Your Fault: Golf May Not Survive The 21st Century

All because you refuse to recycle, go vegan, plant your own garden, handwash and line dry your clothes, and give up your autonomy and freedom to Government

Why Golf Might Not Survive the 21st Century
Water shortages exacerbated by human activity and climate change mean golf will need to adapt to new standards—or perish.

The sport of golf today evokes images of lavish country clubs and pristine greens which often alter and dominate environments that can’t sustain them. But the game’s history predates land-moving bulldozers, industrialized irrigation, even sprinklers and lawn mowers. Golf can trace its origins back to the late Middle Ages, when it was a stick-and-ball game played in the rolling hills of Scotland. Birds and insects flew nearby and ate native plants, which grew freely on the greens. (snip)

Nowadays, golf is a favorite boogeyman of the environmental movement, seen as a symbol of water-wasting opulence enjoyed primarily by the wealthy. Golf courses in drought-parched areas in the American Southwest and southern Europe have been targeted with municipal water cuts—and, at times, accused of evading them. In August, Extinction Rebellion climate activists descended upon the Vieille-Toulouse golf club and the Garonne des Sept Deniers golf course in southern France, filling their holes with cement and tearing up greens to protest their water use as the region suffered a historic drought. While dozens of villages faced water shortages, golfers enjoyed a privilege “worthy of another world,” they said.

Golf doesn’t use as much water as hydro-villains like industrialized agriculture, but it certainly gulps down far more than its fair share. Golf courses use more than 2 billion gallons of water per day for irrigation, or about 0.5 percent of the total water withdrawn in the U.S., according to figures published by the United States Golf Association (USGA). While water usage varies heavily by region, up to half of all golf courses in Arizona have exceeded their yearly water allotments over the past two decades, despite shortages of the Colorado River water the state relies upon, the Arizona Republic reported in July. Many Arizona courses hit with water cuts have vigorously fought back.

Holy cow, this is a long piece whining about the use of water on golf course, which is really one of sustainability, not climate doom. And they never really get to supporting the headline and subhead. Just another typical case of doom-mongering from climate cultists. It doesn’t matter if it is true, it doesn’t matter if it really has nothing to do with ‘climate change’, it’s all about freaking people out with a headline, since most people won’t read beyond.

Read: Your Fault: Golf May Not Survive The 21st Century »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Monday morning stimulus.

Read: If All You See… »

Illinois Looks To Pass Assault Weapons Ban, Taking Them From People Who Already Possess

This will absolutely nothing to stop the “gun violence” in Democratic Party run cities like Chicago. It will just disarm law abiding citizens. And force law abiding citizens to give up their legally purchased “assault rifles”

Illinois Democrats want to act with ‘urgency’ on proposal banning assault weapons

Illinois lawmakers are considering legislation that would ban the sale and ownership of assault-style weapons —joining states such as California and New York that have enacted similar bans.

First introduced during the final week of the veto session by House firearm safety and reform working group chairman Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Deerfield, House Bill 5855 would outlaw the manufacture, possession, delivery, selling, and purchasing of assault weapons, .50 caliber rifles, and .50 caliber cartridges. The proposal comes as firearm homicides increased by 35% from 2019 to 2020 nationwide, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On Monday, the bill will be heard during a House judiciary criminal committee meeting. Hundreds of supporters and opponents have signed up for the meeting scheduled for 11 a.m. in Chicago.

Morgan’s legislation lists more than 100 weapons that would be banned, including the AR-15 rifle which was used to kill seven people and injure 48 others during a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park. The bill also increases the age for most Illinoisans to carry a firearm from 18 to 21.

The Protect Illinois Communities Act has more than 25 co-sponsors as of Friday and is expected to be a priority for the Illinois General Assembly when lawmakers return in January for the lame-duck session or early in the regular session.

The State Journal-Register, an Illinois paper, minimizes that part about possession. Patch goes a little deeper

House Bill 5855 defines “assault weapons” and bans various semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns, magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, .50 caliber firearms and switches that are designed to increase a gun’s rate of fire.

If approved, the bill would immediately forbid the sale of assault-style weapons. People who already own such weapons would have to register them between 80 and 300 days after the act takes effect and pay a $25 fee.

After that, the registered owner may transfer the weapon to an heir, a resident of another state who will keep it out of state or a licensed gun dealer.

Does that 80-300 days mean what you think? Yes, yes it does

(WSILTV) The proposed legislation, HB 5855 or the “Protect Illinois Communities Act,” would not only ban the future sale of assault weapons, but also high capacity-magazines.

It would also raise the minimum age to purchase or own a weapon.

Supporters of the proposed law concede Highland Park’s ban on assault weapons did not prevent that mass shooting, but believe a state-wide ban could still stop similar shootings.

The bill makes it illegal to manufacture, delivery, sell or purchase any assault weapon in the state. You also wouldn’t be allowed to possess that weapon 300 days after the final passage of the legislation.

You could leave it out of state, but, you may not possess your legally purchased rifle within the state. And, yes, 2nd Amendment groups are already lining up to sue if it passes and the governor signs it. We can expect all the criminals and thugs and gangs to give up their “assault rifles” and magazines which hold more than 10, right?

Read: Illinois Looks To Pass Assault Weapons Ban, Taking Them From People Who Already Possess »

Oh, Noes: ‘Climate Change’ Coming For Canadian Christmas Trees

It begins. The Credentialed News media members who are also part of the climate cult are starting to do their yearly Christmas season linking with climate doom

Climate change affecting Christmas trees in B.C. and beyond: expert

The effects of climate change are taking a toll on Christmas tree farms in British Columbia and beyond, with one forestry expert saying the sector that’s already shrinking and shifting will need to adapt in the coming years.

The trees take eight to 12 years to reach the size most people are looking for, and young seedlings are particularly vulnerable to climate risks, said Richard Hamelin, head of the forest conservation sciences department at the University of B.C.

Much of the province has experienced prolonged drought and extreme heat over the last two summers, and the seedlings have shallow root systems that don’t reach beyond the very dry layers of soil near the surface, Hamelin explained.

Those same shallow roots meant swaths of seedlings were swamped or washed away during extensive flooding fuelled by so-called atmospheric rivers of rain throughout southwestern B.C. in November 2021, Hamelin said in an interview.

See, the climate is supposed to stay exactly the same all the time.

“Just like humans, when we are stressed or when we’re more tired, we’re more susceptible to diseases,” said Hamelin. “Well, trees are the same way. So all this added stress from all this heat and flooding make the trees more susceptible to pests and pathogens.”

Trees have gone through cool periods and warm periods, drought and flood, cold and warm. It’s always the same bit of scaremongering, and this time of year has them dragging Christmas into the mix.

Meanwhile, we’re at the point of

How to talk about climate change with ‘that’ uncle at Christmas

That’s rather early, isn’t it?

Stop Leaving Christmas Lights Turned On 24/7


You’ve probably been told time and time again the importance of conserving energy, but you might be wondering why it’s so important.

First, reducing your energy usage by turning off your lights is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint. Electricity generation is one of the biggest sources of carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. By turning off your lights when you aren’t using them, you can do your part to reduce carbon emissions and therefore help the environment.

Read: Oh, Noes: ‘Climate Change’ Coming For Canadian Christmas Trees »

Preet Bharara Says Trump Could Face Charges Within A Month Or Something

This made all the unhinged people with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome a bit moist in the nether regions…even their male-folk

DOJ has a team of ‘very seasoned prosecutors’ probing Trump and they are ‘on a path’ to charge the former president in a month, Ex-federal prosecutor predicts

A former federal prosecutor said that the DOJ has a team of “seasoned” prosecutors who are “on a path” to charging former President Donald Trump.

Preet Bharara said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that a team of “very seasoned” federal legal investigators was assigned to investigate Trump in connection with two criminal cases and that Trump may be facing charges within one month. Federal investigators are looking into Trump’s actions leading up to the Capitol Riot on January 6, 2021, and his alleged mishandling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home.

“I don’t think they would’ve left their former positions, both in government and private practice, unless there was a serious possibility that the Justice Department was on a path to charge,” said Bharara. “And I think it’ll happen in a month.”

Bharara, a former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said the government “generally do not proceed” in charging cases “unless you have a great likelihood of success.”

Let’s not forget that Preet has been an unhinged, deranged Trump hater from the get go. But, let’s say he’s correct: what will this do to the country? Think it will get even more divided? Think this will set a precedent to go after all ex-presidents? Don’t forget, the unhinged left wanted to prosecute Bush and everyone around him both during and after his terms. There were plenty of reasons to go after Obama, but, that would be unwise politically. But, now, Democrats want to turn the amp up to 11, and criminalize opposition to their agenda.

Read: Preet Bharara Says Trump Could Face Charges Within A Month Or Something »

Who Could Be Running In The GOP Primaries Besides Trump?

Funny Stuff

Like they have a shot in hell. They’ll probably do worse than Kamala Harris did

  • Cruz? Could do something
  • Chris Christie? No fucking chance
  • DeSantis? Good shot if he runs
  • Kristi Noem? Possibility
  • Nikki Haley? Maybe
  • Josh Hawley? Maybe, but, really doesn’t have the name recognition outside inside politics
  • Larry Hogan? Not likely, and a total GOP squish
  • Asa Hutchinson? Does not have the visibility, but, possible
  • Pence? MAGA will be against too much to gain traction
  • Mike Pompeo? No chance
  • Rubio? Maybe. He did just wipe out his Democrat opponent
  • Tim Scott? Decent chance if he runs
  • Francis Suarez? Who? Even most Republicans are unsure, no matter how good he is
  • Chris Sununu? Too squishy
  • Glenn Youngkin? I bet he doesn’t feel like jumping yet, and might not even come next year

Two which are missing are Texas Gov Greg Abbott and outgoing Arizona Gov Doug Ducey. Both could be big sleepers if they run. Ducey might not be super Conservative, but, he is reliable, well spoken, doesn’t back down, and appeals to Independents, squishy Republicans, squishy Democrats.

Read: Who Could Be Running In The GOP Primaries Besides Trump? »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful gondola system which should replace fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on quick hits on wisdom, knowledge, and snark.

Clearing out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The feel of winter is in the air, my Devils are still tops, and Christmas is fast approaching. This pinup is by Edward Runci, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Cold Fury discusses forever lockdowns
  2. Common Cents Blog covers Kyrsten Sinema becoming an Independent
  3. Geller Report notes Kari Lake filing election challenge
  4. Jihad Watch covers climate thugs endorsing Hamas and demanding the annihilation of Israel
  5. Legal Insurrection discusses a Biden study involving drug addicts distributing COVID shots
  6. Maggie’s Farm notes the hijacking of pediatric medicine
  7. Moonbattery covers Experts explaining why people hate Britney Griner
  8. Outside The Beltway discusses the weird NY Times “walkout”
  9. Powerline notes the mystery of Woke capitalism
  10. The American Conservative highlights the US military going to the dogs
  11. The First Street Journal wonders why anyone would become a cop these days
  12. The Gateway Pundit shows the World Health Summit admitting lockdowns were not about science
  13. The H2 has some music theory
  14. The Last Refuge digs deep into a Twitter censorship file release
  15. And last, but, not least, The O.K. Corral says the suck will continue forward

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NY Times Cries Raaaaacism Over Criticism Of Biden Trading Griner For Merchant Of Death

There have been plenty of wackos on social media playing the race card over this. I had a conversation the other day, which this other person started, that went they same way. They couldn’t provide a rational for trading Griner (who hates America, but, was still being over charged and used as a pawn) for the Merchant Of Death and forgetting to demand the release of retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, so, got loud, wouldn’t stop talking so he could listen, then accused me of raaaaacism. That’s all they have. And now we have the NY Times Jonathan Weisman and Ken Bensinger trying it (free at Yahoo News)

Blowback Over Griner’s Release Exposes Depth of America’s Divisions

There was a time when the release of American citizens who had been unjustly imprisoned by a foreign adversary was a moment for bipartisan relief and celebration: the 2018 return of three men from North Korea, secured by President Donald Trump, or the 1991 freeing of Terry Anderson, an American journalist, after years of captivity in Lebanon.

Those moments felt like sepia-toned artifacts Friday as Brittney Griner, the women’s basketball star, slipped quietly into a military base in Texas for evaluation following her release from Russia, while a Fox News reporter peppered White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with pointed questions about an exchange that he said had sent the “Merchant of Death” to Russia for a “professional athlete.”

Within hours of Griner’s release, much of the right wing was in full outrage mode, seizing upon both the man Griner had been exchanged for — Viktor Bout, a notorious Russian arms merchant serving time, in part, for endangering American lives — and the Biden administration’s failure to secure the release as well, or instead, of a former Marine, Paul Whelan, who has languished in a Russian prison since his 2018 arrest on espionage charges.

This is not in the opinion section, mind you, but, the US politics section

A considerable amount of attention was also paid to who Griner is: a Black woman, a celebrity, a married lesbian and, though it had gone largely unnoticed until now, an assertive liberal — one who, at the height of the Black Lives Matter protests, called to stop playing the national anthem at her team’s basketball games.

No one cares that she’s black or a lesbian. They do care that she hates America, and that Whelan was left behind. Really, the Biden admin didn’t even try.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, who hopes to be speaker in the Republican-controlled House next year, touched on that when he appeared on Fox News to condemn the “trumped-up charge” against Griner but to say that the exchange with Bout had “made us weaker.” He added, “It’s made Putin stronger, and it’s made Americans more vulnerable.”

But Griner’s case has gone beyond such calculations, into the fraught arenas of race, gender and sexual orientation, and at a time of make-no-concessions partisanship, when large swaths of the American public are steeped in the grievance politics and adversary demonization of Trump and his acolytes.

Only in the minds of leftwing lunatic moonbats who see everything in terms of Identity. They do not see individuals, they see Interest Groups, especially on race and sexual identity. Now, imagine that it was Trump exchanging Griner for a notorious arms dealer (the article seriously undersells the danger of this guy): how would the Paper Of Record treat this really, really, really bad trade? It may not be as bad as the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth for some cash for a play. Maybe Steve Young to San Fran for a 2nd and a 4th round?

And, really, the Times cannot offer any proof that Republicans were freaking about her being black or a lesbian. It’s all in their heads. And it just annoys the ever living shit out of me that these people try this.

Read: NY Times Cries Raaaaacism Over Criticism Of Biden Trading Griner For Merchant Of Death »

If All You See…

…is a horrible bag denoting buying stuff that you don’t need which is bad for the climate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on a big windfarm that can only operate half the year.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out American Greatness, with a post on Biden’s nonbinary lunatic nuclear waste guru charged with stealing from another airport.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove