Biden To Give Prime-Time Speech Dividing America Thursday

Does anyone think this will be live? Or, will it be recorded?

Biden to give prime-time speech about ‘soul of the nation’ as voters prepare to cast midterm ballots

President Joe Biden plans to deliver a prime-time speech this week about how America’s “rights and freedoms are still under attack,” returning to the core message of his 2020 campaign as Americans are getting ready to vote in the November midterm elections.

A White House official said Thursday’s address at Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia would focus on “the continued battle for the soul of the nation” and show how the president sees the central argument of his 2020 candidacy remains as salient as ever with the midterm elections coming into clearer focus.

The president will lay out how America’s standing in the world and its democracy are at stake, the official said. Biden will highlight what he sees as progress over the past two years to protect our democracy, but note that rights and freedoms remain at risk.

“He will make clear who is fighting for those rights, fighting for those freedoms, and fighting for our democracy,” the official said.

The guy who’s mostly ruling by fiat and pen will yammer about democracy or something

Biden will deliver the speech outside Independence Hall, another echo of his 2020 candidacy, which began with a rally in Philadelphia. In that campaign, Biden repeatedly drew upon the message of not just the nation’s Founding Fathers but other great leaders in highlighting how he viewed then-President Donald Trump as someone who would risk changing the character of the nation if given another term in office. He later drew on Abraham Lincoln with a major speech at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Franklin Roosevelt in Warm Springs, Georgia, in the closing weeks of the 2020 campaign.

The guy who’s trying to force you out of your fossil fueled vehicles and into unaffordable EVs, or the bus, will take a fossil fueled flight on a jumbo jet, with a backup plane, fighter jet protection, and a large convoy of fossil fueled vehicles. Oh, by the way, he’s doing the same thing Tuesday, traveling to Wilkes-Barr, Pa, to yammer about taking away gun rights from law abiding citizens. The speech is expected to be very divisive.

Last week, in remarks at a Democratic National Committee rally in Maryland, Biden said that “MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security, they’re a threat to our very democracy.”

“They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace — political violence. They don’t believe in democracy,” he said. “This is why, in this moment, those of you who love this country — Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans — we must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving America than the MAGA Republicans are to destroying America.”

So, if you don’t believe in the hardcore Progressive (nice Fascism) agenda, you hate America

On Monday, Republicans dismissed the president’s upcoming speech.

“Biden has pitted neighbors against each other, labeled half of Americans as fascist, and tarnished any idea of his promise of ‘unity.’ Families are left with a recession, high gas prices, and a nation on the wrong track,” Republican National Committee spokeswoman Emma Vaughn said in an email statement.

He learned well from Obama how to do this.

Read: Biden To Give Prime-Time Speech Dividing America Thursday »

Now We Have Zombie Ice Melting From Climate Crisis (scam)

Hey, look, something new from the Cult of Climastrology!

Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches

Greenland’s rapidly melting ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least 10.6 inches (27 centimeters) — more than twice as much as previously forecast — according to a study published Monday.

That’s because of something that could be called zombie ice. That’s doomed ice that, while still attached to thicker areas of ice, is no longer getting replenished by parent glaciers now receiving less snow. Without replenishment, the doomed ice is melting from climate change and will inevitably raise seas, said study co-author William Colgan, a glaciologist at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. (snip)

The unavoidable ten inches in the study is more than twice as much sea level rise as scientists had previously expected from the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet. The study in the journal Nature Climate Change said it could reach as much as 30 inches (78 centimeters). By contrast, last year’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report projected a range of 2 to 5 inches (6 to 13 centimeters) for likely sea level rise from Greenland ice melt by the year 2100.

The 20th Century sea rise level was 8 inches, which is average for a Holocene century. It should have been much higher for a warm period. And, it is not accelerating. Facts are meaningless to the climate cult.

One of the study authors said that more than 120 trillion tons (110 trillion metric tons) of ice is already doomed to melt from the warming ice sheet’s inability to replenish its edges. When that ice melts into water, if it were concentrated only over the United States, it would be 37 feet (11 meters) deep.

More scaremongering, eh?

The figures are a global average for sea level rise, but some places further away from Greenland would get more and places closer, like the U.S. East Coast, would get less. Although 10.6 inches may not sound like much, this would be over and above high tides and storms, making them even worse, so this much sea level rise “will have huge societal, economic and environmental impacts,” said Ellyn Enderlin, a geosciences professor at Boise State University, who wasn’t part of the study.

This allows the cultists to use natural sea rise along with land changes to blame you.

Colgan responded that the team doesn’t know how long it will take for all the doomed ice to melt, but making an educated guess, it would probably be by the end of this century, or at least by 2150.

Well, that’s convenient.

Read: Now We Have Zombie Ice Melting From Climate Crisis (scam) »

Another Great Democrat Idea: Requiring Hotels To Give Unfilled Hotel Rooms To Homeless

It’s always some sort of Virtue Signaling idea which never takes into account the consequences, which are easy to figure out for the non-Woke, but, impossible for the Woke. Or, they really just do not give a flying shit

LA City Council to vote on initiative that would require hotels to give up empty rooms to the homeless

unintended consequencesOn Friday, the Los Angeles City Council will consider passing an ordinance that would house homeless people in empty hotel rooms. If it passes, every hotel in Los Angeles will have to report their vacancies.

According to the measure, “Each hotel shall communicate to the Department or its designee, in a form that the Department prescribes, by 2 p.m. each day the number of available rooms at the hotel for that night.”

“It’s crazy,” said Ray Patel, the president of the Northeast Los Angeles Hotel Owners Association.

Patel said members of the association are worried.

“I can’t screen who ends up in my hotel rooms?” he said. “How do I protect my other customers and my staff?”

Sure, some homeless are just down on their luck, especially in the hyper-expensive state of the People’s Republik Of California. Some aren’t. What happens when they refuse to leave the hotel rooms? What if they trash them? Seeing as how things are going in L.A., will the cops be allowed to kick them out?Doubtful. And then there will be more and more open rooms, because more and more people will refuse to go to L.A., not wanting to be in the same hotel as possibly a smelly, deranged, homeless, of which there are more than a few in L.A.

Members of Unite Here Local 11, who are behind the initiative, say they have already gathered 126,000 signatures in favor. Council members could decide to put it on the ballot if they don’t approve it outright.

Maria Hernandez, communications director of Unite Here Local 11 said this picks up where the phased-out Project Room Key left off. The Los Angeles initiative paid hotels to house homeless individuals during the pandemic but did not force them. This initiative includes language indicating that hotels not accepting the vouchers could be sued.

Do any of those members of Unite Here have a stake in any of the hotels? Are they willing to put up any homeless at their own domiciles? The “movement” is apparently comprised of hotel and restaurant workers. Will those hotel workers enjoy cleaning up after and dealing with the homeless? How about reduced hours and layoffs due to reduced bookings? How about the members of the city council? It’s really easy to require Other People to do something you won’t do, right?

Read: Another Great Democrat Idea: Requiring Hotels To Give Unfilled Hotel Rooms To Homeless »

Hmm: Will Electric Cars Be More Expensive To Run Than Gas Vehicles?

Again, I’m not against EVs: I’ve said many times that I’m not a fan of gasoline, as it pollutes, and I don’t mean CO2. But, there are just so many issues with EVs, starting with the price of new. Then, the concern that you’ll have to pay $20K plus to replace the batteries on a used, which will drive down the residuals. How do you charge if you don’t have a garage? Do you want the charger outside in the elements at your house or townhome? How about if you live in an apartment or condos? Taking a trip? Do you want to stop for an hour to charge? Will there be enough? How about higher insurance costs? If you get in a fender bender, will it be totaled due to the batteries? Will auto insurance change the way they operate, leaving you on the hook? It’s not ready for prime time, but, if you want one, get one. It’s the notion of Government forcing you into one that is my #1 problem. Oh, and this

Electric cars will be more expensive to run than petrol

Electric vehicleElectric vehicles will be more expensive to run than petrol equivalents from October as the latest price cap hike punishes drivers for going green.

The unit cost of electricity will nearly double under new energy prices released yesterday, taking it up to 52p per kWh, up from 28p. Petrol prices have fallen in recent weeks and stand at £1.70 per litre, in comparison.

As a result, it will cost more to travel long distances in an electric car than a petrol one – even before factoring in higher purchase prices for greener vehicles.

The owner of a Jaguar i-PACE, an electric SUV, would spend £99 more to travel the same distance as a driver in the petrol equivalent, the Jaguar f-PACE, according to calculations by breakdown service, the RAC.

Well, we’re all surely not running out to spend $71K/$52k for either. Anyhow, that’s $116 more for the same trip. Do we think this will get better as more and more reliable, dependable, affordable energy sources are replaced with “green alternatives”?

The petrol version can travel around 400 miles on a full tank of petrol, which would cost around £50. The electric model only has a range of 290 miles and would need multiple charges to travel 400 miles – this would cost £99 more after October’s electricity price hike.

The same is true for cheaper models. A Kia e-Niro owner would have to spend £88 more than a Kia Sportage driver to travel the same distance.

The e-Niro will cost £33.80 to fully charge from October compared to £18.37 at the moment, RAC estimations showed.

The firm’s Rod Dennis said those who charged their cars at home would really feel the impact of October’s energy price rise.

But, hey, if you’re good with this, that’s your choice, right? Rather than government forcing you.

Let’s also not forget that government will complain that they’re losing the gas tax revenue, and will implement measures such as road user fees based on miles you travel, and others, such as Pennsylvania

The fee would be $75 per year for a hybrid gas-electric vehicle, $175 a year for an electric vehicle and $275 for an electric vehicle with a weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds, such as a city bus.

Those are above the regular taxes. Does anyone think all the issues will be worked out in the next 10 years?

Read: Hmm: Will Electric Cars Be More Expensive To Run Than Gas Vehicles? »

Bideconomy: Surge Of Rent Evictions Coming

In fairness, there’s more than plenty of blame to go around, starting with China for mucking around with coronaviruses and letting one go, on purpose or by accident. And Anthony Fauci and the NIH for funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology. All those governors, counties, and cities who shut things down in a biased manner, as well as other countries who shut it down

Census Bureau: 3.8 million renters will likely be evicted in the next two months — why the rental crisis keeps getting worse

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanFor the first time ever, the median rent in the U.S. topped $2,000 a month in June — and the increases show no sign of stopping.

Those rising rents mean that households representing a total of 8.5 million people were behind on their rent at the end of August, according to Census Bureau figures. And 3.8 million of those renters say they’re somewhat or very likely to be evicted in the next two months.

The combination of soaring inflation, the end of most eviction moratoriums and rental assistance payments and an extremely low vacancy rate has pushed rents up — and many renters out.

The average rent was $1,474 in 2019. It was $1,019 in 2009, so, 10 years to rise almost $500, vs 2 years for another $500. In fairness, this depends quite a bit on which source you look it. Most of these pieces on hitting $2K seem to be relying on a piece by Redfin, which had the median at $1,600 in 2019, a little spike then dip in 2020, then a 15% spike since Joe Biden took office.

And the homes that are available are often still out of reach. Rent rates are up nearly 25% since before the pandemic, with an increase of 15% in just the past 12 months, according to the real estate tracking service Zillow.

Same data as Redfin.

Evictions are up, too, according to the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. In August, evictions were 52% above average in Tampa, 90% above average in Houston and 94% above average in Minneapolis-St. Paul. (big snip)

To meet higher rents, 57% of renters said they relied on credit cards, loans, savings or selling off some assets, including raiding their retirement accounts.

Despite that, 14% of renters told the survey that they weren’t completely caught up on back rent.

No worries, Joe’s focused on everything but the economy.

Read: Bideconomy: Surge Of Rent Evictions Coming »

Scam: ‘Climate Change’ Funds Used For Parking Lots

Sounds like a good use of The People’s (borrowed against the future) money, eh?

Majority of funds for climate change program went to repave Bloomsburg parking lots

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is sending $740,000 to Pennsylvania for “critical infrastructure to combat climate change” – but most of the money will go toward repaving parking lots.

The USDA Rural Development program provides taxpayer money for all sorts of programs, from infrastructure to health care to environmental and economic concerns in the rural parts of America. In fiscal year 2022, it provided almost $1.5 billion for local projects.

Its latest announcement noted 16 projects in Pennsylvania, but the lion’s share of the funding will go to four parking lots in Bloomsburg.

“These 16 projects represent Pennsylvania’s diverse rural economy and will strengthen its resilience,” USDA State Director Bob Morgan said in a news release. “The Biden-Harris Administration has created a roadmap for how we can tackle the climate crisis and expand access to renewable energy infrastructure.”

That roadmap has a strong emphasis on cars.

“The Town of Bloomsburg in Columbia County received a $500,000 grant to repave four parking lots in the town,” the news release noted. “The aging infrastructure needs major repairs. Improvements of these lots will impact more than 30 businesses that are within a block radius of the proposed project.”

It is unclear how parking lots are critical infrastructure against climate change, though local businesses may benefit from customers having higher-quality parking nearby.

You think?

Read: Scam: ‘Climate Change’ Funds Used For Parking Lots »

Brandon Admin Planning On Fall Push For Chinese Coronavirus Vaccination

Didn’t Biden say he was “going to shut down the virus, not the economy”? I’m guess he failed on both

White House effort to stave off fall COVID surge with new boosters faces uphill battle

The White House is rushing ahead to roll out a new COVID-19 booster shot campaign in early September, but is facing an uphill battle to ensure it is successful.

The vaccines being used in the campaign are the first ones that have been manufactured to specifically target the subvariants of omicron that are currently causing the most infections, and administration officials have indicated they’re preparing to start offering the shots shortly after Labor Day.

Immunity from the initial round of vaccines is waning and health officials said they want to ensure the public is protected as much as possible against another wave of infections in the fall and winter. Right now, close to 450 Americans are dying every day from the virus, and there’s concern the numbers could rise as people move indoors.

Both Pfizer and Moderna have asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use authorization for booster shots that target the omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants. Pfizer’s vaccine will be for everyone aged 12 and older, while Moderna’s will be meant just for adults aged 18 and older.

Administration officials say these new vaccines will be key to controlling a potential fall surge, but they will need to convince an increasingly checked-out public to get the shots.

Most citizens are checked out, except for the mask cultists. Granted, some are truly concerned and wear a mask correctly to safeguard their own health. COVID doesn’t get mentioned much in the news, few talk about it, most just want to go on with their lives. Some, like me, take small measures. I try and avoid touching, and wash my hands a lot (which I did before COVID), and try and keep my distance. But, the thing is, why should we take it seriously at this point?

If this video was taken within the last couple of days, why is Jill out and about? She tested positive in a rebound case. She initially tested positive on August 16th, finally had a few negative tests, then positive again. She and Joe seem rather easy going and carefree about the whole thing, eh?

Read: Brandon Admin Planning On Fall Push For Chinese Coronavirus Vaccination »

If All You See…

…are evil storm clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Outside The Beltway, with a post on Obama’s top economist opposing Biden’s debt relief plan.

Still cleaning out the folder.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup David Uhl

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are raiding my neighbor’s bird feeder (and looking very pleased with themselves), and I have zero expectations of the Giants doing well, so, no pressure! This pinup is by David Uhl, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad says winter is coming (for electricity bills)
  2. Greenie Watch covers Japan restarting nuclear power plants
  3. Weasel Zippers discusses Biden unable to say who’s paying for his student loans bailout
  4. The Other McCain wonders what time it is
  5. The O.K. Corral covers fighting over a Moon Pie
  6. The Lid discusses Americans having trust issues with the FBI
  7. The First Street Journal covers if Black Lives Matter really matters in liberal cities
  8. Noisy Room notes the Biden admin ignoring human organ trafficking cartels
  9. neo-neocon covers Biden’s newest Iran deal
  10. Moonbattery features NY’s governor telling citizens to move to Florida
  11. Jihad Watch notes lefties getting a Little League game shut down because Christians were there
  12. Gen Z Conservative discusses Texas banning Woke corporations from doing business with the state
  13. Geller Report notes Biden calling Republicans “semi-Fascists”
  14. DC Clothesline discusses the coming wave of lawsuits against those who performed trans surgeries
  15. And last, but, not least, Common Cents Blog notes Republicans leading the generic ballot

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NY Times Is Very Concerned That Republicans Aren’t In Perpetual Outrage Over Trump Search

We very much appreciate their concern, however, unlike Democrats, we cannot stay in a state of perpetual outrage, and now it’s the time to let it play through. However, we don’t forget. Like, that the DOJ was concerned about the material all the way back in January, yet, waited till August to ask for the search warrant, then waited 7 days to implement it (paywalled Times article here)

Republicans, Once Outraged by Mar-a-Lago Search, Become Quieter as Details Emerge

In the minutes and hours after the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s residence in Florida this month, his supporters did not hesitate to denounce what they saw as a blatant abuse of power and outrageous politicization of the Justice Department.

But with the release of a redacted affidavit detailing the justification for the search, the former president’s allies were largely silent, a potentially telling reaction with ramifications for his political future.

“I would just caution folks not to draw too many conclusions,” Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, a Republican, said on Fox News. It was a starkly different admonition from his earlier condemnations of what he said were “politically motivated actions.”

Some Republicans will no doubt rally around Trump and his claim that he is once again being targeted by a rogue FBI that is still out to get him. His former acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, said on Twitter that “this raid was, in fact, just about documents,” which he called “simply outrageous.” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz. and an ardent Trump ally, was on the right-wing broadcaster Newsmax denouncing the FBI as politically biased, though he notably did not defend the former president’s possession of highly classified documents.

But generally, even the most bombastic Republicans — Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Jim Jordan of Ohio — were at least initially focused elsewhere. Greene was posting on Friday about border “invasions.” Boebert noted on Twitter the anniversary of the suicide bombing of U.S. service members at the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. Jordan was focused on an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder. None tweeted about the affidavit.

There are plenty of things to be outraged over. The Times failed to mention what the Facebook issue is, namely, the FBI played political games in warning Zuckerberg that the information on Hunter Biden was “Russian disinformation.” Perhaps Green was concerned that documents show that the Biden admin is still releasing COVID positive illegals at the border. It’s rather important that U.S. service members were killed a year ago due to Biden incompetence, is it not?

And voters are again distracted by Trump in the political spotlight, even as Republicans try to direct their attention toward the economy and soaring inflation when the Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell said efforts to control rising prices would exact pain on Americans.

All of this could mean that enough Republican voters grow weary of the division and drama around Trump and are ready to move on.

We wouldn’t be distracted if the FBI hadn’t performed a dawn raid for what appears to be political purposes, and, come on, Democrats and their pet media haven’t stopped talking about Trump since he left office. Don’t expect Republican voters to move on, though. We can remember everything without the type of never-ending apoplexy Democrats engage in. There are so many issues in Biden’s America that it’s hard to focus on everything, it’s hard to continue the constant outrage. Meanwhile, if you look at the NY Times this morning, all the articles on the Mar-O-Lago raid are way down the page.

Read: NY Times Is Very Concerned That Republicans Aren’t In Perpetual Outrage Over Trump Search »

Pirate's Cove