Guatemalan Migrant Sets Woman On Fire On Subway, Watches Her Burn To Death

Import the third world, get the third world, especially in a Democrat run city which is soft on crime

Man suspected of setting sleeping NYC subway rider on fire, watching her burn to death arrested

A Guatemalan migrant has been arrested for allegedly lighting a sleeping subway rider on fire in Brooklyn on Sunday morning — then watching as his innocent victim burned to death in what the police commissioner called “one of the most depraved crimes one person could possibly commit.”

The savage killing — which happened at about 7:30 a.m. on an idling F train at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue station — shocked commuters, MTA workers and NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch, who said Sunday that the heinous crime “took the life of an innocent New Yorker.”

“As the train pulled into the station, the suspect calmly walked up to the victim, who was in a seated position at the end of a subway car … and used what we believe to be a lighter to ignite the victim’s clothing, which became fully engulfed in a matter of seconds,” Tisch said at a press conference.

The woman died at the scene. The cops actually told the man to leave, not realizing that the perp had literally stuck around to watch. They finally caught him later in the day, though.

Here’s the NY Times, a New York City newspaper

Suspect Held After Woman Set on Fire in Subway Car Dies, Police Say

The police took a man into custody on Sunday in connection with the death of a woman who was set on fire on a subway earlier in the day in Brooklyn, the police said.

There are various mentions the perp, but, weirdly, not once in the Paper Of Record’s article does it mention he’s from Guatemala. One would think information which is readily available on the suspect would be included. Also, you’d think a woman being set on fire would be big news. Nope, way down the page. At the top is something on the climate scam.

Read: Guatemalan Migrant Sets Woman On Fire On Subway, Watches Her Burn To Death »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that is rising rapidly and will turn the world into islands, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the climate cult driving kids neurotic being a mission accomplished.

Obviously, it’s Santa week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we’re just a few short days from Christmas. Not sure whom this pinup is by. It’s a nice one one.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. neo-neocon: Gaslighting the public about Biden: you have to want to be gaslighted
  2. Noisy Room: They Want to Kill Elon Musk
  3. Pacific Pundit: Biden made gold star families wait three hours before dignified trans of Afghanistan victims because he had to take a nap
  4. Sultan Knish: Everything in the Middle East Means the Opposite
  5. The Feral Irishman: Things That Make One Go Hmmmmm
  6. The First Street Journal: How does it work, going on strike in a job for which a replacement can be trained in half a day?
  7. The Gateway Pundit: Trump Warns He Will Take Back the Panama Canal Unless They Stop ‘Ripping Off’ America and Start Countering China’s Influence
  8. The Hayride: The ACLU Is Now Threatening Louisiana School Districts With Anti-Decalogue Lawfare
  9. The Lid: Woke, Left-Wing Michigan Democrats Make Eggs Illegal Unless they are ‘Cage Free’
  10. The Other McCain: Against Euphemisms
  11. The Right Scoop: BOOM! – MSNBC forcing anchors to take big pay cuts after ratings PLUMMET
  12. Victory Girls Blog: Biden Reportedly Considering Cleaning Out Federal Death Row
  13. Virtual Mirage: Will Turkey Invade Northern Syria?
  14. Not A Lot Of People Know That: On Your Bike, Met Office!
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone has As Germany’s Energy Crisis Heightens, Two Brief Windless Periods Pushes Grid To The Limit!

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

LOL: Illegal With Ties To Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Attacking, Robbing SCNY ADA

I wonder if Sanctuary City New York district attorney Alvin Bragg will reduce the charges and let the illegal go or prosecute him hard since the victim is part of Bragg’s team?

Migrant gang member busted for robbing Manhattan ADA who caught him masturbating

A homeless migrant with ties to a notorious Venezuelan gang has been arrested for attacking and robbing a Manhattan assistant district attorney who caught him masturbating in her building, police said Wednesday.

Brandon Simosa, 25, is facing sexually motivated robbery, burglary, drug possession, possession of stolen property and other charges for the sickening attack inside a Hell’s Kitchen apartment building on W. 44th St. and Ninth Ave. on Sunday.

He’s been arrested eight times since arriving in the U.S., beginning in June, for crimes ranging from robbery to grand larceny to criminal mischief, police said.

And, yet, he was still walking the streets when he should have been either turned over to ICE for deportation or prosecuted for felonies

His 38-year-old victim, a Manhattan ADA, was returning home at about 2 a.m. when she spotted him pleasuring himself in the hallway. The heavily tattooed 5-foot-5 Simosa then began following the woman, asking her for money, cops said.

He then attacked her, taking her purse, which contained her cell phone and several bank cards.

I wonder if she will now start voting Republican, since, as the old saying goes “a Conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged by liberal policies”? Will Bragg step up and prosecute fully since she’s a member of the DA’s office? Something he wouldn’t do for the average citizen (who votes Democrat and foolishly voted for Bragg). Somosa shouldn’t have even been in the country even before all the criminal activity, since gang members are not eligible for entry, much less asylum proceedings.


St. Louis County judge frees migrant charged in wrong-way crash death of child on PR bond

A St. Louis County circuit judge has granted a personal recognizance bond to a Venezuelan national accused of multiple felonies in a wrong-way crash that killed a 12-year-old boy in December 2023 in Hazelwood.

Circuit Judge Bruce Hilton on Thursday reduced bond for Endrina Bracho to not require a cash amount. She is charged with first-degree involuntary manslaughter, two counts of first-degree child endangerment and second-degree assault in the case.

Charging documents state Bracho was also driving without a license at the time of the crash and is living in the country without legal permission. She has been jailed since March on a $500,000 cash-only bond.

Hilton’s reduction of the suspect’s bond was over the objection of prosecutors, according to court documents. The judge ordered her not to drive without a license or contact the victims. She is also required to wear a GPS monitor.

Would he do this for U.S. citizens? Especially if they are a flight risk? You can bet that GPS monitor will be cut off quickly and she’ll be gone toot-sweet.

NYPD commish makes first visit to migrant ‘Market of Sweethearts’ — with sex workers, illegal vendors in full view

The Big Apple’s top cop took his first tour of Queens’ sleazy migrant “Market of Sweethearts” over the weekend, vowing to crack down as sex workers and illegal vendors openly peddled their wares around him.

“We’ve always taken it serious, but we’re gonna kick up to another level,” Interim NYPD Commissioner Tom Donlon said of enforcement as he walked through Roosevelt Avenue’s hotbed of illicit behavior on Saturday night with other department brass, NYPD video shows.

If they took it serious why is it operating in such a brazen manner? I bet if it was some kids operating a lemonade stand they’d be all over it.

Read: LOL: Illegal With Ties To Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Attacking, Robbing SCNY ADA »

Climate (scam) Movies Grew Up In 2024 Or Something

No matter what is happening, the climate cult will attach itself (I’ve intentionally left the links in the article in the excerpts, when I usually scrape them)

2024 Was the Year the Climate Movie Grew Up
Whether you agree probably depends on how you define “climate movie” to begin with.

Climate change is the greatest story of our time — but our time doesn’t seem to invent many great stories about climate change. Maybe it’s due to the enormity and urgency of the subject matter: Climate is “important,” and therefore conscripted to the humorless realms of journalism and documentary. Or maybe it’s because of a misunderstanding on the part of producers and storytellers, rooted in an outdated belief that climate change still needs to be explained to an audience, when in reality they don’t need convincing. Maybe there’s just not a great way to have a character mention climate change and not have it feel super cringe.

Whatever the reason, between 2016 and 2020, less than 3% of film and TV scripts used climate-related keywords during their runtime, according to an analysis by media researchers at the University of Southern California. (The situation isn’t as bad in literature, where cli-fi has been going strong since at least 2013.) At least on the surface, this on-screen avoidance of climate change continued in 2024. One of the biggest movies of the summer, Twisters, had an extreme weather angle sitting right there, but its director, Lee Isaac Chung, went out of his way to ensure the film didn’t have a climate change “message.”

The cult’s definition of “climate movie/show/book” is pretty expansive. I’ve read where some of the zombie and scifi books I have read are about/include climate doom, when that is not what they are about

I have a slightly different take on the situation, though — that 2024 was actuallyfull of climate movies, and, I’d argue, that they’re getting much closer to the kinds of stories a climate-concerned individual should want on screen. (smip)

But what if we widened our lens and weren’t so prescriptive? Then maybe Furiosa, this spring’s Mad Max prequel, becomes a climate change movie. The film is set during a “near future” ecological collapse, and it certainly makes you think about water scarcity and our overreliance on a finite extracted resource — but it also makes you think about how badass the Octoboss’ kite is. The same goes for Dune: Part Two, which made over $82 million in its opening weekend and is also a recognizable environmental allegory featuring some cool worms. Even Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, a flop that most people have already memory-holed, revisitedThe Day After Tomorrow’s question of, “What if New York City got really, really, really cold?”

Mad Max never had anything to do with ‘climate change’. Dune damned sure had nothing to do with it, as written. The planet Arakis was a desert planet. There were no fossil fueled vehicles that destroyed it. And the Ghostbusters? Good grief.

Two 2024 animated films with climate themes could even compete against each other at the Academy Awards next year. Dreamworks Animation’s The Wild Robot, one of the centerpiece films at this fall’s inaugural Climate Film Festival, is set in a world where sea levels have risen to submerge the Golden Gate Bridge, and it impresses on its audience the importance of protecting the natural world. And in Gints Zilbalodis’ Flow, one of my favorite films of the year, a cat must band together with other animals to survive a flood.

No idea on those two. Wild Robot did do well at the box office, I believe. A nice way of indoctrinating the kiddies.

Perhaps this is how we should also consider Chung’s comments about Twisters. While nobody in the film says the words “climate change” or “global warming,” the characters note that storms are becoming exceptional — “we’ve never seen tornadoes like this before,” one says. Despite the director’s stated intention not to make the movie “about” climate change, it becomes a climate movie by virtue of what its audiences have experienced in their own lives.

Tornadoes never happened before YOU decided to drive a fossil fueled vehicle.  Oh, and they are not getting more extreme. Anyhow, that’s it for the movies. A couple minor TV shows are mentioned. So, how is this “growing up”? Sounds like the same old BS.

Read: Climate (scam) Movies Grew Up In 2024 Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on a church holding an obscene John Waters Christmas.

Read: If All You See… »

Who Was The Real German Christmas Market Killer?

Most of the media is reporting that the killer was an “anti-Muslim” and such, like

(UK Daily Mail) The perpetrator of the deadly Christmas market massacre that has left at least five dead wrote that ‘slaughtering German citizens indiscriminately’ may be a ‘path to justice’ just months before the horrifying attack.

An adult and a toddler are among those killed after an anti-Islam doctor rammed into a massive crowd of shoppers at a Christmas market in Magdeburg at around 7pm on December 20 with a dark BMW.

The perpetrator was identified as 50-year-old psychologist Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, who arrived in Germany in 2006 as a refugee from Saudi Arabia. He was arrested on Friday evening at the site of the attack.

It has since emerged that just months before the horrific massacre, al-Abdulmohsen, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy from the Saudi Arabian city of Hofuf, made a harrowing tweet about ‘slaughtering German citizens indiscriminately’.

Analysis of his social media also reveals tweets in support of Germany’s anti-immigration party AfD, while he has also made comments supporting Elon Musk, far-right thug Tommy Robinson and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Al-Abdulmohsen described himself as a former Muslim and shared dozens of tweets and retweets daily focusing on anti-Islam themes, criticizing the religion and congratulating Muslims who left the faith.

He was given asylum after being in Germany for 10 years because he was supposedly threatened with death for turning against Islam. The Daily Mail and so many other Leftist outlets say he’s all part of the far right and this and that and the other, but, no one wonders why he attacked a Christmas market full of Christians, and not some sort of gathering by a lot of Muslims, who are taking over Germany

The first tweet continues

…lying and deception to advance Islamic objectives.

In reality, he is a radical Shia Muslim, as evidenced by his name and numerous tweets and chat leaks circulating on Arabic-speaking platforms like X. Disturbingly, his plans to carry out mass killings of Germans were brought to the attention of German authorities by a Saudi woman. Tragically, the police ignored her warnings.

The links are added in the thread.

There are more tweets about Abdulmohsen, including him attacking ex-Muslim groups and members, an atheist refugee group, and more. Oh, and

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Breaking ????????<br><br>A Saudi official confirmed to Reuters that <a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#SaudiArabia</a> had warned <a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#Germany</a> about the terrorist tendencies of Talib Al-Abdulmohsen <a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#Magdeburg</a> Attack Perpetrator after he posted threats to destabilize security . ( look to the screenshot) ????????<br><br>However, it seems… <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; ??????? ???? (@Moraqeb2020) <a href=””>December 21, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

So, who is the real Abdulmohsen? Will the media ever let us know? Killing a bunch of German Christians at a Christmas market doesn’t seem like it would accomplish his goals of being an ex-Muslim who hates Muslims, does it? There are typically lots of threats against the German Christmas markets, and Muslims in Germany have stated that they must be ended, because Christmas is against their religious beliefs.

Read: Who Was The Real German Christmas Market Killer? »

Biden Tries To Trump Proof California Forcing The Peasants Into EVs

And because California is forcing their peasants into EVs that means many states will do the same. All while the high mucky-mucks travel around in large fossil fueled limos and SUVs

Biden makes a last big push to keep Trump from killing the electric car

President-elect Donald Trump is vowing an all-out assault on President Joe Biden’s efforts to make electric vehicles the new king of the American road.

But an eleventh-hour decision by Biden will make it harder for Trump to kill those EV dreams.

waiver that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency granted Wednesday morning will allow California to carry out the country’s most ambitious EV mandate, one aimed at banning sales of new cars and light trucks running on gasoline and diesel fuel by 2035. Eleven other Democratic states have also signed on to California’s standard — a combined market force that electric vehicle supporters hope will prod the auto industry to continue pouring money into battery-powered cars, regardless of Trump’s wishes.

Trump has already vowed to undo California’s electric vehicle rules, similar to his effort five years ago to stop the state from imposing car and truck pollution standards more stringent than the federal government’s. But the waiver granted Wednesday has a durable legal foundation that could make it a near-immovable object for the Trump administration for at least a couple of years, experts say. In the meantime, automakers will likely have to make investments in EVs that they could be loath to undo.

But, will automakers continue to manufacture vehicles which are monetary losers? Because they are. There’s only so much they will put up with before saying “no more”. Might they say “to hell with those states, we’ll make the EVs for them, but, they are going to be sold for proper market value. We aren’t losing money on them anymore.” And, how many of those “electric vehicle supporters actually have EVs themselves?

Biden’s late call is also the starting gun for a new conflict that may be a prominent storyline of Trump’s second term: an epic states’ rights battle between the new president and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has vowed to “future-proof California in every way, shape or form.”

The People’s Republik Of California is welcome to do this. Such is their choice. Might the peasants revolt once this looks to become a reality?

Read: Biden Tries To Trump Proof California Forcing The Peasants Into EVs »

Netanyahu Says No Peace Till Hamas Is Gone

The thing is, Israel can make that happen

PM Netanyahu: ‘I’m not going to agree to end the war before we remove Hamas’ – WSJ

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he would not “agree to end the war before we remove Hamas” in an interview with Wall Street Journal editorial writer Elliot Kaufman, which was later published in the US newspaper on Friday.

“We’re not going to leave them in power in Gaza, 30 miles from Tel Aviv. It’s not going to happen,” he said amid calls by many to accept a lasting ceasefire-hostage release deal in the Palestinian enclave. The Journal op-ed notes that the Israeli prime minister only envisions such a deal to be a partial one if the Palestinian terrorist organization is still intact.

The Israeli leader told Kaufman that Israel is “winning big” against its opponents with the weakening of Hamas and Hezbollah and the dismantlement of Syria’s Assad regime, the op-ed notes.

Unfortunately, there is always some sort of Islamic extremist group to fill the void. Some extremist leader to whip them into frenzy, and Palestinians have always been quite comfortable being extremists, hence why most Muslim countries do not want to take them in. But, first, destroy Hamas, then worry about what comes next.

Looking towards Israel’s northern border, Netanyahu told Kaufman that before his assassination, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah “was literally taking over the command of the military actions. But the thing that startled me was that I realized he was the axis of the axis, replacing [Qassem] Soleimani.”

He later said that Iran “has no supply line,” saying the Islamic Republic spent billions of dollars on Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas. “We warned Assad not to let Iran supply Hezbollah with weapons through Syria. He played dumb,” he added. “I don’t know if we killed anyone, but we certainly smashed the weaponry of the Syrian army,” he said regarding the Israeli bombing of Syria’s chemical weapons facilities. “We don’t want all the stuff the Syrians amassed falling into the hands of the jihadists.”

That’s another area that should be fun for a few years.

Read: Netanyahu Says No Peace Till Hamas Is Gone »

President Who Uses Massive Amounts Of Fossil Fuels Unveils Ambitious Climate Goal For Some Reason

Brandon has a month left in office: what, exactly, is the point of his advisors getting him to do this? Even CNN thinks this is mostly worthless

Biden just unveiled America’s ambitious new climate goal. Trump will assuredly undo it

climate cowThe Biden administration just announced an aggressive target for the US to cut its planet-warming pollution over the next decade – a goal that will all but assuredly be reversed by President-elect Donald Trump in his first days in office.

The ambitious new target aims to cut US climate pollution to 61-66% below 2005 levels by 2035, which would have been a challenge even if voters had elected another Democratic president. Trump has said he intends to drill for more oil and gas, shred federal climate regulations and seek to overturn Biden’s clean energy law.

A new target is required every five years by the international Paris Agreement, which Trump has promised to once again pull the US out of. Biden made climate one of the centerpieces of his presidency – by announcing the US target well before its February 2025 due date, the administration is signaling the path America should strive to take against the headwinds of an anti-climate Trump administration.

“We’re confident in America’s ability to rally around this new climate goal, because while the US federal government under President Trump may put climate action on the back burner, the work to contain climate change is going to continue in the United States with commitment and passion and belief,” White House senior adviser John Podesta told reporters. “That’s not wishful thinking. It’s happened before.”

First, Paris was never ratified by the US Senate. It was written in a way to avoid the US Senate. Hence, it is non-binding, so, there is no requirement. And, Trump best pull the US out of it immediately, unlike his last term.

Second, how is this America’s goal? If the majority thought so they’d have voted for Harris. If the Warmists thought so they’d practice what they preach. Instead of acting like Biden and his advisors, who have monster sized carbon footprints. If they want to continue, let them all do it on their own, rather than forcing this on the We The People. The government is there for us, to listen to us, not the other way around.

Read: President Who Uses Massive Amounts Of Fossil Fuels Unveils Ambitious Climate Goal For Some Reason »

Pirate's Cove