Fog Could Maybe Possibly Be Disappearing From San Francisco Due To Climate Doom

This is all your fault, you know

Behind the paywall link, which I’m reading using Pocket

It was the first morning of summer, the start of fog season. But the sky above the Golden Gate Bridge remained clear and blue.

Chris Dzierman, a bridge painter and foreman, looked to the west. Near the horizon, where water usually meets sky, a thick fog bank lurked. He wondered if and when it would roll in, as fog usually does on summer afternoons, smothering the bridge and beyond in wind and whiteness.

“It could last three minutes or three hours,” Mr. Dzierman said. “It’s fog. It’s got a mind of its own.”

Every summer, fog breathes life into the Bay Area. But people who pay attention to its finer points, from scientists to sailors, city residents to real estate agents, gardeners to bridge painters, debate whether there is less fog than there used to be, as both science and general sentiment suggest.

“Suggest” is not science.

The ecological, economic and social effects of fog are profound, perhaps no more than in Northern California. Changes would be life-altering. But understanding fog is one of science’s toughest tricks. Quantifying the changes and determining possible causes, including global warming, is climatology’s version of chasing ghosts.

So, they really do not know? They’re going to prognosticate doom on chasing ghosts. Skipping way deep

Otto Klemm, a professor of climatology at the University of Münster in Germany, is more certain. He has studied data from airports all over the world.

“Fog has decreased, more or less everywhere,” he said, attributing the link both to climate change and to lower levels of air pollution, as water droplets have fewer particulates to cling to. “Of about 1,000 stations, 600 or 700 show a statistically significant decrease. All over Europe, all over North America, South America — everywhere.”

So, cleaner air is reducing fog? Huh. You need to pay penance for this.

Read: Fog Could Maybe Possibly Be Disappearing From San Francisco Due To Climate Doom »

Excitable Gavin Newsome Wants DOJ To Consider Kidnapping Charges Against DeSantis And Abbott

Democrats are really not taking this whole “busing illegals/migrants to Democratic Party run sanctuary areas” very well, eh? Perhaps Sacramento should be next on the list, perhaps the Fair Oaks region on the outskirts of Sacramento

Gavin Newsom asks DOJ to consider ‘kidnapping’ charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha’s Vineyard were illegal.

“Several of the individuals who were transported to Martha’s Vineyard have alleged that a recruiter induced them to accept the offer of travel based on false representations that they would be transported to Boston and would receive expedited access to work authorization,” Newsom wrote. “I urge US DOJ to investigate whether the alleged fraudulent inducement would support charges of kidnapping under relevant state laws.”

Do Democrats understand just how bad this makes them look to the average citizen? Obviously, they couldn’t care less what Republicans think, but, what of the Independents and little D Democrats, who could flip their votes, or just sit out?

Not that this actually happened, but, perhaps Nikki could ask the White House who transported those illegals/migrants to Florida in the first place. And then

This is on the uber-rich island of Martha’s Vineyard. They just have to move on, you know.

Read: Excitable Gavin Newsome Wants DOJ To Consider Kidnapping Charges Against DeSantis And Abbott »

Bummer: GOP Going After The Stupid Climate Disclosure Rules

This makes climate cultists very upset. They’re gung-ho to force Other People to do things. I bet the uber-left wing climate cultist leaning UK Guardian would pitch a hissy fit if the UK government forced them to pony up all sorts of disclosures that cost them a lot of money

Republicans planning legal assault on climate disclosure rules for public companies

Republican officials and corporate lobby groups are teeing up a multi-pronged legal assault on the Biden administration’s effort to help investors hold public corporations accountable for their carbon emissions and other climate change risks.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed new climate disclosure rules in March that would require public companies to report the climate-related impact and risks to their businesses.

The regulator has since received more than 14,500 comments. Submissions from 24 Republican state attorneys general and some of the country’s most powerful industry associations suggest that these groups are preparing a series of legal challenges after the regulation is finalized, which could happen as soon as next month.

“I would expect a litigation challenge to be brought immediately once the final rule is released,” Jill E Fisch, a business law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Guardian. “They probably have their complaints already drafted, and they’re ready to file.”

Are the investor clamoring for these disclosures, or just activists and climate cult politicians?

Some opponents claim that requiring companies to publish climate-related information infringes on their right to free speech. Others (often the same ones) say that the rule exceeds the SEC’s legal authority.

Yes to both, but, mostly to exceeding SEC authority

In West Virginia v EPA, the supreme court endorsed a relatively novel legal notion – the so-called “major questions doctrine” – to halt an EPA effort to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. As the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists explained, “Under this doctrine, when a regulation crosses a certain threshold of being ‘major’ – a line which remains poorly defined – the court rejects the regulation unless it has been clearly authorized by Congress.”

This is a massive rule not explicitly authorized by the Legislative Branch, but, the climate cultists do not care, they’ll keep pushing.

Read: Bummer: GOP Going After The Stupid Climate Disclosure Rules »

If All You See…

…is an angry sea from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the FBI going after Mike Lindell.

Read: If All You See… »

Sen. Warren Admits Inflation Reduction Act Won’t Bring Down Energy Prices For A Long Time

She had her talking points down, as she didn’t refer to it as a climate bill, like so many did after its passage

Warren: Inflation Act Doesn’t Lower Utility Costs for Years, But That’s Where ‘Everybody’ ‘Would Like to See Those Prices Come Down’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) stated that the Inflation Reduction Act is “partly about bringing down utility costs, and it’s partly about bringing down healthcare costs.” But admitted it only does so in the long run and stated that “long-term is where, I think, everybody in America would like to see those prices come down.”

Host Andrea Mitchell said, “[T]he Inflation Reduction Act, so named, doesn’t really reduce inflation. It brings the deficit down, less than one might have hoped because of Manchin and Sinema taking things out on the tax piece of it.”

Warren responded, “It absolutely brings the deficit down. And remember, if you think that the problem that causes inflation is too much money floating around in the economy, then it absolutely attacks that directly. But what it does that I think we have to remember about inflation is it attacks costs directly where families live. So, the Inflation Reduction Act is partly about bringing down utility costs, and it’s partly about bringing down healthcare costs.”

Unfortunately, Mitchell missed the opportunity to ask “how? How will the IRA bring down utility costs?” The answer would have probably been along the lines of building more wind farms and solar farms while cutting off natural gas and coal, replacing reliable, dependable, and affordable energy with expensive and hit-or-miss energy. If Warren even answered rather than deflected

Mitchell then pointed out that both of those are “long-term” and don’t “kick in until ’25 or so.”

Warren responded, “But long-term is where, I think, everybody in America would like to see those prices come down. This is literally the first time that big pharma has lost in a battle to be able to keep raising prices forever and ever. And Democrats — again, Democrats have a real plan to bring down prices, while Republicans just stand by and scream.”

Mitchell failed to ask “how” on that, too. What will cause energy prices to come down, and, if they do, how will we know that the IRA had anything to do with it 3 years from now? Just the electric vehicle stuff will cause utility prices to rise as more use electricity to charge their cars. Most upper middle class and rich folks, of course, since the middle and working classes won’t be switching to too expensive vehicles.

Read: Sen. Warren Admits Inflation Reduction Act Won’t Bring Down Energy Prices For A Long Time »

Brandon To Go After Industrial Products Manufacturers For Carbon Pollution Or Something

This Brandon?

Let’s see: he took Marine 1 to Andrews on Tuesday, jumped on a fossil fueled jumbo jet, taxied, took off, landed, parked, jumped in a large fossil fueled convoy. Voted. Then did it in reverse. Most likely with the backup jumbo jet and several fighter jets. Would have been better to just take the helicopter.

Oh, and flew back and forth to Detroit Wednesday to tour the auto show, where, per his schedule, “The President delivers remarks highlighting the electric vehicle manufacturing boom in America.” Bet he didn’t show up in an EV convoy. Nor take one over to a reception for the DNC. And

Biden administration seeks to lower industrial greenhouse gas emissions — and that won’t be easy

With the passage last month of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the federal government has taken its first major steps towards reducing greenhouse emissions from cars, houses and power plants by incentivizing the purchase of electric vehicles, solar panels, electric heat pumps and other existing technologies.

But after transportation and electricity generation, the next largest source of carbon dioxide emissions is the manufacture and refining of industrial products like iron and packaged foods. These processes all rely on the burning of fossil fuels in order to facilitate chemical reactions, emitting massive amounts of greenhouse gases as a result.

Collectively, industry accounts for 24% of annual U.S. emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, compared to 25% for electric power and 27% for transportation, and lowering those emissions will be especially hard. Cutting fossil fuels out of industry is a more complicated task than switching to electric cars or replacing coal-fired power plants with wind farms, as it requires changing the way everything from plastics to cement are made.

Gee, that won’t cause prices to spike at all, right? The article delves more into what they’re going after, what they’ll be told to do by the Brandon admin, and it all means your cost of living will go up and products will be less available. Be funny if all these manufacturers decided to withhold their products and services from the U.S. government. Pretty sure the security fencing around his Rehoboth Beach house will require metal and concrete. Be a real shame if the manufacturers said “sorry, can’t supply it.”

Read: Brandon To Go After Industrial Products Manufacturers For Carbon Pollution Or Something »

Hot Take: Illinois Governor Signs Disaster Declaration Over Bused Illegals

He didn’t seem particularly concerned enough over blacks shooting each other in the streets of Chicago, nor all the crime in the city, but, a few illegals shipped to Chicago? Well

Governor signs disaster declaration, calls up National Guard to assist with migrants bused from Texas

Gov. J.B. Pritzker is signing a disaster proclamation to secure resources for the asylum-seekers bused to Illinois from Texas and has deployed 75 National Guard members to assist with the logistics of receiving the migrants, he announced Wednesday.

Speaking at a news conference, Pritzker again criticized his Texas counterpart, Gov. Greg Abbott, for failing to coordinate or communicate with Illinois and Chicago officials and derided his actions as a “stunt.”

”I’m not going to mince words here: The governor of Texas is forcing on New York and (Washington) D.C. and Chicago and potentially other places a needlessly last minute and complex process that is a heartless display of politics over people,” Pritzker said. “Why not give reasonable notice? Why send these folks only to blue cities or blue states? Why isn’t Abbott sending refugees to Mississippi or Oklahoma or Idaho? This is about politics for him.”

The border towns do not really receive notice when the illegals stream in, right? Nor when the Biden admin forces Customs And Border Patrol to release the illegals and open the gates, right? Or, when the Biden admin flies illegals to small cities around the nation in the dead of night, right? Or when Chicago sent a bunch of those illegals to a small city outside Chicago, right?

Pritzker said the migrants are in the country legally as asylum-seekers and that many trekked for months to make it to the U.S. border to escape oppression and persecution. But upon arrival, Pritzker said, they were herded into buses and dumped in the “dead of night” at Chicago’s Union Station.

And almost none of them will qualify for asylum. Why should small towns in Texas and Arizona have to deal with these folks and not the cities that call themselves sanctuaries? Seems like these pro-illegal folks are pretty upset that they have to now deal with the consequences of their pro-illegal beliefs

Meanwhile, Pritzker said that the Illinois attorney general and Chicago city attorneys, among other agencies, are investigating whether there is “criminal liability” for Abbott’s actions.

Oh, is Abbott responsible for failing to secure the border? Isn’t that the job of the federal government, per the Constitution and federal law?

Lightfoot said since Aug. 31, when the first busload of asylum-seekers arrived, about 500 migrants have arrived in Chicago. She expects that number to grow.

Chicago has to deal with about 500, there’s been around 130,000 Venezuelans alone who’ve crossed the border this fiscal year. El Paso is dealing with around 1,000 migrants of all nationalities a day and hundreds of releases a day. That’s one city. Chicago can suck it.

And more:

2 migrant buses arrive outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ Naval Observatory residence in DC

Two migrant buses from Del Rio, Texas, arrived near Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., Thursday morning.

Between 75 and 100 people who were picked up in Eagle Pass, Texas, were sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. The group includes migrants from Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and Mexico. Multiple migrants, asked by Fox News Digital, said they think the border is open, contrary to what Harris said Sunday during an interview.


Massachusetts Dems react after DeSantis transports migrants into ritzy Martha’s Vineyard: ‘Evil and inhumane’

Lawmakers in Massachusetts were tasked with caring for dozens of migrants Wednesday after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, a ritzy island located in Dukes County.

On Wednesday, Democratic lawmakers voiced their criticism online after they were forced to act swiftly to provide them shelter, food, blankets and other necessities to the 50 migrants who now reside in their state.

Read: Hot Take: Illinois Governor Signs Disaster Declaration Over Bused Illegals »

Bummer: World Leaders Being Told No Private Jets And SUVs For Queen’s State Funeral

Such a real shame when the people who tells us there’s a crisis have to act like it’s a crisis, if only for a day or two

Biden on a bus? Brits say president, other world leaders to be escorted to queen’s funeral in coaches

Ditch the armored limo. Leave the presidential chopper at home.

President Joe Biden and other dignitaries who plan to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral have been advised by the British government not to take private transportation to London next week and told they will be escorted to the service in buses.

Official planning documents obtained by Politico urge presidents, monarchs and other heads of state to take commercial aircraft to London and wait for their ride to Westminster Abbey, where the solemn ceremony will be held Sept. 19.

How many will actually not take their big private jets and limos? I guess we’ll see

Biden on a bus? That won’t happen, said former U.S. officials who have been involved in presidential planning and security.

“I can’t imagine any circumstances where the USSS (Secret Service) would agree to any of that,” said Anita McBride, who was assistant to President George W. Bush and chief of staff to first lady Laura Bush.

The Secret Service declined to comment on the president’s travel arrangements or security measures that will be put in place for his trip.

An unconfirmed report published in The Times of London said Biden would be given special dispensation and would be allowed to take the presidential limo to the funeral, while other world leaders would have to share the bus.

Yeah, I don’t see him doing this, either. Because he’s special. He wants to force you into an EV, bus, and/or train. Or scooter. Or walk. That’s not for him though. Nor probably for most of the world leaders who advocate to Do Something about ‘climate change’. They’re too special to do what they are making the plebes do.

Read: Bummer: World Leaders Being Told No Private Jets And SUVs For Queen’s State Funeral »

If All You See…

…are wet rocks from climate fueled extra high king tides, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on why Progressives undermine civilization.

Read: If All You See… »

White House Unable To Answer How The IRA Will Reduce Inflation For Citizens

Even after a month, where Brandon just celebrated a month since the bill was passed…

President Joe Biden celebrated the passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act” by hosting an event at the White House Tuesday, the same day the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report showing inflation had continued to rise in August, causing markets to plummet. (snip)

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report, released Tuesday, showed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key measure of inflation, increased by 8.3 percent in August when compared to the same month last year and increased 0.1 percent from July.

Many economists had predicted inflation would decline slightly in August. Markets nosedived on the news, with the Dow falling 1,250 points — the most since June of 2020.

Consumer wallets are also getting hit hard at the grocery store. The food index had the largest 12-month increase since May of 1979, rising 11.4 percent over the last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report.

…the White House cannot say what the IRA will do

Karine Jean-Pierre stumbles when pressed on so-called Inflation Reduction Act: ‘Is it fair?’

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanWhite House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre floundered when pressed on what the so-called Inflation Reduction Act will do for Americans in the short term Tuesday.

Reporters pressed Jean-Pierre during a White House press briefing, pointing out that the measures in the IRA aren’t expected to impact most Americans until later in the decade. Jean-Pierre listed a handful of programs subsidizing some purchases but did not point to examples of how the bill would cut inflation.

“What exactly would the inflation Reduction Act do to reduce inflation in the short term?” a reporter asked.

“Look, experts economists have said themselves that … the Inflation Reduction Act would be beneficial to let three hundred the extra three hundred billion dollars in deficit,” Jean-Pierre responded. “That is really important as we have right now $1.7 billion in deficit reduction under this administration. It would help lower that even more, which is incredibly important.”

And, good on the reporter for continuing to press the issue, because that is, as usual, a non-answer from Jean-Pierre

“Is it fair to suggest to people that somehow they’re going to see some inflation reduction right now while they’re hurting the most?” the reporter pressed.

“Well, that is actually not true,” Jean-Pierre said before listing several programs granting tax credits or rebates for installing things like home solar panels and energy-saving windows and doors.

So, if all you middle and working class would just spend a ton of money you don’t have to install solar panels and stuff, you’ll save money! Makes total sense. This is some serious Jimmy Carter wearing a sweater stuff, the Biden admin divorced from reality, and the GOP is blowing it by not bringing it up constantly.

Read: White House Unable To Answer How The IRA Will Reduce Inflation For Citizens »

Pirate's Cove