, who pays the price for this bit of doom-mongering? Who gets punished for publishing this with zero skepticism?

More than 48,000 properties could be entirely below the high tide lines by 2050, mostly in Louisiana, Florida and Texas.

Nearly 300,000 buildings could be at least partially under water by 2100. The value of  buildings and properties below the high water level could rise to $108 billion, not including some 90 counties where the nonprofit couldn’t get tax assessor data.  (big snip)

The report’s conclusions aren’t meant to frighten or discourage people, Bain said. He hopes they give people information to influence outcomes and push officials at every level of government to begin working together now to adopt needed laws and regulations.

Right, right, not frighten, just get Government to mandate policies.

Unsurprisingly, there are lots and lots of doomy stories, like at the Washington Post

Rising seas could swallow millions of U.S. acres within decades

The water is coming.

There’s no longer much doubt about that, as scientists have increasingly documented how the warming of the planet has accelerated sea level rise along coasts around the world.

But an analysis published Thursday by the research nonprofit Climate Central reveals a troubling dimension of the economic toll that could unfold in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of homes, offices and other privately owned properties slip below swelling tide lines over the next few decades.

It’s an analysis by a far left cult organization with a lot of skin in the game, based on computer models, not reality.

Read: Doom: Rising Seas To Cause $34 Billion In Damage Within 30 Years »

If All You See…

…is a horrible suburban pool made with Evil concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on yet another failed climate cult prognostication.

Read: If All You See… »

DOJ Upset Over Special Master Ruling, Files Intent To Appeal

Well, nothing that wasn’t expected, because why would the Department of Justice want to be transparent and accountable?

DOJ appeals special master ruling in Trump documents probe

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Thursday filed a notice of intent to appeal a ruling by a judge granting former President Trump’s request for a special master, asking the judge to partially stay a ruling blocking them from accessing the classified materials seized during a search of his home.

“Without a stay, the government and public also will suffer irreparable harm from the undue delay to the criminal investigation,” the DOJ writes in its filing.

“Any delay poses significant concerns in the context of an investigation into the mishandling of classified records.”

The motion for a partial stay would allow the government to continue its review of the classified records recovered from Trump’s home, removing from review by a yet-to-be-appointed third-party special master some 100 documents of roughly 10,000 taken in the Aug. 8 search.

In case they’ve forgotten, citizens, even Donald Trump, have rights. If there’s a criminal probe, then the DOJ needs to say what it is. If it was so important, why did they wait months and months to ask for the search warrant, and why did it take them days to do the search after the extremely broad warrant was given? If it was about the documents, why did they search Melania’s wardrobe and Barron’s bedroom? Why did they take documents not related to those they knew were in that storage area, like tax documents, private communications with his lawyers, and his passports?

But the bulk of the argument for a partial stay of her ruling granting a special master relies on the impact her decision could have on national security.

Cannon allowed an intelligence community-led review of the documents to continue so that national security leaders could work to mitigate any fallout from the mishandling of records.

How so? They were simply documents. Nothing was happening, and there’s probably nothing that Trump doesn’t know about already. The same DOJ blew off Hillary Clinton’s handling of national security documents, which were being transmitted through email in violation of national security law, allowing friendly and un-friendly nations to read them.

What this is all about, most likely, is looking to protect the documents related to Crossfire Hurricane and other Russia Russia Russia investigations, if the rumors are true. The same FBI unit that was involved in that shady investigation is involved with the raid.

Kash Patel Explains That the Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid Was To Block Crossfire Hurricane Documents From Being Released Exposing the FBI [VIDEO]

Kash Patel, former Chief of Staff to the Acting US Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration did an appearance on Monday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” where they talked about the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, including the release of the mostly redacted affidavit. The amount of redactions in the affidavit made it an insult to release it.

During the segment, Patel told Tucker that the real reason the FBI did the raid was to block the disclosure of declassified Spygate documents, the Obama administration’s FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane documents that incriminate the FBI, DOJ, Department of Defense, and the intelligence community when Obama interfered in the 2016 presidential election to stop Donald Trump from beating his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton.

And they knew those were the documents sitting in the stored location at Mar-a-Lago. Trump wrote a presidential memorandum on declassifying all of the Crossfire Hurricane documents.

It has the ring of truth.

Read: DOJ Upset Over Special Master Ruling, Files Intent To Appeal »

Pirate's Cove