Trump Totally Back EVs After Elon Musk Endorsement Or Something

This is how most of the media is presenting it, like Trump flip-flopped, though Business Insider was more honest than most, even as they tried to shade Trump

Trump says he has ‘no choice’ but to support electric vehicles because Elon Musk ‘endorsed me very strongly’

Former President Donald Trump said he had “no choice” but to support electric vehicles after Tesla CEO Elon Musk “endorsed” him.

Trump then went on to criticize the EV industry at length.

Musk has long been a champion of the pivot to electric vehicles. His company Tesla has largely led the way in developing the industry, which for a time made Musk a darling of the climate-conscious left.

But Musk has more recently embraced conservative politics, especially the issue of free speech. Musk bought Twitter in 2022, rebranded it to X, and has dismantled many of the checks and balances meant to limit hateful speech and misinformation on the platform.

Wait, you mean free speech is a conservative issue? Huh, I guess Democrats are against it.

At a rally in Georgia on Saturday, Trump told the crowd he supported electric cars but thought people should still have access to gas vehicles.

“I’m for electric cars. I have to be because, you know, Elon endorsed me very strongly,” Trump told the crowd. “So, I have no choice.”

He then clarified that he only supports them as a “small slice” of the larger auto industry.

“You want to have gas-propelled cars. You want to have hybrids. You want to have every kind of car,” he said.

Exactly. It’s about choice. Not government forcing the peasants to buy EVs, all while the Elites continue to drive large, fossil fueled limos/EVs

Read: Trump Totally Back EVs After Elon Musk Endorsement Or Something »

Surprise: UN Fires More Employees For Involvement With Hamas

Has is designated as a terrorist organization by the UN. Remember this?

An independent review finds no evidence for Israel’s claims about UNRWA and Hamas

An independent review now says Israel has not provided evidence to support its accusation that a significant number of employees of a U.N. relief agency in the Gaza strip are members of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that attacked Israel last October. That accusation led to a loss of vital international funding for UNRWA, officially named the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, at a time when Gaza is on the brink of famine. NPR international affairs correspondent Jackie Northam has been following the details of this story and joins us now. Hi, Jackie.

We’ve read a lot of that from all sorts of media outlets. How’s that working out?

UN fires additional staffers after probe finds potential involvement in Oct. 7 attack on Israel

The United Nations said Monday it has fired additional staff members from its agency for Palestinian refugees after an internal investigation found they may have been involved in the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack against Israel.

The U.N. secretary-general’s office announced the move in a brief statement to journalists. Farhan Haq, deputy spokesperson for the secretary-general, did not elaborate on the UNRWA staffers’ likely role in the attack or on the evidence that prompted its decision.

UNRWA previously fired 12 staffers and put seven staffers on administrative leave without pay over the claims. The group of nine staffers the U.N. announced it had fired Monday includes some from each group, said Juliette Touma, communications director for UNRWA.

The U.N. did not clarify how many have now been fired from the agency in total.

Hmm, it’s almost like a whole bunch of United Nations employees were, in fact, working directly with a UN designated terrorist organization. How many more haven’t been caught yet? It’s not like the UN isn’t full of Israel/Jew haters.

Anyhow, what’s going on with Iran’s retaliation?

IDF presents preemptive strike plan on Iran, Hezbollah to senior leaders – report

Amid escalating tensions, senior IDF officers have proposed to the Defense Minister and the Prime Minister to preempt Hezbollah and strike Lebanon. “The chances of escalation on the northern front are increasing. It would be prudent to lead the initiative,” according to a Channel 13 report.

In light of the tense anticipation of Iran and Hezbollah’s response following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and Fuad Shukr in Lebanon, senior IDF officers have suggested to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to wait for an attack from Hezbollah but to initiate another preemptive Israeli strike, as reported on Channel 13 on Monday evening.

We’ll see if Israel launches an attack, or Iran does.

Read: Surprise: UN Fires More Employees For Involvement With Hamas »

Climate Cult Upset That There Are Climate Doom Deniers In Congress

See, in Warmist World dissent is not allowed. Just like with everything else Modern Socialists believe

Climate change deniers make up nearly a quarter of US Congress

Green Climate Thought PoliceUS politics is an outlier bastion of climate denial with nearly one in four members of Congress dismissing the reality of climate change, even as alarm has grown among the American public over dangerous global heating, an analysis has found.

A total of 123 elected federal representatives – 100 in the House of Representatives and 23 US senators – deny the existence of human-caused climate change, all of them Republicans, according to a recent study of statements made by current members.

“It’s definitely concerning,” said Kat So, campaign manager for energy and environment campaigns at the Center for American Progress, who wrote the report.

The report defined climate deniers as those who say that the climate crisis is not real or not primarily caused by humans, or claim that climate science is not settled, that extreme weather is not caused by global warming or that planet-warming pollution is beneficial.

What of those who still use lots of fossil fuels for their autos and plane trips? Would they not be deniers? Or just climahypocrites? Regardless, in Warmist World no one is allowed to have a different opinion.

The research shows that the American public, perhaps uniquely among people in developed countries, is represented disproportionately by climate deniers. Although 23% of the entire US Congress is composed of those who dismiss the climate crisis, polls show the proportion of Americans who share this view is significantly smaller, by as much as half.

Yet, most of them are also climahyopcrites. Further, when it comes to issues that Americans care about ‘climate change’ comes in as very low. Anyhow, the article continues to whine that non-Cultists are allowed to have their opinions.


(NPR) High school freshman DeWayne Murphy has a big idea for a new green technology.

“There’s going to be a tank and it should be like a big giant metal tank,” he explains to climate scientist Ben Kravitz on a school day in May. “You fill it up with water, and the tank is going to heat up.”

The water will turn to steam, which will power a car. But it has some potential drawbacks.

“It’s not really designed to take any damage, like at all, so you have to be like really gentle with it,” Murphy says.

“What I really like about that is steam’s kind of an old tech,” Kravitz tells him. “Steam works. We know that. So, yeah, that’s a really cool idea.”

Good grief, this what is being taught in public schools. Perhaps the kiddies should be forced to take non-fossil fueled transportation, see how they like that.

Read: Climate Cult Upset That There Are Climate Doom Deniers In Congress »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on the new opium war.

Read: If All You See… »

Jew Hating Squad Members Sued By Columbia Students

Actions have consequences

AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar face class action lawsuit for Columbia encampment support

Lefty “Squad” Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman and Ilhan Omar have been slapped with a class-action lawsuit for “inciting and encouraging” the anti-Israel encampment and protests at Columbia University earlier this year.

The trio of radical Democrats were among the “outside champions” who also slammed law enforcement for breaking up the hateful demonstrations — which included masked protesters taking over a campus quad, chanting “Free Palestine!” and burning an Israeli flag and throwing rocks — resulting in the violent April 30 takeover of the school’s Hamilton Hall, according to court papers.

“If any kid is hurt tonight, responsibility will fall on the mayor and univ presidents,” AOC wrote on X April 30, adding, “a nightmare in the making.”

Five anonymous students filed the legal action against at least a dozen groups, including the virulent anti-Israel Within Our Lifetime, as well as AOC, Bowman, Omar — whose college-student daughter Isra Hirsi attends Barnard University and was arrested at the Columbia encampment.

What the students are saying is that the actions of those named in the suit made it difficult to go to class and created a hostile environment on campus

The encampment and their cheerleaders “not only consciously disregarded the rights of others, but the impact on the rights of others was the point of the protest: the more disruption [they] could cause for the University and the [students], the more leverage they thought they would have for their agenda,” according to the lawsuit.

Two of the five student plaintiffs are Jewish. All said they were too frightened by the violent protesters’ words and actions to reveal their names.

The Jewish students were bullied and threatened. And even pushed, which is assault.

The students said in court papers, “In a civilized community, one does not call for the obliteration of a major metropolitan area, praise terrorists, or threaten death and destruction upon our classmates and their families, friends, and coreligionists.”

Welcome to the world as created by Democrat voters

“Those were real damages sustained by the 36,000 students at Columbia who chose to obey university rules, go to class, and pursue their education, only to be frustrated at the finish line by the … acts of their classmates and professors, with the assistance and encouragement of outside activists,” the students argued.

All three lawmakers trespassed on the campus in April — showing up “and participated in the encampment” when access to campus was supposed to be limited to those with student IDs, according to the lawsuit.

Here’s a question: will the three claim Congressional immunity, saying they were in the midst of doing their job? Which would be interesting since they are trying to remove all immunity from the Supreme Court and the President.

Read: Jew Hating Squad Members Sued By Columbia Students »

Climate (cult) Scientist Wants To Release Tons Of Sulfur Dioxide To Stop Cooling

What could possibly go wrong?

Scientist Defends an Audacious Plan to Block Sunlight and Cool the Earth

David Keith was a graduate student in 1991 when a volcano erupted in the Philippines, sending a cloud of ash toward the edge of space.

Seventeen million tons of sulfur dioxide released from Mount Pinatubo spread across the stratosphere, reflecting some of the sun’s energy away from Earth. The result was a drop in average temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere by roughly one degree Fahrenheit in the year that followed.

Today, Keith cites that event as validation of an idea that has become his life’s work: He believes that by intentionally releasing sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, it would be possible to lower temperatures worldwide, blunting global warming.

Such radical interventions are increasingly being taken seriously as the effects of climate change grow more intense. Global temperatures have hit record highs for 13 months in a row, unleashing violent weather, deadly heat waves and raising sea levels. Scientists expect the heat to keep climbing for decades. The main driver of the warming, the burning of fossil fuels, continues more or less unabated.

Against this backdrop, there is growing interest in efforts to intentionally alter the Earth’s climate, a field known as geoengineering.

Interest by whom? People who are part of a cult and stand to reap the rewards?

But many scientists and environmentalists fear that it could result in unpredictable calamities.

Because it would be used in the stratosphere and not limited to a particular area, solar geoengineering could affect the whole world, possibly scrambling natural systems, like creating rain in one arid region while drying out the monsoon season elsewhere. Opponents worry it would distract from the urgent work of transitioning away from fossil fuels. They object to intentionally releasing sulfur dioxide, a pollutant that would eventually move from the stratosphere to ground level, where it can irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat and can cause respiratory problems. And they fear that once begun, a solar geoengineering program would be difficult to stop.

So let’s change the mostly natural Holocene warm period and put the Earth back into a cool period. Or worse.

Read: Climate (cult) Scientist Wants To Release Tons Of Sulfur Dioxide To Stop Cooling »

SCC Clears Another Homeless Encampment Ahead Of DNC

Don’t want the illegals in camera view as the border czar, whom no one voted for, takes the stage

Migrant homeless encampment cleared; city officials deny it’s because of DNC

Jordan Parra said he didn’t walk across seven countries to be kicked out of his tent in a park in Chicago.

The 27-year-old from Caracas, Venezuela, had been staying on Chicago Housing Authority land adjacent to the Near West District (12th) police station with his partner for months. They opted to sleep outside after feeling unsafe in three different city-run shelters, he said. Then in late June, he said, police officers came into the park with a bulldozer and cleared everyone out.

“What we’ve found here is worse than in Venezuela, because we came here with hope for a better life and had to deal with the disappointment of not even getting close,” he said.

And? You were not invited. All those who apply for the citizenship path have to show that they can care for themselves. You came and demanded the U.S. taxpayers support you

The encampment clearing was the latest of the city’s overall “encampment initiative” at eight tent cities across Chicago, according to Chicago Department of Family and Support Services spokesman Brian Berg.

The empty CHA lot by the police station had become a crowded encampment for migrants, like Parra, who opted not to stay in shelters for safety concerns and other reasons. (snip)

When a major homeless encampment by the Dan Ryan Expressway was cleared on July 17, Maura McCauley, managing deputy commissioner of the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, told the Tribune it was fast-tracked in time for the Democratic National Convention in late August. She said there were worries that security officials with the convention could suddenly ask that the tent city be evacuated.

Johnson later denied his administration’s earlier statements attributing the action to the DNC, scheduled for Aug. 19-22. The removal of the site by the Near West District station had nothing to do with the convention, Berg said. (snip)

City officials denied any other efforts to clear the city of migrants ahead of the DNC.

Right, right, sure.

Read: SCC Clears Another Homeless Encampment Ahead Of DNC »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Lifetime Fitness letting men into the women’s locker room.

It’s big boobs week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in The Once And Future Nation Of America. Th Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we’re already into August. This pinup is by Stefano Riboli, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 (just headlines, still have a busted finger)

  1. Chicks On The Right: Kamala Told She’s ‘Not Welcome’ in Houston
  2. Climate Depot: Kamala Harris Touted a $5B Electric School Bus Program. Three Years Later, It’s Produced Just 60 Buses
  3. Cold Fury: Wanna know why the Moslems are winning?
  4. Culturcidal: If You Can Change Genders Just by Deciding You Can, What Else Can You Decide?
  5. Da Techguy’a Blog: Ismail Haniyeh Death Provides An Uncomfortable Truth For All Those Crying “Genocide” Over Gaza
  6. Dissecting Leftism: Harris Gets Caught In A Shameless Lie Right Out Of The Gate When CNN calls out …
  7. Gates Of Vienna: A Beheading Craze in València
  8. Geller Report: Kamala’s National Security Adviser Tied to Islamic Republic of Iran
  9. If You are Left you ain’t Right: Democrats LOVE unions, except when they become inconvenient
  10. IOTW Report: Biden’s Chips Act a Double Bogey for America
  11. Irons In The Fire: Ah, the things Harris & Co. desperately want to make go away,
  12. Jihad Watch: UK: Independent Adviser on Political Violence and Disruption calls for COVID-style lockdowns to stop ‘Islamophobia’
  13. Legal Insurrection: Reuters Rides to Kamala Harris’ Rescue on the Border Crisis As Criticism Ramps Up
  14. Moonbattery: Grossophobic Enters Liberal Lexicon
  15. And last, but, not least, neo-neocon: Maybe Khalid Shaikh Mohammad isn’t going to get that plea deal after all

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden Chastices PM Of Ally Nation, Rather Than U.S. Enemy

With friends like this who needs enemies? Which isn’t fully fair, because Biden has mostly been a friend of Israel through the years, but, like many on the Left he has Netanyahu Derangement Syndrome

‘Stop bullshitting me’: Biden said to scold Netanyahu in call on truce-hostage deal

spite houseUS President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “stop bullshitting me” during their phone conversation on Thursday, a report said Saturday evening.

Channel 12 news reported, without citing sources, that the outburst had come after Netanyahu told Biden that Israel was moving forward with negotiations on a hostages-for-ceasefire deal with Hamas and would soon send a delegation to resume talks.

Those talks have been ongoing for many months without results, and Biden has previously opined that Netanyahu has been intentionally stalling for internal political reasons.

At the end of Thursday’s conversation, Biden also reportedly said: “Don’t take the president for granted.”

According to Channel 12, this comment was made in the context of Israeli-American cooperation in a potential all-out war with Iran and its proxies, amid sky-high tensions as Iran and its proxy terror groups vow revenge for the recent killing of several terror chiefs. Biden corraled regional powers to help repel Iran’s unprecedented missile-and-drone strike on Israel the night of April 13-14.

Biden desperately wants a win before he leaves office. I wonder if he realizes that an Israeli win is bad for Kamala, as it would make her Jew hating base apoplectic? They are already livid that US forces are heading to the region. Of course, Biden should be threatening Hamas to release the hostages, particularly the American ones.

Separately, the Telegraph reported Saturday, citing a senior Israeli official, that Netanyahu has been feeling more emboldened to strike Iran since Biden’s July 21 decision to drop out of the 2024 US presidential race.

How much is that Netanyahu couldn’t care less about Kamala and how much is it just that Hamas went too far and Israel is done with the attacks?

Calling to de-escalate, Biden says Haniyeh’s death has ‘not helped’ negotiations

US President Joe Biden said Thursday night he was “very concerned” that violence in the Middle East could escalate, adding that this week’s assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran has “not helped” efforts to negotiate a hostage-ceasefire deal in Gaza, where Israel is at war with the terror group.

Israel has not commented on Haniyeh’s killing, but has been blamed for it by Iran and Hamas, who have vowed revenge.

Biden said he’d had a “very direct” conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier in the day, repeating the phrase “very direct.”

How would Biden react if a terrorist organization had attack US civilians, killing over 1000%, and had been launching attacks for quite some time? Biden should be warning Iran, not Israel.

Read: Biden Chastices PM Of Ally Nation, Rather Than U.S. Enemy »

Pirate's Cove