“Moderate” Tim Walz Wants To Ban Guns He (didn’t) Carry In War

Well, it’s not surprising that the Comrade Harris-Walz ticket doesn’t want to discuss food prices, energy prices, housing prices, or other economic issues, nor the border. Heck, Cackle’s website doesn’t even have any policy positions, just a beg for money. But, they are happy to discuss hard left issues. Walz says he’s an avid hunter, yet, wants to ban guns

‘Never went to war’: Walz ripped for saying he wants to ban guns he ‘carried in war’

Vice President Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, said he wants to ban guns he “carried in war” though he never saw combat during his time in the Army National Guard and left the service after being informed that his unit would be deployed to Iraq.

“I spent 25 years in the Army, and I hunt. I’ve been voting for commonsense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war are only carried in war,” Walz said in a video posted by the Harris campaign on Tuesday.

Walz joined the Army National Guard in 1981, retiring in 2005 from the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, where he rose to the rank of command sergeant major. Across his more than two decades of service, he never saw combat, according to an interview with Minnesota Public Radio in 2018.

It’s not surprising that Walz wants to ban rifles: he’s a hardcore leftist. Good on him for serving, but, he’s never been in combat or a combat zone, so, he wouldn’t have carried a weapon. Otherwise he might have known that no one is carrying a semi-automatic rifle. And that there are plenty of rifles which are much more powerful than the hated AR-15 platform. But, this is the guy who also implemented a snitch line for COVID. He was at one point a big supporter of gun rights, but, then turned hard left

Walz retired months after a warning order was issued to his battalion that it would be deployed to Iraq, the New York Post reported Tuesday. Service member Thomas Behrends went in his place, according to the Post, sparking the veteran to slam Walz as “a traitor” and “coward” for retiring before deploying.

“When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle, not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told the New York Post. “He ran away. It’s sad.”

This ain’t Hell… has lots more on Walz’s stolen valor, and that’s what it is. He’s stated for years that he served in combat, but, didn’t. He bolted right before his unit deployed. Respect that he served in the Guard, but, he ditched the people he was supposed to lead. I suggest we disallow all his security from carrying anything but bolt action rifles, and restrict their handguns to magazines that only hold 10 rounds. He’d be fine with that, right?

He’s also not much of a fan of free speech

““I think we need to push back on this. There is no guarantee to freedom of free speech on misinformation or, or, hate speech, especially around our democracy!”” Actually, there is. Perhaps he should read the Constitution for the state he’s governor of. And the one for the nation he wants to be VP of.

Read: “Moderate” Tim Walz Wants To Ban Guns He (didn’t) Carry In War »

New Climate Cult Study Says Flying At Higher Altitudes Is Bad

We can end quite a bit of this issue (which is still mule fritters) per cult dogma if we restrict all Warmists, starting with the Elites, from taking fossil fueled flights

Airplanes fly higher and make contrails that last longer now. A study says that’s bad for the climate.

climate cowAirlines have tamped down on carbon emissions by flying planes at higher altitudes. But this comes at a cost: the higher-flying aircraft are creating more contrails that last longer, worsening the industry’s impact on climate change, a new study found.

“This doesn’t mean that more efficient aircraft are a bad thing – far from it, as they have lower carbon emissions per passenger-mile,” said Edward Gryspeerdt, the lead researcher, in a statement. “However, our finding reflects the challenges the aviation industry faces when reducing its climate impact.”

Contrails — short for condensation trail — are the white streaks in the sky behind planes. Airplanes create the lines of water vapor when they fly through high altitude humidity zones.

An MIT study from March of this year found that contrails account for just over a third of the aviation industry’s contribution to climate change. Contrails trap heat in the atmosphere, which in turn warms the planet.

Wait, are they saying that *gasp* water vapor is a greenhouse gas? Hmm.

Private jets, already heavily scrutinized for high carbon emissions, represent a big part of the contrail problem. Imperial College London researchers found that the small planes produce similar-sized contrails to their bigger counterparts.

Well, lets stop lawmakers, administration heads, and governors, presidents, vice presidents, premiers, prime ministers, etc, from flying on private jets first. See how they like it. See if they are fine with this. Of course, any law would look more like France’s, which blocked all short haul flights of under 2 hours for the peasants, but, allowed private jets to make those flights.

Another possible way to get at the contrail problem, scientists from the Imperial College London say, is to reduce the soot emitted from aircraft engines. This could make the white streaks fall out the sky faster, reducing their warming impact.

Just a bunch of cultish nags, always wanting to tell Other People how to live their lives.

Read: New Climate Cult Study Says Flying At Higher Altitudes Is Bad »

SCC Not Expecting Large Numbers Of Illegals For DNC Or Something

It’s probably a bad idea for the Sanctuary City Of Chicago to say this and bait Texas governor Greg Abbot to follow through on his promise to send them

Chicago no longer expecting huge influx of migrants ahead of Democratic convention

The city’s Deputy Mayor of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights on Tuesday said officials are no longer expecting bus loads of migrants from the southern border ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

“We are not expecting 25,000 migrants or any other very large influx of migrants. The governor has certainly threatened to do that, and to send people here. There’s lots of speculation and concern about it,” Beatriz Ponce de Leon said on WGN Radio’s The Lisa Dent Show, referring to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott at the Republican National Convention told attendees the bussing of people who crossed the southern border to other cities would continue “until we finally secure our border.”

Ponce de Leon called Abbott’s comments a “political stunt.”

See, it’s a political stunt when a declared sanctuary city has to actually deal with illegals/migrants. Her reason, of you listen to that radio bit (7 minutes long), is that there are not as many illegals crossing the border. She’s whistling past the graveyard, because there are still more than enough, plus many more in Texas, for Abbott to send a bunch of buses, dropping them off near the DNC building. Even if it’s just a couple hundred to a thousand, think of the optics of the buses rolling up.

As of Monday, Chicago has welcomed 45,881 migrants aboard nearly 950 buses to the city since August 2022. There were 5,567 people in 17 active shelters run by the city and state on Monday, according to a statement from the city.

So, welcomed and then booted them out of the city? Huh.

Read: SCC Not Expecting Large Numbers Of Illegals For DNC Or Something »

Bummer: Great Barrier Reef Seeing Hottest Temps In 400 Years

I warned you to stop using fossil fuels, give all your freedom to government, and allow illegal aliens, er, climate refugees into your 1st World Nations, but, no, you wouldn’t listen

Great Barrier Reef waters spike to hottest in 400 years, study finds

Ocean temperatures in the Great Barrier Reef hit their highest level in 400 years over the past decade, according to researchers who warned that the reef likely won’t survive if planetary warming isn’t stopped.

During that time, between 2016 and 2024, the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem and one of the most biodiverse, suffered mass coral bleaching events. That’s when water temperatures get too hot and coral expel the algae that provide them with color and food, and sometimes die. Earlier this year, aerial surveys of over 300 reefs in the system off Australia’s northeast coast found bleaching in shallow water areas spanning two-thirds of the reef, according to Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

Researchers from Melbourne University and other universities in Australia, in a paper published Wednesday in the journal Nature, were able to compare recent ocean temperatures to historical ones by using coral skeleton samples from the Coral Sea to reconstruct sea surface temperature data from 1618 to 1995. They coupled that with sea surface temperature data from 1900 to 2024.

They observed largely stable temperatures before 1900 and steady warming from January to March from 1960 to 2024. And during five years of coral bleaching in the past decade — during 2016, 2017, 2020, 2022 and 2024 — temperatures in January and March were significantly higher than anything dating back to 1618, researchers found. They used climate models to attribute the warming rate after 1900 to human-caused climate change. The only other year nearly as warm as the mass bleaching years of the past decade was 2004.

Interesting time frame. From 1618 through around 1850 the Earth was in a cool period, so, of course the waters were cooler. Why not go further back to try and compare during the Medieval Warm Period? Because this is all about doommongering from a cult. How many actual temperature readings do they have back to 1900 for the Great Barrier Reef. And with cult in cult out computer models.

Across the world, reefs are key to seafood production and tourism. Scientists have long said additional loss of coral is likely to be a casualty of future warming as the world approaches the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) threshold that countries agreed to try and keep warming under in the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

Even if global warming is kept under the Paris Agreement’s goal, which scientists say Earth is almost guaranteed to cross, 70% to 90% of corals across the globe could be threatened, the study’s authors said. As a result, future coral reefs would likely have less diversity in coral species — which has already been happening as the oceans have grown hotter.

Corals have grown under much warmer conditions with higher sea levels, hence why you have many islands, and those things called “coral atolls.”

As more heat-tolerant coral replaces the less heat-tolerant species in the colorful underwater rainbow jungle, McPhaden said there’s “real concern” about the expected extreme loss in the number of species and reduction in area that the world’s largest reef covers.

What about during previous Holocene warm periods, which were warmer? How did coral survive? And all the fish and crabs and such? Meh, scientists no longer ask questions about science, since this is a cult. It wasn’t that long ago when these same people bleated on about Darwinism and survival of the fittest, now they think everything must remain the same.

Read: Bummer: Great Barrier Reef Seeing Hottest Temps In 400 Years »

If All You See…

…are trees which will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Hamas’ new political leader being a dead man walking.

Read: If All You See… »

Hilarious: Financial Times Blames Tory Rhetoric On Migrants For Riots

It’s not really surprising that Leftist media hits the wrong target

Tory rhetoric on migrants created ‘climate’ for far-right riots, say critics

The “demonising” of asylum seekers, immigrants and the legal profession by Conservative ministers helped prepare the ground for the far-right riots currently gripping the country, critics including senior politicians have warned.

They say that years of scapegoating by senior Tory figures helped stoke and normalise anti-immigrant feeling that in part fuelled the violence that has spread across England in the past week.

Former prime minister Rishi Sunak’s pledge to “Stop the Boats” was chanted by rioters last week, while former home secretary Suella Braverman previously described the flow of asylum seekers to England’s coast as an “invasion”.

Hotels used to house asylum seekers were attacked over the weekend by far-right gangs, while several mosques have been threatened. There have also been plans shared online to target dozens of immigration centres, refugee shelters and law offices that aide migrants on Wednesday.

Can you guess what is not mentioned in the article? The migrant who stabbed a bunch of children to death, which started this all. I don’t condone the riots, but, you can understand them. Citizens are tired of the government allowing tons of migrants in from countries in the 3rd World and Islamist regions for decades, who bring their own cultures, practice them in full, and refuse to assimilate into British culture. There are no go zones, loud calls to prayer, taking over the streets to pray to Mecca, grooming gangs, and so much more. I wish I could find the map again, which shows how many migrants have come into the UK over the last 30 years and changed it.

In a speech to the Policy Exchange think-tank last year, Jenrick said “excessive, uncontrolled migration threatens to cannibalise the compassion of the British public”.

Illegal migrants had “completely different lifestyles and values to those in the UK,” he went on, adding that “a shared national identity bound by shared memories, traditions and values is a prerequisite to generosity in society”.

There is no melting pot, just migrants taking over and forcing the UK to change for them. British citizens are arrested for sending mean posts on social media, while nothing happens to the migrants

The police mostly leave the migrants alone. And the media says nothing.

Read: Hilarious: Financial Times Blames Tory Rhetoric On Migrants For Riots »

Oops: Drivers Ditching EVs, Turning To Used Market For Fossil Fueled Vehicles

I’ll say again, I’m not against them: I’m still seriously considering one. But, it’s not the business of government to force this on citizens (via Not A Lot Of People Know That)

Electric car sales forecast slashed as drivers turn to secondhand market

Car makers have slashed their forecast for electric car sales this year amid an ongoing slowdown in demand.

The Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) now predicts electric vehicles (EVs) will account for 18.5pc of the new car market in 2024, down from an earlier prediction of 19.8pc.

EV registrations surged higher in July but sales to private consumers continued to slump.

In figures published on Monday, the SMMT also revised down its forecast for the 2024 new car market as a whole, from 1.984m vehicle sales to 1.968m.

Within that estimate, the projected number of EV sales has fallen from roughly 393,000 vehicles to 364,000.

Mike Hawes, chief executive of the SMMT, said the figures still represented annual growth but warned that weakening demand for EVs among private consumers – despite heavy discounting by car makers – remained the industry’s “overriding concern”.

And that’s the thing, manufacturers are throwing insane amounts of cash to sell EVs. And I mean insane. Leases that look more like for a $24K car, not a $45K+ vehicle.

Mr Hawes said: “More people than ever are buying and driving EVs but we still need the pace of change to quicken, or else the UK’s climate change ambitions are threatened and manufacturers’ ability to hit regulated EV targets is at risk.

“Achieving market transition at the pace demanded requires greater support for consumers and action on incentives and infrastructure is needed now.”

How about he and the rest mind their own business? And why wasn’t Hawes asked if he’s driving an EV himself?

Read: Oops: Drivers Ditching EVs, Turning To Used Market For Fossil Fueled Vehicles »

Cackles Harris Picks Uber-Leftist Over Pa. Jew

It is an interesting pick. The Credentialed Media had been proclaiming Pa. Governor Josh Shapiro was a centrist, plus, he’s a Jew to boot. Shapiro would have potentially appealed to the Independents and squishy Democrats. Instead, Cackles picked a hardcore Modern Socialist to seemingly play to the hardcores, including the Jew haters and Islamic supremacists.

How progressive is Tim Walz? Here’s where the Minnesota governor stands on key issues

Minnesota’s governor Tim Walz became half of the “most radical, far-left ticket in the history” Tuesday when Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris announced the former teacher and national guardsman as her running mate.

Walz, 60, has pursued and backed several progressive policies that have animated both sides of the political aisle during his tenure as the North Star State’s leader — and was widely viewed as one of the most left-leaning VP candidates.

Here is a look at the Minnesotan’s progressive resume as governor.

Prior to winning the governorship in 2018, Walz expressed support for turning Minnesota into a sanctuary state, meaning he would support scaling back local police cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. (snip)

Shortly after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Walz’s administration opened a hotline allowing individuals to snitch on those who were eschewing the state’s stringent lockdown rules. (snip)

In 2023, Walz signed the so-called “Trans Refuge” bill into law that restricted state agencies from complying with out-of-state subpoenas, arrest warrants and extradition requests for people who traverse to Minnesota from other states for “gender-affirming care.” (snip)

He’s gone complete anti-2nd Amendment

Last year, Walz then signed a gun control package that featured universal background checks and a red flag policy that creates a process for law enforcement to take firearms away from individuals perceived at risk of harming themselves or others.

Obviously, his a 100% supporter of abortion on demand, free college (at taxpayer expense), and soft on China. As Charlie Kirk notes

You helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen in decades. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork. You let your daughter leak the Guard’s deployment plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity. Minneapolis is a war zone because of you.

Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and his supporters “fascists,” egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place.

You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it “healthcare.”

You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. Zero limits. Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” under laws you support.

And more. That’s who Kamala chose.

Read: Cackles Harris Picks Uber-Leftist Over Pa. Jew »

Biden Regime Looks To Ban Single Use Plastic

Do they have the legislative authority to do this? What specific law passed by the duly elected Congress gives them this authority? Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule on stuff like this?

Priorities: Biden Admin to Eliminate Plastic Cutlery in Move to Save the Planet

The Biden administration will reportedly phase out the use of plastic cutlery in all federal departments to combat “climate change.”

The administration announced the plan in July as part of its “Mobilizing Federal Action on Plastic Pollution: Progress, Principles, and Priorities,” per the New York Post.

“The President is committed to taking ambitious actions… to end plastic pollution and is calling upon the global community to do the same, with the goal to reduce the global production and consumption of virgin plastics,” the White House said.

The White House said that it will eliminate single-use plastics like “plastic and polystyrene food and beverage containers, bottles, straws, cups, cutlery and disposable plastic bags.” The order came after a previous executive order reducing the sale of single-use plastics on public lands.

While I certainly have concerns with plastic waste from a purely environmental point of view, this is nuts, and doesn’t seem to be something authorized by the Legislative Branch. It would be seemingly outside their Constitutional powers, as well. Should we go back to glass bottles? Studies have stated that glass is worse than plastic. Biden is trying to make cookouts and parties all sorts of fun.

Some Republican lawmakers called the order “laughable” and “absurd.”

“The world’s on fire and he’s worried about plastic forks,” Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) told the Daily Mail.

“It’s more messaging and ridiculousness, and it’s a direct shot to that whole industry,’” said Sen. James Lankford (R-OK). “It’s also clearly not where everybody is. It’s going to raise costs for a lot of folks so it seems to be just irrelevant on deficit issues.”

Do citizens even care that much? All for a scam.

Read: Biden Regime Looks To Ban Single Use Plastic »

If All You See…

…is an area flooding from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Kamala Crash.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove