NC Voters Aren’t All That Interesting In ‘Climate Change’ For Mid-terms

It just goes to prove yet again that people might care about the climate crisis scam in theory, but, in practice? It’s low hanging fruit when compared with real issues

How important is climate change to NC voters in the 2022 midterm elections?

At a public meeting in Leland last month, officials with Chemours glowingly discussed the chemical company’s plans to expand its operations at the Fayetteville Works complex. Outside, nearly 200 protesters sent a different message to the officials of the company that for decades, along with its predecessor DuPont, dumped toxic “forever chemicals” into the Cape Fear River, contaminants that eventually made it into the drinking water of thousands of downstream residents.

The outrage against Chemours that has gripped the Cape Fear region since 2017 when the StarNews first brought the contamination to light has been powered by a drumbeat of new accusations and state actions against the company and new information about the health dangers posed by PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) like GenX.

Throw in a string of national and worldwide natural disasters that scientists say are fueled by manmade climate change and it would seem that environmental activism would be a driving issue at the ballot box going into the upcoming midterm elections.

Well, no, candidates and political scientists say.

Sadly, real environmental issues end up in the same category as climate apocalypse, since a) most of the nuts are in the same group, and b) the cult has made environmental issues the same as climate doom. I’m concerned about those forever chemicals. Not climate Ragnarok.

State Rep. Deb Butler, a Democrat who represents Wilmington in the N.C. House, said there are plenty of kitchen table issues, from inflation and the state of the economy to the future of public education and women’s reproductive rights, that are dominating the conversation this election season.

“That’s certainly at the top,” she said of the abortion question that’s divided the country for decades and became even more of a hot-button issue this summer with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to allow states to decide the issue. “People are still very, very upset about their contaminated water, too.”

And concerns over climate change?

“It kind of takes a back seat to those present threats,” Butler said.

Clean water is environmental, not climate calamity.

That sentiment was echoed by her Republican challenger for the House District 18 seat.

“People want to be heard, and they’re concerned about a lot of issues,” John Hinnant said.

He said when he knocks on people’s doors and asks them what worries them heading into the 2022 midterms, climate change and the environment does come up.

“But it’s well down the line,” Hinnant said. “People care about it, but between the increasing cost to fill the tank, higher utility bills and rising food prices, those are their primary things.”

It’s the same every election cycle: people do not care about climate cataclysm in practice.

Anusha Narayanan, climate campaign director for Greenpeace USA, admitted environmentalists are facing an uphill battle to get voters to pay attention when there are so many other daily, economic and political struggles for them to focus on.

“People are exhausted by the pandemic, they’re terribly disillusioned by the government,” she told The New York Times in July. “People see climate as a tomorrow problem. We have to make them see it’s not a tomorrow problem.”

Maybe, maybe not. Most are just unwilling to make wholesale changes in their own lives to accord with their beliefs. To pay more taxes and fees, or see their cost of living go up. If the enviros were smart, they’d separate the environment from climate destruction. People would care more about the environment in practice.

So what will it take to get climate change back on electors’ radar screen?

More natural disasters or environmental degradations that directly impact them would be one way, officials said.

The climate cult would love more misery, death, and destruction so they can push their cult beliefs.

Read: NC Voters Aren’t All That Interesting In ‘Climate Change’ For Mid-terms »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A Bad American, with a post on AOC having a meltdown over a biology lesson.

Read: If All You See… »

Crime Is Slamming NYC And Chicago

The NY Daily News, which has supported defunding the police, no cost bail, and all the other left wing soft on criminals policies, seems surprised

Violent, unprovoked attacks have New Yorkers on edge: ‘There is something profoundly wrong’

surprise surprise surpriseThey are the buzzwords of New York City crime circa 2022: Random and unprovoked.

A chilling spate of recent incidents involving innocent victims runs the gamut from a woman savagely beaten inside a Queens subway station to a 17-year-old Brooklyn girl killed by a stray bullet to a Mexican immigrant nearly killed by a sucker-punch outside a Manhattan restaurant.

The latest terrifying attack took the life of a veteran city EMS lieutenant on her way to grab lunch in Astoria this past Thursday, with a schizophrenic stranger knocking her to the sidewalk before stabbing her 20 times for no apparent reason.

“There’s something profoundly wrong with New York,” said Mary Hassler, 66, an Astoria resident and cosmetics sales person. “The number of these attacks are growing. There seems to be more and more all the time.

Hey, NYC residents voted for this when they voted in a Leftist mayor, leftist city council, and leftist District Attorney. They’re literally getting what they voted for. If you would have asked them if they supported defunding, no cash bail, etc, a few years ago they would have said “yes!”

But the department reports an uptick so far this year in 911 calls involving emotionally disturbed people. Through Sept. 29, police cited an 8% hike with the latest numbers at 131,199 — roughly 500 per day, up from 128,488 over the same stretch of 2021.

And in a year when the NYPD reported a nearly 12% drop in homicides, there was also a citywide 37% jump in robberies and a 43% increase in grand larceny as New Yorkers expressed their fears about the ongoing situation.

Like in California, criminals feel emboldened to do crime. And what does a city council member recommend?

I love the first section, where, under Direct, it’s recommended you “repeat the same statements until the person causing harm corrects their behavior or exits.” Right, right, that’s totally feasible. Of course, they could be exiting because they’ve already filled their bag with goods and it’s time to go.

And in Chicago

Read More »

Read: Crime Is Slamming NYC And Chicago »

Surprise: Editorial Board Is Against Treating Contractors As Employees

I’ve been reading since the early 2000’s. I’m from NJ a long time ago, they usually have lots of interesting reporting, they cover the Giants and Devils, and I used to love the forums, sports and politics. They’re very much a left wing paper. Overall, probably slightly less left than Pelosi and Schumer. But, hey, just like so many other Democrat companies, when Government starts raising their costs, they suddenly squeal and abandon those leftist principles

This fresh blow to newspapers — and our democracy — must be stopped | Editorial

This editorial is that rare piece that presents an unavoidable conflict of interest for us, since we in the dwindling press corps are not the observers this time; we are one of the players. But please, hear us out.

Because for local newspapers, this could be a matter of life and death. And for larger papers, like the Star-Ledger, the risk is further reductions in the already depleted coverage of local towns and school districts. Does any sane person believe that calling off the watchdogs would be good for New Jersey?

Wait, wait, Government instituting policies and requirements can have an adverse effect on companies? Huh

The solution wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime. It would only require that the state allow the status quo to continue, as a bill pending in the Assembly would do. New York and California have already passed laws to protect newspapers in their states. New Jersey needs to follow that lead, as a pending bill would do, and it’s urgent.

The issue is the treatment of the men and women who deliver newspapers, usually for a few hours a day, early in the morning, typically earning about $300 a week. For nearly two centuries, and across the country, the job has been done by contractors who are not classified as employees of the newspapers.

But now the state Department of Labor is strictly enforcing a law that’s been on the books since the FDR era, upending tradition by ordering these workers to be treated as employees. That means newspapers, or the firms they hire to handle delivery, would have to pay taxes to cover benefits like unemployment and disability, just as they do for full-time employees. It would cost the Star-Ledger, already diminished by layoffs and buyouts, about $3 million a year.

You can easily dig through the archives, including the writings of the editorial board, to find that has taken the side of the Democrats in all sorts of issues, such as Obamacare, raising taxes on businesses, and raising the minimum wage, not too mention all the COVID shutdowns and such. But, when it hits in the wallet? No siree Bob!. We keep seeing this, like Starbucks being again unionizing stores. The NY Times and Amazon were against unions in their own workplaces. Plenty of examples of that.

Understand, this is not a simple story about heroes and villains. Many contract workers are happy to be independent players. And it’s impossible to draw a bright line between contractors and employees that fits every circumstance. Gray areas abound.


N.J. legislators should do what Washington state just did for rideshare drivers | Opinion

The past month has been incredible for working people. Just this week, Starbucks workers in Boston voted to unionize two stores. This follows another victory just across the Hudson, where Amazon warehouse workers in Staten Island recently unionized after years of intense confrontation with the company.

As a driver with Lyft, one win that happened on the other side of the country still hits close to home. There in Washington state, rideshare drivers worked with Uber and Lyft, the local Teamsters union and democratically elected officials to pass a first-of-its-kind law providing them greater benefits and protections without jeopardizing their independence.

Granted, that’s not the editorial board, but, the paper was good with government forcing other companies to unionize, to treat contract labor as employees. Just, not their own company.

Read: Surprise: Editorial Board Is Against Treating Contractors As Employees »

AOC Seems Upset That Tents For Migrants Would Go Up In Her District

Bless her heart

The political pleasantries didn’t last long.

Immediately after appearing together in public for the first time Friday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., took aim at Mayor Adams’ plan to erect a migrant tent camp in her district, charging that there’s a “better solution” to be had.

The progressive congresswoman, who’s had a simmering beef with the more moderate-minded mayor for months, offered the rebuke in a brief interview with the Daily News on the steps of City Hall following a press conference with Adams on an unrelated topic.

“I think we can get to a place with a better solution here,” Ocasio-Cortez said when asked about the tent facilities being built in the Bronx’s Orchard Beach parking lot to house upward of 1,000 Latin American migrants.

Ocasio-Cortez said she also ”very much“ sides with ”the sentiment” of Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, who raised a number of concerns about the Orchard Beach site earlier this week, including poor transit access and susceptibility to flooding.

I’m sure she’s fine with the tents in other districts. Just another case of an open border liberal wanting all those illegals/migrants to be Somewhere Else. Someone Else’s Problem.

Read: AOC Seems Upset That Tents For Migrants Would Go Up In Her District »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fair using lots of energy, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on Antifa in Berlin hunting “high energy users”

It’s Octoberfest week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Greg Hildebrandt

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. There’s a bit of Fall in the air, the squirrels are loving my neighbors bird feeder, and the Dodgers are simply rolling. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Depot has a reality check on hurricanes as climate change
  2. Cold Fury says to know your role, prole
  3. Da Techguy’s Blog says LGBT voters would benefit from less government
  4. Dissecting Leftism notes the FDA is withholding autopsy results from people who died from COVID
  5. Geller Report covers the Army’s first open gender confused charged in plot to give US info to Russia
  6. Gen Z Conservative highlights Kari Lake firing back at Excitable Liz Cheney
  7. IOTW Report covers the lawsuits against Biden’s loan forgiveness
  8. Jihad Watch notes the Squad remaining silent on the Iran protests
  9. Legal Insurrection laughs at Harvard saying Trump won in 2016 due to memes
  10. Moonbattery discusses Planned Parenthood pushing insane sex education
  11. Pacific Pundit features Kamala Harris saying we have an alliance with North Korea
  12. Powerline wonders how corrupt the FBI is
  13. White House Dossier covers DHS playing nanny with it’s employees
  14. The First Street Journal notes our betters wanting you to charge your EV at work, not home
  15. And last, but, not least, The Gateway Pundit features Kamala saying disaster relief should be based on race

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

People’s Republik Of California Is Now A Sanctuary For Child Gender Transition, Mainstreaming Child Abuse

This is a recent poll of Californians

38% say they are having a serious hardship with the current economy, 33% say hardship, but, not serious, and 29% say no hardship. So, of course, Newsom and the General Assembly are working on those concerns, making child abuse legal

Newsom Signs Bill Making California ‘Sanctuary’ for Child Gender Transition

On Thursday, California governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that would facilitate child gender-transition tourism from other states.

The bill, spearheaded by Democratic state senator Scott Wiener, aims to make California a “sanctuary state” for out-of-state children to receive so-called gender-affirming surgery and hormone therapy without the knowledge or consent of their parents. The bill includes a number of provisions designed to insulate residents of red states that have banned child gender-transition from prosecution.

It prohibits California courts and lawyers from enforcing subpoenas imposed by other states demanding that healthcare providers disclose when they perform such medical procedures on minors.

Wiener has been behind multiple lawmaking efforts in the state to undermine parental rights. In January, he pitched a bill that would allow minors to be vaccinated without parental permission.

Under the gender-transition law, California courts will have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over any child and the person who accompanied the child to California to obtain the invasive medical interventions.

This is beyond insane, that the state is going to take the place of the parents and help a child, who really doesn’t know any better, do terrible things to their body that would be extremely difficult to reverse, and block parents from knowing and interceding. An unrelated person could transport a minor without parental consent across state borders. Sadly, there cannot be a federal lawsuit until a child’s life is destroyed, most likely.

You can bet that even many Democrats will be against this, and will turn many against Democrats. It’s pure insanity.

Read: People’s Republik Of California Is Now A Sanctuary For Child Gender Transition, Mainstreaming Child Abuse »

Bill Gates Not A Big Fan Of Telling People To Eat Bugs To Stop Climate Apocalypse

Well, of course not, because he’s rich, and he, like most Warmists, has no intention of giving up his modern lifestyle

Bill Gates says telling people to stop eating meat and buying big houses will never solve climate change

climate change joke

Climate change will never be solved by asking or expecting others to live greener lifestyles, according to Bill Gates.

Speaking on Thursday’s episode of Bloomberg’s Zero podcast, Gates said expectations that people were going to “utterly change their lifestyle because of concerns about climate” were “unrealistic.”

“You can have a cultural revolution where you’re trying to throw everything up, you can create a North Korean–type situation where the state’s in control,” he said. “Other than immense central authority to have people just obey, I think the collective action problem is just completely not solvable.”

Although Gates has a long history of working to alleviate the effects of climate change, the Microsoft cofounder stressed in Thursday’s episode of Zero that “not that many people are prepared to be worse off because of climate requirements.”

“Anyone who says that we will tell people to stop eating meat, or stop wanting to have a nice house, and we’ll just basically change human desires, I think that that’s too difficult,” he said on Thursday. “You can make a case for it. But I don’t think it’s realistic for that to play an absolutely central role.”

So, what’s the solution? Because everything coming from the Cult of Climastrology is about government forcing people to act in certain ways

Gates, whose foundations have invested hundreds of millions in climate initiatives, said last year that so-called Green Premiums—which offer people the chance to pay more to do or consume the same things without the emissions—could be a viable solution to reducing emissions without demanding people rethink their consumption habits.

So, paying fees and taxes? Where do they go?

The billionaire philanthropist, who said he pays $9 million a year to counteract his carbon footprint, told podcast host Akshat Rathi that a better solution is to invest in green innovations—but he noted that there are various other important social issues competing for funding.

Which requires lots of taxes. It’s really no wonder a very rich guy wants to pretend to Do Something by purchasing carbon offsets so he can jet around the world, eh?

Read: Bill Gates Not A Big Fan Of Telling People To Eat Bugs To Stop Climate Apocalypse »

If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On the Right, with a post noting that some will bow to government no matter what.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove