Warmists Realize That Using All Sorts Of Other Phrases Doesn’t Help Their Cult Cause

Of course, it doesn’t matter what you call it, few Believers will practice what they preach

If you want Americans to pay attention to climate change, just call it climate change

You probably have been hearing phrases like “climate crisis,” “climate emergency” or “climate justice” more often lately as people try to get across the urgent risks and consequences of climate change. The danger is real, but is using this language actually persuasive?

It turns out that Americans are more familiar with – and more concerned about – climate change and global warming than they are about climate crisis, climate emergency or climate justice, according to a recent survey we conducted with a nationally representative sample of 5,137 Americans.

Moreover, we found no evidence that the alternative terms increased people’s sense of urgency, willingness to support climate-friendly policies or willingness to act.

The familiar terms – climate change and global warming – did at least as well, and sometimes better, than climate crisis and climate emergency in eliciting concern, perceived urgency and willingness to act. Climate justice consistently tended to do worse, likely in part because it was the least familiar. The responses were similar among Republicans, Democrats and independents.

To me, it appears as if once you start using the other phrases you’re fearmongering and putting it in a political context. Not that climate change and global warming aren’t really backed by politics instead of science, but, they at least give the impression that this is somewhat related to science. Climate justice? 100% politics.

Regardless, people may pay attention, but, most are not going to make any changes in their own lives. Why should they, when most of the elites pushing this stuff make zero changes in their lives?

Read: Warmists Realize That Using All Sorts Of Other Phrases Doesn’t Help Their Cult Cause »

If All You See…

…is a horrible chair made out of carbon pollution sucking trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on a CO2 pipeline battle.

Read: If All You See… »

Black Muslim Group Thrilled Kamala Is Taking Palestinian Side

She has more empathy for the people who backed the US State Department designated terrorist group which attacked and slaughtered Jewish civilians, which makes Islamist groups happy

Harris shows ‘more sympathy’ for Gaza than Biden and Trump, says black Muslim leader

Vice President Kamala Harris has displayed greater empathy for the people of Gaza than both President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump, according to Salima Suswell, the founder and chief executive of the Black Muslim Leadership Council Fund. In a recent interview with NBC, Suswell praised Harris for her calls for a ceasefire and her efforts to ensure aid reaches Gaza, noting, “She has repeatedly called for a ceasefire and has shown deep empathy toward civilian life.”

The Black Muslim Leadership Council Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization, is known for its advocacy on behalf of the Black Muslim community in the United States. Established by Suswell, the fund focuses on a range of issues including social and criminal justice, economic equity, and environmental justice. The organization has been particularly vocal about the need for a balanced US foreign policy, especially concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This recent endorsement of Harris marks a significant shift, as many Muslim organizations had previously been critical of Biden and were uncertain about Harris’s stance on Middle Eastern policy.

It’s not surprising that Muslim groups have flocked to Harris for her hard take on Israel. The BMLC is too new to to truly understand if they have radical leanings, though Salima Suswell sure has shown some anti-Semitism and Islamic supremacy in her background. And these are the people that the Harris-Walz campaign are pushing for votes.

Neo-Nazism and Islamism: Who is Asad Zaman, the Imam hosted by Tim Walz?

Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s new running mate in her presidential campaign, has hosted an extremist Islamist Imam on several occasions, the Washington Examiner first reported over the weekend.

Walz hosted Zaman three times in 2019, once in 2020, and again in 2023, among others, the Washington Examiner reported.

The Washington Free Beacon found last week that Walz appeared alongside an antisemitic scholar at a conference called “Challenging Islamophobia,” hosted by CAIR in 2019. The scholar Hatem Bazian has defended anti-Israel terrorist activities, the report noted.

Imam Asad Zaman pledged his support to Palestinians after October 7 and has previously promoted a Neo-Nazi propaganda film expressing support for Hitler, the Washington Examiner revealed.

The Washington Examiner revealed Friday that Walz has also donated $100,000 to the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, a non-profit headed by Asad Zaman. According to court records, the Muslim American Society was once described as “the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.”

So, Walz liked hanging with Islamic radicals. Quite frankly, the attacks on Walz pulling a blue falcon and padding his military resume are small potatoes, and the Trump campaign and Republicans should focus on things like Harris and Walz supporting Islamic extremists, as well as economic matters.

Read: Black Muslim Group Thrilled Kamala Is Taking Palestinian Side »

Your Fault: They’re Growing Mangoes In Greece Now

This is supposed to show the doom of a slightly warming world, and what a whopping 1.6F increase since 1850 has done. The cult is always looking for the next doom

Growing mangoes in Greece is the latest bizarre climate change experiment as droughts become the norm

Stirring the leaves of a shrub on his farm in Kyparissia, western Greece, Panos Adamopoulos spied the first soon-to-be-ripe mangoes — his share of a state experiment against climate change.

“Right there!” he exclaimed.

For decades, this fertile land on the shores of the Ionian Sea has been mainly known for olives, in addition to watermelon and other crops.

But even this part of Greece that sees more rain than other parts of the country is grappling with the effects of drought.

After the warmest winter on record, Greece also experienced the hottest June and July since reliable data collection began in 1960.

So, what to do?

But with increasingly arid seasons in sight, he may soon have to give up on some of his lucrative, yet water-intensive crops, such as watermelon.

Adamopoulos is among a small number of Greek growers turning to tropical fruits — mangoes, avocados, lychees, cherimoya and macadamia nuts — which he says are “more resistant” to the increasingly intense heat in the Mediterranean region.

For now, he only grows a few dozen mango and avocado trees on his 80-hectare (198-acre) estate.

Interestingly, Greece is in a growing region of 7 to 11. You can see the comparisons to this map of US growing zones, so, sure, drought is bad, but, drought happens, just like wet times will. This cult wackos think the Earth never changes, that it must always stay the same. Seriously, what caused the 300 year drought around 3,200 years ago?

Read: Your Fault: They’re Growing Mangoes In Greece Now »

Kamala Steals Trump’s Idea On Ending Tip Tax. Her Record Shows Something Interesting

Maybe she’ll put it up on her website which outlines her actual policy positions. If it ever is implemented. It’s right there on Trump’s website

Biden IRS Hunted Tip Tax, Now Harris Wants to End It

Vice President Kamala Harris told Las Vegas, Nevada, she will copy Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “no tax on tips” campaign promise, but the Trump campaign is exposing Harris for hypocrisy on the issue — not just the theft of it.

Harris is fixing something President Joe Biden’s administration — which she is a part of as vice president — has done: actively working to hunt tip tax income via an IRS memo in February 2023.

“Copy Cat Kamala’s deliberate cribbing of President Trump’s proposal continues her pattern of taking positions in her Presidential campaign that are the exact opposite of the failed, weak, dangerously liberal policies she has always touted and implemented throughout her career,” a Trump-Vance campaign memo read Sunday.

“In this case, it contradicts the radical Biden-Harris administration’s position of wanting to collect more tax on tips, which they rolled out just last year by launching a new enforcement program through the IRS to collect more taxes on tips.

“If she actually wants to end taxes on tips, why won’t she do it now, considering she’s part of the administration currently in charge?”

Obviously, no one in the Credentialed Media will call her on it. I’ve perused about a dozen articles from various sources and none have asked her directly why she’s doing this now, when her administration, which has been called the Biden-Harris admin since the beginning, is the one that implemented tracking down that income. Despite the promise that all the extra IRS agents would only go after those making $400k or more a year.

“Kamala Harris, whose ‘Honeymoon’ period is ENDING, and is starting to get hammered in the Polls, just copied my NO TAXES ON TIPS Policy,” Trump wrote Saturday night on Truth Social. “The difference is, she won’t do it, she just wants it for Political Purposes! This was a TRUMP idea – She has no ideas, she can only steal from me. Remember, Kamala has proposed the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY — It won’t happen.

Nor will the CM ask her if she will stick by this promise, because they all know that she is simply patronizing voters, and will continue to sic the IRS on easy targets like the working and middle class.

Read: Kamala Steals Trump’s Idea On Ending Tip Tax. Her Record Shows Something Interesting »

If All You See…

…is water flooding over cliffs from too much carbon pollution driven bad weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a victim selection failure.

It’s clearing the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation Of America! The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I just noticed that Futurama is back for season 12. This pinup is by David Uhl, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 (well, 16, added an extra)

  1. Green Jihad: Harris-Waltz Campaign Will Not Answer Questions About Tax Policy, Especially Carbon Taxes
  2. Jo Nova: Lost for 30 years in a freezer: The whole of Greenland melted away when CO2 was perfect — consensus broken
  3. Not A Lot Of People Know That: The Incestuous Green Blob
  4. Watts Up With That?: WEF: Climate Change Causes Pakistani Men to Beat up Their Wives
  5. American Greatness: Kamala’s Abuse of Staff Exemplifies Leftist Culture
  6. Chicks On The Right: Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless
  7. Cold Fury: US Vs “Great” Britainistan Round III
  8. Da Techguy’s Blog: Britain throws The Two Greatest Gifts to Mankind Away
  9. Gates Of Vienna: Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’
  10. Geller Report: “Think Before Your Post” is a Perfect Orwellian Slogan – Designed to Intimidate the Public into Silence
  11. IOTW Report: Dem Insider Says ‘Republicans For Harris’ is Scam Created By Kamala’s Campaign
  12. Twitchy: Snopes Unsure if Huge Crowds for Kamala Harris Don’t Cast Reflections
  13. Irons In The Fire: A short collection of responses to the Brits
  14. Jihad Watch: Tim Walz repeatedly hosted Muslim cleric who celebrated Oct. 7 jihad massacres and shared pro-Hitler website link
  15. Legal Insurrection: Unemotional Analysis: The sky is not falling for Trump, but Republicans need to get their act together
  16. And last, but, not least, Moonbattery: Harley-Davidson Gets Bud Lit

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

2028 Los Angeles Olympics Looking To Ban Cars

It’s never too early to push the climate cult crazy

No-car Games: Los Angeles Olympic venues will only be accessible by public transportation

Traffic. What will you do about notorious gridlocked Los Angeles traffic? That’s the one burning question repeatedly posed to Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass as she prepares to receive the Olympic flag ahead of the 2028 Summer Games.

“A no-car Games,” Bass said Saturday.


Bass and Casey Wasserman, chairman of the LA 2028 organizing committee, highlighted some of the planning already completed before Paris organizers hand the Games over to them during Sunday’s closing ceremony. Bass was preemptive about the traffic, addressing it in her opening remarks.

“We’re already working to create jobs by expanding our public transportation system in order for us to have a no-car Games,” she said. “And that’s a feat for Los Angeles, as we’ve always been in love with our cars. We’re working to ensure that we can build a greener Los Angeles.”

Working from home, that is.

Bass said public transportation will be the only way to access the Los Angeles venues, and her plan to address traffic snarls consists of both using 3,000 buses that will be borrowed from all over the country and asking businesses to allow their employees to work from home during the 17-day period.

I mean, it kinda makes sense, because traffic in LA can be a nightmare. Of course, much depends on where on LA the events will be held. And they better plan well, because all those millions of people coming to LA via fossil fueled flights and vehicles will be pretty mad if it is tough to get to the venues on these buses. And getting mugged and beaten and robbed. Seriously, LA isn’t really known for have a world class mass transit system, and what will the city do if citizens say “nope, I’m driving?”

Then there’s the homeless

Bass said she’s working at both the government level and with the private sector and vowed: “We are going to get Angelinos housed.”

“That is what we have been doing, and we’re going to continue to do that,” Bass said. “We will get people housed. We will get them off the street. We will get them into temporary housing, address the reason why they were unhoused and get them into permanent housing.”

Yeah, just like with Paris they will be cleaned out and forcibly relocated away.

Anyhow, I can’t wait for all the celebrities, politicians, and millionaire-actors to get caught driving their fancy sports car to an event, and all the average citizens who were told to “stay home” wondering what’s going on. Oh, and if Mayor Bass, provided she’s still mayor then, driving up in a limo.

Read: 2028 Los Angeles Olympics Looking To Ban Cars »

NY’s Climate Cult Governor Considers Relaxing Climate (scam) Goals

I wonder what could have brought this on?

Gov. Hochul Ponders a Relaxation of Goals Under New York’s Landmark Climate Law

After state officials admitted last month that New York State will likely miss a key deadline required by its ambitious 2019 climate law, business groups have seized the moment to lobby Gov. Kathy Hochul to relax the law’s basic mandates.

And Hochul sounds receptive to the idea.

“The costs have gone up so much I now have to say, ‘What is the cost on the typical New York family?’” the governor said in a recent TV interview. “The goals are still worthy. But we have to think about the collateral damage of these decisions. Either mitigate them or rethink them.”

The costs, eh? I was told that costs would come down from investing in and building all this green energy. No? Instead we’re getting collateral damage?

But that’s not going to happen, the state Public Service Commission (PSC) admitted in a draft report July 1. That 70 percent renewables target will not be met before 2033, it said.

Two weeks later, State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli released a blistering audit that criticized the PSC and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for using outdated data in required CLCPA projections. It also said the PSC had failed to estimate the costs of the transition to renewables or to specify ways to cover those costs beyond loading them on ratepayers.

In other words, the report was complete mule fritters designed to deceive.

Robert Howarth, a Cornell University climate scientist, takes a different view.

“I am appalled at this pushback against the CLCPA by business interests pushing their short-sighted agenda,” Howarth told WaterFront. “Climate change is very real. The consequences of climate disruption (floods, droughts, fires, crop failures) are becoming increasingly obvious to all.

He can be appalled all he wants: he gets paid regardless by the taxpayers, and the union can push for and demand raises that the private sector cannot afford.

“The passage of time does not change the law and it doesn’t make the climate crisis magically disappear,” state Sen. Liz Krueger, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, posted on X (formerly Twitter) after Hochul’s TV interview was aired July 18. “We are dangerously behind on the science-based mandates in CLCPA. It’s time to redouble our efforts, and build a more affordable, healthier, livable future for New Yorkers.”

1st, the whole push for green energy has increased costs, not decreased them. Second, has she considered asking the citizens of NY? What do they think?

Anyhow, renewable projects have been cancelled, which hurts the push (because the costs have gotten too high). The sale of EVs have stalled out (because those who wanted them got them, and the rest find them too expensive or inconvenient). And the state needs more and more energy, and green energy cannot compete.

So the costs to achieve CLCPA’s mandates are both rising and uncertain.

“I can’t do things without knowing the cost on consumers in either educating them that they believe this is the way to go because it’s good for the future … or making it go just a little bit slower,” the governor said.

I’ve said many times that every experiment needs an experimental group, and we’re seeing that his experimental group is not doing well when reality intrudes.

Read: NY’s Climate Cult Governor Considers Relaxing Climate (scam) Goals »

If All You See…

…is a horrible storm from carbon pollution rushing to the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Tim Walz’s 30 year relationship with China.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove