John Fetterman Abuses NY Times Reporter Who Questioned Him On Supporting Israel

No matter what one might say about John Fetterman’s liberal leanings, he has been one of the biggest Democrat supporters of Israel and in their fight against Islamic extremism. I wonder, here, though, if what he said to the NY Times reporter got through her indoctrinated to hate Israel and Jews head

‘Daddy Was A Member Of Hezbollah’: Dem Senator Claps Back At NYT Reporter Over Question On Israel’s War Against Terror

Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman clapped back at New York Times (NYT) reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro over a question on Israel’s war against terror in an interview released Saturday.

Garcia-Navarro poked at Fetterman’s unwavering support for Israel following the deadly Oct. 7, 2023 attack by Islamic terror group Hamas with a slew of questions. The Democratic senator remained consistent when pressed about Israel’s exploding pager attack of mid-September which targeted Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.

Fetterman told the NYT reporter he “absolutely” does support Israel’s pager attack despite the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh chapters of the Council on American Islamic Relations condemning him in a joint statement issued in late September.

This would be the same CAIR which has always had massive links to Islamic terrorism groups

“They said, ‘When our elected officials start condoning the civilian loss of life, our collective moral compass is irreparably harmed,’” Garcia-Navarro said.

“It was targeted for members of Hezbollah. You know, no one uses beepers in that situation other than they were a member of Hezbollah,” Fetterman countered.

All those beepers were sold to Hezbollah as part of a long Israeli operation to get them to stop using phones, and the company who built and sold the beepers to Hezbollah was an Israeli one, which is truly funny.

“There was a young child who was killed,” the NYT reporter said.

“Unfortunately, tragically, because daddy was a member of Hezbollah,” Fetterman responded. “He brought that danger and evil into their home. And that’s what tragically resulted in that poor child’s death.”

“That’s what’s so terrible. She paid the price because her father was a terrorist for Hezbollah,” he added.

It’s one thing to ask tough questions to elicit answers that are favorable to the interviewee. It’s another to ask questions that appear to take the side of a US State Department designated terrorist group, which is what Garcia-Navarro was doing.

Also, if you refer to that link I made bold in the first excerpt, here’s how the entire thing started. It was the second question, after one about how Fetterman no longer defines himself as a Progressive, for which he said he has “reasonable views”

You said just now that progressives have adopted extreme positions, which you don’t agree with anymore. What would you say those are? Like defund the police, those kinds of things. That was a huge gift to the Republicans. And now, just some of these protesting right now. They’re openly being supportive of Hamas, or they’re now calling for the infantada [intifada] and these kinds of extreme absurd things. And they are supporting the kinds of regimes that live and impose the kind of values that are antithetical to the progressive kinds of way that they would live.

Exactly. How many Democrats are openly supportive of Islamic terrorism groups, and Iran, which are attempting to kill Jews and destroy Israel? There’s actually quite a bit more later in the interview for which Fetterman educates Garcia-Navarro on why Israel is good and Islamic terrorism groups are bad.

Read: John Fetterman Abuses NY Times Reporter Who Questioned Him On Supporting Israel »

Climate Cult Is Upset That Weathermen Don’t Spend All Their Time On Hotcoldwetdry

Well, if the cultists, in this case the UK Guardian’s Stuart Jeffries who writes the cult screed, don’t like it they can start their own news station, right?

‘You don’t want to waste time on climate change’: TV weather’s big problem with the environmental crisis
Lack of time, difficulties with scientific rigour, an uninterested public … television meteorologists open up about why they’re so quiet about the reasons for extreme conditions

Why do TV and radio forecasts rarely contextualise extreme weather events in terms of the climate crisis? After all, the latest data suggests Britain is getting hotter, wetter and stormier. The number of “very hot days” of 30C or more, according to the Met Office’s latest climate report, has trebled over the last few decades. Last year was the second warmest on record since 1884, with only 2022 warmer.

“If you believe, as I do, that climate change is the most fundamental challenge facing humanity,” says Sunil Amrith, history professor at Yale’s School of Environment, and author of the forthcoming book The Burning Earth: An Environmental History of the Past 500 Years, “any contribution to making its causes and effects more widely known will have a role to play”.

Sunil could go into business with Stuart. Why don’t they do a webcast with their climate cult weather forecast? See how that goes

Met Office forecaster and presenter Alex Burkill does not agree that climate denialism is rife among meteorologists. “I think the reason we don’t do it very often is twofold. One is timings. We don’t always have a huge amount of time to talk, particularly on TV. If there’s important weather to be discussing, you don’t really want to waste time talking about climate change. You’d much rather get the information the public need to make sure they stay safe.”

This goes to the subheadline: people do not care, they just want their damned weather forecast, not a lecture on climate doom. Will it rain? Snow? Sleet? Be hot, cold, or a gorgeous day you can take a significant other, the kids, your parents, out for a nice lunch or something? It’s like how no one wants to hear about gun grabbing in the middle of a football game.

But your nightly weather bulletin is poised to be revolutionised, like everything else in human culture, by artificial intelligence. Charlton-Perez points out that in the past two years Google, Microsoft, Nvidia and Huawei have been developing weather forecasts using AI technology. “They run thousands of times faster than normal weather forecasting models. I can run those on my laptop.”

Perhaps AI could not only more accurately forecast the weather but ChatGPT-engaged bots could present it, making, say, Carol Kirkwood and Stav Danaos redundant. “From a presenter point of view, there’s obviously the concern that we might get replaced with an AI robot,” says Burkill. “I don’t think that’s going to happen particularly soon, because I think people still want that human interaction.” He has a more pressing worry – that his weather forecasts can be deepfaked. “More concerning is the ability for people to use AI to modify what we’ve said. They can be quite convincing.”

And the climate cult could get the AI to present climate doom with a side of the weather forecast. I’ve been watching this issue for so long and seen it become so hardcore over the years and decades that I was really one of the first to call it a cult, hence I read this as a threat to weathermen that they had better comply with the cult or they will be replaced.

Read: Climate Cult Is Upset That Weathermen Don’t Spend All Their Time On Hotcoldwetdry »

Kamala Says God Expects You To Vote For Her

You wanted a scorching hot-take for a Monday morning, didn’t you?

Harris heckled at Pennsylvania church, says voting for her fulfills God’s expectation ‘for us to help Him’

Vice President Harris was interrupted by a heckler while she was speaking in a Pennsylvania church on Sunday meant to highlight her faith in the battleground state nine days before Election Day.

From the lectern at the Church of Christian Compassion in West Philadelphia, Harris was referencing the biblical story of the Apostle Paul when someone began shouting. Harris stopped speaking and clapped, as the church band sounded music to drown out the heckler, who was not captured on event cameras.

“That’s why we fight for democracy,” Harris repeated as the heckler was escorted out. (snip)

The interruption was over in less than two minutes and Harris continued her message. At the beginning of her remarks, Harris had suggested that voting for her fulfills God’s will.

“In just nine days, we have the power to decide the fate of our nation for generations to come. And on this day, then on this beautiful Sunday morning, I am reminded God expects us to help Him,” Harris said through laughter, garnering applause. “We got work to do.”

Does anyone think that God would want people to vote for someone who advocates for unfettered abortion on demand? Who wants the State to be the religion, not that of God? Communists are anti-religion. And Harris has been against religious freedom. I’m always shocked that people come to hear political speeches at Sunday church. It’s not the place.

“So let us answer not just with our words, but with our works. Yes, with our prayers, but also with our pressing. Yes, with our faith and also our faith, but also our feet. As we walk to the polls,” Harris said. “And yes, in these nine days, these next nine days will test us. They will demand everything we’ve got. But when I think about the days ahead and the God we serve, yeah, I am confident that His power will work through us. Because, church, I know we were born for a time such as this.”

She’s trying to be inspirational, but, she’s no Obama, no Martin Luther King, Jr. And she is right on the cusp of Word Salad. Oh, and

Read: Kamala Says God Expects You To Vote For Her »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on JD Vance obliterating Jake Tapper.

A very simple Halloween week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation of America. A nip of Fall in the air, the birds are chirping like mad, and the Dodgers are up 2 games to none over the Yankees. This pinup is by Matt Dixon with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Da Techguy’s Blog: If Trump wins the Popular Vote Watch the Left Suddenly Sour on the National Popular Vote Compact
  2. Gates Of Vienna: Teaching Her a Lesson
  3. Geller Report: Biden Regime Refuses Questions About Traitorous Pentagon Leak
  4. IOTW Report: Poll: Half of Americans Support Migrant Deportations via Military ‘Encampments’
  5. Jihad Watch: Hamas top dog Yahya Sinwar lived in utmost luxury, had millions in cash in his bunker
  6. Legal Insurrection: Michelle Obama Suggests Those Who Don’t Support Harris are Sexist, Racist (WT: Also, we have disappointed Michelle O yet again. Sigh)
  7. Moonbattery: Preview of Lib Media Reaction to Trump Victory
  8. Pacific Pundit: Democrats have resorted to circulating digitally altered image of Kamala in a McDonalds uniform – it’s stolen from a memorial page of a deceased Canadian woman
  9. Powerline: World War III Tracker
  10. Sultan Knish: Every Republican President Is Hitler
  11. The American Conservative: Trump Is Winning the Likability Race
  12. The First Street Journal: The butthurt children on the left.
  13. The Gateway Pundit: BAIT & SWITCH: Kamala Harris Lures Supporters with Beyoncé Performance, Leaves Crowd Waiting 12 Hours for a 4-Minute Speech and No Performance — Trump Calls Out Shameless Deception
  14. The Last Refuge: EU Commissars in Brussels Set Up “Trump Task Force” to Prepare for President Trump 2024 Election Victory
  15. And last, but, not least, The Lid: Auschwitz Survivor Blasts Dems and Kamala Harris for Calling Trump ‘Fascist’ and ‘Hitler’
  16. And one to grow on, Jo Nova: Mysterious record methane surge since 2020 was not fossil fuels but “90% due to microbes”

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NBC News Upset Over Michigan Muslims Supporting Trump

Or, at least, refusing to vote for Cackles Harris. Here’s the shot

And the chaser

‘You lost this vote’: Arab Americans in Dearborn struggle in an election where they don’t feel heard

Orthopedic surgeon Adam Fahs burst into tears as he recently recounted the horrors of what he saw in Gaza when he traveled there last December to treat wounded Palestinians. Fresh in his mind, he said, were the European Hospital’s wards full of women and children who had been maimed, and doing his best to treat them with grossly inadequate access to medical supplies.

“I remember talking with one of the health care workers and he was telling me that there’s a tradition now that the Palestinians have where before you go to sleep, you say goodbye to your family because you never know if you’re going to wake up,” said Fahs, a Lebanese American. “And you say your testimonies of faith, in case you pass away in your sleep.”

That haunting reality weighs heavily on Fahs, now back home in Michigan, a key swing state that holds outsize weight in determining the next president, making every vote crucial. With Arab Americans making up a significant part of the state’s electorate, their support could be decisive. Fahs says he’s disaffected with both candidates — former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. The way he sees it, it doesn’t matter who is in office — no candidate cares about Gaza or Arab life.

Here’s the thing: does Trump really want the full and complete support of the Muslim community in Michigan? Electorally, sure. But, how many of them are pure radicals who side with terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, along with Iran. The first person you see in the NBC News photo is Linda Sarsour, an extreme radical shown to be a Jew hater on par with Hitler. The Women’s March cut all ties with her when they realized she was a Jew hater. Biden disavowed her (before hosting her at the White House). Rashida Tlaib is a Representative from Michigan, and represents the area which has the most extremists.

The entire article focuses on all these Michigan Muslims who essentially hate Israel and Jews and support terrorism without quite saying it. Does Trump want these people voting for him? Does he want their support? I suspect that the endorsement by some Muslims in Michigan is causing a great rift in that community, as Trump has unabashedly been supportive of Israel and Jews and anti-Muslim terrorism groups and Iran. If they are seeing Trump as the one to end war, which includes in the Israel region, in Ukraine, and in Yemen, great, but, they should understand that Trump will not side with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, or the Houtis.

So, what do they do? Will they sit it out? Will they refuse to vote for anyone for president, and simply check the boxes for other races? Or just stay home? That could be really bad for Democrats down ballot. Hoping they do.

Read: NBC News Upset Over Michigan Muslims Supporting Trump »

John Kerry, Who Was In Vietnam, Is Worried About How You Heat Your Home

This is the same guy who has multiple mansions, right? Does huddle with the servants in blankets?

Does John feat his home with solar panels when it is snowing? How about all the Heinz factories? Solar and wind powered?

Meanwhile, stupid cult today

Is climate change lighting a fuse under Iceland’s volcanoes?

John Kerry climateToxic sulphurous gas, carrying the telltale reek of rotten eggs, wafted through vents in the steep walls of Iceland’s Viti crater, while carbon dioxide bubbled to the surface of the milky blue crater lake. Veils of steam wreathed the landscape of loose rock in eerie half-light.

Through this forbidding terrain – “Viti” is derived from the Icelandic for “hell” – Michelle Parks, a volcanologist with the Icelandic Meteorological Office, picked her way toward the water’s edge one day last August. With a monitor strapped to her hip to warn her if the gases reached dangerous levels, she stooped to submerge a temperature probe in the lake – 26.4 degrees Celsius (79.5 degrees Fahrenheit), consistent with recent readings.

That was reassuring, at least for the time being. The crater was formed when Askja, a volcano in Vatnajokull National Park in Iceland’s central highlands, uncorked in an explosive eruption in 1875. Askja’s last eruption, in 1961, was milder, and for decades after, the volcano was quiet. But in 2021, Parks and other scientists keeping tabs on it were shocked to find that in just a few months, the volcano had rapidly expanded, uplifting by 11 centimetres (4.3 inches). This phenomenon, called inflation, occurs when magma or pressurised gases accumulate under a volcano, pushing the ground upwards and outwards. (big snip)

However, the team’s work has taken on broader significance. Last year, Parks and colleagues with the University of Iceland received government funding for a pioneering research project across 12 institutions to test a theory that could have dire implications not just for Iceland, but for every person on the planet: Whether the rapid retreat of glaciers as a result of human-caused climate change will trigger increased volcanic activity.

Sigh. Cult.


Read: John Kerry, Who Was In Vietnam, Is Worried About How You Heat Your Home »

If All You See…

…is what the Yukon will soon look like from global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on a typical Biden F***up.

Martine Beswick, Claudine Auger, and Luciana Paluzzi in Thunderball

Read: If All You See… »

Israel Launches Attack On Iran

Israel pretty much showed Israel can launch a large, airborne attack on Iran whenever they want, blowing right through all Iran’s air defense and SAMs without losing a plane or military member

IDF launches strikes on military sites throughout Iran, weeks after missile attack

Israel launched its long-awaited retaliatory strike against Iran early Saturday, weeks after the Islamic Republic’s massive ballistic missile barrage on the country, with the military saying the “precise strikes” by the Israeli Air Force targeted strategic military sites — specifically drone and ballistic missile manufacturing and launch sites, as well as air defense batteries.

Reports of explosions near Tehran began to emerge around 2:15 a.m. local time, with the Israel Defense Forces quickly releasing a statement confirming that it was attacking, in response to “months of continuous attacks from the Iranian regime against the State of Israel.”

The strikes were carried out in several waves over the course of several hours, in various areas of Iran, with the Islamic Republic closing its airspace for the duration and seemingly showing little ability to counter the assault. Strikes were reported in the Tehran, Karaj, Isfahan and Shiraz areas.

The first wave of attacks apparently targeted Iran’s air defense capabilities, both to ensure the IDF’s freedom of operations during Saturday’s sorties, and to lay the ground for further strikes, should Iran retaliate. As the campaign was underway, Syrian state media reported that Israel struck several military sites in the south and center of the country, action possibly taken to enable the IAF to operate more freely in Iran.

The next waves hit drone and ballistic missile manufacturing sites — those used in direct Iranian attacks on Israel on April 14 and October 1 — as well as sites used to launch such weapons.

There were around 140 planes involved, and, having decimated much of Iran’s ability to defend itself from future attacks in the area around and in Tehran, Iran might want to reconsider getting frisky with Israel.

“Iran struck Israel twice… and has paid the price for that,” IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a statement. “We are focused on the goals of the war in Gaza and Lebanon. It is Iran that continues to push for a wide regional escalation.

“If the regime in Iran were to make the mistake of beginning a new round of escalation — we will be obligated to respond,” he continued. “Our message is clear: All those who threaten the State of Israel and seek to drag the region into a wider escalation will pay a heavy price. We demonstrated today that we have both the capability and the resolve to act decisively, and we are prepared — on offense and defense — to defend Israel and the people of Israel.”

Israel can pretty much do what they want to Iran. Next time it could be the nuclear weapons production center. It could by Ayatola Khamenei’s residence.There’s really not much in the way of video on the ground, being Iran. One of the biggest going around on social media is actually from a refinery fire from years ago. So

Oh, there she is

Biden was either warned about the attack and continued to head off to vacation, or Israel didn’t want to trust him with the information. And Kamala is simply word salad.

Read: Israel Launches Attack On Iran »

Climahypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio Backs Cackles Harris Due To ‘Climate Change’

This is the same guy who takes lots of fossil fueled private jets and mega-yachts all over the world, right? In fairness, he does own a lot of hybrid and plugin hybrids, which he has at his high carbon output megamansion

Leonardo DiCaprio Endorses Kamala Harris and Bashes Trump for Ignoring Climate Change: ‘He Continues to Deny the Science’

Leonardo DiCaprio has endorsed Kamala Harris for president.

In a video posted to Instagram, the Oscar-winning actor discussed the damage of recent hurricanes Helene and Milton, saying “these unnatural disasters were caused by climate change.”

“Donald Trump continues to deny the facts. He continues to deny the science. He withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accords and rolled back critical environmental protections,” DiCaprio said. “Now he’s promised the oil and gas industry that he’ll get rid of any regulation they want in exchange for a billion-dollar donation.”

It’s easy for Leo to deal with all the government mandates and price of living increases: he’s rich. No one is going to restrict what he has to say. No one in government is going to tell him he can’t fly wherever he wants.

As the Post article notes

With less than two weeks until Election Day, Harris has received the support of many high-profile entertainers including Taylor Swift, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Chris Rock and George Clooney.

Funny how all these rich folks come out for Kamala, who said she’s going tax the bejesus out of rich folks (just like Biden did, Hillary did, Obama did). It’s almost like they don’t believe that will happen. Just like when Biden and Obama didn’t. Nor force them to pay their fair share to deal with Hotcoldwetdry.

Read: Climahypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio Backs Cackles Harris Due To ‘Climate Change’ »

Pirate's Cove