Climate Crisis (scam) Reporting Can Momentarily Change Minds, You Know

The question here is “why are news reporters publishing propaganda?” Of course, it doesn’t tend to stick, because Doing Something may be popular in theory, but, not practice, especially when real world issue intrude

Study finds climate change reporting can momentarily change minds

Accurate climate change reporting has the power to change minds if only for a moment, a new experimental study suggests.

“It is not the case that the American public does not respond to scientifically informed reporting when they are exposed to it,” said Thomas Wood, associate professor of political science at the Ohio State University, before adding that even accurate reporting “recedes from people’s frame of reference very quickly.”

Gains were also made regardless of political identity as the study demonstrated both Democrats and Republicans could be positively persuaded by accurate reporting.

But, are they actually accurate? I mentioned the new Climate Shift Index Wednesday, and already Bloomberg is pimping it to claim weather is now climate because it’s hot.

During the first wave, participants read reports that reflected scientific consensus on issues involving climate change before moving on to the second and third waves, where they read either a scientific article with counter points, an opinion article or a piece unrelated to the top.

After each wave, researchers asked participants whether they believed humans caused climate change, if the government should act through policy changes and how they viewed renewable energy.

“Not only did science reporting change people’s factual understanding, it also moved their political preferences,” Wood continued. “It made them think that climate change was a pressing government concern that government should do more about.”

You can bet they were carefully crafted to elicit the opinion they wanted, and left out the policies that would cost Americans money while taking away their freedom and life choices.

Yet the study showed that positive changes in opinion faded and suggested opinion articles skeptical of climate consensus negated progress in some cases.

“What we found suggests that people need to hear the same accurate messages about climate change again and again. If they only hear it once, it recedes very quickly,” Wood said.

In other words, they’re very upset that people might read stuff that refutes the cult propaganda, and they really, really want that stuff banned. Personally, I’d also say it fades because people really only care about doing something in their own lives in theory, and, again, that real life is just more important.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Reporting Can Momentarily Change Minds, You Know »

Brandon Demands Gas Stations Lower Prices Or Something

Unfortunately, independently owned gas stations cannot afford to operate at a loss, unlike the federal government. Still wondering why the elected Republicans do not offer legislation requiring Biden to give up his fossil fueled travel, especially for his weekends off, as well as for his staff and appointed officials, till 87 gas goes below $3.00 a gallon. Unless they want to pay for it themselves

Joe Biden Demands Gas Stations Lower Prices: ‘Do It Now’

President Joe Biden demanded Wednesday that gas stations start lowering their prices, in his latest attempt to address record-high prices this summer.

“To the companies running gas stations and setting those prices at the pump, this is a time of war, global peril, Ukraine,” he said.

The president spoke about the record high gas prices occurring during his administration during a speech on his imitation White House set across the street.

“These are not normal times. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for the product,” Biden said. “Do it now. Do it today.”

So, make zero profit? That totally makes sense, right? Does Brandon understand that most of those stations are not owned by the gas companies, but, are licensed, much like most fast food places are franchises, not owned by companies like Burger King and Subway?

Do the major oil companies own all the service stations in this country?

No. According to the latest information, the refiners own less than 5% of the 145,000 retail stations. When a station bears a particular refiner’s brand, it does not mean that the refiner owns or operates the station. The vast majority of branded stations are owned and operated by independent retailers licensed to represent that brand. According to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), more than 60% of the retail stations in the US are owned by an individual or family that owns a single store. Through various branding agreements, approximately 36% of the retail stations in the US sell fuel under API members’ brands. See U.S. Service Station Outlets Summary.

That’s the reality

Biden griped that the price of oil had fallen slightly, but the price of gas had not.

“Some haven’t reduced prices at all,” he complained.

Biden called for congress to pass a federal gas tax holiday and urged states to do so as well, noting that it could help reduce prices.

“I’m doing my part,” he said defensively. “I want the congress, states, the industry to do their part as well.”

Doing his part? Asking Congress to waive 18.4 cents a gallon? While taking a lot of fossil fueled travel on the taxpayer dime? How much fuel is used to helicopter Joe to Delaware? That’s like putting Flex Tape on a leaking car radiator. Gas stations make about 10 cents per gallon. States make way more than that. How about declaring that the federal government will fast track new, next gen refineries? It’d be funny as hell if the gas stations near Joe’s Delaware beach house refused to sell gas to him for his large convoy.

Read: Brandon Demands Gas Stations Lower Prices Or Something »

And Now We Have A Lidocaine Shortage

Things just keep getting better in the #BidenEconomy. Hey, at least he’s not saying he first read about it in the news, like Obama always did. Of course, Biden’s not saying much of anything

NC hospitals adjust during shortage of painkiller lidocaine

The COVID lockdown in Shanghai is impacting some medical procedures here in the United States. China is one of the world’s largest producers of CAT scan dye. A supply chain shortage of the dye and of the painkiller lidocaine is forcing hospitals across the country to conserve their supply.

Lidocaine has been around for years. Just about every doctor who performs surgery uses it. Pfizer is a big producer of the drug, but supply chain issues have limited supply, causing hospitals to make some medical adjustments.

Lidocaine works as a local anesthetic, which prevents pain by blocking signals on the skin’s nerve endings. Some dentists, for example, use lidocaine to help numb a patient’s mouth and gums before a procedure. Some over-the-counter medications with lidocaine, such as lidocaine wipes, have been harder to find in some pharmacies.

“It’s just a super-basic rub. It’d be like McDonalds running out of cheeseburgers, basically,” said a doctor who didn’t want to be identified. He says he’s already had to cancel surgeries because he can’t get his hands on lidocaine. (snip)

“It might delay elective procedures, for example, at dental offices. A lot of times those are more elective procedures, outpatient surgery centers. If it because hard to find you might have to delay cases,” says Chris Tart, president of Highsmith Rainey Specialty Hospital.

Joe will get right on this once someone tells him about it…well, after he hits the beach for the weekend. In fairness, the primary recipient for the blame is China, for screwing around with coronaviruses. And Fauci and the NIH for funding the gain of function research in Wuhan. But, this is politics, and you know if all these things, like baby formula, feminine hygeine products, and now licocaine and CAT scan dye, were in shortage and Trump was still president the Democrats and their media Comrades would be demanding to know what he is doing about it, why didn’t he stop this before, and straight up blame.

Read: And Now We Have A Lidocaine Shortage »

Climate Cult Trots Out The Climate Shift Index Or Something

From the Cult minds at Climate Central, who tell us that weather is not climate

Introducing the Climate Shift Index


  • Today, Climate Central launches the Climate Shift Index—a new tool that shows the local influence of climate change, every day.
  • Climate Shift Index (CSI) levels indicate how much climate change has altered the frequency of daily temperatures at a particular location.
  • Starting today, Climate Central will be updating the Climate Shift Index daily with interactive maps and 3-day CSI forecasts available for locations across the continental U.S.
  • Climate Shift Index levels, maps, and forecasts can now be used in real-time to help the public understand that climate change is not just about long-term trends—it’s already part of our daily lives.

And, yet, almost no Warmist will adjust their lives to match their beliefs.

Climate change is disrupting our world—and shifting our daily lives.
From heatwaves to hurricanes, many extreme weather events are now more frequent or intense due to climate change. But climate change doesn’t only affect extreme weather. In fact, the weather we experience on most days also bears the fingerprints of human-caused climate change. Climate Central’s new tool—the Climate Shift Index—decodes these fingerprints, every day.

The Climate Shift Index reveals the local influence of climate change—every day.
The Climate Shift Index (CSI) indicates how climate change has altered the frequency of both the daily high and low temperatures at a given location. Climate Central updates the CSI daily with interactive maps, including forecasts for the next three days, for the continental U.S. Localized graphics will be available in a few weeks.

“Every day.” That’s called “weather.” Their charts and graphs are very silly, very cultish, and are basically a way to provide more doom-mongering, especially for the Credentialed Media


The CSI shows us how local, daily weather conditions have been altered by human-caused climate change, and allows us to connect climate change with important events as they unfold. The CSI has the potential to transform where, when, and how we understand and talk about the effects of human-caused climate change on our daily lives.

Meteorologists can incorporate the Climate Shift Index into their daily forecast using the 3-day CSI forecast tool to help their audiences understand how climate change is affecting current conditions that local audiences are currently experiencing.

Journalists can use Climate Shift Index levels to provide readers with real-time understanding of the extent to which human-caused climate change made local heat extremes—and the related impacts on healthurban heat islands, or crop yields—more likely.

I wasn’t kidding. They are trying to get the local news to doom-monger on this stuff.

Read: Climate Cult Trots Out The Climate Shift Index Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible poll made with carbon polluting concrete, you just might be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bustednuckles, with a post on Biden wanting more money for COVID (maybe don’t send so much to Ukraine)

Read: If All You See… »

Canada Passes Bill Forcing Streaming Services To Broadcast More Canadian Content

This is very, very silly, and shows that elected legislators really having nothing better to do than just meddle in everything. To attempt to control everything

Canada passes bill to compel local content on streaming platforms

Canada’s lower house of the parliament passed legislation on Tuesday that would bring online streaming platforms under the stewardship of the country’s broadcast regulator and compel firms like Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify to offer more local content.

The bill, brought by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, cleared the House of Commons by 208 votes to 117, with support from the opposition New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois.

The government says the legislation would ensure that online streaming services promote Canadian music and stories and support local jobs. Critics say it was rushed to a vote and concerns raised about the bill, such as the potential impact on independent content creators, were not addressed.

The devil is in the details, so, how much is “more local content”? Services like Spotify, Pandora, iHeart Radio, give you the option to listen to just about whatever you want. If I want to listen to Rush, Triumph, April Wine, Kittie (heavy metal band), or others, I can. Would The Band be Canadian enough? How much in terms of local content is made for TV shows and movies? I have no idea with this, perhaps Canadians could answer. I’m sure they have TV shows, lots of cool shows had come from Canada, like Kids In The Hall. SCTV had lots of Canadians. A lot of TV shows are actually filmed in Canada, especially Vancouver, because it’s cheaper than making them here in the States. A lot of shows on the Syfy channel are Canadian productions.

If you subscribe to Youtube TV, I’m sure they give you the local Canadian channels, right? How much content does The Government want?

Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez, who introduced the bill in February, says the changes are meant for commercial programs streamed online and would not apply to individual Canadians.

In other words, he got a burr in his buns for some reason, and wants Government to have a lot of control over streaming services, and, if it goes to far, those services will either a) charge more, or b) stop broadcasting in Canada. Government is just very silly.

Read: Canada Passes Bill Forcing Streaming Services To Broadcast More Canadian Content »

Who’s Up For The Navy Holding Climate Cult War Games?

Will they be flying their climate action flags, to go with their use of proper pronouns to create safe spaces?

Navy Holding Climate Change Wargame

The Navy next week will host an open-source table-top wargame to experiment with how climate change could affect a future conflict, a service official said today.

The half-day exercise will feature individuals from Capitol Hill, the Defense Department, the defense industry, think tanks and academia, Navy assistant secretary for energy, installations and environment Meredith Berger told reporters during a Defense Writers Group breakfast.

The hell? Sounds more like something a civilian should be doing. Well, sounds like a job which should be eliminated, since it has little to nothing to do with beating the ever-lovin’ shite out of enemies.

The purpose of the June 29 exercise is “to come together and really think about and experience what it means to operate in a climate-impacted environment,” Berger said.

“We’re going to create the right level of stress in a very responsible way to see that it is hard to make these choices and there [are] unanticipated consequences and there’re costs and impacts and all sorts of intervening circumstances that we need to think about from each other’s perspectives,” she added.

How about they practice “twisting his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time” when it comes to our enemies? This sounds more like a corporate board, not the U.S. Military

Berger, who is also now the Navy’s chief sustainability officer, said her role includes working with the Navy’s assistant secretary for research, development and acquisition on how to incorporate climate efficiency into requirements for new platforms. She pointed to an April memo from Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks that called for the Defense Department to make energy efficiency a priority when developing new acquisition programs or updating old ones.

Good grief! There’s a lot of dead weight who offers zero ability to win a war that needs to be cut.

Each military service now has a chief sustainability officer in an effort to follow President Joe Biden’s executive order on sustainability, Berger said. That position is held by each service’s civilian head for energy, installations and environment.

This is getting worse as I go through it.

“SIOP is an opportunity for us to make sure that we are taking every opportunity to increase and include energy efficiency, climate resilience. So this is a place where we are, as I mentioned, building to higher flood plains,” she said.

We are so screwed if China decides to start a war.

Read: Who’s Up For The Navy Holding Climate Cult War Games? »

Target CEO Says Biden Gas Tax Holiday Would Spike Demand

Would it, though?

(Yahoo Finance) Target (TGT) CEO Brian Cornell isn’t convinced that a potential federal gas tax holiday, an idea floated by President Biden on Monday, is a real solution to the elevated gas prices facing drivers across America.

“We have a classic supply and demand challenge,” Cornell said at an event held by The Economic Club of New York. “And in all due respect to a gas holiday, it’s only going to fuel the demand. It’s doing nothing to increase supply. So that’s a temporary, almost a mini stimulus, but it’s time to fundamentally change the supply and demand curves for fuel and transportation.”

The proposal, which would require congressional approval, could save consumers as much as 18.4 cents per gallon. The national average for a gallon of gas currently hovers just below $5 per gallon, according to AAA.

Stewart Glickman, energy equity analyst at CFRA Research, recently echoed that sentiment.

“If we’re going to get U.S. gasoline prices to fall, it’s probably not going to be a supply-driven solution,” Glickman told Yahoo Finance. “The solution here, unfortunately, is probably a recession that kills demand and reduces scarcity of supply.”

Would saving a whopping 18.4 cents create that much more demand? Would it incent people to travel more? To head to the beach or the mountains for the weekend? He’s right though that it is a temporary gimmick (my word), and does nothing to change supply. The problem with a recession is that it still doesn’t fix the issue unless the government gives approval for new refineries. Biden and his Comrades won’t be able to to force people into EVs, because a) people won’t have the money for them, and b) there still won’t be enough energy production to charge them.

And you don’t fix a problem made way worse by stimulus with more stimulus. Biden doesn’t want to fix the problem, otherwise he’d be looking at emergency authorization for more refineries. He wants there to be paid to instituted his climate cult policies.

Quick Update: here’s his supposed big plan

Biden to call on Congress to approve 3-month gas tax holiday

President Joe Biden on Wednesday will call on Congress to pass legislation creating a federal tax holiday on gas and diesel fuel for three months in an effort to lower prices for consumers at the pump, according to senior administration officials.

The pause would trim 18 cents off each gallon of gas and 24 cents for diesel at a time when the summer driving season is getting underway. The legislation would cost an estimated $10 billion, a senior administration official told reporters on a call.

Now, put into numbers exactly how much this will really help Americans. It won’t be a lot, and, it doesn’t last.

Read: Target CEO Says Biden Gas Tax Holiday Would Spike Demand »

It’s Show Your Stripes Of Climate Doom Day Or Something

It’s another day for climate cultists to climavirtue signal while making almost no changes in their own lives

#ShowYourStripes Day seeks to spread climate change awareness

The recent temperatures in Minnesota have felt like late August, but Tuesday marks the official start to summer.

It’s the summer solstice, so you’ll see plenty of sun as it’s the longest day of the year. You might also see striped charts online Tuesday.

Extreme heat like we’re experiencing now is only becoming more common. When it comes to summer temperatures since 1970, almost everyone across the United States has seen a couple to a few degrees of warming each summer.

That’s what happens during a Holocene warm period.

This has prompted #ShowYourStripes Day, which coincides with the summer solstice. It’s meant to spread awareness of the human influence on climate change by showing visualizations of the long-term rise in global temperatures.

The cult has been doing the spreading awareness thing for over 30 years. Yet, 99.9% of them are still driving/taking fossil fueled cars, flying, eating meat, using air conditioning, and so forth.

Of course there had to be a mask. One that doesn’t fit well, and has gaps that will let in COVID, the flu, and colds. If the material made any difference to start with.

Read More »

Read: It’s Show Your Stripes Of Climate Doom Day Or Something »

If All You See…

…is the logo of the cheating Astros, who should have lost the title, you might just be a Dodgers fan

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on how the whole seizing Russian yachts is going

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove