If All You See…

…is hurting yourself and all sorts of health issues due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on libs traumatized by July 4th flags.

Read: If All You See… »

Excitable Paul Krugman: Climate Change Is Bringing The Apocalypse

I’ll be honest, I have no idea what the screed by Krugman says, the headline caught my attention

Another Step Toward Climate Apocalypse

Do we care what this nutter is writing?

We’re having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave. Also a temperate heat wave and an Arctic heat wave, with temperatures reaching the high 80s in northern Norway. The megadrought in the Western United States has reduced Lake Mead to a small fraction of its former size, and it now threatens to become a “dead pool” that can no longer supply water to major cities. Climate change is already doing immense damage, and it’s probably only a matter of time before we experience huge catastrophes that take thousands of lives.

And the Republican majority on the Supreme Court just voted to limit the Biden administration’s ability to do anything about it.

Damned the court for upholding the Constitution! We have doomsday cult rules to put in place. Ones that never seem to affect the rich folks, ones they never voluntarily follow, but, hey, sure, why not?

And partisanship is the central problem of climate policy. Yes, Joe Manchin stands in the way of advancing the Biden climate agenda. But if there were even a handful of Republican senators willing to support climate action, Manchin wouldn’t matter, and neither would the Supreme Court: Simple legislation could establish regulations limiting greenhouse gas emissions and provide subsidies and maybe even impose taxes to encourage the transition to a green economy. So ultimately our paralysis in the face of what looks more and more like a looming apocalypse comes down to the G.O.P.’s adamant opposition to any kind of action.

The question is, how did letting the planet burn become a key G.O.P. tenet?

OK, this is all about politics. Which should be no shocker to anyone paying attention. It’s been about politics since the Soviet Union fell and and far left joined the environmental movement. Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.

Why, exactly, are authoritarian right-wing parties anti-environment? That’s a discussion for another day. What’s important right now is that the United States is the only major nation in which an authoritarian right-wing party — which lost the popular vote in seven of the past eight presidential elections yet controls the Supreme Court — has the ability to block actions that might prevent climate catastrophe.

Got that? Requiring the Legislative Branch to do its job and restricting the Executive Branch from creating unauthorized Big Rules is authoritarian.

Meanwhile, more unhinged doomsday cultists

Read: Excitable Paul Krugman: Climate Change Is Bringing The Apocalypse »

Stupid Person Learns Valuable Lesson As He “Mourns Roe v Wade”

As I visit my usual haunts, like Bored Panda, Brightside.me, and others, I constantly run across posts where people bash their companies/bosses/spouses/parents, but, they so often do not post the results. The fallout. Same in straight news where idiots write open letters, sign petitions. Well, here’s a result, and he’ll probably learn nothing

Employee fired after refusing to work over Roe v. Wade ruling: ‘I’m in mourning’

A Universal Music Group employee said he was fired from his job for refusing to work after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last month, and claimed the termination showed the company did not support its workers “speaking out” about abortion rights.

Michael Lopez, a now-former production coordinator at Universal Music Enterprises, attempted to shame the company in a LinkedIn post last week, saying he is a “queer brown person” who was “fired during Pride month for speaking up in defense of abortion rights.”

Hit the link: he sure looks white as rice. Also, if he’s queer, does that mean he doesn’t sleep with women? So, not problem getting someone pregnant

“Last Friday, like countless other folks, I was devastated by the news of the supreme court’s attack on abortion rights,” Lopez wrote. “Paired with the flood of anti-queer and anti-trans legislation, it’s been hard to process how company’s [sic] expect us to be productive while our rights are being stripped away.”

Lopez said that every Friday, one of his tasks was to “process reports for upcoming releases” and he would then have to email his work to a list of 275 people. However, after the court’s ruling, he decided not to complete the task and emailed his coworkers letting them know.

“I didn’t do them today,” Lopez wrote in the email of the neglected work. “I’m in mourning due to the attack on people with uteruses in the US. Federally guaranteed access to abortion is gone.”

“Vivendi and Universal Music Group must stop donating to anti-abortion, anti-queer and anti-trans politicians,” he wrote. “Politicians like Marsha Blackburn, Ken Buck, Victoria Spartz, etc. Or expect more unproductive days.”

“Yours in fury, Michael Lopez,” he signed off.

And, yes, he was fired in a video call the next Monday, so, he jumped on LinkedIn to say how many people supported him, and

“I was being let go for (paraphrasing) ‘Not doing your job, disrupting the day of 275 people and poor judgement,’” Lopez wrote.

If you’re writing this, you aren’t understanding what’s going on. Further, it’s not going to help as you apply for other jobs and prospective employers see this. They may support you stance, but, will be concerned that anything might set you off and cause you to not do the job they’re paying you to perform. He even continued, because, if you’re going to dig a job hole, do it right

“Just got fired for this email from Friday, so they’re letting you know where they stand on employees speaking out on politicians that support marginalization for folks like me,” he wrote in the email. “A brown queer person terminated during Pride month speaking in support of abortion rights. Seems like that’s exactly what America is all about right now.”

He concluded his LinkedIn post by saying he did not speak for his company, but for himself and employees who will “suffer under these discriminatory laws.”

Well, have fun with that job search.

Read: Stupid Person Learns Valuable Lesson As He “Mourns Roe v Wade” »

The Most Important Thing Warmists Can Do Is Vote Or Something

This is totally not a political issue, you know, says fake science guy

Bill Nye says the main thing you can do about climate change isn’t recycling—it’s voting

The best way to save the planet isn’t necessarily recycling – it’s stepping into a voting booth.

That’s according to celebrity science educator Bill Nye, television’s “The Science Guy,” who spoke at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado, last week. “To be sure, recycling the bottles, don’t throw the plastic away [and] compost your compostable things … Start there,” Nye said. ”[But] if you want to do one thing about climate change: Vote.”

“And, if you’re a kid and you can’t vote yet, make sure your parents vote,” Nye, 66, added. “Hassle them.”

Right, right, this is totally about science. This is the same old talking point where climate cultists can avoid practicing what they preach.

Nye called the predominantly conservative Supreme Court “a controversial bunch,” and described the ruling as an act of “human negligence.” He noted that the ruling places a greater burden on the U.S. Congress and state legislatures to pass stronger laws aimed at protecting the environment — though, in some cases, enforcing those laws can be complicated.

Warmists are not happy when the Constitution gets in the way of their cult.

“What we’ve got to do is pass better laws,” Nye said. “The Supreme Court does what the law says, so we just have to pass laws that are more direct, more specific, more in everybody’s best interest.”

Huh. He said something that makes sense. I suggest that we pass laws that apply specifically to those advocating for climate crisis (scam) legislation which only applies to the Warmists. Yes, yes, I know that’s probably un-Constitutional, but, hey, we have taxation that applies to different citizens differently, right? See how the Warmists like it for a few years.

Nye pointed to laws that would attach fees or taxes to carbon emissions as examples of legislation that might move the needle on climate change, because affecting the wallets of both individuals and corporations could help curtail the sort of behavior that results in exorbitant carbon usage.

Yes, apply it to Warmists first, see how they like it.

Read: The Most Important Thing Warmists Can Do Is Vote Or Something »

NY Daily News Admits New NY Gun Law Is Designed To Make It “Fairly Difficult To Arm Oneself Legally”

I’m expecting that the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, the group that sued New York which generated the recent Supreme Court decision, is paying attention for their next lawsuit, as the NY Daily News editorial board says the quiet part outloud (you can read it not behind a paywall here)

Gun sense: New York’s revised gun laws should make the state safer and pass constitutional muster

It was embarrassing that after Gov. Hochul called an extraordinary session to overhaul New York’s gun laws in the wake of the Supreme Court’s evisceration, she and the Legislature took a day to show their cards. But the substance of the statute that emerged Friday is what really counts, and here, we have confidence that it’ll help protect police and civilians from the potential mayhem of concealed firearms everywhere.

In striking down New York’s 111-year-old Sullivan Law, the Supreme Court said the state could no longer require individuals to demonstrate a heightened need to carry a concealed weapon above and beyond typical public safety fears. So that’s out — but in is a rigorous new permitting regime required for all.

For the first time, the state will make all applicants pass firearm training. It will require four character references. It will scan “former and current social media accounts” of those seeking weapons, presumably to rule out those who are unstable or have shown a penchant for violence. There will be a new licensing system for and database of ammunition sales. Safe-storage requirements will get tighter.

Add it all up, and assuming these requirements survive inevitable court challenges, it’s going to remain fairly difficult to arm oneself legally in New York.

It’s just another way to make it almost impossible for law abiding citizens to carry for personal protection. There’s almost no crime committed by those with a concealed carry permit. You know that this intrusion into social media will allow the gun hating bureaucrats to deny permits. Stronger safe storage will make a firearm for home defense almost useless. References? This will all get crushed by new lawsuits. Citizens will just purchase ammo from other states

To mitigate that likelihood, the law liberally defines the court-approved “sensitive locations” where firearm carry can be restricted, including places of worship, educational institutions, “any place…used for public transit,” stadiums, polling places, any place where alcohol is consumed, Times Square, “any gathering of individuals to collectively express their constitutional rights to protest or assemble,” and more while making other private businesses presumptively no-carry zones unless their owners decide otherwise.

And that, again, is what makes it almost impossible to carry. You can walk around, but, most places will not post that citizens can carry inside. A lot won’t even know they need to post if they want to allow concealed carry holders in their businesses. This will lose in court again, because it is designed, as the editorial board points out, to make it fairly difficult for law abiding citizens to use their 2nd Amendment right.

Read: NY Daily News Admits New NY Gun Law Is Designed To Make It “Fairly Difficult To Arm Oneself Legally” »

US Oil And Gas Responds To Brandon’s Twitter Intern

So, the White House Twitter intern decided he/she were being Super Smart

The vast majority of gas station owners are small businesses, either individually owned or companies that own a few. Some own a lot. But, almost none are actually owned by the fossil fuels companies like Shell, Exxon, BP, etc. They are licensed, sorta like McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway. They also make only a small amount of money per gallon. Are they supposed to give up their small profits? Is Biden working for free? How about his Twitter interns? His appointed agency heads?

Biden would probably be pretty mad if he actually saw the tweet, but, he probably doesn’t understand this newfangled social media stuff, and he’s too busy taking lots of fossil fueled trips at taxpayer expense. He came back from Europe on Thursday, flew to Camp David Friday, and is flying back today.

Read: US Oil And Gas Responds To Brandon’s Twitter Intern »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky causing drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Orlando eating crow after their July 4th hot take.

Read: If All You See… »

Unhinged Democrats Find It Hard To Be Patriotic On Independence Day

It’s weird how Democrats always seem to find a reason to hate on America every July 4th, pretty much going back to the late 60’s, but, we see a lot more of this during the Internet era

‘It’s hard to be patriotic this Independence Day’

For many, the Fourth of July is synonymous with jubilation; fireworks, parades, hot dogs, and flashy displays of red, white, and blue. For others, it’s a day of reflection on the meaning behind patriotism.

This year, the Fourth marks the 246-year commemoration of the second continental congress passing the United States Declaration of Independence, repudiating British rule and advocating for equitable freedom. Often credited as being the essence of Americana, the Declaration of Independence fell short on its promise for some. Since its ratification, the document failed to include both the genocides of indigenous communities and those who were abducted and forced into American slavery, which until 1865, was still not federally illegal.

Sigh. Did Abigail Rosen at the at the Martha’s Vineyard Times actually read the Declaration of Independence? Does she understand it is not the Constitution? I’m pretty darned confident that I need not explain the purpose of either nor the differences.

The declaration challenged the King of Great Britain: “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury,” one excerpt reads. “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people” — sentiments that even now, Americans can relate to with concern to the U.S. government.

We can relate to, because we see government taking power, assuming power, dictating power over the Citizens…oh, wait, that’s not what Abigail means as she posts from the uber-rich area of Martha’s Vineyard

Recent United States Supreme Court actions — the reversing of Roe v. Wade, and efforts to hinder climate change mitigation — add to local conversations, such as the Oak Bluffs select board’s refusal to acknowledge and raise the Juneteenth Flag, a symbol of African American independence.

Current affairs add weight to the already-troubled and solemn history regarding the relationship among the United States and indigenous and Black communities, and in turn, triggers some Americans to rethink the meaning of patriotism; some, declining to celebrate Independence Day altogether.

NAACP MV President Arthur Hardy-Doubleday told The Times that this year, finding cause to embrace and celebrate the holiday, is particularly challenging. “It’s hard to be patriotic this Independence Day,” he said, “given the recent decisions of the Supreme Court.”

Have you ever noticed that Conservatives never have a problem celebrating Independence Day, regardless of what’s going on? Regardless of which party has the White House? Of what the Supreme Court has ruled on? We’re always ready.

Echoing the sentiment,  Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition, via Sandra Pimentel stated, “While many of us who call ourselves Americans celebrate Independence Day with grateful delight, parades and fireworks, the recent reflection on our history and the truth that relates to it helps us to understand that Independence Day does not generate the same feelings of joy for all of us. The Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition believes that we as a people have the capacity to fully understand the reality of our history and in the process of learning we can come together in a way that allows all of us to feel and experience freedom equally and together.”

Diversity? Only around 3.7% are black, 1.5% are Hispanic, around .3% are Asian. Most seem to be uber-white rich Democrats.

Of course, there are plenty more articles like this, and the Facebook and Twitter wankers are hating on it. Like this boob

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Read: Unhinged Democrats Find It Hard To Be Patriotic On Independence Day »

Happy Independence Day (sticky post)

It’s never a bad time to be an American

Read: Happy Independence Day (sticky post) »

Warmists Sound A Bit Insurrectiony In Wanting To Fight Back Against SCOTUS ‘Climate Change’ Decision

Hey, if they really want to Do Something, let them make their own lives carbon neutral, right?

Don’t let SCOTUS undo decades of progress on climate change

The decision by a majority of six ultra-conservative Supreme Court justices to limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rising carbon dioxide emissions was expected but is nonetheless deeply upsetting and alarming to anyone who cares about the sustainability of life on our fragile planet — and America’s response to the unfolding climate change tragedy.

Unfortunately, we may soon look back on this verdict in the years ahead as the day when our collective terrifying hot-house future was all but assured by a group of blinkered, ill-informed justices exhibiting all the symptoms of the Dunning Kruger effect: the phenomenon where individuals who know very little about a subject take strident positions informed by their own ignorance, unable to recognize their own lack of expertise.

Hot house future? LOL. As for that Dunning Kruger effect, that’s hilarious, since the vast majority of people yammering about anthropogenci climate change know only the talking points, but, do not understand them.

Let us be clear: The SCOTUS majority does not know what they are talking about. They are risking Americans’ survival for their own shortsighted ideological goals. As Gavin Newsom, Democratic Governor of California observed: “The Supreme Court sided with the fossil fuel industry, kneecapping the federal government’s basic ability to tackle climate change.” We see the SCOTUS majority overreaching in an apparent desire to cripple the regulatory power of the modern state to address common urgent climate challenges.

The job of the judicial branch is to rule on the Constitutionality of governmental actions. Congress can pass a specific, detailed law. One agreed on by all. But, the Warmists can’t, because their ideas are just a big money and power grab.

SCOTUS is ignoring the views of the world’s scientists, who are reporting repeatedly and increasingly urgently through the International Panel of Climate Change, calling for immediate multilayered cuts to greenhouse gas emissions across all parts of our economies and societies — from transportation to power generation, agriculture, industry and sequestration technologies. The science is not in dispute; it has not been for more than 30 years.

The court is discounting the consensus among serious policymakers and economists, from the left and right including U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, former Treasury secretary and Harvard University Professor Lawrence Summers, Nobel Prize-winning economist William Nordhaus, London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Nick Stern, and a great many others. These experts agree regulating and pricing carbon to internalize the real cost of pollution is essential. To be sure, there are arguments about levels, but not about the essential role of regulators in setting the carbon price and regulating emissions. Europe already prices carbon in a cap-and-trade scheme (at 89 Euros and rising); China has launched the world’s largest cap-and-trade schemeSweden, Canada and many other states also price or tax carbon.

Not their job. That’s the job of elected law makers in the Legislative Branch. Nor is it the job of anyone in the Executive Branch, not without specific legislative authorization.

The Biden administration must redouble its efforts to achieve legislative breakthroughs on climate change regulation and oversight.

States — California and others, must redouble their own plans to regulate, restrict and cut local greenhouse gas emissions.

Voters — especially younger voters — must vote in the midterms for candidates who are committed to immediately addressing climate change and commencing policy reforms legislatively. We have no time to waste. Climate tipping points of no return loom large and are almost (or already are) upon us.

Hey, voters: if the people who are pushing this are refusing to make their own massive carbon footprints zero, why should you trust them? Would you trust a religious leader preaching a simple life while they live in a mansion, fly in a private jet, and have a Rolls Royce? An attorney general who has a long rap sheet of crimes? A politician constantly taking fossil fueled flights, being ferryed around in a huge fossil fueled convoy?

Read: Warmists Sound A Bit Insurrectiony In Wanting To Fight Back Against SCOTUS ‘Climate Change’ Decision »

Pirate's Cove