Mayor Of Crazytown: MSNBC Democrat Says GOP Win Will Bring “Brutal Authoritarian System”

When it comes to politics, I always think of that old Simpsons bit where Marge was trying to sell real estate and Lionel Hutz said “there’s The Truth (shakes head), and then there’s The Truth (big smile).” The house is not dilapidated, it’s a fixer upper. Politics is usually the latter, right? Not with Democrats. Now it’s just straight up lying, making stuff up, and all fearmonger

MSNBC’s Beschloss: GOP Midterm Victory Will Bring ‘Brutal Authoritarian System,’ Our Children Will Be Arrested, Killed

MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss said Wednesday on “All In” said that if Republicans take the majorities in Congress, American democracy will end, and “our children” will be jailed and killed by a “brutal authoritarian system.”

Beschloss said, “Six nights from now, we could all be discussing violence all over this country. There’s signs that may happen, may God forbid. That losers will be declared winners by a fraudulent election officers, or a secretary of state candidates, or governors, or state legislatures. We could be six days away from losing our rule of law and losing a situation where we have elections that we all can rely on. Those are the foundation stones of democracy.”

He continued, “A historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I’m not certain of. But if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed. We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.”

Of course, he’s playing to the unhinged barking moonbat base which watches MSNBC. And you know they all think this. Look at the number of times Dems from Biden on down have stated that losing the midterms means the end of democracy.

This is where the whole “Republicans want to end Social Security and Medicare” are coming from. Democrats have to do this, because they cannot talk about their record or plans on issues like the economy, inflation, energy, illegal immigration, and crime.

Read: Mayor Of Crazytown: MSNBC Democrat Says GOP Win Will Bring “Brutal Authoritarian System” »

St. Greta Admits That Capitalism Must Go In Order To Hit Her Climate Doom Scams

Are people finally starting to get it? This is not about science. I’ve been saying this since around 2004

Every once in a while the members of the climate cult will admit what it’s really all about

St. Greta(UK Telegraph) From a climate change campaigner to presenting a new far-Left political agenda against “racist” capitalism – meet the new Greta Thunberg.

The 19-year-old Swedish activist has announced that as well as tackling her usual area of climate action and awareness-spreading, she has now thrown her weight behind defeating the West’s “oppressive” capitalist system.

Calling for a “system-wide transformation” at her book launch in London, she claimed that the world’s current “normal” – dictated by the people in power – has caused the climate breakdown.

She said: “We are never going back to normal again because ‘normal’ was already a crisis. What we refer to as normal is an extreme system built on the exploitation of people and the planet.

“It is a system defined by colonialism, imperialism, oppression and genocide by the so-called global North to accumulate wealth that still shapes our current world order.”

Ms Thunberg added: “If economic growth is our only priority, then what we are experiencing now should be exactly what we should be expecting.”

Surprise? What economic and political systems does St. Greta want? The article doesn’t say. Maybe her book does.

Released last week, the book includes around 100 contributions from various climate experts, including writer Naomi Klein, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, chief of the World Health Organization, and Thomas Piketty, the economist.

Klein has expressed many times that she wants capitalism gone, and replaced with, at best, a command economy, with the government controlling everything. She’s actually been somewhat disappeared for a few years, because she keeps telling the truth about the cult. Here’s from back in 2014

(National Post) According to Canadian social activist and perennial agitator Naomi Klein, the really inconvenient truth about climate change is that it’s not about carbon: it’s about capitalism.

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate is focused on exposing how the relentless pursuit of growth has locked us in to a system that’s incompatible with a stable climate. The bottom line is, the reality of global warming has forced civilization into a hard choice: Either continue on as usual, committing the planet to growing inequality as the effects of climate change escalate and disproportionately affect the poor, or try a radically different path.

This is what they all mean when they yammer about system change. And it all leads to authoritarian government. Weird, eh?

Ms Thunberg told Samira Ahmed, the BBC journalist, during a question and answer part of the evening that “fascist movements offering easy, false solutions and scapegoats to complex problems are growing and becoming more normalised”.

When asked by Ms Ahmed whether she thought it was as simple as making laws that outlaw things, she responded: “There are many [things we can do], but while we do these things that we can do within our current system, we have to realise that we need a system-wide transformation.

“We need to change everything because right now our current system is on a collision course with the future of humanity and the future of our civilization”.

Interesting, because that’s exactly what the cult of climastrology wants, a Progressive (nice Fascism) system, where the government is in charge of everything.

Read: St. Greta Admits That Capitalism Must Go In Order To Hit Her Climate Doom Scams »

If All You See…

…is a lake that will soon disappear from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on a Massachusetts wind farm project no longer being viable.

Read: If All You See… »

Deranged Joe Gives Psychotic Speech About “Threat To Our Democracy”

This was almost worse than his Dark Brandon speech in Philly

Biden sends a stark warning about political violence ahead of midterms: ‘We can’t take democracy for granted any longer’

President Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered a stark warning to Americans that the future of the nation’s democracy could rest on next week’s midterm elections, an urgent appeal coming six days before final ballots are cast in a contest the president framed in nearly existential terms.

“We can’t take democracy for granted any longer,” the president said from Union Station in Washington, blocks from the US Capitol where a mob attempted to interrupt the certification of the 2020 election.

It was a sharp message to Americans considering sitting out next week’s congressional elections that the very future of the country was at stake. Biden suggested the preponderance of candidates for office at every level of government who have denied the results of the last presidential contest was red-flashing warning signal for the country.

“As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in America – for governor, for Congress, for attorney general, for secretary of state who won’t commit to accepting the results of the elections they’re in,” Biden said. “That is the path to chaos in America. It’s unprecedented. It’s unlawful. And it is un-American.”

Biden’s speech placed blame for the dire national situation squarely at the feet of his predecessor, Donald Trump, accusing the former president of cultivating a lie that has metastasized into a web of conspiracies that has already resulted in targeted violence.

So, Trump Derangement Syndrome on display. Nice. Is Biden saying that Stacy Abrams is un-American? How about all those Democrats who denied the 2016 election results for 4 years…heck, they still deny it. All those Democrats who say Bush stole the 2000 election? And the 2004 election? CNN and the other Big Credentialed Media were enthused by the speech. How about

(Breitbart) However, in warning voters against voting for Republicans, he mentioned “democracy” nearly 40 times.

Biden claimed that “democracy itself” is at stake in next week’s elections and added that democracy is “at risk,” “under threat,” and “under attack.” He said several hundred Republican candidates this cycle embody the “appetites of autocracy” for their views on the 2020 election.

Biden implored voters to make “the future of our democracy” an important part of their voting decision.

So, an unhinged, utterly deranged and political speech, demonizing Republicans, and we don’t actually have a Democracy, but, that’s the moonbat talking point. If people don’t listen to enough heavy metal music, that’s a threat to our democracy, right? Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Chavez, and others would be proud.

(Breitbart) A Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll confirmed shortly after the speech that a full 60 percent of Americans found the speech divisive and unhelpful, with the other 40 percent believing that the president’s speech “united the nation and moved it forward.”

56% opposed the address, while 54% said it was simply fear-mongering. It probably didn’t play too well with independents. John Podhoretz, who’s no fan of Trump, wrote

He seemed exhausted, spent — so much so that even in the course of making an argument I find repellent, he didn’t even get me mad.

Instead of being roused to rage by his cagey effort to turn the horrifying violent act of a paranoid schizophrenic into an implicit indictment of the very idea of voting Republican, I felt almost paternal toward Biden, who is 18 years older than I am. It was like he was one of my kids and he was showing signs of having stayed up too late and it was past time for him to go beddie-bye.

It’s almost always past his bedtime.

Read: Deranged Joe Gives Psychotic Speech About “Threat To Our Democracy” »

Your Fault: Nile River Delta Doomed From Sea Rise

If only you’d give up….nah, you know where that goes. Let’s ask what’s missing from this Washington Post doomy piece, which comes as 10K+ climate fanatics will be taking fossil fueled trips to the lovely vacation spot of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Climate change and rising sea levels threaten the Nile River Delta

Thousands of acres of the Nile River Delta, an important farming area in Egypt, could be underwater by the end of the century, according to a new scientific report. The country’s leaders, who are hosting the COP27 climate change summit this month, hope other nations will help them avoid this disaster.

A quarter of the delta, which is on Egypt’s northern coast on the Mediterranean Sea, sits at or below sea level. A water-level increase of between 1 to 2 feet is likely by 2100, according to a recent report by an international group of scientists overseen by the Cyprus Institute’s climate and atmosphere research center and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. That rise will make thousands of acres unfit for living or farming, partly because of added salt from the seawater.

The area is home to some 40 percent of Egypt’s 104 million people and accounts for half of the country’s economy, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. Farms and fisheries along the two Nile branches, Rosetta in the west and Damietta in the east, help feed the country and provide products for export.

Farmers there have tried to save the land from rising seas by bringing in tons of soil, raising beds and using fertilizer to undo damage from salt.

This piece is actually in the section called KidsPost, and, I guess the WP didn’t feel it necessary to include a relevant fact, namely, what is the sea rise now, and what has it been in the past? In fact, the only data I can find that has actual direct measurements is NOAA, which states the “relative sea level trend is 1.78 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 0.37 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from 1944 to 2006 which is equivalent to a change of 0.58 feet in 100 years.” That’s literally average for the Holocene era going back 8K years, after the big glacier melts raised the seas hundreds and hundreds of feet. Before that time, the Mediterranean was extremely low, which is how under sea salt mines were created. Why they found elephant bones under the Med way out from current land.

There’s nothing unusual going on, nothing that would be rock solid evidence that this is all Mankind’s fault. The cult doesn’t need it, though, because this is not a science.

Read: Your Fault: Nile River Delta Doomed From Sea Rise »

Biden Admin To Hand Out $13 Billion In Cold Weather Energy Assistance

Oh, good, they’re trying to help with the problem they helped make worse post Chinese Coronavirus. Also, it’s a cute little bribe

Harris to announce over $13 billion in assistance to help cut energy costs this winter

Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday will announce new steps the Biden administration is taking to help lower energy costs for Americans this winter.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is providing $4.5 billion in assistance to help cut heating costs for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), according to the White House.

“In addition to covering home heating costs this winter and unpaid utility bills, the program will help families make cost-effective home energy repairs to lower their heating and cooling bills,” the White House said in a statement.

If people cannot afford their heating, how do they afford weatherization? For one thing, these are low income Americans. As a baseline, you cannot make more than $20,385 a year as a single person.

The U.S. Department of Energy will also allocate $9 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to support up to 1.6 million households nationwide in upgrading their homes to decrease energy bills. This will be separated into two rebate programs: one for whole home energy efficiency retrofits and another for highly efficient and electric home appliances, according to the White House.

Except, there are no standards, no income guidelines, nothing. When will we know what this covers and who can get it? Next spring? Winter is coming on pretty quick.

Nearly half of U.S. households rely on natural gas for heating and their bills could jump 28% this winter, compared with last winter, while bills for heating oil are projected to be 27% higher and electricity 10% higher, according to a recent analysis from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, an independent agency within the U.S. Department of Energy.

Democrats have been trying to wack natural gas and heating oil well before Wuhan flu, and their policies have made the cost worse through various manners, including creating shortages. And giving people money makes them more reliant on government, more beholden to government, forgetting that government is partially responsible for creating the problem.

Oh, and you know what happens when government subsidizes something? The cost goes up.

Read: Biden Admin To Hand Out $13 Billion In Cold Weather Energy Assistance »

Surprise: Climate Crisis (scam) Diplomacy Has An Authoritarian Problem

The hell you say!

Climate Change Diplomacy Has an Authoritarianism Problem

Climate change is here to stay: heat waves, flooding, and wildfires have become noticeably more frequent and severe. After years of inaction and despite decades of advanced notice by scientists, there is no longer a possibility of preventing additional changes from occurring. Scientists predict that enough greenhouse gases are already trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere to guarantee that the impacts of climate change will continue to worsen over the coming decades. When international climate negotiators gather for their next summit in Egypt in November, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), they will try to avert the most catastrophic scenarios and mobilize enough resources to help vulnerable populations adapt to the already inevitable impacts. Achieving these worthy goals, already behind schedule, will require unprecedented global cooperation in the near term.

Democratic and authoritarian regimes alike have much at stake and have participated actively in international climate negotiations. But it is becoming increasingly clear that authoritarian regimes are using their seat at the table to greenwash their reputational standing in the global community, potentially undermining the climate change commitments that will be announced at COP27.

Huh. That’s an interesting way to put it. Because the whole scam is based on authoritarianism. One simple definition says “the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.” This is by a centralized government, and requires the suppression of Wrongthink and forcing citizens to do what they’re told. And you have plenty if Useful Idiot cultists who have been indoctrinated to believe they should give up their liberty and freedom

Vietnam is an emblematic example. For years, the government has imprisoned political dissidents but sent clear signals that people could speak up on a number of environmental issues. The open civic space around environmental issues yielded positive results — Vietnamese civil society worked closely with the government to adopt ambitious climate change goals that paved the way for the country to potentially receive billions of dollars in financing from the G7 during COP27.

Civil society organizations worked for over a decade to educate the Vietnamese public about the harm climate change will cause to rice production in the Mekong River Delta and other core parts of the economy. They also worked closely with the government on its commitment to phase out coal by 2040 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050, which the government announced at last year’s climate summit to widespread international acclaim.

Just a few months before announcing its 2040 and 2050 climate goals, the Vietnamese government began to close the door for civil society participation in environmental issues. In June 2021, police arrested the country’s top public interest environmental lawyer, Dang Ding Bach, and two other climate advocates. Bach’s arrest and detention are notable in that he was charged ostensibly with tax evasion yet investigated by a national security agency and detained before any charges were filed. He has been held largely incommunicado ever since. Bach was repeatedly refused access to his lawyer, unable to see his wife, and unable to spend time with his infant son, who was born two weeks before his arrest. Earlier this year, he was sentenced to five years in prison, a punishment far beyond the typical sentences in Vietnam for tax evasion and the three years requested by the State prosecutor. Despite this harsh and unprecedented sentence, Bach has maintained his innocence.

Let’s be honest, getting people to adhere to “green” policies and politics reinforces putting more power in the hands of government. Anyhow, despite the U.S., EU, and UN whining to Vietnam

But during the same period, the United States, UK, and EU governments rushed to secure climate deals with the Vietnamese government in the run-up to COP27. In September, the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi published a statement about the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s visit to Vietnam, announcing several new climate change initiatives and investments that made no mention of the very same civil society members detained in Vietnam who worked for over a decade to lay the groundwork for these deals.

Remember when Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, said she wasn’t worried about the human rights abuses in China, she was just worried about getting some climate deals? John Kerry has taken the same position.

Yet even when the human rights violations are crystal clear, the international community has not always been sure how to respond. In 2021, several media outlets reported that China was trying to use climate change diplomacy to weaken U.S. pressure on its human rights record, especially after the U.S. government placed sanctions on China’s solar industry for its links to forced labor of Uyghur people. U.S. government agencies reportedly struggled internally when China’s actions created confusion between offices charged with reducing global greenhouse gas emissions versus those focused on stopping genocide, leading to allegations that senior Biden administration officials were lobbying against the forced labor protections.

The climate cult leaders are less concerned about human rights abuses, because Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry is more important, and they know what’s best for the little people. And know that, at best, they will have to apply soft tyranny to push through their agenda. It’s a very long piece, ending with

The United States, UK, and EU need to collaborate with authoritarian regimes, but a successful global response to climate change also depends on civic participation. It is important to remember that the ultimate goal of international climate negotiations is to provide current and future generations with the opportunity to live safe, healthy, prosperous, and dignified lives. That’s also the goal of the human rights movement.

Interestingly, words like freedom and liberty are absent.

Read: Surprise: Climate Crisis (scam) Diplomacy Has An Authoritarian Problem »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on the Australian Bureau Of Meteorology cutting back on weather balloons.

Missed the scheduled posting on Tuesday, so, doing it today. Doubleshot below the fold, check out Ace Of Spades, with a post on white suburban women shifting back to the GOP.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Floridians Care About Inflation. Abortion? Not So Much

The news media keeps acting surprised that citizens care about their own economic health more than the ability to kill the unborn after having irresponsible, unprotected sex

Survey: Florida voters prioritize inflation over abortion at the polls

Floridians are voting with their pocketbooks this time around, citing inflation, jobs and the economy as far more important issues than immigration, abortion, or gun violence.

Why it matters: According to a USF survey of 600 likely voters released yesterday, inflation has negatively affected the lives of most Floridians and they’re carrying financial anxieties to the polls.

State of play: 80% of likely voters here who make an income say their wages have not kept up with the rising costs of goods and services in the past year.

And 67% of all likely voters say they have less money available for a personal emergency than a year ago.

Just 7% report having more emergency money than they did a year ago.

Here’s what they care about, from survey, where they were asked “Thinking about the upcoming elections in November, which three of the following issues will have the most significant impact on how you decide to vote?”

1. Inflation 52%
2. Economy/Jobs 48%
3. Immigration 32%
4. Abortion 28%
5. Gun Violence/Crime 27%
6. Healthcare 22%
7. Education 17%
8. Climate Change 15%

Now, that’s a shame, climate doom came in last once again. Inflation and the economy came in at the top, once again.

The intrigue: When asked who was most responsible for inflation, more than a third said they blame the Biden administration.

Nearly a fifth blame COVID-19.

11% say the war in Ukraine.

More than 8% blamed “something else.”

But, only 3.7% say they were satisfied with Biden’s response. 15.2% somewhat satisfied, 28.8% somewhat dissatisfied, and 48% very dissatisfied. I’ll say it again, China releasing COVID19, on purpose or by accident, is the primary cause. After that, it’s how government responded. Lots of fail which everyone knew would mess up the economy.

A good question here is “how would this look in all the other states if the poll was taken? Would it be similar? How would it look in swing states? Will it swing very moderate Democrats and Independents to vote GOP?”

Read: Surprise: Floridians Care About Inflation. Abortion? Not So Much »

German Chancellor Asks Climate Nuts To Stop Endangering Others

If he was smart, he would have told them that the government would start prosecuting the climamoonbats to the full extent of the law, because this will simply entice the wankers to ramp up their climate crazy

German leader urges climate activists not to endanger others

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged climate activists Monday to show “creativity” and avoid endangering others after attacking art works and setting up road blockades that allegedly delayed the arrival of a specialist rescue crew at an accident scene.

Germany, like several other countries, has seen a string of high-profile protests in recent months against what activists say is a government failure to properly address the threat of climate change.

Actions by the group Last Generation have included blocking streets, throwing mashed potatoes at a Claude Monet painting at a museum in Potsdam, and an incident Sunday in which two activists glued themselves to a dinosaur display at Berlin’s Natural History Museum.

On Monday, the group blocked several roads in Berlin, including a major highway. Fire service spokesman Rolf Erbe said the blockades resulted in officers with special rescue equipment to get stuck in traffic as they rushed to help a seriously injured cyclist who got stuck under a cement mixer. The crew informed first responders and “there was no alternative but to use other methods” to help the woman, he said, without elaborating.

They should have been dragged away in handcuffs, thrown in jail, and charged

“We must accept critical positions and critical protests,” Scholz added, though he noted that the blockades and art stunts “obviously aren’t meeting with very widespread applause — they’re not getting mine either.”

“I think there are other ways in which people can expression their opinion, and perhaps a bit of creativity would be useful,” the chancellor added.

That really will entice the nuts to increase their stupid, causing more traffic issues, attempting to ruin more art and such.

Read: German Chancellor Asks Climate Nuts To Stop Endangering Others »

Pirate's Cove