This Is What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

Hilariously, my upload, which was one of the first, if not the first, on Youtube was wacked, but, there are plenty of others up, fortunately.

Read: This Is What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown »

Your Fault: Spanish Barnacles Doomed From Global Boiling

They survived just fine during the previous Holocene warm periods, and cool periods. But, not, doom!

The barnacle, Spaniards’ favourite Christmas dish, imperilled by climate change

On the craggy rocks on northwestern Spain’s treacherous Costa da Morte (Death Coast), wetsuit-clad fishermen dodge crashing waves as they pick barnacles, a prized Christmas delicacy facing decline due to climate change and other factors.

Fetching up to 200 euros ($208) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) during the holiday season, the gooseneck barnacle from the Galicia region has long been treasured by Spaniards for both its flavour and difficulty to harvest.

However, the rise in sea temperatures driven by climate change has severely affected barnacle habitats, as they thrive in icy waters. A recent study by the University of Vigo also linked changing wave patterns to lower quality in the shellfish.

Israel Martinez, an auctioneer in the A Coruna fish market, said that there used to be double or triple the number of barnacles just 10 years ago.

One thing missing is how much the sea temperature has risen. Weird, eh? I wonder if it is any different from those previous Holocene war periods? Or, if they are over-harvesting? Meh, doesn’t matter to a cult.

How Does Climate Change Affect Christmas?

Christmas, a time of joy and tradition, is increasingly reshaped by climate change. From snowy celebrations in colder regions to tropical festivities in warmer climates, extreme weather and rising temperatures are altering how people celebrate the holiday across the globe.

Fewer White Christmases
In traditionally snowy regions, the dream of a white Christmas is fading. Warmer winters mean less snow and ice, making it harder for families to enjoy iconic activities like skating on frozen lakes.

Blah blah blah, cult.

Read: Your Fault: Spanish Barnacles Doomed From Global Boiling »

If All You See…

…is terrible heatsnow from Other People eating meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Ireland committing genocide against itself.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today TDS: Santa Is Nicer Than That “Other Guy” In The Red Hat

I wonder if the media has any clue that they are loathed, that they are not trusted, and that their TDS actually worked against them? Did any editor at the USA Today consider that Rex Huppke needs some therapy?

Yes, I believe in Santa Claus. He’s more kind than the other guy with a red hat. | Opinion

I believe in Santa Claus.

I make that declaration every year before Christmas, and every year, without fail, I’m mocked (mainly by family members) or labeled “cheesy” by online scolds and various other doubters.

That hasn’t stopped me before, and it certainly won’t stop me this year. If ever Americans needed to believe in a totem of pure goodness, it’s right now.

There’s another large-ish fellow who wears a red hat – kind of the anti-Santa, both in spirit and tone – getting loads of attention and promising us things many don’t want. But let’s dispatch with thoughts of that guy.

Instead, I’d like to ask the Santa doubters out there, young or old or in between, to consider the qualities of Claus – as a holiday spirit, as an idea and as a concept I argue is worthy of belief.

Is this one of those things where the screed writer cannot even type Trump’s name, like used to happen with Bush43? Trump is really living rent free.

To start, Santa represents kindness in its purest form. In the stories and shows and the tales parents tell their children, he is a character who cares about people and builds in kids a sense of hope and whimsy. Who teaches the value of goodness and the ills of being bad.

So, Trump is a big meanie. No mention of Biden commuting the sentences of 37 horrendous people on federal death row. Taking a nap for 3 hours while the families of the service members killed in the bad Afghanistan withdrawal sat around. I’m sure you can add a few things

Santa wouldn’t be denigrating migrants or turning them away

Santa also represents inclusion. He wouldn’t turn away people in need or demean people because of where they come from or who they are. He is for everyone who wants to believe, no questions asked

How about the hundreds of thousands who are criminals? Murderers, rapists, child abusers? Who light Americans on fire? Santa is known for giving coal to bad people.

He is the values we want our children to embrace, the values we grownups could likely use a refresher course on.

Would this like being exposing children to pornographic books designed to make them crazy? How about forcing women to deal with men who have mental illness in their safe spaces and on sports teams?

I believe in Santa Claus, and nobody’s going to persuade me otherwise

And, he’s believing in a way to let his Trump Derangement Syndrome loose.

Read: USA Today TDS: Santa Is Nicer Than That “Other Guy” In The Red Hat »

Climate Cult Expert Explains Talking About Climate Doom At Christmas

How about “don’t”? But, hey, if a Warmist brings it up ask them how they traveled to the gathering

Is silence golden? What a change expert says about family climate conversations at Christmas time

Do you engage with climate deniers that come your way this Christmas? And if so, what’s the best way to do it?

Climate change. Like discussions about the monarchy or world leaders, it’s one of those topics that inevitably comes up at the Christmas dinner table or after a few jolly drinks, one way or another.

Uncle Jim might make an out-of-the-blue, uninformed comment about Greta Thunberg. Cousin Mary might start saying something about how renewable energy isn’t reliable. And that’s before Grandpa John starts waxing lyrical about how climate change is just weather, loudly declaring that ‘we’ve always had storms’.

Is it a case of biting your tongue or going on an impassioned monologue? Should you make the case for climate action? Or sit quietly in a corner and feel the dark cloud rise over your paper party hat?

Oh, please. Those of us not in a cult won’t bother with the conversation, unless we want to wind up our climate cult relatives

So Townsend knows a thing or two about when to get involved in a conversation about climate change this Christmas – and when to steer clear.

And, if you do decide to go ahead with your family climate lesson 101, she has some fantastic ways to navigate through any difficult questions and reactions. (snip)

“You absolutely are NOT required to speak up,” she says. “If your mental health, physical or financial safety or core support relationships would be damaged, then leave the space. Play with the kids or pets. WALK AWAY.”

Walkjobs. Anyhow, the article offers some tips and stuff, which is weird that the cultists do not seem to have the information to have an actual discussion without being provided talking points. It’s almost like they are parrots mimicking what they are told.

Read: Climate Cult Expert Explains Talking About Climate Doom At Christmas »

Murderous Firebug Was Illegal Already Deported In 2018 But Living Known In SCNY

We now know more about the insane killer

Fiend accused of burning woman to death on NYC subway is illegal migrant from Guatemala who sneaked into US after he was deported

The illegal Guatemalan migrant accused of setting a straphanger on fire and gawking as she burned to death was once deported — but sneaked back into the US and the Big Apple shelter system, sources told The Post.

The accused firebug, who has not yet been charged, first entered the US illegally at the Arizona border in 2018, but was nabbed just days later and shipped back home.

He later crossed the border again, dodging federal agents and finding his way north to the five boroughs — although it is unclear how long he was in the city before the horrific F train attack Sunday, the sources said.

What is clear is that by April 2023 he was staying at a Days Inn hotel on 36th Street which had been converted into a migrant shelter — the first of four tax-funded facilities in the city.

When he was issued a transit ticket in 2023, he gave an address of a shelter on Randall’s Island, the sources said.

So, he was known. He was living in SCNY aboveground. The city was giving him shelter and taxpayer funded support. And then he set a woman on fire and watched.

The NY Times has an interesting take in an update

The nightmarish attack seemed almost like a collage of social problems the city is facing: homelessness, random transit crime, illegal immigration, substance abuse.

Aren’t these all things the Times either endorses, ignores, and/or says are no problem?

Why did no one help her? Fatal subway burning exposes New York City’s sad disconnect to humanity

No one helped.

The bystanders were too busy filming. The cops? Well, instead of wrapping their jackets around a burning woman in an F train stopped at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue Station on Sunday morning, they walked by.

Surely, someone would have thrown their coat over her, ran to look for water, screamed at her to stop, drop and roll. Found a fire extinguisher. Yelled for help. Something. Most of us like to think we would have acted to save her life.

This is NYC to the extreme, where no one offers help. They’ll take videos and upload them. And, these days, no one wants to get involved even more after Alvin Bragg prosecuted Daniel Penny.

Read: Murderous Firebug Was Illegal Already Deported In 2018 But Living Known In SCNY »

Adult Children Super Worried About Global Boiling In College

This is what the Cult of Climastrology has done to kids, turning them into mental messes, and now many are in college

College students get emotional about climate change. Some are finding help in class

More than 50% of youth in the United States are very or extremely worried about climate change, according to a recent survey in the scientific journal The Lancet.

The researchers, who surveyed over 15,000 people aged 16–25, also found that more than one in three young people said their feelings about climate change negatively affect their daily lives.

The study adds to a growing area of research that finds that climate change, which is brought on primarily by the burning of fossil fuels, is making young people distressed. Yet experts say there are proven ways to help young people cope with those feelings — and college classrooms could play a key role.

“When any of us talk about climate with students, we can’t just talk about what’s happening in the atmosphere and oceans,” says Jennifer Atkinson, a professor at the University of Washington. “We have to acknowledge and make space for them to talk openly about what’s happening in their own lives and be sensitive and compassionate about that.”

Or, the teachers could teach their subjects, not act as therapists for climademented children. Oh, right, the same students who use vast amounts of fossil fuels and energy themselves to travel around taking selfies and videos to upload, as well as using vast amounts of energy to stream videos and music.

“Students repeatedly say that the most helpful aspect isn’t anything they hear me say,” says Atkinson. “But rather the experience of being in the room with other people who are experiencing similar feelings and realizing that their emotions are normal and really widespread.”

Or, they could make their own lives carbon neutral rather than being squishy. But, really, I blame adults for the ever growing insanity in the kiddies. They did it to Millennials, and have now done it to Gen Z and are going after Gen Alpha. It’s a doomsday cult. One that continuously looks to drag more people in by making them fearful.

Read: Adult Children Super Worried About Global Boiling In College »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow from Evil fossil fueled vehicles driving on roads, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on Trump demanding the return of the Panama Canal if fees aren’t cut.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Commutes 37 Federal Death Row Sentences Because Trump

For all the stories on Biden commuting the sentences of these horrendous people who earned a death sentence, it’s Reuters that truly exposes what this is about

Biden commutes sentences of 37 of 40 inmates on federal death row

U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday commuted the sentences for 37 out of 40 federal inmates on death row, converting them to life in prison without parole before he hands over power to President-elect Donald Trump on Jan. 20.

Biden’s move will frustrate Trump’s plan to resume a rapid pace of executions. Unlike executive orders, clemency decisions cannot be reversed by a president’s successor, although the death penalty can be sought more aggressively in future cases.

Trump restarted federal executions after a nearly 20-year pause during his first term in office from 2017 to 2021.

Biden, who ran for president opposing the death penalty, put federal executions on hold when he took office in January 2021.

In recent weeks, he has faced pressure from congressional Democrats, opponents of capital punishment and religious leaders such as Pope Francis to commute federal death sentences before he leaves.

“Make no mistake: I condemn these murderers, grieve for the victims of their despicable acts, and ache for all the families who have suffered unimaginable and irreparable loss,” Biden said in a statement.

So, yeah, he did this now Because Trump. He could have done this years ago, but, he didn’t. If he was truly against capital punishment, then why only 37 of 40?

It leaves out three of the most well-known men on federal death row: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, convicted for his involvement in the bombing at the Boston Marathon finish line in 2013; Dylann Roof, convicted for the shooting spree at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015; and, Robert Bowers, who was convicted for the mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018.

All of those on federal death row are scumbags, and, really, many of them have been on death row for decades, so, it’s not like most are any closer to being put to death. All Trump could do was reinstate the ability of Los Federales to have executions.

Read: Brandon Commutes 37 Federal Death Row Sentences Because Trump »

Are We Seeing Fewer White Christmases, And Is This All Your Fault?

Yeah, it’s that time of the year, and the USA Today decides to jump into the cult, rather than, say, running some heartwarming stories

Are we seeing fewer white Christmases due to climate change?

Will we have a white Christmas? The annual question reaches peak curiosity this week, but as the planet warms due to human-caused climate change, the probability of seeing snow at Christmas is becoming increasingly unlikely, recent studies and reports have shown.

“With a warmer climate, it is likely that more winter precipitation will fall as rain rather than snow in many parts of the country,” said a 2021 report from Climate Central, a nonprofit science and communication organization. “Climate change threatens symbols of the holiday season from Christmas tree growth, winter recreation, and cozy drinks to Arctic wildlife.”

But impacts go beyond holiday traditions: Reduced snowfall and less snow cover on the ground could also affect water supplies, transportation, travel, and recreation for millions of people, the Environmental Protection Agency said.

Reports show that as the globe warms, snow, overall, is decreasing. In fact, between 1972 and 2020, the average portion of North America covered by snow decreased at a rate of about 1,870 square miles per year, an area roughly the size of Delaware, according to the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab.

Um, duh. That’s what happens in a Holocene warm period. No need to involve witchcraft, er, anthropogenic climate change. Anyhow, the cult propaganda continues on and on, but, fails to highlight if this is different from previous Holocene warm periods, which, is rather required to be Science.

Read: Are We Seeing Fewer White Christmases, And Is This All Your Fault? »

Pirate's Cove