If All You See…

…is a wonderful wild space which should get some wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post giving kudos to Pelosi for visiting Taiwan. Which I second.

Read: If All You See… »

Texas Governor Has Plans To Send Illegals To Plenty Of Democrat Cities

This would make the Democrats in those cities Very Unhappy (video at the link)

Abbott: We’re ‘Looking at Other Cities’ to Send Migrants to, We’ll Keep Sending Them Until Biden Admin. ‘Does Its Job’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said that the state will continue sending buses of migrants to northern cities “until the Biden administration does its job to enforce the laws concerning the border.” And said that Texas is “looking at other cities to send them to.”

Abbott said, “[W]e have more buses headed their way as we speak right now. But, Sean, this just shows the hypocrisy of these liberal leaders up in the northeast who think, well, that border crisis created by Joe Biden, that’s fine as long as it’s Texas that has to deal with it, but as soon as they have to deal with the real consequences of Biden’s border…crisis, they’re up in arms calling for the National Guard, as you point out, dealing with just a tiny fraction of what we have to deal with every single day. We’re going to keep sending those buses up there until they fully understand and most importantly, Sean, until the Biden administration does its job to enforce the laws concerning the border.”

He added, “We are helping out these small local communities by sending even more buses to these communities and putting these new migrants on the buses and sending them to Washington, DC. And we’re looking at other cities to send them to.”

I have some ideas. How about Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where Biden constantly goes on the weekend? Syracuse, NYC, and Boston would be good ideas. Los Angeles is always a good choice, especially since they just banned homeless encampments near schools. How about in the expensive areas of Santa Monica and Bel Air? Portland and Seattle would be great. State capitals like Sacramento are always fun. Chicago works. Madison, Wisconsin. I’m sure Gretchen Whitmer would appreciate. Baltimore. And many more.

The activists supporting unfettered illegal immigration are not happy

Now, mass migration activists argue that Abbott’s order may not be legal.

“There are ongoing questions about what authority they have to bus people from one location to another,” Aaron Reichlin-Melnick with the American Immigration Council told the Texas Tribune. “Legally speaking, is that immigration enforcement? I still don’t know.”

They aren’t happy because the the illegals are being dropped off in their areas. The American Immigration Council is located in D.C., just two blocks from the White House, at 1331 G St. NW. Sounds like a great place to drop them off.

Read: Texas Governor Has Plans To Send Illegals To Plenty Of Democrat Cities »

Kamala Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Announce ‘Climate Change’ Grants

See, we’re doomed from fossil fuels, so, Kamala took a fossil fueled flight and fossil fueled convoy to announce money for Doom

Harris says the U.S. government is partnering with groups in Miami-Dade on $50 million to protect low-lying neighborhoods from flooding caused by sea rise and hurricane storm surges.

The White House is making more than $1 billion available to states to address flooding and extreme heat exacerbated by climate change.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced the grant program Monday at Florida International University in Miami with Deanne Criswell, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other officials.

Harris called climate change an “immediate” and “urgent” crisis as she detailed Biden administration efforts to respond to disasters such as deadly flooding in Kentucky and wildfires ravaging her home state of California.

“And here’s how it will work,” Harris said. “So local governments apply for these grants. They tell us which projects will be most impacted and together we build those projects.”

The competitive grants will help communities across the nation prepare for and respond to climate-related disasters.

Harris says the U.S. government is already partnering with groups in Miami-Dade on $50 million to protect low-lying neighborhoods from flooding caused by sea rise and hurricane storm surges.

You know what sea rise looks like in Miami?

Virginia Key is right to the south of Miami. The Holocene sea rise average is 6-8 inches per century, hence, the sea rise in Miami for a Holocene warm period is right about normal, or a bit below normal. It’s expected. It’s what should be happening, no need to assign anthropogenic causation. Regardless, it’s not a bad idea to implement some measures to protect against hurricane storm surge. Of course, the money seems to involve private groups, so, you know it won’t be used the way it’s supposed to be used, and a way to give taxpayer money to Democratic Party friendly groups to do things that help get Democrats elected. Because this is 100% about Science!

Of course, Kamala was on top of her game, delving into the silliness and word salad we’re used to, such as


Read: Kamala Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Announce ‘Climate Change’ Grants »

Hard Left Group Says “Inflation Bill” Will Save Average Family $1,800 A Year Or Something

That’s totally believable, right?

Inflation Reduction Act would lead to $1,800 in savings for average household, analysis finds

Sweeping climate and health care legislation unveiled by Democrats last week would lead to significant cuts in energy costs for American households, according to a new analysis.

A report by non-profit group Rewiring America found that the tax incentives included as part of the $369 billion dedicated to climate initiatives in the Inflation Reduction Act would save the average household $1,800 per year on energy bills.

“It is a market-tilting level of investment,” Ari Matusiak, the group’s co-founder and CEO who was involved with the crafting of the bill, told Yahoo Finance. “The beneficiaries of [this measure] in the long term are going to be all of us on the planet. In the short term, it’s going to be Americans at their kitchen tables realizing savings on a month-to-month basis.”

The new measure sets out to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and dramatically reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions through a slew of tax incentives aimed at reducing the cost of electrification.

I’m sure the very far left group totally can explain how you’ll save $1,800 a year, right? Seriously, where is that possible? A lot of families I know spend around $200-$300 a month. Kinda tough to save $1,800.

While those cost savings are dolled out among more than 100 different programs, Matusiak said the biggest reductions are likely to come from rebate and credit programs that cushion the cost difference between electric appliances and cars, and those that rely on fossil fuels.

So, somehow you’ll save money by being forced to replace your gas appliances and car with an EV? And by rebate, they mean tax credit, which doesn’t always amount to saving that amount of actual money.

“41% of the inflation that consumers are experiencing are because their energy bills directly are going up at the pump and at their kitchen table,” he said. “And electrifying the machines that we use in our day-to-day lives structures that inflation out of our lives forever. So it is not just about whether you’re going to get to that $1,800 number this year, but it’s whether you are going to reduce the amount of money that you spend on energy year over year for the next 20 years.”

Ah, so, you might not save $1,800 this year, you might save something over the next 20 years? Cool. What if we already have an electric stove? How does that help? What if we can’t afford to spend $50K plus for an EV? And then the charger for the house?

Matusiak also pointed to additional credits that allow homeowners to deduct up to 30% of the cost of energy efficient upgrades to their homes, as all part of the $1,800 cost savings estimated.

Oh, so spend a lot to save some? Does this sound like a complete scam or what.

Read: Hard Left Group Says “Inflation Bill” Will Save Average Family $1,800 A Year Or Something »

What We Need Are More Studies On Human Extinction From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Do you know what the point of more studies is? It allows the Cult of Climastrology to provide even more fear mongering articles of doom on a constant basis, along with politicians thundering on about doom…right before they take a long fossil fueled trip

Climate change: More studies needed on possibility of human extinction

Catastrophic climate change outcomes, including human extinction, are not being taken seriously enough by scientists, a new study says.

The authors say that the consequences of more extreme warming – still on the cards if no action is taken – are “dangerously underexplored”.

They argue that the world needs to start preparing for the possibility of what they term the “climate endgame”.

They want UN scientists to investigate the risk of catastrophic change.

Oh, and it means more money to the U.N. and to keep the taxpayer funded gravy train going for the scientists

According to this new analysis, the closest attempts to directly understand or address how climate change could lead to global catastrophe have come from popular science books such as The Uninhabitable Earth and not from mainstream science research.

Maybe because it’s

mule fritter sherman potter

It’s not coming from mainstream science because it’s ridiculous. Mankind survived warm periods, and ice age, and more warm periods. Several Holocene warm periods were warm than today

But this new paper says that not enough attention has been given to more extreme outcomes of climate change.

“I think it’s sane risk management to think about the plausible worst-case scenarios and we do it when it comes to every other situation, we should definitely do when it comes to the fate of the planet and species,” said lead author Dr Luke Kemp from the University of Cambridge.

OK, spend your money on it. Solicit funding from private sources. Prove your hypothesis.

The plea for serious study of more extreme scenarios will chime with many younger climate activists, who say they are often not addressed for fear of frightening people into inaction.

“It is vital that we have research into all areas of climate change, including the scary reality of catastrophic events,” said Laura Young, a 25-year-old climate activist. “This is because without the full truth, and all of the potential impacts, we won’t make the informed choices we need, and we won’t be driving climate action with enough pressure.

OK. Then use your degree in environmental science to do the research yourself, instead of demanding Other People do the work.

But, the Credentialed Media got the memo

That was the front page of searching “climate change’ on Google. There were plenty more.

Read: What We Need Are More Studies On Human Extinction From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on Trudeau’s fertilizer ban threatening to cause a food crisis.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Drone Strikes Al Qaeda Leader Zawahri To His 72 Virgins

No one ever said the virgins would all be good looking and women, though, right? Fox News’ Fred Fleitz asks an interesting question

Another issue is whether killing Zawahri, who was 71 and in ill health, will make any difference in protecting the U.S. from terrorist attacks since there were plans to name a successor to Zawahri before he was killed.

Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter. Some people just need killing. Zawahri was one of them

US takes out al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri in ‘successful’ Afghanistan counterterrorism operation

President Biden announced Monday that the U.S. government killed the leader of al Qaeda, Ayman Al Zawahiri in a “successful” counterterrorism operation in Afghanistan that removes the terrorist from the battlefield “once and for all,” and degrades the terror network’s ability to operate.

The United States government, on July 30 at 9:48 p.m. ET, and 6:18 a.m. Kabul time, undertook a “precision counterterrorism operation,” killing Zawahiri, who served as Usama bin Laden’s deputy during the 9/11 attacks, and as his successor in 2011, following bin Laden’s death.

Biden, in an address to the American people, Monday night said “justice has been delivered,” and warned those that seek to do harm to the United States.

Biden explained that Zawahiri “coordinated al Qaeda’s branches all around the world” since bin Laden’s death in 2011, including “setting priorities for providing operational guidance that call for and inspire attacks against U.S. targets.”

I don’t mind giving Biden props and kudos when he deserves it, and, he deserves, regardless of his involvement in it. This is a good thing that he’s dead. It’s been a long time coming. Way too long


Zawahri’s Kabul death raises questions about al Qaeda presence in Afghanistan after US left it to the Taliban

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahri’s death in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan is raising questions about whether the country is being used as a base of operations for the terrorist group.

“What unnerves me is that Al Zawahri felt comfortable enough being out in the open in the Kabul area after the Taliban takeover,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “So much for the Taliban rejecting al-Qaeda. This is proof positive that Afghanistan has once again become a safe haven for international terrorists.”

Yup, Biden’s wonderful exit from Afghanistan plan

Biden Slammed Trump When He Took Out ISIS’ Al-Baghdadi, Iran’s Soleimani


When Trump confirmed in October 2019 that U.S. special forces had found and killed ISIS founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Biden did not offer simple congratulations, but said the operation had succeeded despite Trump’s “erratic” behavior

Former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 White House hopeful, said on Monday that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a U.S. military operation despite President Trump’s “ineptitude” as commander in chief.

“I’m glad President Trump ordered the mission,” Biden said in a statement. “But as more details of the raid emerge, it’s clear that this victory was not due to Donald Trump’s leadership. It happened despite his ineptitude as commander-in-chief.” (snip)

When Trump ordered the successful operation to take out Iranian terrorist general Qasem Soleimani in December 2020, Biden and the other Democrats running for president slammed the operation, saying that it make a Middle East war more likely:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s assertion he ordered a drone strike on Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani to avert an “imminent attack” can’t be taken at face value because the commander in chief has “lied so much.”

In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, said of Trump, “I don’t give him the benefit of the doubt of anything.”

Should we be questioning the timing of whacking Zawahri, being so close to the mid-terms and the one year anniversary of Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan pullout? With raging inflation, it won’t make a difference.

And, same for the news media: they slammed Trump over Soleimani, who was intimately involved in the killing of American service members in Iraq, as well as terrorist operations throughout the Middle East. Nothing but kudos for taking out Zawahri. Now, imagine it was President Trump who took out Zawahri: would those articles be complementary to Trump, or say something like “Trump orders drone strike on irrelevant terrorist leader, inciting more terrorism”? Remember how they ran pieces under Bush about killing terrorists creating more terrorists?

Regardless, good job, Joe.

Read: Biden Drone Strikes Al Qaeda Leader Zawahri To His 72 Virgins »

Climate Scam Groups Unhappy With Climate Bill, AKA Inflation Reduction Act

More proof the act isn’t about reducing inflation

The Democrats’ climate deal also has plenty for oil producers to like

st greta carThe recently announced Inflation Reduction Act has been celebrated as Congress’s biggest investment in fighting climate change, but the 725-page bill also has benefits for the fossil fuel industry.

While the bill’s centerpiece is about $385 billion towards funding climate change efforts, the sprawling legislation also includes “bits” for the fossil fuel industry, as economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin put it to Yahoo Finance. Those bits include provisions that may spur greater oil production, open new areas to drilling, and incentivize “carbon capture” technology.

The bill does come with new taxes on the industry, but this latest effort is indisputably friendlier to fossil fuel producers than last year’s stalled “Build Back Better” effort. Exxon (XOM) Darren Woods has told investors the bill was a “step in the right direction,” and others in the industry have also praised the bill.

It has definitely made unhinged climate scam groups unhappy

Manchin says his deal includes a future Senate vote on a more widespread permitting reform bill, which the oil industry has long been calling for. That bill, details of which are scarce, could open more areas for drilling and also spur the building of more natural gas pipelines.

To be sure, most climate activists have celebrated the measure and the billions put aside for green energy. Still, some have focused on the Manchin-led provisions, calling them a giveaway.

“This bill is more of a climate scam bill than a climate change bill,” a group called 350.org said.

Does Bill realize that the Biden admin will pretty much allow none of the oil and nuclear provisions to come to fruition? How about the oil companies? Do they think they will get any benefit?

Still, Josiah Neeley, a senior energy fellow at the “limited government” think tank R Street Institute, notes that drilling rights can often change dramatically from administration to administration. These rules changes could have the benefit of leading to more “stability and predictability” in the coming years, he said.

There is that. A Republican wins the White House in 2024 and all those pro-oil and nuclear provisions could be enacted.

Read: Climate Scam Groups Unhappy With Climate Bill, AKA Inflation Reduction Act »

Kansas To Vote On Stripping “Abortion Protections” From Constitution Today

It’ll be interesting to watch the outcome in a state that went 56% Trump and 41% Biden, which has two Republican senators, three GOP representatives, and 1 Democrat representative. Take out 5 counties, and mostly just 2 (Douglas and Wyandotte, with the cities of Lawrence and Kansas City), and it’s a deep GOP state

Kansas voters to decide abortion rights in 1st test since Roe v. Wade repeal

Kansas on Tuesday will become the first state to vote on the legality of abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June.

Voters will not have the option of banning the procedure outright, however. Instead, they’ll vote on a GOP-sponsored initiative known as Amendment 2, which would strip abortion protections from the state constitution. But should a majority of voters support the measure, the Republican-controlled state Legislature is expected to move quickly to restrict or prohibit the procedure.

The initiative is an attempt to overturn a 2019 decision by the Kansas Supreme Court, which ruled 6-1 that the state constitution “enables a woman to make decisions regarding her body, health, family formation, and family life, including the decision whether to continue a pregnancy.”

Due in large part to that decision, Kansas continues to ensure abortion rights despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in late June that access to the procedure is not protected by the federal Constitution. Republican-controlled states bordering Kansas, such as Oklahoma and Missouri, now have near-total bans in place.

“Despite”? No, because the SCOTUS ruling put all the decisions in the hands of the states, as the ruling essentially said it wasn’t  in the federal Constitution

Political observers from across the country will be paying close attention to how Kansas votes on the issue. Polls show that most Americans want abortion to be legal, and Democrats hope the issue will motivate voters to support their candidates this November.

Legal, perhaps, but, limited. Start mentioning things like late term abortion, taking children across state lines, restricting parental notification, and others, and that support drops quickly. If the GOP was smart, not something we can always count on, they would have been talking about a ban after 15 weeks, with exceptions for rape, incest, and to save the mother’s life (requiring the consent of two doctors). Not a total ban.

Kansans for Constitutional Freedom, an organization opposing the initiative, is running ads noting that the state already has a number of abortion restrictions and warning that the Republican supermajority in the state Legislature may try to ban the procedure outright, including in cases of rape or incest, if the measure succeeds.

Oh, that group doesn’t want constitutional freedom, they’re happy to push for restrictions on many, many other things, they just want unfettered abortion. They call themselves bipartisan, but, most of their money came from Planned Parenthood (why do they get federal funds again?), the ACLU, the very far left Sixteen Thirty Fund, and other far left groups from outside the state.

Now, we’ll wait for the results tonight.

Read: Kansas To Vote On Stripping “Abortion Protections” From Constitution Today »

Activists Upset Mexico And Brazil Governments “Didn’t Do Anything” On Monkeypox

This is what happens when people are taught that government is the be all, that everything requires government action, that personal responsibility doesn’t exist

‘The government didn’t do anything’: Mexican, Brazilian monkeypox responses draw concern

Francisco’s lesions started after returning home to Mexico City from California in late June: First, two spots on his buttocks. Then, a week later, lesions all over his body, his mouth so full of sores that he could barely talk or drink water.

“The pain was indescribable, catastrophic,” said Francisco, 44, who asked Reuters to conceal his real name.

Francisco had one of at least 59 monkeypox infections confirmed in Mexico since May, which experts believe could undercount the true number.

In Latin America, Mexico ranks behind Brazil and Peru for confirmed cases of the viral disease, which has primarily spread among gay and bisexual men like Francisco.

The World Health Organization declared monkeypox a global health emergency on July 23, prompting greater attention from regional officials. However, some doctors and activists in Latin America’s two largest countries told Reuters the response has been too tepid.

“We are not seeing the necessary measures taken, nor the necessary importance given to monkeypox,” said Dr. Sergio Montalvo, a sexual health specialist in Mexico City.

It’s pretty easy: don’t go to California to attend what’s being termed “men on men sex”, especially in large groups. The medical folks and even the news has been saying from the beginning, back in May, that the primary spread of monkeypox was occurring amongst gay men, especially at their superspreader parties. People like Francisco were told. If he and the others do not want to listen, well, the “activists” should be telling them “don’t go to those parties if you don’t want to catch it.”

“In these two months, we could have already made significant progress,” said Ricardo Baruch, an LGBT health researcher who helped organize a protest in Mexico City last week to ask for greater efforts to target prevention to men who have sex with men (MSM).

And what efforts does Ricardo want? He should be saying “don’t have men on men sex at big parties.” Why is it the job of Government? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Dr. Andrea Vicari, PAHO’s director of infectious threat management said it was not too late to curb monkeypox’s spread in the Americas.

“Even if we don’t have vaccines, we have other control measures. If we implement these well, we will be able to accomplish our objectives to reduce transmission.”

We don’t need vaccines. Don’t have men on men sex.

Read: Activists Upset Mexico And Brazil Governments “Didn’t Do Anything” On Monkeypox »

Pirate's Cove