Your Fault: Climate Doom To Fuel Humanitarian Crisis’ In 2023

Damn you. You just had to take all those fossil fueled flights as a peasant (it’s OK if you are an Elite), causing Bad Things in 2023

Climate change will fuel humanitarian crises in 2023 -study

Climate change will accelerate humanitarian crises around the world in 2023, adding to the issues created by armed conflict and economic downturns, according to a study by the NGO International Rescue Committee (IRC).

The agency, based in New York and led by former UK politician David Miliband, flagged that the number of people in humanitarian need has skyrocketed in the last decade, approaching 339.2 million versus the 81 million seen in 2014.

Climate change is among the key factors accelerating humanitarian emergencies, the IRC noted, despite the fact that the 20 countries on its emergency watchlist – like Haiti and Afghanistan – contribute just 2% to global CO2 emissions.

“2022 has shown that the role of climate change in accelerating the global humanitarian crisis is undeniable,” the report noted.

And this group has absolutely no incentive to fearmonger, right? It really is just setting the stage to Blame every bad thing that happens on anthropogenic climate change, meaning the Elites need to force you to pay more in taxes/fees and give up your liberty, freedom, and life choices to Government. It’s an easy prediction given every weather event these days is chalked up to “climate change.” How can you be wrong when every event that occurs is used to prop up your presupposition? Wetter year than normal? Climate change. Drier year than normal? Climate change. Warmer year than normal? Climate change. Colder year than normal? Climate change. More hurricanes? Climate change. Less hurricanes? Climate change.

How about all those crises during the 1930’s, when CO2 was well below the “safe” level of 350ppm, and there were a whole lot less fossil fueled vehicles, and flying was really in its infancy? How about the Black Plague? What caused that?

Read: Your Fault: Climate Doom To Fuel Humanitarian Crisis’ In 2023 »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Ron DeSantis asking a grand jury to probe wrongdoing over the covid vaccines.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out The First Street Journal, with a post on how often Mayor Pete flies a jet (mostly private).

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Read: If All You See… »

House GOP Releases Report Saying COVID Might Have Come From Chinese Bioweapons Program

This shouldn’t surprise anyone in the least. The only thing here is, do they have the facts to support the allegation

COVID origins ‘may have been tied’ to China’s bioweapons program: GOP report

Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee are alleging in a newly released report that there are “indications” that COVID-19 could be tied to China’s biological weapons research program and “spilled over” to the general human population during an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The information was released in a minority staff report by members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Wednesday night.

“Contrary to the implication of the [Intelligence Community’s] declassified report, based on our investigation involving a variety of public and non-public information, we conclude that there are indications that SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s biological weapons research program and spilled over to the human population during a lab-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” a summary of the report states. “The IC failed to adequately address this information in its classified Updated Assessment. When we attempted to raise the issues with the IC, it failed to respond.”


While alleging that COVID’s origins were likely tied to China’s biological weapons research program, the report states, “We have not seen any credible indication that the virus was intentionally, rather than accidentally, released.”

“Nor do we claim the information we have found is a smoking gun that definitively resolves the question of the origins of COVID-19 beyond all doubt. However, the information is important to furthering the public’s understanding, and we will seek to declassify the classified version of our report in the next Congress to further the conversation,” the report states.

There’s really not a lot to the report. It cannot make any sort of definitive allegation about being part of a bioweapons research program, just supposition. What it is really meant to do is show unclassified information, leading up to the GOP taking control of the House Intelligence Committee, holding hearings, and releasing classified information. From page 7 (IC is Intelligence Community)

The IC did not just withhold relevant information from the declassified version released to the public; it also omitted information from the classified version of the Updated Assessment provided to the House Intelligence Committee, in particular, information relating to whether SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s bioweapons program run by the Chinese Army. Although our unclassified summary cannot reveal details, we can state that the classified Updated Assessment claimed the IC lacked information regarding one key classified issue. However, the Committee otherwise found that very information in other intelligence reporting, and this information is particularly relevant to determining SARS-CoV-2’s potential links to China’s bioweapons program.

There’s a lot of supposition, following the money, and following what China has been doing, which leads to the finding that it may possibly have been part of a bioweapons research program. How long will it take to do the investigation and attempt to get the relevant information from the biased intelligence community?

Read: House GOP Releases Report Saying COVID Might Have Come From Chinese Bioweapons Program »

Researchers Searching For Christmas Trees That Can Withstand Climate Apocalypse

It’s not like these trees survived multiple Holocene warm periods or anything. But, hey, if you have government funding, sure, why not

The search for Christmas trees that can withstand climate change

Drier summers and warmer autumns spell trouble for that iconic winter evergreen, the Christmas tree.

Working to safeguard this important Pacific Northwest crop, Washington State University scientist Gary Chastagner has traveled the globe on a hunt for hardy varieties. Dubbed “Dr. Christmas Tree” for his 44?year career studying the decorative conifers, Chastagner is now testing promising species that can stand up to an uncertain climate while looking and lasting their best in the home.

“I want to give growers and consumers more choices for high-quality trees,” he said.

Through the Collaborative Fir Germplasm Evaluation Project, a 12?year partnership with scientists in Connecticut, Oregon, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Michigan, Chastagner and colleagues traveled to Turkey in 2020 to find mother trees of Turkish and Trojan firs, which are adaptable to the Pacific Northwest’s climate and resistant to disease.

Hmm, so they all took a long fossil fueled flight to Turkey? And Chastagner has traveled all over the globe? Huh. Anyhow, it’s all about using anything they can find to use to scaremonger. In this case, Christmas. According to this report by researchers at NC State, they’ve found a gene to make them more “resistant” to Hotcoldwetdry. If only they could put the same effort an money into solving real issues.

Read: Researchers Searching For Christmas Trees That Can Withstand Climate Apocalypse »

Bummer: PRC Governor Newsom Worried About State Being Overrun With Illegals If Title 42 Ends

Well, hey, reap what you sow, Gavin. You and the rest of your Comrades in the People’s Republik Of California have been loving on people streaming from around the world and showing up at the border, either entering illegally or Demanding asylum. I though they were all so compassionate to the illegals? Oh, right, when they go elsewhere

Newsom says California about to ‘break’ amid flood of illegal migrants when Title 42 expires

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California warned Monday that President Biden’s plan to reverse former President Donald Trump’s border policies could “break” his state.

The Biden administration is planning to lift the Trump-era Title 42 policy, which allows police and border officers to expedite the expulsion of illegal immigrants.

Newsom, speaking to ABC News on Monday, said, “The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working and is about to break in a post-42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership.”

“I’m saying that as a father,” the governor added. “I’m saying that as someone that feels responsible for being part of the solution and I’m trying to do my best here.”

Newsom claimed the U.S. government is sending “more and more” migrants to California because the state is “taking care of folks.”

“The more we do, the burden is placed disproportionate on us,” he said.

You do have to love when illegal immigration supporting Democrats suddenly realize their policies and beliefs are biting them in the ass and causing lots of problems in their cities and states, eh? Seriously, keep giving them driver’s license, health care, a basic monthly income, the ability to vote in local elections and other perks that we tax paying citizens have to pay for that well deter them from coming. Newsom blasted Trump many times for trying to build the wall, to limit illegal immigration. Illegal immigration has become a problem when it messes up Democrat run areas.

Read: Bummer: PRC Governor Newsom Worried About State Being Overrun With Illegals If Title 42 Ends »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by rising seas from Other People refusing to give up their fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a biological female getting a concussion at an NHL sponsored trans hockey tournament.

Read: If All You See… »

Early Supporter Of Trump Says It’s Time To Move On

Again, I do not want to sound like I’m in the #NeverTrump or Trump Derangement Syndrome group. I like The Donald, and what he did legislatively and for getting some elected Republicans to get tough on the media and Democrats, among others. I’ve always been a little tired of his mouth and Twitter. He needed to be more like Kayleigh McEnany, who battled the media while making sure she brought the receipts. Here’s Alfredo Rodriguez III

As a Republican who supported Donald Trump, I now say it’s time to move beyond him

I supported Donald Trump in 2016 before it was popular. I supported him again in 2020 for the accomplishments he achieved in his first term as president, despite his brazen, off-message rants, and conflicting declarations and statements.

Trump’s achievements and the direction he was leading our country outweighed his shortfalls. But since the 2020 election, it has been time to move on from Trump.

But the “Trump-under-any-circumstances,” supporters, conspiracy theorists, and disillusioned Trump acolytes refuse to do so. Although those who continue to think this way grow smaller in number, they still account for approximately 25% of most Republican primary voters — the type of plurality victories that led to Trump earning the Republican nomination in 2016.

He won’t be able to pull the same tricks/campaign in 2024.

Trump served a purpose. He served it well, and beyond many expectations. Now he is entirely self-absorbed (more than before) and obsessed with the past, with no original thought or vision for the future of our country.

Trump grew the Republican Party. He brought more Hispanics, African Americans, Asians and other minority groups into the GOP. We are now losing those increases largely because of his preoccupation and inability to talk about anything other than massive and widespread fraud,” “stolen elections,” “deception,” “fake news,” and himself.

Trump cut taxes. He strengthened U.S. energy independence. He held China and our enemies abroad accountable. He cracked down on illegal crossings along our southern border. He unrelentingly supported our military and law enforcement.

The economy was excellent pre-COVID, with historic low unemployment for blacks, more women CEOs, hiring was happening, businesses created, things were going well

Trump served a purpose, accomplished a great deal, but his time has passed. He has become a huge distraction in the political arena, his ability to contribute to America’s future faded, and now his overt disregard for the U.S. Constitution is embarrassing.

Now more than ever it is time to move on, because if we do not Republicans will continue to lose and under-perform in elections as we have for two consecutive election cycles.

Unfortunately, a lot of Republicans backslid, and forgot the lesson of standing strong, fighting back. That politics is a dirty business with a veneer of civility, and you have to fight back. That the Credentialed Media is not your friend. That Democrats will backstab you.

Should Trump be the 2024 nominee, we will lose the White House again, we will not secure a majority in the U.S. Senate despite a favorable map, we will lose our slim majority in the House, and likely lose governorships and state legislative seats across the country. (snip)

It is time for a generational change in the White House. It is time for a Republican nominee who truly wants to serve the American people rather than obsessively litigate, talk and relive the past without any regard for tomorrow. It is time for Republicans to put forward a candidate for president who has new ideas, real conservative solutions, and the talent to grow the GOP and appeal to independent voters.

It’s all about the electibility. Trump no longer has it. We won’t be saying “OMG, he actually won” like in 2016. And, he will most likely blast all the other Republicans in the primaries, hurting them if they win the primaries. Idiots nominated Mitt Romney for 2012, an election that was ripe for winning. He was the wrong guy. We could have killed Obamacare before it started. Trump cannot win 2024. Perhaps some Trump Train members will finally realize this.

Read: Early Supporter Of Trump Says It’s Time To Move On »

World Economic Forum Has Climate Friendly Gift Ideas For Christmas

Obviously, the uber-rich and/or powerful folks in the WEF won’t be buying these. The ideas are simply for the peasants

6 sustainable gift ideas for the holiday period

During the holiday season that clusters around Christmas, people in nations across the globe give one another gifts and, whether countries have a Christian tradition or not, it’s become ever more commercial.

But as concern about the state of the planet grows, should we rethink the presents we give?


So how can you get value for money and value for the planet when you go shopping for holiday season gifts?

Here are some more sustainable gift ideas to mark the festive season from the World Economic Forum’s innovation crowdsourcing hub UpLink.

  1. Vegan leather and clothes from 100% plant material
  2. Sustainable, responsibly sourced products from the Amazon (yeah, it doesn’t use fossil fuels to travel around the world, right?)
  3. Sustainable seaweed products (gross)
  4. Planting trees in Africa (the Cult has been pushing this for decades. How’s that working?)
  5. Helping restore the world’s coral reefs (in other words, give money while doing nothing)
  6. Push back the desert in the Sahel, Africa (things change)

Meanwhile, the WEF folks will be buying expensive luxury vehicles for their family members and taking long fossil fueled private jet flights to exotic vacations spots. Meanwhile

Christmas Cards – consumerist waste or meaningful tradition? – Ellen Jones, BHASVIC

Year upon year, I, among many others, enjoy a festive hour of carols whilst writing my annual pile of well-wishes. Not only does it serve as the perfect opportunity to evaluate your relationships – does that cousin you don’t remember meeting really make the cut? – but as a thoughtful, affordable way to tell someone you’re thinking of them at Christmastime. However, when the impending doom of climate change is upon us, how much help will these cheerful messages be?

Every single Christmas card you send is estimated to emit 140kg of carbon dioxide during production. Furthermore, 1 billion of these cards are likely to end in landfill after a few jolly weeks on the mantlepiece. The few wasted after I spelt names wrong are certainly coming back to haunt me now. Stepping away from the message of Christmas, it seems that producing masses of greenhouse gases and 1 billion wasted cards is nothing more than a nicely-wrapped example of consumerist habits fuelling the climate crisis.

Yet, for many, Christmas cards are more than that. It’s a way to keep in touch with old friends, share an annual photo of your children, and show your family you care. Receiving cards reminds people to call on a loved one, or perhaps just frantically try to recall if that was the person they knocked off the list or not! Whatever you feel about it, sending Christmas cards is a tradition many hold close to their hearts, and an opportunity to send a message a gift can’t quite convey.

But, taking into account, the permanent damage these festive fiends are causing for our planet, will you be sending Christmas cards this year? Perhaps the rising cost of living has already made the choice for you, or the upcoming postal strikes, as it has for many. And I’m sure some are glad of the excuse!

The Grinches are working hard this year.

Read: World Economic Forum Has Climate Friendly Gift Ideas For Christmas »

COVID Forever: Health “Experts” Say It’s Time To Wear A Mask Again

Typically, these are the same people who this pronouncement while not wearing a mask. And, if they were really experts, they’d understand that viruses are small enough to get through even N95 masks

It’s Time to Wear a Mask Again, Health Experts Say

Masks are back, and, this time, they’re not just for COVID-19. A “tripledemic” of the coronavirus, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, known as RSV, sweeping through the United States has prompted several cities and counties, including New York City and Los Angeles County, to encourage people to wear a mask in indoor public spaces once again.

Nationwide, COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations have spiked by 56% and 24%, respectively, over the past two weeks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there have already been 13 million illnesses and 7,300 deaths from flu this season, and those numbers are expected to rise in the coming months. (Over the past decade, annual flu deaths have ranged from 12,000 to 52,000 people, with the peak in January and February.) And while RSV finally appears to be on the decline, infection rates are still high across much of the country.

The CDC officially advises wearing a mask on a county-by-county basis depending on community COVID-19 levels, which take into account virus-related hospital admissions, bed capacity and case rates. However, in an interview with NPR last week, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said, “You don’t need to wait for CDC’s recommendation, certainly, to wear a mask.”

This Walensky?

Huh. No mask.

Dr. Helen Chu, an associate professor of allergy and infectious diseases at UW Medicine in Seattle, went a step further, recommending everyone wear a mask while infection and hospitalization rates are so high. “I think it’s a good time to mask,” she said. “Given where we are right now with hospitals being at very close to capacity, especially in pediatric hospitals with RSV and with flu, I think that anything that you can do to slow down community transmission is going to be helpful.”

There is strong evidence that masks help to reduce the transmission of several respiratory viruses. One paper published in 2020 by researchers in Hong Kong showed that people sick with either COVID-19 or the flu breathed out fewer viral particles when they were wearing a surgical mask. (Masks were found not to be as effective for the rhinovirus, though, which causes the common cold.) A study of COVID-19 policies in Boston-area schools found that removing a mask mandate in 2022 was tied to nearly 12,000 additional cases among students and staff.

And there are lots of studies that show masks have little to no effect in stopping COVID, the flu, or colds. And, the forced masking policies do not work. Of course, this is just a “recommendation”, which quickly turns into government mandates.

Let’s not forget, just as many people died once all the mask mandates were implemented as without, and more died during 2021 that 2020, even with the mask mandates and Wuhan flu vaccines.

The pro-mask compliance nuts also lost any good will with their over-the-top mandates, such as forcing people to wear a mask while inside and not near anyone else. Trying to push 2, and even three masks. Pushing people to wear an N95, then an N95 and a cloth mask under it. But, it was perfectly fine to take the mask off while eating, right? And perfectly fine for all the big wigs to not wear them.

None of this is actually about health: it’s about power and compliance.

Read: COVID Forever: Health “Experts” Say It’s Time To Wear A Mask Again »

If All You See…

…is an area devoid of glaciers due to climate destruction, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on the highly suspect timing of SBF’s arrest.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove