Kamala Promises To Get Tough On Border Once She’s In Office Or Something

Will Politico note that Harris has been VP since 2021 and failed to show up at the border when Biden put her in charge? Maybe we can refer to her campaign website and see her policy positions? Oh, wait, all it does is ask for donations

Harris promises to go tough on border security

Less than 200 miles from the southern border, Vice President Kamala Harris promised to fight for “strong border security,” going after Donald Trump for killing immigration legislation that would have curtailed asylum and promising to sign such a bill into law if elected.

“I was attorney general of a border state. I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and the human traffickers,” Harris said, touching on an issue she has rarely spoken about in depth. “I prosecuted them in case after case and I won, so I know what I’m talking about.”

Speaking in front of a crowd of more than 15,000 supporters at the Desert Diamond Arena, Harris blamed Trump for the failure of Congress to pass a bipartisan border deal earlier this year: “He talks a big game about border security but he does not walk the walk,” Harris said to a raucous Sun Belt crowd.

“We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it: comprehensive reform. That includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” Harris said.

Comprehensive reform is not getting tough, it’s giving amnesty in some form, and that border bill didn’t do a lot to stop illegal immigration. Rewarding illegals for coming illegally/overstaying visas is not getting tough

The remarks are part of an aggressive effort by the Harris campaign to flip the issue of immigration and border security, long a political liability for Democrats and the vice president in particular. Polls show Americans believe Republicans are more effective on the issue, a perception the GOP has worked to reinforce in recent weeks by condemning Harris’ efforts on the subject as vice president.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, here’s Trump’s ad

Her campaign has tried

Democrats have typically shied away from the issue, but Harris’s camp has suggested a more aggressive posture, framing her as tough on the border throughout her career. Harris’s remarks Friday were similar to a new campaign ad up on TV earlier in the morning that pushed a tough-on-immigration message.

“As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades. And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris,” a voice read over videos of Harris’ political career.

Why didn’t the Biden-Harris administration do this for almost 4 years?

Notably on Friday, Harris declared her support for “comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship” — referencing a policy compromise that was at the heart of every past immigration negotiation over the past two decades until the recent Senate talks.

So, amnesty with little border enforcement. I mean, she has to respond to the attacks, but, even with the Credentialed Media in her corner, will it help win over new voters?

Read: Kamala Promises To Get Tough On Border Once She’s In Office Or Something »

Wackos Push For Intersection Of Gender Transformation And ‘Climate Change’

But, remembers, ‘climate change’ is totally about science

A gender-transformative climate change programming guide: Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean

PURPOSE OF THE GUIDE: This guide and accompanying tools have been developed to support and encourage UNICEF country offices (COs) globally and in particular, those in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) –to plan and implement gender-transformative climate change programmes. Currently, few organizations or initiatives work at the intersection of child rights, gender equality and climate change, and there is a need and opportunity for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to spearhead local, national and global action around these critical issues.

It is important to recognize that gender norm change, a key component of gender-transformative programming, takes time to develop. Effective transformation may start by bringing a gender lens to programmes that have a limited focus on gender and by integrating additional elements that push the bar further towards deep-seated change. Climate change programmes designed with the ambition to achieve gender transformation over the long term can run alongside initiatives with short- or medium-term time horizons and goals. It is important to monitor and share these intermediate steps and results since they demonstrate possible pathways towards gender-transformative climate change programming. In this respect, COs are encouraged to share and document their experiences, challenges and successes to support colleagues working towards similar goals in the LAC region and beyond.

The present guide is intended to support UNICEF COs as they develop gender-transformative climate change programming, progressively grow their aspirations and accumulate valuable experiences. This guide, in particular, includes five practical tools that have been developed to assist UNICEF staff in integrating a gender-transformative approach into key stages of climate change programming – from identifying the gendered impacts of climate change on children, including underlying gender structures and norms, through to gender-transformative programme and indicator design, as well as identifying key areas for influencing national governments.

On one hand, it seems like they are pushing for protection of children, especially females. In the next, it looks like they are linking climate doom with transgender madness. It just goes to show that the cult will link every issue.

Read: Wackos Push For Intersection Of Gender Transformation And ‘Climate Change’ »

Jew/Israel Hating Democrats Threaten To Withhold Votes Unless Kamala Complies

The Hamas Caucus is making demands

Anti-Israel voters warn Harris won’t get their vote without a cease-fire: ‘This is our leverage’

Some anti-Israel voters in swing states are resisting calls to support Vice President Kamala Harris in November, vowing to stay home without a cease-fire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel.

“This is our leverage,” Hannah Zellman, a social worker from Philadelphia told The Washington Post of her protest vote.

Her friend Leah Shepperd, a child-care provider and longtime Democrat, agreed.

The swing state voters are part of the progressive movement putting pressure on the Harris campaign and the Biden administration to withdraw U.S. weapons to Israel and demand a cease-fire in Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Voters in swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin sent a message to President Biden in the primaries by marking “uncommitted” on their ballots to protest his support for Israel. After Harris became the Democratic nominee, Shepperd and Zellman signed a pledge declaring that Harris must bring about a cease-fire to win their votes.

Michigan and Wisconsin could be huge if they withhold their votes, with all the imported Islamists from Somalia,Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, you know, places where there are lots of extremists, which we’ve brought into the US post 9/11 for some reason. If they stay home, that could easily give Trump the win in those states, plus, damage down ballot votes.

But, will Cackles go full bore and placate them? And will Jews finally realize that the a large segment of the Democrat party hates them? Will other non-hard left Democrats finally realize that the base of the party and so many elected officials are anti-Semites and supporters of radical Islam?

(JPost) An Israeli airstrike on a car deep inside Lebanon killed a senior Hamas commander on Friday evening, the IDF, Hamas, and security sources reported.

The strike, on the southern edges of the Lebanese port city of Sidon, some 60 kilometers (nearly 40 miles) from the frontier, killed Samer Mahmoud al-Haj, a Hamas security official who works in the nearby refugee camp for Palestinians, Ain al-Hilweh. His bodyguard was critically wounded, the three sources said.

Al-Haj was responsible for directing attacks against Israel, the IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) reported in a joint statement. He was also reportedly the commander of Hamas forces in Ain al-Hilweh and was responsible for recruiting and training more terrorists there.

Terrorist goes boom.

Read: Jew/Israel Hating Democrats Threaten To Withhold Votes Unless Kamala Complies »

Climate Cranks Put Up Anti-Fossil Fuels Billboards

They are so amusing

‘Make Polluters Pay’: Big Oil Slammed in Satirical US Billboards

Across the United States this week, the climate disasters fueled by Big Oil will be displayed on billboards in California, New York, Arizona, and Philadelphia.

The bold campaign, launched by non-profit organization Fossil Free Media, calls out the decades of misinformation spread by oil and gas companies as they sowed doubt about the environmental dangers of burning fossil fuels while greenwashing their public image.

The Make Polluters Pay campaign captures the devastating impacts of the climate crisis specific to each state: Images depicting the Paradise fire in California, extreme heatwaves in Arizona, and wreckage left behind by widespread flooding triggered by Hurricane Ida in New York are contrasted with the phrases “Brought to you by Big Oil” and “Superstorms: Sponsored by Big Oil.”

The Paradise Fire was caused by a faulty transmission line in an area prone to drought in a state which refuses to allow clear cutting, cleanup of dead brush, backburns, and fire breaks. Hurricanes happen

According to Cassidy DiPaola, the communications director for the Make Polluters Pay campaign, the group faced push back when trying to place billboards in Houston, Texas. “Billboard owners there weren’t willing to work with us, citing concerns about upsetting their oil and gas industry clients,” said DiPaola, adding that the owners even asked if the message could be made “more positive” and avoid using the term “Big Oil.”

“It’s hard to imagine how you can make homes burning down and people dying from extreme heat into something positive,” continued DiPaola. “This pushback shows just how powerful the fossil fuel industry’s influence is and the fear they instill, even in the advertising world.”

What amuses me is that the people who will see these will be mostly be driving fossil fueled vehicles which get them reliably, dependably, and cheaply to work, school, the store, etc, and have no intention of giving them up. Then, that the billboard stands were erected using fossil fueled machines and vehicles, and them the billboards themselves were transported using fossil fuels. If these people do not want to use fossil fuels, have at it. Leave the rest of us alone.

Read: Climate Cranks Put Up Anti-Fossil Fuels Billboards »

If All You See…

…is extreme rain from carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Gov. Youngkin signing an order requiring paper ballots.

Anyone see any issues? Something went hinky for not reason with SSL code in a WordPress file, causing “too many redirects”. I had to backdoor into the system to remove the code, which has been there for at least 6 years. I made zero changes to plugins or anything else yesterday, could be linked to Cloudfare? No clue.

Read: If All You See… »

Fifteen States Sue To Stop Illegals From Getting Obamacare

Remember this?

Asked by CBS News’ Katie Couric in an exclusive interview whether illegal immigrants should be covered under a new health care plan, President Obama responded simply, “no.” But he said there may need to be an exception to that policy for children.

Yet, lots of American children are not being given free healthcare, and, ever since, Democrats have been trying to give illegals government paid for health insurance and care

15 states sue to block Biden’s effort to help migrants in US illegally get health coverage

Americans before illegalsFifteen states filed a federal lawsuit Thursday against the Biden administration over a rule that is expected to allow 100,000 immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children to enroll next year in the federal Affordable Care Act’s health insurance.

The states are seeking to block the rule from taking effect Nov. 1 and providing people known as “Dreamers” access to tax breaks when they sign up for coverage. The Affordable Care Act’s marketplace enrollment opens the same day, just four days ahead of the presidential election.

The states filed suit in North Dakota, one of the states involved. All have Republican attorneys general who are part of a GOP effort to thwart Biden administration rules advancing Democratic policy goals.

The lawsuit argues that the rule violates a 1996 welfare reform law and the ACA. They also said it would encourage more immigrants to come to the U.S. illegally, burdening the states and their public school systems. Many economists have concluded that immigrants provide a net economic benefit, and immigration appears to have fueled job growth after the COVID-19 pandemic that prevented a recession.

Except, so many of these illegals are on the public dole, and take jobs from Americans. Regardless, what part of them “being unlawfully present in the United States” is misunderstood?

“Illegal aliens shouldn’t get a free pass into our country,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement. “They shouldn’t receive taxpayer benefits when they arrive, and the Biden-Harris administration shouldn’t get a free pass to violate federal law.”

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials did not immediately respond Thursday to an email seeking comment about the lawsuit. But Biden said in May in outlining the rule that he was “committed to providing Dreamers the support they need to succeed.” The Biden administration is shielding them from deportation.

The “Dreamers” have been ineligible for government-subsidized health insurance programs because they did not meet the definition of having a “lawful presence” in the U.S. The states filing the lawsuit said declaring their lawful presence by rule is “illogical on its face,” given that they’d face deportation without Biden administration intervention.

Democrats keep looking for ways to help out the invasion.

Read: Fifteen States Sue To Stop Illegals From Getting Obamacare »

Obviously, Hurricane Debbie Was All Your Fault

It’s all so tiresome

Debby drenched the southeast: Climate change is making storms like this even wetter

Tropical Storm Debby, a plodding, waterlogged system that has already saturated four southeastern states, bears many characteristics of a warming planet, climate scientists say. It’s reminiscent of other catastrophic tropical cyclones that have battered the United States over the past eight years.

On Wednesday afternoon, the storm was drifting at 5 mph near the South Carolina coast, about the pace of a monarch butterfly. It is expected to pick up speed today as it heads through North Carolina, where a foot or more of rain could fall in the southeastern part of the state and 6 to 8 inches are anticipated in the central Piedmont. (this cult piece was published the 8th at 11:55am)

A warmer atmosphere holds more water; likewise, warmer temperatures accelerate evaporation. “There’s a lot of water in this system that’s just ready to come out,” North Carolina’s state climatologist, Kathie Dello, said. “We’re pulling more of that moisture into the air and essentially supercharging the atmosphere. Or, as I like to say, get a cup of coffee and pour in a few shots of espresso.”

Tropical Storm Debby has arrived in what is on track to be one of the top 10 warmest years on record in North Carolina. As recently as late June, 99 of the state’s 100 counties were experiencing drought conditions ranging from abnormally dry to severe, according to the State Climate Office.

That pattern reversed in July, when several cities reported their wettest July on record.

“Swings between wet and dry are something that we’re expecting with climate change,” Dello said. “The extremes become more extreme.”

Good grief. It’s like NC Newsline is simply repeating cult propoganda. No matter what is happening it is blamed on climate doom.

Tropical Storm Debby is reminiscent of two historic hurricanes that hit North Carolina—Matthew in 2016 and Florence in 2018. Although both were Category 1 storms, they caused disproportionate damage because they stalled over land and dumped historic amounts of rain—as much as 3 feet—in eastern North Carolina. Thousands of people were left homeless and damages totaled in the billions of dollars.

Tropical storms and hurricanes are producing heavier rain over the U.S., an indicator of climate change, according to a study published last month in the Journal of Climate, a publication of the American Meteorological Society.

Hurricane Fran dropped about 19 inches of rain in NC back in 1996. Hurricanes and tropical systems drop lots of rain. That’s one of the things they do. Debby dropped less, despite being as slow as molasses. My personal weather station showed just under 4 inches overall, which is similar to the stations across Raleigh and Durham.

John Uehling co-authored the paper with Carl Schreck III, both of whom are scientists at the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies.

Uehling told Inside Climate News that Tropical Storm Debby is “a classic case of what we’ve seen a lot in recent years,” including with Hurricanes Harvey and Florence, “where we have a stalling storm near the coastline that basically dumps rain over the same areas for an extended and prolonged period of time.”

And, obviously this is your fault, rather than simply being a case of nature doing nature during a Holocene warm period. Have tropical systems ever been dependable? They can rarely tell us what they will specifically do a day out.

Read: Obviously, Hurricane Debbie Was All Your Fault »

Cackles Harris Open To An Arms Embargo On Israel

Of course, her staff denies this, much in the same way that Biden’s people had to constantly walk back what he said

Harris campaign denies support for Israeli arms embargo

In an effort at damage control, Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign reaffirmed her support for Israel Thursday after initial reports of her meeting with pro-Palestinian leaders before a rally in Detroit suggested that she expressed an openness to an arms embargo for Israel.

A campaign source told The Jerusalem Post that Harris “did not express openness to an arms embargo.”

In a post on X, Harris’s National Security Adviser Phil Gordon said Harris has been clear and will always ensure Israel can defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups.

Yeah, but

According to a statement from a campaign spokesperson, Harris has “prioritized engaging with Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian community members and others regarding the war in Gaza” since October 7.

The spokesperson said in Wednesday night’s meeting with Uncommitted National Movement’s leaders Laya Elabed and Abbas Alawieh, Harris “reaffirmed that her campaign will continue to engage with those communities.”

“The vice president is focused on securing the ceasefire and hostage deal currently on the table,” according to the campaign spokesperson. “As she has said, it is time for this war to end in a way where: Israel is secure, hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinian civilians ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, freedom, and self-determination.”

The Uncommitted National Movement had said late on Wednesday that Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, “shared her sympathies and expressed an openness to a meeting with Uncommitted leaders to discuss an arms embargo” during the interaction while campaigning in Detroit, according to a campaign aid.

Alawieh said on Thursday that both he and Elabed specifically asked for a meeting to discuss the demand for an arms embargo on Israel, “and in both cases, Vice President Harris expressed an openness to following up.”

Remember, the Uncommitted are primarily made up of the Islamists who said they would not vote for Biden because of his support of Israel. People who seem to have more allegiance to their home Islamist nations than the US. People who hate Jews and have shown their support of Hamas and other terrorist organizations. That’s who the Kamala campaign was playing with. That’s who she wants to get the votes of.

Will anyone in the media ask Kamala directly about her support for those who support Islamic terrorist groups, and if she supports Israel, and force her to answer?


(Wall Street Journal) The U.S. has warned Iran that its newly elected government and economy could suffer a devastating blow if it were to mount a major attack against Israel, a U.S. official said. (snip)

“The United States has sent clear messaging to Iran that the risk of a major escalation if they do a significant retaliatory attack against Israel is extremely high,” said the official. (snip)

Those messages have also put Tehran on notice “that there is a serious risk of consequences for Iran’s economy and the stability of its newly elected government if it goes down that path,” the official added.

Well, it’s not a threat of a military response by the U.S., but, at least it’s a threat. Of course, this leaves room for a smaller attack on Israel by Iran and their proxies.

Read: Cackles Harris Open To An Arms Embargo On Israel »

ABC News Wonders If Voters Care About Hotcoldwetdry

This should be interesting

Do voters care about climate change? How going green divides this election

As voters prepare to head to the polls in November, inflation, foreign policy and reproductive rights have dominated the national conversation, with environmental policy failing to emerge as a major ballot issue.

But with climate change fueling more damaging and deadly weather events, experts question if the effects of global warming have fallen victim to over-politicization on the national stage.

“There’s no innate reason that addressing climate change should be a partisan issue, but unfortunately, it has become one,” Gregory Dotson, former chief counsel of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and current environmental law professor at the University of Oregon, told ABC News.

Oh, there is a big reason: the Warmists are using ‘climate change’ as an excuse to grow government, increase its power over citizens, take more money, control the lives of citizens, and restrict their freedoms.

“This is an extremely consequential election with regard to climate change,” Dotson added.

National polls from the Pew Research Center released in Feb. 2024, found that Americans on both sides of the political aisle rank climate change initiatives as a far lower policy priority than other ballot issues.

And this is what has been happening even back during the 2000 election, when you had Al Gore. People will say ‘climate change’ is important, but, when compared with real issues it is always low hanging.

Between party lines, however, Democrats are substantially more likely than Republicans to prioritize protecting the environment (63% vs. 23%) and dealing with climate change (59% vs. 12%), according to the survey.

Still, these findings may underestimate the public’s support for climate initiatives despite not being a top voting priority.

“The large majority of Americans would prefer government action on climate change, but that doesn’t mean that they prioritize the issue when they’re going into their polling place and voting,” Nathaniel Stinnett, executive director of the Environmental Voter Project, told ABC News.

In other words, no one cares that much when the real world is involved. Now, explain what the Warmists want to do, as I mentioned above, and let’s see if they are willing to give all that stuff up.

Anastas, who co-founded the Green Chemistry Institute and has won the Nobel Prize for his work in sustainability, fears that the conversation surrounding climate change is missing an integral piece – the solutions.

If the country is going to transition to clean energy, Anastas believes the existing oil and gas infrastructure is the best fit to make that a reality.

And how does that happen? Only with government force, with legislation forcing the takeover of these private businesses.

Read: ABC News Wonders If Voters Care About Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is a horrible water intensive lawn that is bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on election fatigue.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove