Pelosi: “The fight is not about inflation”

This is just days after Queen Nancy said that Democrats need to get better at talking about inflation

Pelosi says election fight ‘not about inflation’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Sunday said the midterm election fight should be focused on cost of living rather than the global problem of inflation.

“When I hear people talk about inflation… we have to change that subject. Inflation is a global phenomenon,” Pelosi said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” with Margaret Brennan. “The EU, the European Union, the UK, the British, have higher inflation rate than we do here… The fight is not about inflation. It’s about the cost of living.”

Inflation drives the cost of living. How do you drive down the COL without reducing inflation? Do you plan to simply give people monthly checks to offset the cost of living increases? And, yet, inflation is worldwide, thanks to the Chinese coronavirus, along with the responses to it. All those lockdowns did not help. The shuttering of businesses, especially food, energy, and chip makers.

“If you look at what we [Democrats] have done, to bring down the cost of prescription drugs, to bring down the cost of- of energy and the rest in our legislation, you will see that that has been opposed every step of the way by the Republicans, and they have no plan for lowering the cost of living or helping with inflation,” Pelosi added.

The prescription drugs thing only effects a small number of drugs and doesn’t kick in till 2023/2024 at the earliest, and much only applies to those on Medicare. Has anyone seen their cost of energy go down? Well, maybe if you can afford solar panels for $20K+ or a new EV. Of course, you spent more to eventually reduce your energy cost. No one on Face The Nation challenged her talking points. No one made her defend them with facts. The primary GOP plan to reduce inflation is to reduce energy costs, which starts with allowing more domestic drilling and allowing more refineries. Then you get things like reducing government spending

At the end of the day, Democrats have had control of Congress and the Executive Branch since January 20, 2021. What have they specifically done to reduce the cost of food and energy, two things that citizens will see, at worst, every couple of days?

Read: Pelosi: “The fight is not about inflation” »

Surprise: Connecticut Residents Hit With Home Heating Sticker Shock

Why are they surprised and upset? This is what they vote for

Connecticut residents grapple with sticker shock of home heating oil prices

stop global warmingVincent Ukleja orders heating oil for his Quaker Hill home when his tank is down to half full, and when he saw the price for a delivery Monday, he was shocked. With oil at $5.19 per gallon, he spent $601.

“We’re on a fixed income, and last year, when the prices were sky-high, we barely made it through,” said Ukleja, 68. He and his wife are both retired, with Ukleja retiring as Quaker Hill fire chief earlier this year due to medical issues. With rising fuel costs, he’s looking at cutting back on food and entertainment.

“It’s just going to be a rough winter,” he said.

Jim Harmon of Montville said he and his wife ? both in their 80s ? “managed to make ends meet until the increased price of heating oil changed it all.” He said in an email they shop at Walmart to save money on groceries, started canceling magazine subscriptions, and stopped visiting family members elsewhere in the state.

“Clean energy will not heat our homes next winter, and the costs are uncertain,” he wrote in the spring. Harmon said this week his home uses about four gallons of oil a day when it’s cold ? meaning at current prices, heating costs could average out to more than $23 on a winter day.

Well, let’s see, I fee bad for some of you, the 39.2% who voted Trump in 2020. The other 59.3%? Pound sand. The last Republican senator was Lowell Weiker, who served from 1971-1989. The current ones, Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy are massive Warmists. The state hasn’t had a Republican elected in the House since 2009. Governors are a little better, but, do you think a Republican will get elected these days? The general assembly is controlled by the Democrats. You’re getting what you voted for.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average price of a gallon of residential heating oil in Connecticut was $5.79 for the week of Oct. 17, up from $5.48 last week and $4.64 the week before.

It was $3.28 this time last year.

Richard Funaro, spokesperson for the Connecticut Office of the Attorney General, said the energy price instability caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered an Abnormal Market Disruption that allowed the office “to investigate and civilly prosecute price gouging related to home heating fuel and gasoline.” But he said the AMD ended a while ago and the office “does not have the statutory authority to investigate this type of alleged price gouging.”

Of course they’re blaming Putin. But, the price was going up prior to the war. This is what Democrats/Warmists want, and have been working towards.

Read: Surprise: Connecticut Residents Hit With Home Heating Sticker Shock »

ZOMG: GOP Is Campaigning Against IRS, Promising To Slash Funding

This is so horrible!

GOP campaigns against the IRS, vowing to slash its funding

IRS pleas for more funding from Congress — made over the years by one leader after another — finally paid off this summer when Democrats tucked an $80 billion boost for the agency into their flagship climate and health care law.

Fortified with a new funding stream, the IRS is making plans to clear a massive backlog of unprocessed tax returns, upgrade technology that is decades out of date and, yes, hire more auditors.

But, as GOP candidates across the country are making clear, the battle over IRS funding has only just begun. They are making attacks on a larger IRS a central part of their midterm election pitch to voters, warning that the Democratic legislation will bankroll an army of auditors that will harass middle-class taxpayers rather than help them.

“If you pass it, they will come — after you,” says an ad running in an Iowa House race that spoofs a scene in the “Field of Dreams” movie. Instead of baseball players emerging from a field of corn, it’s black-suited IRS agents.

The Associated Press trying to fearmonger over the GOP coming after the IRS is not the Own The Republicans they think it is. I’d bet that even most Democrats, excluding those who want Other People’s money redistributed to them, have a low opinion of the IRS, and are scared of them

The GOP’s warnings are generally alarmist and misleading. The agency is not hiring an army of 87,000 “new agents” to target low- and middle-class Americans. Many hires will be used to replace some 50,000 IRS employee retirements in coming years. Others will become customer service representatives answering taxpayer phone calls.

Some of the IRS hires will be added to the ranks of sophisticated auditing teams that spend thousands of hours poring over complicated returns, but the Biden administration has also made clear that small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in their chances of being audited.

Right, right, we’re supposed to trust the Biden admin? Trust the IRS? The middle class is an easy target for the IRS. They can get a whole lot more money from them than the Rich who can lawyer up. Remember, a lot of small businesses have a gross over $400k, though their net is much, much lower. Also, why is it necessary to essentially double the IRS budget to replace employees who will retire? Did anyone at the AP consider that question?

Still, some proponents of the additional IRS funding are concerned by the Democratic response to the GOP ads, or to be more precise, the lack thereof. Instead, Democratic groups and candidates are largely focusing their campaign ads on non-economic issues such as abortion rights.

“There’s crickets, is exactly the word, a crickets response from Democrats on this issue,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, a liberal-leaning advocacy group.

First, why would they? Is it really a winning message to defend the IRS? Also, elected Democrats really do want all this audit power, because they believe your money is the Government’s money.

Vanessa Williamson, a senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, said if Republicans are successful in cutting funding for the IRS, “it will seriously damage a fundamental function of the government,” she said “which is really troubling.”

“The reality is that government, through the IRS, plays a critically important role in the lives of Americans every day,” she said. “Pretending that role doesn’t exist to score political points is destructive.”

And that’s what we do not like. So, defending the IRS really isn’t a great political strategy. But, hey, Democrats, go ahead and support the IRS expansion.

Read: ZOMG: GOP Is Campaigning Against IRS, Promising To Slash Funding »

Just Climate Cult Things

This is painful. And insane

It really is a cult. That could have at least practiced more, like with the barking moonbat COVID nurses

Read More »

Read: Just Climate Cult Things »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow because others drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Biden sending troops to the border, but, not to stop illegals.

It’s ladies in the wild week

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are squirreling, and my Devils are looking OK to start the season. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Gateway Pundit covers fully vaxxed and 3x boosted CDC Director Walensky getting COVID
  2. The Last Refuge has a tribute to Git R Done
  3. The Other McCain features Brandon lying about the economy
  4. The Right Scoop covers Rep. Maya Flores discussing AOC: she doesn’t represent us
  5. This ain’t Hell… features The View hosts upset Americans are focused on the economy
  6. Independent Sentinel notes a trans girl hurting a volleyball player badly
  7. Green Jihad discusses an Aussie bank linking customer transactions to their carbon footprint
  8. Greenie Watch notes the bad economy forcing consumers to ditch green products
  9. Jo Nova covers a paper that suggests COVID was bio-engineered
  10. Not A Lot Of People Know That highlights how expensive it is to charge an EV
  11. Watts Up With That? features climate activist netball players wiping out their own sponsorship
  12. American Greatness shows Arizona’s governor defying Brandon’s calls to remove border shipping containers
  13. Blazing Cat Fur notes Canada’s handguns ban won’t stop criminals
  14. Busted Knuckles has 2 years of Biden in one image
  15. And last, but, not least, Chicks On The Right features Biden lying yet again
  16. And one more: I missed this on the feedreader from the 9th, Dennis Wilson of Grouchy Old Cripple passed away. You’ll be missed, Denny!

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden On Republicans Who Look To Stop His Unlawful Student Loan Giveaway: “Who the hell do they think they are?”

Brandon is channeling his inner dictator, failing to understand exactly how this system of government works

Biden to Republicans on student loan plan: ‘Who the hell do they think they are?’

President Biden on Friday bashed Republicans who have attacked his student loan forgiveness plan, calling out certain lawmakers like Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (Ga.).

“Ted Cruz, the great senator from Texas, he said it’s for slackers — quote slackers — who don’t deserve relief. Who the hell do they think they are?” Biden said in remarks at Delaware State University.

The president specifically criticized lawmakers who have opposed his student loan forgiveness plan but who received small business loans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I don’t want to hear it from MAGA Republican officials who had hundreds of thousands of dollars of debts, even millions of dollars, in pandemic relief loans forgiven, who now are attacking me for helping working- and middle-class Americans,” he said.

You mean the loans because the government shut their businesses down, and were given money so they didn’t have to permanently close their doors, so they could continue paying employees as the government was picking and choosing who could be open? As they implemented the strategies government recommended to safeguard their employees and customers? Those loans? The ones which were authorized by the duly elected Legislative Branch, versus Biden unilaterally offering to get rid of up to $20,000 of legally acquired debt that kids voluntarily signed for, often to attend an expensive, Democratic Party run school, and obtain a degree that won’t allow them to repay the loan?

Nobody asked for the pandemic. No one asked to have businesses shuttered or have limited hours. No one asked to have their businesses put in the grave. Kids asked for their loans. If Biden wants this so much, let him get it through Congress. Let him sign legislation which transfers money from the working class and people who made good financial decisions to upper middle class folks who made poor decisions on their student loans. And, we all know this is simply a bribe to get people to vote Democrat. A goodly chunk of those PPP loans were meant to be forgiven. You have folks making $100k whining they cannot repay their student loans while ordering delivery almost every day.

If Biden cannot convince lawmakers and citizens loan forgiveness is a good idea, then, who the hell does he think he is? Is he even aware of what’s going on?

Read: Biden On Republicans Who Look To Stop His Unlawful Student Loan Giveaway: “Who the hell do they think they are?” »

Surprise: Oregon Sheriff Arrests Forest Service Employee For Reckless Controlled Burn

Remember stuff like this?

Lots and lots more. But, the reality?

Oregon sheriff arrests Forest Service employee for controlled burn that spread

A county sheriff in Oregon has arrested a U.S. Forest Service employee on suspicion of reckless burning after a controlled burn escaped and scorched about 20 acres (8 hectares) of private land.

The arrest was unprecedented, according to one wildfire expert, and comes amid complaints by land owners and officials in western states when controlled burns get out of hand.

Such burns are designed to prevent or contain wildfires.

In Oregon, Grant County Sheriff Todd McKinley said in a statement on Wednesday his office arrested a 39-year-old “burn boss” after a controlled burn escaped and torched 20 acres belonging to a cattle rancher.

So, not ‘climate change’? Yet another case like

Relations between New Mexico communities and the Forest Service were strained earlier this year when a controlled burn sparked a large wildfire. A Forest Service review found that pressure to meet objectives may have led the agency to ignore risks posed by a controlled burn.

Funny how they keep blaming climate apocalypse for the actions of mankind releasing carbon pollution, rather than mankind doing stupid things that start wildfires, either through accident or on purpose. Along with a few lighting strikes here and there, which have always happened.

Read: Surprise: Oregon Sheriff Arrests Forest Service Employee For Reckless Controlled Burn »

If All You See… Bad Weather induced heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on “ignoring the “Five Ws + H” in reporting due to political correctness”

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Biden’s Student Debt Plan

You had to know this was coming. Biden, or, more realistically, Biden’s advisors, knew this was coming, because Joe has no clue, as there’s no way the Executive Branch has the authority to “forgive” up to $20k in legally accrued debt

Court temporarily blocks Biden’s student loan forgiveness

A federal appeals court late Friday issued an administrative stay temporarily blocking President Joe Biden’s plan to cancel billions of dollars in federal student loans, throwing the program into limbo just days after people began applying for loan forgiveness.

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals issued the stay while it considers a motion from six Republican-led states to block the program. The stay ordered the Biden administration not to act on the program while it considers the appeal.

It’s unclear what the decision means for the 22 million borrowers who already applied for the relief. The Biden administration had promised not to clear any debt before Oct. 23 as it battled the legal challenges, but the soonest it was expected to begin erasing debt was mid-November. (big snip)

The six states sued in September. Lawyers for the administration countered that the Department of Education has “broad authority to manage the federal student financial aid programs.” A court filing stated that the 2003 Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act, allows the secretary of education to waive or modify terms of federal student loans in times of war or national emergency.

“COVID-19 is such an emergency,” the filing stated.

Remember when Biden said in September that the pandemic was over? Of course, he then extended the Chinese coronavirus emergency for 90 days, because authoritarians gotta authoritarian. It would be one thing if repayment pause was continued, or, say, interest was reduced, but, wiping out up to $20k in debt? No.

Regardless if you agree or disagree with the debt forgiveness being just, this move doesn’t address the root cause of skyrocketing college costs. Fast forward a decade or two, and a whole new group of people are going to be dealing with the same predicament. The college system is primarily run by Democrats, and they keep the price of college high. As long as it is super easy to get a loan it will continue to rise. Especially when those loans are forgiven.

Read: Federal Court Temporarily Halts Biden’s Student Debt Plan »

Pirate's Cove