Woke Pope Says Taxes Are A “Misunderstood Form Of Sharing”

The taxation situation of Vatican City is rather complicated. On one hand, there are no taxes for employees who work in Vatican City. On the other, they’ve owed a lot of money to Italy for tax agreements, and keep stiffing Israel over their taxes on religious properties. Regardless, it’s rather weird for the Pope to get involved in the government taxation debate like this

Taxes can be key to social justice, pope tells business leaders

Taxes are “an often misunderstood” tool of social justice and should not be seen as an example of a government overstepping its powers, Pope Francis told an audience of Italian business leaders on Monday.

The Argentine-born pope spoke ahead of a general election on Sept. 25 in Italy, a country noted for endemic tax evasion, where a right-wing coalition promising major tax cuts is on course for a clear victory.

“What taxes and duties are in the modern world and democracies is very important, [they are] an often misunderstood form of sharing,” Francis told members of Confindustria, Italy’s main business lobby.

If it’s being taken involuntarily, it’s not sharing.

In his speech, the pope also urged business leaders to share their wealth in other ways, including through charity, sticking to fair wage policies and creating new jobs, particularly for young people.

Easy for him to say. Does the Pope actually have to make a payroll himself? How much of the Vatican’s money is not spent yearly? Fair wage policies often make hiring extra people difficult. It’s kinda like all those people who demand a “living minimum wage” but do not actually run a business. Regardless, why is the Pope getting involved? He’s a man of God, not a politician. Maybe he could share by opening up the Vatican archives.

“The tax system and administration must be efficient and not corrupt. But taxes should not be considered as usurpation,” he added.

Except, it is an usurpation. It is taking the fruits of someone’s labor by force. To be clear, the Bible is not against taxation, because, ultimately, everything is God’s. And Jesus preached about giving and giving back. There’s nothing wrong with either. But, most tax systems are corrupt, or, at least, corrupted by those who run them.

Read: Woke Pope Says Taxes Are A “Misunderstood Form Of Sharing” »

Mayor Pete Says EV Forced Adoption Needs To Happen Quicker

The reporter who interviewed Mayor Pete missed a big opportunity to ask why Pete, Kamala, and Joe, and so many other Biden appointees aren’t using them right now themselves

California gas car ban ‘interesting,’ EV adoption must happen ‘quickly’ to beat climate change says Buttigieg

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg on Thursday appeared to heap praise on states’ efforts to fight climate change – particularly California’s gas car ban – which go well beyond policies set at the federal level.

In an interview with FOX 11’s “The Issue Is” that aired Friday, Buttigieg was asked to comment on California’s plan to ban new gas cars by the year 2035 in favor of electric vehicles and whether that could be a national model. The ban was passed just days before the state began struggling with keeping the lights on during a late summer heatwave.

Buttigieg evaded answering directly whether the Biden administration would implement a similar policy, but said it was “interesting” that some states “were trying to go above and beyond what we’re doing at the federal level.”

“I’m really interested (in following) these developments, while we continue to set a national policy that’s the baseline for all of this. We need to move in the direction of electric vehicles,” Buttigieg said before acknowledging that some major industries are already moving in this direction independently.

“But we’ve got to make sure that this happens quickly enough to help us beat climate change. We’ve got to make sure it happens affordably enough that’s it not just wealthy people, but (also) low-income people who most need those gas savings if they can afford the EV’s in the first place,” Buttigieg said.

He was a little short on details on how low income folks are going to be able to afford the EVs, as well as have chargers at their government housing (so many of which are cesspools of crime). Plus, the higher cost of insurance and repairs. And where all the power is going to come from. And what happens when the cost of electricity skyrockets.

Also, why is this his business? If people want them, they’ll advocate for them. Not have government force them.

Read: Mayor Pete Says EV Forced Adoption Needs To Happen Quicker »

Philadelphia Could Be Next Recipients Of Busloads Of Illegals

While amusing, sending illegals to Philly will probably lower the crime rate. I still think Greg Abbott is missing a huge opportunity in not sending at least a busload or two to Wilmington or Rebohoth Beach, Delaware

Philadelphia braces for possibility migrant buses from Texas will be sent to city

Philadelphia officials are preparing the city to receive busses of migrants from Texas in the event Gov. Greg Abbott targets Philadelphia as the next destination for migrants being bussed to Democrat-led cities.

“The city is inventorying existing resources should those seeking safe refuge find their way to Philadelphia,” Kevin Lessard, a spokesperson for Democratics Mayor Jim Kenney, told Axios.

There has been no confirmation that busses of migrants from Texas will be directed to Philadelphia. Kenney’s office says it does not anticipate any notice if busses are directed to the City of Brotherly Love, Axios reported. Kenney’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment on Sunday.

Could this possibly be a fakeout? It’s only about 32 miles between Wilmington and Philly. And just another 93 miles to Rehoboth Beach. A mostly likely route would the buses coming up I-95 at some point, which means they would travel through Wilmington. And, if traveling through D.C., could cut over through Annapolis and take 50 across Chesapeake Bay, then back roads to Rehoboth easy peasy.


‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago Takes Illegals Bused in by Texas, Settles Them in Suburbs

Despite Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) claim that Chicago is a “welcoming sanctuary city,” she is now sending illegals sent by Texas out to the suburbs.

The Windy City began moving towards declaring itself a “sanctuary city” for illegals at least as far back as 2015, and since her election to the mayor’s office in 2019, Lightfoot has reiterated that policy and said that Chicago is a “welcoming” place for illegals.

Regardless, she has blasted Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a “racist” and a “xenophobe” for loading buses with illegals and driving them to self-appointed sanctuary cities including New York City and Chicago.

“This is about a cheap political point. It’s not about sharing the load. To Greg Abbott and his enablers in Texas: with these continued political stunts, (he) has confirmed what many of us had already known: he’s a man without any morals, humanity, or shame,” Lightfoot said early this month.

But now, despite her repeated claims to love illegals, Lightfoot has been found shipping the Texas deliveries to the nearby suburb of Burr Ridge, according to WGN 9 News. And town leaders there are both shocked and angered by the move.


Indeed, Burr Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso said that Chicago did not coordinate with them before dropping off dozens of illegals at a Burr Ridge hotel.

“I am concerned neither the village administrator nor I were told about this,” Grasso said. “We want to know: Why Burr Ridge?”

Illegals for thee, not mea.

Read: Philadelphia Could Be Next Recipients Of Busloads Of Illegals »

If All You See…

…is a rising ocean swamping the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flag And Cross, with a post on the difference between the statements made by Biden and Trump on Queen Elizabeth’s passing.

It’s tan lines week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. Getting a bit of rain, the NY Giants start what will be a really good or a really bad season, and it is a day to Remember. I think this pinup is by Joyce Ballantyne.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Virtual Mirage remembers 9/11
  2. This ain’t Hell… has a reminder that today is known as Patriot Day
  3. The Right Scoop has Kamala’s word salad, which is the usual
  4. The Political Hat is remembering Patriot Day
  5. The O.K. Corral covers the Japanese and, wait, dumpling flavored soda?
  6. The Lid has more people in Washington complaining about bused illegals
  7. Sultan Knish discusses a 9/13 world
  8. Powerline covers Joe Manchin’s Tuesday comes
  9. Pacific Pundit notes half of voters want Biden impeached
  10. Newsbusters discusses the NY Times coverage of the Queen vs Gorbachev
  11. neo-neocon notes that 21 years is a long time and a lot can change
  12. Maggie’s Farm has 9/11 21 years later
  13. Legal Insurrection has the results of the BYU fake hate hoax
  14. Jihad Watch is covering 9/11
  15. And last, but, not least, House of Eratosthenes explains the California Liberal
  16. But, working my way up the feedreader now for September 11th, hogewash has 9/11 from space. Pam Geller. Common Cents Blog. Blazing Cat Fur. Always On Watch. 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny. Evil Blogger Lady. Irons In The Fire. The Feral Irishman. Victory Girls Blog. The ones that are up early this am.

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Evangelicals Make Biblical Case To Do Something About Climate Crisis Scam

Interestingly, not one reporter bothered to ask if these evangelicals are practicing what they preach. But, then, this report from the Albany Herald (Ga) includes

Sep. 10—Editor’s Note: This coverage is made possible through a partnership with WABE and Grist, a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.

Yeah, Grist may be a non-profit and independent, but, they are a massively biased climate cult orgnaization

Report makes Biblical case for addressing climate change

A new report on climate change by the National Association of Evangelicals could help galvanize Georgia evangelicals doing environmental work, local advocates said.

The report, called “Loving the Least of These,” makes a Biblical case for addressing climate change, citing scripture that calls for stewardship of God’s creation and care for the poor and oppressed.

Codi Norred of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, which works with faith communities on climate action, said Evangelicals make up a large proportion of religious Georgians.

“So I think for them to take, you know, climate action seriously is one of the best ways that we can make significant progress on those issues in faith communities, especially in the South,” he said.

And what are you doing in your own life, Codi? How about the Interfaith climate cult group? Nowhere on their website does it say anything about the members doing anything in their own lives, just trying to force Everyone Else to be forced by government to do stuff like buy an EV.

The report doesn’t have the kind of authority that a statement by the Pope would for Catholics, since the National Association of Evangelicals is not a central body making decisions that churches follow.

But it could still have an impact, said Marqus Cole with the Evangelical Environmental Network and Grace Snellville church, east of Atlanta.

“It gives local pastors and lay people, just regular Evangelicals, a permission structure to work within and say, ‘I might not have considered that before. But now people I trust are talking about this, maybe there’s something for me to consider,'” he said.

Oh, good, pastors can preach at you on Sunday. Will they discuss the measures they’ve taken in their own lives? Doesn’t joining a cult rather interfere with teaching the Word of God and Jesus? They’ve convinced themselves that it doesn’t. I bet they barely spend much time on things like denouncing abortion.

Some Evangelicals in Georgia are already taking climate action, like installing solar panels and increasing energy efficiency at their church.

Weirdly, there is no mention of any specific churches, and, even if this happened, it has no bearing on ‘climate change’. There’s also no link to this report. The report is here. And doesn’t make much of a case.

Read: Evangelicals Make Biblical Case To Do Something About Climate Crisis Scam »

We Will Never Forget: September 11th, 2022 (sticky for the day)

As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.

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Read: We Will Never Forget: September 11th, 2022 (sticky for the day) »

Bummer: Climahypocrite King Charles III Appears To Be Giving Up His Climate Activism

Yes, the guy who travels in fossil fueled private jets all over the world and fossil fueled SUVs and fossil fueled yachts may have to stop yammering to get governments to force you peons to Do Something

King Charles III appears to signal an end to climate change activism

Outspoken about the “existential” threat posed by climate change when he was Prince of Wales, King Charles III on Friday seemed to signal an effective end to his decades-long public advocacy for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, which are warming global temperatures.

In his first speech as king, Charles pledged to uphold the constitutional principles that kept the sovereign, including his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, from weighing in on what could be seen as political matters.

“My life will of course change as I take up my new responsibilities,” Charles said in his videotaped speech. “It will no longer be possible to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I cared so deeply, but I know this important work will go on in the trusted hands of others.”

For more than 40 years, Charles had championed environmental causes, including the need to transition the global economy off of fossil fuels so as to avert a climate catastrophe. In November, at the start of COP 26, the United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, Charles said climate change was an “existential threat to the extent that we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing” and called on world governments to begin “radically transforming our current fossil fuel based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable.”

Hmm, so, he’s been saying doom is coming for 40 years and there’s no doom? Bummer.

Over the years, Charles has been a champion of solar power, winning approval in 2021 to install panels atop London’s Clarence House, his former residence, and praising India’s expansion of solar capacity.

Will he put solar panels on Windsor Palace? It took him till 2021 to put them on the place he’d been living for a long time. Like most climahypocrites, he’s short of doing stuff in his own life.

Read: Bummer: Climahypocrite King Charles III Appears To Be Giving Up His Climate Activism »

If All You See…

…is a pool needed to cool down from climate apocalypse, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Illinois being crazy.

Doubleshot below the fold to clear the folder, so, check out The Gateway Pundit, with a post on the DOJ raiding the homes of Trump supporters on Thursday.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Montana Blocks The Gender Confused From Changing Their Birth Certificates

Science says what biological sex you were born, no matter what pills you take and what body mutilations your perform

Montana adopts permanent block on birth certificate changes

Montana health officials on Friday made permanent a rule that blocks transgender people from changing their birth certificates even if they undergo gender-confirmation surgery.

The move by Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte’s administration comes just days before a court will hear arguments over the legality of a similar rule that’s been in effect on an emergency basis since May. The ACLU of Montana has asked state Judge Michael Moses to strike down the emergency rule.

Moses in April had temporarily blocked a 2021 Montana law that made it difficult for transgender people to change their birth certificate.

The law said people had to have a “surgical procedure” before they could change the sex listed on their birth certificate. Gianforte’s administration then went further and blocked changes to birth certificates even after surgery.

Over the last several years, conservative legislators in numerous states have sought to limit the rights of transgender people.

What rights are they blocking? Is there an actual right to having your birth certificate lie? Lop off your breasts or tallywacker and your are still biologically a female or male. How often is a birth certificate needed that this makes a difference? Is there a right to knock a biological female out of contention in a sport or for a job or for a college position? Here’s the cool thing: if you don’t like it move to another state. That’s the system. If you do not like California’s EV rule move to another state (unless you voted for this Leftist stuff, then stay there). It’s why most stuff is meant to be decided by the states, not the federal government.

It shouldn’t be too hard to move, as there are only around 2,700 gender confused people in Montana, most of whom are doing this because they are confused, and, possibly because it was fashionable to proclaim themselves as transgender. A birth certificate represents the condition at birth.

Michigan voters to decide abortion policy this fall after state Supreme Court ruling

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled Thursday that an initiative potentially enshrining abortion protections in the state constitution will appear on the ballot this fall, overcoming opposition from Republican election officials.

The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative, which is being pushed by an alliance of groups that includes the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, would make abortion a constitutional right in Michigan if it’s approved by voters. Abortion law in the state has caused confusion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, as a 1931 law banning abortion would have gone into effect but was deemed unconstitutional by a state court.

This is also the way it’s done: at the state level, not the federal level. That’s what the Dobbs decision is about. Unfortunately, it will probably pass, as polling has a lot more support than against. Also, sadly, it seems to support abortion right up to birth, though, it also seemingly allows the general assembly to put in restrictions on late term abortion. It’s somewhat vague.

Read: Montana Blocks The Gender Confused From Changing Their Birth Certificates »

Pirate's Cove