Activists Upset Mexico And Brazil Governments “Didn’t Do Anything” On Monkeypox

This is what happens when people are taught that government is the be all, that everything requires government action, that personal responsibility doesn’t exist

‘The government didn’t do anything’: Mexican, Brazilian monkeypox responses draw concern

Francisco’s lesions started after returning home to Mexico City from California in late June: First, two spots on his buttocks. Then, a week later, lesions all over his body, his mouth so full of sores that he could barely talk or drink water.

“The pain was indescribable, catastrophic,” said Francisco, 44, who asked Reuters to conceal his real name.

Francisco had one of at least 59 monkeypox infections confirmed in Mexico since May, which experts believe could undercount the true number.

In Latin America, Mexico ranks behind Brazil and Peru for confirmed cases of the viral disease, which has primarily spread among gay and bisexual men like Francisco.

The World Health Organization declared monkeypox a global health emergency on July 23, prompting greater attention from regional officials. However, some doctors and activists in Latin America’s two largest countries told Reuters the response has been too tepid.

“We are not seeing the necessary measures taken, nor the necessary importance given to monkeypox,” said Dr. Sergio Montalvo, a sexual health specialist in Mexico City.

It’s pretty easy: don’t go to California to attend what’s being termed “men on men sex”, especially in large groups. The medical folks and even the news has been saying from the beginning, back in May, that the primary spread of monkeypox was occurring amongst gay men, especially at their superspreader parties. People like Francisco were told. If he and the others do not want to listen, well, the “activists” should be telling them “don’t go to those parties if you don’t want to catch it.”

“In these two months, we could have already made significant progress,” said Ricardo Baruch, an LGBT health researcher who helped organize a protest in Mexico City last week to ask for greater efforts to target prevention to men who have sex with men (MSM).

And what efforts does Ricardo want? He should be saying “don’t have men on men sex at big parties.” Why is it the job of Government? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Dr. Andrea Vicari, PAHO’s director of infectious threat management said it was not too late to curb monkeypox’s spread in the Americas.

“Even if we don’t have vaccines, we have other control measures. If we implement these well, we will be able to accomplish our objectives to reduce transmission.”

We don’t need vaccines. Don’t have men on men sex.

Read: Activists Upset Mexico And Brazil Governments “Didn’t Do Anything” On Monkeypox »

Good News: The Climate Bill Won’t Stop ‘Climate Change’

It won’t fix inflation, either

The climate bill won’t stop global warming. But it will clean the air.

The higher temperatures observed today across the world, implicated in everything from extreme heat to drought and worsening wildfires, are the result of many decades of rising greenhouse gas emissions that trap heat and warm the globe. And there are many more emissions to come, as people around the globe keep on living, driving cars, conducting business.

All of which explains why the economic and climate deal announced last week by Senate Democrats, which would represent America’s biggest actions ever to curb climate change, can scarcely be expected to have an immediate, measurable impact on the warming planet.

Yet, in ways Americans may not yet appreciate, the legislation could have much more direct, soon-felt effects — on what people pay to drive and power their homes, as well as the quality of the air they breathe.

In other words, this is about government controlling your life

By doing so, the Inflation Reduction Act would further lower the costs of renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar, as well as many other less glitzy but important energy-saving appliances and devices around the home. If it spurs other countries to act in concert with the United States, it would be at the cutting edge of a global coordinated effort to cut down on emissions and limit warming.

Without massive subsidies and “loans” that industry cannot compete.

The legislation “is important symbolically and internationally,” said Rob Jackson, an expert on global greenhouse gas emissions at Stanford University. “Its biggest benefits are to provide longer-term certainty for renewables development and to promote sales of lower-cost electric vehicles. It’s critical the U.S. do something.”

Yet, the bill won’t lead to a much cooler planet, at least not immediately or on its own. The climate problem is massive, which means that even when the United States takes decisive action it can appear relatively small.

So, if it won’t really do anything now, it’s worthless, because things change in the future.

Perhaps the most immediate impact would be to lower the price of using clean energy — especially for those who make use of the incentives contained in the bill to purchase electric vehicles or highly efficient energy technologies for their homes, such as heat pump-based heating and cooling systems.

Until the subsidies dry up, or the companies charge more for power because the government is giving them taxpayer money. You just know that Democrats will fight to stop the mining of the minerals required to do all this on U.S. soil, right? This is all a scam. Look how CNN names it

Nothing about inflation, really, in the inflation named bill. I’m wondering why neither the Washington Post nor CNN asked Biden officials, along with Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer, when they will switch to EVs themselves and put solar panels on their own homes.

Read: Good News: The Climate Bill Won’t Stop ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, which everyone else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on fake heatwave news.

Read: If All You See… »

Californians Bolting The State Ask “Why Are We Here?”

Why? Because you voted for this. You advocated for all the policies that are now skyrocketing your cost of living (more), increasing crime, making homes un-affordable, and so much more

California exodus continues, with L.A., San Francisco leading the way: ‘Why are we here?’

surprise surprise surpriseAfter living in the Bay Area for nearly seven years, Hari Raghavan and his wife decided to leave for the East Coast late last year.

They were both working remotely and wanted to leave California because of the high cost of living and urban crime. So they made a list of potential relocation cities before choosing Miami for its sunny weather and what they perceived was a better sense of safety.

Raghavan said that their Oakland house had been broken into four times and that prior to the pandemic, his wife called him every day during her seven-minute walk home from the BART station because she felt safer with someone on the phone. After moving to Miami, Raghavan said they accidentally left their garage door open one day and were floored when they returned home and found nothing had been stolen.

“We moved to the Bay Area because we had to be there if you want to work in tech and start-ups, and now that that’s no longer a tether, we took a long hard look and said, ‘Wait, why are we here again?’ ” Raghavan said.

The LA Times should have asked Hari “did you vote for Democrats?” Because so many of those escaping the Soviet bloc, er, California, wanted all the policies, and didn’t sit back and think “how will this effect my life?” And then they bring that Progressive garbage to their new areas.

California ranks second in the country for outbound moves — a phenomenon that has snowballed during the pandemic, according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which tracked data from moving company United Van Lines. Between 2018 and 2019, California had an outbound move rate of 56%. That rate rose to nearly 60% in 2020-21.

Citing changes in work-life balance, opportunities for remote work and more people deciding to quit their jobs, the report found that droves of Californians are leaving for states like Texas, Virginia, Washington and Florida. California lost more than 352,000 residents between April 2020 and January 2022, according to California Department of Finance statistics.

San Francisco and Los Angeles rank first and second in the country, respectively, for outbound moves as the cost of living and housing prices continue to balloon and homeowners flee to less expensive cities, according to a report from Redfin released this month.

If you want to move to Blue areas, feel free. Stay away from Red states. And Red areas in states like Washington and Virginia. And a goodly chunk of the people leaving are in the middle class, leaving the poor who are utterly reliant on the Nanny State and the Rich.

The state is also seeing a dwindling middle class, said Ohanian, who cited a report from the National Assn. of Realtors, outlining that the national median home sales price has reached $416,000, a record high. Meanwhile, California’s median home price has topped $800,000.

“[California is] at a risk for becoming a state for very, very wealthy people and very, very low earners who receive state and local and federal aid that allows them to be able to live here,” Ohanian said. “We should worry about those in the middle who are earning that $78,000 household median income and is, at the end of the day, really struggling, especially if they have interest in buying a home.”

How to turn a really nice state into a Progressive hell hole.

Read: Californians Bolting The State Ask “Why Are We Here?” »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Changing Color Of The Sky

St. Greta says “how dare you!”

From the cult screed

The sky is supposed to be blue, dammit. I mean, come on. And if it isn’t? That’s a signal.

Earlier this month, a monster Midwestern thunderstorm called a derecho — 60 miles wide, with gusts up to 90 mph — turned the skies over South Dakota a sickly, ectoplasmic green. The internet did its WTF?! thing; images from social media went viral and then hit the news, followed by the requisite explainers. It all moved even faster than the storm itself — just as it did two years ago, when massive wildfires turned the skies over San Francisco a shade of Golden Gate orange. People freaked. And why not? It was real weird. Apocalyptically weird.

Wildfires and bad weather never happened before 1850, you know. It’s all very silly, like a really bad movie on the SyFy channel (do they do movies anymore? Seems like they’re always showing wrestling)

San Francisco orange and Sioux Falls green — along with the neutral taupe of Dubai during one of its recent, megacity-size sandstorms — are unprecedented sights in both vividness and severity. Derechos and wildfires and sandstorms have all happened before, but not like this. The difference: climate change, our dunderheaded anti-terraforming of Earth. Unseasonablebigger, and more dangerous are hallmarks of the new world, where city skies are tuned to the color of a dead planet (with apologies to William Gibson’s “Neuromancer”).

Unprecedented? You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. Can the cult prove it didn’t happen before the Modern Warm Period?

So maybe you’ll think it’s even weirder that I think this is great. We’re going to owe a kind of thank-you to the Earth’s scary new colorways — and to the evolutionary quirks of our eyes and brains that let us see color in the first place. Climate change has been going on for a century and a half. For most of that time, it has been so subtle that people couldn’t see it, or could ignore it. But our color vision is tailored for survival. When the sky turns green, we notice. I’m hoping the eldritch skies will get people to fight the coming climate catastrophe better than any dictionary-size international science report ever could.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Have you seen the movie Twister? Remember the scene about going green? Yeah, because tornadoes happened prior to 1850, and the skies would look scary.

Which is why the sudden and dramatic shift in the sky’s color could prove to be our salvation. First it was that bright, cyberpunk orange in San Francisco, when soot from unseasonably large wildfires — driven in part by climate-change-induced drought and heat — absorbed the blue wavelengths of sunlight and let through the reddish-orange. Then a layer of the Bay Area’s famous fog crept in underneath, scattering that light omnidirectionally. It was super creepy, and people noticed.

These people are a cult utterly divorced from science and history.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Changing Color Of The Sky »

Republicans Pounce On Data Saying “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Raise Taxes

Well, maybe not pouncing, but, arguing, but, if the data shows this, is there any argument? Well, CNN sure gives it ago in defending the bill

Republicans argue Manchin and Schumer’s energy, health care deal will raise taxes, citing nonpartisan data

Americans of all incomes would see their federal taxes rise under the climate and health care package that was negotiated last week between Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, according to data from the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation released Saturday by Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee.

However, the analysis takes into account the indirect effect of the bill’s provision to impose a 15% minimum tax on certain corporations. Economists assume companies would then pass along part of their tax increase to employees by reducing their after-tax wages and job opportunities. Also, shareholders would take a hit since the value of their stock holdings, including those held in pensions and mutual funds, would likely decline.

Well, yes, because that’s what happens when you raise taxes on a specific group, it gets passed around. This is Economics 101. Of course, CNN and Democrats like in Government Economics, which is divorced from The Way Things Work In Reality Land.

Republicans are pointing to the report as proof that the package, which Democrats hope to push through the evenly divided Senate through the reconciliation process so they wouldn’t need any GOP votes, would violate the pledge by President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats not to raise taxes on those earning less than $400,000.

But that’s a “bogus argument,” said Steve Rosenthal, senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, calling it “more of a gotcha kind of thing.” The President and Democratic leaders have promised not to directly raise taxes on Americans earning below that threshold, he said.

Oh, well, if it’s indirect, that’s OK, right?

Federal taxes would increase by $16.7 billion on American taxpayers earning less than $200,000 next year, according to the JCT. And those making between $200,000 and $500,000 would see their levy jump by $14.1 billion. Those with incomes above half-a-million dollars would be hit with a $23.5 billion increase.

No biggie, right?

By 2031, when the new energy credits and subsidies are set to provide an even greater benefit to higher-income Americans, those earning below $400,000 are projected to pay as much as two-thirds of the additional tax revenue collected that year, according to the Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee.

Oh, so, middle and lower class citizens will be paying the bulk while the rich are hooked up?

The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Is A Lie, Pure And Simple

If Democratic lawmakers had to comply with federal truth-in-advertising laws, they’d all be up on charges for the blatantly false name given to the “Inflation Reduction Act.”

President Joe Biden claimed last week that “this bill will, in fact, reduce inflationary pressure on the economy.” In fact, it won’t. It was never meant to.

The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School examined the bill. Here’s what it concluded.

“The impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero.”

Because it’s not about dealing with inflation, it’s about the Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) agenda, with a few perks thrown in for voting blocks.

Worse, “the Act would very slightly increase inflation until 2024 and decrease inflation thereafter.”

In other words, it would add inflationary pressure today, when inflation is already running red hot, draining worker wages, and causing pain and suffering across the land.

Who cares what it does years from now, when, unless Biden really screws things up, inflation should be back to normal anyway?

How bad will Biden make it while taking executive action after the GOP retakes the House and Senate?

Read: Republicans Pounce On Data Saying “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Raise Taxes »

Total Climate Breakdown Is Inevitable Or Something

We can solve this with a tax. Or a bill named about solving inflation

Climate scientist says total climate breakdown is now inevitable: ‘It is already a different world out there, soon it will be unrecognizable to every one of us’

Record-breaking heatwaves, lethal flooding, and extreme weather events are just the beginning of the climate crisis, according to a leading UK climate scientist.

In his new book published Thursday, “Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant’s Guide,” Bill McGuire argues that, after years of ignoring warnings from scientists, it is too late to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

The University College London Earth sciences professor pointed to a record-breaking heatwave across the UK this month and dangerous wildfires that destroyed 16 homes in East London as evidence of the rapidly changing climate. McGuire says weather will begin to regularly surpass current extremes, despite government goals to lower carbon emissions.

“And as we head further into 2022, it is already a different world out there,” McGuire told The Guardian. “Soon it will be unrecognizable to every one of us.”

The wildfires in the UK were caused by stupid people with barbecue grills.

Many climate scientists, McGuire said, are much more scared about the future than they are willing to admit in public. He calls their reluctance to acknowledge the futility of current climate action “climate appeasement” and says it only makes things worse.

Read: Total Climate Breakdown Is Inevitable Or Something »

If All You See…

…is Bad Weather flooding farmlands, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on the Democratic right to be unhappy.

It’s ladies in nature week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Baron von Lind

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The rain’s watering the bushes, the hummingbirds are humming, and the new AC is working fantastic. This pinup is by Baron von Lind, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The fine 15

  1. Chicks On the Right covers how classy Democrats are
  2. Climate Depot discusses the Elite Warmists wanting to take away all private land ownership
  3. Da Techguy’s Blog notes the military recruitment crisis
  4. DC Clothesline highlights how many suffered brain injuries from COVID vaccines
  5. Dissecting Leftism features a judge blocking vax mandates for military members
  6. Flag And Cross notes West Virginia standing up to Woke Wall Street
  7. Gates Of Vienna notes the Italian medical association doing a u-turn on COVID vaccines
  8. Geller Report discusses Biden getting COVID again
  9. Gen Z Conservative covers the Bears delivering a crushing blow to Chicago
  10. IOTW Report discusses abortion not pushing Dems to vote
  11. Jihad Watch notes our military priorities, which apparently includes a drag show
  12. Legal Insurrection highlights Bidenflation causing problems for Hershey Chocolates for Halloween
  13. Moonbattery covers Queen Nancy losing it
  14. neo-neocon notes the Dutch farmers are continuing to protest
  15. And last, but, not least, Noisy Room wonders if Biden is selling off our lithium

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

LOL: What If AOC Runs For President?

I’m begging the Democrats to back her for 2024. Can you imagine how funny the debates would be with Little Miss Squeaky trying to keep with Trump (I don’t want him to run, he had his time), DeSantis, Mike Pence, Greg Abbott, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, or any others? AOC would be having constant meltdowns, screeching her Victimhood

The Memo: No, really — What if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez runs for president?

As President Biden’s approval ratings sink and polls show many Democratic voters would prefer a different nominee in 2024, some activists are beginning to entertain long-shot options.

When it comes to unlikely-but-not-impossible scenarios, one is far more intriguing than any other: a presidential bid by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

An Ocasio-Cortez campaign would electrify her fans and detractors alike.

Right now, the Beltway consensus is that it’s out of the question.


Pollsters have begun testing her name among other far more seasoned figures and, while the levels of support are modest for now, she is plainly in the mix.

An Echelon Insights poll this month, asking Democratic-leaning voters who they would support if Biden eschewed a second term, put her in sixth place — but in a tightly bunched group of candidates, only 2 percentage points behind third-placed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Vice President Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg led that poll.

Earlier this week, a University of New Hampshire poll asked Democratic voters in the Granite State who would be their first choice as a 2024 presidential nominee, including Biden as an option.

The headlines went to Buttigieg, who edged out Biden by a single point at the top of the poll. But Ocasio-Cortez was again competitive with contenders who are taken far more seriously. She trailed Harris by only a single percentage point.

Wait, they’d consider Harris, who did so poorly in the 2020 primaries that she dropped out very early?

The Washington Post this month ranked her 10th, including Biden, in a list of the most likely Democratic nominees in 2024.

Even if an Ocasio-Cortez bid seems in the realm of fantasy to D.C.’s consultant class, it’s a fantasy that plenty of progressive voters would like to see come true.

“We’re just tired of the inequality. Candidates constantly say ‘We’ll bring wages up’ or ‘We’ll tax the rich’ but never do,” one such supporter, Joseph Cox of Tampa, told this column.

I’m hoping the Credentialed Media keep pushing the uber-far left kooks, who are far, far outside the mainstream, even for the average Democrats. Should be a hoot.

Read: LOL: What If AOC Runs For President? »

Pirate's Cove