U.S. Navy Is Super Excited To Teach About Pronouns And Create Safe Spaces

The Navy has one job: protect the U.S. from our enemies, and anything that doesn’t help the mission hurts the mission. This whole going Woke crap hurts the mission, and you can bet our enemies are laughing their asses off

From the article

The Navy is training its members to create a “safe space” by using proper gender pronouns in a new instructional video modeled after a children’s show.

“Hi! My name is Jony, and I use he/him pronouns,” Naval Undersea Warfare Center engineer Jony Rozon, who sports a rainbow-colored t-shirt, states in the video’s opening.

The official training video is meant to emphasize “the importance of using correct pronouns as well as polite etiquette when you may not be sure of someone’s pronouns,” according to the Navy, which late last month published the video online. The Defense Visual Information Distribution Service touts the video as an “official U.S. Navy video” posted by Air Force staff sergeant John Vannucci.

The video is the latest bid by the military to foster a more sensitive environment for its members and staff. The Army mandates similar gender identity training and trains officers on when to offer subordinates gender-transition surgery, the Washington Free Beacon reported in March. These programs are part of a larger push by the Biden administration to make the military more welcoming to transgender individuals.

What happens when the instructors and superiors start screaming at the members? Will they cry? Will they complain to HR, which will then demote the instructors and superiors, or even see them charged and booted?

The nearly four-minute Navy video emphasizes how members can create “a safe space” for their colleagues by using “inclusive language” that signals they are “allies” who “accept everybody.” Service members must take these steps to ensure they do not “misgender someone.” The Navy also warns staff against pressuring an individual to disclose his or her gender pronouns, saying that colleagues may still be in “the process of discovery” and not yet ready to provide this information.

It’s very simple: if you have penis, you’re a him. If you have vagina, you’re female. That’s it. Does anyone really trust military personnel who are vested in their pronouns?

The hosts go on to discuss how Navy members can create “a safe space for everybody” through the use of proper gender pronouns.

“Instead of saying something like ‘Hey guys,’ you can say, ‘Hey everyone,’ or ‘Hey team,'” Rozon says.

How about “maggots”? Can the opposing country’s forces complain to HR if they’re called bad names, if they are misgendered? We are doomed.

Read: U.S. Navy Is Super Excited To Teach About Pronouns And Create Safe Spaces »

Washington Post Wants To Regulate “Carbon” As A Toxic Substance Or Something

Well, let’s start with the carbon footprint of the Washington Post, what say? It’s not like plants need CO2, right? From the wacko mind of Eugene Robinson

To stop climate change, regulate carbon as a toxic substance

Because of human activity, there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than at any time in the past 4 million years. We have increased the concentration of that heat-trapping gas by a full 50 percent since the Industrial Revolution. And last year’s carbon emissions of 36.3 billion tons set a new record.

There’s your status report on the battle against climate change: By any scientific measurement, we’re losing.

Yet we have to find a way to snatch an acceptable victory from the closing jaws of defeat, because the consequences of runaway climate change are no longer theoretical. Yellowstone National Park is closed, following unprecedented torrential rainfall that washed out roads and perhaps permanently altered the landscape. Western states are suffering through a mega-drought that has made the nation’s biggest reservoirs look like drained bathtubs; water rationing is inevitable. Around the world, deadly summer heat waves have arrived early, in the spring. Sea-level rise is evident in video clips of beachside homes crumbling into the surf.

Rain happens. There’s always something going on. Don’t build houses in areas where the islands shift. Barrier islands do that. Droughts happen.

“We should have started taking action decades ago. That’s the best time,” James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climate experts and the former head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told me last week. “The second-best time is now.”

Hansen is among a group of scientists who are trying a novel approach to force our government to act more boldly. On Thursday, they filed an official petition with the Environmental Protection Agency seeking to require the EPA to regulate carbon under existing legislation, the Toxic Substances Control Act.

Let’s start by applying this to all the news outlets and Elites who pimp this stuff but don’t walk the talk.

By law, the EPA has 90 days to respond with a determination as to whether carbon dioxide, methane and other heat-trapping gases pose “an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment” under the Toxic Substances Control Act, which was signed into law in 1976 and updated in 2016.

Well, you know how this is going to end, considering that the EPA has been infested with hardcore doomsday cultists

Deciding that carbon dioxide is a toxic substance as defined by law would only be a first step. The EPA would have to formulate and implement rules that could, for example, impose a fee on carbon emissions — and also require companies to remove carbon from the atmosphere they have already expelled.

And then there would be tons of lawsuits, which the EPA would most likely lose. These people are just nuts.

Read: Washington Post Wants To Regulate “Carbon” As A Toxic Substance Or Something »

Bummer: Even Democrats Blame Biden For Inflation

Look, again, I’ll honestly say it is not all Biden’s fault. The original fault starts with China for screwing around with coronaviruses. Oh, and people like Anthony Fauci and the NIH for funding gain of function research. However, Biden’s policies and threats of policies, along with the intention from him and his people have made things way worse

From the article

How did this happen? And does President Biden deserve the blame? June’s monthly online I&I/TIPP Poll sought to answer those questions, asking 1,310 adults across the country the following question: “In general, how responsible are President Biden’s policies for causing the current inflation?”

The answers to the poll, which was taken from June 8-10 and has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points, couldn’t be less comforting for Biden and the Democratic Party.

Of those responding, 64% said Biden was “responsible,” choosing either “very responsible” (38%) or “somewhat responsible” (26%). Just 25% answered “not responsible”, with 17% saying “not very responsible” but a far-smaller 8% saying “not at all responsible.” “Not sure” was 10%.

But most surprising of all, Democrats have thrown in the towel on Biden’s economic leadership, with 53% blaming Biden’s policies for inflation vs. 39% saying they weren’t responsible.

22% of the Democrats say Biden is “very responsible.” For independents, 35% says the same, with another 28% saying “somewhat responsible.”

Indeed, of all the major demographic groupings followed by the I&I/TIPP Poll, just one was below 50% overall: self-described “liberals.” All the other groups, including blacks (61%), Hispanics (61%), men (68%), women (61%), along with every income group, every age group, and every education group, all felt Biden’s policies caused the current inflation mess.

It’s hard to imagine a more sweeping repudiation of a president’s economic policies.

Well, hey, it’s not like the people who were upset about Mean Tweets weren’t warned about the damage Biden would do, right?

Read: Bummer: Even Democrats Blame Biden For Inflation »

Climate Doom: Germany Looks To Re-Open Coal Plants, American Warmists Call For Nationalizing Oil Industry

Didn’t the climate cultists tell us that renewables would provide abundant clean, green energy at an affordable price?

Germany Plans Coal U-Turn, Gas Funding to Offset Russian Cut

unintended consequencesGermany is stepping up efforts to respond to a cut in Russian gas supplies by reviving coal plants and providing financing to secure gas for the winter, an effort that would cost about 15 billion euros ($15.8 billion) at current prices.

The package of measures was announced days after Moscow slashed deliveries on its main gas link to Europe, hitting supplies to Germany and creating a knock-on effect for France, Austria and the Czech Republic. Austria responded to reduced flows by reviving a dormant coal power station.

Bringing back plants burning the heavily polluting fossil fuel is the latest sign of how Europe’s climate fight is taking a back seat as governments seek to hedge against energy shortfalls provoked by President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Stephan Haufe, a spokesman for Germany’s economy ministry, said Monday at a regular news conference that despite the latest policy reversal the ruling coalition in Berlin is still standing by a pledge to aim for a complete exit from coal by 2030.

Sure thing, Sparky. This “green” stuff looks great, right up to something in the Real World intrudes with the cold, dead Mackerel of reality. Then they need to go to reliable, affordable, dependable energy.

He also said Germany will respect limits set out in the European Union’s emissions certificates program. The European Commission’s energy spokesman, Tim McPhie, told reporters in Brussels on Monday that member states that resort to greater use of coal to secure energy supplies in the short term must respect the bloc’s binding climate goal for this decade.

“We know that the energy mix and the plans of member states will adjust slightly because we are in an unexpected situation where we’ve decided to end our dependency on Russian fossil fuels,” McPhie said.

There’s always something unexpected in practice, vs theory.

And here’s the Modern Socialists at The New Republic

Biden Wrote a Stern Letter to Oil Refiners. His Government Should Take Over the Industry Instead.
A National Refining Company could lower gas prices without giving up on climate targets.

In its quest to find someone to blame for high gas prices, the White House has zeroed in on a new villain: oil refiners. In a letter this week—as gas prices reached $5 per gallon—Biden called “high refinery profit margins” unacceptable, pledging to use “all reasonable and appropriate federal government tools” to bring more refined products to market and lower prices at the pump. That language doesn’t suggest that he’s considering having the government take over refining, but this would, in fact, be entirely reasonable and appropriate—and more effective than any measures he’s considering.

Socialists/Marxists/Democrats hate when you call them that, and then they recommend nationalizing industries. Go figure. Because it would be entirely reasonable and appropriate for the federal government to nationalize it, right? Because the government is oh-so responsible with money and federal agencies, right? What could possibly go wrong? How’s the nationalization of industries in Russia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela worked out? Heck, an oil rich country like Venezuela is a disaster.

There’s too much to unpack in the rest of the screed, but, basically, they want to nationalize all the refineries, particularly those shut down since the pandemic started. That would be so easy without the people who know what the hell is going on, right? And wouldn’t create any lawsuits, right? And then they could sell the gas at a loss until things get back to normal, then close them again as people are forced into EVs they cannot afford.

Even a publicly-owned refinery company wouldn’t solve broader problems like sourcing tools and steel or finding enough workers that are trained to run such facilities. That work would likely be contracted out to existing crews; refineries could be run in partnership with industry. Getting a shuttered refinery up and running would still take several months. But having the state hold the keys also means it wouldn’t have an obligation to return fat profits to shareholders—either now or in the coming decades as refineries should be shutting down. “There’s no way that the energy transition in the oil and gas industry happens at a reasonable rate without greater state intervention,” Brew added.

Strange, these people keep saying they are not authoritarians.

Read: Climate Doom: Germany Looks To Re-Open Coal Plants, American Warmists Call For Nationalizing Oil Industry »

If All You See…

…is an area built on a hillside to avoid sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on how to create “white supremacy” in 7 easy steps.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Vaccines And Natural Immunity Keep COVID Deaths Low

In case you didn’t know, COVID has surged under Biden yet again, but, it’s typically a lower news priority because a) they were focused on Ukraine, b) they were focused on Jan 6 (which people do not care about. Only 9% are watching it closely), and c) Americans are over it, and refuse to allow all the restrictions and mandates and such. They let us in on something interesting

Covid Cases Surge, but Deaths Stay Near Lows

For two years, the coronavirus killed Americans on a brutal, predictable schedule: A few weeks after infections climbed so did deaths, cutting an unforgiving path across the country.

But that pattern appears to have changed. Nearly three months since an ultra-contagious set of new Omicron variants launched a springtime resurgence of cases, people are nonetheless dying from Covid at a rate close to the lowest of the pandemic.

The spread of the virus and the number of deaths in its wake, two measures that were once yoked together, have diverged more than ever before, epidemiologists said. Deaths have ticked up slowly in the northeastern United States, where the latest wave began, and are likely to do the same nationally as the surge pushes across the South and West. But the country remains better fortified against Covid deaths than earlier in the pandemic, scientists said.

Because so many Americans have now been vaccinated or infected or both, they said, the number of people whose immune systems are entirely unprepared for the virus has significantly dwindled.

It is great that the death rate is so low, but, did you notice the NY Times mentioned natural immunity? Weren’t we told that natural immunity is no good? That it really wasn’t in play? That it meant nothing? That unless you took the vaccine you were doomed and weren’t allowed to go in public? Couldn’t work your job? Couldn’t be part of the military? Couldn’t travel?

Of course, being the NY Times, they still want to pimp vaccination and downplay natural immunity

With the country’s resources for fighting the virus drying up and many Americans forgoing booster shots, the decoupling of cases and deaths may not last. Immunity will wane and a more evasive variant could cut into people’s residual protection against severe disease.

Vaccination is not a bad idea, but, really, it’s essentially a flu shot, which do not mean you don’t get the flu, it’s just typically not as bad. The COVID vaccines do not seem to be stopping people from getting it, just minimizing the effects. And they do not seem to last, which means you need more and more. And the new variants seem to be evading vaccination

The country paid a staggering price: Some 200,000 people were killed by Covid this winter and large numbers beyond that were seriously sickened. But those who survived infections emerged with immune systems that had learned to better deal with the virus.

And back to natural immunity. Funny how they do not mention who was president, when more were dying of COVID, even with all the vaccines and mitigations. Also, notice how deaths are so low despite almost no mask mandates, and Biden’s vaccine mandate being killed off.

Read: NY Times: Vaccines And Natural Immunity Keep COVID Deaths Low »

What Does Net Zero Mean For The U.K. Or Something

This looks like some very serious gaslighting going on

Climate change: What net zero transition will mean for UK’s 1.3m workers

The UK’s net zero push will force 1.3 million workers in more polluting sectors to adapt as the decarbonisation drive will involve major changes across the economy, a think tank has said.

A report by the Resolution Foundation and LSE shows decarbonisation will disproportionately affect the UK’s 1.3 million ‘brown job’ workers who are most exposed to the impacts of the transition, as they are most prevalent in emissions-intense sectors. (snip)

The net zero race will involve major change across the economy but won’t destroy jobs in the way that deindustrialisation did in the 1970s and 1980s, the think tank suggested.

“This has led some to warn that decarbonisation could be as damaging as deindustrialisation in terms of job destruction. Some transitions into new jobs will be required, but the reality is most workers will feel the net zero transition through changes to the jobs they already do, rather than redundancies and completely new types of work,” Kathleen Henehan, senior research and policy analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said.

In other words, this is going to cause major workplace problems

“Securing a ‘green job’ is likely to lead to higher wages, but entry into those jobs is dominated by those with higher skills. Rather than focusing on misplaced forecasts of huge jobs losses, policy makers should prioritise supporting workers to adapt to new technologies and tasks, either in their current jobs, or by moving to ‘green’ jobs through an expansion of skills and training. That will hold the key to ensuring that decarbonisation can lead to better jobs and pay for as many people as possible,” she added.

Yeah, don’t worry about the potential for huge job losses, people will just need to learn to do something else!

The report said the real challenge is to ensure that low and mid-skilled workers can benefit from the net zero transition with most areas of job growth being higher skilled.

Low skilled jobs are going to be crushed. You know these folks are going to have to put out story after story saying everything will be fine, because they know it won’t.

Read: What Does Net Zero Mean For The U.K. Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on politics on Father’s Day.

It’s ladies with glasses week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are quacking (like, loud), and it’s a great day to call Dad. This pinup is by Pearl Frush, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch covers Biden giving Mozambique $140 million to clean up after Obama’s junior varsity ISIS (which Trump ended)
  2. Legal Insurrection highlights the CDC’s very silly guidance on avoiding monkeypox
  3. Moonbattery notes a Catholic school excommunicated for worshiping Woke
  4. Newsbuster covers the Woke NY Times saying the Woke Washington Post is in trouble
  5. Pacific Pundit says erecting a rather large afro pick in New Orleans could be rather racist
  6. Powerline says that Democracy dies in dumbness
  7. White House Dossier notes that job losses are on the way
  8. The First Street Journal covers the journolism of the Philly Inquirer
  9. The Gateway Pundit notes Chinese companies accessing private TikTok info (who’s surprised?)
  10. The Lid features states striking back against Biden’s Ministry of Truth
  11. The O.K. Corral says it’s a bad idea to bring a rake to a chainsaw fight
  12. The Other McCain notes the problem with red flag laws
  13. This ain’t Hell… highlights an anti-Trump car driving into a pro-Trump store
  14. Weasel Zippers notes Adam Schiff let Colbert’s staff into the capitol
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone covers the reality of green energy growth

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

You Know, You Can Totally Save Gas Money By Just Not Driving Or Something

See, the Biden economy is so great that you just have to change your behavior

Three steps you can take to fight soaring gas prices: Morning Brief

Of all the financial foibles to come to the fore this year — stock market meltdown, higher mortgage rates and recession fears — none has hit the average American more forcefully than rising gasoline prices.

The price of a gallon of gas hit $5.00 for the first time ever this week, up more than 60% year to date.

Anyhow, the smart idea would be for the feds to greenlight fastrack construction of refineries, along with getting so many closed refineries up and running. Signal to the market that drilling is totally allowed. Which should have been done last year

One problem, three solutions

So what’s an American to do?

Well, the first suggestion is to drive less. Yup, I mean it.

We’re a bit entitled in the U.S., aren’t we? Our gas prices are low relative to many countries. In Hong Kong, gas costs $11 a gallon, in Norway more than $10 per gallon, and the rest of Europe pays $7-$8.

Number two, buy an EV. The math here changes when the price of gas goes from $2 to $5.

First off, there aren’t many available. If you can even get on a list, you’ll wait for months and months and months. Second, you’ll pay a heck of a lot more for an EV vs the car you have now. Also, insurance is 10% to 25% higher.

Point three, buy Exxon stock.

And by that I really mean various energy investments, including other oil stocks or ETFs. (Hint: Biden’s letter went to Exxon, Chevron (CVX), BP (BP), Shell (SHEL), Marathon (MRO), Valero (VLO) and Phillips (PSX).)

Even including this week’s 14% slide, shares of Exxon are up 40% this year; the S&P 500, in contrast, is down over 20%.

Of course it’ll take time to see that return. And it doesn’t help that

Deutsche Bank now expects ‘an earlier and somewhat more severe recession’

The first economist on Wall Street to predict a U.S. recession in 2023 is moving up his timeline for an economic contraction.

“More than two months ago we forecasted that the U.S. economy would tip into a recession by end-2023,” Deutsche Bank Chief U.S. economist Matt Luzzetti wrote in a note to clients on Friday. “Since that time, the Fed has undertaken a more aggressive hiking path, financial conditions have tightened sharply and economic data are beginning to show clear signs of slowing. In response to these developments, we now expect an earlier and somewhat more severe recession.”

No worries, Joe will be at the beach

Inflation: Grocery prices are ‘hitting everyone hard,’ and shoppers aren’t happy

The rising costs of food has forced Rick Romero to change his shopping habits.

“Between the cost of food, the cost of fuel — it’s hitting everyone hard, and we’re not getting any compensation at work to try to balance it out,” the L.A. resident told Yahoo Finance. “I buy the same items pretty much every week and it’s gone up, $70 bucks or so a week now.”

His experience is being shared by shoppers across the country who are facing sticker shock on almost all types of groceries. According to the Labor Department’s U.S. Consumer Price Index report, the index for eggs increased 10.3 percent in April alone.

“We have to rebalance [our] budget,” Romero added. “We have to constantly redo a budget every time. It’s not like before where you set a budget and you’re good. You have to rework it now.”

Remember when the media said this was a blip? Transitory? When they blew off the concerns of citizens last year in an attempt to protect Biden? Do they think Americans give a flying shit about January 6th?

Read: You Know, You Can Totally Save Gas Money By Just Not Driving Or Something »

Pirate's Cove