Israel Votes To Label UNRWA As Terrorist Organization

I wonder if Reuters will say why

Israeli parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation

The Israeli parliament gave preliminary approval on Monday to a bill that declares the main United Nations relief organization for Palestinians a terrorist organisation and proposes to sever relations with the body.

The vote against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is the latest step in a Israeli push against the agency, which Israeli leaders have accused of collaborating with the Islamist movement Hamas in Gaza.

The bill was approved in a first reading and will be returned to the foreign affairs and defence committee for further deliberation, the Knesset information service said.

The bill’s sponsor, Yulia Malinovsky, was quoted as describing UNRWA as a “fifth column within Israel”.

UNRWA provides education, health and aid to millions of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It has long had tense relations with Israel but relations have deteriorated sharply since the start of the war in Gaza and Israel has called repeatedly for UNRWA to be disbanded.

UNRWA has been seen hanging out with Hamas members, providing them aid and support

Israel has said hundreds of UNRWA staff are members of terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but has yet to provide evidence to a U.N.-appointed review.

Well, let’s see: the Israeli air force struck a Hamas command center which was under a UNRWA complex. UNRWA helps Hamas govern Gaza, and works to teach Hamas’ radical Islamic view in their schools. They allowed Hamas to skim $1 billion in aid. There are around 108 employees who work with/are members of Hamas. One report says it’s more like 1,200, and at least 12 participated in the October 7th attacks. There’s plenty more. UNRWA doesn’t even designate Hamas a terrorist group, even though the United Nations does. It’s totally unsurprising that the Israel hating media finds no evidence.

Read: Israel Votes To Label UNRWA As Terrorist Organization »

Doom: Climate Cult Decides Sunday Was The Hottest Day Ever!

It’s the hottest in recorded history, don’t you know

World logs hottest day since records began — with fresh highs expected in the coming months

The world’s average temperature climbed to its highest level ever recorded on Sunday, according to the European Union’s climate monitor.

The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) found that the global average surface temperature rose to 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 21 — marginally higher than the previous record of 17.08 degrees Celsius set on July 6 last year.

“On July 21st, C3S recorded a new record for the daily global mean temperature,” C3S Director Carlo Buontempo said Tuesday.

“What is truly staggering is how large the difference is between the temperature of the last 13 months and the previous temperature records. We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years,” Buontempo said in a statement.

C3S confirmed on Tuesday that Sunday’s average temperature reflects a fresh high, in their records which stretch back to 1940. However, they noted that it is the difference between the temperatures since July 2023 and all previous years that really stands out.

Hmm, why 1940?

The 1940’s is a heck of a time for the Warmists to claim recorded history started. Funny how they always cherry pick to make things work out their way. And, even if it was, that’s not proof that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. Just that it’s a Holocene warm period

Obviously, not recorded specifically, but, much of the earlier part of the Holocene was warmer, and there were warmer warm periods. That doesn’t help the narrative which is about taking away people’s money and freedom, though.

Read: Doom: Climate Cult Decides Sunday Was The Hottest Day Ever! »

If All You See…

…is a horrible suburban neighborhood which leads to people driving horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on bread and circuses.

Read: If All You See… »

GOP To File Lawsuits Claiming Harris Cannot Replace Biden On Some State Ballots

It’s an interesting concept. But, will it go anywhere? Even if legally correct, I can easily see most judges not wanting to get involved and trying to punt any suits. However, there is something way, way more interesting in this article

Replace Biden? Some Republicans say that’s illegal and plan to file lawsuits to stop it.

While many Americans may have been stunned by Sunday’s news that President Biden had decided to drop out of the 2024 campaign and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him at the top of the ticket, some Republicans had quietly prepared for that moment.

In fact, they are already preparing to spend millions on lawsuits in key swing states where they believe local election laws forbid swapping out Biden for another Democrat.

In an appearance just hours before Biden announced he was exiting the race, House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana told ABC News that doing so “would be wrong, and I think unlawful, in accordance to some of these states’ rules for a handful of people to go in a back room and switch it out because they’re, they don’t like the candidate any longer.” (big snip)

Wisconsin election law, for instance, is quite explicit on the subject of replacing a candidate after they’ve been selected to appear on a ballot.

“Any person who files nomination papers and qualifies to appear on the ballot cannot withdraw their name from the ballot after filing. The name of that person shall appear upon the ballot except in case of death of the person,” the law states.

For that reason, Wisconsin is seen as one of a handful of states where Republicans plan to file a challenge against Democrats replacing Biden. Two other swing states, Georgia and Nevada, are also on that list.

According to the primary results in Wisconsin, Biden won 87.9% of the Democratic vote. So, he would be the Democrat nominee for Wisconsin, right? That’s who Democrat voters in Wisconsin picked, right? He’s the nominee for the Wisconsin ballot, right?

There’s a simple reason most legal experts believe that the Republican lawsuits have little chance of success: Biden has not yet received his party’s presidential nomination.

During the Democratic primary, Biden earned roughly 99% of his party’s pledged delegates thanks, in part, to the fact that he didn’t face any serious opposition. While those delegates had pledged to vote for Biden at the Democratic convention, they were not legally required to do so under party rules and are unlikely to do so now that Biden has dropped out of the race.

Last week the Democratic National Committee backed off its plan to hold a virtual vote that would have secured the nomination for Biden ahead of the convention. As a result, the party is still without a nominee.

“The Democratic Party did not have an official nominee yesterday, and the same can be said today,” David Becker, a former Justice Department attorney and election law expert, told CNN. “Until the delegates vote, Democratic Party rules state that there is no official Democratic nominee. There was no one to be ‘replaced’ on the ballot because there is nothing to replace yet.”

In other words, the votes of Democrats in primaries are utterly meaningless: the Party will pick the nominee that they want. This is the party that yaps non-stop about Democracy!, yet, votes from voters are quickly discarded. Might voters want to vote for someone else besides Cackles Harris? We’ll never know, because Democrats really are oligarchs: the Elites will tell the peasants what will happen and the peasants will comply.

Regardless, I do not think any judge will actually rule that Harris cannot replace Biden on the ballots, even where the law says it is illegal. Few will want to wade into those waters, knowing that a higher court will shoot it down at some point. Just like many blew off the laws on drop boxes and mail in ballots for 2020, which were way more specific.

Also, a quick note on those saying Harris is ineligible to be president, because she is not natural born: there are multiple thoughts on the subject. Here’s one

So before we so cavalierly accept Senator Harris’ eligibility for the office of vice president, we should ask her a few questions about the status of her parents at the time of her birth.

Were Harris’ parents lawful permanent residents at the time of her birth? If so, then under the actual holding of Wong Kim Ark, she should be deemed a citizen at birth—that is, a natural-born citizen—and hence eligible. Or were they instead, as seems to be the case, merely temporary visitors, perhaps on student visas issued pursuant to Section 101(15)(F) of Title I of the 1952 Immigration Act? If the latter were indeed the case, then derivatively from her parents, Harris was not subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States at birth, but instead owed her allegiance to a foreign power or powers—Jamaica, in the case of her father, and India, in the case of her mother—and was therefore not entitled to birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment as originally understood.

The thing about being a natural born citizen is that it also says that they must be subject to the jurisdiction thereof. That’s in the 14th Amendment. When did her father gain citizenship? He did at some point, but, no one knows when. Her mother never did. Were either permanent legal residents when she was born, or within 9 years of her birth, or, were they still on visas, making them subject to the jurisdiction of other countries? Her dad still claims he is Jamaican first in his brief bio. There’s a lot more in that article, as well as a link to dissension. Some will claim simply being born here makes one a citizen. But, does it make them “natural born”? Courts have, to a degree, ruled against being natural born, and even being a citizen.

Again, regardless of any legality and Constitutionality, almost no court will touch this at this time. It would take months at the soonest, and no court will rule these days that she isn’t eligible, probably not even with rock solid proof. They would not want to interfere. Only if it is against Trump will leftist courts jump in, of course.

Read: GOP To File Lawsuits Claiming Harris Cannot Replace Biden On Some State Ballots »

Warmist Demands You Give Up Your Fossil Fueled Vehicle

It’s strange that it always comes down to Warmists requiring you change your whole life, usually by government mandates

Op-ed: The climate crisis demands a move away from car dependency

My nightmares about waves started the night our building flooded.

I was living in a commercial loft in Red Hook, Brooklyn, when Hurricane Sandy hit. None of us living in the squat, two-story cinder-block warehouse across the street from the cruise ship terminal took the mandatory evacuation order seriously

During Hurricane Irene the year before, we waded through the large puddle that formed on our corner, laughing at how scared we had been and how hard it was going to be to get all that masking tape off the windows we’d so carefully taped in giant asterisks.

I felt safe in a big city. Natural disasters were things experienced by people in the country, or other countries. This was New York City. We were protected.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, silly Elitist who thinks weather only happens Over There. But, because of a few experiences with weather

Just as the public health impacts of climate change are much more acutely experienced by poor and disabled people and Black and brown communities, the public health impacts of car dependency fall on the same populations with less power, fewer resources, and less reliable mobility access. People who live near highways or busy roads are exposed to air and noise pollution, the lack of pedestrian access and connectivity, and an increased risk of being hit by a car. Preserving car dependency does and will continue to perpetuate profound public health and access disparities. People who can’t drive and can’t afford to drive will continue to bear these substantial public health burdens so the status quo of easy car-based mobility can be preserved for those it’s working for.

Because of this, you must have your fossil fueled vehicles taken away. But, wait, what’s this?

This week I’m at a conference in northern Idaho surrounded by forests of half-dead and dried-out trees…

How’d you get there? Bike? Or, a fossil fueled airplane followed by a fossil fueled vehicle?

Our reliance on driving means that transportation is the leading cause of carbon emissions in the US. There’s an urgency to address this, but rather than entrenching us further into car dependency by promoting individual electric vehicle ownership, now is our chance to channel climate investments away from a mobility system based around driving. Among those for whom driving is accessible and affordable, a life with less driving may seem both unimaginable and inconvenient. But for those of us who can’t drive or can’t afford to, we are a living demonstration that it is possible. Relying on transit, walking, rolling and biking might not be safe or convenient yet, but with the scale of investments we are putting towards fighting climate change, we could make it a whole lot easier.

With the right housing, land use and transportation incentives we can retrofit our communities so it’s possible to get everywhere you need to go without driving. It’s an open question whether we value that inclusivity more than we value preserving the status quo.

If you want to live in like that, feel free. Otherwise, fuck right off, mind your own business, and stop trying to force your cult beliefs on everyone else.

Read: Warmist Demands You Give Up Your Fossil Fueled Vehicle »

Cackles Harris Plans To Mostly Blow Off Visit By Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu,

Is this the way the United States government should treat the leader of a friendly foreign nation, one which is an ally?

Regardless of private beliefs, there is a duty for the POTUS to meet with the head of a foreign nation, especially a friendly one. If POTUS is sick (or dead), then it’s up to the Vice President to assume those duties. Cackles Harris decided instead to head to Delaware to check on the campaign aparatus

Harris plans private meeting with Netanyahu as she skips congressional address

Vice President Kamala Harris will not attend Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress but will conduct a separate bilateral meeting with the Israeli prime minister this week at the White House, according to a Harris aide who was granted anonymity to discuss internal plans.

Harris was scheduled to attend an event for the Zeta Phi Beta sorority in Indianapolis before the Israeli prime minister’s address date was set. The conflict allows Harris to circumvent the question of whether to attend the address, a political challenge for many Democrats who oppose the way Israel is conducting the war in Gaza.

In her one-on-meeting with Netanyahu, Harris plans to reiterate her commitment to Israel’s security and right to defend itself but will also “convey her view that it is time for the war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can enjoy their right to dignity, freedom, and self-determination,” the aide said.

I wonder if Netanyahu will blow her off? Further, if it is later this week, why would Joe not do it? He’s supposedly almost over COVID. Why can he not meet with Netanyahu?

One person close to the vice president’s office said she believes the United States should be “tougher” on Netanyahu. She has called for being “more forceful at seeking a long-term peace and two-state solution,” this person said.

Despite having a Jewish husband, Kamala has always seemed a bit hostile to Israel, like so many other Democrats, especially ones from California.

Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who would have been next in line to preside over Netanyahu’s joint address, declined to do so, according to a spokesperson. The person also told POLITICO the senator won’t be attending the address at all. A growing number of congressional Democrats are boycotting the event.

Democrats are anti-Semites.

Read: Cackles Harris Plans To Mostly Blow Off Visit By Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, »

Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Legacy Is Large But Fragile

It’s almost like Axios thinks Biden has stepped down from being president. But, considering we haven’t seen him or heard him since he blew out of Vegas on Thursday, do they know something? He had Cackles Harris greeting NCAA winners today, something the POTUS usually does. Why come to the White House if not for the President?

Biden Leaves Large But Fragile legacy on climate change, energy policy

President Biden’s work on climate change is unprecedented — but his record is fragile as he steps aside from seeking a second term.

Why it matters: The U.S. is the world’s largest historical carbon emitter and the second-largest today behind China.

  • Future U.S. emissions — and leaders’ success at spurring action abroad — will help sway how much Earth heats up and the damages in tow.

The big picture: “President Biden leaves office with the strongest record on climate change of any president in U.S. history,” said Jason Bordoff, the founding director of Columbia’s Center on Global Energy Policy.

In other words, he spread a lot of taxpayer money to campaign donors and screwed the middle and working classes when it comes to energy costs and life choices.

State of play: He worked with Capitol Hill Democrats to enact by far the largest climate bill in history.

  • The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act provides hundreds of billions of dollars in tax subsidies and grants for low-carbon energy projects, supply chains, electric car purchases and far more.
  • Biden also issued major emissions-cutting regulations; re-entered the Paris Climate Agreement that President Trump had abandoned; and wove climate into the fabric of decision-making across the government.

And none of these would make a damned bit of difference if ‘climate change’ was mostly caused by Mankind

Friction point: The durability of Biden’s work is unclear.

  • Supreme Court rulings in recent months and years curtailed agencies’ powers to regulate without detailed blessings from Congress. Those could spell trouble for Biden’s CO2-cutting mandates on utilities and automakers.
  • Opponents of the 2022 climate law likely lack votes to kill it, but could chip away at pieces.
  • A Trump administration could slow implementation, and more broadly, Trump strongly opposes federal rules and incentives that support electric vehicles.

Strangely, Axios never mentions that Biden used enormous amounts of fossil fuels almost every week so he could fly home from D.C. to Delaware, when he could make the short drive in an EV, like the ones he’s trying to force on Americans

The bottom line: Biden’s legacy is very big — if it sticks.

This is the kind of line the media uses when a president has left office. Or, during their last month in office. Not six months before he’s out.

Read: Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Legacy Is Large But Fragile »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful bike which Everyone Else should be forced to use instead of fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post tariffs being perfectly acceptable under Republican doctrine.

Read: If All You See… »

Illegals Must Now State They Fear Deportation, Rather Than Being Asked

Biden couldn’t have done this day one? He waited till it was campaign season and illegal immigration was dragging his re-election down (not that he’s in it anymore, obviously)?

Behind Biden’s asylum halt: Migrants must say if they fear deportation, not wait to be asked

illegal alien DemocratPosters inside a complex of giant, white tents tell migrants in English, Spanish, Mandarin and Hindi they should tell an officer if they fear being deported and “your claim will be heard.” On a side wall where migrants are seated in a processing area, a video conveys the same message on a loop.

Breaking from a practice in effect since 1997, Border Patrol agents at the holding facility in Tucson, Arizona, and throughout the country no longer ask migrants if they fear deportation. President Joe Biden’s administration temporarily suspended asylum at the border June 5 and, as part of that move, agents do not ask about fears. Migrants must bring it up themselves.

Immigration advocates call it the “shout test” — suggesting migrants must shout their fears — though agents are taught to respond to other signs of distress, such as crying, shaking or a change in tone of voice and to refer migrants for screening if the behavior appears genuine. Anyone not screened can be immediately deported.

How many are being immediately deported? Almost none, if any. How many are reading the posters in the waiting room after they’ve been picked up and immediately making their declaration? It completely invalidates the notion of the border agents no longer asking. And, if some people are flying from the other side of the world, they are not in danger: they have the economic means to invade the U.S., knowing that Biden will deport a small percentage.

If they pass screening at a higher standard, migrants can stay in the U.S. to pursue protections similar to asylum, like those under the United Nations Convention Against Torture. In doing so, the administration argued it is complying with U.S. and international law prohibiting sending people to countries where they face persecution or torture.

The US should only be complying with U.S. law. That’s it. And, since only a bit under 10% qualify for asylum, they should be held and processed immediately, then sent packing, rather than be released into the U.S. on their on recognizance, where the government now has to take care of them.

Those who consider Biden’s policies too soft play down the “shout test” — and the asylum halt broadly — as too little, too late. Robert Law, director for homeland security and immigration at the America First Policy Institute, said the test may have limited impact but not for long.

“Eventually the word will get out to those who are coaching those who are trying to take advantage of the asylum system,” said Law, who dealt with asylum as chief of policy at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services during former President Donald Trump’s administration.

Yes, it will get out.

Massachusetts migrant-family shelter program has had 300-plus ‘Serious Incident’ reports this year: ‘Very disturbing’

More than 300 “Serious Incident” reports have been recorded at Bay State migrant-family shelter program sites so far this year, the Herald has learned.

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities has listed a total of 316 Serious Incident reports at hotels, congregate sites, scattered sites, and co-shelters in the Emergency Assistance family shelter program.

The Herald obtained the Bay State’s “Serious Incident Reports Tracker Data” through a public records request after previously revealing how many people had been kicked out of the migrant-family shelter program for “inappropriate actions.”

Illegal immigration advocates will say “but, Americans do crime!” Yes, but, these are not Americans, and they shouldn’t be here, so, that crime rate should be zero.

Don’t forget, this is all on Kamala Harris: she’s the VP of this administration, and Biden made her border czar.

Read: Illegals Must Now State They Fear Deportation, Rather Than Being Asked »

Kamala “Word Salad” Harris Wants All Sorts Of Climate (scam) Initiatives If She Wins

Weirdly, not once in this ABC News article do they wonder why she takes so much fossil fueled travel and doesn’t use an EV

Where Kamala Harris stands on Green New Deal and climate initiatives

Green Climate Thought PoliceVice President Kamala Harris has officially thrown her hat in the ring for the 2024 presidential race with President Joe Biden’s endorsement, following his announcement Sunday he’s stepping aside.

As the nation begins to envision a possible Harris presidency, her history of environmental policy is receiving renewed attention.

As a U.S. senator, Harris was an early co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, a non-binding blueprint for transitioning the country to 100% clean energy within a decade. The Green New Deal was first introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward Markey in February 2019.

Yeah, that went nowhere for years. Democrats had to jam it into a bill that was supposed to be about inflation to move many of the measures, which raise the cost of living for Americans.

Harris also called for a “climate pollution fee” that would “make polluters pay for emitting greenhouse gases into our atmosphere,” and she indicated that a Harris administration would strengthen its enforcement and prosecution of fossil fuel companies.

That would also increase your cost of living as the fees would be passed on. Rich folks like Cackles wouldn’t suffer, but, it would harm the working and middle classes. Also, under what Legislative authority would she do any of that?

During a CNN forum on climate change in 2020, Harris said she opposed fracking and offshore drilling. She said she would also ban fossil fuel leases on public lands if elected as president.

Be funny if the fossil fuels companies refused to sell to the federal government. How much was used for her to travel to Charlotte last Thursday?

When she was San Francisco’s district attorney, Harris created what she called the nation’s first environmental justice unit.

“Crimes against the environment are crimes against communities, people who are often poor and disenfranchised,” Harris said in 2005. “The people who live in those communities often have no other choice but to live there.” Harris supports the Paris Climate Agreement and has said she will make the climate crisis a top national security priority.

Da, Comrade. Thought Crimes. Oh, she also put a lot of people who committed low level drug crimes in jail for a long time.

I’m not adding a Kamala category or doing a climate clown graphic until she wins the convention.

Read: Kamala “Word Salad” Harris Wants All Sorts Of Climate (scam) Initiatives If She Wins »

Pirate's Cove