Unhinged Democrats Find It Hard To Be Patriotic On Independence Day

It’s weird how Democrats always seem to find a reason to hate on America every July 4th, pretty much going back to the late 60’s, but, we see a lot more of this during the Internet era

‘It’s hard to be patriotic this Independence Day’

For many, the Fourth of July is synonymous with jubilation; fireworks, parades, hot dogs, and flashy displays of red, white, and blue. For others, it’s a day of reflection on the meaning behind patriotism.

This year, the Fourth marks the 246-year commemoration of the second continental congress passing the United States Declaration of Independence, repudiating British rule and advocating for equitable freedom. Often credited as being the essence of Americana, the Declaration of Independence fell short on its promise for some. Since its ratification, the document failed to include both the genocides of indigenous communities and those who were abducted and forced into American slavery, which until 1865, was still not federally illegal.

Sigh. Did Abigail Rosen at the at the Martha’s Vineyard Times actually read the Declaration of Independence? Does she understand it is not the Constitution? I’m pretty darned confident that I need not explain the purpose of either nor the differences.

The declaration challenged the King of Great Britain: “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury,” one excerpt reads. “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people” — sentiments that even now, Americans can relate to with concern to the U.S. government.

We can relate to, because we see government taking power, assuming power, dictating power over the Citizens…oh, wait, that’s not what Abigail means as she posts from the uber-rich area of Martha’s Vineyard

Recent United States Supreme Court actions — the reversing of Roe v. Wade, and efforts to hinder climate change mitigation — add to local conversations, such as the Oak Bluffs select board’s refusal to acknowledge and raise the Juneteenth Flag, a symbol of African American independence.

Current affairs add weight to the already-troubled and solemn history regarding the relationship among the United States and indigenous and Black communities, and in turn, triggers some Americans to rethink the meaning of patriotism; some, declining to celebrate Independence Day altogether.

NAACP MV President Arthur Hardy-Doubleday told The Times that this year, finding cause to embrace and celebrate the holiday, is particularly challenging. “It’s hard to be patriotic this Independence Day,” he said, “given the recent decisions of the Supreme Court.”

Have you ever noticed that Conservatives never have a problem celebrating Independence Day, regardless of what’s going on? Regardless of which party has the White House? Of what the Supreme Court has ruled on? We’re always ready.

Echoing the sentiment,  Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition, via Sandra Pimentel stated, “While many of us who call ourselves Americans celebrate Independence Day with grateful delight, parades and fireworks, the recent reflection on our history and the truth that relates to it helps us to understand that Independence Day does not generate the same feelings of joy for all of us. The Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition believes that we as a people have the capacity to fully understand the reality of our history and in the process of learning we can come together in a way that allows all of us to feel and experience freedom equally and together.”

Diversity? Only around 3.7% are black, 1.5% are Hispanic, around .3% are Asian. Most seem to be uber-white rich Democrats.

Of course, there are plenty more articles like this, and the Facebook and Twitter wankers are hating on it. Like this boob

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Read: Unhinged Democrats Find It Hard To Be Patriotic On Independence Day »

Happy Independence Day (sticky post)

It’s never a bad time to be an American

Read: Happy Independence Day (sticky post) »

Warmists Sound A Bit Insurrectiony In Wanting To Fight Back Against SCOTUS ‘Climate Change’ Decision

Hey, if they really want to Do Something, let them make their own lives carbon neutral, right?

Don’t let SCOTUS undo decades of progress on climate change

The decision by a majority of six ultra-conservative Supreme Court justices to limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rising carbon dioxide emissions was expected but is nonetheless deeply upsetting and alarming to anyone who cares about the sustainability of life on our fragile planet — and America’s response to the unfolding climate change tragedy.

Unfortunately, we may soon look back on this verdict in the years ahead as the day when our collective terrifying hot-house future was all but assured by a group of blinkered, ill-informed justices exhibiting all the symptoms of the Dunning Kruger effect: the phenomenon where individuals who know very little about a subject take strident positions informed by their own ignorance, unable to recognize their own lack of expertise.

Hot house future? LOL. As for that Dunning Kruger effect, that’s hilarious, since the vast majority of people yammering about anthropogenci climate change know only the talking points, but, do not understand them.

Let us be clear: The SCOTUS majority does not know what they are talking about. They are risking Americans’ survival for their own shortsighted ideological goals. As Gavin Newsom, Democratic Governor of California observed: “The Supreme Court sided with the fossil fuel industry, kneecapping the federal government’s basic ability to tackle climate change.” We see the SCOTUS majority overreaching in an apparent desire to cripple the regulatory power of the modern state to address common urgent climate challenges.

The job of the judicial branch is to rule on the Constitutionality of governmental actions. Congress can pass a specific, detailed law. One agreed on by all. But, the Warmists can’t, because their ideas are just a big money and power grab.

SCOTUS is ignoring the views of the world’s scientists, who are reporting repeatedly and increasingly urgently through the International Panel of Climate Change, calling for immediate multilayered cuts to greenhouse gas emissions across all parts of our economies and societies — from transportation to power generation, agriculture, industry and sequestration technologies. The science is not in dispute; it has not been for more than 30 years.

The court is discounting the consensus among serious policymakers and economists, from the left and right including U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, former Treasury secretary and Harvard University Professor Lawrence Summers, Nobel Prize-winning economist William Nordhaus, London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Nick Stern, and a great many others. These experts agree regulating and pricing carbon to internalize the real cost of pollution is essential. To be sure, there are arguments about levels, but not about the essential role of regulators in setting the carbon price and regulating emissions. Europe already prices carbon in a cap-and-trade scheme (at 89 Euros and rising); China has launched the world’s largest cap-and-trade schemeSweden, Canada and many other states also price or tax carbon.

Not their job. That’s the job of elected law makers in the Legislative Branch. Nor is it the job of anyone in the Executive Branch, not without specific legislative authorization.

The Biden administration must redouble its efforts to achieve legislative breakthroughs on climate change regulation and oversight.

States — California and others, must redouble their own plans to regulate, restrict and cut local greenhouse gas emissions.

Voters — especially younger voters — must vote in the midterms for candidates who are committed to immediately addressing climate change and commencing policy reforms legislatively. We have no time to waste. Climate tipping points of no return loom large and are almost (or already are) upon us.

Hey, voters: if the people who are pushing this are refusing to make their own massive carbon footprints zero, why should you trust them? Would you trust a religious leader preaching a simple life while they live in a mansion, fly in a private jet, and have a Rolls Royce? An attorney general who has a long rap sheet of crimes? A politician constantly taking fossil fueled flights, being ferryed around in a huge fossil fueled convoy?

Read: Warmists Sound A Bit Insurrectiony In Wanting To Fight Back Against SCOTUS ‘Climate Change’ Decision »

HHS Head Becerra Super Excited To Overturn Dobbs Decision

Has anyone informed Becerra that the Dobbs decision leaves it up to the States to decide whether abortion on demand will be legal, and to what extent?

Top White House official says he’s optimistic Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade will not stand long

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra on Sunday said he believes the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade will not last very long.

“I’ve been around long enough to know that nothing’s ever totally safe. But remember, we still haven’t even been able to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, and so this country has a way to go,” Becerra told NBC’s “Meet the Press,” referring to the long-proposed amendment for women’s rights. “But certainly, I don’t believe this decision by this court and [Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization] is going to stand long.”

Does he actually think it will be overturned soon? Can he be drug tested?

He added: “This is just not America. We’re not about taking rights. Most people around the world haven’t looked at the U.S. as the beacon of light because we do things like Dobbs. Just the opposite. So I’m confident that we’re going to get past this.”

Same people were super excited to lock citizens down during COVID, force them to wear useless masks, take vaccines or lose their jobs and ability to travel, shut their businesses down. He enforced stay at home orders, including on houses of worship, as California AG.

“We’re going to explore everything we can,” he said on Sunday. “And I also would ask them to please pass a law. They have it in their power, if they can find the votes to actually codify the Roe decision, which is what we need more than anything else. Executive action.”

Yeah, that’s a state’s rights issue, not a federal one. And death merchants gotta death merchant. Meanwhile

Medication abortion is common; here’s how it works

Medication abortions became the preferred method for ending pregnancy in the U.S. even before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. These involve taking two prescription medicines days apart — at home or in a clinic. (snip)

Abortion medication is approved for use up to the 10th week of pregnancy. (snip)

Use of the pills has been increasing in recent years. As of 2020, they accounted for 54% of all U.S. abortions, according to preliminary data from the Guttmacher Institute. The group’s final estimate is due later this year.

So, if must be done by 10 weeks, and 54% of abortions occur with the pills, then why are the abortionistas so concerned with 15 week limits? Sure seems like women know in plenty of time. Of course, practicing responsible, protected sex first makes the most sense, eh?

Read: HHS Head Becerra Super Excited To Overturn Dobbs Decision »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Rio Norte Line, with a post on Happy Independence Day.

It’s obviously, pro-America week!

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Legal Insurrection, with a post on Pima County Democrats saying F**k The Fourth.

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Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – 4th Of July

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the bunnies are munching the lawn (lots of them), and Liberty is remembered. This pinup is by Dillon, no help necessary.

What is happening Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Watts Up With That? notes Australians to see shock energy price spikes
  2. Greenie Watch covers the Czech Republic reversing the end of coal
  3. 357 Magnum advises to avoid bringing a fishing pole to a gun fight
  4. Ace Of Spades delves into Federalism
  5. American Power discusses the Left killing the pro-choice coalition
  6. Blazing Cat Fur covers Mattel going Woke and banning 400 words from Scrabble
  7. Blogs For Victory notes America the uniquely free
  8. Climate Depot covers the Aussie ambassador blaming rapes on ‘climate change’
  9. Cold Fury discusses the EPA Supreme Court decision
  10. Common Cents Blog says to bring all the kids to a 4th of July parade
  11. DC Clothesline notes COVID vaccines can cause Type 1 diabetes
  12. Gatestone Institute discusses the Woke Inquisitors coming for free thinkers
  13. Geller Report notes Trump still winning in the polls despite the silly J6
  14. Gen Z Conservative highlights CNN promoting a potentially illegal practice post-Dobbs
  15. And last, but, not least LMAO covers some well placed, fabricated sources at USA Today

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – 4th Of July »

Texas Supreme Court Rules Abortion Ban Law Is Constitutional

The original death merchant judge had to know his BS ruling would crash quickly

Texas can enforce 1925 abortion ban, state Supreme Court says

The death merchants will try anything to continue to kill the unborn, instead of recommending that people use contraception and have responsible sex

These insane people thinking killing a fetus is health care. Not for the fetus. And almost 90% of abortions are elective, because people are irresponsible.

A hearing is scheduled on July 12 to decide on a more permanent restraining order. The case will eventually be heard on its merits, though effectively the trigger law set to take effect in about two months will ensure abortion is banned in Texas regardless of whether the 1925 law is enforced.

So, it doesn’t matter, but, you know the death merchants will judge shop to find one to end the trigger law, then they’ll lose at the Texas Supreme Court, then they’ll try to file in federal court, and eventually be smacked down because the Supreme Court ruled.

Read: Texas Supreme Court Rules Abortion Ban Law Is Constitutional »

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Seen In Your Menu

These hysterical, deranged, phrenetic climate cultists really are almost flat earthers, thinking that things on Earth should never ever change. And the crap they come up with to write about is very, very silly

You Can Spot Climate Change in Old Restaurant Menus

Vancouver, British Columbia, is nothing short of a seafood paradise. Situated at the mouth of the formerly salmon-rich Fraser River, the city overlooks Vancouver Island to the west, and beyond that, the open Pacific Ocean. Long before it had a skyline or a deepwater port, this was a bountiful fishing ground for the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples, who still depend on its waters for cultural sustenance. Today, tourists come from all over the world to taste local favorites, such as salmon and halibut, fresh from the water. But beneath these waves, things are changing.

Climate change is an intensifying reality for the marine species that live near Vancouver and for the people who depend on them. In a new study, a team from the University of British Columbia (UBC) shows one unexpected way that climate effects are already manifesting in our daily lives. To find it, they looked not at thermometers or ice cores, but at restaurant menus.

“With a menu, you have a physical and digital record that you can compare over time,” explains William Cheung, a fisheries biologist at UBC and one of the study’s authors. Cheung has spent his career studying climate change and its effects on the world’s oceans. He has contributed to several of the landmark reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but along with John-Paul Ng, an undergraduate student at UBC, he wanted to find a different way to both study and communicate those changes.

What would the menu have looked like in 1700, while in the depths of Little Ice Age? How about during the Medieval Warm Period?

The team gathered menus from hundreds of restaurants around the city, as well as from restaurants farther afield in Anchorage, Alaska, and Los Angeles, California. Current menus were easy to find, but digging into the history of Vancouver’s seafood proved a bit trickier. Doing so required help from local museums, historical societies, and even city hall—which the researchers were surprised to learn has records of restaurant menus going back more than a century—to compile their unusual data set. In all, they managed to source menus dating back to the 1880s.

As warming intensifies, the species in high enough abundance to make it to menus are continuing to change. As Cheung and Ng’s work predicts, local cool-water species such as sockeye salmon will continue to decline on Vancouver menus. (In 2019, British Columbia saw its lowest salmon catch in 70 years.)

In their place, southerly species are moving in. One of the most notable of these new arrivals isn’t a fish, but Humboldt squid, which have begun appearing in both fishers’ nets and in restaurants across the city.

And? This in no way proves anthropogenic causation, just that the climate changes. It’s nothing unusual. It happens. We don’t have to burn witches or heretics.

Read: Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Seen In Your Menu »

If All You See…

…is the symbol of an evil fossil fueled vehicle maker, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the Obama/Biden EPA power grab getting blown up.

Had the perfect photo for mixing fishing and Go USA! for the Independence Day weekend

Read: If All You See… »

New York Quickly Passes Law Banning Concealed Carry From “Sensitive Location”

They probably think their being passively aggressive towards the Supreme Court decision

NYC’s iconic Times Square among ‘sensitive locations’ where guns to be banned in New York

The Crossroads of the World is among the “sensitive places” where guns could be banned as lawmakers seek to strengthen New York’s gun laws in response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning a century-old concealed carry law.

New York’s Democrat-controlled Legislature is poised Friday to approve sweeping new firearm restrictions that would bar carrying concealed weapons in a host of places including Times Square as well as subways, buses, government buildings, houses of worship, schools, libraries, playgrounds, parks and zoos, homeless shelters and polling places.

Gov. Kathy Hochul called the Legislature back to Albany for an “extraordinary session” on Thursday to respond to last week’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down a long-standing law limiting who can carry a concealed handgun in public.

The statute required gun owners to demonstrate “proper cause” to get a license to carry a handgun in public, which the conservative majority on the court determined to be unconstitutional.

Under the new legislation released by the governor’s office around 3 a.m., guns will be barred from “sensitive places” such as Times Square and mass transit and firearms will not be allowed in private businesses unless owners explicitly state that they welcome firearms on their property.

Businesses will have to post a sign indicating that armed patrons are welcome.

Quite a few states with concealed carry ban permit holders from many of the same places. Here in NC cannot carry in schools, government buildings. Some states will ban in churches and zoos and parks, counties will often ban at libraries, cities may ban in parks and certain places. So, NY is going just a little bit further than most. One would think that the subway is a place where people really need CCW to protect themselves from all the criminality. Same with many parks.

The big one is that private businesses must post their intent to allow CCW holders to enter while carrying. Because most won’t bother, mostly because most won’t know the rule. In most states private companies must post if you may not carry in the business. So, this NY law will mean concealed carry will be banned in most businesses across the entire state. Those few who are truly paying attention will post a “sure, go ahead and carry” sign, if they are gun rights supporters. Most won’t have any idea. Which means that CCW holders, who tend to be law abiding, won’t carry often because they cannot bring it anywhere. In a city like Albany they can at least lock it in a car. In NYC, they won’t usually have that ability, so, it will stay at home.

Might we see a new lawsuit based on the sign issue? You bet. The Supreme Court may have killed off the rule about proper cause, but, this law would make it almost impossible to conceal carry anywhere. What if they consider one of the big lakes a “park”? Can’t carry on your own boat. This could be more restrictive than before

The bill will also overhaul the state’s permitting process by requiring applicants to undergo 15 hours of in-person training at a firing range and an in-person interview. They must also provide their social media accounts and contact information for household members.

Licenses will have to be renewed after three years and an appeals process will be set up.

I personally do not have an issue with the training and renewals. Here in NC it’s 8 hours and 5 years. The social media part might create another lawsuit. An illegal shooting almost never ever happens from a CCW holder.

Republicans pushed back on the new regulations, railing against the fact that the bill was released in the middle of the night and arguing it goes far beyond just addressing concealed carry permits.

“This is more unconstitutional than what was just struck down.” GOP Sen. Andrew Lanza said during the floor debate.

The Senate passed it on a 43-20 party line, now it has to pass it in the House, before going to Hochul, who will sign it. And then lawsuits will start.

Read: New York Quickly Passes Law Banning Concealed Carry From “Sensitive Location” »

Pirate's Cove